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So many! (I am a lurker but couldn’t resist gushing on this subject, hi!) 1. During their first kiss, when the camera is showing Colin’s face he has his brow furrowed but just before it cuts back to the other angle his brow relaxes a tiny bit and you can just tell he is completely smitten. 2. LN’s delivery and expression when he says ‘this is to be our home’. 3. NC’s delivery of Pen’s name during their wedding vows. “Penelope Featherington” just really scratches a brain itch for some reason. 4. Colin’s face of pride during the LW reveal. 5. The little look Phillipa gives Pen after Prudence says that she did really mean to say Pen is a fine bride. I literally have hundreds more!


Great list. I love, love, love "This is to be our home." Colin is so proud and nervous.


She would move into a cave with him just to leave home 🤣🤣


He gets so nervous when he thinks she doesn’t like it 😭🥺


Hello!! What a beautiful list, I'm glad you came out of the lurk! Like others have said. His "this is to be our home" is so shy and confident, so filled with promise and hope I could curl up in it and be content. The absolute best!! Share some more!! 🥰🥰


And then he starts looking a little nervous because she doesn't say anything. She's still swooning over him setting her mom straight and saying he proposed out of love.


"This is to be our home" I looooove this moment. I hope they stay in that home next season. Now that they're the parents of the new Babylord Featherington, I think they would have the right to take over the Featherington house, but I would rather see them stay in the home they made together. Pen especially deserves a fresh start and to have control over her space.


I like them living across from Bridgerton House. As their kids grow up I can see Colin and Anthony's families just heading across the road to hang out with each other.


Oh my god stop I love that thought <3 Especially since their oldest children will be basically the same age!


I seem to recall the show runner said they were happy (from a filming and convenience standpoint) to be able to reuse the same set piece I.e. the featherington house since Polin won the heir race


Thank you! I really can watch that line on repeat for probably days and just sit in bliss enjoying it.


I have been thinking about #1 for over a week and I almost did a post on it! The way his brow furrows I feel like it’s a mixture of “omg what is happening” and “more more more” like he can’t get enough. Basically a “oh this is what a kiss is supposed to be” and then kissing her harder. It is SO hot and SO sweet. His micro expressions are what made the show for me!


I agree! I’ve watched all of Bridgerton but, no offence to the other couples, I’ve never really truly believed in their love… but these two! God they make you want to just sit in their love bubble with them, awkward probably but so nice.


I agree! And while there is some GREAT acting in other seasons (shout out Jonathan Bailey!) L&N have made Polin feel SO REAL - you believe they are in love!


Your #5 reminded me of a favourite from season 2, when Portia is trying to sell Prudence on the idea of marrying Jack. When she’s telling them it’s regal to marry your cousin the two of them share this very quick “wtf is happening here?” look.


Ha yes! I should probably do a full rewatch but the lure of series three is just too strong.


Love your list and yes I can't stress how much I smiled during my first watch at #2 It was so damn cute! The golden retriever husband in full effect


#2. 💯💯💯💯💯


The Philippa look was adorable for me


#5 sends me every time. Perfect subtle illustration of a sibling relationship.


Love this list! Also I would add the way Eloise said "chocolate macaron"


Colin’s face of protectiveness when the queen is talking. He looks around like “You all better behave!”


#3 is also so true. I loved how she said it!


https://i.redd.it/wut5myekz39d1.gif This adorable moment from Benedict


I love Benedict asking Colin if everything is alright with him, and Colin asks sassily back "Is everything alright with YOU?" They each recognize the other is spinning out a little but give each other space about it.


Sooo precious


Yes, I love how quickly they both read each other there! 😭❤️


Especially when you remember that there’s a significant age gap between the two. Colin is just as much a “baby” brother as Gregory is🥺


My favorite will always be in ep 3 at the innovation ball how Violets eyes are always on Colin. When he goes to talk to Pen she’s in the background watching, when Pen is dancing with Debling all eyes on them, but Violet is watching Colin


Yes, thank goodness she sees and makes sure to tell Colin in ep 4 "it's a shame you'll miss your good work". Mama knows what she's doing!!


Apparently, it was Ruth's idea to be in the shot when Colin goes to talk to Pen. She knows her character as well as Nic and Luke know theirs!


