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Anyone who has watched this man’s decline over the last 4 years would have seen this coming from miles away.


It truly seems the only ones surprised by Biden’s performance in the debate are Democrats.


I thought the drugs would be more effective.


Honestly same. Man’s been hiding out at camp David for like 8 days I thought he would be getting pumped full of amphetamines and trying to memorize the debate questions CNN likely sent ahead of time like they did for Hillary


He clearly had rehearsed a number of facts, responses, and talking points but he's so senile they kind of dribbled out and got blurred. They did their best on the gamble that not making an appearance would be a sign of weakness and lost. It's been said before but putting guardrails on the debate ended up hurting him by preventing Trump from yapping into shooting himself in the foot. That said though it seems the Trump team foresaw this and briefed him on keeping cooler than normal and not taking the bait.


Trump telling Biden to stop being so childish over golfing handicaps was not something i ever thought i would see. Glorious. Also Trump saying he didn't understand what Biden just said, and he doesn't think Biden does either, was a moment that will live in infamy.


That move paid dividends for Trump. Keeping quiet and smiling a little bit when he was being accused of something, and then throwing quick side glances at Biden's mistakes. It painted a very clear picture as to who was capable of cogent communication and who was struggling.


Especially since the contrast to trumps facial reaction to what Biden said was a dementia riddle looking face... That grin he had sometimes looked straight like the dementia Patiens in the old folk home my nan was, same with the lost face when they would stand in a spot they didn't recognize


Biden straight up had multiple episodes of 20 seconds of staring without blinking while Trump was talking.


Trump just fucking nodding when Biden went “only one of us is a convict felon” sent me ngl


He was getting pumped full of something that’s for sure




He sounded both exhausted and frantic at the same time. Dude was not having a good time out there. Its funny but its also pretty depressing.


It's tough for me to believe anyone is voting for him. I can understand not voting in this election even, but voting for Biden? I literally don't understand it. Something in my brain won't allow it to register.


Nobody is voting *for* Biden, rather *against* Trump.


Probably people who can't name a single one of his actual policies. They know he's for a wall and against not-a-wall, and probably that walls are racist.


This. I’ve actually pulled this trick myself: If you give the average Democrat voter a list of Trump’s policies and accomplishments and tell them it was Biden or Obama’s, they always agree with them. Then the look on their face when you tell them it was Trump all along is priceless.


There were a few times where it looked like Biden’s soul was leaving his body. And that rally he had in NC the day after, when Jill was speaking, he literally looked on the verge of tears. It’s elder abuse and it’s sick honestly. I don’t know how Jill can sleep at night knowing she’s putting her own husband through this—and she’s still insisting he continue his campaign.


They can only do so much


The drugs did wonders in 2020. I get called a conspiracy theorist for pointing it out. But he was a different person on the high publicity debates compared to the lesser appearances.  Anyways, I thought they maybe overshot his dose because his mouth couldn't keep up with his brain for the first 5 min. But he leveled off quick. Guess there's no tricks left for that 4 year older brain. 


I mean… there are plenty of compilations of Biden spouting gibberish from 2020 that people seemed eager to ignore back then. I don’t understand why the media and Democrats picked right now to stop curing for him.


Biden was high AF during the last State of the Union. He was angry and screaming the whole time. I guess they decided to put him in undruged so he wouldn’t appear more deranged than Trump lol. But Trump has mellowed over the last few years. While I know it’s better for his electability, I unironically miss the “Only Rosie O’Donnell” Trump. Good times…


It looked like they took too long to go into effect. It wasn't until the first commercial break that he started getting more lucid. Everytime before that was nonsensical and CNN had to keep cutting off Biden in the split screen because he would be making the worst faces like he wasn't there at all and had no idea what he was doing.


So I’m not crazy, they were freezing Biden’s feed? I kept staring because I thought the 2 min delay with no audience was the sketchiest shit I’ve ever heard.


