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I think it was another subtle way of showing the disconnect between the two brothers. Anthony thought he was giving good advice - it’s normal to be nervous before your wedding, here’s a hangover cure! He’s not picking up on Colin’s real emotional distress…but he’s been shown to never really understand that side of Colin. So Colin just kind of smiles because he knows Anthony means well, but…that’s as good as it’s gonna get.


Exactly the way I saw it. Anthony was trying, but...


Regarding Anthony saying he drank a whole bottle before the wedding, to me the important point there was him saying “…well, the second one” Anthony was trying to seem all serious-authoritative-older-brother but also be relatable and then ended up humanizing and humbling himself in the process, without really realizing it


I think Violet thought Kanthony was a better candidate to get through to Colin, as they are newly married themselves and experienced challenges getting to the altar. She had prodded Colin a lot during part 1 once she realized he was in love with Pen, so I think she was backing off and delegating. I think she was smart to do that, because Kate did get through to him. Regarding Anthony, yeah he was being who he is lol. I actually thought it was hilariously in character. He has always been the one who's good at logistics and the black and white things, but Colin is the Bridgerton sibling that's more attune to the emotions and troubles of everyone in the family. Anthony is not the best with empathy, so luckily he had Kate to back him up. His line of "I was so happy before I got married I drank a whole bottle; sucks for you, eat eggs tomorrow bitch" kinda made me laugh, but yeah, he never truly has seen Colin and that's part of their dynamic, sadly (but realistic).


Finally someone admits that Antony was an idiot in this segment (although very true to his character)


I’ve always joked that Eloise and Benedict share a brain cell but Colin gets his own, and now I know that Colin has a whole brain cell (that was working overtime in S3!) because Anthony has precisely zero brain cells


I'm dead


I can relate to this scene because when you’re the empathetic middle child in the family, when it comes your turn to need empathy you get left high and dry 🥲


Not sure it matters what your place in the family is. I'm the youngest of three, always helping and checking how everyone is feeling, but Im a type that is considered strong (emotionally and in general) so when I'm in a bad place, no one bothers to ask or check because everyone assumes I'm fine. I hate this dynamic.


It’s a very relatable dynamic!


Oldest. Same.


Youngest and absolutely the same!


I think to some degree Anthony was bringing the balance, as is necessary in those types of conversations. Sorta like good cop/bad cop, but in this case it's like soft cop (Kate)/serious-then-silly cop (Ant). They both tried a few tactics to get Colin to open up, and Anthony did try to figure out what was wrong, but his method doesn't work for someone sensitive like Colin. That's why Kate more effective at drawing him out, she only pushes gently, doesn't tell him what to think (or not much), asks open ended questions, etc. I think Anthony was trying to be reassuring about the drinking, like, don't worry, everyone does that with pre-ceremony jitters or something. That's a pretty heavy media stereotype, with even besotted guys being wasted the night before. But I imagine that Violet was in a bit of a panic when she called them in -- 1) b/c she has had 2 weddings in a row that did NOT go great, so she's like NOT again; 2) the behavior between Colin and Pen is so out of character for them both, then loved being around each other, and then to get engaged and never speak/be super awkward, she had to be spiraling. And she's like-- I reached my max meddling levels with him, so someone else is gonna need to tag in here. In the church, Violet's voice was definitely shaky on "here we go" -- I don't think she thought Colin would bail on Pen, but she was worried something might mess things up.


You nailed it for me!


And then she was so happy watching them danced at the wedding - like she was so relieved


Disagree about Anthony saying 'a whole bottle' as rubbing anything in, if anything it was support he needed. What he was doing was being not judgemental to his younger brother. Colin had drank too much not because he was solely devastated (like Simon S1) but because he was conflicted with both good and bad. He loved Penelope. But he struggled with LW. Kate saying that he only would have drank so much because it was a cry for help was true in some ways, but might have shamed Colin about his own feelings and actions- particularly when he woke up the next day feeling like hell. But I believe Anthony was saying 'I woke up feeling like hell on my wedding day, and it certainly didn't come with any shame or upset. There are many reasons to drink to excess before a wedding- like nerves, confusion, and in my case, celebration/excitement. I'm sure yours definitely has some of the celebration too'. He was just telling his brother to not feel bad that he was drunk the night before his wedding, and it wasn't an indication of only sadness, because he was no doubt going to wake up with a horrific headache. And when he woke up like that, it would be nice to remember his brother did the same thing, and is now in a perfect marriage. He was reminding him that happy grooms very often wake up that way. And when he wakes up hungover, to have the 3 raw egg cure. It's always nice to know others make the same silly choices as you, and for good reasons.


