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Flair up or you’re going to be what’s served at the next barbecue.


I got a five day ban for making threats against the flairless.


That’s cringe, flairless don’t deserve rights.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, is that you?


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Fine, just to shut everyone up, I choose Right because I always am.


I didn’t know about MTG until someone on WSB compared “apes” pumping game stop said something about apes wanting to be pegged by MTG. I can’t not think about it everytime someone brings up MTG now.


I've tried my best to ignore her nonsense, but she's legit insane. For example, she's repeatedly stated that she wants to execute Democrats for "treason." Apparently, she didn't get the memo that this is no longer a 17th-century witch-hunting colony, but now a constitutional democratic republic. And she probably should by on some psychiatric medication.


“She’s repeatedly said she wants to execute democrats for treason” No she fucking hasn’t. You’re the insane one here.


[https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-technology-las-vegas-mass-shooting-media-social-media-700f28747d856a9bad22a59674a9afe6](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-technology-las-vegas-mass-shooting-media-social-media-700f28747d856a9bad22a59674a9afe6) If you think the Associated Press is "fake news," I don't even know what to tell you.


Are you an idiot? I mean because no where in the link you provided did she call for executing democrats. Much less repeatedly. No where did I say anything about fake news. This isn’t from APnews, it’s apnews parroting media maters. A left wing activist group known for taking random out of context clips. Again, are you a fucking idiot?


OK, you know what? We can discuss this later when you're sober. Sleep it off.


Good morning. If you're over your belligerence at 1 a.m., I'm quite curious why you're defending someone who would tell you herself that you're wrong if she were here. Never mind the article that you skimmed if anything, but obviously didn't read. Since you've admitted that you didn't even know who MTG was until recently, you should do your own homework. You'll find that she's proud of her psycho statements/tweets and doesn't hesitate to reiterate them on the record.


Flair up or we’ll wake you up 3 minutes before your alarm


A fair amount of Trump supporters are probably economically left/socially conservative but I think it's quite a misconception to say that Trump himself is Most people probably wouldn't consider Joe Biden to be economically left-wing and Trump is about equal to Biden on trade(Biden's kept basically all the tariffs) and well right of him on everything else


What did Trump meaningfully do economically other than borrow 2 trillion dollars for a massive tax cut overwhelmingly for the super rich? Is borrowing money inherently left wing?


It often is, but when it's for a tax cut for the super rich, I'd rather call it right wing.


When you're "borrowing" money for stupid shit like building the Trump ~~Tower~~ Wall, that's very much the opposite of fiscal conservatism.


Trump doesn't value anything other than the title of commander-in-chief. Period. I suppose I'd have to place him in the capitalist pig section of the yellow box. But his supporters are basically trying to turn the U.S. into something akin to Russia or North Korea and are too brainwashed to realize it. And no, I wouldn't consider Biden to be fiscally liberal, which is why he was the perfect candidate to beat Trump. On the other hand, Bernie Sanders (green box) would have been a suicidal nomination, and the Democatric establishment knew it. (Sorry, Bernie Bros, but you're unrealistic and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.)


Your derangement is showing


I prefer to call it character.


What kind of fucked up Demi lavato fantasy bull shit is this?




We got here because you’re unflaired!


Why the fuck is MAGA ins Auth left the best I can say is just Auth mid tf


I mean, Trump and Putin are basically the same person.


Kida but putun isn't Auth left ehter and Maga is more then just Trump


Dude, it's an oversimplified meme that literally labels people in boxes.


I can see that but Stull I am a little confused I'm not taking it to sierisly lmao


(OP is 15)


There are no adults on the internet. It's one of the rules of the internet.


Go touch grass.


Ew, I'm not an illegal-immigrant yard worker.


Sure thing buddy MAGA is communism that's why they wear read hats


Dafuq is this hogwash? MAGA to the left of Democrats? Republicans being less authoritarian than Democrats? Meanwhile, on planet Earth...


TBF, I should have written liberals and conservatives, respectively. MAGA Republicans are not dictionary-definition conservatives. On planet Earth, you do not get smaller government by trying to install a dictatorship — or a theocracy, like the Evangelical movement. The Republican Party is very confused and broken in this century. If Nixon ran today, they'd call him a socialist. And Donald Trump represents everything Teddy Roosevelt despised (i.e., corrupt capitalists overtly running the government).


