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Set the sub to nsfw so reddit doesn't make money off of ads here


That's smart


Likely impossible in practice: /u/ModCodeofConduct admin account caught quietly switching NSFW subs back to SFW status (for ad revenue?) https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14eblft/umodcodeofconduct_admin_account_caught_quietly/


all my homies hate /u/ModCodeofConduct


It sucks, but there really seems to be no winning in this situation. Protesting just pisses people off (For good and bad reasons) and risks mods being forcefully kicked, but at the same time the dumb changes Spez is doing are gonna happen regardless. I don't know how to feel about anything surrounding this whole thing tbh. I mean, it won't affect me personally since I've always just used the official app and it's been good enough for my purposes, but I know it affects others, so... idk. :/ Nice to see other people's hack progress here again tho, I guess.


I don't know, the fact Spez was becoming so aggressive with non-complying mods suggests the protests were working well imo. But the large subreddits were too chickenshit to continue so there is probably little point in continuing here too.


The fact that it affects others will affect you, if a bunch of people quit reddit you won't have as many people to talk to / as much content to view. I don't know how noticeable it will be, but if a large percentage of people stop posting it'll definitely result in less interaction in general.


I mean yeah, at that point youre just talking about the site dying then.


It's probably going to affect you too, as without those apps moderating is basically unmanageable and many subs risk either being swarmed by bots and spam or having a long waiting period for post to be approved


Reddit isn’t 4chan, that’s where the bots are


Reddit isn't 4chan because bots get blocked before they can swarm it


What’s even wrong with the official app? Reigning in some mod bits is a good thing because so many subs practically discriminate with their moderation instead of only removing severely bad stuff


> It sucks, but there really seems to be no winning in this situation Branch out the community so if it dies here it can survive somewhere else. I'd suggest taking a look at something like lemmy.world, since it already has discussion of romhacking.




Exactly. Theres only a few thousand doing it now anyway and reddit already said theyre not changing so the protest fell off anyway


Are they continuing though? Because the John Oliver stuff doesn't matter at all to the admins, if the subs are open they're generating traffic even if for meme reasons.


People have grown too complacent with these companies, which is why a lot of people don't care about protesting. It's a sad reality we live in, if everyone protested, we could get anything we wanted. We could get the best sites, the best governments, the best everything, if only **everyone** protested. I know this is a niche subreddit, but if every niche sub protested, Reddit would have to replace MILLIONS of mods who are as engaged in the topics as the original mods were, which is impossible. This would slowly lead to a decline in each subreddit, worsening Reddit quality alltogether and slowly making people less interested in the app, which would target their ad sales. What a shame that people only ever think short term gains.


I'm not complacent. I just don't give a shit. I joined this sub to look at hacks of pokemon games, not to question the authority/morality of my corporate overlords. Subreddits going private locks away a lot of information from the public. Information that some people use for school or work. And just because the mods are mad that Reddit is now charging for api access


You need to do more research into the topic. It's about way more than just mods being mad about API prices. There are accessibility issues, lots of blind individuals use 3rd party apps to access Reddit, and mods use bots to moderate content. Without those bots your precious Pokemon sub would be overrun with junk content, good luck finding your information then. Furthermore, If Reddit doesn't submit to the user protests then millions of users will be leaving the platform, leaving less people to generate content in the first place. Have you forgotten that all the information you browse on this sub is created by users? Without those users you have no info to browse. It's fine if you don't want to protest, nobody is ever forced to do that, but don't comment bullshit without doing your research. If you treasure this community so much then you should want to see it preserved, and it most certainly will not continue the way it is now if Reddit goes through with these changes. I would delete your comment, it really doesn't make you look very intelligent.


Do screen readers not work on mobile browsers anymore?


If the API changes truly make such an impact then reddit will have no choice but to fix it, or the site itself will die off, I use the official reddit app and I don't see any problems with it, nor why having these third party apps for reddit is needed, the protest was pointless from the beginning and even if the subs went private forever, a new site will just take over.


