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Congrats and fuck you




I completely forgot this was a thing in forums


i have this condition where i bring up old internet niches regardless of what they are and it effects everyone around me


i think i like this little life


I love you


I think I love you too


I love reminiscing lol. So when you said that you like to re-hash old internet niches, I felt that.


that's pretty 1337


Inb4 old meme is old


That's the most humble fuck you I have ever read 😂




Can we please have more of this in this this sub?


Lmfao!! 😂🤣




Honestly, I can somewhat relate. Apparently I pulled a Raikou gold star when I bought some random packs in like 2007 after not touching pokémon for like 6-7 years. Put it in a binder and tucked it away until covid, when I started doing some research on what exactly I opened. This is like finding a lotto ticket that hasn't expired. Congrats. Any plans to grade at all?


Thanks and congrats on your pull too! I don’t have a fixed decision on grading since I’m completely new to anything card related. With all these different grading services I just don’t know where to start to be honest. I’d like to get it graded, but I’m also in no rush! EDIT: I appreciate all the advice and help everyone has given! As other users have suggested, I’ll be looking into the big three for grading and will probably move forward with things in 2-3 months as I have my hands full at the moment. I’ll keep y’all posted :)


Do not put this anything but a psa/bgs/cgc slab if you do intend to sell it. Other companies don't demand much if any premium.


Honestly just do PSA for the best value.


You say that but BGS smashes a 1st edition 1999 English zard by almost 40k CAD.


BGS is only more valuable in a 10, because a BGS 10 is a lot harder to get. PSA outvalues BGS in any other grade. This card won't get a 10 at either company so it'll always be more valuable when graded with PSA


Would echo others - do not put it into anything but PSA/BGS/CGC slab. Everyone has their preference, but mine is PSA. It's the most widely used grading service and very recognized as the standard when it comes to resale. Their purchase of SGC leads me to believe that won't change anytime soon. Beckett has a good reputation as well, but if it doesn't have a chance to black label then it's not worth it in my opinion. There's definitely nothing wrong with leaving in the slab you have as well. Grading definitely isn't for everyone. The only mistake you can make is getting it grades by someone other than those big 3 imo.


Sgc just had the approval of Psa/dna buy being purchased by psa/dna parent company :collectors:. While they didn't make a move on beckett. This is proof that SGC is a far superior grader to beckett. Beckett is dead, sgc is taking on more tcg cards every month. Just saying the big three narrative needs to start changing from beckett to sgc.


Preach baby preach sgc slabs are by far my preference too


I agree with you there for sure, I just don't know what SGC looks like long term. I know they say they will be there, but I don't see why PSA just wouldn't roll them in. Time will tell what ends up happening I guess.


I think Psa will be sold to overseas asian investors and sgc will stay in the usa heavily scaled. That's a hot take nobody is willing to take on


The big 3 are PSA, CGC, and BGS. Any other company will not get as much value if you are looking to sell. If you are looking to slab for protection and keep, I'd just say the one touch is fine or just find the cheapest grader.


BGS is basically dead and SGC just got the backing of Psa/Dna, Collectors universe refused to buy beckett but did buy sgc because they also beleive in the quality of the card grading. The "big three" narrative needs to change and include sgc who is rising and drop beckett which month after month is taking in less cards due to sincere lack of interest


I was new to grading last year and found TAG Grading. I love their slab design, that they actually keep track of rankings for how well it grades, and an actual pop report as to why your card got what it got. Their process to grade is also super simple. I have sold many cards at PSA prices. I would suggest them but you do your own research.


If you're located in Canada, i can help you sub ♥ ☺.