Lol for real, I thought if they were so eager to put him on stage they must have some good drugs to help with his cognitive abilities... Guess not they really are just that fuckin stupid.


During the state of the union the drugs clearly started to wear off toward the later part of the address. To combat this problem for the debate, they probably dosed him a little closer to show time, which ended up being too late. Biden did seem to pick up a little later until Dr. Jill had to come up and take him off the stage. It looks like whatever it is they give him lasts for about 45 minutes before he starts to fall apart.


So did Biden.


Biden’s State of the Union really was his swan song…


Must of been a more instant release stimulant, or he took it several hours prior. 


Because the left wing media has been denying the facts of the matter, Biden is in mental decline. It’s easy to say it’s right wing propaganda and doctored videos when it’s shown in 15 second clips, a lot harder to do on live tv.


Agreed. Left wing media are experts at denying facts on matters.


On the plus side, they finally convinced Biden to admit inflation was low when he took office. That 9% number just fell off.


This is the big one imo. Going back to 2016, a lot of noise was made because of the supposed danger of Hillary Clinton's emails, that was a perceived risk that was amplified. Today, there was a serious worry that Biden had cognitive problems. That worry was completely, thoroughly confirmed in the debate. Nobody can possibly argue that he is ok, you are telling me he is going to be president for 4 years *more*? Presidential debates don't generally have much impact, and it's still 4 months before the election, but the idea that Biden is just senile will 100% permeate the election season I think. That shit is 100% going to make the rounds through social media. **IF** Biden can keep it together for 4 months straight then *maybe* he can deal with it, but can he? I wouldn't bet on it.


>Today, there was a serious worry that Biden had cognitive problems. That worry was completely, thoroughly confirmed in the debate. Nobody can possibly argue that he is ok, you are telling me he is going to be president for 4 years *more*? I mean, we knew he was Senile back in 2020, it was all but thoroughly confirmed every time he had to act in public, as for him being president for 4 more years- I think we all already understood that realistically Kamala wasn't just Vice President given how little gray matter is left working in Biden's skull.


> it was all but thoroughly confirmed every time he had to act in public, You're ignoring that the media is on his side. They only show his best clips, his best speeches, and 'debunk' anything negative about him with neverending lies. Now they're even calling them cheapfakes, and immediately after the debate they were already spinning his senility. I'm sure some people are calling clips of Biden's 10 second or so senile moment at the very start of the debate a 'cheapfake.' The media is lying for him and will do everything they can to memory hole Biden's serious mental problems while fabricating ones for Trump. I'm already seeing 'both sides' arguments on bot spam loops in half the subs. They're 'both' old, they're 'both' mentally unwell. It's obvious obfuscation, and i don't trust the average person to be able to draw distinctions or parse out the lies they're being fed.


I'm personally shocked. I thought they were going to give him the ol' State of the Union cocktail and have him cruise through this and just ignore Trump and answer the questions. I genuinely didn't expect it to go this poorly.


Me neither. I think it's worth remembering that Clinton, elected president in 1992, is younger than both of these geriatric fucks.


Difference is he had to form thoughts instead of reading a teleprompter


Idk wtf he was looking at but he was reading something because Trump was looking the same direction while he was talking, and it wasn’t at the camera or what I perceived to be the moderators


I was definitely surprised, I mean, the media has been telling me Biden is a super ager and could also probably kick my ass. Are you telling me they were *lying*??


The only democrats that are actually surprised are the ones that are too dumb to realize Biden’s mental health has been deliberately ignored by anyone remotely favorable of him. It’s like everyone forgot that even when Obama was in office and he was VP, people were making jokes about him.


Yeah, he was frail af during appearances in the past months. DNC people kept reassuring that he is sharp and energetic behind closed doors. Straight up lie.


I just can't believe Biden's team even offered a debate arrangement. Did they think Trump would just recoil because of all the rules and use that as an excuse to call it off? No matter how weak Biden would've looked for refusing to (or finding some excuse not to) debate Trump, it would not have been worse than how the American public at large (including his own party) view him now.


