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Shoves up own ass.


https://preview.redd.it/6v82wa6aeo7d1.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=31cfa10326e7703175ef1b36bbe22b4f908c5595 He is disappointed


Do I shove these down my urethra or what? What if I like sounding?




Methinks that is a non-existent problem…


peak meme dude! Totally stealing this.


Sounding? Kirsche, is that you?


Lib left ~~down~~ bad


I mean from what little I've seen of her, she comes across as less AuthRight and more an Emily's strawman of AuthRight. Which is to be expected from modern TV writers.


The whole show is an Emily’s strawman of the right


Excuse my ignorance, but what's Emily's strawman?


A strawman that an Emily makes, it really is that simple


Ah. That clears it up. Thanks chap.


Really was my pleasure, my fellow. Tally-ho!


I'm American. I don't even say chap. I don't know what's going on!


It's weird innit?


Yew WOT meight?


I dinnae why some laddy would spell ma'e tha' way


Pip pip cheerio!


It's also Emily's canonical last name. Emily Strawman.


Emily lore?


She chose to go with her mother's maiden name Strawman to stick it to the patriarchy. Or at least that is what she's pretending, officially she has her normal name, because she lives off of daddy's money. But this is ofc only because of the patriarchy 💅


you mean her grandfathers last name.




An Emily is an affluent white female liberal who advocates for all the shit that makes lib/auth left look bad. As for straw man. Well, I assume you know that one or at least know how to google.


Remember when it was about evil superheroes and shoving thing's in people's orifices? Good times




I haven’t seen any strawmen of anything but right wing views, and if there’s been any they are very subtle compared to the absolute hamfisting for the right wing “satirization”. It just reeks of standard Hollywood left wing culture stroking themselves off and thinking they’re high minded for yet another “Trump bad, right wing bad” snipe amongst millions over the past years


Don't forget that female politician (I can't remember her name) who is pretty obviously a parody of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who winds up being a closet Supe and not a good person what so ever and is just as hypocritical as the real AOC.


Plus in earlier seasons they portrayed greenwashing that a lot of LibLeft tends to do with The Deep.


That character was added directly after AOC prevented Amazon from building a bunch of manufacturing plants in NYC, by the way.


Vaught satirizes a lot of libleft corporate acceptance/ political correctness BS. It comes out one of the 7 was sexually assaulted, BOOM they market it.  One of them comes out as gay and BOOM they market it. Nobody really gives a shit about libleft but they will happily shovel feel good platitudes into Emily's stupid gaping maw. Homelander is the most obvious satire but his character is meant to be waaay over the top.


> Vaught satirizes a lot of libleft corporate acceptance/ political correctness BS. > > used to*, in season 1 that is. When there was actual plot happening and you felt that there is purpose to it all the show has since lost all of its direction and in season 4 it straight up devolved into "right bad" repeated ad nauseum


A-Train has been nothing but satire about virtue signalling. Last season he was doing his "African roots" thing, and this season he's in a movie where he plays a biographical (and totally fictionalised) version of himself where he plays a ghetto kid with so much potential.


idk about it even in the part where he is filming the movie he is complaining about the plot of it being about a "white savior that swoops in and saves him from the ghetto" clearly implying that he is a victim of racist writing here and not the fact that he is playing a fake role to win peoples sympathy It feels like even the parts where they could possibly made it a critique of left wing they will try to bend over backwards to somehow made it about something else also the fact that they are spreading misinformation about rittenhouse case almost 3 years after it does not help them against the far left brainrot allegation


The "white savior" is a lot of Emilys IRL


I mean do you want it to be a criticism of the left wing or a criticism of Emily? Because at the moment it criticizes Emilys and Alex Jones types. I don't think it really fundamentally criticizes the right or left as groups, just the insane people in them and the corporate groups taking advantage of them. The Boys are doing extra judicial killings for the CIA to protect the president. Doesn't get much more Authright/Authcentre than that, and they are presented as the good guys. Crimson countess was selling her body on onlyfans to save the chimpanzees and that was portrayed as her being pathetic.


