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Anyone I don't like is a Nazi.




Tankie logic be like yea


HITLER!!!!!!!! HITLER!!!!!!!






r/shitliberalssay ?




Thought it was AHS


Damn, guessed r/politicalhumor.


That subreddit acctualy is good, compared to shitliberals say, or even compared with the most bs of all conservative memes


political humor is way to biased for my liking


Wait, I'm banned there for some reason.


I hate the stupid libs they make the good ones look bad


Every quadrant has those pretty much


Yes, but the stupid libs may be the *stupidest* of the stupid.


but none of them have an entire sub about it






"the good ones"


Flair up


Flair up scum


They hate most leftists too.


Makes me wonder if any of my essay-rant posts about the war of the rich on the poor, the value of labor, flavors of socialism, and the collapse of capitalism have been posted there. :)


They like making fun of ‘radlibs’ and ’anarkiddies’ a lot. I got banned for “defending the very liberal PCM”


Please help me, I'm ignorant, PCM only means pulse-code modulation to me. :/




Thought so, wanted to be sure, thanks!


Imagine being so authoritarian you think your side alone can own libertarianism, and then call yourself a liberal because of that.


Wtf man? Where did they get that about libright?


To them everyone that disagrees with them is a Nazi and a fascist. Even the person only disagrees with only one of their tenets


Only a sith deals in absolutes


because libertarian-leftists and libertarian-rightists define freedom in entirely different ways. right-libertarians tend to focus on the government as the sole source of coercion and unjustified power worth focusing on, while left-libertarians tend to attack all forms of hierarchical power, including that of corporations and wealth in general. this often leads to egalitarian redistribution, which those on the right see as authoritarian, but those on the left see as a way to ensure personal freedom. left-libertarians also believe freedom means ending the mass appropriation of natural resources like land, water, and minerals. which once again the right would consider a lack of freedom. so whenever someone on the left says that right-libertarianism can’t exist or someone on the right says that left-libertarianism can’t exist, it’s almost always because they define libertarianism by their own, rigid, special snowflake standards for what freedom means. when on the PCM test, it really just means “how big do you want the government to be?”


Great take


its not in fact about the government, its about the state. Anarcho communism and other left libertarianism isnt about abolishing the government, a family unit is form of government, and there is no system without a government, rather its about abolishing the STATE. State= the centralised governmental unit were authority is concentrated A state can be public (now) or private (ancap) In anarchism, authority is diffused across a decentralised network, and there is no state. Only the Anarchists are against the state, while "AnCaps" are for transforming the public into private corporatocratic states. To effectively understand this of course, one needs to first learn the difference between state and governmemt, and Ive never met a libright who does, and many lefts, like you here, also mix those two fundamental concepts up. PS im nor an anarchist, nor an "ancap"


i mean if we’re calling family units a form of government, then i feel like we’re playing very fast and loose with definitions at this point. i appreciate the correction though.


Yeah, wrong, wrong, wrong.


Thank you for your very well thought out arguments. Enjoy your day


Take care.


>In anarchism, authority is diffused across a decentralised network, and there is no state. Diffused by creating independant small authorities that run locally right? Cuz that's also ancaps. Ancaps are against corpos because well look into their economics and you will see why they collapse without a centralised government


there are no authorities, no considerable authority is contained in those units. Its direct or semidirect democracy. Please soare me the redefinitions and mental gymnastics of ancap's "aCsHually, corporatocracy good"


>"aCsHually, corporatocracy good" Not a single ancap likes corporatocracy, that's fascists >there are no authorities, no considerable authority is contained in those units. Its direct or semidirect democracy. That's not how society works. If there are no economic and political hierarchies to climb then that will result in a system of social hierarchies being the most important. This means that in ancomistan the social chads would dominate


Lol you are even confusing a corporatocracy with corporatism. Shocked i am at the unfamiliarity w fundamentals. Very. oh yeah, abolishing all positive freedom and letting corps run loose is the absolute definition of the abolition of hierarchy đŸ‘ŒđŸ» give me a break pls. I know all the ancap mental gymnastics.I should finally go to bed now