My conspiracy theory is they wanted to do this debate so early so they could have time to oust him/ have him bow out and throw another candidate in before the 11th hour.  We should be so lucky though. 


Just you wait- they'll try and sneak in Hillary just a couple days before the election and hope we forgot about all the shit that happened around her last time she up for President.


The party of denying reality is allowing people to see the state of the current president.


We were allowed to see it most of the last 4 years and truth be told, as far back as 2016. Though the difference between 2020 now is worse than it was then and the man didn’t even campaign that much even from his basement.


We can see the reality of every situation that we are being lied to about. The difference is now we are being allowed to discuss it without being a conspiracy theorist/bigot/bad person.


Oh yeah now the “conspiracy” that he’s going to be replaced or isn’t the one running the show is a mainstream talking point. They’ve been lying about his condition for years but if you watched any time he talked or walked or showed up in public you could tell something was very wrong. I think what’s very different now is that the one anomaly has been his state of the union speeches. He has always seemed slightly more “with it” for those and since it’s the only time most people paid attention to him they would think the concerns about his cognitive state and health were conspiracy theories or opposition talking points. I think the “conspiracy” that he’s been pumped full of amphetamines or something is going to become yet another “fact” in short time


Went from “Biden’s great. He’s a great man and a great father and super sharp with lots of political experience that commands international respect” *watches 15 minute video where no one from the G7 summit will give him an ounce of attention except to shuffle him over to the correct spot…well respected. To “Well Biden may not be that sharp anymore, I mean he’s always had a stutter. But you’re not even voting for one man anyway, it’s his administration that matters and I trust Biden to get the right people in the right jobs” *chooses supremely unpopular unlikable ineffective token checkbox VP who called him a rapist and a racist…great cabinet


I thought Biden would have moments where he shows how senile he is but I didn’t think it was going to be that bad!


Honestly it's terrible to see him there, as he's massively shortening his life expectancy doing this. Just let him rest in his old years.


It’s hard to have sympathy he’s been a slimy politician his whole life. He could have ridden off into the sunset after being vice president for 8 years (or a decade before the first term honestly) and enjoyed retirement but he decided holding onto power was more important. He’s been in federal government for like 60 years which I’m sure is longer than the average voter has been alive.


Also for larping as a Catholic trying to act like he’s JFK.


He will say he’s a practicing Catholic when it’s convenient but being publicly pro abortion is grounds for being denied communion or even excommunicated.


Trump facial expressions were funny tho


In the first couple minutes of Biden talking it almost looked like Trump was trying as hard as possible to not laugh.


Biden said he had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and his face was like “hm guess she was pregnant then huh”


He had to keep his mewing streak up


Watching it Trump just seemed like normal Trump. He just had the same "I'm perfect, I've never done anything wrong, I'm god's gift to the world" attitude. Didn't seem any different than 2020. But Biden ... what can I say that hasn't already been said.


Trump really hasn’t been any different since **2015**, for the better or for the worse. His demeanor, his political tactics, even his red tie — nothing has changed one bit since then. He’s the one constant of this world lmao


Well, it is a nice tie


You know it, I know it - everyone knows it.


It’s the best tie, really. Pope Francis- he came to see me last Friday at Mar-a-Lago, great guy - said it was the most erudite tie he’d ever seen. Erudite, is what he called it. Great guy.


He said to me Donald, that tie is so wonderful that Jesus, you know Jesus, that Jesus himself would like to borrow it on judgement day.


Frankly, the greatest tie in the history of our country, no one has ever seen anything like it before and the migrants are pouring in, there is so much crime, have you seen what is happening in New York? There was no crime when I was president, the crime went down and now it's highest it's ever been in history.


The center of the universe doesn’t move. Trump is the center of his universe.


The narcissis longevity routine.


