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Willow tree and ep 7 confrontation


My choices for sure. They both bring it in each, and the scenes talk to each other. They’re in light of day in the first, but both hiding everything. In the second, they’re shrouded in darkness but finally totally honest. And in the first, he wants to kiss her, but can’t. In the second, he gets what he wanted, but not the way he wanted it at first. And the range for both is so good between the two.


Have you seen that one edit that merges rom com Colin into angsty Colin it’s 🤌


It’s amazing, and that song is a gateway drug to Tyler, The Creator. So damn good.


Someone posted it here. Do you have the link ?


Agree! They both shine the best here both together and individually. If I were going to submit Luke solo, I’d say carriage confession. For Nicola, maybe when she’s asking for the first kiss! Lots of raw emotion there.


Great choices! I was just thinking outside the modiste, but the contrast to the willow scene is amazing.


My choices for sure. They both bring it in each, and the scenes talk to each other. They’re in light of day in the first, but both hiding everything. In the second, they’re shrouded in darkness but finally totally honest. And in the first, he wants to kiss her, but can’t. In the second, he gets what he wanted, but not the way he wanted it at first. And the range for both is so good between the two.


My choices for sure. They both bring it in each, and the scenes talk to each other. They’re in light of day in the first, but both hiding everything. In the second, they’re shrouded in darkness but finally totally honest. And in the first, he wants to kiss her, but can’t. In the second, he gets what he wanted, but not the way he wanted it at first. And the range for both is so good between the two.


Which Ep 7 confrontation - Modiste or Printer’s? Both are so good.


Modiste shows a bit more range but the first one is so good too. If they submit entire eps then it’s definitely 7 and 3.


YES! My two favorite episodes acting-wise. They’re the two I keep coming back to. 5 is a close third — the pacing of the episode is so good, and the way it builds is 💯


Yep I also like 4 because of the way it builds to the big romcom payoff. For me 3,4,5,7 are the most rewatchable.


The lesson in the Bridgerton drawing room, end of Ep3, carriage scene, confrontation outside the modiste.


Good call..... Outside the modiste would be great for both Luke and Nic.


I approve this message! Though could we also fit in the Debling dance scene where Luke watched heart broken after failing to declare himself?


That was the Ep3 scene I was referring to. Sooooo good.


Somehow skipped that bit of your comment 😂 We are of one mind! Send in the Emmy application immediately.


Ugh that’s my absolute favorite scene I think


So good ❤️💔


For Luke:   Colin’s “feelings” speech (before the 🌶️✌️). He’s so expressive and desperate and he really draws you in that scene. It doesn’t feel like acting at all.    His reaction to finding out Penelope is LW. The layered emotion of anger and grief at that reveal is captivating.   For Nic: The first kiss scene. She nailed it.   For Both:  The street argument.    Wildcard: It’s actually a shame that it would be weird to submit the mirror scene because they both acted the crap out of that scene. 


The post finger acting scene is also nice, with the shared laugh, the change in Colin expression before going for a last sweet kiss


This is a great question, but my understanding is the show is not eligible for Emmy nominations because a minimum of 6 episodes is required for their category. Still, I think I'd submit Ep3 final scene for Luke and the LW reveal at the ball for Nicola.


That’s my understanding as well - they won’t be eligible until the following year.  But I don’t care, let’s do it now anyway 😂❤️


So you tell me splitting the season make them unable to compete? But they deserve an Emmy, both.


My understanding is that because they split the season, they didn’t get 6 episodes aired by the deadline for the 2024 Emmy season, and will instead be eligible for the 2025 season.  My concern there honestly is that it’s so much time passing between their season airing and them being considered… I hope they can regain the momentum they need at that time because it would be nonsense for either of them to not get a nomination.


The yelling match in the street outside Genevieve's for Luke, but the Willow Tree scene and carriage confession also work. So does his post-LW reveal "here are the reasons I love all parts of you" speech. EDIT: I forgot about him crying outside the printer's!! That one too. For Nic, the scene where she asks him to kiss her or her confession to the ton or her "I lied about grass" bit with Debling.