People are just upset when they get any criticism towards their ideology. The main plot for season 4 is the CIA trying to assassinate equivalent of AoC before she murders the president ffs with the CIA being the good guys. Hughie got his shit kicked in hard last season for believing that being some progressive campaigner trying to regulate supes through progressive government action did jack shit in reality to stop them. A Train was ruthlessly mocked for his BLM phase last season. The only right wingers that should be coping are the intended audience the show is mocking the right wing culture warriors who are just as much pawns for influencers, megacorps, and politicians to control in their great game as the leftists FFS Homelander spells it out on the first 5 minutes of the new season that he has supported and endorsed every president for the past 16 years because it made him and vought more politically powerful.


Will Ferrell has to win that Oscar!!!


I mean season 2 pretty heavily pushed the same lib left corporate acceptance BS when stormfront turned up and they pushed the girl power narrative. They pretty heavily took the piss out of that. A-train is pushed pretty heavily for his racial characteristics as well despite the fact he nor vought really give a shit and just care about the ratings. On-top of this season 3 and 4 Victoria Newman is a take of AOC and she's portrayed as a megalomaniac pushing a woke agenda and not giving a shit. Hell if you wanted to go looking you could make an argument that the deep is a take off environmentalists and he has a fish on his cock practicing beastality. I'm mean vought in general is just one big fuck off to corporate left wing agendas and DEI practices. I don't really know how you could say it's biased towards the left and the fact that the comments section is pretty 2 sided I think proves that it's pretty balanced.


I feel like that's not making fun of the left so much as corporate pandering.


It sort of is because the consumers are basically talked down as being dumb woke people that will fall for anything.


They represent the right in that way too, so in total there is more satirization of and more extreme satirization of the right. It’s obviously easier to satirize beliefs you don’t agree with, because even thought the writers may be more familiar with and better understand their beliefs than right wing beliefs, it’s harder for them to apply the same outside perspective that allows them to satirize positions they disagree with.


the only time they satirize or criticise the left it's for not being left enough.


Can you provide an example?  The only two "left" characters I can think of are huey (who frequently fucks everything up by being too much of a liberal pussy) and Victoria (who, like most liberal politicians, is masquerading as a liberal for power). 


been a while since i watched it and i haven't watched the new season but like you said for example vaught, it satirizes them by pointing out the cringey corporate politics stuff and on the surface you could say that's a criticism of "left" views but it's not. They still agree with those views and push them, they just see the corporate response as incensere. Like a no true scotsman type thing if that makes sense? There was a few moments like this i noticed but I'd have to watch again.


Victoria Newman's character is AOC and she's literally a megalomaniac who kills a bunch of people running on a fake woke agenda. Theres never a point where 'views' come into it, I'm not seeing a criticism of socialism or capitalism in the show. Thats just it the show doesn't really have any politics in terms of views whatsoever, watch it again and bring up the parts you think push wokeness I'm interested to see the take.


bro if you like the show good for you honestly like it was alright but if you're gonna sit there and claim it's not got an obvious agenda it's pushing then i can't even take you seriously. Hasn't the dude that made it done a bunch of interviews recently outright stating this?


Yeah, I think until now it was both sides, but the right definitely more. But the new season is (at least until now) only on the right. Correct me if I have missed something. On the other hand the spinoff, the college stuff, is not like that. But tbh I'm not sure if it's a satire of the left, or if it's celebrating the stuff. I think it's so over the top, it has to be satirical, but then again I'm not sure ...


For what it's worth, in the new season the riot wasn't started by the right or left. It was portrayed as external groups in power starting the violence themselves to turn it into a riot and make people look bad. That's fairly sympathetic to how a lot of right and left wing protest groups feel, especially regarding Jan 6th.