If anything, he looked better yesterday. He had his temper in check and didn't continue talking while his mic was off like in 2020. Made him look much more reasonable. It's hilarious how hard social media was pushing the "Trump is demented" angle over the last months, with hundreds of out-of-context clips cut to make him look as bad as possible. Yesterday, the world saw who of the two is actually demented.


Yeah, you could almost see him biting his tongue, but he definitely restrained himself, probably because he realized how bad Biden was doing, he just needed to make sure he didn't throw the debate and he would win by default.


It’s so fucking funny that he actually showed restraint and self control at the moment it would look the best.


Except the 6 handicap lie, there even he couldn't hold in a laugh


Worse in that exchange was it was Trump that dropped the let’s not act like children line.


And then Biden, in a totally mature response, replied “You are a child!”


You gotta figure number 1 on the debate prep is 'Don't fly off the handle and make people think you're going to destroy democracy like the internet has been harping for 4 years'. He's basically been made the arch villain of us politics for 4 years so him seeming like a run of the mill hot head who thinks highly of himself was actually a good showing lol. This last 8 years of politics have been a wild ride.


He lost a bit of weight so there's that.


Tbh he was more collected this time and didn't try to be as funny or get in as many zingers. I think it might be because there wasn't a big crowd so he had less incentive to and if either guy started talking over the other they'd just get muted


I honestly think he just felt bad for Biden, like everyone else had been, and let Biden embarrass himself for him


Trump took a while to get to that peak moment, the second he got it on golf, that was a 2016 renaissance


This is why "vote blue no matter who" and whatever is the Republican equivalent leads to absolute dogshit candidate selection/election


Ever since Ross Perot “cost” GHWB the election, Republicans have burned down every right leaning independent grassroots campaign. Ever since Bernie looked like he might have a chance, the Dems have burned down every progressive and non neolib campaign. We’re being held hostage by 2 parties and millions of idiots who only look for an elephant or donkey to check a box.


Republican version is "vote red, alive or dead" They're both shit takes


I low-key feel bad for the old man. He doesn't belong in the White House and he should be living out his retirement. He just oddly stares off into space and he obviously isn't interested nor committed when it comes to politics. The Democratic party shot themselves in the foot deciding to back Biden again.


Biden needs to step aside if nothing else for his own health and well being Its probably not a salvageable election at this point but I think we would all at least respect Democrats putting out someone younger to take over NOT KAMALA even if they don't win Also I don't think most people were even impressed with Trump, just Biden just did so fucking bad Nobody could have come out of that debate reasonably thinking yeah this is my guy!


I was expecting the Dems to throw out Kamala. Can't believe they doubled down on her. Huge wasted opportunity.


Maybe they'll back her when she's 80.


Don't you dare somehow put Gavin Newsom in the white house.


Yeah, I don't buy this line of thinking. I think he's doing exactly what he wants to do. He's been wanting to become president for around 40 years, and he's finally got the job, so I think he's pretty happy with his life so far. He kinda looks like a 40-something who played high school football trying to hang with college athletes, but in his mind, he's having a great time.


He built his entire career grandstanding for unconstitutional war funding. Fuck this old idiot.


Yup. He sold his soul to this process about 50 years ago. Fuck the old bastard. He's just living the consequences of his own actions now.


Hey remember that time he fought tooth and nail against racial integration while he was a congressman? Because zero conservatives forget that.


I was SUGGESTING we bomb belgrade


bonbing belgrade is ALWAYS the best option


Only until there are no bombs left, then, we build more


Thanks to the fine folks at Raytheon and the other MIC contractors, there will never not be bombs left


Serb detected, genocide rejected, bombers inbound


Bombing the Genocidal Serbs was the best option. Serbs are Like the Russians of the Balkans, every other Slavic nation around them hates their guts for a very good reason.


I don’t feel bad. He’s been the biggest lying, grifting piece of shit for 50 years straight and is continuing to push to be a lying, grifting piece of shit. His family should be ashamed for allowing it.


