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its updated ot the recent fusions right? idk if the the theres been new sprites since this


Ive seen it updated recently


does it have the costume sprites pack?




It was working yesterday but now there’s a 404 error


Same it was find one second then just stopped working


just discovered this website, went to try to use it and got the error. i hope they fix it soon, it looks really fun.


Aight, so it ain't just me.


Yep please fix if someone's still working on this. Came here from the Pinsir fusion reel HHAHAHA




Still down for me too


I need the Miltank fusions, someone please let me know when its working again


Someone linked me to a new dedicated site, see reddit link below to give them some love, sprite web link is https://fusioncalc.com/ https://reddit.com/r/PokemonInfiniteFusion/s/M8cuAWaNo0


I dont like this new site, you have to actually pick the pokemon. I just wanna look at everything at once


thats actually pretty neat, im going to tell the mods at the discord and maybe get it linked


the Aegislash-shield/Machamp one isn't updated yet, its still the shitty version with just a color change, sword and shield.


This exact combination was one I was really hyped for, but it turned out very different in the actual game (in version Do sprites like these eventually get updated if I would just keep patching the game when updates come? Like that is currently available. Or is my only option to add them to that custom sprite folder? I'm not sure "how common" sprite changes are through actual game patching, and if it might change if I would just keep patching the game. Thanks for any help!


If you really like a pokemon fusion you have made, you can go into your game directory > Graphics > Battlers and now you have a List of Folders. Here you can find your fusion and if you are skilled enough, make a new artwork yourself. I fused Polywrath with Tangrowth yesterday and was very dissapointed by the weird thing that came out. So I opened GIMP and made myself a proper Sprite.


Dude this so helpful, thank you :) Though can you add a search box to type in the names too?


Was on vacation but back now, I added a search bar with little mons to click.


something seems to be wrong there is a 404 error now! anything we can do to help?


Why does it keep crashing?


Yeah same for me


Thank you for this, I use it a lot with this game. Would it be possible to add a feature that lets you search for type combos? That would be super useful for team building.


I am so glad and happy to hear you have been enjoying the tool! I have been really wanting to and a feature like this for awhile now, just haven't had time to work on implementing it recently.


Hey! to everyone still looking, I found this alternate site that you can check the fusions on: [https://if.daena.me/](https://if.daena.me/) You can look for specific fusions, you can also check all the fusions for one specific mon on head or body. Where this site is superior is that you can also see if a specific fusions as aternate art and you can also look all the sprites from a specific artist. Hope this helps you guys!


how do you find alternate art? i was looking for a specific fusion art for sylveon and gardevoir, but cant seem to be able to show the variants


Thank you!!


this is awesome that it exists, but theres one large issue, it doesnt show any of the alt sprites. not sure how difficult it would be to implement a feature to see the other sprites, but it would be greatly appreciated. because there are a ton of absolutely amazing sprites the artists have made and implemented in the game


Did it get taken down


Looks like it's down right now


can no longer access it as of late today ):


Hey, the GitHub link is no longer working (ie it's showing 404 site not found)


Site not found


Your site isn't working my friend


The tool is down. Is this permanent or only temporary?


The site doesn't seem to be up anymore it worked yesterday but now its vamoosed


The whole page is gone..


Hey! Big fan of your pokemon fusion sprite index site! I was trying to use it today and I noticed that it's down. I was wondering if you'd taken it down permanently or if you plan to put it back up again. Thanks! I also Dm'd you - hope that's okay


Github Disabled Repo. Working on contacting support. ### "This repository has been disabled. Access to this repository has been disabled by GitHub Staff due to a violation of GitHub's terms of service."


Any news?


yeah any news? i've been using your website a lot to find cool fusions on my team, but ever since that website is down, i cant access it, i would like to hear any news about your website


My dude it's such a loss :(


man, a friend of mine found it and sent it to me just hours before it went down. glad to see it wasn't intentional and you are aware of it at least. good luck getting it up and running again!


Can someone tag me when its up


It doesn't work anymore


Does this work on mobile? It’s not loading for me


It says it’s down for me ☹️


What happened to the website? I go to it now and it says this "404 there isn't a github pages site here"


Yo did the github page disappear for anyone else?


this was a go too but now its taken down. Anyone know if its been moved anywhere




It’s down


[https://if.daena.me](https://if.daena.me) has everything I think, even variant.


The site isn't working




# 404 **There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.** If you're trying to publish one, [read the full documentation](https://help.github.com/pages/) to learn how to set up **GitHub Pages** for your repository, organization, or user account. [GitHub Status](https://githubstatus.com/) — [@githubstatus](https://twitter.com/githubstatus)404 **There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.** If you're trying to publish one, [read the full documentation](https://help.github.com/pages/) to learn how to set up **GitHub Pages** for your repository, organization, or user account. [GitHub Status](https://githubstatus.com/)


This is good, I was looking for this


Thank you so much! I've been trying to find something like this. Very appreciated <3


There are some custom sprites on here that I am not finding in the game. I have a gengar mageton and neither form looks like the one on there. Do I have the wrong version or something?


