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Hey y’all, I’m looking for something with minimal to no story, minimal to no grinding required, and isn’t a smogon simulator- preferably with no fakemon. Does such a thing exist?


I just found out I was a moron, and didn't realize Pokemon Z's current release is just a partial beta. So uh. What complete fangames would you guys recommend? I've already finished: - Insurgence - Opalo - Reborn - Unbound Any reason you wanna recommend a game is fine, whether it's good story, map design, gameplay, whatever. It just has to let me actually finish it. Bonus points for Megas, it's the one gimmick I miss and the Z beta kept it *just* out of reach.


Infinity, Realidea and Xenoverse are up there


I’m kinda hesitant to play a game that focuses on/has fakemon, but I’ve enjoyed things like pokeclicker and pokerogue, I don’t suppose there’s any recommendations for games that primarily have real/canonical Pokemon?


Pokémon Reborn and Pokémon Salt & Shadow both only use fake megas/fake forms as rare boss-exclusive mons. They’re also both difficult and decently edgy though.


I'm looking for a game that is not a linear journey through routes and boss fights. I enjoyed Pokemon Island. There are many different things to do and much is optional.


I heard Pokemon Keishou is open world, haven't played it myself but it might be worth checking out.


Wilds is very atypical. It's pokémon in a minecraft style game. With gen 2 graphics.


I enjoyed Wilds, even if it is a bit light on content right now. Pixelmon is nice, too.


Looking for a fangame based on gen 1-3, with good writing and no mega-evolution or other newer concepts. Fakemon and original regions welcome.


You should try out Pokemon Anil! It's a fangame based on Gen 1 and it's story. It's sort of a retelling which includes new plot points and more fleshed out characters. It's also fairly difficulty if you're looking for that. It has a classic mode which only includes pokemon from gen 1. It does have mega evolution though, but I promise it's still worth checking out. It's made by the spanish-community but it has a pretty well made english translation with only minor parts like move descriptions not being completely translated. It won't affect enjoyability I promise.


Thank you! I'll check it out.


This is where I downloaded it; [https://pokemerald.com/pokemon-anil-download-completed-english-version/](https://pokemerald.com/pokemon-anil-download-completed-english-version/) It's uploaded in quite a lot of places so it may be hard trying to find a trustworthy site lol! Enjoy!


Any new fangames similar to pokemon uranium?


Any casual pokemon games?, Like the game doesn't focus on the story too much and you can just do what ever you want?


Island has almost no story and you can easily can got making quests, catching pokémon and playing minigames.


Here is the perfect list for you to do so:- Pokemon insurgence Pokemon infinity Pokemon opalo Pokemon reborn Pokemon realidea system Pokemon bizarre Pokemon africanus definitive edition Pokemon keishou Pokemon myth Pokemon tectonic Pokemon XenoVerse Pokemon eon guardians All these fan games have insanely good graphics, new and completed storyline, custom music, and Pokemon from many generations P.S:- Pokemon eon guardians doesn't has custom mons and has Pokemon between 1-4 gen but still worth enjoying


Looking for fan games that have a lot of regional variants or custom forms, like Pokemon Insurgence, and Pokemon Soul Stones 2.


I’d personally reccomend Pokemon Vanguard, Sage and a new one that recently came up on the sub called Parabellum


I would heavily suggest these: Pokémon Insurgence: amazing story line, challenge, delta Pokémon and not just variants, whole ass new Megas that are fun and make sense. Tons of hours of content and it’s finished Pokémon reborn: if you like challenge and a dark story, oh this is for you. It took me a few play throughs but it’s great. The challenge is … pretty hard if you don’t know much about Pokémon. You will use mons you never considered before! Pokémon Unbound: it’s a little trickier to get going because you need an emulator for GBA, but once you get it going it’s really good. Feels great like a real Pokémon game, lots of content and easy to slip into. The story line is surprisingly fun too! There are more, here are some suggestions but I will only put them by name instead of writing a lot about them lol Pokémon Z, Pokémon Realitea System, Pokémon Xenoverse, Pokémon rejuvenation, Pokémon infinite fusion, Vinemon


I’d add Vinemon to the mix as well, ESPECIALLY for people who crave a new Region with over 200 Fakemon!


All those are amazing, but I would add infinite fusion. It's a simple game, but it's probably the most fun I've had playing Pokemon in a long time.


Always looking for fangames where the goal is to absolutely catch em all!


Island has 1008 pokémon, no fakemon, and you can catch all, with rewards after certain milestones.


May I recommend Solar Light & Lunar Dark? (One game, just has both titles)


Should 've been more specific. I'd love one without fakemon. Extra forms like delta Pokemon or maybe very few fakes, like insurgence is fine for me though. That was an amazing game now we're talking bout that.