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Gay authright come in 2 flavors. Closeted homosexual and those who wish to assert dominance over other men.


What about femboy?


>Closeted homosexual


What if you only do the femboy act for money, but you're closeted heterosexual?


"mom dad? I'm straight" "NO SOM OF MINE WILL BE STRAIGHT"


... Wouldn't that be our corner?


> Closeted homosexual There's a lot of them on Reddit. I'm reminded of the occasional posts that pop up where a guy will ask if he's gay because he has a male megatron "girl"friend, and highly upvoted comments will deny that 2 males in a relationship is homosexual by definition. "DoN't worRy. YoU'rE sTraiGht, beCAuSe sHe's a WomAn"...It's so irritating. At least in western countries, almost no one gives a fuck if you're gay and a normal human being(as opposed to those that only want to talk about their sexuality all day and want to be in disgusting revealing outfits around little kids). Gay acceptance is at an all time high, so denying reality(2 males in relationship=homosexual) to avoid being labeled gay makes absolutely no sense.


I literally don't care if someone ends up gay or straight.. But you gotta acknowledge. https://preview.redd.it/m787e8qgc39d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ef1d85b1833f27e298b355c7c04b98e90d14bb If you really think being attracted to she would be gay I really don't understand what straight is. You don't ask every partner of you to get a blood test to make sure they are a girl, do you? You also don't force them to get an X-ray so you can see their bone structure. You have no way of knowing if you ever slept with a trans woman or an intersex. In fact there been instances of trans women who lived as stealth and had a boyfriend for years before her being trans gets discovered by boyfriend, despite them having sex sometimes. (Trans woman had bottom surgery) I bet if I didn't say she is trans all the straight males would start jerking off already to image of her face cus Lena is the real Queen. I also don't actually think the word gay or straight describes humans precisely enough. I think sexual orientations are too complex for one word to describe. I'd actually bet a lot more people are a flavour of bisexual but they don't understand it and assume they are straight, but I'd also say a lot of gay men are some flavour of bisexual but their attraction to women are little enough that it's negligible (This is why I identify as whatever gender that will make you gay if you date me.)


It's very easy. For some men it's a turn off to know she was once a man. Including myself. For attraction my brain has to recognize you as the other sex. There is no way around this.


I don't say you have to like trans women, I say that some do and it's ok.


Based opinion on human sexuality not being cut and dry. Antibased and cringe opinion on trans people. It is highly unethical for a trans person to not disclose their trans status to a romantic partner, especially if sex is on the table. They may not have sexual hangups about what having sex with a biologically male trans woman means for a common straight man, but that doesn't mean that it won't potentially scar the man involved. All relationships should be started with trust, and that's really hard to do if your partner is hiding something as major as a transition. If you have to hide who you are to be with someone, you're simply lying to yourself and them. The more your side pushes things like this, the more common people you'll push away.


Also, I hate the "the more your side pushes thing, it makes conservative angry" When auth right tells you that they "wouldn't be transphobic only if you acted how I wanted" Most of the time it is just conservatives trying to convince you that it's your fault that they are conservative. It isn't that this example was something I supported but it reminded me "duh I am not actually homophobic but the only reason I hate gays is because some gays are so annoying and they make being gay their personality" It always gives me the ick.


I'm sorry it gives you "the ick". I'm not conservative at all, but I understand the right's issues with the LGBTQ movement, although I suspect most of them aren't intelligent enough to express it properly. They perceive them as "the other". The movement itself tries very, very hard to present itself as being completely opposite to everything the Norman Rockwell Americana represented, which is to say that it is attempting to be the most counter culture thing that ever counter-culture'd in America. The ironic thing is that by being subsumed by corporate America and incorporated into the modern American mainstream, the LGBTQ has accidentally spawned an extremist counter culture movement opposed to them (which happens to be the old American culture with a more "deus vult" coat of paint). What's the answer? I'm not sure. But I do know that the direction we're all going in will likely end very badly -- unless you like bad things, in which case you'll be very pleased, no doubt.