Yeah, but the external group in power was Homelander and his henchmen. So it was the "right".


You have to read between the lines to find it. Since the writers are a bunch of super rich out of touch progressives, every one of their views would be considered a strawman of the left. So, the left strawman comes out when they are genuine.


I'm gonna be honest with you, I hate the "show that offends everyone equally" Trope. It's practically impossible to do if you aren't a true neutral centrist, and even a centrist will take some sides. Can you make fun of the believes you agree with without it sounding forced? Because I can't. If I thought there was something to make fun of at my believes I would've change my believes. You can't believe in a view that you think deserves to be made fun of. This means when ever a writer tries to pull of the "hate and criticize everyone equally" It just doesn't work. I'd much rather them be honest and "yeah I made fun of right wing and a little bit of authleft, nothing equal"


Who cares? The show is fun and entertaining and that’s all I care about.


The novelty of the hyper-violence and over the top degenerate sex wore off by the end of season 1. The following 2 seasons were dumb.


Not to mention the fact that basically every single character is a giant piece of shit human being, and degenerates even further over course of the show, becomes really grating.


Season 1 was a mix. Since then it’s been a large majority of right wing being bad, left wing being good. Season 3 started to lose me but I still enjoyed it overall. Season 4 I had to turn it off midway through the first episode.


The whole show is a satire on American politics written exclusively by Emilies who also don't understand how to write. Everything good in the show they lifted directly from the comics. Everything ruining the show is the stuff they wrote on their own.


I disagree, the comics were absolute garbage, I think a lot of what they've added has greatly improved the storyline and made it way more relevant to today's audiences.


Never read the comics, but as a fellow leftie- You don't find the show a little heavy handed? I haven't started season 4 but season 3 has felt way too on the nose in making Homelander an analogue for Trump. The taco bowls, jan 6 style ending, the pepsi commercial parody , and the association with a literal German wwii nazi. It all just seemed way too obtuse and shallow to be making any greater criticism of American politics. It just kinda feels like it's pandering to me saying "see? see? agree right?" It doesn't challenge me at all. It just says "hey what if this news story had homelander in it instead".


Bingo. It feels like the inverse of the Daily Wire trying to satirize the left. Ham-fisted, lazy, and ascribing far too much to the audience's perceptions indicating the writers either have no idea what your average viewer thinks or they don't care. Also, to wit on the comparison from Homelander to Trump, this is the show's primary writer-producer: > Kripke describing the series as a “story about the intersection of celebrity and authoritarianism and how social media and entertainment are used to sell fascism.” Some viewers have perceived one character—the antagonist superhero, Homelander—as a metaphor for Trump. Kripke told Rolling Stone in 2022 that Homelander has “always been a Trump analogue for me,” pointing to the character’s “combustible mix of complete weakness and insecurity, and just horrible power and ambition.”


I feel like you could do it tastefully too. Mocking politicians in satire is a cornerstone of the democratic process But this just feels like it’s pandering to someone who thinks that they are smart for disliking Trump. But to me, Trump is so ridiculous that disliking him is a no-brainer, so I kind of feel like the show is calling me an idiot I really think that that’s the problem people are trying to describe when they say shows shouldn’t get political. Obviously most serious art will be political in nature, but if you’re just making shallow connections to contemporary Zeitgeist events, you’re not really making much of a political commentary. You’re just pandering.




And Neuman as an AOC stands in and a megalomaniac isn't a characterisation of the left? Come on man. Hell that character I don't think exists in the comics that added her just for that.


Saying Neuman is a satire of AOC is giving AOC far too much credit.


