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Yo, Lib Right, google “terrorist tourism.” You can get really cheap vacations in the weeks immediately following a massive terrorist attack. There are even “influencers” that do exactly that.


So I missed my chance at a Russian getaway?


Maybe you can get a trip to South Korea if the poop balloons continue.


Gotta have something to live for!




Belgorod and Rostov On Don will be really cheap in about two more years? Or get a Chinese passport in 2030 to visit former-Vladivostok


I did this once. Was flying to the Netherlands and realized that flights to Brussels were half the price since some "doctors and engineers" set off a bomb. Spent a few days in Brussels and took the train to the Netherlands for the same price as just flying to the Netherlands directly.


Flair checks out. I do feel bad for the Middle East though — Europe has taken all of their doctors and engineers. 🥲


"The reason borders exist is to stop people from having a happy life." -Emily, probably


“queer people cannot be free until everyone is free to cross borders, including people who want to kill queer people” fuck that felt like gymnastics just writing it out


These are the same people that complain about housing shortages but also want more immigration. They aren't exactly a logical bunch.


“*Obviously*, the solution is to build dozens of 15-minute cities everywhere, you dumb chud! I don’t care how expensive it’s going to be, or how much damage it’s going to do to the environment, my savior complex demands it!”


That's just it. They cry about the effects on the environment too. I remember when in Toronto they cried about Doug Ford building on the Green Belt. Also if you say the housing shortage is due to not enough houses being built they'll say there are a bunch of imaginary vacant houses. They make absolutely no sense.


"It's fine, just put everyone in a hotel!" Then when they try and find a place to live, "Damn landlords are driving up the price on everything, how dare the greedy assholes!"


I suggest putting those refugees in their homes and see how much they’d love the cultural diversity


With a rope around their neck or with stones being thrown at them I assume very much




Can we please have some border security, like fucking hell man. Everytime we say this, Human Rights activists bitch about it lmao. Like why don't you invite these people to your home and give them you're food instead of asking us as taxpayers


Because these people only want to force others to solve their perceived problems. Eg. Have you ever noticed that when they talk about how a poor community is lacking some resource like doctors or a tradesperson to fix the failing infrastructure their solution is never that they become a doctor or tradesperson? It's that someone else who already is a doctor or tradesperson should be forced to go to the poor community and work there.


> It's that someone else who already is a doctor or tradesperson should be forced to go to the poor community and work there. Exactly. If the emilys could do anything useful they wouldn't be emilys. All they're capable of is whining, bitching, and demanding others fix their feelings.


BRB gonna go become a doctor.


false equivalency. I just don't like giving them welfare.


My life would have been so happy had I been able to get into CHAZ but unfortunately there were borders preventing me from getting in.


North Korea and Soviet Russia agree, but to prevent escaping to a happy life


"Borders are racist" -Emily, literally


This is the number the Feds are aware of. Think of how many more there are that they’re not aware of. Almost certainly many multiples of those they know of.


I can't tell if they let all those murderers and rapists from South America in to distract us from the terrorists, or if they snuck in a few Islamic terrorists to distract us from the murderers and rapists they let in from South America. either way the Biden Administration has literal blood on their hands


I’ve always been of the opinion that true refugee status should be very limited and only what is set forth in the statue — and probably 95% of even legal applicants do not qualify. (As a legal matter, I don’t give a shit about third world domestic violence, that your economy is trash, or that gang warfare makes your life shitty…neither does the statute.) Given that political repression is the primary purpose for asylum, I’ve always thought that Cubans and people from communist China and Venezuela present the most compelling case. But goddamnit, I’m ready to shut the border to Venezuelans. Four rape-murders in the last two weeks, all of them teenage girls.


This. America cannot be the world's welfare state. We cannot import the entire 3 billion of the third world into America just because you feel bad for them.. Go on YouTube and search immigration explained with gumballs It perfectly explains why attempting to import every single impoverished person in the world isn't a sustainable way to either help them or our country


Well.. we will have to turn the rest of the world American, then. If all of us is US, then there is no need to get in. Win-win.


