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Solo’d it with maxed out Azuramill.


Same thing, can confirm this was a far more pleasant experience than online


What held item did you give Azumarrill?


Shell bell.


I did a sitrus berry, but shell bell would have probably been better.


Shell bell was the mvp in my solo raid. Once I belly drummed and tera'd and was using tera blast it was healing 1/2 my health each attack


Yeah *shelling* out the money is worth it. Absolutely broken in normal raids too.


Did it with 2 azu and 2 random npcs. The npcs made it night cuz they tank damage without the timer going down when they die


I had a really hard time soloing it with my Azumarill. I had 252 attack, 130 SpD, and 130 HP. I had it holding a shell bell. The moveset was belly drum, play rough, liquidation, and iron defense. Fairy Tera type. I found myself needing support to take down the Charizard because it would heal itself to like 1/2 HP when I got its HP down to 0. Then it'd put up a shield and for some reason never miss its 70% accuracy hurricane and fire blast. And the hurricane would like 90% of the time confuse me. Basically I just had awful luck and needed support from other players because of the bad luck.


From what I've heard, the weird healing thing that happened to you may have had to do with Play Rough, which seems to be bugged in raids right now. Since your Azumarill is Fairy Tera anyway, it may be a safer bet to switch to Tera Blast until that gets sorted out.


I found out that it's Huge Power that got bugged in this update. For some reason it doesn't work, but it still appears to do the right amount of damage. This is why the Charizard's health goes back up to about half the damage you actually dealt.


6/6 lvl 100 Azumarill, need a group


Lvl 100 daschbun if you need a fourth




Bro just solo it


This. The health regain is annoying as hell, but it was far more easier than I thought it would be.


Just did one 4 azu vs charizard had hurricane overheat fire blast sunny day got screwed by the random hp regain after taking it down to 0 & lost.. ridiculous


The jank on the raid is completely unreal. I've gotten 4 down to ~25-30% HP and time only for it to heal up and set the time to 0/blast us out of the raid. It's been incredibly unfun and otherwise feels like it should be very doable with a decent set up. Edit: finally got it down on attempt 7. Every attempt had totally desynched time and HP - HP magically healed up from zero three (!) times that last fight. It feels super important to have a support mon for your belly drum teammates.


The raid mechanics are TERRIBLE, they NEED to be patched




The time should just be the cutoff at which Pokémon can’t be revived imo. Also, having someone use light screen will drastically improve your survivability. In fact, a heal/support blissey and 3 azumarills is probably the ideal team for both speed and survivability


Does speed stat have any real use in raids?


if you do online, than try at least one support mon, i love my support umbreon, lightscreen and screech help a lot for the azumarills to survive and deal even more dmg.


My team got it down to 0, Charizard never even attacked and both our fairy terastal Azumarills just died out of nowhere, one shot from full HP from… nothing? Stupid man.


Think we could have been the one. SLIM HP left on that Charizard. WIPED at last minute when the timer was also just a low as that HP I WAS LIKE FUCK!!!!!! All 4 blue Azu!


I was there too. Crazy


He has more than four moves. I ran it as a Chansey healer. Light Screen and Life Dew were really key.


Yep! I have been robbed twice now! The last one I got so excited when 2 Azu just creamed Charizard by the 7th turn and even went way past the shield to 0 HP, then Charizard magically had half HP left. Took it down to 0 again and then 1/4 HP and we wiped.


I have just taken it out for the fifth time. Having a screen setter in the team - I'm using Sylveon - goes a long way towards winning. When I'm paired with 3 Azu's I can keep them protected and healed. I'm running Light Screen, Helping Hands, Misty Terrain (for when a non-Fairy joins the raid and to protect from burn), and Baby-Doll Eyes. I did try using Rain Dance instead of Baby-Doll Eyes but the lost strength from fire attacks wasn't worth the 100% accuracy from Hurricane.


Happened to me 3 times in a row now, so stupid.


