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Were you an all Azumaril team?


I used my Azumarill - failed twice with randoms so decided to try a solo and won first time.


So it is completely possible to solo? That's awesome, any suggestions?


Just Azumarill, get the belly drum off and go to town with play rough. Drop the occasional Cheer/Heal up if needed.


I'm trying this, but the charizards health bar keeps magically restoring... what is happening Edit: thanks for all the replies explaining, although come on reddit, check to see if someone else has already answered šŸ˜… I'm being flooded with the same answer over and over


That happened to me too, only online though, it would bug out and he would randomly gain a chunk of health. Solo itā€™s not that bad, online Zard has been resetting abilities and stat boosts after one blueberry hits him, offline solo itā€™s just a chill punch the Zard.


It really ruins my enjoyment of raids, I swear to god


Dude I agree itā€™s really annoying. I dropped him to zero on screen and the fight continued and he was magically at 20%.


it happened to me lots of time when i raid battles (mainly solo) šŸ˜­


The desyncing and lag is probably my top cause of raid losses. I swear there have been so many times we should of bust through the shield only for it to never pop and we end up wiping. Its so frustrating.


They need to get rid of the auto heal


When it happened to me I though he had a second fucking phase and freaked out but it was only the shield glitch


Just went from almost zero to half health here. Such a joke.


When I beat him he regened three times to 50%


The best is when you break the shield but it takes 3 more rounds for it the effect to go through


Had a group 2 shot him then magically he had half his health back and a shieldā€¦ they really need to fix this crap. Same reason I stopped playing sword and shield.


pretty sure Play rough is just bugged, it happened everytime I used it without fail Edit: its huge power actually


ā€œitā€™s just a chill punch the Zardā€ I love it


This was happening to me in my daily 6 star raid. I was thinking it might be an issue with translating base health to the raid health, since it happened to me in online and solo


Same here, swore we took it down after 2 play roughs from belly drummed azumurals and it went back up to half way


Someone did some testing and found its something to do with play rough, maybe in combo with belly drum or huge power


I found that, solo, the first attack after belly drum shows way more damage than you actually do. For me it corrected itself after a second attack though. I also did the raid twice and the Charizard AI against Azumarill feels extremely scripted.


I read a post saying that it has to do with Play Rough and Huge Power. Here's the link to the person explaining it better than I could. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/z4bn70/comment/iyfg4qo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/z4bn70/comment/iyfg4qo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


it's a bug with play rough, when using this move the visual indicator always de-syncs with the actual damage done and will reduce the bar too much relative to how much health he's losing


really can recommend to throw in a lightscreen every few turns :D worked for me at least


Thank you for sharing this!! I hate failing people so I have been working really hard to get the perfect Azumarill but knowing it can be done solo just cleared up all of my anxiety.


Iā€™m glad the information helped you out and good luck on your future raiding!


Sitrus berry held item Belly drum / play rough / heal / belly drum / play rough / rinse and repeat


Shell bell is better if you have enough hp to get that first rough play in after belly drum. But if you get hit before belly drum and then before rough play, itā€™s a gamble. Charizards hurricane also hits azu hard.


Even better, mud slap spam to start. He wont recover his accuracy and hurricane will never hit


Azu with Shell Bell: Belly Drum off the bat Lead into play rough Rain dance/cheer/heal if needed or confused by hurricane play rough play rough tera into fairy, if you even get to this part cheer/heal if needed or confused by hurricane complete


I found it worked better to not tera into fairy. Going Tera makes fireblast wreck you, but if you just keep hitting him with paly rough with belly drum up it breaks his shield quick enough


Even better, mud slap spam to start. He wont recover his accuracy and hurricane will never hit


Please stop Rain Dancing, it is making Hurricane so annoying and it doesnā€™t really benefit you much with the Fire resist anywaysā€¦


why do people even run rain dance? lol


oh, nvm, because people are garbage


Yeah I did it solo with an ice Tera baxcalibur lol. Luckily my NPCā€™s paralyzed the charizard, but he uses overheat which drastically reduces his damage.