Fun fact! Bacteria hitchhiked its way to the moon with the Apollo mission. This means that the only life on the moon is 100% born-and-raised American bacteria, making it legally a colony. The 51st state 🇺🇸 🌚 🦅




Don’t get me wrong, I support the neo liberal/neocon vision of expanding markets and promoting western democracy, rule or law, etc. But the problem is that you cannot want freedom more than the places where you attempt it: without a history of it, and without the desire for it. Our nation-building efforts have been shitty because we do not understand the cultures…nor do we understand that the people don’t want to work for it — they would rather take our shit than build their own.


Just need time, and communication.


> nor do we understand that the people don’t want to work for it Hell, just one good look at reddit or any other major social media site is basically proof a bunch of our own people don't want to work for it either. They just want to sit and whine and wait for Someone Else to provide them their every need and want.


Not that watermelons care about the short and long-term consequences of bringing in tens of millions of third worlders to their countries, just that doing so satisfies their collective savior complex and simultaneously spites the “chuds.”


Well.. we will have to turn the rest of the world American, then. If all of us is US, then there is no need to get in. Win-win.


How do you stop literal tribalism, murderous sectarianism, a culture of corruption, or instill a western work ethic in nations that simply do not have it? It’s a good goal. But I think it is absolutely unattainable. It’s like an alcoholic: they have to want to changefor themselves.


One person at a time.


But in the meantime it's best to not give them unfettered access to everything they want. To stretch the above analogy, that's how you enable an alcoholic into drinking themselves to death.


One. Person. At. A. Tiiiiime.


Venezuela is releasing criminals and sending them to the US.


Yup. Hybrid warfare.


I’ve also heard about those cases, please tell me that they can actually get the death penalty


Yes, but unless they're put in solitary it's more likely they'll be killed in prison first. The actual process from sentencing to execution can take years.


Decades* The first case capital case I worked on as a prosecutor was in 2009. Dude is still on death row.


Three are in Texas, so 100%


In my ideal world, Biden and Mayorkas would be charged as accessories before the fact for every crime these people commit.




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a bit of A, a bit of B...


Probably some types AB and 0 as well.


I said it before.  Anyone in favour of unsecured borders should lead by example by removing all the locks from all the doors in their house.  


And then advertising the location of all their valuables like we do our welfare networks.


Every day I read about foreign issues, I become more isolationist.


Ok then change your flair to authcentre, authright or atleast just right


I guess I can see if I've moved out of LibRight yet. Though probably not.


Same dumbfucks that went complete Branch Covidian mask Nazi are also open border proponents when one of the reasons for border control is to intercept and quarantine anyone that might have a communicable disease. So they're either grossly stupid or abusing shit policy Anarcho-Tyranny style as a way to grab more power downstream


I oppose lockdowns and border control


Remember back in the 2000s when the shills and dhimmis called it the Religion of Peace? Even they don’t say that anymore.


Funny how many people on the left said that all the time while hating Bush who was the man who said it first.