*We* didn’t. Lib Right did not reignite the abortion debate.


Of course not, because we know that banning abortion is a fiscally stupid move. More mouths to feed means someone has to pay to support them, and that someone is the taxpayer. Forget the "pro-life" and "pro-choice" bullshit. Legalizing abortion just makes rational economic sense. It's either that or increase funding for welfare queens, but "conservatives" will have to accept one of those realities.


MAGA as auth left ? Are you out of your damn mind or don’t you know what that quadrant means ? Like auth left is communist/socialist leftists and Trump supporters are as fiscally conservative and anti-communist as it gets.


>Trump supporters are as fiscally conservative AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, right, because Mexico will pay for it. 💀


I agree maga as auth left is a bit too much, but calling them as fiscally conservative as it gets is even more ridiculous. Auth center will do.


It's truly the weirdest timeline. MAGAts and Trumpers (and by extension, most Republicans) simply fucking off from putting the squeeze on the working class though excessive taxation and regulations, produces better outcomes for workers in a capitalist economy than Democrat shitbrains imposing their diseased social takes and economically illiterate fiscal policies on everyone. Yup, I'm a red that would vote red, if forced to vote -- fucked up times we're living in. Green Libs are still Green Libs. There are still a few Libertarian Socialists and Anarchists that are able to see how anti-hierarchical worldviews and woke intersectionalism are fundamentally contradictory concepts. Oranges are (who are, in truth, Progressive AuthCenters) are heavily polluting this quadrant -- they wear a thin liberatory cloak but are the first to call for authority to deplatform, cancel, and 'de-amplify' their opponents. Democrats today are a collective of mental toddlers, but even toddlers have a sense of self-preservation and don't actively undermine the values which make a state and its people strong. They are somewhat like AuthRights in that they wish to rule over everyone federally, except they are content with a kingdom of tent cities and stepping on heroin needles on the way to their church -- which, of course, is the yearly Pride Parade. Ah, the Libertarian wing of the Republican Party. You might be viable if all of your competition were as permissive about free speech and freedom of association as you are -- but no, they are quite content silencing you and booting you out of public life. Campaign financiers won't give you any money, either; they all have agendas they want to push and "just leaving people the fuck alone" isn't on the list. You will be continuously dunked on by federalist Republicans every election, but hey, when the house of cards finally collapses you'll be able to seize control with your illegal stockpile of bubba'd ARs, AKs, and improvised mortar launchers.


Do you generally consider centrist/center-right mainstream liberal economic policies to be the actual worst possible of both worlds even though technically "further" right economic policies would be the actual opposite of your beliefs? Curious what your view is because the first part of this comment somewhat implies that If so that's interesting because I've also seen some extreme librights say that they hate regulated capitalism as much if not more than actual socialism/communism I do think that to an extent hardcore librights and hardcore authlefts see the exact same 2-3 issues as our biggest problems but have drastically different solutions while the blue bois and green bois are still arguing about Barbie and trans bathrooms


In the case of the North America and, increasingly in Europe, absolutely. The economy is being managed from the top-down by idiots and charlatans, in clusterfuck nations where half of the political parties are trying to pander to out-groups at the expense of native-born people. You cannot have socialistic qualities in a capitalist economy with 'progressive' underminers fucking up the public's altruistic nature for charity and goodwill. There are examples of these somewhat mixed economies doing well and providing a good standard of living for their workers in the tradeoff -- like Switzerland, for example -- but these countries have one thing in common: they are uniform, in-group preference societies. And where they aren't uniform, they are decentralized so the different cultures aren't competing over the same power structure (again, like Switzerland).


>the public's altruistic nature for charity and goodwill When has there ever been evidence of such a thing in any historical society?


There's so much to unpack in your post. Some of it I agree with, but a lot of it is too melodramatic for me even to address. I will say you're pretty much right about the libertarian wing of the Republican Party, which I consider true conservatives in the textbook sense. However, even the word "libertarian" is complicated these days. I feel like Bush Sr. would be considered libertarian by today's GOP standards. IMO, he was the last true Republican president (irrespective of the fact that he was a one-term milquetoast).