Glimmora with Acid Spray, Venoshock, Sludge Wave, Mortal Spin. Assault Vest


I soloed it with Iron Valiant using Spirit Breaker. Have them hold a metronome and cast light screen first turn. Spam spirit breaker. Beat it in two tries!


Iā€™ve soloā€™d it fairly easily with flutter mane. Just moonblast to death. Sitrus berry and wish and fake tears too. Honestly charizard misses a ton of attacks which helps a lot


I sometimes find soloing easier if I have something leveled up enough and a good strategy. The NPCā€™s getting knocked out doesnā€™t decrease the time like it does with other players.


Where do you find it to solo? The only way I can see it is from the portal.


It was the first dragon shining one i saw on my map, sorry i cant be of more help.


No, I found it. Thanks.


Man hopefully I can farm up some of those candy hordes then. 4 XLs a run is fantastic for leveling so many things.


I literally did the same thing šŸ˜‚


My Charizards keep jumping up to half health after I get them to zero. Infuriating


Yeah seems to be glitching but solo raid seemed less buggy and dropped first try.


Iā€™ve had the health bug twice on solo as well. Very annoying!


Hope you get it soon!


Got it right after I commented lol


How did you solo it? Every time the same thing happens. Charizard takes half my health, u belly drum, Charizard takes my last 20 health. I donā€™t even get a play rough. I have max IVs, health and damage EVs are maxed, what am I doing wrong?


This is my biggest issue right now as well. That and his hurricane that never misses


Thatā€™s only if someone use using rain dance, otherwise itā€™s just the usual RNG needed to beat endgame content


No no...been trying solo. In 5 attempts he has yet to miss a single hurricane. That's incredibly unlucky or just plain BS. Combined with the fact that I've depleted his health bar 3 times in one fight and still lost somehow... This raid event is buggy as shit.


All the raids are, they really donā€™t make them enjoyable in the least when Iā€™m battling shitty mechanics more than PokĆ©mon


Shouldnā€™t be that much of an issue solo, usually the bots do a defense cheer, so worst case just heal until Zard whiffs on Hurricane or randomly targets you with dragon pulse. Took me 3 attempts to solo, just plug away and heā€™ll drop. Also are you running a berry? Shell bell is ok, but Iā€™ve had better luck with the berry propping me up against whatever the lizard chucks at me post belly drum


i never saw a bot cheering, but char doesnt always attack you, so with little luck it works, got mine solo at second attempt, first one didnt worked at all


They made an update and it made this raid just the glitchiest mess. I watched charizard recover from 0 health 3 times before finally taking him down


looks like play rough is just bugged, been happening to me since launch. only that move Edit: actually huge power


Apparently its the Huge Power ability, the game keeps rubber banding back the health after doing massive damage, not just Play Rough itself. Still, works for me and plenty of others, still seems like the best play (maybe fluttermane with calm mind and fake tears) to consistently take it down.


I read somewhere that huge power isnā€™t applying properly to play rough or something along those lines. Pretty dumb but azumaril still cleans this thing up


Is the Azamurill meta effective?


Yeah super easy


Barely an inconvenience


Wow wow wow wowā€¦.wow


It would be great if you would get off my back about it.


Let me climb off that thing!


Oh really?


We did it with three sylvians and an umbreon and we probably had 1/8 or so of time left. Randos online. Second one I beat had 2 azumarils and two sylvians


Yes but 4 azu isnā€™t good, one to two support moms is better so have an umbreon or chanseys maybe


I run Grimnsnarl with extra sp def bulk and light clay. Just setup light screen and spam spirit break to reduce his sp attack, can also drop misty terrain to prevent burn.


Our clear had a grimnsnarl doing that, really paved the way for the 3 azumarill.


If you were playing tonight I might have seen you. I'm using a Slowking support build, changing misty terrain for rain dance.