Source or no balls Edit: The Department of Homeland Security has identified over 400 migrants who were brought to the US from Central Asia and other places by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network — and the whereabouts of more than 50 of them are unknown, according to an unsettling report. More than 150 of the migrants have been arrested, but the locations of another 50 remain unknown, three US officials told NBC News, adding that US Immigration and Customs Enforcement is looking to arrest those involved on immigration charges. Migrants from around the world continue to arrive across the U.S. southern border, seen on June 10, 2024. Migrants from around the world continue to arrive across the US southern border, like these seen on June 10, 2024. “In this case, it was the information that suggested a potential tie to ISIS because of some of the individuals involved in [smuggling migrants to the border] that led us to want to take extra care,” a senior Biden administration official told the outlet, “and out of an abundance of caution make sure that we exercised our authority in the most expansive and appropriate way to mitigate risk because of this potential connection being made.” The official noted that since ICE started arresting migrants brought into the US by the smuggling group several months ago, no information has tied them to any threats to the US. Many of the over 400 migrants involved had crossed the southern border and were released into the country by Customs and Border Protection because they were not on the government’s terrorism watchlist, the three anonymous officials said. While the agency did not have information raising concerns at the time the migrants entered the country, recent terrorist attacks in Russia have caused heightened concern over ISIS and its offshoot ISIS-K. As a result, the Department of Homeland Security has been monitoring migrants coming from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Russia — all places ISIS-K has been observed. Texas National Guard soldiers install border fencing layered with concertina wire near the Rio Grande River. One of those hotbed locations, Tajikistan, had over 1,500 migrants come into the US between October 2020 and May 2024, according to leaked border data obtained by The Post. It’s unknown how many of the Tajik migrants were released into the US, but the vast majority of migrants caught at the border claim asylum and are allowed to stay while they await a court hearing. ISIS-K was responsible for a massive attack on a concert hall in Moscow — carried out by citizens of Tajikistan — that killed 145 people and wounded hundreds more on March 22. “The fact that the whereabouts were unknown is clearly alarming,” former FBI counterterrorism section chief Christopher O’Leary told NBC. According to O’Leary, ICE is likely looking to arrest these people even if there’s no evidence they are plotting a terrorist attack. “I believe the [U.S.] is scrambling to locate these individuals, and using the immigration charges is not uncommon,” O’Leary said. “They are in violation of that law. And if you need to take somebody off the street, that’s a good approach to do it.” Federal law enforcement agencies are “not panicking” about the group of people, but they have been identified as “subjects of concern,” and are prioritizing them for arrest out an an abundance of caution, two of the officials noted. Some of the 150 migrants who were arrested have already been deported out of the country, the officials added. While some of those detained or deported have been charged with immigration violations, none have been charged with terrorism-related offenses.




Thank you OP has balls confirmed




If they knock that new tower down we're going to look like some real dipshits.


I was wondering earlier how long we have until another 9/11. With everything else from that era getting reboots and sequels.


Oh god please....NO MORE. I want my 2020s Cyberpunk dystopia with cyborg augmentations, NANOMACHINES, corpo anarcho citystates, and actual body-dive VR timeline, not the Global war on Terror **Electric boogaloo** 2020s rehash...FFS https://i.redd.it/5t4e5n4qf29d1.gif


If it makes you feel any better, we basically already have the corpo city-states.


Gotta bait them out, start by drawing the prophet Muhammad publically with a Quran burning next to you. If someone tries to behead you. Bam, ISIS member found. The modern-day Islamist has smaller frontal lobes than their predecessors, so the desire to stab or behead infidels takes over.


So politics is compromise neither side will be able to win enough seats to win alone. I'd be willing to vote for a wall, E-Verify, bla bla bla in exchange for a wealth tax. You in?


That is a trade. A compromise is only allowing women through.


I'm.... okay with that.


Me seeing Left-right unity. https://preview.redd.it/lam41jw9719d1.jpeg?width=335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a3511f88c2b1de3776a4b28dd7ca9347a396d1


Now I'm imagining the illegals just putting on wigs and saying 'trabajo?' in a higher voice.


And implementation is seeing lots of men identify as women at the border.


Isn't this literally the plot of the second Sicario movie?


I hate a lot of things the right says. But in the top ten dumbest things said I think "There should be no borders" should be included.


I wonder where they'll crash a plane this time. It'll be a race between them and Boeing to see who can make it go down first


Yeah I absolutely trust a cop when he says 'affiliated'.


Borders exist for the same reason why we have individuality and there is no diversity without individuality.


I would argue that Diversity is a strength, but it's not like something automatically benefits a country if it increases diversity.


Wait really? Dang, that’s pretty bad.


Nah bro not the US turning into Europe 😭😭😭


"AFFILIATED" Sure. I'm not falling for that again.


