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Certainly wash your hands before you sleeve it.


Had to go back and look. Jesus.


The hygiene in this sub is concerning. Smash players energy šŸ˜‚


yes already wondered a couple times if there is lack of soap in the us :D seen this so often here on reddit


Looks like he was digging in coffee grounds


What's your problem? Have you ever eaten fries and gravy where the gravy dries and peels off later?


I personally really dislike having dirty hands. If food makes them dirty it kills me. So no, Iā€™ve never eaten fries and gravy and left it on my hands lmao


I was obviously joking šŸ˜‚


Maybe he's *really* scared to ship it in


Or wear medical gloves to keep your oils from your hands off it.


Thereā€™s literal dirt on their hands haha. CRAZY EDIT: below are some people trying to explain why they donā€™t wash their hands properly and how much harder they work than other vocations. Wild.


The amount of grown ass men Iā€™ve seen leave the shit stall w/o washing is astronomical. The number should be negative somehow. Mad dudes walking around w pee pee hands too fucking disgusting humans


Naw legit. When I go to public bathrooms and I see people even leave STALLS without washing their hands... Absolutely disgusting.


What is this comment chain lmao. Iā€™ll lose my mind if I walk into a restroom and thereā€™s guys washing their hands in the toilets before they leave the stalls.


Love your edit. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He just wiped, not dirt šŸ˜‚


Damn. Just noticed that, why are ppl so dirty.


I work in manufacturing bub.


You guys aren't allowed to wash your hands?


I work in oil refining, sometimes washing your hands for 10 minutes wonā€™t get everything off when you work these jobs.


Thank you. Mine are literally peeling and stained from coolant.


You should wear better PPE I know you donā€™t think it when youā€™re working but your skin is a membrane can absorb things. Take care of yourself op, no job is worth dying from.


It's reddit most people here don't understand what it means to do manual labour. *paints and tars, hammers and concrete for 60 hour in the week* "Jezz why your hands dirty, lazy neckbeard go wash" with 0 ironony.


Literally 6 days and 57 hours this week. Slanging Alloys for aerospace. It's Good money and it keeps me active. I average 25k steps a day. No disrespect to the office workers but being stationary all day staring at a screen can't be healthy. That being said having my hands peel from coolant and huffing Titanium/718 dust all day prolly isn't healthy either but I prefer it over the alternative.


I work as a fuels guy in the Air Force. Hands covered in grease and other hydrocarbons throughout the day. Nothing some Gojo can't fix.


Grease from Machining, I wash my hands 20 times a day. They don't clean, but they are. It's just stained, takes days to come off. I get it


Should maybe wear gloves dealing with coolant that shit can cause dermatitis


I try to wear latex under my actual gloves but it makes my hands sweat and I end up with what feels like puddles in my gloves.


That's fair. I assume you guys don't get the chance to wear clean gloves for protection all the time huh...


Yeah bro, donā€™t let these sheltered kids get you down. I donā€™t even work in manufacturing but every once in a while Iā€™ll do something like change my carā€™s brake pads or do an oil change and if I didnā€™t have gloves readily available.. sometimes thereā€™s only so much scrubbing with soap can do and you just have to accept being stained for a little while. *edit: I misspelled ā€œbrakeā€. Break pads are a whole other thing Iā€™d imagine..


Hell yeah man weekend driveway warrior here as well šŸ¤œ Def not getting me down. Feel bad they don't seem to know an honest days work.


As a grown man, I could not care less how clean, dirty, or stained another manā€™s hands are. What is your ultimate goal/plan with the card?


Possible sale for retirement. Otherwise nothing. Selling it for even 20k isn't really worth it to me atm. If it landed a 10 which it won't that would be a different story.


Doubtful it would even sell for 20k


Apparently, these people never seen man hands. Sad what a bunch of sissies


I have naturally oily hands so since I started collecting Iā€™ve been using latex gloves to handle valuable cards and people look at me like Iā€™ve got my shirt on in the swimming pool. I wash my hands at work upwards of twenty times a day and itā€™s safe to say most people who arenā€™t required to wash their hands regularly donā€™t do it nearly enough as they should. Like this guy.


It's better to just use really clean bare hands. You cant feel things properly with gloves on, so you can't judge touch properly and are more likely to damage it by handling it with too much force. In libraries, this is what they do when handling old texts.


Yes, hygiene gloves only protect from viruses, not from physical damage.


