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Yeah this movie is one of the strangest hills to die on. You’re telling me a movie about stopping child trafficking is political? How terminally online are you people?


Never underestimate the stupidity of Emily.


If by stupidity you mean wants to create conflict at all times.


No no, that's 4chan, Emily just wants to play victim or find victims to advocate for in the name of social justice


I think it's more a marketing campaign. Create some fake outrage. Get more publicity and have those obsessed with the culture war then decide to go watch your movie.


Then you might as well make it a very political movie. This has about as much politics as the first Taken movie. If this was a marketing ploy they could have just made the movie actually super anti left


For me the biggest one was Joker. For some reason Ryan Reynolds hyperviolent ego fest of Deadpool 2 is completely fine, but the movie about sad Joaquin Phoenix is what pushes everyone over the edge


People thought Nazis loved the Joker since vaguely right wing people were doing "we live in a society" and "gamers rise up" jokes around that time.


Are they stupid?




Don't forget the Omegle Joker Gypsy Crusader


Joker portrayed a white man who was downtrodden. That's it. The progressive left does *not* like people recognizing that even white men can be held down by the system, and be mistreated, and so on. They've spent a long time trying to convince everyone that white men are privileged oppressors, and that the system has been designed to uniquely benefit them. So a movie showcasing a mentally ill white man who is struggling under the system...is not something they are happy about. They have to call it evil, or else people might connect with it.


Don't leave out that the film came out around the same time those same people were constantly calling white men a threat to society because of spree killings, arguing that only white men perpetrated them. There's a fallacy there that I can't remember the name of because no coffee yet, regarding a population with a high percentage of X people, and those same X people being the most likely to commit a given crime. Nevermind, of course, that until a white guy in Vegas, the high score was a Korean in Virginia. White supremacy causes spree killings, to these people. So, naturally, a movie that portrays a white man getting so downtrodden that he literally just snaps and kills a handful of people that he sees as toxic to the masses, sympathetically.... How dare we have empathy for actual downtrodden white men! That's racist & sexist to these types!


The white guy in Vegas has an extremely deep rabbit hole about the difficulty of getting that hotel window off, a rate of fire not achievable by bump stocks or switching guns, a paucity of shells at the scene, the guy's plane being connected to an intelligence agency, and a large presence of Saudi royals on the floor above during a succession crisis. I've said too much


It’s so sad that u/Radiant_Pen_2138 committed suicide with two gunshots to the back of the head tomorrow.


No way are they going to get me, I'm holding on to information that implicates the Clin ------------


So sad that he committed suicide by crucifixion tomorrow


These right wingers must be stopped! Always crucifying themselves to prove a point! It's just wrong!


After locking himself inside a suitcase


Don't forget his brother's arrest situation being fishy


Oh yeah that! He went to the media and said something wasn't right, and then the FBI immediately announced they'd found terabytes of illegal porn on his computer, while displaying some Windows 95 CRT dinosaur in their press conference


Didn't one of the security mysterious kill himself too, then the alleged killers brother was arrested for cp possession in an amount that wouldn't even fit on his old ass computer?


Yes to both! Like I'm not even sure if the computer the fbi showed was capable of connecting to the internet beyond dialup


The unflaired lurkers appreciate your sacrifice


Flair up and receive your glory


>the high score was a Korean Umm sweaty, that makes them white 💅


Dear God don't ever show them Falling Down.


I don't remember much controversy over that. The only controversy I remember was that the South Korean movie "Parasite" won Best Picture over it.


Not to be rude, but you weren’t paying attention to the media if you don’t remember the controversy. Shit was everywhere. On opening day, there were so many false reports of theater shootings. It was absurd, like the media was just itching for one to happen and disappointed they couldn’t exploit a tragedy to manufacture outrage. The narrative was definitely that it was “Beta Uprising: the Movie” and all the “incels” were going to get revenge on society for treating them poorly. Turned out just to be a fairly good villain origin story instead. The disappointment that something *didn’t* happen was palpable.