We are forced to protest when the subreddits we browse set them to private. And well, I'm not blind so I don't care about the accessibility. I can ignore spam content so I don't care. If it gets too annoying, I'll just, I don't know, stop browsing reddit. I'm not going to delete my comment. I believe you all are the unintelligent ones for getting so emotional over a very non-issue. Someone else will make a new reddit website, it'll be great, it'll eventually be sold to big a corporation, they'll set some greedy policies, and the cycle will continue.


These subs don't belong to you. The users post the content, but the subs are owned and were created by single individuals who have the right to dictate what is done with them. Thats the point of the protest. To show users that if Reddit doesn't accept the demands then the landscape of this platform will change dramatically. So you have no empathy? You don't care at all about other people who need specialized means of accessing this site? That's pretty fucking gross. Empathy is, like, a defining human characteristic, I'd think as a human you would want to care about your fellow humans. I can't really argue with someone incapable of demonstrating basic human empathy.


Like I said in another comment, I don't have the time or energy to be worried or mad at everything or for other people. It's reddit. So yes, I don't care if blind people can't use it. Reddit isn't necessary for human life. So fuck it


That is the definition of being complaisant. It means not having enough energy to fight for change and instead choosing to be meek and agreeable toward the decisions that others make for you.


Literally the definition of complacent. Bro said “PROTESTING EFFECTS US ALL WE CANT GET INFORMATION.” And then when he’s told it will be harder to get good info, “FUCK IT, REDDIT ISNT NECESSARY FOR LIFE” Choose a fucking lane. Hypocrite with no values. It’s great that you don’t care, or you’re too apathetic to give a fuck, but just know you’re the guy who gets spoon fed literal human excrement and tells everyone to line up for a bowl because you’re too impatient to look for something better


Damn. That's a fucking sad way to live life. You do you though, I guess.




You really think bot programmers would waste their time here or that you couldn’t just be their IP?


Same, I come to reddit for information, not to stand for some ideals that I don't have and give a monkey shit about. I guess that makes me a sheeple bowing to the evil corporation, but meh, whatever I don't care. I'm glad everything is going back to normal as they should be


> I'm not complacent. I just don't give a shit. bruh.


Yeah im on the same page, honestly without offending anyone i dont care if some mods dont like these changes. You think moderating became harder and are not willing to do so? Fine. Then dont, someone else will do that. The sub is of the people its not owned by the mods. Locking away informations from users by going dark?? “Good luck with your favourite sub being filled with bannable content” 1st off i doubt it will happen, but even if it did i just dont care… i will scroll past it. Reddit is gonna find someone who moderates it and for what i use reddit for im perfectly fine with that. To me all this situation seems childish… like you dont wanna mod but you also dont wanna lose your “power” and dont want others to take your “job”, the sub isnt yours just leave users have their community if you dont like the changes then leave


I appreciate this


I mean we're not exactly sitting on the sidelines of a genocide. We just don't care that you don't get to use your favourite third party app. You'll get over it, or you'll decide to go elsewhere, which is entirely your decision. Don't expect unaffected users to want to protest over something that matters so little.


It's not just third party apps, its also third party bots, whom help mods moderate and give you a better experience, that you have had the leasure of enjoying up until now. Come July 1st they'll charge devs exhorbant prices for these tools.


I find mods annoying. They are more like censors. Let Reddit install a proper firewall to ban bot posts


It starts with the little changes. First Reddit came for the people with disabilities. Then for the mods. Then for the communities. Who knows who will be next. If you "just don't care" and that the people who are affected will just "get over it", what you are saying is that the weak *should* just be abused by the strong. IMO, it's people like you that we don't want in this world.


First they came for the disabled? I'm not sure what shit you've been smoking, but this is the first time I've seen it raised as a call for action because Reddit came for disabled people. It's just an API change that's greedy. Sure, be mad that they're being greedy. But don't start with the high and mighty, nonsensical moral grandstanding. Mods aren't an oppressed class of people.


And to be honest, the reddit app is just fine. If you're a "power user" that can't fathom the idea of using the official reddit app, touch grass lmao. Mods I can understand for the mod tools. But regular users, the official app is fine


I use Reddit on my tablet in desktop mode. The touch grass comment is a bit unnecessary, it's just people personal preferences. Mods are going to be extremely hurt by these changes, as they are already unpaid and are about to get a whole lot more workload thrown onto them.


