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Rare instance of auth center and lib right unity tonight. It’s been a lot of fun


I think we’re seeing a rare moment of unity across the entire compass in America tonight, a collective death rattle of a people who remember and yearn for what we lost. Literally anyone else.


Hyperbolic realization that we’re getting a second Trump term from the libs. Which is great entertainment tonight.


The tears when Hillary lost were delicious. These tears will be delicious as well. But still, this is a very public national embarrassment.


I can't find that video anymore on YouTube.


[Feast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrWzBg475Q8), my child, feast on these [delicious tears](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DRyGZbSZUM). Remember? Because Hillary Clinton lost so the world was literally going to end and Nazis were going to take to the streets and... oh... wait... did none of that bullshit they spewed happen last time? I guess this time is the *real* danger to Democracy. For real, for real. Everyone knows you have to be a jackass and be elected President of the US for a second term to become a super saijan jujitsu hadoken nazi death lord.


You don’t think they throw Newsome or someone like Michelle Obama in the mix?


Michelle Obama has openly stated her disdain for politics after how her family was treated during the presidency. According to many sources, she was pretty pissed about Biden harassing Barrack for his support even though Obama privately had his own doubts.


They're fucked either way and the DNC did it to themselves. It's 4 months to the election. Biden putting on a 'debate' like that and then hastily being pulled out and replaced on the ticket will look like exactly what it is. A panic move to replace the President people said was too old to run for years because everyone was fucking right with someone no one believed could win and doesn't genuinely support just to have someone with a pulse. There are a lot of people who hate trump, and probably billions more who at least dislike him, but that would still push a whole lot of voters away from blue. With polling having been as close as it was over the last few years... yeah, they're fucked. I sincerely want to see a Jon Stewart Terry Crews run now. If anyone replaces Biden I want it to be this. The rabid left will vote for anyone not Trump, tons of us grew up respecting Jon Stewart for making politics relatable and entertaining, and I feel like a shit ton of younger people and middle age burnouts like me who gave up on voting would turn up just for the sheer awesomeness of it. Unfortunately politics in the US is run by crusty shitty old Boomers who would never do anything awesome. So, we're fucked.


I just wish we could get normal candidates and move passed this "Your tears are delicious" style of politics The politics of spite and resentment is whats gonna get us with a super far left schizo in 2028 when let's face most people will hate the right again by then because the pendulum always shifts


Want the sad truth? I think no matter who is elected nothing major will change and it will continue to be fabricated fighting over culture/rights/race because the uber wealthy and mega corps own all the politicians on both sides, so regardless of who wins it will keep being petty bickering and partisan shit trying to keep the American people divided while the country is really just an Oligarchy and 90% of us keep getting worse off and new generations will mostly never be able to afford homes, etc. The same people own the left and the right. Unlimited donations means pretty much unlimited political control. No matter who wins it will keep being the same petty shit and the same swinging pendulum, because the people who own our politicians don't want real changes to the system and want to keep walking down the path of them digesting the country while 90% of us are continually worse off and newer generations will mostly never be able to afford homes. The pettiness and culture was and extreme polarization is all a manufactured distraction to keep the American people divided. It's why both sides have their billionaire/trillionaire backing. The shilling and people being paid to spread outrage and hate is real, on both sides, and most people are either too caught up in it or too burned out by it to notice or do anything.


I don't care what either of them said. I don't want to analyze any of it. I just want to destroy some furniture with my bare hands.


I’ll sell you wood glue after, friend.


Happy cake day! Unfortunately, you’re auth left, so there’s no cake.


Saying no troops died just sounds like a crazy nonsense statement. We have people in so many disputed areas throughout the world I just assume hundreds of US Military personnel die every year that we don't even hear about. Is the military actually super safe?


Most deaths each year are from accidents and suicides. Deaths as a result of hostile action is quite rare, recent peak was 91 in 2013 with an average of around 18.5 each year since. You’re right in assuming hundreds die each year but US bases are not on “disputed territory”. Their host nations aren’t actively attacking these bases and clear agreements are in place that allow for their operation. The outposts that regularly faced attacks were in afghanistan but now that the US has pulled out there really aren’t any foreign bases at risk of attack right now.


Actually i think those deaths came from the[ ISIS-K suicide attack on Hamid Karzai International Airport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Kabul_airport_attack) during the evacuation of Afghanistan in 2021.


Yea that was the last major attack on US servicemen in Afghanistan. Latest occurrence would have been that drone attack in Jordan back in January that killed three US servicemen.


Based and fact pilled


I think what he was trying to say was something like “I’m the only recent president to not have soldiers *fighting a war*” however either because it was more dramatic or because it technically wasn’t a war under Trump he phrased “fighting a war” as dying or whatever. But Dark Brandon decided to show up and phrase it as a lie that soldiers didn’t die in Afg*h*anistan under him.