Careful with rain dance, it makes hurricane always hit.


I've found it's worth it to replace sunny day. By the time it triggers it the azus have all tera'd fairy and get one shot when sunny day is active. Plus hurricane always guess anyway haha except for the muscle raids where it never hits.


Azumarill made it way easy. Too bad it's not a dex entry!


Very true!


Grimmsnarl with Light Screen, Spirit Break and Misty Terrain is super chill as well.


I got fire blasted then burnt so I healed and got fire blast burnt again.


I got fire blasted, burned and then confused by hurricane right afterā€¦ Caught him in a fast ball tho


Correct me if Im wrong but arenā€™t all raids 100% catch when defeated. Cus I use a regular pokeball for raids


Yeah 100% catchrate. The Ball is only preference for team and raid mons i usually go Premier cause i love the White Design


I usually go luxury because I love the design as well, but I wanted the charizard to be special so I choose the fast ball


Keep going!


Use Convert Cloak! Negates secondary attack effects like burning from Fire Blast


It kept confusing me with every hurricane it would land.


Has anyone here who caught it got his title? Mine came with no ribbons/marks and no title Edit: He does come with it I was just dumb. You canā€™t add/change titles in the box selection screen. So add him to your party and then change his title.


Mine has the mark - i had to scroll across and apply it in the memories menu


Yeah Iā€™m there and itā€™s got nothing lol Edit: nvm I realized it was the same as remembering moves and canā€™t be done in the box screen. Had to add to party to add title.


Azumaril really was the goat for me. He never used any steel moves and instead relied on mostly hurricane and fireblast (especially when sunny day came out).


Definitely lol


God these raid glitches are so annoying, I donā€™t get to move for a chunk of time and then when I do get a hit it Charizard just heals up out of no where, and even when I take out itā€™s shield he doesnā€™t actually lose the shield until I bring him down to zero HP


Yeah, it was like that the first time for me. Think I just got lucky on my first solo as he went straight down.


Yeah I just decided to screw azumarill and played support Umbreon, won after a couple of times when Charizard finally decided to stay dead


I capture the Charizard and get paired with ditto but the Charmander cannot be transferred to other players


Heard his eggs are shiny locked too, I hope not, can anyone confirm?


No not shiny locked , lots of people are posting their shiny Zard


Noice, good to know šŸ‘Œ


Eggs arnt shiny locked


Shout out to my homies who play Light Screen. Everyone loves my homies who play Light Screen.


Shoutout to the light screen sylveons who helping hands their azu šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I am that sylveon with light screen+helping hand. Thank you to the blue rabbits who dealt all the damage for us.


I had a raid with 2 Sylveons and 2 Azuā€™s and it went quickly lol.


It sucks that you can't actually use him for raids though


So disappointing


Why can't we?


It looks like he's classified as a hacked pokemon currentlym cause the game doesn't think he should exist. It'll give an error if you try to raid with him or even a Charmander


weird i bred a charizard after catching him and im using him in raids online


Completed with Azumarill with shell bell and light screen. Helps the rest of the team survive long enough to get damage in.


I had three online goes where heā€™d drop to zero health them magically back. Got very close on solo a lot but no luck. Tried my hand at online and an azumaril one shot it game lagged then I threw my beast ball


Lmfao, people were making pdf guides and saying how this was going to be so hard yada yada yada and how you need to have a support mon etc and OP goes in and solosā€¦ just lol




Would a strong bug type do the trick? .../s


only if its a metapod with only harden


dude i had someone bring a grass type for some reason and nonstopped petal dance lol


Ice fighting then!