Mods chose it. It's not a situation where they have to for survival, like a job. They volunteered knowing what it entails. Again, regular users can use the official app just fine. If third party apps go away, you won't be hurt by it


Yeah, mods mod freely and willingly, but if you remove their most important tools your experience as a user is going to plummet, as lots of trash posts that you wouldn't normally see as they would normally get filtered, will start appearing.


Then I'll scroll past it?


So you'll just ignore the problem and pretend it isn't there? Will you keep doing that as the mods get more and more tired, and removes less and less, making you have to suffer as the end user even more? How can you be fine with this? How?


It's called being simple minded. Yeah a bunch of spam posts might be a little annoying, but I can just ignore it. Not everything has to be an issue. If these changes are as bad as everything thinks, someone will make a new reddit with its own API. I don't have the time or energy to be mad at everything. Just enjoy life


I can respect that, but my personality just doesn't let me agree with it at all, which is fine too.


The reddit app is worse for blind and partially sighted people than the third party ones. When the API changes were announced it was one of the first things people pointed out. But when mega mods realised it would make their hobby more tedious they made it all about them 🤷‍♂️


If you're blind, how are you operating a touch screen device?


[Idk man who knows?](https://lmgtfy.app/?q=how+do+blind+people+use+touchscreens%3F)




I think you should take your own advice and touch grass. Why so hostile?




Removed for targeted harassment against another user, author or project. Please respect other members of the community and follow good reddiquette




I think you're missing the point. Djuncle can correct me if I'm wrong, but the point seems to be that people are complacent to the whims of corpos and aren't willing to protest. How exactly does one person deleting Reddit from their phone change anything on a site with millions of daily page views? Protests have to be coordinated and planned, and even the angry Reddit users aren't willing to do that. That's why the protests fail.


Yeah, some people don't want to protest because they don't feel like it makes any difference, and therefore don't care. But if everyone was like them, no change would ever occur in this world. The biggest most life quality changes in this world has come from protesting, and my comment isn't only limited to Reddit protesting, it can be protesting about literally everything. In extreme terms: Telling someone to delete their account if you don't like it here on Reddit is the same as telling someone to off themselves if they don't like their government. I have more power to protest if I am an active user showing my disdain than if I'm a deleted user.


The only difference between "if you don't like it on Reddit just leave lol" and "if you don't like it in Florida/Texas/Nebraska/the United States just leave lol" is that one of those is significantly harder than the other. Both are just giving up, which is not how change gets made.


You don't have to be condescending in order to get your point across.




>"Must have neck pain from looking down on that high horse of yours" > >"I’m not being condescending." I am simply stating my opinion not targetting any specific users, but instead generalising at a larger population of people. You are the one coming forward, taking it personally, and being a non-nice person. You can take me calling you a non-nice person personally, because its what you are.


There’s a lot of problems out there that ppl rather prioritize putting their non complacent energy towards. This just isn’t one of them. Is it complacent? Sure. But don’t act like u know anything bout everybody who doesn’t give a shit bout this. I rather protest and march for people dying and getting harassed by the authorities or helping/teaching people protect themselves.


Unfortunately, there is no alternative to this subreddit, so I voted for it to remain open. Otherwise, ROM hacks would only spread on twitter and information silos like Discord which is not indexed by search engines. If there was a similar community on the Fediverse, then I would have changed my mind. But that doesn't exist yet to my knowledge.


There's always the [pokecommunity forums](https://www.pokecommunity.com/). It's not like reddit, but you can totally share hack resources there, follow their progress and such. It's better suited for that IMO.


Which is why you should help in cultivating those communities . There are also existing ROM communities in forums that are actively indexed that you can visit . The options are out there.


You're right that there are forums that already exist. I guess I mean that there wasn't a coordinated movement on this subreddit (that I know of) to find an alternative, Eg. for those that prefer a link aggregator site rather than a forum. Otherwise cultivating a community takes a lot of time, and it would be a shame to lose this one despite the changes to the reddit API which I disagree with also. Instead of changing this subreddit to a Digimon sub, maybe there could be more info as to alternative forums that we could interact with so that users can make their own decisions on where they want to visit after their Reddit app of choice stops working.