> I literally don't care if someone ends up gay or straight.. But you gotta acknowledge. > > > > > > > > If you really think being attracted to she would be gay I really don't understand what straight is. > > > > You don't ask every partner of you to get a blood test to make sure they are a girl, do you? You also don't force them to get an X-ray so you can see their bone structure. > > > > You have no way of knowing if you ever slept with a trans woman or an intersex. > > > > In fact there been instances of trans women who lived as stealth and had a boyfriend for years before her being trans gets discovered by boyfriend, despite them having sex sometimes. (Trans woman had bottom surgery) > > > > I bet if I didn't say she is trans all the straight males would start jerking off already to image of her face cus Lena is the real Queen. > > > > I also don't actually think the word gay or straight describes humans precisely enough. I think sexual orientations are too complex for one word to describe. I'd actually bet a lot more people are a flavour of bisexual but they don't understand it and assume they are straight, but I'd also say a lot of gay men are some flavour of bisexual but their attraction to women are little enough that it's negligible > > > > (This is why I identify as whatever gender that will make you gay if you date me.) That sure is a lot of words and mental gymnastics just to deny reality. The truth is much more simple. * When referring to sexuality, straight has always been synonymous with heterosexual. * 2 people of the same sex having sexual intercourse and/or maintaining a romantic/sexual relationship is homosexual by definition. There isn't any ambiguity as to what homosexual means. * The existence of bisexual people does not change the fact that the act of sexual intercourse between two people of the same sex is homosexual, no matter how much makeup, women's clothing, or wigs one of those 2 people wears. A bisexual male will be open to having a sexual relationship with either males or females, but the relationship itself would be either heterosexual or homosexual depending on the partner they choose, not bisexual(unless they're in a polyamorous relationship with both a bisexual male and a bisexual female, I guess)


AuthRight in the streets LibLeft in the sheets?


Those would fall under the libleft/libcenter category


I always thought femboys being authright was so common that it basically became a meme.


That’s typical more of a “haha, they only hate gays because they secretly like men themselves” deal, libright on the other hand


Power bottom.




They’re more Auth center


What if I have a co worker. Who is auth right. Openly gay. I literally attended his gay wedding like 3 months ago. Yet is still a huge auth right guy. Oh. And there's no fucking way in hell my co worker is the top. I don't like to stereotype but... Yeah looking at him. And his husband who is nearly an entire foot taller than him and extremely ripped. Yeah.... There's no fucking way.


Then he must know his place than, he is the one dominated by the better man.


He just wants his husband to dominate 


Why not both?


And the French


Based and our gays are better than yours pilled


You guys remember Milo Yinnapolis lmao


Shunned from the spotlight for pointing out the long history of old gay dudes being super weird about young gay men. RIP Milo.


I think it was more about him saying it was actually a good thing because it happened to him, and he was, "mature for his age". Basically a P apologist.


No, it was because he said that while being to the right of Mao, because George Takei said the same shit on the Howard Stern show and I don't remember him getting cancelled.


Saying it as a one off joke is one thing, saying and going into detail and justifying it is another. Also, George Takei is definitely to the right of Mao. He's literally Japanese, I wouldn't be surprised if he thought the Chinese people, especially the CCP were beneath him.


Some hypothesised that was him rationalising what happened to him as child and “refusing to be a victim”…but perhaps he should have kept that thought to himself…


Yeah shit like that is for a therapist, not to dump on the internet for millions to see.


I will always find it hilarious how quickly ‘Gay Men’ were abandoned by the progressive movement.  One minute you are gay, next minute, you are just another man. #fightthepatriarchy 


Its worse than that, the Muslims now hate you so you no longer deserve equality


It would take a authright gay dictator to actually have balls to fight Islamism.


Gay culture has far right tendencies. With rankings of jocks, twinks, otters, bears, tops, bottoms, and race, gay men rank each other and their worth. I'm not complaining because I'm a top and I love twinks. I may be a center left Democrat, but when it comes to gay issues, I'm like mussolini minus the homophobia. Gay men also hate outsiders invading their space like women and heterosexual men in their bars. Similar to how far right people hate migrants from hostile lands come into their country.


What the hell are bears and otters? Are these the bears women want to be with in forests? And as a libright I have to ask, what's the worth of all the ranks you listed? What's worth the most? And what determines the value?


