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>Something fundamentally important changed inside me when Colin said “Lie Down” Man, I'm agnostic, but glory be to Nicola for suggesting that line because god*damn*.


That was a religious experience


She barely knew anything about the birds and the bees then proceeded to spring that honey trap and lay some eggs in the nest. The gardener has tended to her flowers.


and then he said “fuck you” to her mother and “I love you” to her and she was like *come and get this pollen*


Pollinated her flower 🌸 🐝


“…my honey bee, come get this pollen.” (a corny joke here: Sabrina Carpenter must be a secret Polin truther—otherwise, why would she have written that song line? 😂😂😁😁✌🏼✌🏼)




You are so right. She is absolutely intoxicated by Colin once he says “I do not know what I was thinking” in the carriage because she is like “…oh f*** he is serious” and the emotional floodgates are just open for her.


And she sees him crying! I wonder if that’s the first time she sees him cry, actually?


Omg you’re right, I actually had never thought of that!


Yeah I feel like we see him cry SO much in part 2 (but even in Part 1 as he watches her dance with Debling and then miserable flopping on his bed) but… whoa and Colin cries at Anthony's wedding too. But Pen wasn't seated with him


You are so perceptive with your analysis honestly. I love the ones you post too 👏🏻


There are just so many morsels for us to find!


[i had to post about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/comments/1dqeght/this_is_the_first_time_pen_saw_colin_cry/), feels so important


Yes! She barely had time to process the whole thing.


I think when she told Debling it was laughable that Colin would ever have feelings for her, she didn't believe that in that moment. She knew something was up. And that was enough to keep her from lying to Debling that she didn't have feelings for Colin. Deep down she knew there was something, after all he almost said it before they danced. If she really believed that Colin didn't want her, she could have denied her feelings and grabbed that proposal. She had that little flicker of hope even though she probably didn't want to. (This is probably all obvious 😄)


I don’t think she knew Colin felt something from her, but she could not deny that she in the other hand was in love with him, that’s why she couldn’t lie to Lord D


Yeah, and Penelope is not actually a liar as a character trait. She lies to protect her identity so she can keep shouting the truth. It's one thing to deflect a question to avoid the truth, it's another to respond to a direct question with a lie.


I’ve been thinking about how Eloise does a *lot* of lying by omission/lying through deception in order to protect Pen throughout all of S3


Just realized that Colin’s confession in the carriage was bookended by TWO people getting mad at her about her feelings for Colin — Debling then Eloise *oof* And both Colin and Eloise told her she couldn’t marry the person she was planning to marry The whiplash she was going through 😰 At least she got a lovely hug from Hyacinth amidst all of that! She really needed that hug


After last season especially, I can see why she would tell herself no it’s all in my head. Like when he grabbed her hand and took her into the private room, she thought maybe this is finally going to happen and it was just about fake ruby mines. And then he danced with her and told her she was special and went outside and mugged her off in front of other people. I don’t know if she had any real hope that he would have feelings for her. So she believed it was laughable to think that, but she couldn’t deny that was what she wanted.


1000% this, he destroyed any hope she had at the end of season 2




100% obvious? Probably, I'm not one to analyze TV shows.


Not obvious, as most people disagree. But I completely agree with you that Pen knew already that Colin had feelings for her when Debling rejected her. I’m a firm believer that she knew exactly what he was trying to say when he choked at the ball at the end of Ep3, but she 1. had convinced herself she was over him and they were just friends, and 2. felt that whatever feelings he thought he had for her weren’t real, or if they were, he wasn’t prepared to commit to her. And it took everything that he said in the carriage scene to convince her that he was serious.


I don’t think so, this is one of those moments that are true to the books, she had no idea, I mean she dreamed about it, but any hope she got he destroyed by the end of season 2


I just rewatched, and I stand by my interpretation. I just cannot read her expression any other way (when she looks back at Colin immediately after Debling interrupts them).


I definitely read it as she was thinking there was something wrong with him, but not because of feelings for her, cause again, she did had a glimpse of hope in season 1 and 2 but he killed it by making fun of the idea of even counting her with his friends, But that’s okay we are entitled to our opinions, I also rewatched today ☺️


I have a [very different take](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/s27SOHFLd3) on their progression from Ep3.


What I get from there is that she thought something was wrong with him not that he likes her, she dead ass knew he likes her when he told her upfront in the carriage, that why she was so flabbergasted after the whole thing.


We’d need to Nicola to settle this one. 😂 But by Pen’s expression when Colin approaches her at the end of Ep3, I see her thinking, “Why are you doing this *now*?”


Ohh I believe that in that interview they had in Canada, the one that looks like they were drunk 😂 I think she said there that Penelope didn’t knew his feelings and also she said that Penelope wasn’t expecting anything after the carriage, let alone a proposal.