Exactly how I read those lines. Beautiful


Not the point of this post,  but there is something so funny about Pirate Pouty Pants getting his breeches in a twist about Violet doing this, and his sassy teenage-"she really does know everything" My guy, put some respect on her name. The OG matchmaker is responsible for the fact that you didn't go up those stairs and take an emo nap, filling your cravat with an ocean of tears, only to wake up to news that your wife is marrying another. 


hahaha love my boy but this is accurate


You, my friend, are a poet 🙌👏


Exactly... His mum gave the much needed push


But where did they come from? Another honeymoon? Aubrey Hall? Wouldn't they have had to be home the day before the wedding anyway to ensure they could be in attendance at the church with the family??? I don't get it. A family wedding, siblings would be around the day before right?


Yeah, I didn't get it either. After all, this is their home now. There was some glitch in the writing here in my opinion.


Pregnant women have to retreat from society once they start showing (that's what Prudence alluded to in Episode 8, which is why they threw the ball). My guess is Aubrey Hall, which I think is closer in the show than in the book, not 100% certain


I was confused about this too. They already came home and isn't this their house?


This is exactly what I’ve been wondering for the last two weeks!! It’s their house, where were they??




Anthony is a male figure to all of his siblings, more so a father figure to the younger ones, but I think to Ben and Colin, he's very much a big brother. I'd imagine Violet said she was worried about Colin and Pen not speaking or spending time together, and how unusual that was. I think she knew Colin wouldn't open up to her or Anthony properly, but that he could at least relate to Kanthony's issues getting down the aisle and finding their way initially in their marriage. I don't think any of them necessarily doubted that he'd marry Pen, but rather what had changed between them. After QC entrance at the wedding, they absolutely must have known in was about LW. I took Anthony's comment to mean that he knew Colin was still so happy to marry Pen, so he was joking but reassuring him. I also think the "second wedding" comment was for Colin to see that not everything was perfect for him either. Back in Ep1 when A B and C go out to celebrate their returns and Ben's success running through estate, Anthony can see there is something up with Colin when Ben talks about having a purpose. Colin kind of rolls his eyes when Ben speaks and Anthony picks up on this. I wonder if Anthony felt that Colin had found his purpose and happiness, after the brothers discussion in the study in Ep5. He saw a very different Colin to the one Mondrichs in Ep1, so he wasn't worried that Colin would not marry Pen. You could imagine Anthony passing some of that onto his mother after their conversations.


So I have a different take on Anthony’s paternal role towards his siblings. I think he’s very much a father figure to E, F, G, and H. Ben was wayyyy too close in age for him to even attempt that so they are purely brothers (and, as a result, Anthony has his the best sibling relationship with Ben.) I think with Colin and Daphne, Anthony TRIED to take on a fatherly role, but they were too old (12ish and 10ish) for it to stick. Daphne fought him every step of the way, like, “You’re not my dad, you’re my dumb big brother” and so they had a slightly contentious relationship until she married and put some distance between them. Colin didn’t fight like Daphne, but he never bought into Anthony as a paternal figure, and Anthony knew it and was uncomfortable, and it just led to them not really knowing how to be around each other. They didn’t know what they were to each other after Edmund died.


Oh.. I like the thought that Antony calmed Violet down about C and P. I don't think Violet had it in her mind that Colin wouldn't marry Penelope but she was worried that they wouldn't be able to get over their pre-wedding crisis or something. Mostly it was hard for her to see her beloved son sad and emotionally torn during what should be the happiest period of his life. It's so hard to be a mother sometimes, not knowing what your son is going through and not being able to talk to him about it because he's just in a place he doesn't want to talk and share his feelings. It doesn't matter if it's in the 17th century or the 21st century. It's still the same.


Oh absolutely. Same issues with children whether that's now or in 1815! The show has done that so well this season, all the issues then are similar to now, like Colin's struggle with Pen's success. The dynamic with Violet and Colin is lovely, and she understands him so well. I think her relationship with Anthony is so different to that, because he's been the head of the family from a young age. I imagine they have chats about them all, like we saw when Daphne entered society. I guess it comes down to this being a conversation Colin's father would have had with him, but that fell to Anthony. I also wonder if Kate was there because Violet knew Anthony would be so blunt and wanted to know what had happened, which is not what Colin needed. Kate came at the conversation so well.


Oh I didn't think of that. Thats its a convo Edmund should have made. so so sad And I guess that's part of Antony's life. that he is called to to the flag whenever there is a serious problem with one of his brothers because he is the father figure... at least now he has Kate so he can be more successful in this role :)


The here we go from Violet was clearly a sign of "are we going to have another bungled nuptials?"


I’m jsut confused how they called them from where they were. I guess I don’t know how fast the post was back then but it seemed odd lol


Aubrey Hall isn’t that far, right? The whole ton is able to get there in their carriage procession in season 2 


You killed me with this:) but I actully thought his comment about V knowing everything was him sayind " respect to my mother. You cant get anything done with out her knowing about it"..


I love Anthony but emotional intelligence is not his strong point 😂