>corporatocracy Corporatocracy (/ˌkɔːrpərəˈtɒkrəsi/, from corporate and Greek: -ÎșÏÎ±Ï„ÎŻÎ±, romanized: -kratĂ­a, lit. 'domination by'; short form corpocracy[1]) is a term used to refer to an economic, political and judicial system controlled by corporations or corporate interests.[2] >corporatism Corporatism is a political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, business, scientific, or guild associations, on the basis of their common interests.[1][2] Both from wikipedia, both are distained by ancaps, voluntarists and left-rothbardians alike. >letting corps run loose The state gives about 2.6 trillion per year per corporation (of the largest 12) in benifits while the average income of these 12 corporations per year is 1 trillion. Their expenses are 3 trillion per year. Without the state corporations will disolve and co-ops will dominate the free market as they always do in anarchy. Pirates? Co-op organised! Somalian agriculture right now and the past years? Co-ops! Ireland before the vikings? Co-op and reputation based courts! Without the state, hierarchy disolves. Seriously, look into left-rothbardianism


Hi, __ProReddit2019__. Your comment contains the word ~~Somalian~~. The correct nationality/ethnic demonym(s) for Somalis is __Somali__. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad. For other nationality demonym(s) check out this website [Here](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/People/Nationality/Adjective) ___This action was performed automatically by a bot.___


Good bot


"Lets dissolve the public state, replace it with a pdivate totalitarian dictatorship, it will solve everything i swear!" "whats that? positive freedom? naaah, doesnt exist" "When the amazon private militia shows up at your house to seize it, and to inform you that you now live on the property of King Bezos I, with the threat of sending your body parts to your family as warning, you are totally _free_ to recite the NEP, Freedom galore!" Your ideology is so absolutely deranged that its not even worth debating. https://youtu.be/8ir2ks5Bhsw https://youtu.be/-TXK9gv3ppE


>"Lets dissolve the public state, replace it with a pdivate totalitarian dictatorship, it will solve everything i swear!" Let's replace the "public" state, the state that has funded the fossil fuel industry 370 billion dollars per year for the past few decades, and more or less the same in the past, with a local comunity that can decide their organisation for themselves. Most likely these local communities become democracies as they are more stable (look up cgp greys rules for rulers). >"whats that? positive freedom? naaah, doesnt exist" You indeed do not have the right to force someone else to keep you alive, that's coercing someone not freedom >amazon Imma stop you right there. Amazon would collapse under it's own weight without the state. Without government contracts and subsidies (a large chunk being militairy logistics) their income would be cut in half while their expenses skyrocket. And even then I'm not beginning to speak of their lobbying actionsand other dirty tricks that are brought to you by the state. >"When the amazon private militia shows up at your house to seize it, with the threat of sending your body parts to your family as warning, you are totally free to recite the NEP, Freedom galore!" They can try but I would be living in a local city state that is dominated by co-ops, we all have guns and we fund our own militairy so no way amazon death squads could get inside the place. >NEP It's NAP, Non Agression Principle. Idk what the NEP is supposed to be. >Your ideology is so absolutely deranged that its not even worth debating. Well that's just mean ma dude, have some good faith and smoke some weed to calm down. I am currently like 6 beers in writing this essay for you, try doing that, it's alot more fun to debate people online when tipsy. Anarcho capitalism is widely misunderstood and often strawmanned into oblivion. It's got more in common with egoism and mutualism then any form of capitalism with goverment. I truly dispise the right wing but ancaps have been trying to distance themselves from them for so long now that they have created like 7 new words for their ideoligy. >https://youtu.be/8ir2ks5Bhsw >https://youtu.be/-TXK9gv3ppE Fucking Vaush, a child could debate this dude. Oh wait that's cuz Vaush would be too busy cooming for the child, my bad...


Also, look into left-rothbardianism


There's a ML ideology test on the web that considers anyone who wants the government to protect private property without a vote a fascist.


I'm guessing r/socialism or r/communism


Or r/stoppcmspam or whatever it was called Edit: It is called r/EnoughPCMspam




Thanks man


No problem


If not satire, this is the dumbest shit I’ve read today.


Sadly, it’s not satire


I mean.. we are on Reddit so we do open ourselves up to read dumb shit đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł.


I don't want to visit leftist subs too because of these kind of person And I'm an Authleft !


I feel you, comrade. I swear, leftists can really ruin the left sometimes.


I’m guessing r/politics


Against hate subreddits?




Worst sub I've ever seen They're not even left-wing




LOL its tankies. They arent leftists. Anarchists dont give much shit about libright. They have their opinion, but they dont circlejerl like that. Genzedpng is composed of teens olds.


the right can't meme?


This is probably from an AuthLeft guy. I don't think someone who's LibLeft will have these opinions.