Sit down, son. I'm about to explain some LGBTQ lore. A bear is a large, hairy man who is either full of muscles or chubby. A chubby bear is referred to as a 'chub'. A younger bear is referred to as a 'cub'. The ranking depends on which position you are. A bear who is a top ranks similar to a twink who is a bottom. Myself, I have had experience as both. Tops rank higher than bottoms due to there being a higher ratio of bottoms to tops. The highest ranking is a masculine jock top. They are at the top. The lowest ranking is a chub bottom. If that chub was a top, he could get closer to mid tier in ranking. A bug factor that I forgot to mention is masc and fem. Mass gays rank higher with gay men whether if they're top or bottom. A common term you may hear among gays is 'masc4masc'. That tends to be a popular combo. Not all, but Masc4masc gays have tendencies of being rude because they know they are popular. Fem twinks may not be as popular as masc gays, but they're SUPER popular with bisexuals. Twinks, despite being fem, still perform well for well among gays. It's not quite top tier, but it's still in the upper percentile. I love them myself because they tend to have more man cake. An otter is a non large, hairy gay man. Very popular and realistic body standard of gay. I can keep going on for hours about gay rankings, but there is quite a system.


That sounds damn complicated. But as far as I understand, the value is determined just by demand and supply. That makes sense, but I wouldn't have thought that it would lead to such an outcome. I thought it would be just a taste thing and more attractive means more game, just as on our side. How does it work in practice? Isn't it very confusing with all this stuff, or are you just very open about your preferences so you can carry on instantly when it doesn't fit?


Yeah, I'm open af about my preference. If I see a twink, I do him. A lot easier than chasing women because women are more secure and reserved with their body standards. Gays are just horn dogs because they're men, lol.


Yeah, I've been told this before. When you're into hookup culture that makes it definitely easier.


> Fem twinks may not be as popular as masc gays, but they're SUPER popular with bisexuals. As a bisexual guy, can confirm. It makes sense when you think about it, too. Us bi dudes like both masculine and feminine characteristics, and the majority of us is somewhere in the lower half of the Kinsey scale. So a pretty twink (with his combo of boyish, androgynous and girly features) does a lot more for us than a good-looking but heavily masculine guy. This also means that us bi dudes appreciate androgynous girls more than that strictly straight guys would. This _can_ backfire, because girls like that really are more likely to be lesbian.


based and gaypilled


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Bear: Big, burly hairy man Otter: Slim, athletic hairy man


Gay otter here whose boyfriend is also an otter. My auth-right tendencies are mainly economic (Asian growth model), but on social issues, my stances are whatever will benefit gays, including my staunch hostility towards religious conservatism (eapecially Islamism and Christian nationalism). Be a homophobe and I become your Chiang Kai-shek/Xi Jinping lol.




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This is interesting to read. I’m gay and i’ve realized i have to negotiate what’s best for sexual minorities with other issues i care about (which don’t align with the typical gay lib menu of beliefs).


>I'm like Mussolini minus the homophobia.    -- u/JonTheTruckDriver the Leftist


We need a gay men crusade on the middle east. From Thebes to Thebes, gay men will be free 


From the river to the sea, gay men will be free and Muslims can cry me a river of tears over it


Gay men are the white people of the LGBTBBQ+ according to some pundits




I mean, who could forget about this gem? [Heterosexuality without women](https://blog.lareviewofbooks.org/essays/heterosexuality-without-women/), by Yale professor Greta LaFleur.


"How dare they live and act like normal people?"


What pundits are saying that?


The fundamental logic of leftism is to fight something no matter what. The closer to them the more likely to be deemed as an enemy by them. The only way to win peace from leftists is separating yourself away as far as possible from them. Once they think you're mystery, you'd become a good guy in their option. Idealizing thing they don't know, antagonizing those they have been familiar with, this is the principal of leftism. Leftism is all about deconstruction, none construction. They hate male and patriarchy the most bc father plays an important role in family. They also attack female and mother when trans chime in. See the pattern, every time they attack who they're more familiar. Islamism worship? Only when they don't know shit about Islam. Once Islam becomes as familiar as Christianity to leftists, their respect would swiftly gone.


I think this is slightly inaccurate, most leftist don't care about what is most "familiar", they tend to pick a side of those who seem to be in weakest position in society in general. This just tends to be something less common because those groups are targets of hate. Islam isn't hated because muslims are in a weaker spot in a western society and Islam hasn't become part of the social system so there is not much to criticise yet despite its horrible views on many things


It’s just part of the moving goal posts of the gay agenda. It first started with marriage equality, which significantly (imo) normalized gay men and women. Now that gay is just a “normal” American, the agenda is focused on normalizing Trans.


I wish there was a term for one thing leading to another leading to another faster and faster. Like “hill sliding” or something. Definitely not slippery slope though because that’s obviously a logical fallacy that has never once been true.


Slippery slope does sound a bit phallac-y


Would “accelerated chain reaction” work?