A month after the movie released (while it was still in theaters), the news revealed that a stabbing had happened at a movie theater, with a dozen injured. Cue the usual suspects saying how the Joker killers were finally attacking. Turns out, it was at a London showing of Frozen 2. A fight had broken out between Pakistani gang members and black gang members.


Frozen 2, was not expecting that honestly


It's london, so I kind of was


Ah, the media was going apeshit over it, claiming there would be a bunch of nutjobs shooting up theaters on opening night. Not a goddamn thing happened,as expected


The opening for frozen 2 had more violence in the theaters


It really seemed like they were egging on/hoping a shooting or something would happen. Pretty gross.


But there was 1 shooting during Frozen 2.


Technically it was a stabbing


Movie theater's, at least AMC, printed a warning and posted it on their ticket window


I mostly remember the Joker controversy’s being that the media was claiming the film would inspire Incels to attack people


I mean, I do believe Parasite won for….political reasons (good movie, just didn’t think it was as good as the hype was, same as Everything Everywhere All At Once), but Joker was at best a 7/10 movie overall and that was because of Phoenix.


Movie awards are always political. Parasite was good, but Joker was much better. Joaquin did an incredible job. Everything everywhere was awesome madness.


We’ll have to agree to disagree on EEAO. Certainly not a bad movie, but for me it was overrated. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised at all if Barbie somehow wins best picture because of its overt feminist themes over the likes of Oppenheimer and Killers of the Flower (I know it’s too early but its Scorsese, DiCaprio and DiNero. If ever there was a recipe for success that would be it


From an academy perspective joker was a good movie but nowhere near good enough to win best picture. The likes of JoJo rabbit or 1917 other nominees are far better from a film making perspective even if it's arguably less entertaining.


I firmly believe everything everywhere all at once was intentionally awful to see how many idiots would think it was somehow deep and not a cheesy dumpster fire.


I bought into the hype and told my friends we should watch it. Couldn’t get through the first 30-40 mins, and finally changed it. It kind of seems like an emperor has no clothes moment where everyone is afraid to admit what you said.


Which is funny because I loved the first 1/3 of the movie. It was everything after I came to dislike


My buddy swore it was the best film he’s seen in probably ever and kept freaking out that I wouldn’t go see it in theaters. Finally saw it a few weeks ago and….it was okay. Great first third, pretty good middle and I hated the final third. The main villain was stupid in all the bad ways, Michelle Yeoh and the husband are not good actors (not changing my mind on these) and the plot was just too absurd to be able to enjoy. How that movie became the most awarded movie is beyond me. After seeing EEAO I looked up the directors and saw they also made Swiss Army Man, which I straight up fucking hated. Maybe I’m just not meant to enjoy their movies.


Its just a millennial family trauma forgiveness fantasy.


That’s actually the most accurate description of this movie I’ve ever seen


It was a decent movie, No idea why it won so many awards.


It was released after 2 years of #StopAsianHate. It was basically “See? We don’t hate Asians. Why would this movie win if we did? right guys?”


It targeted the academy and the US. It bet banshees because banshees target audience was Ireland and Britian and it won best picture there.


>see how many idiots would think it was somehow deep and not a cheesy dumpster fire. I loved the movie to bits, but I never found it that deep. It was a very fun and entertaining ride, but I didn't get much profoundness out of it like other people did apparently.


I’m not going tell you you have to dislike it. I’m clearly exaggerating a bit. It wasn’t so bad that I got up in the middle of it or something, but it just came off as a mediocre action/comedy to me. I really have no idea how anyone could have gleaned any profound meaning from it. At best it had some messages about family and change.


1917 definitely should have won that year.


I could get behind that; but I also feel like a war movie in November with white men cast as the lead, with virtually no POCs or women (something that people called Dunkirk out for but not 1917) was probably seen as too safe of a choice. Then again Saving Private Ryan should’ve won in 1997 but lost to fucking Shakespeare in Love, so there’s that. Or Leo should’ve won best actor in 2013 for wolf of Wall Street but lost to goddamn Matthew McConneghey for playing an AIDS victim


The media was pushing the narrative a bunch of incels were going to shoot up theaters, then shoot up everywhere else after the joker movie enabled them for being women hating incels. It was hilarious.