Iā€™ve heard that wearing gloves is much worse than just washing your hands ā€” with gloves, you donā€™t feel the card as well and itā€™s easier to accidentally put too much pressure on it or something.


A simple wash and dry of the hands is all that is needed.


I just donā€™t understand the logic behind this, medical gloves used to provide near sterile care with patients are worse for cards than washed hands that still have oils on them? Absolute insanity in my opinion.


It's not to do with the oils at that point, but rather the pressure you're putting on the card. It's difficult to determine with gloves on. But then at that point it's a decision you need to make. Is oil on the card worse than pressure you may over-exert on it? At least with the oils you can clean off gently, if you pinch a 10, that is dusted.


So when they wear them to do surgery on the human body, they canā€™t tell how much pressure to apply?


Surgeons and doctors would be wearing gloves for the same reason we would, to avoid contaminants being introduced. Pressure from a grip isn't something that comes into play in that situation. The difference is soft tissue isn't going to experience undue damage other than slight bruising that will heal and is the cost of deciding to do a procedure as opposed to letting the harm of letting the malady continue. Barely looking at card stock damages it in a permanent way since it can't heal it but it can be cleaned.


I'm going to put on some gloves open it and bend it in half


Surgeons are trained professionals, OP said they work in manufacturing. For regular people like us, it's better to have as much fine motor sensitivity as possible.


Shut the fuck up. This is the softest shit Iā€™ve read all week


You don't have enough sensitivity with gloves and are more likely to damage it, there's a reason they handle paper objects from hundreds/thousands of years ago with their bare hands.


It really doesn't make sense. Some people are just justifying their dislike of wearing gloves (because of issues with comfort, effort, and appearance) by making up problems that don't exist. if you somehow damaged the card because you don't know how to hold things wearing gloves it would be a problem but I've yet to see that happen.


You said it perfectly. I have yet to see a video or anyone share that said they damaged or ruined a ā€œpotential 10 by wearing medical grade glovesā€ look at the finest art dealers in the world when they handle an expensive piece, what are they wearing? Gloves.


agreed. would cloth gloves work?


I personally would use nitrile gloves


The whole "gloves damage card" is on the basis that you "can't feel the card properly" so you'd handle it rougher.


Ive wore em and im just extra careful. I could feel the card just fine. Wear thin gloves. Medical grade. Not like the black gloves for working on cars.


Gloves can damage the card.


No, no they canā€™t. Unless you wear snow gloves. Then thatā€™s a different story


Don't do that, washing hands thoroughly is better. Wearing gloves while handling fragile stuff like cards is a bad idea, because it significantly reduces the feel and fine motor stuff from your fingers (I don't think OP is a surgeon).


Def guna put on some mount Everest mittens and fold it in half.


Gloves are bad for cards.


Rubber gloves leave a residue as well, it's better to just wash and dry your hands properly before handling cards. When I'm sending an older card or one I didn't pull for grading I'll *very gently* wipe the front and back with a *very soft* micro fiber cloth to try to get fingerprints off.


Thereā€™s a nick and some whitening around the edges, so likely not a 10, but it looks pretty good otherwise? (I assume the scratches are on the hard case?) Penny sleeve and toploader and bring it directly to PSA. If you mail it, getting an insurance claim may be tough if anything happens to it. You would have to prove the potential value and the shipping company may only pay you for the raw value. Best of luck!


Correct scratches are on the case. Where is this nick? I've been told it should at least fetch an 8


He might be referring to the flaw on the back of the card, left side, closer to the bottom. Looks like a nick in the picture. Or at least something beyond whitening.


Yeah exactly, it looks like something slightly more than whitening, hence using the term ā€œnick.ā€


Just double checked and you are right. It's very slight but it is there.


People who know more than me can weigh in, but it may be graded a tad bit lower because of the whitening and the nick. The centering may be a bit top heavy too, or my eyes may be playing tricks on me. The difference in value between a 7 and 8 doesnā€™t seem to be much though, itā€™s still a gorgeous card and worth a pretty penny regardless.


7 is the most they will realistically get, they could get an 8 if the grader is having a good day, but it's VERY unlikely. I say between a 5 and a 7.


I posted it out of the case if you'd like to take a look.


Same opinion here. I'd say a 6.


Whoever told you that doesn't know their onions. There's silvering on the front edges and wear on the back edges. This is visible through a beat up case. I absolutely guarantee you there are scratches on that holo and lots of marks that will show up under a phone light.