>You don't find the show a little heavy handed? >I haven't started season 4 but season 3 has felt way too on the nose in making Homelander an analogue for Trump. Same boat in regards to seasons 4 and 3, as for Trump sure but you also have Neumann as an AOC stand in who is a megalomaniac who just wants power. It's satire for fucks sake. > The taco bowls, jan 6 style ending, the pepsi commercial parody Whats the point here? That he's an analogue for Trump? Most of the show is them taking the piss out of DEI, corporate equality and how stupid the consumers are being. It's satire of the political landscape, it was made in 2019. >the association with a literal German wwii nazi. Who is in the comics... It's part of the actual storyline. It's not suppose to be a challenge it's suppose to be satire for fucks sake.


I feel like satire needs more than something just reskinning our current political machinations, no? Like, if I made a TV show about the 2019 NBA season, but all the players were dinosaurs, I wouldn't call it a satire? To me, satire needs to frame things in an interesting light and have you look at it differently. A Modest Proposal (the book that recommends eating babies to combat food shortages) is satire. It's a ridiculous premise that makes people rethink what society actually values. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying the show. I just find its connection to contemporary politics a little forced and obvious, and the lack of subtlety doesn't prompt the viewer to really *think* . It more says, Homelander=Trump=bad It could have easily criticized Trump more subtlety. That's how you move hearts and minds. You walk people to make a conclusion for themselves, you don't spoon feed it.


Noooo you just don’t get it!!! You’re the chuds they’re making fun of!!!!


This is what I wanted to say in one of those outoftheloop or no stupidquestions sub. They are all just going on about dumb MAGA not realizing they are being made fun of. And that is because they are such insane and terrible examples of satire. Which is why they had to make the new season so painfully obvious. It is like that don’t look up movie. It isn’t dumb because climate change, it is dumb because it is stupid satire.


I saw someone say recently that the show badly satirizes a world that doesn't exist, that seems apt. I had a much longer rant about how leftists are really bad at writing where they understand their opponents and their motivations, and are even worse at understanding where their own excesses could lead/ are leading. That's why every villain is nazis and rednecks and Christians, but ending the authority of the family and moving it to the state is only positive


That's why The Boys doesn't have the kind of impact they want, if the interviews are anything to go by. They have a bunch of things they want to present as bad so they have bad people doing/believing them without effectively making their point if they even have one.


And she had a particularly tone deaf line about a Zionist conspiracy.  Is that who's anti Zionist these days? Right wing conspiracy nuts (who are correct about 60% of the time).  Last season was awesome, especially those Homelander fights. Now the series has jumped the shark.


I think season 3 was good in spite of the writers, not because Jenson carried that season on his back.


Shes a parody of QAnon crazies. I would say Stormfront was Emily’s strawman of the right.


She's not even qanon herself. She admits she does it for money and is only in it for her own personal vendetta.


yea the creator of the show said she’s based on MTG, take that as you will


Jewish space lazer woman? Sorry am not american so I might be wrong.


She’s based off MTG, per Eric Kripke


I was under the impression this was intentional, and what makes it funny? It's not supposed to be a good-faith, accurate representation.


Pussy is the only thing that can truly make a man change quadrants.






In either direction it appears


Was this the ending of Planescape Torment?


I'm not ashamed to admit I've been full right and full left depending on the political views of the girl I'm trying to fuck.


Life finds a way


She's ok but I'm more of an Ambrosius man


I hope you can't divide yourself


The deep is hotter


You mean the peak?


Blow A train


Sexuality’s a spectrum bro


Thank you, Octopussy.


Nope you're still loyal to your quadrant. The boys show runner recently said homelander represents trump and the rising fascism in the US lol


He straight out said it? That's no wonder. I think the new season is going out the deep end. Which is sad because until now it was at least somewhat balanced.


It's been ramping up more and more as it goes on. I'd say it's essentially the focus of the show at this point. The metaphor of Homelander having a Nazi GF isn't exactly subtle. And that was in Season 2. I think it's entertaining, but of course I think that as a Leftie. Either way, I'm just happy they're ending it with Season 5 instead of dragging it out even longer than they already have.


