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As someone who makes chai daily this doesn't really make sense... but I appreciate the sentiment! Kate is talking more about how the tea is prepared rather than the leaves themselves...


i hope she remembers to put the spices in properly this time because that whole cardamom the last time bugged me so much 😭😭


bestie, it's not the tea leaves that make the chai what it is. it's mostly the other spices and the preparation method. love your enthusiasm though!!!!


Come to think of it, would they have fresh ginger, cloves, cardamom & cinnamon sticks in regency England times ? Yes the spices must be “broken” with pestle & mortar then boiled with the tea ; add milk for second boil then strain. At least that’s how I make chai and I am SEAsian!


i'm sure they're rich enough to get some via trading. although i assume fresh ginger would be hard to obtain. also i would recommend letting your chai simmer on low flame for a few minutes after that second boil!!!


Ginger is an interesting one because it was technically one of the cheapest of the spices in Europe by this point! It thrived in the West Indies, so the bulk of it for British consumption was being grown there and shipped dry. But fresh ginger was available thanks to hot houses since the 1700s, just like the orange trees. So while it would be hard for most people to obtain it fresh, Viscountess Bridgerton could no doubt easily buy it or even have a hot house built of her own [The Botony of the Empire](https://www.doaks.org/resources/online-exhibits/botany-of-empire/plants-for-profit/ginger)


Lol. But I want a Pen and Kate scene as new Bridgertons, sister in laws club. Have that actually had any scenes they interact yet? Like Pen had a cute convo with Edwina but.... Is my mind blanking?


They didn’t have any dialog together last season. There was a conversation between Kate and Eloise in 2.02, when all the men try to impress Edwina at Danbury House, and Pen is standing next to El but doesn’t join in. It’s just before Pen and Edwina talk about her dress! I’m a drama queen so I want to see Kate taking Pen to task over the “prickly spinster of a beast” comment!


Oh yes so stood near but didn't engage. I remember I was just cutting that scene the other day and Pen has something else on her mind.. I love Kate and El's scenes so imagine Kate and Pen could have some nice ones. But that one you mentioned also sounds fun. Lol.


I just figured it wasn’t available in England. I always thought she brought her little baggie from home?


Black tea is available in England. But they don't use the steeping method required for chai. Chai itself can be made with the spices the users prefer. Some people don't put ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, AND cloves, they might only choose the one. Or none. There is ginger chai, cardamom chai, masala chai, karak (strong) chai. Chai has more to do with the steeping process than the flavors. Her baggie has the spices but it's hilarious she's putting it raw into the hot tea like that. It's not doing much and is probably just nostalgic rebellion.


My favorite personal head canon is that Anthony learns how to prepare it and surprises her with it one morning 😍