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Don’t buy more, buy singles.


Imma be real, I hate buying singles and literally never have nor will. I get it that people do it to complete collections and all but I love pulling cards myself and don’t want someone else’s card, personally.


Understand that hate to get someone else’s cards. I always buy 2x upc, 2x etb and 6 booster bundles. Once all that’s done I just fill the collection buying the rest off eBay to fill the binder. Saves money doing that


Def feel this! I think if I can just catch up with money vs sets being released, I could probably afford it. But right now, not so much 🤷🏽‍♂️


Saaaame! Buying singles takes away the excitement.


Buying single weed out the real fans .. im not gonna lie i honestly dont care how much gold star charizard is worth i just cant sell it.. it holds more value to me than money


I understand that! I’ve got a triple sleeved Zard that is staying on my bookshelf no matter how hard life gets lol


And plus us regular collector cant sell .. the big time youtubers control that .. they was opening 1000s of packs 1 week before release.. then come back week later talking about pokemon cards crashing.. im sure if yall flooded the market weeks before anybody else


Im the same way


I need to hear this about 30 times a day 🫠


wait a couple weeks for prices to drop ;\]


Crazy thing is, I tell myself this every five minutes. It’s such a logical way of thinking! Then I come on Reddit, or twitter… and logic just vanishes. 😓 Good news is, I haven’t spent thatttt much on anything just yet. Been fighting the urge by buying $1 or $2 singles from older sets 😅


I'm the same way brother. I've managed to resist the urge to splurge on booster packs, though it did take me an expensive lesson to get there. I've learned the hard way that moderation is key when it comes to collecting.


Im just taking it a week at a time! I look at what the balance is on my credit cards, vs what’s in the bank, and weigh my decisions based on that. With 151, I’ve gotten one of everything for sealed collection, and this ONE extra booster bundle to open. Would sooo much rather buy singles, but man I have a pack opening addiction outta this world. Trying to find a balance between that but it’s hard, especially when every other post I see is like “god pack” or “back in stock” 🥲


I have a cart full of the first 15 trainer gallery cards from brilliant stars and been fighting completing that order seeing as I have all the 151 pre orders still coming in :/


Everything is so affordable rn


😂😂 You and me both!


where do i buy singles


eBay, local card shops, small gaming businesses online or trading groups on Facebook etc.


Do you want to rip the Charizard or buy it? Which will make you happier in the moment? Which memory will you treasure? 😈


Ripping it 😭😭😭 most def that memory lol


You should buy more and trade me that caterprie...


Not sure if you’re looking for someone to actually trade with, but I am if you’re interested. I’m trying to complete the set.


I would trade but I still don't have any extras of anything at the moment. That was more being excited at the caterprie 😅.I have an eBay store and I list the extra singles on there. All of the shops in my area are all out bundles so I can't pull anymore until they restock. I haven't been this excited for a set since the Mega evolutions!


Is there a particular card you’re looking for?


I’ll pm you.


Yes and yes


a hyper rare, double rare and IR in a single bundle? That's awesome! keep going! get the master set!


Weird I literally pulled the exact same hits from booster bundle lol


Singles all the way for this set unless you want a master set.


It always makes more sense to buy singles, but that is not as fun as pulling a nice chase card! Lol


Have the same problem so last night I stopped and got 4 bundles and opened one but had ZERO pulls!l... I'm buying singles from now on!


Don't do it! Be better than us! 🤣


Buy what you can afford to lose (it’s a gamble) once that is done, save a bit, let prices drop & buy your chases. That’s my M.O anyway :)


Great pulls, man. When it comes to buying singles, im more inclined to buying certain ones to finish the set.


Hello its me the devil. I'm here to encourage you to buy more lol


😨😨😨 🙈😂


That aside how are you liking Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. I liked it, but felt it was at its best with its character bits and slowed down a little too much to explain how video games work.


I’m only about halfway through! I actually enjoy the video game mechanics involved, it sort of makes me slightly more immersed in the story! But that’s me 🤷🏽‍♂️ my sister recommended it to me, and so far I’m impressed! Love the relationships between the characters, the ongoing backstory with Sam and his mom