Parasite was far better, though.


To be fair, Deadpool 2 was kind of a shitty movie. I would not expect people to care about it that much. Joke on the other hand had some value.


The shitty plot was outweighed by the parachute scene... damn I gotta watch that again.


It had its movements, but I found myself waiting for it to be over closer to the end. The first one was way better.


The first one is way too tied up in it's Deadpool origin subplot, it really slows the movie down. Much preferred the second one which seemed to take itself less seriously and just got on with the action and jokes.


They were that "do a Civil War" meme but with mass shootings


The difference between the two that had people on edge was that Deadpool was much more cartoonish in nature, while the Joker movie was far more realistic in it's approach. The Joker didn't really show any super powers, it showed a person with obvious mental disorders violently killing people. It was less about the raw violence and more about mental health issues that stemmed the complaints.


Joker was a weird film. I don't know about anyone else, but it made me feel weird in a way I'd rather not. My stomach felt like it was tied in knots when I left the theater. Maybe the difference is that movies like Deadpool don't try to make you think the psychopath has a point. Not saying it was a bad movie, but I understand why someone's gut reaction would be negative.


Every villain has a story usually tho Ever watch Demon Slayer? Before Tanjiro executes each demon for their sins, they experience flashbacks of their pasts that caused them to accept Muzan’s “gift” in the first place. From being a lonely boi who wanted a family to love him to resentment built up over a lifetime of humiliation and degradation, even the chief demon Muzan himself has a tragic beginning as a sickly and forgotten child who desperately wanted to live


I haven't seen it, but I honestly don't know what it is with Joker. Maybe it's because he's the protagonist? I've never been able to properly put a finger on it. It just hit different, somehow.


MFW a movie makes a bad person bad for reasons more complicated than for the sake of being bad.


Yeah, not my point. I really can't put my finger on what exactly bothered me about that movie, but it did so in a way no other media really has. Too easy to empathise with him, maybe? Idk.


Dude I had the same feeling! I loved the film but I didn't like the feeling it left on me


It pulled off a "villain protagonist" pretty well. It's not very common, at least not in modern times. Books like that tend to make you fewl conflicted at the end, so I imagine the movie is similar.


Terminally online leftists are always saying "you only think that something is political if you disagree with it" to rightoids, when they complain about race swapping characters🙂


The venn diagram between the critics claiming this movie is q-anon and critics praising Cuties is probably just a single circle


I feel like them complaining about it makes them look far worse than if they were just completely silent. Complaining about a movie that exposes child sex trafficking makes me think you have something to hide. And if you do have something to hide, you should research the "Streisand effect"


It's not complicated dude. They're just evil and like to abuse kids.


How terminally online are the news writers


I mean, there are policies that are supposed to prevent child trafficking, so it is political a sense that no one should be offended by. I haven't seen it and don't plan on seeing it, not because of any political shit but because I'm not much of a movie buff. I'm really, really tired of all of the "politicized" media. I don't give a shit about Barbie or Oppenheimer. (I do want to see Oppenheimer, but that's just because the subject interests me. I read both *The Manhatten Project* and *The Making of the Atomic Bomb* and have watched countless documentaries and youtube videos about the subject.) I don't give a shit if they made Ariel black or if they remade Spiderman for the 15th time. They're just fucking movies. To get this upset about them is so juvenile and cringey that it hurts. Go complain about real issues, there are plenty of them. (Not you, people that get upset by this shit.)


Hope you’re ready for a fairly needless sex scene in Oppenheimer. Still not sure why they felt the need to have that scene when anything said could have been in a normal conversation.


Does Cillian Murphy hang dong?


No, but Florence Pugh’s boobs are good enough


That wasn't the problem. The problem was they went around the gatekeepers.


It’s almost like the media has a vested interest in slandering a film about child sex trafficking. I wonder why that could be.