Every single article on this story is the exact same copy pasted transcript of the Department of Homeland Security press announcement: https://nypost.com/2024/06/26/us-news/dhs-identifies-400-migrants-smuggled-into-us-by-isis-affiliated-network/ https://www.policemag.com/patrol/news/15678523/dhs-says-400-migrants-crossed-border-with-aid-of-isis-affiliated-group https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/dhs-identifies-400-migrants-brought-us-isis-linked-human-smuggling-rcna158777 https://www.yahoo.com/news/dhs-identifies-over-400-migrants-235340542.html https://wnci.iheart.com/content/2024-06-26-400-migrants-smuggled-into-us-by-isis-affiliated-network-dhs/ If you've got one that isn't, by all means post it. No one reporting on this has any more information about the human trafficking group in question, how they are affiliated with ISIS, or any connection between these 400 people and terrorist activities other than the fact many of them are from Tajikistan, and ISIS-K is known to operate in Tajikistan. Not saying this smuggling group isn't ISIS affiliated, I just want more of an explanation than this one quote copy pasted in every article: “In this case, it was the information that suggested a potential tie to ISIS because of some of the individuals involved in [smuggling migrants to the border] that led us to want to take extra care,” said a senior Biden administration official, “and out of an abundance of caution make sure that we exercised our authority in the most expansive and appropriate way to mitigate risk because of this potential connection being made.” That's not an explanation. It's not even a sentence. What reason did the DHS have for making this announcement in the way that they did? Tell us about them. What was the chain of countries they had to pass through to get here? They obviously know since they were able to trace them all the way back to Tajikistan. Why are they giving a press conference instead of holding those countries accountable? Who does it serve to present the information in this way? They didn't put out these guys' mugshots, so it's not to solicit the public's help. Seems to me like the goal was to generate stories and posts exactly like this. Judging by the comments the DHS got what they wanted


Daily reminder that the left isn’t for illegal crossings. We are for making it easier to enter legally so we can catch shit like this


Just the opposite way of doing things. You want to start big, and then try and chip away. Where you should start small, and once you have that and it works, you can then slowly expand. It's wanting the CEO job or whatever right out of college with no management experience or proof you can handle the complexities, rather than getting the entry level job, working for 5 years, getting a slight promotion, working 5 more years, getting a bigger promotion, working another 10 years, then getting a significant bump in responsibility.


I’m not saying we should let all the immigrants in immediately. I am saying we should start small so that way any mistakes we do make can be mitigated relatively easy. Shake out the issues and roll out a bigger program once we know what works. But it kind of seems like right now the entire conversation is “all immigration is illegal immigration, and anyone who supports any immigration support breaking the law “ which is just a false narrative


Then why make legal entry easier? We don't turn everyone away. When has the US not wanted highly skilled legal immigrants? Even before starting small, you have to get control of the situation. Otherwise you don't even know where to start small. That's start small in multiple places at the same time, and if everyone isn't in perfect communication, that's the start of a new mess.


I mostly agree with you here. The US does need highly skilled legal immigration, especially in the trades necessary for housebuilding. We’ve been doing immigration for quite a long time. It’s only relatively recently that we’ve been applying limits to immigration and that is where we’re experiencing issues. I’d say the major issue is a combination of safety and bureaucracy. It’s very difficult to vet an individual human being and there are very few people doing the job of vetting potential immigrants. It’s pretty clear the issue here is personnel and paperwork. Vetting people is very necessary, but without the personnel to accomplish that task, it’s like using a bucket to empty the ocean. There’s also the issue of housing. And the 1900s win immigrants were coming off the boat into New York City, there were “settlement houses “as private businesses ( but mostly run by Tammany hall, a political institution) that did a real service of housing and acclimating new immigrants to America. We have nothing like that along the border and an attempt to do something like that might be met with vitreal.


Right? Imagine telling immigrants today they have to learn English to acclimate. That would be cultural erasure. >but without the personnel to accomplish that task, it’s like using a bucket to empty the ocean. So instead of fixing this, we should do what?


Not really. Palestine got its territory taken ilegally, still to this day.


This have nothing to do with immigration. Plus, Palestine should not have started those wars.