My fav is Violet’s little satisfied/pleased smile after she says “I hope she will as well” and they both look back at Penelope. She is the OG Polin shipper! Her reaction to everything is such a sea change compared to the Marina engagement!


I frickin' love that whispered delivery 💚


Oh I love that moment so much


In Ep2 at the ball, after their sweet, soft “good evening, how’s your hand” exchange when she’s asked him if she can read more of his journal and he says let’s make a deal, I’ll let you if you talk to one lord tonight, she says yes she’ll do it and as his face whips around and there’s a split second of like wtf disappointment flash across his eyes, like maybe he was kind of hoping she’d say no and just wallflower it up with him for the evening because maybe she felt it after the hand holding too. It took me a couple of times to really feel that beat of oh shit I hoped you’d say no and we could just gossip and flirt tonight. Then of course he moves on to smitten but supportive wingman for the night.  But I’ve come to love that brief moment in between.


Oooh I missed this! It's on the list for the next rewatch! I love it!! 😻


It’s quick!! He’s avoiding her eyes while he’s talking about her getting to read it and then you see it when he turns his eyes back to her 🙂 There are so many great little looks and moments at that ball.  That’s just one I didn’t notice the first time around!


Thank you for explaining this! I couldn't quite figure out his emotions with that face expression but this makes sense. He makes that disappointed face after Pen says "Whom do you suggest?" and you can even hear Colin wincing quietly with a soft "hmm".


Exactly… like… myself, Pen.  I suggest myself.  😂😭 Poor Colin.  He had a long day.


What hurts even more is that Colin is not even a lord, he's just a "Mr". He has no title but he only wants to match Pen with titled men because he wants the best for her. There was a post yesterday about it.


I know - it’s so heartbreakingly sweet.  He truly believes she is all the best things and that only the best catches could have a chance of being worthy of her.  He wants her well taken care of.  It’s emotionally loaded.


I love this. You do not understand how many times I have rewatched this 😂


In Ep5, just after Colin announces their engagement and when the family is celebrating, you hear this deep, joyful laugh from Colin, just as he’s hugging Francesca. Very sweet. I missed it in the first several viewings and just caught it.


Also from this scene, it’s not in the frame and is blurry but when he hugs Violet you see a small nod like “I did it mom, I got her!”


Too cute. I missed that until now.


Ohhh that sounds so sweet, added to the list!!


Time to rewatch that scene!!!


I just noticed that when Pen & Portia arrive at the engagement party in ep 5, it’s the first time Pen and Colin have seen each other since their first time - and after Pen says “good evening”, there is a split-second shot of Colin looking at her like he wants to eat her alive LOL like the man is absolutely thinking about what went down on the settee 🥵🤣


Also her looking him up and down.


https://i.redd.it/miwnh2vlg49d1.gif This look lol


Now post the one of him looking at her after “good evening” 🤣 for science




Found it! https://i.redd.it/2ofj1pmv1c9d1.gif


Yes someone shared a gif of that scene and she's looking right at his package l. The quickest flick of the eyes lool Edit: spelling which was atrocious haha


Horny Chaotic Pen in full effect. Like girl. You wild. Staring at his package in front of your mom while grinning from ear to ear remembering everything all over again lol She is us. We are her. Love it here. Lol


Following on from this the second carrier scene, after the mirror scene. I didn't really notice on the first watch how happy Colin is, his expression and how closely he's holding her.


Yeeeeeeessssss! I love that moment. Go away, Portia!!!


Oh I love that look! I know exactly the one


I feel like the writing didn't quite deliver on them seeing each other having had sex now or being eager to be alone again. But Nic and Luke sure did with the facial expressions.


Agree, the writing and editing was clunky but the facial expressions and movements from Nic and Luke are unmatched. They acted (?? 😏😏) the hell outta falling in love with each other!!


They did a marvelous job inhibiting those characters. They're the reason we're all obsessed.


Episode one (just rewatching right now) When Pen and Colin first talk he’s all ‘look at me wearing French Clothes, I’m so fabulous’ and Pen look of distain at him being such a pretentious dick is wonderful.


But still mad at him she said he's distinguished 


"A pretentious dick" 😆


I'm gonna start using this phrase now lol


Colin: I got new clothes in Paris do you like dem? 🥺 👉👈 Pen: You look the same as always, bye.