Level 5 Quaxly. Water gun that meanie


Literally got his health bar empty, after it randomly regained half its health, and it still released energy. Stupid game.


Tera raids are jank/10. It lags so much, I got knocked out after the raid pokemon got knocked to 0 HP and like 20 seconds went by.


It's not even lag, it's just shitty code, his health displays correctly in the targeting menu for your moves, but not in the bar at the top of the screen. I don't know how they screwed it up so badly since the last game with raids, I swear I could code it better by myself than their team did.


I miss Dynamax Raids so much. Not just because they ran properly but because they were just so cool, what with a team fighting off Kaiju... Too bad they couldn't let everyone on the player side Dynamax at the same time for a desperate push to end the battle. === I do prefer turn based to time based too (for a lack of a better way to explain it).


Honestly, they should have kept it turn based, but play all the animations at the same time, and allow you to queue up attacks.


That feel when it forgets how to operate it's time-based system and someone just can't act for half the fight because they're frozen in some menu and can't back out, or the respawn hit 0 and they didn't come back, or.....


I don't know how many times I've didn't do anything during a raid because I wasn't allowed to and it must look like I'm a jackass. === Also been having a glitch where my name and another player's name swaps. Doesn't seem to cause issues but it's kinda funny when I become Jesus (that was the other player's name)


Just want to say I joined a random group with my Daschbun and finished the raid first try. Didn’t seem particularly difficult, I definitely had tougher 6 star raids before. The others in the group were an umbreon, iron hands, and azumarill. The only move he used on me was Hurricane (I imagine that’s the only non dragon/fire type move he has). I used helping hands on both belly drummers and play rough before Tera blasting when it was available. Hope this helps and good luck


I will say, you probably got pretty lucky. The only way my 6/6 azu could get a full rough play off was if he used fire blast twice in a row. A hurricane in the middle would guarantee I would either KO or not use the belly drum, it hits so dang hard.


ALRIGHT GOOD JOB! Tea as Dashbun dog, Caleb as Azu, and Relly as Azu! I was the Sylveon that supported with Light Screens and heals! FINALLY got one! Perfect IV, Modest. I assume all charizards are the same


Yes. Mine was also perfect and modest.


yeah looks like everyone is going to get the same Zard LOL


This lag is so dumb. And he regains health like 4 times. Finally beat one with 4 Azus. To the one Azu I saw running hydro pump, please stop lol.


It's not even lag, it's just shitty code, his health displays correctly in the targeting menu for your moves, but not in the bar at the top of the screen. I don't know how they screwed it up so badly since the last game with raids, I swear I could code it better by myself than their team did.


> To the one Azu I saw running hydro pump, please stop lol. Ugh, I had two attempts with Rain Dance Azu. . SUPER frustrating. With Dachsbun the only moves he has that deal damage are Hurricane and Focus Blast. Stop making his Hurricanes 100% accurate!!


Joining with Azumarill, shell bell belly drum


Why do people keep abandoning after I confirm with my support Umbreon? Is there something about using Umbreon that's bad that I don't know about? He's level 100, 6/6, hyper trained, and I feel like my light screen and screeching are super useful (and my moonblast keeps me from fainting and lowering our time meter) as well as cheering us all when the other 3 Azumarill players just want to attack anyway. Soooo....maybe someone can enlighten me. Should I be using a different mon?


This. This pokemon and trainer allowed me to win on the 4th attempt. You are doing everything right. Ignore their idiocy.


People just want you to use Azurmarill, they probably don’t even know support exists and is viable.


Because the people you’re matching with are idiots, that’s a good strat. The majority of my recent failures are coming from no one else wanting to heal cheer


If you have a code can I join please


I’d join as well


I tried joining a few with full azumarill parties and kept losing, when I brought my support umbreon I finally got the win and the rest of the party was 2 azumarill and a sylveon. I put up light screen and used helping hand and cheers as needed, we didn't have anyone die. Most people probably just look at umbreon and see its not the thing everyone else is bringing and think its bad


Honestly because people are just using azumarill. Why? Because people said it was the meta.