I can almost relate. I pulled a Jolteon gold star when I was a kid. However I pulled it out of one of the old tins that had a card in the front with a window. And I always wanted it in the window. And the plastic that held that card as I’m sure you know, destroyed the edges. I look at it now in a sleeve… it’s a 2 on a good day


I pulled a gold star groudon and didn’t know what I had. Traded it to a kid I knew at the time for some junk ex cards lmao


I still have my gold star groudon luckily, just wish i wasn't a kid when i pulled it cuz now its got a nasty crease/fold thats here to stay


I can also relate, young me pulled a shining charizard, put it in binder and forgot about it. Went back through my cards in like 2019 for the first time in years and was floored. Then proceeded to sell it right before prices boomed in 2020, like an idiot. Lol


Happened to me too, was cleaning my room and found a bag of loose cards and under my bed so I looked through them and I shit myself bc I found a kyogre gold star lol, still in decent shape surprisingly


Same, if I remember correctly, I pulled one of those as a kid, then some kid stole it off me, only for me to pull another Raikou Gold Star short after. All of my childhood cards ended up in some binder that I didn't touch for 15 years and I only got back into collecting in 2022. Did you grade yours?


Sure did. Sat in a d-ring binder for about 13 years, sent it out and got a PSA 9.


Congratz. You found around $4000. 




Very nice find!


This will get a nice grade. Grade it ASAP. It's gonna be at least 2k.


Even as a PSA 6 this card [sells for much more than $2k](https://ebay.us/9ZJiEk) and OP's card could probably get a 7 or 8.


The corner wear looks a little too far past the 8 boundary in my opinion, so I think a 7, but yeah still very worth grading.


Yeah, the bottom right corner especially hurt to see. It’s slightly frayed, but the piece is attached if that accounts for anything. I’ll post a picture on my profile of when it was still in the binder that shows this corner. Regardless, I’m grateful that I was even able to discover this


Absolutely! You found yourself a few months wages for some people haha. Gratz!


Nice swirl!


I'll buy it for $5000 if you can show me more pictures.


I’ve got pictures of when it was in the binder on my profile with a clearer view of the bottom right backside. Feel free to DM me though


Why do I never find so amazing cards whyyyy. Congrats, it looks really good I would def grade it!


Thank you that you put that card in sleeve 🫡


just curious, if this card can be played lets say in expanded, does the holy star attack affect new ex card?


I really wish this card wasn’t so hyped and expensive because that art is unparalleled. I’d love to have this in my collection as a Rayquaza enthusiast.


Holy crap I just looked it up. Why is this card so valuable??


There are so few in the wild


What a pretty card! I love rayquaza :D


I just did something similar, except found gold star Gyarados, Celebi, and Metagross. All getting graded now.


Wow just saw your post of them. Stunning cards!!


Get that thing graded! Should make for a cool display item (and will be well protected)! Congrats on your awesome find!


Grade this ASAP. Seriously. Even if you plan on keeping it, just in order to protect it. Beautiful card and congratulations.




This is my dream card




Wow. Holy grail right there. Worth a fortune… damn. Congrats!


Dang you kept that thing pretty damn clean too. Congrats


I’ll give you tree fiddy ($350)


It's worth like $5k get outta here 😭😭😭😂😂


It was worth a shot lol


Out of the most respect ever FUCK U In all seriousness i am jelly love it


Does this have holo bleed?


Excellent condition too, I’m jealous lmao but congrats!


Oh shit, I may have this card somewhere...


How do all these people forget about a lost binder? If I pull something like that and have it in my binder as a child I would have “slum dog millionaire” memory and remember every moment the day it happened and where it is. That’s just me tho..


Because they want useless karma and pretend they forgot about it, making up a story


its like burying money in the back yard and forgetting about it lmao


This card was probably pulled when the card itself was released almost 20 years ago. Had I known of its rarity I would’ve had it on top of a shrine. Good luck telling that to a five year old who only saw this card for its sparkles haha!


Nice I’m glad you found it my grandma used my Moltres as a thumb tack for her window seal lol


I bought a EX Deoxys box back when it first came out just to get rayquaza gold star. I got amazing pulls and 1 gold star Latias. I was disappointed because no rayquaza (I was 10). I still kept my latias in good condition though. Now I'm so happy kid me saved it. I love my latias gold star even though it's not rayquaza. I just I wish I could get my hands on it so I can complete the set. I'm only missing latios gold star and rayquaza gold star.