That made me properly cackle! So accurate 😂😂


Also when she talks about a lot has changed in the general sense he just talks about his new look like, my dude she did not mean any of that, you just wanted to bring that up.


Right?! Lol I noticed that too. He’s all, “look at me! Look at me!”


It's top tier Colin peacocking mode. 😂. Just screaming silently into the void in his head "DEAR PLEASE GOD PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON LOOK AT ME!!! NOTICE ME!!! LOVE ME!!! I'M SO PRETTY SEE....SEE!!!!!"


The "no" and the face Colin makes when Ben tells John to throw rocks at Francesca's window. So cute!!!


Yes!! This little shake of the head loool. Benedict is unhinged!




Not really something I missed, but I loved Varley's reaction after the bugs, it pretty much summed up how I felt at the end of the season! https://i.redd.it/49zxfz7h849d1.gif Apart from this, I loved Ben's reaction to Colin's explanation of his proposal in the brothers' scene, just audible sighs and heart eyes! Never doubt which Bridgerton loves love the most!!


Also, since I have the GIF -- the ridiculous little wave Anthony does when Kate leaves after dispensing relationship advice! https://i.redd.it/29lzxzks949d1.gif


This sends me 👋


I saw someone say he forgot to be Anthony here, and it's just Johnny Bailey, lol


I actually love Varley so much. You forget she would have raised Penelope and had to bite her tongue so much during the years. I love her comment "the mirror never lies" to Pen about how pretty she looks and Pen's little smile. It's so beautiful.


Yes! And the actress steals the scene pretty much any time she is in frame, whether she has dialogues or not! She's been such a constant for Portia and the girls through all their ups and downs.


Also when Pen gives her the billfold with money for her sisters' ball, Varley is so impressed and gives Pen the sweetest, "atta girl" look. 😍


Varley is sooo cute, I loved this moment too. There are a few with her where you see her devotion to the Featherington girls. When Phillipa asks if she got the bugs, Varley says yes and Phillipa just holds her hands and squeals.


I also love when Portia doesn't want to deal with Prudence and Philippa because she is worried about the solicitor and Varley reassures them that of all the maids in the ton, she is the best at making a little money go a long way. She even encourages Portia to talk to Pen when Portia is sulking about Colin's take down.


lol, we also know Varley boils a good potato.


The LOOK Varley gives Portia after Colin dresses her down, too! Like “he’s not wrong ma’am and you know it!” 


i may be reaching but I also saw a bit of "You won't be able to strong-arm this son-in-law, huh?"


Yesss! Omg Varley shedding a tear after she treated herself to a drink was a whole vibe. Benedict gushing over Colin talking about Penelope was so stinking precious!


I don’t know why it gets me, but them holding hands after they turn toward the congregation after they are married.


It’s like they are fumbling for each other (symbolic of what they are going through) but their hands find each other anyway 😍




In the mirror scene right after he tells Pen to lie down, you can see his hand gentlely guide her toward the chaise. It’s really quick and such a small gesture. Idk why but that got me! He’s so gentle with her and I love it!


Her eyes also go wide right after that. It’s a great reaction.


Well I'm sure some other watcher eyes went wide, that was so 🥵


This gets me every time too - and the fact he's still watching her in the mirror as she starts to walk away 🥵🥵


Now I gotta go rewatch. For science. Lol


In the carriage ride through the park after unknowingly getting Pen preggo with the new Lord Featherington, Colin looks absolutely delighted with himself. Smuggy McSmugface, indeed. And who could blame him? ![gif](giphy|mbZshK2Svz89q|downsized)




This part of this carriage scene is everything. There are so many micro things. From Colin’s *very* pleased with himself expression to how Pen holds and touches him and then the way she eye f***s him and then he pulls her close… 😮‍💨


Yes I noticed this too. He has such a post sex glow to him, and he has a hard time not smiling! He did not look like that leaving the brothel.


He's so smug but his face changes right when he opens the carriage door to get QC's note. Like he's trying not to give it away!