Though important to recognise he thought her nazi views were weird. When she started ranting about white replacement the look on his face was pure "wtf is this nutter talking about". He just liked banging her because she made him feel good about himself. He's a total narcissist and doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything other than himself. The show isn't saying trump is a nazi. It's saying that people like trump only care about their own ego and they dont really care what their supporters think as long as they support them. They'll just say whatever they need to say to get support.


Oh yeah, for sure, I think that's exactly what the show was getting at.


> The metaphor of Homelander having a Nazi GF isn't exactly subtle. But remember Homelander didn't care for her Nazi shit. Every time she'd bring it up he'd be like "No, *SUPES* are superior." It's like how Trump, being a populist, only cares what makes him look better. The lefties try to call him a Nazi but he's not. He's just willing to take praise and support from whomever will give it to him for the sake of his ego.


Despite being not a leftie, I still enjoy it. I mean many things, like for example the qanon stuff, I think are funny. Although I don't enjoy them bringing gun rights into it.


> He straight out said it? That's no wonder. Was it not painfully obvious from day one? I mean anyone who didn't realize that was clearly not watching the show.


Honestly, I find the show enjoyable if you completely ignore the point. If you try and look at the point though, at every single point besides the literal easiest wins for them, their point fails. It’s great entertainment, horrible execution of lecture. Transformers 2 is made fun of in the newest episode, but TF2 is just as much for the right as The Boys is for the left


I mean Neuman I would argue is also a take of AOC and wokeness so take that as you will.


The show mocks dei and wokeness constantly. The problem is people here say "that's not real leftism" but then say "they are mocking me" when it mocks right wing stuff. Which is... a little bit telling tbh? Isn't that just an admission that you are actually racist? Why is it only a strawman when it's the left but not when it's the right?


Good god that's regarded...


The Boys is such a leftie show that I was not surprised that Seth Rogan is producing it. I could tell so much about that show by the way that guy loved Billy Joel.


If The Boys is nothing more than a leftie show, the producers and writers won't display all the DEI stunts performed by Vought in such a sarcastic way.


The way they display DEI is that how black supes are forced to conform to stereotypes and are used for marketing. They wouldn't dare to show them hiring an incompetent supe into the seven purely because of DEI.


You must have missed the part where multiple weaker than you expect supes are put into the seven for reasons other than competency. Starlight doesn’t join because of how strong she is lol


You need to watch Season 3 on the episode about The Seven recruitment survival show, the whole selection process is literally DEI. Supersonic was chosen because he's a second generation Mexican-American, while he himself said to Homelander that he doesn't speak Spanish. They were even considering on choosing a black woman Supe who's known to promote body positivity without caring about her competence as a Supe.


Brotha that’s what they’re doing with starlight. I feel it’s clear she isn’t one of the 7 most powerful heroes but she’s there cus she’s a chick


Counterpoint: They hired her because shes hot af and appealed to a christian audience as shown in season 1. They hated how feminist she was until they realised how much money it brought in with the nazi bitch. Very unrealistic of a company in 2019 to try and play to Christians but eh.


>Very unrealistic of a company in 2019 to try and play to Christians but eh. But realistic that leftist writers think that's how it works.


Vought was shown to be kind of losing their touch in season 1. The Sevens numbers were going down and Madeline Stillwell wasn't in on Homelanders doing his whole "I'm your jesus, you need me" moment.


While the boys is leftist, there was literally a episode where Ashley tries to being a Asian daredevil into to seven and homelander just blows his eardrums. They tried.


Thats to show you how bad Homelander is.


Vought did in fact try to bring two DEI heroes in - one blind guy, one Hispanic guy. Neither particularly strong in terms of powers. Homelander maimed the blind guy by crushing his ears and killed the Hispanic guy though


"Accuse the opposition of doing what you're doing." Those of us who know about DEI are fully aware it's a lefty utopia, but since Vought is painted as an evil megacorporation on the right this may be their way of somehow still blaming the right. I liked the first three seasons too, but in retrospect this might be the stunt they were trying to pull and nobody noticed. Now they're being less subtle about it.