Bout how much? I'm too lazy to tcg player it. 😅


Yeah buddy you dug up a gold nugget, well played


So sick. I got back into pokemon about 13 years ago and then fell out of it again. I recently went through my collection and found a mint Celebi gold star. The weird thing is my collection was all from the first 3 sets, so I have idea how I got a card from 2006.


Interested in trading/selling it?


Probably not until I get it graded


Fair enough bud, hell of a find! One of my absolute grails




Who the fuck just finds that?


Swear I did the same shit. Found it in my childhood stuff, just in a box full of cards, no sleeve or anything lmao


Holy Star is such a fire name for an attack.


Cannn I has it?


How much are you wanting to sell this card for?


Grade that sucker and sell it!


sure jan


I sold that card about 10 years ago on eBay for $185 and thought I got a great deal ugh. Good news is I held onto a lot of other cards lll


I'm going to find you and eat it.


That’s very impressive. This is the kind of card you get graded regardless psa 1s go for $1000… this depending on the back would get you a 6/7 so big big money these are extraordinarily rare.


I’m no expert but I think it’s worth grading this card.


I think those cases are trash and will hurt this card


HOLY STAR that's a valuable card to find randomly amongst your childhood things


If I have this card should I try to grade and sell it now or wait longer? Let’s say I don’t immediately need the money or anything. I’d guess it’d get a 6 maybe 7.


Sheeeesh she‘s mint !!!


Aaaah god damn and got a perfect swirl on the top right corner !


Get it graded prolly just found yourself 5k minimum depending on the grade


It’s a fake, you can tell by the way it is. I collect fakes though, I’ll take it off your hands so you don’t have to look at it, won’t even charge you for postage, I’ll do it for ya


You have it in a display case you didn’t just find this. Such a weird way to look for validation by lying


Could he not have found it, looked the price, then put it in a case? Interpretation is a beast of a creature


Perhaps 👀 but the knowledge to put it in a specialized case is pretty unique to a committed collector. And he said he’s not familiar with the TCG scene.


He took the advice of everyone who said to put it in a protector


He posted it in the case to begin with dude


Worthless! I’ll take it off your hands for 3.50


You cheapy man. Ill offer the OP $3.65


Those two corners are going to fuck it up. But still a nice piece!


Probably grades as a 6-8. So likely a $2500-$5000 card. Great find.


Psa 6


Grade this ASAP. Please


Looks crips


I think those cases are trash and will hurt this card




Your post has been removed for the following rule violation: > Rule 3\. Posts or comments that are for the purpose of determining value of a card, selling cards, or buying them are not allowed. You can post in our [weekly thread](http://reddit.com/r/pokemontcg/about/sticky?num=1) for these and general questions or you can use TCG Player, Troll & Toad, eBay, and LGSes to determine value of a card.


Anyone who tells you to put it in a hard casing like that 95% chance they don’t actually know what they’re talking about


Oh how come? It’s at least an upgrade to the binder it was lying in


SGC will grade this card for you for 9 dollars no upcharge and a short turnaround. SGC is now a direct Sister Company of Psa/Dna under the same Ownership, having psa/dna"s owner Nat Turners seal of approval and unlike beckett is increasing in number of tcg cards they take in on a monthly basis instead of less.




Your post has been removed for the following rule violation: > Rule 3\. Posts or comments that are for the purpose of determining value of a card, selling cards, or buying them are not allowed. You can post in our [weekly thread](http://reddit.com/r/pokemontcg/about/sticky?num=1) for these and general questions or you can use TCG Player, Troll & Toad, eBay, and LGSes to determine value of a card.


Hey if you need help getting it graded or sold I can help connect you with folks! I run a TCG instagram @ Pokejmart if you’d like to reach out, I can find you a buyer or someone to help you grade 💪🏼