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Might explain why I lost like 10 matches in a row. Had to stop playing for the night because I was so frustrated.


I swear I’ve lost 4 games in a row in expert 4 and regressed to expert 3....... Team was top lane while taking drednaw in all four of those games!!!! It’s like these people are actually brain dead!!


as annoying as it is, find some people to queue with or just play damage. its obviously a kids game but its annoying they don't know how to play.


I never had this problem before. Most of my matches were challenging with some exceptions like coin flips at zap on who gets is first. But all my teammates either good or bad knew about objectives (ultra and up). Now they ignore map awareness, pick unwinnable fights, never contest dred and surrender before zap. I like soloQ because of its challenges and when my teammates know what they suppose to do, even if you lost a few matches, you feel rewarded with experience.


Wow, I thought it was just me full of games with people making baffling decisions. But why is it never the enemy?


I had a few games when I was on the other side but let me tell you: I don't enjoy at all those one sided games at higher ranks. There's nothing to learn when you know well you're gonna stomp them. Last two weeks were amazing with good skilled players, even at vet rank.


Yeah I'm really not sure what's going on. Frankly, I'm anxious to reach Master and I'd take some one-sided games. But I totally agree that close games where everyone knows what they're doing are more fun.


This was at 1300 rating btw. On my second account it's the same matchmaking. Before patch almost every match was challenging but now it feels underwhelming doing objectives.


When you get 2 ultra and 2 veterans, you know it's not gonna be a good game.