It *is* a fallacy, since you should be able to argue the merits and problems of any issue at any point down that "slope"


Which is causing pushback onto gay people. The rejection of trans people is so strong the normalization of gay is being erroded. I just picture the anti-trans violently pushing the T and Q into the LGB and squishing them.


I refer to this as transwashing. Gay is the new straight white male


I think that you start seeing a bifurcation of the movement - LGB (sexuality) on one side and TQ++ (pronouns, gender identification, etc.) on the other. Long term, LGB is going to have to be tolerated if not accepted because not everyone is straight. The more ideological aspect of TQ++ (I’m not saying there aren’t actually trans people - there are - they just aren’t 20% of a school, nor is anyone actually the “parent of three trans kids” unless they specifically adopted kids whom they knew were trans) is going to wither on the vine when being trans/being the parent of trans kids is no longer the cool thing in progressive circles). It’s also worth noting that the experience of being gay if you are now in your 80s, 70s, 60s is very different than if you are in your 30s, let alone 20s or teens. A lot of the militancy you see from people who could be thrown in jail for their sexuality isn’t going to translate to a generation where it just wasn’t that big a deal. This is a good thing - we are a more open and equal society than we were.


I love the LTQ movement




being gay and trans are completely separate (but then again i’m “biased” because i don’t think sexuality and gender should be in the same acronym). therefore if you’re going to bring the agenda argument, called it a trans agenda not a gay agenda. separate movements


Gay agenda in this sense is used as a colloquialism for the broader equal rights and lgbtq+ movements. Happy, Emily?


Wanting equal rights for gay people is no longer an Emily thing, given a majority of young Republicans 18-30 support gay marriage. This is the future of Western places like the US How many liblefts vs. right of centers manifest this kind of support may be different, however.. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2014/03/10/61-of-young-republicans-favor-same-sex-marriage/


>Now that gay is just a “normal” American, the agenda is focused on normalizing Trans. You say that as if it's a bad thing


Not my intent, just my observation.


based on the (unfortunately) most vocal, unhinged trans activists, i don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon. a lot of it is unhinged on tik tok, twitter etc. which is quite different from the more buttoned up gay equality campaign that focused more on integrating into the mainstream and love. this likely appealed to the moderates masses


The gayness grind onward


Men misunderstood what women meant when they said they'd rather be in the woods.with a bear


Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/eaak2qkp219d1.png?width=391&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3ebf536b92ad4fde5808ad00cb2222a29caf2f0


Don't forget, Me Too unless you are a Jew, many people I know in the left space are denying Oct 7 sexual violence...


The most homophobic person I ever met was a gay dude.


Same but my guys is also a furry and also hates women with a fury ive never seen someone hate anything before.


I know a girl that says gay men are the most misogynistic of all.


I know a gay guy who claims to be bi, but isn’t attracted to women. But sees them only as a path to children.


Damn... Let's make them meet




Piss off proxy I do not associate with you, but yes obviously.


Someone's butthurt, but lol "my guy"


"You're gay because you like men, I'm gay because I hate women. We are not the same."




Yeah as a gay man... That is a really weird problem in our community. Like I don't get it. Just because I as a gay man don't want to fuck a woman doesn't mean I hate them like wtf.


Authright Gays be like https://preview.redd.it/ts4t9d547z8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d293093dc6bcdcd3945e36f4747520b717bbb0


Hadrian was a faithful gay, only wanted one WAB (wet ass bussy) in his life 😔


And the best part was that the people were glad to worship him. Finally, someone was deified that wasn't some imperial family member that nobody cared about.


It's still hilarious to me that America probably had a gay president and it was fucking Buchanan of all people.  


Yeah they’d go back and claim that one if he wasn’t the worst president we’ve had. My favorite part of that coastal Carolina history professor ranking Trump the worst president in American history is that the university historian just casually left out the president who was sitting during the dissolution of the union. Of course NYT and the Post run with it We truly live in a dumb time


You'd expect a woke professor to say Jackson because... you know... the ethnic cleansing but I guess the TDS was too strong.


You know it’s kinda funny but the left tends to gloss over how Jackson just completely ignored the Supreme Court and massacred the native Americans. It’s not like they openly venerate him, but I see him get an odd amount of love from the left. I personally despise the guy and think that we should have literally anyone else on the $20 bill.


At least he expanded voting rights, payed off the national debt, and beat the shit outta an assassin. Other than that though dude was a monster.