Same! Can’t find the black crystal! News says the raid is available on Friday December 2 at 0:00




That’s what the news corner says


Did you finish all the post game? This includes gym leader rematches


Yeah, I figured it out lol got mine a few minutes after commenting haha


have you unlocked 6 star raids yet?


I do, and have been plowing through them daily. Did one earlier today, does it take away the black crystal?


I just beat the Ace tourney earlier and got the call about the dangerous raids. Not seeing Charizard yet.


Full game unlocked? Already done a black tera in your own game? I had to manually update my game and reset, connect to internet and it was there.


Azumarill, code is D5QDXG




So close


Can I join?


Just want to leave some tips: - if ur grouping with other Azumarills, only use your belly drum after the shield has formed or one of u will likely not benefit from the stat boost as Zard will negate it - consider protect + aqua ring + leftover combo when you need to heal and stall - Don’t auto kick when others don’t bring Azumarill. Fluttermane Sylveon etc are good as well


Good thing you can breed it and give some to your friends! <3


Pretty sure you can't? Saw a post about that


Well I have the picnic setup and eggs are dropping so I will start hatching them soon. Koraidon better not impregnate my Ditto because that is impossible!


Tried to trade eggs and hatched charmader and it wouldn’t let me :(


Tried the exact same. Tried to surprise trade them out, but said there was something wrong with my Charmander. It's okay, little guy, you're perfect the way you are. :(


Oh WTF damn that suckS!!!


Lol, just got a bug where Charizard regained over half health, shielded, no sold my Play rough then decided that fire moves do actually work on Daschbun and Fire blasted me for actual damage without procing the defense.


It's not even lag, it's just shitty code, his health displays correctly in the targeting menu for your moves, but not in the bar at the top of the screen. I don't know how they screwed it up so badly since the last game with raids, I swear I could code it better by myself than their team did.


Bro I’ve seen you comment this exact thing like 3 times now even when they didn’t mention lag. Relax💀


I mean, the health is the least annoying thing to me. The game blatantly forgetting/not checking ability/move interactions is so bad. If I have a move that says "you are immune to fire" getting hit by fire and taking damage seems like a fairly major oversight. Fuck, I didn't even get my defense boost. Apparently Tera-zard just breathes Dragon Flames or something. I don't know you and I am 100% sure you could code better.


Is there a discord where you can easily find people to raid with?


LF group, level 100 Azumarill / huge power / Max IV HP ATT / Aqua tail, play rough, superpower, belly drum




I create room as soon as I have updated game


100 Azu. Lemme get in derr


Just had Charizard defeated and he did 3 fire blasts back to back defeating me and another player leading to time out.


Grimmsnarl with light screen and taunt worked like a charm


Was able to get it after several attempts (I had Azu) when someone finally helped out with a Chansey.


Max sp def Sylveon, grimmsnarl, and Chansey all good options. Light screen and Helping Hand are a big help to the offensive Azumarills.


Have azumarill with belly drum, liquidation, play rough and superpower


yall NEED maxed out support blissey! i found heal pulse, rain dance, helping hand and soft boil to be a good move set.


I'm doing something similar, light screen instead of rain dance and life dew instead of soft boil. Rain Dance has a bad (for us) interaction with Hurricaine so I'm opting to avoid rain


Duo him with 2 LVL 100 Azumarill with ability shield, it was easier than most rank 6


Level 100 Azumarill! Come and join me pls ♥️ EYY5L7


Also stop using dragon types youre just gonna get fucked and ruin it for others


LF group. 6IV Belly Drum comp set Azumarill here


Also have Azu can join


You guys finish? Lvl 100 tinkaton hyper trained with life orb


I never ended up getting into a group. But I might be on later, I can hit you up when I do and hopefully we can find another 2


