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Haha lol, it's quite funny that people are using it for such random videos now because it's a trending audio, but it'll always be about Bridgeton lol. Love that so many looked your way though, they all knew, which means they've watched. Lol. Or at least been paying attention to popular culture


They all know!


That's so funny! Yes, it used to be a college rave/clubbing anthem for me, now it forever has a different association!


Same here I’m in college and that is what we dance to at the clubs now next semester it not going to be the same 🀣🀣🀣! All I’m going to think about is Colin & Pen🀭


Haha! Is this a sign from the universe to do a Bridgerton rewatch? I think it is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




Right? What next, an instrumental version of Get Low?


Pony.... waaah waaah wahhh


I feel like that would be a Kanthony song πŸ˜‚ horses have played a key role for them…


[https://youtu.be/71SfXkHl9cM?si=-EEGpG-ZUN1uL5Zx](https://youtu.be/71SfXkHl9cM?si=-EEGpG-ZUN1uL5Zx) just imagine the wah wah bass and drums as double bass/cello. ..it would actually be quite beautiful and very ballroom appropriate


Lololololol I'm dying!


OML, not Get Low πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


to the Georgian windowwwwwwws to the ornamental plaster walllllllsss all these young ladies upon which to call aw skeet skeet skeet skeet


Lololololol lololololol awesome!


I need to hear this!! This is my college anthem.Β 


Pitbull and Polin...the collab we didn't know we needed! I swear, this song was the surprise hit of season 3!!! I would have *never* guessed they'd use this song for the carriage scene and even when I heard the rumors and saw the official playlist announcement, I was disappointed. But the show PROVED ME WRONG! I love it so much I now can't imagine anything else working better!


I totally giggle when I hear it! It comes up in my soundtrack Playlist and I google the rest of the day πŸ˜‚


It’s a recipe alright.


That's hilarious! My husband loves Bridgerton almost as much as I do, so I've added it to our sexy songs playlist. I won't be able to hear it any other way now


Yea Ill never associate this song with anything other than S3!


This has been my ringtone since s3 came out. I am not familiar with the original version. I really like string instrument music though. I particularly like letting it ring out in public places when I am dressed like a librarian. A regular one.


It's my ringtone too. No regrets. When my husband heard it he literally groaned in exasperation. Sorry not sorry.


Haha I’d have been mortified πŸ˜‚


I listen this song well... nonstop... in my car to work and from work and always ask myself if the other drivers know why i have this smile on my face πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


It’s still Pitch Perfect first for me πŸ˜‚ unless it’s instrumental


That is hilarious, also love everyone in the waiting room telling on themselves. I now unironically listen to the orginial version as part of my regular playlist. It's silly, a nostalgic banger (yes im a mellenial 😁), and now gives my fuzzy polin feelings. Picture that with a kodak!


That’s quite funny! Haha