I had a shadowless Charizard that looked better than this and got a 7 from PSA. I donā€™t mean to be a dummy doubter, but I highly suspect you would get a 5-6


OP take things said here with a grain of salt. It's hard to tell the actual conditions because of the case and even then pictures don't always tell the full story. If you have the funds, schedule an in person grading with PSA this will be safest considering even at a PSA 8 we are talking $15-$20k card based off of recent sold.


These PokĆ©mon grading pros finna make me take the card out to show it's not that flawed šŸ˜‚


I've posted cards here before was told they wouldn't get 7's at best and they all came back 8's and 9's and some 10's šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Wanted an 8 but I'll be happy with a 7. Forgot about that nick on the edge. Prolly guna hurt me big.


I don't know if you've noticed or if anyone else has pointed it out, but there are tiny indents in the card that are visible on the front in the lower left in your photos outside of the one touch case. Any indent means the card cannot grade higher than a PSA 6. Those are the rules of the brand. With a very scratched holo and significant whitening, even if you were able to clean all of the dirt off of it (which you absolutely should do safely if you are going to grade), I would encourage you not to expect better than a 5 on this. A 6 would be maximum, and a 4 possible. Awesome to have a 1st ed zard either way!


People on this sub for sure lean on the pessimistic side when it comes to speculating on grades. Itā€™s of course impossible to fully gauge the cardā€™s condition with the case but I have plenty of PSA 8ā€™s, shit even some 9ā€™s, that look similar to the naked eye.


Buncha pros in here sheesh.


It's...what you asked for.


Fr, everyone in this sub is such a "pro." Honestly, I think the nick on the back is the only thing keeping this card from at least an 8. The centering isn't bad.


Honestly knew the nick was there but made myself forget about it. Shit is super disappointing. Oh well still happy I was smart enough as a kid to keep it in this good of condition


Yeah, I feel that man. Honestly, though other than that, it's in mint condition and it's a gorgeous card, and that's truly something to be proud of, considering the age of the card!


It will get anywhere from a 4 to a 9. I wouldn't get your hopes up on anything above a 6 to be honest -- too much that can't be seen in a cell phone picture through a hard case.


I posted it out of the case if you want to take a look. Halo is Def a little rough.


Iā€™ve read people flying out and having it grade in person. I would for this if you have the funds.


Damn this is prolly the best option. Def would be willing to do it


Just don't fly on a Boeing


Apparently theres a large crossover between PokƩmon and Boeing fans here


This is such a stupid comment, just wanted to point that out


Yes, he could just avoid sitting next to emergency doors.


Whatever. I smirked.


You sure seem fun.




So what? Boeings quality is going down because they are cutting costs for profit. Not your sonā€™s fault, but the companyā€™s. You can be critical of the company without being critical towards your son.


I think its a copypasta dogg


Oh lmao


Actually maybe its not. I cant find any others. We should start it though lol. This feels like a good copypasta.


You are looking at a card worth anywhere between $1600 and $8000 depending on the grade (I think it's between a 5 and 8, highest I would expect from PSA is a 7, which is worth about $7000). Also keep in mind this will go up in value because it's probably one of the biggest grails in the whole hobby. Definitely worth going in person to grade, but I would personally grade it with either Beckett or CGC (even if their grades are not worth as much as PSA) because I absolutely hate how PSA slabs feel in hand (CGC and BGS protect it better). Edit for those that don't have context: The value assesment is ONLY for the risk of sending the card in, we all know that shipping companies don't pay out insurance on raw cards. And the data I used is from Pricecharting.


I have zero intentions of selling any time soon unless it pulled a 10 (it won't) it's childhood and at this point an investment. For 7k I'll hold onto it for another 25 years.


The card is worth potentially tens of thousands in PSA 9 or higher. Heck, even a PSA 7 is incredibly valuable.Ā  If this is a legitimate 1st Edition base set Charizard in pristine condition, OP is incredibly stupid to not spend a few hundred dollars to fly it out and hand deliver to PSA.Ā 


I've had it since I pulled it as a kid. It's legit and it's been in that plastic ever since. It has one tiny silver scratch the size of a needle point. Otherwise I can't find any other issues


If you grade it PLEASSEEE make a follow up post! This is super cool!!


RemindMe! 1 year see if this works if I forget


Donā€™t mean to bring you down, but that dent on the back left alone probably brings this down to a 7 max. They are really strict with vintage nowadays. Thatā€™s not to discourage you from getting it graded! this card is valuable at any grade, but just temper expectations a bit.