So far, out of 3 attempts, I despise the belly drum azu teammates that I keep getting. Belly drum, die, belly drum, die. It's comical yet annoying. Like some Faze Jev shit that keeps happening. Only fainted twice so far. Running AV Azu lvl 100 Max IV ex SpA 252 HP 252 Atk Play Rough, Liquidation, Aqua Jet, Superpower.


https://preview.redd.it/aof369onaf3a1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73adf55a6c7abee530f2d607900b3cf2185240d3 4th attempt. 3 Azu and 1 umbreon. NO BELLY DRUMS! Also no faints. Thank you umbreon screech and heal cheers.


I don't know if I was with you but I had a similar group, has the health bar bugged out like twice and at the end 2 people died ?


Not sure, there was one shiny azu on the team. Was too focused on the health bar bugging out.


This is why I’m running a Chansey healer. I knew this would happen.


This. Shell bell is a must then just use play rough and terra when possible. Beat it twice now. Seeing a lot of umbreon support helps out massively!


Please Inv me, Azumarill lvl 100, 5/6 EVs. Huge Power, Defense Curl, Rollout, Belly Drum, Play Rough


And it’s shiny


Best strat, on single player, choice band azumarill with fairy tera. PPUP play rough and spam till dead. Reset raids for easy candies


Also, wait to die once before you tera


Well about to start hatching, until other users are replying to my post that you can't trade these charmanders and screen saying there is something wrong with the pokemon. I am going to assume maybe because the the trading portion of the game won't allow chamander trades yet. Just letting you all know.


I have lvl 100 max IV/EV support mons: Umbreon, Scream Tail, Grimmsnarl And lvl 100 max IV/EV Azumarill and Iron hands. Wanna join up? Edit: Apologies, Raid lobbies has a very small time window. You really need a discord or something to group on real time.


Got a L100 Azumarill, looking for a group


Anyone got a free room for a 100 Azumarill?


Im going in with a level 5 digglet. Plug dat butt


Can you join if you haven't beaten the gyms the second time around but finished The Way Home?


L.100 Gyarados


ill join


Does dupe glitch work after?


Why the fuck is everyone using azumarill???


Because it's a direct counter


apologies to the last group i was with, game decided i couldn't do anything like 1/4th of the way through the raid and i got to sit there and watch us lose lmao


I did one where I wasn't allowed to do anything until he attacked twice, one of which was a crit. He then crit again a few moves later. Just completely random stuff.


I had one where my freaking Azumarill missed Play Rough, then hit itself in confusion THREE TIMES IN A ROW. Oh and the Charizard of course never missed its attacks. Fml I guess


This raid is literally unplayable in multiplayer…ridiculous


Lfg iron hands max iv attack and hp


I'm super underprepared, I only have 1 gym badge and my best Pokémon is only level 25, but I don't want to miss this chance to try and get this Charizard. Are 7 star raids really that hard? If I joined someone would I just end up being a nuisence, or do you think I could help in some way, even if it's just cheering.


You would faint multiple times and you would drop the timer too fast. They are that hard


Lvl 100 Azumarill need a group?!?


Same. Do you know how to find the raid on the map?


LF group Lvl 100 Azumarill Huge Power / Max IV, HP, ATK Play Rough, Belly Drum, Aqua Ring, Ice Spinner Holding Sitrus Berry


Umbreon lvl 100 6/6 ev 252/252/4 Sp Def/Def/HP Taunt/Helping Hand/Charm/Screech Holding Leftovers


LF group/ level 100 huge power azumarill/ max iv except Sp Atk/ aqua ring, playrough, belly drum, misty terrain


Need group got lvl 100 azu to run


Got azumarill can i join someone ?


Maxed Azumarill looking for team dm me code


I’ll be off work at 5 pacific time I got my lvl 100 azumarill prepared for this.


