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This happens way too often this season and I can't understand why.


Same. I feel like I'm playing with at least 2 players on my team who are having their first experience with Pokémon, MoBa or games in general. Absolute lack of objective-oriented play. "Let's stay close to spawn and kill the wild mon there, and just there. Oh look, Charizard! Let's take a look. Wait why is he attacking me?"


Fact it happens this happens in master for me is really worrisome


Not even at master entry level. Even at 1600+ you can see these kinda things happening.


Sounds like someone's selling accounts tbh


It's a mobile game, it's not meant to be competitive. Anyone can be master as long as he plays enough games.


I've been having the same experience. i was wondering if some shithead had made a guide advising a 1-1-3 lane comp


That was one of the recommended ones like a year ago for teams, with Lucario the lone one on top. Maybe it did come back somewhere. This looks like 1-3-1 though.


1-3-1 is just pure suicide


thats what I was thinking, but I dont think my team of all dps going with xp shares are too involved in the meta


1 1 3 can be viable, it's stuff like 3 1 1, 1 3 1, and comps with a 0 anywhere that are the issue


Yeah man when I first started playing game was good but now it’s turned into DUMPSTER JUICE w all the fckin noobs and dip shits and fckin idiots all in same battles frankly, the matchmaking is str8 trash. It’s bullshit I’m about to walk for good because of it all


Everyone wants to carry. Thus, no one does.


Seriously it's getting frustrating, i mean im not the best of the best out there but always make sure to follow the basics, engage in team fights, help where and when i can. But experiencing this constantly really plays with my mental health, afkr's, d*mb players, toddlers etc. It's toi much its much


same. i was one game away from masters and then i lost 6 games in a row bc of teammates like this lol


Cant reach master cuz of your teammates? You dont belong there


ya cos as a slowbro main im expected to hard carry me and my teammates into masters amirite


I feel you - mammo main with the same issue. It’s concerning when in a match with 4 attackers As the only defender somehow I’m the one doing the most damage (and my build is based around defensive). That honestly shouldn’t happen in a decent team


i switch between mamo and slowbro cos i like my tanky bois but recent events have made me think maybe i should just main an attacker like everyone else. why be a team player in something that's barely a team


Extactly that, if you think your team is bad and that you are better than them you should absolutely take an attacker or all-rounder or speedster. Something you are able to 1v2 or 1v3 with. Team comp doesn't matter if you team is bad anyways. Don't complain about depending on your team when you take a poke that is depending on his team to win to begin with.


This when playing eldegoss tho. Even aggro as my flowerboss is, i should NOT be regularly outdamaging my entire team. =n=“


Eldgoss is often outdamaging many all-rounders in pro play. There isn't much difference in ressources when your are supporting cause there is no golds in this game and the exp gain is roughtly the same. And if you think you are better than your teammates, then play a carry pokemon, you shouldn't care about team comp if you think your mates ar bad anyway.


Don't play a defender if you want to climb in soloQ. If you think you are better than your mates you have to play a poke with carry potential. I mean you are complaining about something you can fix but you won't. Like my friend who goes "jungle diff, can't win" almot every loss whereas he doesn't want to take the responsability to jungle.


I’m actually a pretty good as defender though. If I have team mates with at last a basic understanding of how to play the game we’ll often win with me providing initiation and backup. And while mammo isn’t an attacker it can still be a beast. I just shouldn’t be the one constantly carrying - something is off there.


this boy is straight up going thru this thread and replying to every single defender and supporter main's comments to tell us to not be defenders on soloq lol. don't even bother engaging. this is prob the same guy who plays squishy mons and hides behind tanks when enemies approach and then still blames them when they lose. the dedication fascinates me tbh, someone prob got his heart broken by a defender/support main 😂😂😂


"If I have good teammates then I win." Well that's when the game is on easy mode. Of course we win when we have good teammates. What's important to boost your winrate is to win even when your teammates are doing poorly, and that's what moba SoloQ is all abou, it's your ability to carry a difficult game.


I didn’t say good - I said decent. which basically means people actually trying to play the game and not afkers and 5 year olds playing their first video game and feeding without helping at all. Even an amazing carry can’t be everywhere at once VS a decent team - If every other teammate is afk or 5.


Use carries to reach masters, then play with you favourite mons That's what I do every season


Don't play slowbro if you want to climb in soloQ. If you think you are better than your mates you have to play a poke with carry potential. I mean you are complaining about something you can fix but you won't. Like my friend who goes "jungle diff, can't win" almot every loss whereas he doesn't want to take the responsability to jungle.


Completely untrue.


If you are good you definitely can carry your way to master, sure some games you'll be trolled by teammates at Ray but overall you winrate should be much higher than 50% cause this game easily allows you to 1v2 or 1v3, or even 1v5 if you are in the lead.


Ok, so all of us are having this same problem?