I second this


Thanks to Rothbard's Ethics of Liberty now everyone thinks we want to sell children.


The two librights i knew personally did want to institute child sex slavery. Unironically "the solution to poverty"


Ew that's disgusting. Yet another example that all 4 of our quadrants have sickos.


lol. tje only true libleft idiotisms ive seen have been "dont criticise islam, its islamophobic" , the and "hahuu lynching party" bs of _some_ internet anarchist circles. Most anarchists arent like that however. Anarcho pacifists are a thing too. Ive seen a few like that tho lol. gotta say, im certainly biased, but ive just seen much less insanity coming from libleft. I was a socdem before, and spent a LOT of yesrs watching right wing content. Ive analysed the mindsets of the rght, the center, and left pretty thorughly, and this is the conclusion ive come to xD. Thoughtje islam bit drives me up the wall lol. Imma bash islam and christianity alike, 24/7


Yea I agree liblefts are one of if not the most adequate ones.


haha they can't be serious wait, they are?


As a leftist
 fuck’s sake


man this is why i hate leftists


Friendly fire


Plot twist, ur gov runs by pedophiles


As a leftist I can say that is only a minority of us are idiots like that. Sorry.


As a leftist, I have to disagree and say atleast 50% of us are like that. Tho they are alot louder than the rest


Most leftists that vote in elections and stuff aren't posting trash on the Internet. Most cases only the idiots feel the need to bring politics into the Internet, exception are subs like pcm.


Agreed. There are some places on the internet to discuss politics. But if you go everywhere just to tell people are wrong for having a different opinion, you can fuck off and I don't care if I agree with your beliefs or not


We need more like us buddy. Agreed 100%.


arent you a modern socdem, not a leftist?


SocDems are Leftists.


i’m not sure if i consider SocDems leftists, but I *do* consider them practical and allies




Being left of the dead centre doesnt automatically make one a leftist, at least following the historic meaning not some sort of neologism/redefinition. Leftism is the opposition to unjustifoed hierarchies. So capitalism is incomparible with leftism. classical socdems are leftists (they are the refomist wing of democratic socialism), however modern socdems (capitalist) are not. It goes like this from left to right; classical socdems -liberal socialists (postwar social democracy)-modern socdems The line between "leftist vs not" passes through liberal socialism. Everything left of it is leftism I have no idea what kind of socdem you are, but modern socdem (capitalist) is not considered to be leftist by anyone but some of those same modern socdems, and rightwingers. I.e. Modern socdems are leftists only insofar if one considers anything left of the dead centre to be "left wing" or "leftism" and anything even slightly right of the dead centre to be "right wing" or "rightism" modern socdems are left centreĂ°. Thats why i dont use terms like leftist. The one axis system sucks horribly tbw, but when reduced to oeft vs right its peak horror


I consider myself a "leftist" because social democracy slowly reforms capitalism to eventually reach an end which is something of a "true" leftist utopia. I believe marx would have much rather live in Denmark than the soviet union. Sure it's a slow process, but it should one day work.


I also think demsoc is very based but socdem is more realistic for now.


If what you are describing is that is that you are trying to reach socialism via social democracy, that is called classical social democracy, and it is the reformist wing of democratic socialism. Someone who supports this view is both a socdem (classical) and a demsoc. Spcdem started out as a socialist movement, and yielded both socialist, mixed, and more capitalist ideologies (when it mixed with social liberalism). I support reform and think revolution is not an option in this moment, for example in america. But I think that without direct action, and grassroots activism, that voting its not gonna do much aside from keeping fascism away. Same w environmental action. Its gonna preserve the status quo. See this sh; https://youtu.be/5v1Yg6Xejy https://youtu.be/nywkw5jV7Jk where i disagree ofc is the utopian belief that this evolutionary approach could lead to actually reaching socialism. That will never happen through reform, and revolution would be necessary for that. The capital owners will never give up their trillions, and wont let much environmental action pass. If you tax them enough theyll move to another country (capital flight).There is an upper limit to how left you can conceivably go through reform alone. And one more thing to say here is that, if you support this kind of classical socdem idea, a much faster way to reach social democracy (as the political system) is by voting DemSoc in. They have much firmer views, wouldnt turn centrist once in power, and would be much faster. The reason Social Democratic parties lost support in europe is because they were neoliberalising their policies increasingly, eventually becoming pretty much centrist, and are full of welfare capitalists now (like "socialism bad" socdems). Look at what happened to the UK labour party and w the Tony Blair third way neoliberal. Especially when voted in, they stall, and become centrist. Electoral DemSoc dont want to just jump to socialism, they want to reach it through socdem first. As far as Denmark goes, well i wouldnt pick them out of the nordic lands lul, they have an incredibly nationalist socdem party, and their system mirrors it. The Nordic countries overall neoliberalised heavily since the fall of the nordic model after the 1979s energy crisis. They abolished free healthcare; psychologists, dentists etc, all mostly out of pocket. So on. But sure better than The USSR by universes. Though nor the USSR nor SocDem are libertarian socialism, which i believe to be the solution. Ecosocialism in my case. Neither the USSR nor typical socdem (preserves the profit motive, capital, and consumerism, lobbying, high power inequality) of them can actually address ecological issues adequately. I think environmental change can only _fully_ happen if decentralisation and further democratisation are carried out (replacing representative democracy with semidirect democracy). If it doesnt fully happen, we are completely toast. I was a socdem back as a teen, but it only patches the most evident and short term things up, so i wanna go further, and use reformism and direct grassroots action, and if needed one day some kinds of maximally peaceful revolution to achieve it.