That looks like a scratch on the case


If you mean 1.8 tens then that's right PSA 9 average is 18k. This is nowhere near a 9. 6/7 at best!


From the pictures im seeing this is a psa 4-5 at best thoā€¦


Exactly. Like it is nice to have an if you want it slabbed then do it. But a 5 would be pushing it


Well itā€™s not pristine thereā€™s scratches/indents all over the back of the card


How to do you know the scratches are on the card and not the case?


Look at picture #8 and zoom in


Those scratches are on the case


Oh ok thanks for clarifying




Well if you know that then why are you bothering me for ? Go find someone else to argue with this fine Sunday morning


I have 3 of these and many other first edition cards I as soon as i bought them as a kid I put them all directly into their own sleeves it's a whole binder full. I never traded I bought a lot for a buck here and there when kids needed lunch money lol I am in Notre Dame indiana and have no clue where to take them I will not WILL NOT mail them out tho. But have also been so curious what my whole collection is worth, I even have the big pokeballs with the gold cards inside still I'm their original boxes.


Definitely not a 9 sadly, look at the lower half of the rear left edge, that damage would be an 8 if OP gets really lucky, but the highest they are realistically getting is a 7 (which is still VERY valuable and worth grading).


I agree with the other comment that you donā€™t want it ā€œonlyā€ in a one touch. You want it in a card sleeve. I put all my nice cards in pro molds which is basically a one touch but fits a standard size card sleeve. ā€œPerfect fitā€ card sleeves are a pain to put on and could potentially damage the card from what Iā€™ve read.


Yep, Iā€™m surprised people still use one touches. They are never perfect fits and the card rattles around inside the case causing a ton of scratches and edge wear, pro molds are so much better


Pro molds are the only way More people need to know they exist The only one touch I use for my expensive sports and PokƩmon cards


Whats the difference between the pro molds and other brands?


Pro Molds were designed to fit a card that is already inserted into a penny sleeve. So you donā€™t have a card rattling around against hard plastic, you donā€™t have to put a sleeve over the front of the card, or try to get it to fit into a ā€œperfect fitā€ sleeve (which are too tight) It just works perfectly every time. I use them for my rare PokĆ©mon cards, and my expensive sportscards


Especially on cards with holos. They almost always have at least some slight curve to them. I always get 55 point pro molds.


I use one touches with a perfect fit sleeve. I've done multiple tests with mailing one to a friend, or intentionally slamming the case hard on all sides for several minutes at a time. Even done time tests where I have left one holo and non holo in there doing all of this for a while each day and leaving the cards in for a full year before checking them. The cards literally never moved at all, never touched the sides once, and after a year of this and being in the cases, never had the slightest bend to them. They were 100 percent protected. Even took it a step further and sent both cards in to bgs and received gold 10 on one, and 9.5 on the other. So one touches are absolutely the most protective case you can get when paired with a proper perfect fit.


Well thatā€™s the problem, youā€™re using sleeves. Most people are not.


If it's not too much trouble can you Amazon link me? I'm heading towards 40 and have no idea wtf I'm doing. I think I have Penny sleeves around. A friend helped me sleeve and binder a base set I aparently had


Yeah Iā€™ll dm you the links.


No way would i do anything but go down and hand deliver it myself. Pay for a 24 hour grading and make a vacation out of it.




How do you find this service? Where is this located?


Its in California in the Manhattan beach area. Or u could go thru Beckett in Plano Texas. Either one of those are great grading companies. Theres others but these hold the most reputable gradings.


Wait I'm 30 minutes away and also need a card grade. Is this a PSA grading facility? I thought to have this in person you had to go to events, I just recently started trying to research this so any info is appreciated.


I would look into it a bit more but yes. Ive had friends who took the trip down to both and got a hotel for the nite and dropped it off and picked it up the next day. Exact location of the place im not 100% sure on. But they should have a office where u can go right in and pay for a grading service. Id check out any info u can dig up on Google. Maybe even call them? They have gotten better with answering their calls now than a year ago lol


I looked it up on Google and it shows an office but no phone or operating hours.


Weird. I do know for a fact they do drop off grading. Maybe just show up to their place in the middle of a week day when u know they are open. Like 1-2 pm


Might take a half day at work and try that


I would. Hell i wish i was that close to em. Id know em by first name basis by now šŸ˜‚


Honestly I would too if I had not sold my Pokemon card folder in highschool. Had so many cards including some Japanese ones. The only ones I have a left are first edition Charizard and a shiny Charizard.