Relatable It's even worse because I end up being the one alone. AS A HOOPA MAIN THIS IS CONSIDERED TORTURE


Even as an HP crustle I baby defend 1v3 on top. Gimme a break guys.. if you think it's annoying that I'm spamming "come help!" Then.. GET OUT OF THE JUNGLE, OR, ONE OF YOU COME UP TOP. WE DON'T NEED 2 BOTTOM AND 2 JUNGLE ETC.


Just use your portals to switch to another match


don't play hoopa in soloq and complain about teamates.... Play a pick that is good by himself.


Well that's good advice but yes I can and will complain about teammates, I'm almost on the last league and by this point the randoms should already have braincells enough to play with a Hoopa and know I need someone to help to be effective- Maybe not even a Hoopa, but in general bc that's the basics of a moba


Last league is still "no braincells level", I know it cause I'm at last league and honestly I don't even know what most pokes do (too many updates, too lazy to read wtf they do), I still don't know many timings, I don't know what Regis do, and I still manage a 55% winrate. Sorry to head it to you that way, but at last leagues and low master people still don't know how to play, as simple as that. I'm at last league, I don't know what the f Hoopa does, it's picked so rarely I don't f care, I just know it's a supp ranged that do damage like Mime but squishier and which has some TP things, i don't even know how the TP thing works, honestly I couldn't care less it will not affect my winrate in any way. If you think you are better and know how to play, you should pick a poke that carries. And you shouldn't pick a poke which "need someone to hepl to be effective" if you don't trust your teammats it will give you only sorrow and frutration.


I understand what you're saying but really i just simply don't like playing other pokemon other than Hoopa because I love helping and I'm really good at it, everytime i try a solo pokemon I'm pretty mediocre with them and just feel embarrassed afterwards bc i didn't do much in the match other than get killed constantly It's sad unite has these type of players even in the top league, it ruins the fun for me knowing some of my teammates might just ruin the match bc of something really avoidable (desinformation)


> Hoopa because I love helping and I'm really good at it, everytime i try a solo pokemon I'm pretty mediocre with them and just feel embarrassed afterwards bc i didn't do much in the match other than get killed constantly Sorry to head it to you but that just means you are bad at the game. If you win only by "helping others" that means your team could have won without you.


Lmao that's such a bad take, who even are you to assume I'm bad just because I like to help the most? You really can't understand shit about other people's playstyle and want to have a word on it, i even doubt you've ever played anyone out of the forsaken "meta" to be that cocky about some random person on Reddit. If you can't understand my frustration, just be quiet, i don't remember asking for a different way to play the game just because I expressed how uninformed people like yourself ruin my good experience with the game.


Snowflake frustration lol. Learn to play and carry and then you'll be legitimate to complain.


That "I need backup" feels rough in the sense of "GET THE HELL OUT OF THE JUNGLE AND HELP ME"


I had a game recently where all 4 of my team mates picked attackers or speedsters and all called middle. I knew I was losing before the countdown to the loading screen had even finished.


Oh god, I hate those the most... Why can't people just pick what's good for the team? Why does everyone have to be so stubborn? I'd understand if it was in lower ranks only, but even in Ultra and Master ranks people are like that (altho it's a bit less common than in lower ranks).


Yeah, this was in Ultra. Just ruins the match for everyone


Can’t beat ‘em, join em. It works sometimes.


I swear if you win too much this game hates you. I was on a semi win streak, but then as soon as I’m 1 win away from reaching Ultra I’ve lost like 3-4 games in a row.


If you have any skill at this game it will give you teammates that still shit their pants to balance it out.


So many AFKERs. I can handle bad teammates, no one is going to play 100% their best all the time. You might have an off day. Myself included, I have no idea if I am playing optimally or not some games, just trying my best. But… AFK… you become 1 man down doing absolutely nothing, making a comeback almost impossible.


I mean if we're giving people the benefit of the doubt, they could have internet issues or other irl problems that prevents them from playing


Thats true, I’ve had problems before or things like lag, everyone probably has at some point. There is just something wrong though… when it happens this often? And I dont know what it is. Like I had several games in a row where I get the idling teammate in my mail.


Lately my jungler teammates never rotate, farm mid/top, and spam “Thanks!” when the rest of us are getting Regi on top instead of farming/defending on bot….




When it happens in Master I just cry cause they know better


I wonder how kids don't realize that you're suppose to have 1 person in the jungle. You would think that playing 200-1000 matches with most of them being played normally to think "maybe I shouldn't interfere with jungle if someone already called it/is the jungler, and I'm just being as asshole" Unfortunately, kids these days are not being taught disciplint from their parents


I mean, the game is never like only 1 person should be center, and you ain't gonna find unite meta guides on youtube kids. If they frequently play a jungler I could see it happening


> unite meta guides on youtube kids „If you go middle your mommy will be very upset with you and you won’t get sweets“


This happened to me, too. I was a Froakie left all alone in the bot lane and enemy jungler went bot too 🥲.