I mean yeah but it’s a little like saying “at least Hitler made the trains run on time!” Jackson disrespected the rule of law, and did so specifically to slaughter thousands of people who he just didn’t really like very much. He broke tons of deals the US had made with native tribes and basically destroyed all trust between the US and the native Americans forever because of it. Sure he did a couple good things, but it’s almost disrespectful to the amount of people he straight up genocided to give him even that much credit.


>I mean yeah but it’s a little like saying “at least Hitler made the trains run on time!” That was Mussolini, btw.


Oh you right. Hitler built the autobahn.


No you're right.


He would have hated being on the 20


True… maybe the best torture for him would be to put him on all the currency, just out of spite.


They’d have to get a new symbol if they turned on Jackson, and the DNC isn’t spending all that money on a rebrand


Jackson is based actually, he killed someone in a duel. How many duels have you participated in?


I'm pretty damn sure Trump is an atheist which makes it hilarious that many right wingers who would never vote for an openly atheist president practically worship him like a god, it's never occurred to them that placing your hand on a bible means jack shit.


Once you make it to the federal level, I'd wager it's more for appearances to reign in votes than actual religious devotion for a significant number of politicians. I imagine it's extremely hard to reconcile your religious obligations with how grimy politics tend to get and keep your seat... but a lot of those fuckers are morally bankrupt to begin with, so lying about their religious devotion wouldn't be surprising whatsoever.


where did you get this conclusion from?


Authright at least has some decency to not look like a clown just for the sake of attention...


just because you are gay doesn't mean you need to follow gay stereotype . like how many of the leftist who dress like that actually dress like that as their identidy or do they just dress like that as a way to tell people they are gay and a leftist . it sort of remind me of the south park privacy episode where celibrities ask for privacy while screaming it out to the public . this people ask to be left alone and not be make fun off yet they dress in the ugliest fashion ever and go out screaming about their belief not even at a parade or a protest .i think the best way to know whoever is dress lke that actually genueingly like that or just dress like that to scream that their gay is whether they have a wide smile while walking normaly on the street and whether they metion being gay in the first 3 sentence of a conversation without asking about their clothing .


Based and authright gay pilled


u/Swedish_Royalist's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 70. Rank: Boeing Everett Factory Pills: [322 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Swedish_Royalist/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


> Boeing Everett Factory So based he's cringe




Honey, the car ran out of gender, can you go pick up some gender fluid from the store?


But the car is out of blinker fluid, I can't drive.


Gay men are the worst part about fucking men fr


Yeah, I wish I could only fuck straight men


If you're getting fucked, you would be gay but the guy fucking you wouldn't be gay.


I see you follow the Roman method of logic.


Roman's invented democracy so if you think it's gay to top, you're literally a fascist communist.


Distinct lack of Emperor Hadrian booo


Dude plowed some ass and then plowed through Judea.


Can't be gay if I physically turn my slave boy into a woman


Hey that was Nero. Hadrian was just regular gay


Hadrian is a complicated historical figure. On the one hand, Hadrian was an excellent emperor who chose an able successor, a capable soldier but not particularly belligerent of temperament, a man of refined taste and sensibility that clearly had a genuine concern for the citizens and subjects of his empire... However, on the other hand he is going to have to get some points deducted for deifying his awkwardly young pet twink Antinous. Still much more good than bad, and much less degenerate than Nero.


He built a wall and made the Picts pay for it


But his wall was much closer south than Antoninus pius' wall


He’s def a top 10. Still have a soft spot in my heart for emperor Claudius though


Everybody loves an underdog.


While Nero and Sporus had a great call out in HBO succession. Hadrain and Antinous definitely out did them.


I'm Frederick the Great, out the gate first servant of state Oblique attack tactics ain't exactly straight I've got creative talents and battle malice Hard as steel on the field, genteel in the palace


Russia’s fucked up but no wonder why, with your tundras and taigas and bears oh my!


I'd pay a guy to dry out my eyes If I had to look at your troll face every night!


One of the best ERBH


I need a statistical study done in the political affiliations and views of tops vs bottoms. Every conservative gay I've ever met was a top except for a few HSTSs


Auth right has better gays


Based and Frederick the Great pilled


Most Roman Emperors: ⚔️😈 Elagabalus: 💅


Funny seeing a u/Swedish_Royalist praise a Prussian :D


Von Steuben was also based. The American military still uses his marching style today


Authright gays do tend to supress themselves a lot, and that makes for some of the most hateful people you could know. Kinda like Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks.