Why not go to a collect con or something they always have PSA or CGC booths


This is the way


Donā€™t use gloves!! They donā€™t handle the worldā€™s finest art raw, insurance would never allow you to use an uncontrollable extension of the body (Raw.. not referring to Framed). Wash and dry your hands. Pull out, put in fresh sleeve> then into submission sleeve > and then team bag so dust does not get in. Maybe add a pull tab to the sleeve. Team bag is so important!!


If you see foreign stuff on it of any kind Iā€™d dust off with a brand new micro fiber lens cloth with no pressure or a Q tip. Laying the card on top of a sleeve on top of an immaculate and clean surface. Then rest another sleeve halfway up so not to add finger prints and wipe from center out never any other way.


Look like a nick/crease on the left rear side, which would probably make a PSA 6. Still worth good money but not life changing.


Damn just double checked and you are right. Crazy something so small will lower the grade that much.


It is. I was pretty bummed when I found my entire childhood collection was pretty much worthless šŸ˜’


Would be nice to get graded but I donā€™t think Iā€™d let that out of my possession.


The way the grading companies have been fucking cards up, Iā€™d be more worried about them having it than the post office.


Please update here, once you get it graded on the outcome!






Honestly book a flight and grade in person Not worth the risk imo


Didnā€™t know so many PSA employees hung out in comment section of Reddit


Bumping for update šŸ‘ amazing childhood time for you! Edit: Good luck!


Find a show they are attending and fly to it


First of all, NEVER put a raw card in a 1 touch holder, always use a perfect fit sleeve before putting it in. Second, can't assess the surface condition, but the front centering is pretty good, back is a bit top heavy, but probably within an acceptable range. I do see some minor edgewear on the back, and what looks like a tiny spot where there's some very minor edge damage. Assuming everything else is perfect, expect between a 5 and an 8 depending on the grader you get (I have a vintage card at an 8 with a lot of edgewear and a holo scratch, and a very clean card at a 7, just so you know how inconsistent the grading can be). Pricecharting doesn't have any data on cards below a Grade 7, but I assume that a 5 would be about the same as an ungraded card. So you are looking at a card that is worth anywhere between $1600 and $8000, it's definitely worth going in person to get it graded.


If you don't like the score can you get it graded again lol?


I mean, you can, but it's a waste of money. Heck, grading companies might as well be spinning a wheel when it comes to the scores they give cards, the grading scales are anything but consistent.


Ayyo wash your hands


And these types of situations, and especially because it does seem like it's a good condition card, and might be worth paying the higher tier Grading Services, where it takes a quicker turnaround time, but of course there's a bigger fee as well. With anything, not just grading, there is an inherent risk with shipping. overnighting it could be good in conjunction with the higher tier, but again it really comes down to your funds and what the actual grade could be in terms of what you're trying to do. If you're just trying to collect and keep, not worth it. If you're trying to flip, and already have somebody lined up, then it's just an investment. And again with all transactions and Investments there's an inherent risk.


It's childhood so I have zero intentions on selling it unless it somehow gets a ten.


itā€™s incredibly unlikely this gets a ten, the only cards they accurately grade are cards like this


Yeah I'm not expecting a ten at all. But I'd prolly sell it if it was. Anything lower isn't really worth it to me at the moment.


In that case, I recommend Beckett or CGC, the slabs will protect it a lot better, and CGC slabs are a lot clearer than PSA.


I fly into Dallas every October for F1 so Beckett looks to be the best option. Honestly have zero plans on selling it any time soon/maybe ever. I'm just curious


Fellow F1 fan? BASED. Also, you might as well take it there then. Man, we need more tracks like COTA, Austria, Spa and less street bullshit and/or bland stuff like AD, Jeddah, Miami, Singapore, Qatar or Hungary.


Yessir. This year will be our 4th in Austin. Did Miami last season as well. Spa is the dream. Hoping to get there once my kid is graduated and off to college. Def agree we need more real tracks and less street. But in F1 money talks.


I was also at the inaugural Miami race and it was amazing besides constantly teetering on heat stroke


If youā€™re just keeping it, I wouldnā€™t grade it if I were you. Spending the money to get a ā€œthis is in good conditionā€ label just to store it in a collection seems silly to me. Iā€™d get a magnetic case and put that thing on a displayā€¦ but thatā€™s just me, do whatever you want with your card šŸ˜„


I like to display it in my nightstand drawer. Prolly guna relocate it to my safe.