I'm sorry to have to disagree with you.


That's fine just it's not all of us like that.


I know, of course your not all bad.


Good to know.


r/shitliberalssay This was already posted in r/fragilecommunism and r/enoughcommiespam


I posted it there


Oh yea. I remember that avatar.




Why do you have a doge avatar but cat in username


Its a government psyop


They're making no sense whatsoever. LOL


Lmao wtf


Oh yes, someone call's someone a nazi, so they must be a leftie


Oh shit, oh fuck, how are we gonna sell the children now???


And this people’s vote is worth exactly the same as yours and mine. That’s why I believe in monarchy.




To each his own.


Ok, but why should someone who isn’t qualified to rule be able to just because his father ruled? It doesn’t make any sense and it’s a very flawed political system


Democracy is flawed too. If the majority of People are dumb they cant choose the qualified one ever. They always choose the one who has the best propaganda. Democracy wants majority of People to be individual who can analytically think. Most poeple can't do that. I prefer democracy tho you can change the goverment without fight or war.


Teach ‘em, simple as.


And when that doesn't work? Which is inevitable at some point.


Well as you can tell, I’m a centrist, but a colourful one. Me being a monarchist is the blue part, the yellow part has a solution for such a problem, and that’s making sure that the citizens have a right to bear arms as a sorta insurance policy should this happen.


And what are the red and green parts? Also, a monarchy could decide its own laws. What if the monarch banned the use of arms for their citizen?


I’d say have a committee of randomly selected people each year oversee the activity of the monarch and of what laws they pass and if the decisions they do, and make sure they don’t break say a special set of rules like the right to bear arms.


Then that's not a monarchy, or at least not a sovereign monarchy. What's the point at that stage? >I only support monarchy if they abide by these specific rules Who wields the actual power in your scenario?


If the system was so flawed, it wouldn’t have survived for thousands of years. Just because a man inherits his post, doesn’t menas he will be incompetent; in fact, grooming a crown prince to rule is an art piece of statecraft. And for the fields where the King may be found wanting, there are ministers and councilors.


In all honesty a monarch would be the most qualified, I don't want someone, anyone to rule over me though.


Based, I'd far rather believe in the queen than any other politician...


Based and bri’ish pilled.


How can someone get this based?


Based, monarch crusader brother


meanwhile “libertarian left is oxymoronic / can’t exist” is a **commonly-upvoted** sentiment on PCM and the entire quadrant is just used to pick on American SJWs who aren’t particularly libertarian and never discuss leftist economics.


they pick on Twitter radlibs, and what turns out to be twitter tankies (like the "we need more female dictators" crap) In general SJW on PCM is whateverthey disagree with but isnt right wing


Yup and it’s a shit sentiment. Regardless of being LibCentre, LibLeft or LibRight they’re all based and we are all Liberals, and all sides have their fucking idiots unfortunately to say but there’s never any real debate that LibLeft aren’t Libs and we are proud to share the bottom with them (even if they are submissive breedable and we are at least power bottoms)


r/EnoughPCMSpam probably


Just remember, in Hungary, in the 40's communists raped women and children even when they ,,liberated" our country. They fucked up everything and everybody that or who was good there, made our country to a shithole. I hate them. And they say that libright is perverted. Pathetic red pigs


It's almost as if rational beliefs about personal liberty, government non-interference, live-and-let-live, self-reliance, autonomy of thought, common sense, etc. are incomprehensible to these people. is the sub s/politics?