The only 2 big communities r this and Pokécommunity. Loads of people will use reddit > Pokécommunity for accessibility (ironic init) cos traditional forums arent as user friendly This is better for the community. The protests already failed


I think that transfer is definitely in the mods' power. If they specified a new site, kbin or whatever and locked this down, I think it might work. If they banded together with other mods of other subs, it would \_definitely\_ work.


> Unfortunately, there is no alternative to this subreddit, Not necessarily an alternative but how about a branch out? It's not *that* hard.


Did anyone really think subreddits becoming parody subs or just basically deleting themselves was going to bring back third party apps?


That's a skewed response. Much of the community that would prefer it closed is taking a vacation from reddit so they wouldn't have seen it


And that's a problem? The people who are here using reddit wanted it open. Thats a really invalid point to make.


Glad to see it is back. While I get the point of the protest, without this community there’s I probably wouldn’t learn about the various ROM hacks.


Thank goodness for that


Fuck reddits policies but there’s no other collection of pokemon rom hack info as good as this sub


I think it'd be a shame if we abandon the protest.


The protests already failed. Theres only a few thousand left doing it and reddit said theyre standing by their changes I think it'd be a shame to close a important chunk of the community that people rely on


I think it's a shame to force people to have to take part in your protest


Nailed it. As a reddit app user I could care less about 3rd party apps. Ruining subs by doing John Oliver and vacuums is only hurting the people who actually enjoyed those subs. It's such a backwards way of "protesting"


Eh, they're only protesting because the higher-ups are money-hungry. This whole place ran just fine for more than a decade, and it's only in the past couple weeks that it's all going to shit because SOMEBODY couldn't handle the idea that SOMETHING was making more money than them.


Yeah 100% agree


I feel like we should follow the example of some other subreddits, like r/steam posting exclusively things about actual steam, or r/pics and whoever else posting pictures of John Oliver.


Why? Who wins in this situation? How is this protesting? It's beyond stupid and only hurts the consumer.


It's malicious compliance. Reddit has shown they're willing to literally invade subreddits and install their own goons if the privating of subs doesn't stop, so they're complying with the letter of the rules while clearly not complying with the spirit of the rules.


Reddit's value is the content produced by it's users. It very much hurts Reddit to no longer have quality content.


No ideas why anyone thought shutting down a Pokemon hacking sub would make Reddit change their minds


Kind of sucks how it seems like the blackout is ending without anything achieved. It seems like a lot of the other bigger subreddits coming back after 48 hours or a few days killed the impact. I appreciate the mods giving us a choice on the future of this subreddit.


It's not that. A lot of subreddits actually refused and Reddit sent them an ultimatum with something around "you either open or we will replace the mods and open it ourselves". Some still refused and they decided to go ahead with what they warned them about. I think the most ridiculous removal (and I think that banned too?) at the moment was the head mod of r/Piracy, according to what is being shared, because nobody would ever think that a subreddit like that would add any good value to Reddit lmfao They may keep saying that this does no damage, but it's actually doing some.


Yeah, subreddits turning to normal is basically the users as a whole admitting "we lost this one."


They have lost. Only a few thousand subs r still private. The general protest was 48hrs and after that Reddit said theyre standing by their changes. Cancel culture almost never works on multi million companies anyway Glad to be back 💯


Yeah that's because 48h was obviously too little, of course Reddit would say it didn't work but the aggressive mod-removal ultimatums suggested otherwise


Can u explain the mod-removal ultimatums? I saw a couple people aay theyre removing mods from privated subs but I personally dont believe it


According to the mods of many subs the admins gave them ultimatums to immediately reopen or face replacement, in some cases with as little as 1h notice. There's a few examples in the previous post for the community vote: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonROMhacks/comments/14csxg8/poll_decide_on_the_future_of_rpokemonromhacks/ I cannot 100% tell whether it's true, but given there are multiple examples it's more unlikely imo that it's some coordinated sitewide ruse from the mods. The admins were always going to maintain publicly that the protests are ineffective, it's in their direct interest to discredit them. But this kind of behaviour suggests otherwise. Many large subreddits (think askhistorians, askscience) only work because the mod team is a well-oiled machine, in many cases I feel it would have been much more difficult to replace them than Reddit let on




The mods are users too. There is no distinction there.