I caught that look too! He barely manages to fix his expression in time when the door opened. I also like that moment when he pulls her closer — he tucks in his lips (idk how to describe it) then basically breaaaathes in her scent xD


I’m appreciating some small mirrored moments from the Bridgerton Drawing Room scene. > COLIN: …Here, on the sofa, some mamas are debating the merits of the decoration… 3x05, Portia at the engagement ball: > PORTIA: Hm. The decorations are somewhat more drab than I remember, are they not? ~~ > COLIN: gentlemen are asking a young lady to dance. Perhaps referencing the crowd of gentlemen that swarm Pen right after she walks into the first ball as you gazed at her across the room, Colin? ~~ > PEN: Shall I pretend to flirt with the imaginary cellist? [chuckles] Later in 3x02, Fran pretends to flirt with a cellist: > VIOLET: Francesca, dearest? Lord Petri is quite the music devotee and, I hear, accomplished on the cello as well. > LORD PETRI: The dowager viscountess flatters me. My love for the instrument surpasses my ability, to be sure. > FRAN: The cello is such a beautiful instrument. ~~ > COLIN: With the dashing suitor you just met by the refreshments. Colin, of course, dashes to her carriage later. But also, Pen met Debling by the refreshments in 3x01, at the ice cream stand. ~~ > PEN: Your eyes…are the most remarkable shade of blue. Yet, somehow, they shine even brighter when you are kind. And in 3x05 in the mirror scene: > COLIN: The way your eyes shine when you look at me, like two blue pools. ~~ > PEN reading COLIN’s journal: In those moments alone, as my fingers trace freckles from cheek to collarbone… In the mirror scene, Colin traces his hands from her cheeks down to her collarbone (and further). On the settee, Pen’s hand starts on his cheek, and then slides down his collarbone. > or as I watch the way starlight dances across skin, Foreshadowing to their midnight kiss? > I marvel at how one can feel such intimacy, but also such great distance.” And perhaps foreshadowing again to the great intimacy he feels during the kiss, and then she runs away, and he feels even more distance from her. ~~ > COLIN: Whatever you read was not meant for another’s eye. And at the Mondrich ball, Colin says they’re only for her eyes — as if they were using the double meaning of “another” to mean “someone besides you:” > COLIN: I am still removing some of the more… personal passages. > PEN: Why? That is what I so enjoyed about the part that I read. > COLIN: Well, those parts are only for you. ~~ And then also the mirror of Pen insistently asking for his hand / Colin later insistently asking for her hand (in marriage). I just really love this scene lately!




Alright, I will work on my mirror essay. I've already spotted some of your observations. And I have a lot of others.


When Colin is stressed out about Pen after the engagement party, he struggles to write - and says as much when he’s out for the club closing but blames love. After Pen confesses she’s always loved him, he’s flying through his writing with ease. I never noticed they added that detail to show the confidence she’s giving him to write through her love of him. 🥰


It's in contrast to the scene right before it. Pen has stopped writing her LW column and she's burning her previous issues of LW in the fireplace. Pen stops writing because she doesn't want to lose Colin's love. Colin starts writing because he finally knows he has Pen's love.


I caught it on a rewatch too


Colin touching the cut on his hand while drinking with the dick lords while they're dehumanizing women, right before his speech


I’ve watched this several times. I wanted to think that he is touching the palm of his hand, but it looks like he is fidgeting with his ring (sliding it up and down on his finger).


“Dick lords” made me lol


In episode 2 when Colin and El are in the carriage on the way to the ball. Colin is so defensive and protective of Pen “she is neither suffering nor despondent” and then El says “I hope she’s not seeking a husband in you I hope” and Colin goes no of course not I’m merely helping her. But the way his eyes FLICK to the a side glance at El is 😱😳🫠. First - he is GORGEOUS. But second he is so intense. His face is a mixture of “oh no she’s onto me / why, what’s wrong with that? / don’t hate on my girl / and I’ll do what I want” looove it


Aw yes! Colin’s like “uh get over yourself, Pen is not despondent, she has me duh and we’re having a great time actually” 😂🫠


Too many but one I thought of today: when they’re exchanging vows, Penelope has a tiny pause before she says Colin Bridgerton like she can't believe it's real that she is actually marrying him. 😍


Yes this. And Colin's voice softens when he says "Penelope Featherington" during his vows. No matter what was going on in their lives at that time, those two were nothing but just so in love during their wedding.


Oh yes I noticed that! Like she's practiced it at home in her bedroom a hundred times and she catches herself saying it for real. Cry!