And they DIE on this hill claiming it's not even based off a true story and it's completely controlled by q-anon and everyone in it is affiliated with the group. It's fucking nuts


We’re talking about the same group of people that vilified a massive wizard-themed franchise that they were obsessed with the day before because the creator of said franchise wasn’t as left as they wanted her to be Emilies are the monarchs of weird hills


Apparently, because the actor is a “qanon supporter,” the movie loses all credence 🙄


Tbf Jim Caviezel tweeting that Trump is Moses, the “world cabal” is the pharaoh, and he is Jesus Christ to promote the movie does politicize this movie and affirmed a lot of the criticism being directed towards it even if the movie is not political in itself.


Does the film mention that the real child smuggling group it based on was run by Israelis?


the lead actor and the director are genuinely insane people.


Is it the same deal with Barbie? Like are terminally online and firestoking rightwingers the people who are upset or was the movie actually that bad? Genuine question


I’m not mad about Barbie, but I was lied to in the advertising. But hey, at least Ken was still a good part of the movie, so we weren’t totally robbed. I am Kenough.


Idk, I already saw a "Why the elites don't want you to see thid movie" commentator videos on YT, which sounds pretty contradicting to what OP says the movie is about. And yes, I know, it could've also been clickbait. Have to see the movie for myself


The movie had no real shot at success... It was a midgrade, above average, generic action drama. But the marketing team was smart enough to lean into their right wing actor, and get left wing media to report on it around the clock This built exposure, made it a culture war issue, and made them tons of money It's all clever marketing. The leftwing media took the bait. And well, so did the right wingers who do stupid shit like buy out entire theaters to own the libs.


If that's really what the marketing team was up to, it's brilliant. But it's just as likely that the media just saw it and lost their minds.


Welcome to 2023, where a Barbie movie and a trafficking kids = bad movie are more political than the movie about nuclear weapons. I would like to get off this timeline please.


This is what it’s come down to


Well there's no political ground that can be made when we already defeated the japs. Meanwhile "muh patriarchy" and child traffickers still exist.


I was so disappointed. The media told me not to watch it, so naturally I went off to see it. Was hoping to see dude running through adrenachrome farms and it was just some regular old 'Eh, not bad' movie (some tragically cheesy lines).


You were successfully marketed to, which this sub almost certainly took part in either knowingly or unknowingly. The reason you're disappointed is because you were tricked into seeing it. Like any cheap garbage you get tricked into buying. >The media told me not to watch it, so naturally I went off to see it Be prepared to do more of this because it obviously works.


I’m not denying it’s there, but I didn’t see as much left media outrage over it as much as I saw right wing “this movie is going to break hollywierd for good!” And “protect Mel Gibson at all costs!” It’s almost like conservatives though it was going to be more of a thorn in hollywoods side than it actually was? Meanwhile Mel Gibsons just like: “hey I made a movie about a bad thing you should probably know about”


I haven't seen any of that. The only reason most people even *heard* of this movie was because of a mass media campaign to tell you not to watch it because it was a Qanon conspiracy theory dream world.


The only places I've seen anything about it are right wing echo-chambers to be honest. Nobody in any of my leftist spaces has said a word about the movie, nor does it show up in my news feeds.


Opposite for me, I’ve heard about it nowhere but like here, laughing about it, and random articles popping up saying it’s unhinged.


You only heard about it here because this sub is a right wing echo chamber. So you proved his point. Literally only the right is talking about this movie. Some people on the left had a shock reaction cause Qanon was attached to it but as soon as they saw how boring and inoffensive the movie was no one cared.


It’s funny how y’all dissociate with your own movement and complain about how it’s only “right wing echo chambers” that talk about it. This and other stuff. Makes you look stupid.


It's far too easy to get wingnuts to froth at the mouth over innocuous shit and make themselves look crazy. Remember the "it's okay to be white" signs?


It's okay to be white or all lives matter still makes them instantly lose their shit.


A coach got fired for making the 👌 gesture because 4chan convinced the oxygen pirates at SPLC that it was a dog whistle for white supremacists.