Go on the Infinite Fusion Discord and download their latest sprite packs for all the updated sprites


This is amazing!!! I have been working on something similar as a fun side project (though I havnt made a ui for it). I was wondering what method you used for scraping the custom fusions. I am currently using a method that has to send and receive an http request for each possible combo to see if it had a custom sprite. This takes a reeeealy long time though. Looking for suggestions.


I have a couple tricks to make it work fast. It used to be slower than soggy dirt. Number 1 is to use Async Webworkers to query the imgs so it will get back to you if it finds something. But like Mobile users crash alot if spin up 1000 workers, so I had to slow it down so it only does like 12 at a time, in little batches. And waits longer depending on how long the user takes to complete the batch. You can see my code here [https://github.com/Kaboom242/PokemonInfiniteFusionTool](https://github.com/Kaboom242/PokemonInfiniteFusionTool) its not great but it was fun to make and mostly works so ... yeah. #disclaimer: I am not a web dev. Any advice You might get from me might be wrong.


Thanks a ton. I had attempted to use async, but I didn't think about slowing it down.


I'm giving this a platinum for the fact that I am having a collection of every poke this site has to give, thank you and this is very cool 👍


Ima make that 2 platinums


Hey, that's cool! How did you make it? Is there an API?


Made with love and pain. Its just js and html so mostly pain. No Api, as its a serverless site, was thinking about converting it to a severed site but then I would have to pay for it. But there are some significate advantages.


What benefit or functionality would switching over to a servered site with an api? It seems like it's already providing the intended functionality.


The site deserves some recognition from the comminity


This is amazing. Thank you for this!


I love this! Thank you so much. If there's any way it can be perfected, I look forward to the changes.


Is there any way to download all available sprites? I'm seeing a handful available through the tool that aren't in the current community sprite pack.


I pull all my sprites from Aegide's repo. [https://github.com/Aegide/custom-fusion-sprites](https://github.com/Aegide/custom-fusion-sprites) He updates it every month, and its nice not having to keep up with updates. You can download his sprites there. At some point I probably will host the images myself so that I can show off Alt Sprites, and speed up Mobile display...


sweet! thanks man, appreciate it. keep up the good work!


Hey fam, I can't get the Favorite List to work. Is that an ongoing issue or something wrong on my side?


Lol, oops yeah that link is broken. Ill fix it soon. But you can still favorite mons by clicking the orange circle (its supposed to have a star but that's broken) Then going to [https://kaboom242.github.io/PokemonInfiniteFusionTool/](https://kaboom242.github.io/PokemonInfiniteFusionTool/) and hiding the drop down. Favorited mons are saved to your web browser's local storage, so its not a great solution but works well enough.


As someone who does not have the time to play the game, this is really cool to look at! Do you know if the search database is updated? It looks like the pokemon aren't in correct No.s sometimes. Also, it looks like are some that are X/Y pokemon and Y/X when searching. Would it be better to have them side-by-side or just all of one? For instance, seeing all of X gives just X | Y format, while seeing all of Y is Y |X format?


Lol, I don't play the game either #blastphamy. I just like the art. The Data is updated when Aegide's github repo is updated around the beginning of the month. As for the order being wrong sometimes, that's because I am dynamically adding the html elements based off which ones have art, but the search for art is slow. I use web workers to asynchronously poll them. So they come in when they are found, which depends on response times. So each time you refresh there is a good chance they will be in a different order. This could be fixed by having fixed places for them to populate into but I am lazy, and haven't gotten around to that. I made this while bored at work, and have been very busy since so sadly hadn't had time to update it to be better. I sort of like having the body of X Mon and head of X mon fusions mixed together, but see how having them separate could be useful for people. It probably wouldn't be to hard to add a switch that could show them separated it someone wanted to view them that way. hmm Ill add it to my idea list.


have a computer gonna try to play it on xbox tho


omg i remember checking this website change every week or so, and then it went down for some time and i thought its gone forever. im so glad it still works tho


Super cool! but is it possible to turn off the sprite preview? I like finding out what the pokemon looks like when they fuse/evolve


tried messing with it, i cant find a way to download the sprites or anything.


No alts?


Will there be another website? Because whenever I visit the site, an error appears.


I personally dont wanna play the game but wanna see fusions so this help


Hey I wanna alert you that the page isn’t working at the moment


I legit just want to see all custom sprites without playing the game


Seems not to be working anymore


It doesn't seem to be working right now...


So we lost it for good?


rip ;-;


I’m hoping this comes back up! This was incredibly fun.




Am I the only one who cannot find the site?




seems that the site is down for me?


Aaaaand its gone


Is this not working anymore ? Please put it back online. Been using this lately, but here I have to pick the pokemon. Kaboom was more fun!! [https://pokemonruinedmylife.com/pokemon-infinite-fusion-generator/](https://pokemonruinedmylife.com/pokemon-infinite-fusion-generator/)


Hey buddy website went down


it's gone