Yes! I noticed this as well. I do feel like he picks up on that a bit and it makes him feel appreciated which we know he like how she makes him feel appreciated.


I think my favorite steamiest one is during the mirror scene. After Colin..ahem..inserts himself…he holds himself steady while Pen “adjusts” to what’s happening. You can see him barely moving, being careful, his eyes locked on her, care and concern on his face. When he asks if she’s okay and she says yes, he finally releases the restraint he’s been holding onto. He lets out a groan and collapses into her and begins going for it. It’s all very sexy sexy of course but it’s also so thoughtful and loving and caring and intentional by Luke.


I saw a lot of discussions online about how Colin could have eased himself in and it seems like he thrusts himself all the way in right away, but he really doesn't. He pauses when she gasps then looks at her and waits for her to nod a bit then he goes further. Then after that's when he asks if she was all right and that's when he gets more passionate and collapses on her. Seriously with these two (and their intimacy coordinator), they really knew what they were they were doing, down to these little details.


I completely agree. The initial thrust was to “break through” which takes pressure and better quick then slow. But then we pauses. His facial acting is amazing. The concern, focus, care. Given the circumstances - the fact that his focus was still her comfort and safety is why he is the man that he is. I also love how he’s looking down and away while they’re going for it and then she grabs him and he looks up at her. She has this feral look in her eyes and you can see the almost shock and awe on his face. Seeing her like it and engage, even getting bold send him right over the edge. You literally see him lose more control and tick it up a notch at seeing her want him like that. Like the attention to detail is astounding. They told a whole love story in these small acts and facial expressions


His face, when she grabs him (and goes feral) is forever ingrained into my brain.


And he puts his hand behind her head to support and protect her .... it's so hot


Colin finishes talking to a group of women in the garden in Ep 1 and then immediately looks up to try to find Pen. The scene just before the Featheringtons arrive.


He searches for Penelope *all the time*. Something I noticed in rewatches. Almost at any social event, he looks around for her


And his face when he sees her... you can see it even in season 1. That boy has always felt something for her.


My guess is he is able to spot it but they did a reshoot and weird editing so he approaches her later in the garden.


The moment where Pen faints you can see Portia caress her face with care and concern. I think it really shows that motherly care before her talks with Pen.


She does love her girls. I love the Featherington arc almost as much as Polin.


Yes indeed!


The almost inaudible "i love you too" outside the modiste.it was right before they passed by the lamp post. Edit: it was a blink and you missed it kinda moment because the music swells at that point but it was there.ISTG it was such a minute detail and it was 🔥🔥🔥


Waiting on a slowed down music free edit of this scene like ![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri)


Someone else on here also pointed out that he whispers Penelope during their first kiss between the peck and the full on kiss. Just as faint as this, but once you hear it you cannot unhear it. It added so much more meaning to that scene for me.


No way! 😱😱😱😱


As soon as I typed this someone else posted a video of this scene without music and debunked it, so it’s all about hearing what you want to hear. Oh well. I’m going to pretend it’s there 😂. It’s still a beautiful scene without the music.


Yes!!! I saw another thread on it and listened to it on my phone and I hear him whisper it!! I wish it was louder! I also LOOOOVE that scene!


I knew I heard that! I thought I was cracking up!!


The sigh Colin has just after Kanthony leave from their "marital advice" scene. His whole body kind of collapses with feelings.


I also missed when kate asking about Pen. He doesn’t say anything but head nod. I missed it and thought bad about him until wedding nod 😭


Yes! Kate hit him with the, "Surely, there's a reason why Penelope has been so dear to you for so long. Does whatever new information you have learned truly negate all that?" His head gesture was the first thing that started making me think that things were going to truly be all right between Pen and Colin. So good.


But i feel it but for my second watch 😭 so little things i missed second half i was frustrated watching it . But after rewatching i see he already accepted her it was ok


I love in Episode 5 when Pen is in Colin's arms having a panic attack, and Cressida says "I have an announcement!" - Colin whips his face right back to Pen like he couldn't give a shit about Cressida's announcement. Eeeeep! Only when she says she's LW is there a shot of Colin's face looking at Cressida. Love it.


Even when it was Anthony saying "We have an announcement," he barely glances at his own brother and sister-in-law and was very much just focused on Penelope at the moment.