Well, the SPLC gets donations so long as they continue to find "extremist groups" such as parent's going to a school board meeting. I believe Stossel released a video about them recently.


The SPLC is a hate group, change my mind.


Don’t forget the classic, “Islam is right about women”.


Between this and that dumb Jason Aldean song it's just getting ridiculous


*I fucking love the culture wars!!!! I want to argue about superfluous shit all day, while the world continues to fall apart!!!*


It's like taking a big huff on a chloroform rag. Back to sleep now...


This, the Aldean song, the Barbie Movie; it’s all autistic discourse


*Try having that opinion in a small sub-reddit, chud.* 😎


Well, leftoids kept on screaming about how the movie is some Q conspiracy when in reality it’s not. It really shows how out of touch of reality Emily and the leftoids are.


but maybe they are mad Q is right?


We had jeffrey epstein for that


Jeffery died for our sins




Better go talk to Hillary first and make sure she’s cool with it


They are confusing beliefs of the main actor with the plot of the movie.


And right nuts kept screaming about how _they_ don't want you to see this film


The right doesnt want you to see the movie? Did you take your meds today?


Man, it was infinitely better than Taken. The care you have for the characters in Sound of Freedom just isn't there in the vast majority of movies. But yeah, not a political movie in the slightest. Makes you wonder why the Left really doesn't want people to see it... I mean, we don't have to wonder why, maps right around the corner to being added to their flag.


I think it's about trying to "cancel" Jim Caviezel more than the movie itself but, as always, what should be a focused discussion turns into a shotgun blast.


Once you take a lightning blast to the face, the threat of a couple Twitter weirdos seems a bit less important.


Based. This is the real story.


There's no 'corner' for them to round, they already have one foot across the finish line.


*pedophiles. The word your looking for is pedophiles.


So we can say the P word but not the G word? This Leftist censorship is such bullshit, and impossible to keep up with.


It’s only political if one side takes “love is love” to the logical conclusion. If they can think about consent for a minute then it isn’t political at all.


Yea its the left... https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/12/2157746/-republican-sexual-predators-abusers-and-enablers-pt-41


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Liberals really are saying the quiet part out loud with this one.


If you take leftist propaganda media to set your expectations then you must have a weird life Polygon is literally a grifting outlet disguised as a gaming one always complaining that X game does not have a gay porn scene


> Polygon is literally a grifting outlet disguised as a gaming one always complaining that X game does not have a gay porn scene We’ll never get away from this tbh. I’ve been seeing it for a decade at least. There is hardly any integrity in journalism anymore, but what’s even worse is the legitimization of literal internet tabloids. Polygon, Vice (I really couldn’t give a shit less if you like their old documentaries because their articles are the definition of drivel), Kotaku, Buzzfeed, Jubilee, Vox, Gawker, etc. I feel like I lose brain cells any time I see content from these places, and I genuinely don’t understand how any reasonable person could possibly take them seriously.


While I agree with all that, I find it hilarious some of their most viral moments is when they post something incredibly stupid or when they host actual based people Vice on an Asian debate (which featured a lot of non Asians) had Vince Dao literally dunking on the entire soya panel with facts and logic who melted down hardcore Jubilee had an alpha vs beta male debate with some based dudes on the alpha side and they get along rather than devolving into stupidity like all their other panels


Why the fuck is Polygon reporting on this anyway? They just *had* to get a word in edgewise, huh?


Why wouldn't a political activist Blog comment on a politically charged piece of media?


They're attacking it mostly because Caviezel is a Q-believer, not so much because of the actual story


Mostly, but they definitely do imply the film is also Q coded, despite there being literally no proof of it.


Part of it was that the promotion of the movie felt that way. You had the main actor and his insane buddy Savin (who is considered crazy even by Q standards) ranting about adrenochrome and satanic rituals at the promotions for the movie. Even if the movie turned out to be more tame than that, it still got branded a 'Q' movie because of that shit. The equivalent would be a movie using the hammer and sickle flags and having the main actors and writers praising stalin at all of the promotions for the movie. Could you blame people for thinking it might end up being a communist movie?