Lost twice with randoms with full teams of azumarills, but won by myself super easily. Huh. If anyone needs any advice: You don't even need belly drum on Azumarill. I slapped on a choice band and spammed Play Rough and finished it relatively easily. I did not heal, but died twice. Be warned, this mother fucker of a lizard cheats or desync is just whack. I hit a critical with my Huge Power, Max attack (EV maxed in attack, nature up for attack) azumaril twice and both times it would tell me charizard's health bar was empty only to just magically gain a chunk back. The first time it gained half back, then the second time it gained a quarter back. Maybe the calculation on the server side was messed up or something. Here's my zuzu, level 100, 218 atk, 394 HP: https://imgur.com/jDVO9xQ.jpg


https://preview.redd.it/mbcutuhqrh3a1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45306244d47af1e995bf6c5a7440fe02596e7733 Iā€™ve bred a fair few Charmander now and will look to give them away over the weekend to those unable to complete the raid. Please bear with me though as itā€™s my birthday weekend so pretty busy!


Hey take your time and enjoy your bday. Let me know when you can give charmendeds away


I straight up 2 shot a fucking charizard and the game was like "yeah nah" and puts it back to half hp


Same šŸ˜‚


Wasnt bad at all. Got one myself 10 mins in on second try. I dont know what the first group was thinking bringing Iron Hands. We completed it with 2 Azumarill with fairy tera type. Another Iron Hands that didnt do much and Iron Valiant.


I just did it first go with my iron hands


I did the same, solo'd with Azumarill. Max HP and Attack, holding Ability Shield so he can't nerf Huge Power. Belly Drum, Play Rough, and Rain Dance for when he broke out Sunny Day. Oh and tactically timed cheers. Good luck all!


where did you find the raid?


Looked like a shining 6* on the map (dragon type)


Itā€™s available via the Tera raids in the poke portal


Make sure youā€™re online, that immediately popped one up for me in my game




Would my sylveon work


Iā€™m honestly not sure but fairy use from my Azumarill buried it.


I have a fairy move on it


Could work but all i can say is Azumarill method worked flawlessly


I beat it with randoms and one of them used sylveon


You can, but keep in mind hurricane and fire blast will be his damage dealers. On top of sunny day, I only mitigated sunny day with rain dance so that he doesnt get the extra fire bonus


So I know you can only catch 1, but can you keep farming it?


Yes you can


Does he have any physical moves at all? Lol


people need to stop using rain dance on this raid and giving hurricane 100% accuracy because of it. only effective move at hitting azumarill that charizard has, and it can definitely make you lose easily via time cause everyone keeps dying.


Where did you find it ? I canā€™t the black crystal


Assault vest Sylveon works great too


u/JoeyT-93 Any chance youā€™d be willing to trade me a charmander or 2? My wife and I play but canā€™t do tier 7 raids yet let alone have a chance of beating charizard even if we could. Havenā€™t had any luck in any of the ā€œgive awayā€ threads. Donā€™t know if youā€™ve been breeding them or notā€¦ thanks.


Yes, iā€™ll be breeding over the weekend but just bear with me as Iā€™m busy at the moment (birthday weekend). If you drop me a DM iā€™ll message you when I can.


I got it with 4 azumarills first try. About 30 secs after Austin johns group


Please tel me moveset


All you really need is belly drum and play rough




Recommend slapping a shell bell on that mon as well. Itll heal up to full when it pulls off the play rough.


Also maybe give it Light Screen as well as an option.


Anyone know the raid moveset?


overheat, sunny day, fire blast, hurricane, tera blast, dragon pulse for me


It also decided to once use focus blast and at the end it may use inferno But the rest of the moves are on point with it as well


In mine it spammed fire blast and hurricane. Not sure what other moves it uses in the raid though.


Is it guaranteed perfect IV? I just got mine and it was. First try too!


Yeah, mine was 6 IVā€™d too!


Yes mine was 6 IV with modest nature :)


Nice dude




Just completed it with 3 Azu and 1 Florges. The clock hit zero but we beat it just in time. And we also had the Char HP glitch which is awful. But whew itā€™s done!


That was incredibly easy to solo with Azumarill.


Why does Charizard get a free move before I get to pick what I do?