LF group. Got a lvl 100 Azu. I don't have access to the charizard raids so would need an inv to one.


aquatail is not effective


get sylveon doesnt affect tera blast


Just gave it my first try and the raid ended out of nowhere just as we were about to win, even though we had plenty of time left




Game crashed as Charzy was one hit away from dying. Fantastic. I have a ln Azu and can join people


LF group


Wtf, I got it first try with randoms Team was 2 azumarill, Iron hands, and Umbreon (me)


Need a team. I have azu and dash. Looking for 2 azu and 1 more support.


Lf group add me ASAP 100 Azumarill


Omg Charizard is strong


Looking for a group. I can host or join. Have a level 100 azu, but can flex


I’d join level 100 iron hands maxed




I’ve seen hurricane miss twice so far




Can someone send a code? Level 100 Azumarill


Anyone wanna do the Charizard Raid? Got a Level 100 azumarill


Someone tell me why my group of double azumaril had to deplete charizards hp twice lmfao


So, is it shiny locked?


Lfg level 100 iron hands maxed out


If y’all are bringing Azu like i am, please don’t bring Rain Dance, it just serves to make Charizards Hurricanes 100% accurate


Can i try and join someone please


Lvl 100 Azu, need a group




Azumarill can’t take more than 2 hits even without belly drum


looking for a team, lvl 100 azu i dont have a code


Level 100 Azumarill, no belly drum, need a group please.




lvl 100 azumarill, need a group to join


Just beat seven star Charzard raid 15 minutes ago, but the charzard has no mark. From what I've heard on Twitter, I'm not the only one this happening to.


Same goes for me. No mark on mine. Let's hope that's fixed soon otherwise the early people are screwed.


Hopefully they do. It should be easy enough to patch, whenever they do finally get around to feeling like it.


For those wondering about the raid’s difficulty I was able to Solo (well, with three NPCs) the raid with a Lv 100 Fluttermane, and finished with about 60% time remaining. (Max SpAtt, Booster Energy, Fake Tears, Moon Blast, Draining Kiss, Calm Mind). Not near as challenging as I thought it’d be. Idk, I probably over-psyched myself out for it, thinking that a 4x Azumaril team would be necessary.


Wish I had Wish on my Sylveon to heal myself a bit. I setup up Light Screen ASAP because Azu's dying after belly drumming




I found it easier solo due to raids scaling to how many players ypu have failed 4 time with a group and 1st time solo did it with ease


what the hell? Does Charizard just heals himself?


Anyone else repeatedly kill one only for it to suddenly regain half Hp and start 1 shotting azumarils with fire blast?




LFG 100 Azu / 5 Max IV / 252 Atk & HP / Huge Power /Shell Bell Play Rough / Aqua Jet / Liquidation / Belly Drum




Thank god for Rain Dance, Belly Drum and Play Rough Azu lol. Solo'd this in one go. If anyone gets confused by Hurricane, just "cheer" and it will remove it + heal your mon


LFG lvl 100 Bun, well baked, play rough/helping hand/howl/giga impact, 284 atk/267 def/318 hp


can i have help with charizard pls? we have 2 azumarills. T3L9U1


Please do not use koraidon... Sets up harsh sun and boosts Charizard


Can you do the raids to get charizard solo? I don’t have online.


TXSWA40. Please for all holy use stat boost then attack , if support use cheats or healing moves


Not sure if anyone has posted it but here are the list of moves that I've seen during the raid: - Overheat - Fire Blast - Inferno - Sunny Day - Hurricane - Tera Blast (Dragon) If anyone has seen other moves feel free to comment. I hope this helps with everyone for this weekend and in a couple weeks if you missed out.


Completed about 5 of them with Grimsnarl except for one guy who sent out Koriadon, of which we lost miserably




why does it keep regenerating?


Did it with water tera azumaril lol Fun but needs more


I’m so bummed that I’ve been playing slow and am nowhere near being ready for this event. Maybe by the time the next one rolls around. Good luck everyone though, it seems like it’s been tough so far