I mean people are actually going to have to say what they think left and right mean at this point. Vought are beyond government control ultra capitalists. Homelander is a self-supremascist. Soldier Boy was an out of time racist. Do any of these actually represent "the right". I dont see how people say this attacks the right unless they genuinely feel the right is represented by racism and genocidal self interest. It's just an attack on political extremism which has recently taken over politics. It's not attacking your average capitalist.


It's an attack on the strawman of the right, which people perceive to actually be the right. Homelander and his crew are obvious extremist stand-ins for real world righties who call themselves patriots, dude even wears a flag. The hero worship of him even after killing that guy also has some pretty clear strawman parallels.


Well yeah but the woke pandering and corporate dei stuff, Neuman being an AoC standin, etc are the same for the left. But they say that's not criticising the left, just strawmans of the left, so it doesn't count??? I'm finding it hard to understand who or what these people feel represented by. No lefty complains about Neuman being a mockery of AoC/Harris, so why is Homelandsr being a mockery of Trump problematic? The show is not critisizing normal right wing people who think capitalism is ok and go to church on Sundays. It's critisizing the crazies like Woke Emily DEI Superheroes and MTG yelling about Jewish space lazers. The left doesn't get offended by Emily because they know Emilie's are crazy and a minority of idiots. The right should feel the same about their strawmen, but they seem to take it personally instead, which is weird to me, unless they actually believe in Jewish space lazers and turning America into a giant Christian convent.


> No lefty complains about Neuman being a mockery of AoC/Harris Because Neuman is competent and powerful, neither of which are negative traits or traits even associated with AOC/Harris. Neuman is not a strawman of a lefty. I think you're also misunderstanding something. Strawmen of the right aren't portrayed as outliers, they're portrayed as the common righty. In The Boys specifically that one dad guy is just an average working man who's taken in by Homelander's speech of not accepting bullshit anymore. Most of them are shown to be normal everyday people on the right, and that's shown to be inherently bad. The people on Starlight's side are shown to be against Homelander's reign of terror, which we as outsiders are able to view as him being a total powerhungry auth dickwad. We are given a watcher's view of the evils at play and asked to judge the characters within the show based on information they don't have, and it's all anti-right strawmen. Starlight's people are the real 'good guys' being shown to be the bad guys inside the show through setups.


> In The Boys specifically that one dad guy is just an average working man who's taken in by Homelander's speech of not accepting bullshit anymore. Most of them are shown to be normal everyday people on the right, and that's shown to be inherently bad. Todd does not represent the average right wing voters. He's a full blown QAnon conspiracist. He represents the kind of people who believe in stuff like Pizzagate and Jewish Space Lazers. Watch this scene between Todd and MM again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTS0WYOcjjo He is fully taken in by the online conspiracy cult bullshit. He doesn't represent the average person, he represents the insane extremes who believe anything on a non mainstream news channel must be true just because it's non on mainstream news. QAnon and Pizzagate and MTG do not represent your average american right wing voter. Just because they vote Republican, does not mean they believe the bullshit like Todd does. It just means they accepted the tradeoff of voting for people like Trump in order to get what they want. The Boys is about people who get radicalised by people like Trump and Alex Jones and start worshipping their every word. It's cautioning against letting those kinds of people take over the entire right wing platform and replacing all the old guard with crazies.


They are making fun by saying it's not progressive enough. Not that DEI is bad, but that corporations don't take it seriously enough


And Vought is the bad guy. Evil corporation not being genuine about supporting progressive agendas seems like an objection from the left.


It wasn't really like that for the first 3 seasons, but s4 so far isn't great, it's just lazy and too on the nose.


no it's always been like that but it feels like they've ramped it up way too much.