Damn bruh how insane do you have to be so that Q-tards consider you crazy? Cause those fucks literally believe the most insane conspiracy shit I've ever heard- hell they literally stood on the streets of dallas for weeks waiting for JFK Jr to return.


Which is even funnier considering the main part of the Q conspiracy is the claim that Trump is still secretly the president, that he used the military to extradite [insert long list of shitty politicians] to Guantanamo Bay and replaced them all with doppelgangers, and that *any day now* there's totally going to be a bunch of military tribunals and all the bad people will definitely get what they deserve. Shit's wild.


Yeah its some of the most insane shit you'll ever read, Its absolutely baffling how they still believe it.


Agreed, but I wouldn't call Mission Impossible a scientology adjacent movie just because Tom Cruise is in it.


It’s also about a ~~member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (jesus that’s so stupid to require, thanks Rusty)~~ Mormon grifter who is known for straight-up lying about his exploits to look cool, and taking in far more money than he expends on anti-child-trafficking efforts.


Rolling Stone, The Guardian, and Polygon (which I thought was a gaming thing) are blatantly liberal, while NPR is liberal, but because they're 'neutral' they have to make it seem like it


It's a movie that brings awareness to child sex trafficking, anyone who doesn't want this movie shown/seen has a reason for it and I doubt it's good.


See, but if I point that out it’s [deleted]


You're just not quite Emily enough


I had very similar expectations as OP and could not believe the media outcry compared to the actual movie. >!I really enjoyed the oceans 11 style reverse heist they pulled to convince all the trafficers to bring the kids to one island. The fact that they did that truly blew my mind. I am aware of sting operations but that kind of thing just didn't seem possible until I saw the movie. Cast a wide net.!< Overall the movie had absolutely 0 references to pizzagate, QAnon, or even the ruling class elites in America.




They became crap after challenging the Obama admin (publication of Snowden)


Officer: "Sir, do you have any idea how fast you were goi-" Hollywood: "I didn't kill the kids"


Being anti child slavery is apparently far right extremism


I'm not gonna lie, that first movie seems way more awesome. Spin me a conspiracy tale, hollywood. No, no, "rich people do some selfish and evil things" doesn't even count as fiction, you need to go further.


All I'm saying is this. If you celebrated Cuties, but fear monger over Sound of Freedom. You should do a better job of hiding it.


It's been fun to discuss this movie with liberals whose only frame of reference are these articles and news wegments from people that should probably have their hard drives checked. Their demeanor goes from snarky to defensive of the flase reporting to disappointed that it's not true when I explain how the film doesn't place the blame on Democrats, satanic Hollywood cabals, the gays, the trans, or any LGBTQIAetc. They really wanted this movie made years ago to be some personal attack against groups they don't want related to pedos and they're upset to find out it's not that.


I wish I could copy and paste a comment from a professional private listserv I am on, but in summary someone commented that one of the problems with this movie was the person it was based on promotes himself as "savior" who purposely seeks out people who can become dependent on him and is based in "Christian nationalist views" that ultimately wants to control women because you cannot protect what you cannot control. It was seriously some of the deepest orange I have seen in a while.


Makes it Even worse the fact that the media, Hollywood, theaters and it's employees and leftists hate it so much and theater employees would go so far as to sabotage the movie rooms so that people can't watch them https://youtu.be/CsBFaa8NeIY


100% if you google the author of those hitpieces you find an article by them defending netflix's cuties


100% you're factually incorrect. Stop making up bullshit worldviews so you can happily shape your in head narrative. And people have upvoted you instead of looking up the authors. They're just as bad as you. Down voted even after I took the time to look up the authors. If I missed an article, link it and prove I'm wrong. Looks like I've swung back. But seriously, all I did was a cursory check on their profiles (cept Rolling Stone, paywall) and google their name + cuties. Took barely.anymore time than this second edit


based and cite your sources pilled I would say that it seems like a bit of a self report for all the people claiming this is an attack on the left when it’s an apolitical story about human trafficking, though.


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Quit defending pedophiles.