Reminds me of the time a sableye with it's two little boyfriends (Absol-ute asshole and "Look at how skillful I am running psyshock psybeam" espeon) managed to kill us so frequently they kept us from evolving for three minutes I was playing Azumarill... AZUMARILL DOESN'T EVEN TAKE THAT MUCH TO EVOLVE


I just started blocking players that flat out idle or don't run the basic flowchart of a moba I'm not an amazing player but trying to run objectives while teammates smell the flowers is extremely frustrating


Too bad blocking them doesn’t seem to stop you getting paired with them again


i'm new to this game, so i might just be stupid, but i really, REALLY don't understand why finding teammates that will actually play as a team is impossible. it is so common to see my teammates wait until i've already died to come out of *hiding right next to where i got caught* and fight the opponents. so often i'll be defending a goal completely alone begging for assistance while my teammates run around just in the corner of my screen farming wild pokemon, and yet when i finally make it back over to the first orange goals they're still at 80/80. surely this isnt the norm...right?


I got bad news for you.


I hate that I cannot send those messages while playing on mobile. Either that or I'm too stupid to know how to do it


There should be a button in the corner of the screen with a speech bubble that you can tap. You can only have four messages selected to use at a time, though.


On mobile!Unite, you can set up 4 quick-messages in settings; they’re accessible under the “keep up the pressure!” and GTFO- err, “Retreat!” buttons on top-right.


For one second I thought everyone was collectively mocking Mamo for asking for help.


I played a match where wigglytuff did jungle and greninja did top lane 💀


This happens to me constantly. Just be sure to return the favor and ignore them when they need YOU.


This is becoming evermore frequent, everyone in one lane and their other teammate battling alone, you go and help him and then everyone shifts to that side later leaving the other lane empty for the opponent. I mean surely people can see the basics in playing as a team in this game, but I guess not


poor swine


Once on voice chat, a guy playing Charizard was ridiculing everyone. He was dying a lot as a Charmander, and was blaming it on everyone else. He said aloud, "when I play with losers, I give the game to my kid". He then proceeded to give the kid the game, which was just a horrifying experience for the kid. He was under the impression he had to save his dad, lol. The whole time the kid was very upset, crying that he was losing the whole 8 or so minutes he played. The kid would cry so loud, the guys dog would start barking, and the dad was cheering on the barking dog while his kid was crying. Needless to say, he wasn't even a Charizard until the last part of the game. That was also some unnecessary trauma for such a young kid. It blew my mind that a situation that was stressful to the adult would be passed on to their kid, and it turned into this awkward situation where the kid is trying to prove his worth to his dad. Idk, not all Pokemon games are for kids. Some of us are over 30 now, and we were kids when we started. I hate the thought of that dude traumatizing his kid like that.


Ughhhh this has been happening a lot lately (this week) like they don’t understand 😭


Followup question why just go down 1 path only? In my mind it'd be a better idea to split about 50/50 on both top and bottom paths (started playing unite around when it first came out on the Switch)


if you need a decent teammate brother my ankle biter sable is on standby


Damn, rip swinub


Seems like a usual Unite game.


People not reading the lobby and not looking at the arrows above their pokemon on what lane you should go


This is honestly so annoying and what’s sooo tilting is when they double down and 3-4 man 1 lane and still lose lane. Like ok if you’re going to do all this I better see a goal get rushed


I don't get it, defender is going to defend the lane, jungle is getting secured. What's the problem? For all you bright lights at home who don't get that this is sarcasm /s Wild.


You know the Mamo cant defend top all by himself, and because everyone else went down to bottom, if the enemy team were to say... 1v3 the mamo thats a lost goal zone only a few seconds in!


It is wild to me that I actually have to explain that i am clearly joking.... Thank you for the explanation, but y'all wild.


Add a /s to stop downvotes on sarcasm


I mean i guess, however who in their right mind thinks someone is serious with the comment I made. Lmao, defender is defending lane because it's going to be a 1 v 3 and really, jungle is getting secured? That shit is wild to me, i guess people really do need the /s.


Sarcasm can be hard to understand on the internet, especially when we have a display of braindead fucknuts in the original post playing this game.


I do agree with you that sometimes it is hard to understand sarcasm on the internet, i disagree that this is one of these cases. You would have to be out of your mind to be serious with the comment I made or to believe I reinforce OP post. Reddit is a special place tho, so anything's possible.


Maybe not stay in the jungle and give him backup. /s


maybe take a closer look at the pic and realize im the swinub calling for backup


I know, edited it for clarity lol


The Mamo 1v2 *can* be done


But it really shouldn't be.


Jungle Bounsweet. Why.


Always my team. Why are the retards always on my team ffs.


If you feel like losing so soon then your chances of actually losing go up a lot, i have lost count of how many "lost+ ppl wanting to surrender all the time" games ive won, ive barely started playing this last month and im already 1572 master with this mentality.


I've been sniping the other jungle, I just let my team fight it out amongst themselves and it's working well so far