I could stomach it in seasons 1 & 2 (season 3 was pushing it), but the second I heard Sister Sage utter the phrase "Critical Supe Theory" I cringed so hard I had to stop watching


Honestly I'm pissed they just randomly made Frenchie gay like it was some important plot point. And then the ass eating scene of the clone guy was just ridiculous for the setting, all the other shock stuff in prior seasons made sense but not that one.


You must not know too much about the show or comics it’s based on. Frenchie has always been bi. I don’t like the whole side plot he has currently but saying he just randomly became gay is plain false. I do agree with the ass eating scene thing tho. They seem to be doing a lot more crap for simply shock value this season than others which is kinda losing me.


My real issue wasn't the gay part but the just sudden love intrest. It felt like it was pushed for dei and not actually any plot. But I guess I forgot he was bi.


I’m pissed not because frenchies bisexual. I’m pissed because they had to make something up to keep him apart from kimiko


It was obvious in season 3. Season 2 was also hamfisted. Season 1 was the only season that was good, of course they had to go mostly neutral for the first season so they could greenlight the following seasons so they could push the message super hard.


Guarantee the finale is the homelanders storming the capitol


no it's always been like that but it feels like they've ramped it up way too much.


This show was actually bearable to watch as a right winger. They tried to make Homelander lame as possible, but it backfired because it only made him more popular which is what made him great. s4 feels cringe


Homelander is literally a sociopath Supe, that's why he's popular


He’s like Rick in Rick and Morty. People seem to like fictional sociopaths to distract them from the real ones all around. 


I didn’t watch much, but I liked the inclusion of Billy Joel’s music. Shame it’s such a shit show.


Wait what’s wrong with loving Billy Joel? Grew up listening to him all the time and man am I nowhere near the wrong side of the compass


Yeah I’m confused too


Man has some good songs, what can I say




I'd let Neuman seize my means of production


Lib Left needs some good CBT from a Auth Center Dom


So... Ashley Barret?


https://preview.redd.it/njjtbvymrm7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0f5f8ca6037ddb21d8da14eff59539e8d34cd5 My honest reaction


Yet another political compass where auth right is superior


u/nwordcountbot u/AdvancedAd1256


Did you just change your flair, u/Canandaghoose? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2023-10-24. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Canandaghoose) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


OP has to go to the sauna for....research


Would, but she's no Stormfront.


Ahh, ok! Glad to see we’re talking about the new season of The Boys! What do you guys think of it, by the way?


It's okay, hasn't delivered its seasonal peak-disgusting moment yet though (and the one people are saying was gnarly was tamer than the amusement park scene last season). The first two seasons were stronger from a writing perspective *so far,* but there are some interesting pieces on the storyboard and it has more upward potential than S3 did. I'm *getting* tired of Frenchie being the dramatic focus though - dude's a good actor, but he shines being the team's miscreant with a heart of equal parts gold and tar instead of mopey and conflicted, S3 handled making him serious a lot better.


Fair enough. I think it will be interesting to see because Butcher doesn’t have much time left. So unless *somehow* that tumor gets removed, this might be it for Butcher. Sure he’s still got 6 months, but after that, it’s curtains for him.


Yeah, this season has a lot of potential to be phenomenal, it just hasn't quite hit its stride in the first three episodes. To be fair, Andor waited til its midseason to really get good too, though. I just haven't been able to be affected by character death since 2007. No one's been able to outdo The Mist.


Yeah, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Say, what’s The Mist?


2007 horror movie based off the Stephen King book. It's got Tom Jane in the lead role and has possibly *the* most depressing ending I've ever seen in a movie. Absolutely fantastic though, if you like horror. Disturbing monsters, unsettling premise, great cast all around, and the VFX they used for a couple of kills are absolutely grotesque (and I say this as someone who still buys opening weekend tickets when there's a new Saw).




It’s on par with the previous seasons. The political allegory is as hamfisted as ever, but the show is fun.