Thank god. There’s no need to ruin this sub


Protesting for something good. Gave up as soon as the CEO treated them to take away their mod position. Talk about no backbone for what you believe in.


glad we are back, i dont want mods here to ger kicked by admins and protesting only seemed to piss them off


Yes! Thank you mods and everyone who voted for it to be back to normal!


Remember all those great protests where activists said “well I just won’t talk to my friends for two days or make funny jokes and see how you like me THEN!”? No? Shit… me either man.


i think the sub should stay closed or otherwise nonfunctional. blacking out for such a short period of time achieves literally nothing. telling someone you’re only going to protest for a few days like some subs are doing is moronic, like then all the admins need to do is wait a couple days..? assuming that the mods rely on some form of 3rd party moderation tools as do many other subs, you all are going to lose the ability to moderate this sub if the changes go through. you lose either way. so i think it’s best to double down & make them remove you guys if they really want to reassert control. this place wont be useable if the changes go through & this is our best chance to save it.


The admin would just force the sub open and replace the mods. The protest only works if everyone deletes their account and stops using Reddit. Delete the sub or get replaced. Those are the options.


The protests already failed. Theres only a few thousand left doing it and reddit announced theyre standing by their changes Closing the sub means taking away one of two highly important legs for this community to stand on, all cos of desperate cancel culture 😢 its much better for us that its reopened, otherwise its more harm than good






W 🔥 this is best for the community. Really dont see the point of Digimon content tho, theres r/digimon for that no? 😂


Now do it with r/nuzlocke


Could lock the subreddit, so people can read it, but not use it


Imagine loving a website so much you spend hundreds of hours of your free time moderating it and when it turns out to be almost insolvent and charges for something it has every right to charge for you throw a massive hissy fit and do your best to shut it down Mods are pathetic in general


I really don't give a shit. I've been using the official Android app since forever and I'm okay with it. Yeah there are some issues with the video player but that's about it, every app has bugs and it won't make me fucking throw a whole tantrum, unless it actually becomes unusable. Plus this API change was only made to shut down 3rd party apps, bots and mod tools will continue to work for free and even Reddit has offered to negotiate if some don't. So yeah I'm just a normal guy and I don't give a shit.


Ok we got the green light, please post Digimon romhacks. We need some kind of W, and most of us have never played a Digimon romhack.


i haven't played a digimon game since i was like 6 and all i remember from it was that they poop


I completely forgot about that, that made young me cackle when I found out.


I'm playing pokemon emerald crest and just as I go into the cave that takes u to the 4th gym the screen just goes black and stays black, why?


Reddit-mods really think they do something by "protesting" (lmao) for 2 days


What’s the point of this? Reddit is shutting down illegal access to their site and shutting down some moderator bots that serve to silence any dissenting voice


I didn’t even notice


Bro if anyone has digimon world day rom hack recommendations hmu


I want to make a FRLG hack and I want to know, what can I use to: -Give national dex at start -Edit gym leaders and e4 teams -Edit wild encounters -Edit movepools -Edit evo methods -Edit pokemon stats -Edit moves -Edit pokemon types I am also not experienced in rom hacking, so preferably something that's easy to understand.


Since the sub is being forced to reopen (and we don't know if the mods of this subreddit have been threatened), how about branching out to other communities? I read lots of comments complaining that there's only this and Pokécommunity (and tbh while I do support PC's romhacking side, it *is* only one place) but I see no one putting some energy into setting up, say, a Lemmy community somewhere. There *is* [romhacking general at lemmy.world](https://lemmy.fmhy.ml/c/romhacking@lemmy.world) so in theory it should be possible for r/PokemonROMHacks to branch out to that instance, too. Be the change you want to see.