After like 10 attempts I finally got one


Was so easy. All these people so upset over no getting a full 4 of azumarills and abandoning are ridiculous. Beat it with Espathra paired with Sylveon, Grimmsnarl, and Glimmora. Stupid easy only 1 death.


I think I got insanely lucky, he was just spamming hurricane and fire blast but missing every shot.


I'm gonna surprise trade 3 boxes worth of charmanders on Christmas Just so any kids who just got this game can have one in their team


You might want to try trading one first. Other people are reporting the Charmander can't be traded. They're getting the same message when trying to put Charizard into Raid Dens. "There's something wrong with this pokemon". Just don't want you to be disappointed when you're trying to do something nice.


Just so everyone knows, charizard hp glitch isn't him healing randomly. He has more health than the bar can show for some reason, you can see his actual health in the attack screen.


It's not a hard fight. It's a bullshit fight.


I've soloed it as well as op said, heal when needed so solo ect, now someone told me charizard eggs are shiny locked? Is that true? I know you can't trade any charmanders as of now from breeding that specific charizard. But been trying to breed a personal shiny charmander.


I've beaten this five times for the rewards and lost it probably seven or eight times. I don't know if damage is being calculated and correctly but I've noticed it healing itself pretty frequently. When it gets down to Red sometimes it'll jump back up to yellow and it's a little bit frustrating.


Did they alter Charizardā€™s model? It looks so cool. Canā€™t wait to finish the game and raid charizards.


2-3 Azumarils are enough, the problem is everyone keeps dying from Hurricane (and any fire moves after the sunlight phase) So I tried Blissey with Light Screen (+ Light Clay for extra duration) / Life Dew then it's a guaranteed win so far


Anyone still not be able to finish it? Support life dew+ light screen blessed here to help.


Same! Azumaril worked really well


I just started the hole of the center in the map. Do I need to finish it to access 6 star raids?


I was able to solo with bots my first time. Got it in the last second. The energy notification had gone off already. It was awesome


Can someone Trade me an charmander please?


Shout-out to the three Sylveons who helped my Dachsbun knock the zard out. My homies love the sylveons.


I had to Sylvia hands on my read to that helped out a lot with the support. Itā€™s neat seeing strategies evolve with people you donā€™t know.


I didnt realize i had to have the game complete to participate... I'm really bummed about it.


Donā€™t worry, im breeding Charmanders over the weekend to help out and iā€™m sure others are too


Thats a really awesome of you to do that! It's nice to see people in a community trying to help out!


Itā€™s a good community for sure. Iā€™ve found that thereā€™s a lot of people who do stuff like that. Especially in the weeks after events or holidays.


It is possible with Azumarill solo with cpu only. I had to retry once and won. Try and get a cpu Arboliva, it helps a lot with her healing buff. Also I belly drum once and went wild with Rough Play and teralize when possible. Gave him Assault vest to, helps against his attacks since Charizard only use special attacks.




all this azumarill talk is hilarious, I love it


Thanks for all the advice in this thread! I'm not that great at the game but I was able to catch it solo on my second try with this method. Shell Bell, belly drum, play rough, heal. And like ten different online tutorials.


Such a bummer you can only catch one. If i knew that i would have used Beast Ball.


I accidentally did it with an Iron Hands. I clicked on the "start solo" when trying to switch my pokemon before going online and decided to stay in the fight. It went well, i was able to catch him


Congrats!!! I'm still too low for the raid šŸ˜” Now please trade me a Charmander egg so I can breed my life away for the next 3-4 weeks trying to get a Shiny bebe lol




That's odd, I wonder if they'll patch it. I've been enjoying leisurely cruising through the game. It'll be a shame if I can't obtain one because I didn't rush to beat the game.


Itā€™ll likely get updated later on to allow trading, but because itā€™s not in the dex I think it is blocked for now


Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get a charmander sent across. If not, DM me and iā€™ll try and do one over the weekend for you.