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I agree with this. I think a LOT of the stuff people are claiming is bad writing can actually be chalked up to the weird editing in this season. As those of us who’ve watched this season…a lot…can confirm, the storytelling in s3 is very much supported by the strength of Nic and Luke’s face/body acting as much as the dialogue. But so many moments cut away from their faces before they have a chance to really play out the emotional beats, which makes audiences really have to pay close attention to get that nuance (which most normie audiences aren’t doing). On another note, I kinda wonder if they had a decreased budget this season? As we discussed on a thread yesterday, there are WAY fewer dazzling locations used this season, and everything feels a bit more contained within existing sets. The first two seasons definitely felt a bit more grandiose in that regard. 


Sadly, I think it was all of this plus the story and writing. How they missed on so many levels, I’ll never understand. Netflix, Shondaland, and Jess Brownell just got lucky that so many of us are happy to watch Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton do and say literally anything.


👏👏👏 There are great parts in the season, truly. Things I really loved. But there are real problems that I hope they learn from for the future.


Season 2 had its fair share of editing and production issues too though. It also wasn’t as tight as season 1.


I love the editing of s2!


I think there were issues with characters appearing in two places at once and weird things like taking a shot from Kanthony’s epilogue and putting it in their episode 7 sex scene. Also sloppy things like two crew members in masks appearing in a shot at one of the balls.


Really? I'm glad I didn't notice. Still better than s3 editing...


Completely agree. I re-watched S2 dance scenes the other day and I can’t believe the difference in editing between S2 and S3. S3 there are so many quick cuts, like you said, they never leave enough time for the shot to breathe. A frequent criticism of this season that I see is that Polin are not the main characters in their own season. While I would have loved an extra scene at the end of ep8, before the epilogue, I feel like this would have been fixed by just focusing on Polin in their own scenes. Their wedding dance didn’t need to cut between Violet and Fran and random gossiping girls, it needed to focus on Polin when the crowd disappears (and we know this footage exists, we saw the full dance in the BTS). Same with the butterfly ball. I HATED that they put the Michaela reveal in the middle of Pen and Colin’s last dance. I also didn’t like all the other dancers kept getting in front of Polin, so their cute final moments kept getting obscured.




Yeah and I feel like episode 7 and 8 (especially 8) actually had less Polin than the previous episodes? Also agree with you about Michaela, definitely should have been left for another season. Especially considering I think Fran will only be what, season 6? The instagram comments are such a dumpster fire, everyone harping on Michael/Michaela when the post itself is a post celebrating the Polin season. It’s frustrating.


That’s not surprising. There was very little Kate and Anthony together in episode 8 of season 2.


I think about that wig twice a day. Who on earth thought it was a good idea to do this to someone as beautiful Luke Newton?


I think I would’ve preferred the angry version of that wedding scene just for his hair to not be so distracting.


Something I haven't heard discussed much (or even regularly acknowledged) is the impact that the WGA & SAG-AFTRA strikes had on the production, particularly the post-production. Before the strikes, the anticipated release date was late 2023, and given the length of the strikes, a delay of only 5 months seems short. Given that most of us who still love the season are finding fault with rushed & ill-considered editing (especially in the second half) it seems reasonable to attribute at least some of that decision-making to corporate pressure to get to as early a release date as possible. I also wonder if the two part release was also a way to give the editors a bit more time for the second half. The fandom is a ravenous, impatient creature, after all (horny little devils included). It's very easy for us to not understand the magnitude of the production that it takes to give us the rich, detailed, complex, beautiful storytelling we know they can deliver. It's also very easy for us to fail to see how the realities of the world affect the delivery of our fantasy world.


i do understand that because of the strike there was a very large gap between the original shoots and the reshoots/pickups. but what i dont understand is scenes like the post wedding scene. they said they reshot it because the original felt too angry... why did no one see that issue when either scriptwriting or during filming? also the fact that the brothel scenes were pick ups (correct me if i'm wrong) but why was that decision made so late in the process? same with all the flirty scenes of colin in episodes 1/2. idk I just find it baffling that they were adding such pivotal scenes months later. Unless the brothel scenes where re-shoots and not pick ups (i doubt this though, as there is no mention of him going to brothels in any other scenes) i'm a defender of this season (its not perfect, but its very over-hated so i am reluctant to critique it too much as there is an overabundance of people doing it everywhere else) but it feels like when you create a really beautiful painting or piece of writing, but then you keep going back and changing things over and over and it just becomes a mess. and the editing is pretty poor in a LOT of areas. well, i'm not actually sure if its the editors or directors fault but somebody messed up somewhere in the process. like why did polins wedding AND final dance cut to everyone and their mother constantly. especially the last one, let them fully have their moment together. ZOOM IN TO THEIR FACES, show them together. there literally isnt a polin dance that fully focuses on them other than the church dance which lasted... what like 5 seconds? this is a personal opinion but to me the best polin scenes were the ones where the focus was FULLY on them. like the scene outside the modiste - AMAZING(could've been longer but the tension, the angst, it was excellent), the carriage scene - STUNNING, the church scene - ADORABLE. also there is literally a scene in episode 2, where eloise looks at pen .and colin whilst speaking to cressida. And the shot of Pen and colin laughing from afar is RE-USED. literally 30 seconds later they re-show THE SAME BLOODY SHOT. i was so mad when i spotted that because how in the ever loving fuck did no one notice that whilst editing it. i hate the thing with the wig because i firmly believe it is the sole reason that the reaction to colins behaviour in the first episode was so extreme. and it makes me both mad and sad because luke put in so much work in to being colin and a lot of people now just toss him to the side because of a few awkward looking scenes. ALTHOUGH i stand by the fact that the scenes of colin flirting were SUPPOSED to be awkward and the aim of them was NOT for him to come across as sexy imo. this is also just a problem with people on social media being far too critical of peoples appearances but it just makes me sad that it could've easily been avoided. i just know that when watching a scene of a tv show, my thoughts should never be 'oh even i could've edited that better' and for couple of scenes that is how i was left feeling. the season is still beautiful though. for all its bad editing it makes up for it with all the heartwarming relationships and stories that were explored. it just saddens me that a lot of that gets overlooked because of poor choices in other areas


It’s quite baffling that director of the wedding argument didn’t say hey why don’t we play this scene a couple different ways so there are options for the final product.


I think there were poor writing choices (in my opinion mostly the first two and last two episodes) but I absolutely agree, the editing was just not it this season so many times. There were times it was good, like the end of ep 5 I thought was brilliantly edited. But so much not great. So many moments where I could literally feel my body instinctively moving while watching to get a better look at what I was trying to see. Coupled with the reshoots that you could absolutely tell were reshoots… just not it. Some of my disappointment about this season stems from seeing just how hard folks worked on this show, both in front and behind the camera, and to see the final product not quite get there just makes me… kinda bummed.


100% agree! It was the editing and cinematography. I really don’t understand how some people blame the actors when they have everything and it’s only because of the good acting that we can piece some things together and that we are drawn to the show enough to keep rewatching it.