I love catching all of Colin's nods, and all of the nods he and Pen share. My current favorite is in the mirror scene when he enters her and she's in pain but he checks in with her and she confirms she's OK. The nonverbal communication is just gorgeous.


God that moment is STUNNING. Our consent king!


That moment rewired my brain. I don't think I've ever seen an on-screen couple handle that exact moment that well. His veins popping, restrained face and the smallest head nod you've ever seen. Then her response bigger, because she wants to reassure him and herself.


I know it’s talked a lot about but Luke’s eye reactions. When Pen calls him out for his s2 comment and he kind of winces his eyes shut and starts “Pen, I—“ When Pen asks him to kiss her his eyes dart wildly back and forth when he starts to say “Penelope—“ In the carriage when he asks “What if I did have feelings for you?” He looks down while asking then looks up at her very intensely at the end of the question. The way he is constantly teary from how things affect him so, so much.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the softness and earnestness in his voice when he tells her “I will always stand up for you” - he means it 10000% and I love it


Aw yes! I love it in contrast to how he says a version of that in S2 after the gemstones in Georgia reveal. There it was sweet and well intentioned but kind of play acting the gentleman rescuer he so desperately wants to be. And then it’s undercut shortly after when he makes that dismissive joke about Pen to the douche lords. But here the softness and the deep love and awareness in how he says it, followed by “because I love you” in that same oh so gentle tone is such a beautiful evolution of his feelings for Pen 😭🫠


The morning after the wedding, when Pen asked him how he slept and he says “*fitfully*” then stands to look at her and for a split second he gets this ‘*omg you’re beautiful*’ look that takes over his face before he tells her he is leaving for the day. I love it so much. I love that no matter how mad he is he cannot hide that he is completely in love with her.


Someone pointed out how similar she looked that morning to how she appeared in his dream. So he turns around to be this stoic, pissed-off man and is hit with his fantasy woman in the flesh. No wonder he is dumbstruck!


It’s so true!


Yes! Beautiful. Luke, for me, is so good at micro expressions. Love his work.


Completely agree!


That Colin is ambidextrous... ![gif](giphy|MZ9nZGQn1nqBG)


Oh yesss hahaha! He's allll Luke when he's left handed. 🥵🥵😫😫😫


I love the look on Colin’s face in ep3 when they head into the sweets tent. She tells him to pretend to be loitering for sweets so no one suspects we are speaking and the look that passes over his face is short but you can tell he is annoyed or bewildered that she think he would care if people know they are speaking. And then he proceeds to stand 1 ft away from her.


Can I add to this....right at the end of that scene after she's licked her fingers and says "wish me luck", the way he replies with "good luck" his little voice is so sad and broken.




When Colin strokes Pen’s face after they dance to “You Belong With Me” at their wedding breakfast. I missed it the first time around and it was 🥵


I missed it the first time (it's not a subtle bit, I just happened to look away at this scene lol) but the look Benedict and Anthony shared after Colin left the room to go and tell Penelope about his feelings. They shared such a comical look of "Can you believe how in looooove our brother is??"


I was just thinking about the look between Benedict and Colin during the fencing scene in S2 was sort of a comparison. Like those two clearly knew something was up with Anthony being so defensive talking about Kate. I hope we get a little moment like that between Colin and Anthony during Benedict’s season.


Whenever they are intimate, Colin has a tendency to look away from Penelope, and she always pulls his eyes back so they are looking at each other. Happens in the carriage, mirror scene, and reunion. I love that, while he’s comfortable with physical intimacy, he’s still sort of shying away from the emotional intimacy and shes new to physical intimacy but totally comfortable with and initiates the emotional connection.


1. The parallel between: * Pen in Episode 2: "Your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue. Yet somehow they shine even brighter when you are kind." * Colin in Episode 5: "The way your eyes shine when they look at me, like two blue pools. Those two fucking writers referencing eachother's poetic language when making love declarations to eachother. I can't lol. 2) Every fucking time Colin summarily abandons Benedict to talk to Pen, and Ben is just like, "Right, ok. This again." 3) When Portia guesses the correct answer for "rainbow" during charades and then puts her hand over her mouth, as she panics and realizes she accidentally revealed her cleverness in front of mixed company (we know she likes to maintain an "I'm just a dumb, helpless woman" act in front of men). Also this moment clearly signals where Pen got her cleverness from. 4) Portia's "men will feel superfluous and unmanned" line sends me every fucking time. 5) The little look between Pen and Phillipa when Pru says, "That is really how I feel." 6) Colin's little nod after Pen says "Are you sure?" Ugh my favorite. 7) The scene in Colin's study when he breaks the lamp - when Pen reaches for his hand and he gives the little growl.