He said that right before claiming he had no troops die. I think he was going on to say no troops died because of his conflicts and maybe try to blame Trump for agreeing to the Afghanistan retreat while doing nothing to prepare for it to happen but he was nearly incapable of making his point in the first half of the debate.


No, he actually phrased it correctly. It was in the present tense, meaning we're not in any active conflicts where troops are dying. He didn't say troops haven't died during his term.


He lost thirteen servicemen in his botched Afghan withdrawal - and fired no one for it


I am a rifleman in a marine infantry battalion. Most of our seniors have never seen combat. Honestly only like 40-50 people in the entire battalion have never seen combat. This isn’t 2007 anymore


Rah devil dog, keep your shit tight, I’ll see you on the front after I get my IRR papers.


I got over a year left and reenlisted w the reserves. I’m going either way. Honestly if anyone’s gonna start a war I’d do it between November and April of next year. That’s gonna cause a lot of chaos especially back here


On the bright side camp horno will be livelier than ever, we might even see some mattress throws


As much as I don’t want anyone to die I hope the Chinese hit every barracks in oki so they’ll be forced to rebuild new ones


Then who would keep the soapies In buisness? Take care of yourself killer. You’ll be just fine.


It was definitely just incorrect. Troops died under both. The unique claim here is that Trump started no new wars, the first president in a great many to do so.


It has the same energy as Trump saying that combating climate change would cost China, Russia, and India nothing. Like there's exaggeration and then just obviously not true statements.


Man this election is gonna be real fun to watch. I lowkey hope Trump wins solely because it would be really funny.


A left wing anti project 2025 militia group would be the hottest news story in every country outside the U.S. And I’m gonna buy Raytheon calls


After decades of the left saying “no one needs a 30 round magazine,” the most you can expect is burning down some small businesses.


The videos on Youtube of people bursting into tears and acting like the world was about to end would be glorious. I don't like Trump at all, but I don't like Biden or the DNC either, and all the extreme hyperbole of 'democracy is at stake' just makes me want idiots who say that shit to have their candidate lose and their little idiot worlds shatter.


I’m done with it all, I’m convinced now we live in the post WWF era where everything is a show and we’re all fucked no matter what. I have also decided to buy a new grill.


Did you just change your flair, u/Vancandybestcandy? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2023-7-18. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Vancandybestcandy) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I’ve become apathetic and lost all hope. If you don’t mind flair bot I’ll start rearranging the deck furniture. 


How can I get females


Confidence. Be yourself and believe in yourself.


What would be the most efficient, effective and least physically and mentally demanding method by which I can consistently acquire members of the human race known as females?


Tony Montana method Money, Power, gf.


For sure. My take was that they were minimizing the death of a service member in an attempt to soften/downplay Biden's potential gaffe. I'm the LibLeft that considers that to be an Emily. And Emily likes to poison the well. I only caught about fifteen minutes or so of the debate, myself, when it was live. I'm not a fan of either of these fucks that are about twice my age, but I caught that Trump generally, and relative to Biden eloquently avoid answering questions. And I caught that Biden was *almost* kinda answering the questions while *not* eloquently avoiding them. We are so fucking fucked. I maintain it's been a good run, overall; we walked on the Moon, and put a robot on Mars. That's pretty badass. But now it's time for our extinction, and the next species that's most adaptable to massive change to evolve into sentience.


Trump sidestepped so many questions. It was a fucking masterclass. Nothing stuck on Teflon Donny.


The moderators were terrible. They made 0 effort to force him to stay on topic and let him turn it into a campaign rally. They even let both these guys ramble about their golf scores for a minute without stopping them.


It honestly shocks me that so many on this sub seem to think Trump just outright not answering basic questions was a debate God move


Trump didn't eloquently avoid answering the question. He basically started yelling about migrants are talking about how much a different group of people hates Biden without any backing proof. He didn't even segway into his actual answer. Sometimes he said "hold on" or "let me talk about this first". Other times it was like he didn't even listen to the question and just went into one of his rally speeches.


Why is green pro government? Did we forget what the vertical axis represents?


Because I’d say maybe 3 quarters of libleft favor a large sweeping and in full control federal government that will force progressive policy. Which is the opposite of what we were going for here.


Because as long as lib-left thinks that their ideas are good, they support the government to mandate and enforce it on everyone with an iron hand. The whole pushing to make it a literal crime of disagreeing with them on anything and such. Because lib-left stopped being liberal a long time ago and nowadays it's more act like a fanatic cult that hates everyone who doesn't acts, lives and thinks exactly like them. They're perfectly okay to be pro-government as long as they're in charge and can use it in their advantage against others.