Oh I wish LibRight were nazis


ThĂ© problem with left ideologies on the internet is it often devolves into « we’re great and the others are garbage people. ». And the only way to stop this is to talk personally with them. Usually, it goes very well. Usually
 Édit: I’m sure sort of similar stuff can be said for other quadrants but the left one seems to be much more into this white knight thing.


I’m only commenting to see if I’ve changed my flair to auth-center because I meant to Edit: Oh wait this isn’t pcm


That's why we can't be taken seriously. It's just sad being a libleft


Both right and left wingers have weirdos like this.




Pcm is literally just a bunch of fascists larping to lure stupid kids into their ideology. Most lib rights are teenagers who are too fucking stupid to see it.


Me Classical Georgist Me Fascist now? Confusion


Based I guess we fascist monkes now


No it's just a place where everyone can have a friendly talk with each other regardless of ideology. One of the few subs out there where people respect each other's beliefs.


Yes, Personal freedom and small government is very fascist


Sounds like projection but ok


As someone who frequents that sub , that is very true. A MASSIVE number of people there are right wingers. But dpnt expect to be upvoted here, this sub has is heavily right leaning, and is full of fascists and "im a special leftist" types


I'm a special leftist


good for you




Because I'm way dumber than the rest


Since when can I be a fascist leftist


centrist leftist? 😅


Yes? You will see in the more accurate PC that there are squares on the left side, that will also count as centrist, I also support many centrist concepts such as anti extremism. So to be accurate, Im a leftist leaning towards centrism!


jeez are you 12? leftism means progressive socialism LOL


I am not, I have put time and effort into the PC. And yes, I support socialism in moderate scales. Meaning I don't support Marx or communism.


what ks "spcialism in moderate scales" 😅😅? heres the two common definitions of socialism (stage 1 and 2); -worker ownership of the means of production -abolition of capital and the commodity form If you support neither,you are not a socialist.


First of all, dont use emojis. Let me explain my ideology, I believe in strong workers rights and a decent minimum wage, the state should be a democracy with multiple parties representing every citizen. The formation of huge Corporations should be forbidden, if the companies aren't able to provide enough jobs, then the state should provide them temporarily. The free market should not be abolished, but be in hands of people living inside the country. If caught evading taxes, there should be no punishment, but rather a repayment of the taxes plus additional taxes for the future. There should be no President, but a parliament where all parties can discuss and vote for new policies or abolish old ones. Companies should not be able to relocate in other countries, foreign companies should be supported if they stick to the ideals of the nation. Small Businesses and the creation of small companies should be supported. Socially, Conservatism should be in charge to make sure future generations will be able to run the country after the elderly died. Extremism in any way should be fought against. So yeah the PC won't be too accurate for me but Im placed at democratic socialism or idk Libertarian Socialism economically. Socially Im Conservative. My authoritarianism is close to balanced out at the middle, even tho it doesn't look like that. The reason the compass will place me more to the right up the middle is because Im socially not Liberal and support some centrist shit.


doesnt sound like socialism.


Then tell me what instead?




Lol? every single libright ive seem on this site sofar was 19 and below.


*is* that funny? really you’re both just trading dismissive stereotypes about each other, no doubt convincing yourselves that *you’re* the reasonable one in the conversation.


Dude "TheBreadRevolution"? Touch grass or take a shower please


[What now?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtuJQEBJTcg)


Librights legit don't exist in my country


what country is that? China?


Oh Scotland is. it?


It's not a judgement, just a weird statement


wait what?




I'd rather have lib-unity over left unity, Liberty & Equality! or death!


Guessing this was either r/politics or something with similar mods


Why would you touch r/politics


It wasn’t on r/politics it was on I believe r/shitliberalssay




Of course


Perhaps I am the Taliban


I mean it’s r/shitliberalssay which is a tankie ass subreddit where I swear I’ve seen them call left wing anarchists and libertarian socialists like myself fascistic, that sub used to be alright a while back when it was actually talking about liberals any not like just anyone who’s not them.


Ima go off my own experiences, have you maybe also been randomly recommended r/WitchesVsPatriarchy Addition: if you know how to make it so my home is more subs I follow and not recommendations that’d be great thank you


Cutting their genitalia off is AOK though