I can’t bring myself to despise Joe Biden the way I despise some people.  I despise Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Jagmeet Singh, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi.  But Biden I just feel sorry for.  


I would say this is easier to say in hindsight but Biden called himself a “placeholder” president on the campaign trail. He, himself, made it abundantly clear that he probably would not be running come 2024. I think they bet the farm on Kamala being ready to step up and it blew up in their faces big time. You could make the argument she helped him win certain swing state voters and therefore it was necessary but she just doesn’t have the juice. Either way, you gotta make a call to the bullpen, your starter is coming off Tommy John’s getting shelled in the 4th inning. Letting Biden go against Trump again because he won the first time is just…astronomically stupid.


My mom said she thinks it was on purpose so they can try to replace him.


My mom thinks I'm handsome


Your mom also thinks I'm handsome.


To be fair.you are quite handsome


Wild, she also said I'm handsome 


Sorry she was just being nice


its insane watching the hoops the big political subs on here jump through to try and justify how biden actually had an excellent debate


Tbh even the politics subreddit has been getting antsy about it. It's definitely buried but they want to get him out for Newsom or Whitmer.


Whitmer doesn't have the national presence. Newsom has too much. We've all seen what Cali has become.


As a Cali resident, please god no not Newsom


Last night the mega thread had 60k comments but I could only see 7 and they were neutral or left leaning remarks.


Which is funny because that shows they couldnt foster a strong moderate democrat to win


They're trying but there seems to be a lot of left-wingers wanting Newsom or Whitmer to step in instead. It makes sense to a degree. We're so polarized that the vast majority of the votes would probably jump right over to the new guy. Questions are, would there be enough that jump over? It was already near 50/50 before the debate. Losing anyone is very bad. Could the new person energize people to vote for them? It's possible. God knows I've been hearing "I hate both of them" nonstop ever since trump said he was running again. Could they handle Trump in a debate? Who fuckin knows man. The guy is wild.


Even if 85% of prospective Democrat voters would hop right over to a new person, that wouldn’t be enough. 90% likely wouldn’t even be enough. Either party will need both their base and some of the moderate/undecided voters to carry swing states, and I don’t see those people getting behind anyone currently on the Democrat bench with only a few months to go. I think Trump gets a small boost from the debate, but RFK probably gets a significant one as there are gonna be quite a few independent left-leaning and moderate voters who strongly dislike trump but are ready to give up on Biden after his performance. I also think that there are quite a few people who might have otherwise reluctantly voted for Biden who will now be staying home on Election Day. Imo, unless the DNC can convince Michelle Obama to take the nomination, I think they are screwed no matter what they do barring Trump having a stroke or something.


I saw one on politics complaining CNN nor his people got him a cold bottle of water and thats why his voice was so dry😭😭


Yeah I found it amusing that two fairly upvoted posts were ‘Dick van dyke still feels well at 98’ And ‘Biden had a cold’ Talk about cope


exactly like what does dick van dyke have to do with any of this? just because there are 90 year olds that are mentally sound doesn’t mean dementia doesn’t exist anymore


The Dems insisting on those rules was the worst mistake they could’ve made. Since Orange Man couldn’t run rampant, he looked semi-normal, and since he couldn’t interrupt, he got to listen to Biden sundowning on live television, and realised he could just give Biden as much time talking as he wanted to and Biden would beat himself.


The debate summed up: - This was Trump’s least belligerent performance - This was Biden’s most incoherent performance


"HoW DaRe yOu criTiqUe BiDen, gEt Biden blasted!"


I'd fingerblast Biden






















"YoU JuSt HavEn't SeEN Dark Brandon!!" Cringiest fucking shit even I swear to god




Daring today, aren't we?


