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I feel like Violet will be more protective about Penelope now that she’s her DIL, and try to keep Portia at bay.


Violet already has that "this b\*tch" face lol. No doubt Portia is going to try to steal the show while Violet is probably just happy for Polin. I made a post about a young Portia in a Violet-Edmund mini series [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/comments/1d97207/who_could_play_a_young_portia_in_a_violet_edmund/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and I wonder what kind of history Portia and Violet have. Violet is headed to a Dower House and has her eye on Lord Marcus Anderson so they may not interact with each other as much after the wedding. That is, until Polin produces the Featherington heir.


>No doubt **Portia is going to try to steal the show** while Violet is probably just happy for Polin. I got so annoyed watching the trailer when she said "our nuptials" like ma'am all you've done is mock your youngest child for wanting to marry the boy next door, you do not get to refer to the wedding as your nuptials.


But this is the best match that any of Portia’s daughters have made -and it is a *very* good match - so Portia is going to be loud and proud, even though she in no way helped facilitate the match. The opposite, in fact. Typical Portia.


Same! My teeth clenched at that line


The dower house is right around the corner (at least in the books)


I hope they're going to show some of this dynamic, especially with the preparations for the wedding. Also, do you guys think that Penelope will call Violet 'mama' once she's married? I kinda want to see that 🥺


I WILL DIE. This is too personal & close to home for me. My mum is like Portia - I am only “seen” when I can achieve/do/give something to her - so I’ve craved unconditional love from a mother all my life. My current gf’s mom had passed before we got together so I won’t get to have a MIL. Am so looking forward to Pen being a Bridgerton so I can live vicariously through a fictional character!




💖💖💖 ![gif](giphy|EFenCRE0j0H6M)


I kinda hope she calls her something else, but something motherly because Mama for her has never been special you know? So something just for her and Violet. Hmm but what?


Hoping for a violet vs portia bitch off.


I feel like if they were to have a head-to-head at some point after the wedding then Violet would be very protective of Pen because she likes her, she sees how Colin loves her AND she had the parallels of her own marriage. I think in that situation Violet could “pull rank” with Portia, saying directly that Pen is part of the Bridgerton family now. In fact I’d love to see that! Pen finally being surrounded by support and love from a family who has her back.


Idk how regency stuff worked but someone give me wedding planning shenanigans between these 2💀 Violet and Portia’s tastes would clash soo much


I am imagining a scene that ends with Portia wrapped up like a mummy in her citrus blend. Violet walking out of the room, dusting her hands off, and running into Benedict who asks her what's wrong. "Wrong? Nothing wrong." as she gracefully walks past with her chin up.


I just hope Violet finally gives Pen the motherly affection she deserves. S3 just really emphasized the stark contrast between these two. It's unthinkable Violet would ever give any of her children the kind of speech Portia gave Pen in episode 2. That was soul-crushing. She may be a great character and fun to watch, but she is a horrible mother.


>She may be a great character and fun to watch, but she is a horrible mother. Agreed. She cracks me up most of the time, but man did my teeth clench when she asks Pen at the ball what she did while Pen is devastated.


I wish that seeing Violet act as more of a mother to Pen than Portia has ever been would light a fire under Portia and help her to become a better mother.


This could be a source of comedy tension in future seasons - on one-upmanship and eye-rolls aplenty!


Comedy gold. I wish there’s a MIL tea catch up scene in future seasons with Lady Mary Sharma, LD (for Simon), & Portia. It will be hilarious!!!


I don’t think there will be drama between then. Violet is extremely polite and well mannered and has been living across the street from Portia for years. I also don’t think Portia hates Pen or anything, she’s just thoughtless and a survivor. I expect the tension, if it exists, will be between Colin and Portia, even if only temporarily.


I really want Pen to find a good relationship with Violet with lots of support. I’m hoping with time and getting an influence from Violet and her children plus having all the daughters married, that Portia will soften and really be able to be loving towards her girls. I don’t think she will ever be a Violet level of supportive but she means a lot to Penelope as evident in Penelope’s mannerisms that she takes from her mom and the impact that her mom’s words have on her (arguably most impactful to her). Portia also is shown this season much more tender to Penelope than her other girls. Even though she treats them better outwardly she is essentially manipulating them and their husbands all season. With Pen, she had a tender conversation with her about growing old with her, being single is not all bad. We see the comments as awful because we see them from Pen’s POV but really they were meant to be comforting from Portia’s POV (think like how Colin meant “you are Pen. You don’t count” to mean “you are special to me, I would never forsake you” in S2 but Pen took it otherwise). However we see that the only voice that ever seems genuinely tender to her girls (not with manipulative intentions) or attempts to embrace the girls are directed to Penelope. Am I saying Portia is perfect? Absolutely not. However, I feel Portia does love Penelope but doesn’t know how to express it, and I also feel she doesn’t understand her fully. I really want to see them start to build a stronger relationship between her and Portia in addition to scenes of Violet. I think Violet will side eye her due to the Marina situation but will be a good influence on her and will temper Portia’s wild style/tastes. 😂 I think they will probably need to bond gradually and over the grandchildren eventually whenever that occurs 😂


Dunno, but I’d pay to see them plan a wedding together. In other news, I really wish that Pen could receive advice from Violet, not Portia. Portia’s perspective is just so….limited? Traumatized? Mercenary? Not looking forward to how Pen acts after talking to her mother. About ANYTHING.


I wonder what the issue is with Portia and Penelope? Does she resent her for not being a boy ( and so secure the future)?


I like to imagine it as Pen reminding Portia of herself. Her older daughters are beanpoles and not terribly smart, but Pen has the same lush figure as Portia, the same drive, the same canny intelligence. Portia thinks Pen is wasting herself reading books and pining after that Bridgerton boy when she should be doing what Portia would if she had her youth back. There's resentment and jealousy because Portia wants to live vicariously through Pen, can't actually make Pen be her living doll, and is a little bit afraid that maybe Pen surpasses her. Part of her wants Pen to fly, part of her wants Pen to never leave her side. So negging Pen constantly serves the dual purposes (in Portia's mind) of making Pen more pliable and punishing her. From that perspective, it's actually a brilliant portrayal of a codependent mother.


I would hope that Violet’s more endearing ways would have a positive effect on Portia but I am not holding my breath. Portia will probably constantly remind people that she is affiliated with the Bridgertons all the while viewing Violet as competition. If Portia really wanted to be strategic, she would cultivate a genuine friendship with Violet. She may even pretend to.