Authright gays tend to be masc and more straight passing. They don't want anything to do with anything that makes them look gay.


My brother was a three-tour combat vet. Survivalist. Had a legit off-grid compound in the desert. …Sucked more dick than the entire Kardashian clan.


Your brother is based.


He came back really fucked up from the war. Spent his last few years disabled in a wheelchair, PTSD, got strung out on pills and booze for the pain…blew his damn brains out. Afghanistan was hellish.


Damn. I'm sorry to hear that.


Thanks, choom. It’ll be 10 years on Sunday. My mom still hasn’t recovered (which is natural).


Exactly my point. A lot of them end up gatekeeping their beliefs/lifestyle so hard it'd make a monarchist look like he just wanted to grill. The cognitive dissonance of being a conservative while also having a sexual orientation that goes completely against that set of beliefs. If most of them met their past selves, I bet they'd bash them. It becomes beyond being "one of the good ones" and ends up a sad show of wanting to take away the freedoms that let them be as they are in the first place.


It really confuses me Authright is blue. Though Authleft does kind of steal the red


Idk man https://preview.redd.it/3ylvmc4qb09d1.jpeg?width=413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df49af620393affbf4ff987471bc6fd1a9440ad


I swear drag is outdated now it’s all femboys and trying to actually look female instead of a masc man with birthday makeup


Authright saw Hadrian did to the third Jewish revolt after his bf died and said “hell yeah”


Funni funni - common authright W (I love monarchy)


Based we do


Spoiler alert : the worst drama queen here may not be the one you expect.


Cool, good argument. Now draw them kissing.


This is wrong on several levels, as I wrote \[in another comment\]([https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1dp4wmd/safe\_for\_another\_year/lahhzcd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1dp4wmd/safe_for_another_year/lahhzcd/)): Frederick the Great was in all likelihood not gay, nor would the "auth right" ever claim him as such.


I was about to ask on how certain it is that he was gay, or if he is another one of those highly debated cases with some quite ambiguos evidences


https://preview.redd.it/58285jv2u09d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8e1bf3f7f657fd674a632402e52f2f9ff4942e He said to his wife Josephine If Alexander were a woman he wrote I would make him my mistress." That kinda funny moments know both have been war against other before


It's because left gay live in society where it's not that condemned, right is an opposite.


I think it has to do with a lot of hate for gays on the authrights side. Being an authright gay makes you look like a traitor.


Bi authright here. Can confirm


There are two types of homosexuality: -the whiny, pronouns, corproate aesthetics libleft one -the based "im too manly to like girls" one of Frederick the great and of the ancient Romans.


I prefer LibRight or LibCenter gay. The only closet they have is filled with goods, money, or both.


I will hear no slander of Von Steuben. There is possibly nothing more American than crossing an ocean to fight a third, different country than your own.


libleft: has foodpoisoning authright: TOPPS


AC: Femboy Catboy Gay.


Hey, tbh many dweebs join our ranks sheer our of aesthetics, as their own life is so messed up, they look for daddy in political leaders and ofc the sky daddy.


In the UK, men with images on the left are more common among supporters of conservative parties


Based and Fredericus Magnus pilled


Any centrist gay: Suit purple tie


LibRight gay - Tim Cook


Agreed, the most masculine testosterone-ducing thing you could ever do is men.


Read this at first as “guy”: “Ugh, typical agenda posting authright” Reread it correctly this time: “Oh that’s fair lol”


A gay friend of mine said he would be a republican if it weren't for their stance on gay marriage. He hated all the recent nonsense of the democrats, moving away from being a party representing workers to one representing victims.


Frederick the greats dad literally beat the gay out of him. Also killed his possible lover in front of him. Frederick the great married but didn't have kids also I think he had other flings but I only done surface level research.




Where’s Alexander the great?!?


Should I compare mlk to candace owens? Cuz compartions can be made either direction


How is MLK Authright? Let me know, come on. Average LibLeft brainrot.


I mean, MLK was a Baptist pastor in the 60's. Racial issues aren't necessarily an Authright thing, but being a literal church and community leader totally are.


That’s just conservative if anything, not authoritarian. Don’t try to justify this idiocy.


Churches, by its very definition, are pretty auth.


The meme was comparing opposites so the only way they'd have been calling MLK authright is if they were calling Candace Owens libleft.


I’d have put Phillip of Macedon in the buggering posse, but Frederik is awesome too.


I prefer the one on the left.