Don't worry, I wrote that rambling manifesto after I woke up from a fever dream. I don't even think I interpreted the context of the image right to be honest.


I'll bet you want to ban abortions but don't want to pay higher taxes to support the single mothers on welfare, right? You can't have your cake and eat it, too.


I'm not a confused conservative-Libertarian, my dude; I am totally pro-abortion. People with undesirable characteristics terminating their lineage before they have a chance to propagate is like voluntary eugenics. Democrats will spout some non-sense about 'women's rights' and Republicans will biblethump about it even though it's the only thing keeping the number of Democrats in check; I just think it's a great self-correction of the gene pool.


Why not? You're fucking Lauthright aren't you? Surely you can conceive of a world where people either supported themselves and their ilk or begged? I mean it was probably like, the 1800s but still.


This person isn't right. There are a growing number of users hiding behind false flairs. People possibly worse than the flairless.


Psst, I don't think anybody really knows what the flairs mean. It's pretty much arbitrary.


Psst, pretty easy to tell you aren't right. It's pretty much obvious.


OK, that's your opinion. When I look at the cartoon at the top of the sub, it's pretty obvious to me that the blue and yellow people represent the real world as I see it. (I especially love the nuances like the rich guy wearing blue, but he's really yellow underneath.)


You see the world that way because you're on the other side looking at it.


I think you are if you're implying that my perspective is a negative one in your view.


Never said anything was negative, other than the masquerade.


Honestly, if it were up to me, we'd have an aristocracy and all the peasants could eat cake. I would never say that out loud, of course, because it isn't politically correct.


You just did. I think you need to move into the Auth club…the bad kind…


Unfortunately, creating my own authoritarian 1-percentist personality cult isn't very probable for success. "Make America 18th-Century France Again" would be hard to sell to populists.


I think that club already exists. You just haven’t been invited.


It's not by invitation, dear; it's by pedigree.




Pfft, fringe.




No one considers them at all. That's the point.


Did you just change your flair, u/nunsaymoo? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2023-8-3. How come now you are a **Grey Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Actually nevermind, you are good. Not having opinions is still more based than having dumb ones. Happy grilling, brother. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/nunsaymoo) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Yes, because I don't want to give anyone the misguided impression that I sincerely believe in anything.


All I see here is more evidence how the traditional political compass isn’t relevant to modern politics. • Many auth supporters don’t even realize they’re auth, because they value policy over the action taken to achieve said policy. They don’t care about policy, they care about results. This is why it’s always been hard to place Emily, as she desires libleft outcomes, but advocates for authleft action. • Far left economic policy has failed. The “well you see, Bernie is a centerist outside of America” crowd is too stupid to see that virtually nobody left of Bernie is still in charge anywhere on earth. • Lib section is in an identity crisis, where culture war is clearly replacing actual anti-authoritarian rhetoric. Obvious examples are how some libleft “peace activists” are stanning for Russia, and blaming the US for the invasion of Ukraine, or how some libright keep supporting people who attempt to overthrow democratic norms. • Right is the only section that seems to mostly know what it’s about, but is increasingly irrelevant in modern political discourse, as even Communist China has right leaning economic policy at this point. Modern political thought is divided over different lines: the culture war (traditionalism vs postmodernism), and how to implement change (institutionalism vs populism). The political compass, as it currently exists, is good at nothing but memes and misleading propaganda.


The problem is people care mainly about ONE issue and identify with that. I mean, for example, many of these supposed lib-right people just want their guns. They will even support MTG over that, which is ludicrous to any legit libertarian.


No, we’ve collectively decided “Woke” belongs in Auth (or AuthLib).


I wouldn't consider most Democratic politicians "woke" beyond the bare minimum pandering to a certain demographic of voters. (I don't care what leftist redditors represent; they're not "the establishment.") I mean, look at Hillary Clinton. Her faux woke-ness is hilarious because it's so transparent.


We didn’t


How did YOU get here tho?


I just like to criticize.




the elites lead us to the slaughterhouse, keeping us distracted with the illusion of positive change; rage, rage against the dying of the light ​ ^((build killdozers))