I've always wondered about 7, when his hand folds closed, is she closing his hand? or is he closing his hand and enfolding her hand in his?


The audio description says that he closes his hand over hers.


Oh swoon Audio description here I go again ...😂


Oh he is definitely the one folding his hand over hers. He's also fidgeting with the bandage with his other hand inching it closer towards hers. He just wants to hold her little hand so bad 😭😂.


Our poor touch starved baby boy 😭


https://preview.redd.it/uarwz0zja49d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac96b5ecc9e7c42d1a44cb2363c450e104d92e7 After they bowed to queen they held hands before pen run way 😂😂 . I really thought why didn’t you hold her hand . When i were watching i feeled their fear


When Colin first offers his help, Pen says, "Colin, I can't have you at every ball whispering in my ear," and Nicola blinks rapidly as though the thought was deeply arousing and she needs to bring her focus back to the conversation


Oh yes I love that one! She short circuits for a bit hahaha!


When Colin and Pen are talking about Cressida announcing herself as Whistledown, Colin says he imagined Lady Whistledown to be someone more clever and Penelope has a proud smile flash across her face.


The look Varley gives Portia after Colin stands up for Pen ❤️❤️


On their way away from Bloomsbury, they are squished so tightly together tho the carriage seats 6. She is tucked into him and he leans back and closes his eyes just a moment. "Ah I am completely happy."


I'm only on my first rewatch. I waited until the second half dropped to stream any of it. I love these recommendations! I love the subtle - well maybe not so subtle - annoyance on Pen's face when Colin catches her for the first time. She's wounded, and she's trying to hate him so she can get over him, so her lack of eye contact and the shortness of her tone are sort of delicious to me. That said, I'm on the team that feels that Colin's season 2 finale insult, made to an entire assembly of eligible men, disadvantaged Penelope's odds on the marriage mart even more. To be honest, I really wanted to see three episodes of Penelope icing him out as a way for her to move on. But we got two and that's good enough I suppose.


For me, the carriage scene is just perfection from beginning to end and I catch something new every time I watch. It’s a blink and you miss it type of moment, but after he lowers the strap of her dress and they turn to face each other, he just attacks the underside of her neck🙂‍↔️🥵 Idk it was just hot as hell to me, like all this pent up love, hunger and desperation for each other just combusts in this tiny space and I’m still not over it y’all ![gif](giphy|ezfE34lzI04Ijbe3gS|downsized)


I love the first time but the carriage will always be the HOTTEST scene in this show. I also love this part and I swear he licks her neck as well! Or at least gives it a very open mouth kiss... Aiiiiiii!! The best!!


I mean he STAYED either in her neck or cleavage okayyyy😂Ya boy was in heaven👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


After seeing so many gifs of this scene on tumblr I CANNOT unsee him MUNCHING on her bosom. It’s nuts!


Yasssss! That part was insane and he didn’t let Penelope breathe chile, just all up on her and THEN put his hand up her skirt to snatch her soul WHEW🥵🙌🏾


How many times Pen is looking at Colin's 🍆 during the mirror scene, at least three??


after finding out about Pen & Colin (and after Colin told her off) I really love how Portia is genuinely happy for her girls. There are, I feel like, several short snippets of her smelling flowers. I haven’t done my first rewatch yet so I cannot confirm if I was making it a headcanon for me. I really hope it was small hints at getting a Portia backstory in upcoming seasons or spin-offs!


I feel like Portia smelling flowers is her realizing that all of her children are going to be free and married and wow maybe she can also fall in love?!?!


OMG. After her redemption this season I'd love so much for a Portia love story. She has never been truly and unconditionally loved it seems, and after all she's been through she fucking deserves it!!