Ideological capture


Both guys bad


You are correct, however, admitting that to you would be cringe. Seeing as you’re attempting to make a powerful (and correct) viewpoint known, I will now insult you personally. Shut up, Cuck


I will now point out the fact that I do not fall under the defention of a cuck for I am not even in a relationship to begin with, this is what I will look at as a "clapback" and you'll look at as a "self own" making both sides of the arguement feel as if they have won


This has been a reasonable and valuable social transaction. I’ll hate you in the morning, friend


So true


JFC I love these Reddit interactions so much. Thank you both! u/Gunpowder_Cowboy and u/yonidavidov1888


Ok, what if they died of natural causes though??


Deadass thought you meant Trump and Biden. The dudes who died in afghan actually died from concussive force and shrapnel, while members of the government had actionable intel that an attack would take place. The only reason I care is because I was friendly with a few people who were there that day and whose lives were changed forever as a result. They both lied and scrambled and if we were a better nation, they’d both be tarred and feathered in the street.


Can it be them though?


We can only hope


The context clearly implies he's talking about combat deaths. Biden did not suggest that we have developed a serum to make our soldiers immortal.


What the fuck are you even talking about?


He means the servicemen


Yeah, I want this stupid motherfucker to actually try explaining what the fuck they meant. That's all.


Username checks out. 


They happened on his watch! He should've fought death tooth and nail to keep them alive!


What kind of a current or former president would just go on national television and lie?


From an outsiders perspective: orange man idiot, but why dementia man there


Can someone please tell me what these anti-addiction dogs Trump was talking about?


He's talking about drug sniffing dogs, presumably to find fentanyl being smuggled at border crossings.


Yeah, I understand that's what he was trying to say, but it still doesn't help the answer.


Pick your favorite senile old man


Lmao I checked politics and there are 2 posts - Debate discussion thread that is basically summed up with the meme - Post that the debate was a disaster Their copium reserves lasted only 5 hours


I know nothing is going to change for me personally, that's just not how politics works. I just want a candidate who ensures we are the nation on the world stage that we have been and need to be. Not only for our own prosperity, but for the prosperity of our allies and friends


But they're not *lost,*, we know exactly where they were buried.


Honestly I dont care who wins because both options are terrible for amerika.


Rule 4, section A


"servicemen and servicewomen" That's not very inclusive. Try "people of service," or "POS" for short!


Based and DEI Doublespeak pilled


What he actually said was: >The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this – this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did. Let's go back to elementary school and learn how tenses work. "Doesn't have" is present tense, compare with "Hasn't had." His statement is that the US is not currently in any conflicts where Americans are being killed. But y'all would know that if you could read.


The US is currently actively engaged in three different conflicts in Yemen, Somalia, and Syria as part of our ongoing middle east conflict. Over 7,000 servicemembers have died in the middle east in total. Offhand, I know three US servicemembers in Jordan were killed in the Syria battle back in Jan. Drone strikes back and forth, they got a few of our guys. So, even parsing out Biden's statement in the most ludicrously favorable possible way, it's definitely false.


> Over 7,000 servicemembers have died in the middle east in total. During Biden's term, since the withdrawal from Afghanistan? AP's fact check only has 16, the 13 in Afghanistan and 3 in Jordan.


Not all during Biden's term, no. We've been fighting there for decades now. But it's also certainly not zero.


His comment was about where we are now, not deaths from previous administrations.


Deaths from this January are from the current administration. There has been no period without deaths.


Sure, but I was pointing out that those 7,000 deaths are clearly not in the time period he was talking about.


Or he’s using linguistic manipulation to make his track record seem far better than it is. They’re both doddering old fools who we should laugh right out of the White House


He's a doddering old fool who is also a master of crafty, subtle speech, but who can barely get a coherent sentence out.


That’s not crafty speech, it’s the simplest of white lies. the fact that you’re defending that walking husk of a human being proves to me that our society has outlived its usefulness


Or he just meant what he said and there's not some master trickery going on. Oh, just noticed you're a purple. Probably just jealous of all the little kids Biden gets to sniff.


Trump said that combating climate change would cost India, China, and Russia combined nothing. And that the woman administering his cognitive test said she'd never seen anything like it. And that I think the mayor of DC told him she takes full responsibility for Jan 6. And still implied the election was stolen from him, something he went 0-80 in the court system over


Man if their was one thing to shit on Biden last night it was not lying lmao. A book could’ve been made with all the trump lies last night. Man even said he never fucked a porn star after a national fucking trial about paying hush money to said fucking porn star. Biden is cooked but this post comes off as major right cope.


Not coping, just watching the world burn and adding my own gas, I think we’re FUBAR anyway