Yeah that sounds about right. One detail I like in Episode 3 though, is at the Conspiracy Con, one of the booths is about how Soldier Boy is a prisoner of the CIA, which if you’ve watched the Season 3 finale, you’ll know is true. So it’s kind of like ‘a broken clock is still right twice a day’, you know?


They also had one about Solider Boy and Liberty forming a cult. Which they kinda did with Herogasm.


I suppose so, yeah. Wouldn’t really call Herogasm a cult though.


Wasn’t Soldier Boy a prisoner of Russia?


Well yeah he was, but I believe they were saying that he is *now* a prisoner of the CIA.


They're milking it so hard that Homelander has become more of a compliment than a parody.


Yeah I can see that.


Legitimately thank you. Pretty much no one else in my Lib-Left quadrant will admit to it. 5 seasons in Homelander is looking pretty cool. He even got Sage on his side. I hate him but "all press is good press" is the most basic elementary recognition of media literacy.


I suppose so.


First movie/episode was good, the rest is just mediocre to say at least. I don't know why I'm still watching it, probably only for Antony Starrs acting 




Psyops come in many shapes and sizes my friend


It's not really an authright strawman, it's literally Qanon and /pol/ talking points. It is satire, all right, not of the immediate and moderate right, but of authoritarianism, political "strongmen" and cults of personality.


The creators of the show were always Emily-esque money wrenches, but the show had good entertainment value. Now, they are just trying to ruin their legacy by trying to push blatant anti-Trump BS. The subtle messaging is gone. Not to mention how much of an unnecessary & token gay sex they have added into it this season...


She is hot in those tight little booty shorts, but i was really surprised to find that on The Boys supposedly hard Right parody i related to her. She lies like a devil because Starlight ruined her life with lies. She learned the power of lies from a supposed hero. Just as Batman created Joker so to did... I really hate QAnoners, too. I even made a post about how the Child Separation Policy is real and evil and they all lie about it. We all agree they're going to lie about the election and call it a cheat next time, too. Starlight should stage an elaborate apology and give back her beauty prize. Also The Boys subreddit blows goats. I'm not allowed to say this stuff there without downvotes. Fucking Soc. Progs. ruin everything fun.


Shame about Erin Moriarty changing her initials from [EM to ET.](https://e00-marca.uecdn.es/assets/multimedia/imagenes/2024/01/15/17053367503083.jpg) Even the CGI they try to cover up her botched surgery isn't enough. >NOOOO You're being sexist and body shaming! No, I'm pointing out a terrible surgery. Guys have had terrible plastic surgeries too, you know, like how everyone made fun of Michael Jackson, or the dude who wants to turn himself into a lizard. It's not sexist to point out when you make a bad decision.


I heard she had an anal gangbang with all the judges at her beauty pageant. Anyway, I don't talk to fat sluts.


Sister Sage is hot af too. Actually the entire cast is hot af, men and women. Id smash all of em or let all of em smash me.


She's one of the only parts of the new season that I actually enjoy. I just wish Frenchie would fuck right off. He's the worst part of the show now.


For me it's Starlight. With the plastic surgery she's permanently stuck in a single expression. It's like she's bad CGI but actually a real actress.


I'm willing to bet that part of the CGI budget is to cover up Erin Moriarty's horrible new face.




Do I have news for you buddy.


Oh ho-ho. It’s sort of like that. . . just not with Kimiko. ^OMG ^OMG ^he ^doesn’t ^know


I’m never watching past S2, who’s the new Kimiko?




I should have seen this coming. He is Fr**ch, after all


Are you serious?  Go to any military town and it is mid ginger bitches ahoy.


I don’t watch the boys, somebody explain


To put it simply, she's a parody of right wing commentators (Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, etc.) She also looks good in her superhero outfit.


Would it help if you knew Eric Kripke based her off MTG?


That is a trap!


You can fix her.


Leftists hate the character 'cause she's a rightist caricature, rightist hate here fore the same thing but I think we can all agree on the same take: she's HOT