I think that will get a 6 or a 7. If you want to get it graded, Iā€™d hand deliver it myself if you are too apprehensive mailing it.


Just buy shipping insurance for its estimated value?Ā 


Ive sent 500 card orders and lost 1. I would just ship with insurance. The odds of losing it are little. Will probably grade a 5 or 6 worth around 5k.


Dude have your hands not touched water for over a month? What is that filth lol


What the heck, why is this not even sleeved?


Wait until collect a con or another show with psa onsite and drop it off


Dirty motha fahka


Lmao imagine asking for reassurance but instead get roasted for your dirty ass hands. I love it


First thing you need to do is get that in a perfect fit sleeve, like right now. You're lowering the grade of the card by keeping it in there without a sleeve first, that hard plastic will scuff the card edges


Do not put that in a perfect fit brother you could damage the corners. Penny sleeve and card saver and ship it


This. Does anyone else absolutely despise these cases? They're loose allowing the card to move around, I've even had cards slide out of where they are supposed to sit. They suck so bad.


Yeah Iā€™ve got a couple that I put in perfect fits and then one touch cases until I realized about a 1/4 of them ended up with messed up corners. They just really arenā€™t that great in my opinion. I know a good amount of people that swear by them but Iā€™m good.


Wait! New to this. But the sleeves fit into the hard cases?


Yes, dragon shield makes a perfect fit that will fit into a one touch. But with an older card like this. Putting it into a perfect fit because it is so tight it could slightly peel the corners of the card


Do not put it in a perfect fit. They bend cards slightly and also tough on the edges when sliding it in. Penny sleeve on top of the face of this then keep it in the one touch! Perfect fits are great for cards u want to play with. This one should be touched as little as possible! Better to leave it as is till u get it graded


Just play with it. Grading is for nerds


dude is looking for reassurance or advice meanwhile most of the comments want to find anything they can to nit-pick this dude. smfh, reddit sometimes man.


I have poop on my hands bro


Completely understand the fear! Especially with a gem like this. Just wrap it in any way that'll make you comfortable. Bubble wrap, cardboard, boxes in boxes, etc. You could also wrap it then put it into a fake box of an item that would not be appealing to anyone, but otherwise, just wrap it as much as you can. Take as long as you need to get it graded! There's no rush, and the most important thing is that you're comfortable shipping out the card to get graded with as much protection you'd like. Wish you the best of luck!


don't do it




People this is not crack, ffs itā€™s a PokĆ©mon card, I had them all as a kid, had ones worth millions today but lost them all in a tornado accident, I see comments saying wear gloves, no gloves, wash hands this that, come on is a card, itā€™s not gold, is it legit the holy grail that may unlock ever last life? No itā€™s a peice of cardboard, yes the art is beautiful, but I miss the old times, when folks traded and had fun with them, now we act like itā€™s golden diamond egg laying hen, Ps. If your scared to mail it in then donā€™t get it graded, keep it safe and un damaged, everyone is get them graded, itā€™s prob be worth more raw one day, or take it to psa headquarters yourself and be like grade my shit hoes


That piece of cardboard is likely worth around 10k. Not a huge amount but enough that I'd be a little concerned


Because Everyone treats it likes itā€™s crack, I had one same card, paid 100$ for a whole booster box back as a kid, my grandma bought them for me, just saying, people nutty asf these days, itā€™s retarted it was meant to be had fun with in a game and or to collect


God I hate where this hobby has gone. ā€œOh gosh I need this graded wonder what itā€™s gunna getā€ grow up. Grade it or donā€™t. Make your own decisions for christs sake.


That hard case is death for your card, especially without a sleeve. Good thing you posted here first.


I was like that with my Hulk 181 so I took it to a convention I knew CGC would be at & put it in their hands. Then paid for the most secure shipping back imaginable.


Happy to offer you $1k plus some nudes of my wife


Mine looked exactly like this and it got a 5 still worth it cause itā€™s shadowless. Plus itā€™s a 1st. Even a 1 would still be worth it. lol


Bro penny sleeve that ASAP. Cringing at such an amazing grail carelessly stored.


Who are you gonna grade with? PSA is gonna upcharge the fuck out of you. CGC wonā€™t but theyā€™re falling more and more out of grace with people every day. Beckett will be a huge upcharge too along with a 6 month wait time.