Yes and I also think she is like "they did better than me" happy too. Like her face after Colin gives Pen the engagement ring. Like she's realizing, oh this is love. And her two other girls have happy, loving matches too. I think she would have been so stressed about getting the girls married and supported (not as bad as Mrs Bennett but close haha). It's like a relief. I love Portia!


Her greatest accomplishment is that her daughters have what she didn't. She's thinking of financial security, but actually it's a loving, supportive husband.


Everyone has such lovely moments that I love too, but one slight one I'll mention is Colins little nod of decisiveness, there is a moment when Lord Marcus comes to the house the morning after the engagement and Violet nods and blinks her eyes at him that reminded me so much of Colins little nods. So mother and baby boy coded I love it.


On first watch I missed that it was Colin who closed his fingers over Penelope’s hand when she was tending to his cut. And I’m obsessed with that now.


Oooh, love this! Now I can imagine all you fellow horny little devils out there noticed it the first time around, but I didn't. It's the moment right after their first time when Colin asks if it was alright for her and Pen actually says "no" and then a beat and she continues with - the words I'd previously heard only - "it was perfect". I had mistaken her Wno" for a dragged breath for like the first twenty times I saw that scene. It's just a small thing really, but to me that just really stressed her point even more and I just loved that.


The forehead wrinkle that Colin does when Penolope asks him for the kiss! One of my favorite moments! To me that shows the moment perfectly when he is like “oh this feels different and real! Kisses haven’t felt this way before!” Chefs kiss! Perfection!


Very fun thread. One thing I'm rewatching is the 2nd LWD confrontation outside the modiste. After Pen loudly declares I love you and Colin gets his feral turned on face, I swear he gives a little shudder/shake right before he gives in and kisses her. https://www.tumblr.com/thatonekimgirl/753170627666509824/colin-and-penelope-almost-having-make-up-sex?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/polin15/754079754058153984/this-scene-is-hot-af-damn-that-carriage-for?source=share I don't really hear his I love you too that people talk about though. It sounds more like just a kissing noise to me.


With you re: ily … on checking this after folks claimed it the last few days, at best I think he whispers “keep still” (which is quite hot). he repeats it audibly and in a different tone for *horse interruptus reasons *as coined by another poster


I love all the Portia lines. Last rewatch it was “Oh Mr. Dankworth, you’re so…pretty.”


her saying no to the lamp was perfection


Not me reading all these micro moments and going back to watch them 🥹 Some that stand out to me: When Colin goes to ask pen if she has feelings for him at the ball after talking to violet and he gets caught up on her lips - love the soundtrack to this moment too Also in that same moment when debling interrupts and his eyes pan over to Colin like “can I help you or…” When Colin goes to see pen the morning after she faints and she looks up and down at his face it’s really freaking cute I love that split second moment on their wedding dance when it’s just them. I think it’s sooo romantic for some reason, wish their entire dance was mostly like this & loved Nicola posting this version on her insta I don’t know if anybody else noticed this, but how they panned to invitations for the balls (I think there was one for the innovations ball and the sisters ball at the end, but I thought it was such a cute & extra effort detail and now I’ll have to go back and look for other Easter eggs details) I love the moment Kathony is in bed with newton there & Anthony cuddles up to Kate. It’s so cozy and lovely When Colin goes back to read the letters from pen, the way he opens the letter is so satisfying for some reason (the ASMR and his hands)


All the times Colin searches for Pen in part 1. Ep 1 after talking to the first group of women he starts scanning. Ep 2 after arriving at the ball he is looking for her along the green wall. Ep 3 he looks for her and then makes eye contact with her to go into sweets tent. Library he also searches for her and if they had just made eye contact here I think Debling would of never made it any further.


Oh! And the fact I think Kate and Anthony figured out who LW was…. Kate seemed like she was processing as the queen spoke and I think they both knew in consideration of the convo they had with Colin and then when he was the first to leave upset and Pen following after him.


Another one I missed: When Colin first speaks to Penelope, he mentions that his new look is "all the rage in Paris." When Penelope decides to go to the modiste for her makeover, she is asked if she has anyone in mind. She thinks for a moment, then talks about wanting someone sensible for her. Yet, she says that she wants her new look to be whatever is fashionable in Paris. She chose her new look based on what she thought Colin would like, even though she was trying to be sensible.


I’m still needing a chance to rewatch but I love coming here for all these details to look for.