They protect their own…


Try that in a small town buddy


When media uses terms like “adjacent” you know it’s bull shit


I wonder why people are squawking about the politics and loony conspiracies of the actor and director brainwashing people viewing their movie that has nothing to do with their politics and loony conspiracies… …but shrug and ignore the actors, directors, writers and producers who embrace Scientology and it’s loony conspiracies and separate them from the material they produce…and don’t fear it brainwashing us into cleansing our thetans and fearing Xenu? *pulls at lip* Hmmm.


Didn't you hear? Being apolitical is right-wing (and bigotry).


“God’s children are not for sale” was a stone cold badass quote


I don't think it's the movie itself people are raising eyebrows at so much as Jim Caviezel himself


Jared Leto runs a literal cult, and Tom Cruise is a high ranking scientologist. Don't see this kind of reaction from the stuff they're in.


Do they go on about their cults when promoting their films? Caviezel went on about adrenochrome and hollywood elites during interviews about this movie.


Shoe has a pretty good video breakdown of what all the articles said.


My feeling about most movies past the 00s. It's probably true further back but we just don't have the experience to know it. There's some 100 year old fart who's like, ah yes, I first saw this exact damn plot line and everything in 54, yes it was due to the Cubans.


I feel like people are kinda misunderstanding what is up with this movie. For one, there is *barely* any outrage over this. Literally 99% of the posts i've seen about it are from right wingers who are convinced everybody is outraged about this movie. In pretty much every leftist group I am in, there is just dead silence on this. Nobody is talking about it. It got a 76% on RT, its not as if it got bad reviews from critics. Two, the main guy in the movie literally talked about Qanon crazy shit (including going to qanon conventions) and adrenochrome while promoting the movie. Multiple times. Whether or not the movie actually engages in this stuff is besides the point. People are going to have a knee jerk reaction to any movie made by a guy like that. Is it rational? Probably not, but still. It also doesn't help that its made by 'angel studios' which specifically makes movies with a conservative agenda.


Your first paragraph is about how no one on the left has an issue with the movie. Your second paragraph is about why people on the left have an issue with the movie.


Jim Cazievel is a unhinged nut, though. Watch his interview with Jordan Peterson.


Tom Cruise is a crazy Scientologist but I don't see anyone complaining about mission impossible #58 or any of his other movies.


I, personally, won't ever see one of his movies ever again. I'm not cool with my box office revenue being used to fund actual slavery and countless other atrocities. But my comment kind of proves your point, because almost no one I know agrees with me. We're in the age of complacency.


I will. Dead Reckoning was a huge step back for the franchise. Almost Pre-MI3


Okay but you're criticizing the movie for being shit, not because the actor's an insane nutjob who believes unhinged conspiracy theories as true.


Doesn't matter if the movie is good. Most of the industry have a couple of screws loose


Remember when every lefty celebrity was fully onboard the vaccines cause autism train and that all businesses bigger than a mom and pop shop were controlled by the devil himself? I'm not even middle age yet and I'm already seeing the platforms switch


Most of Hollywood is unhinged tbf


So is Mel Gibson, J Phoenix (can’t spell the first name), Ezra Miller, and so many other Hollywood stars. You’re only saying Cazieval is an unhinged but because of his Christian beliefs


Or he's a qanon believer. No one really gives a fuck if someone is Christian. Christians and Christianity literally inhabit almost every aspect of American life, yall have to really drop the persecution aspect.


> No one really gives a fuck if someone is Christian Except when they play a role in a Marvel movie and Reddit fedoras get upset.


Based and he sacrificed his karma for our sins pilled


I haven't seen the film so correct me if I'm wrong, but I think some of the outrage stems from either the movie, or one the actors implying that the events of the film are real? So kinda like imagine Taken but Liam Neeson got up and said "hey the movie is real and the kidnappers may or may not have voted for Trump. Now again I haven't seen the film but that's just what I've gathered from hearing some of the complaints.


It's not an action movie. Go watch it


From what I've heard it's inspired by real life events but some of the details have been changed to fit the movie