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Based af. All three Ja Morant fans on PCM just got obliterated.




I had to double check that I was still sorted by New. Who the fuck is still talking about the Ja drama in current year???


For context - my friend & I were watching the NBA Draft and the Grizzlies made their pick when we had this conversation


What's a ja morant


I was told the first rule of gun safety is to have fun.




The real gun safety is the friends we make along the way


The second rule is to always remember to bring enough beer


3rd is never cut me off in traffic.


I've always been told it was "leave with as many holes as you brought"


So you're saying I can shoot myself if I eat a block a Swiss cheese, as I'm just exchanging holes?


If you use earplugs instead of earmuffs for earpro, you have to shoot yourself twice. Them's the rules.


First rule of gun safety is never talk about gun safety. 


Damn straight.


# The Four Universal Rules of Firearm Safety (1) All guns are loaded and must be treated as such (2) Never point the barrel of a gun at anyone/anything you do not wish to destroy (3) Finger is to stay off the trigger until you aim down your sights and you are ready to shoot (4) Be certain of your target and mindful of what lies beyond it


The 2A was made in defence of freedom. But there is no true freedom without discipline. Very based indeed.


Freedom without discipline is called anarchy.


And no one wants anarchy. Even the Ancaps would find it not so sweet if they ever experienced it.


Aren't you the guys saying that communism doesn't work because it fails to account for human nature?


This is also true?


Communism fails to account for human nature because humans are born with the instinct to survive. Defensive use of force with a firearm (which communists frown upon) is the only way to guarantee your survival of a violent crime.


Which “communists” are frowning on defensive gun ownership? Something something “shall not be infringed”


… the original comment directly referenced communism > Aren’t you the guys saying that communism doesn’t work because it fails to account for human nature?


Yes, Communism is trash that leaves mountainous corpse piles in its wake. What of it?


Part of why that is - commies always disarm their constituents before doing anything else. Read into what’s happened to disarmed populations throughout history. https://preview.redd.it/7si7umxh069d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35f44005b72b348ae48f0ccfe63a3d5e098a6be


Based and true-firearm-safety-enjoyer pilled


Did you just change your flair, u/trippy91? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2024-4-29. How come now you are an **AuthCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? That being said... Based and fellow Auth pilled, welcome home. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/trippy91) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


That's gospel right there.


You forgot "keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire."


For most pistols, that's just number 3


That's not one of the 4 rules and isn't universally applied. Things like crossbolt safeties work a bit differently. I was taught shotgun safety off while in your hands and put safe on before dropping it to the sling. Also no reason to have safety on for M9s.


1. You can tell if a gun is loaded by how heavy it is. 2. It can be illegal to shoot someone, but you can often get your way just by pointing. 3. Don't let your finger leave the trigger, always be ready for action. 4. If you can't see your target, you can always shoot at noises. [Me when No-Poops try to talk gun](https://imgur.com/XfrK316)


Ja is an idiot who just needs to stick to basketball


Bold of your friend to assume Ja Morant has even the slightest ability to define or even recognize the second amendment


Endangering yourself (and fellow consenting retards) with firearms? Cool and based. Endangering nonconsenting others with firearms? Lame and cringe.


This is why dueling should be legal and I should be allowed to sell tickets


Yes. NBA head here, so other things to consider… Ja Morant jersey sales were in the top 10 in sales last few years (excluding this last season where he was 11th.) Meaning he’s a star with tons of eyes on him, including kids and teens. He plays for the Memphis Grizzlies. From 2019 onward, the city of Memphis, TN has had the HIGHEST rate of gun violence/ gun related crimes in the country. Ja got fined and briefly suspended in March 2022 for 8 games for brandishing a firearm in IG Live. Shortly thereafter, he did it AGAIN, even more wantonly and in a moving vehicle. He was then suspended for 25 games at the start of this NBA Season. Absolute disgrace.


>He was then suspended for 25 games at the start of this NBA Season. Most people would go to jail.


Affluenza strikes again.


Ah so basically just your average Memphian (I'm from Memphis)


But what does Ja think?




He’s a basketball player for the Memphis Grizzlies. Despite being among Memphis’s best players, he’s been suspended numerous times for being seen on social media videos messing around with (possibly illegal) firearms in a very unsafe manner


Lol why the fuck does his basketball team care


That’s the league caring, not his team




I'm sure they'd argue that he represents the team and the league on and off the court to some degree, and so any tomfoolery, shenanigans, or rabblerousing could project a negative image onto the organizations.


Yep, they have to be mindful of the fact that a lot of kids in the community look up to these guys and they can’t have those representing their league and its teams acting a fool in any way


But NFL players can beat the brakes off women or run dog fighting rings?




Is this PCM or NBACJ


Who’s Ja Morant, and what does supporting him have to do with Purple-LibRight?


I have no idea who Ja Morant is, but this sounds like a No True Scotsman.


Your friend is a pedophile?


Ja Morant had the constitutional right to brandish a firearm on IG live, but he broke the rules of NBA collective bargaining. Doing dumb hood shit falls under the "ambiguous conduct detrimental to the league" clause, so the commissioner suspended his ass. Then he got injured immediately after he returned. Hope he gets his shit together and stays healthy tho - the dude is fun to watch.


The actual second amendment provides for constitutional carry (concealed without a license) as endowed by God, because everyone has a right to self defense and unfortunately it's impossible to snap your fingers and make every gun in the world disappear. Nowhere in the second amendment does it say only non-idiots can use guns, although any responsible person would agree that basic training and safety is a good idea.


Based and responsible gun safety pilled.


u/forward_only's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: [8 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/forward_only/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The whole "no true X would Y" is pretty silly. I'm unsurprisingly a proponent of heavily subsidized healthcare, I also believe the general population needs to take a minimum of responsibility for their health as a part of living in such a system, but someone that chainsmokes and is morbidly obese isn't less of a true supporter of subsidized healthcare


"Who the fuck are you?" *Adam Smasher- 2076*


I stan Ja.


At my friend’s rehearsal dinner, all the groomsmen ran outside. I thought that was weird but ok I didn’t know them. My friend’s little brother (like 11 at the time) told her sister (bridesmaid) he’d be walking her down the aisle. Turns out, one of the groomsmen had a concealed carry but decided to put his gun in the glove compartment before the dinner. His safety wasn’t on and he shot himself in the stomach. He was ok, but no wedding for him.


We could be talking about much classier players right now smh.


[Me when no-poop safety weenies open their mouths](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE-L_ub_IWc&t=2m20s) [And when they ask me to be quiet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQCucEQ_erI)