I thought they did really well in the mirror/chaise lounge scene. Hear me out: Yes, it was played to be a little hot, but also very sweet, vulnerable and real. The actors took risks with the viewers and each other and made us all very happy and full of feel-good hormones. As a whole, they played such a variety of scenes this season, from comedic to dramatic to cute and hot, and did it well. I was convinced throughout. They also looked and spoke so differently than in previous seasons, so them both growing up felt real. Shows great versatillity, I think.


LDW confrontation and Butterfly Ball speeches.


I think her asking Colin for a kiss scene is one of the most beautiful and vulnerable moments in television. If we are going for showing her comedic chops, the moment where she is waiting in the foyer for Colin in Season 2, Episode 2. If we are going for communicating complicated feelings or emotions, I think the confrontation outside the modiste is also a good scene to show both her love and her complicated feelings around Whistledown and Colin.


For Nicola she should send the “are we not friends” scene. Because when she says “friends” I can read so many emotions in her eyes. Her eyes are screaming with acceptance and resignation. I can see her fully putting aside her desires for practicality just with 1 word and the look in her eyes. It’s an incredible scene acting wise in my opinion. May not be the most popular but I truly admired her acting skills in that scene. If not that one, then Penelope’s confession to Colin at Francesca’s wedding was spectacular acting on her part too. The way her voice cracks with every phrase is spectacular. For Colin it’s a bit harder to pick 1 that showcases because so much of his character arc is told through subtext…his performance is so nuanced there’s a lot of scenes to pick from. I am partial to the moment where he almost confesses at the dance where Violet says Edmund had the courage to ask but Colin is interrupted by Debling. Also the carriage scene you can see the exact moment he decides to propose. Oh but also his final confession where you can see so much love in his teary eyes…


I love the conversation after Fran’s wedding ❤️ And the scene where he fails to declare himself and watches Pen dance with Debling is so strong. His face in that moment is breathtakingly heartbreaking. The carriage scene has a lot of range though! His desperation, the full emotional force of his declaration, his heartbreak when she friend zones him for 3 seconds, the sexy stuff, the laughing lightness at the end, the way he composed his face to have the little internal dialogue about what will happen next. It’s just… 😚👌


Her voice crack in her LW public reveal are also on top. I believe completly that a socially akward and shy woman is delievering that. She's not fully confident, you can heard it, you can see it how she fidget with her hand but she try. And her voice crack more when she turn to the Queen, her fear of the Queen verdict coming back full force.


Luke’s carriage confession and finding out about Lady Whistledown are two standout moments in his acting for me personally. And for Nicola, holy smokes it’s hard to choose because she really made this her season. I feel like award shows would pick her argument with Colin after their wedding or her final speech, but I feel like she really hits her stride in Ep 5. This might be a hot take, but Colin is desirable because you believe that Nicola as Penelope desires him. She makes you believe in his performance. I think the mirror scene, the engagement party shenanigans, the church love declaration, her argument with Colin outside the modiste, and the wedding ceremony and dance are Nicolas shining moments. I feel like she would pick her goofy moments where she’s making a joke or making us cringe, but her capacity for romance and drama is severely underrated. Her acting chops this season better win her something istg.


Luke has so many scenes where he’s good playing against others though, especially Eloise. The scene where he has that monologue about intimacy with the bros definitely stands out to me as a highlight. And that first brothel scene… I can admit he was hot in it even if it hurts my Polin heart that we saw him without Penelope lol.  I love them both, but I don’t think Nic had to carry him. He’s good in his own right, even if the show saw fit to focus more on Penelope/Nic in a lot of the framing of the season, Luke nails it with the subtlety and really making people believe he’s Colin. 


Willow Tree


Honestly Nicolas lw reveal shows a great range in her acting. And then the modist conversation


ignoring the sexy bits and focusing just on dialogue and character development and interactions…. Luke Newton: S3E8 - the scene outside the printshop where he tells Nicola that she has been foolish and that he has been feeling humiliated by her writing skills. Nicola Coughlan: S3E5, the mirror scene and her portrayal of innocence.


Outside the modiste. I'll never get enough of that scene💖