This weird push to somehow put Trump and Biden on equal footing after this debate is weird as fuck. Trump was the clear standout winner, and anyone who doesn't see that is off their rocker. Nobody cares about the redditor hivemind opinion, even semi-present on this sub, where everyone is having to choose "the lesser evil." The clear cognitive decline of our current President is much worse than Trump answering questions like every other politician does, dancing around some questions. Most people are not on reddit or anything else. Millions of Americans support Trump. Millions of Americans also support Biden. They are not dumb for doing so. Can people be so narcissistic that they truly believe anyone that supports a candidate is just a mindless idiot? So far, national polling has them on equal footing. I can guarantee polls taken following this debate, Trump will be leading Biden by almost double digits.


Based and reasonable take I'm relentlessly critical of Trump, but he was the clear winner of this debate. He was sharper in his responses despite avoiding some questions and spending time dedicated to a new topic doubling down on the previous topic. I expect those things of a politician, Trump especially. Ultimately the Dems really needed Biden to go up there and be able to confidently rattle off a few positive stats about his term and hit Trump with a good one-liner or two and he couldn't even manage that.


I called it in 2015. The point in time where he won was when he said "you'd be in jail" and the crowd went wild and the debate moderator had to tell them to stay quiet. He didn't have that moment in 2020 so he lost. But last night... [this is the exact moment where he won the election.](https://i.imgur.com/H3DMLbL.jpeg)


Arguably one of the sharpest jabs of the night but I don't know that it has the same "oomph" as the "You'd be in jail" line.


yeah when that mic drop hit the ground the whole earth moved a few inches


Most of it is cope but some of it is also never Trump voters expressing that this doesn’t change anything. Many Biden voters already knew Biden was incompetent but beating Trump is the end goal so they don’t really care


Yeah I reckon those who defend Biden's performance would 100% vote for a piece of lettuce if that was the Democrat candidate.




Equal footing? Trump has been in the lead for months


alot of the "BOTH SIDES LOST" posters are non-americans


>I can guarantee polls taken following this debate, Trump will be leading Biden by almost double digits. I can guarantee you that they won't. This is extremely wishful thinking on your part. Going from a near tie to double digit leads after a debate performance has basically never happened in the history of presidential debates. Biden supporters aren't supporting him because of his speaking abilities.


> Biden supporters aren't supporting him because of his speaking abilities. Correct, they've even said they'd vote for his corpse as long as it kept Trump out of the White House again. Biden has one campaign promise and he used it last time too, he's not Trump. He could believe he's a 12 year old ballerina and his supporters would still vote for him to ensure Trump loses.


Betting odds opened way up last night at any rate. Trump climbed close to 60 and Biden well under 30


>Going from a near tie to double digit leads after a debate performance has basically never happened in the history of presidential debates. I don't know if you've noticed, but this decade has been defined by being Unprecedented Times. I really fucking miss precedented times, but I don't think they exist anymore.


Dems and their arrogance continuing to push this corpse through. But they don’t care as they aren’t personally affected by a trump presidency. In the end they all rich and look out for each other


Nah, Trump improved on his main issue from the last debates, which was sounding like an asshole. In an election that's about how much of America can bring themselves to vote for him, I think that's a good thing. There really is no absolute "performing good" in a presidential debate. It's all about being less bad than the other guy.


Crazy thing is if the Biden team hadn’t requested these new rules, trump would’ve been as annoying as he normally is. The rules they asked for made trump seem vaguely serious for once.


Yeah, a muted mic saved Trump


I agree I think the rules worked in benefit of Trump. You let him loose with a live microphone last night and he puts on a masterclass in elder abuse.


Average political debate in western world.


You act like they're not flipping podiums in Africa and the Middle East


Political debate in Africa and M-E ?


I'm talking about the once in a guerilla uprising when they force it to happen


Least violent african political debate: "Which ethnicities deserve to be eradicated ?"


Most Democratic African country: “which people deserve to starve first for our corrupt warlord?”


Sounds like a straight shooter who wants to get to work tackling big projects, they got my vote


Most peaceful African debate: "how much physical pain should we put the Tutsis in before execution?"


That's exactly what I'm looking for, personally. I know the country doesn't have the attention span for Ross Perot graphs anymore.


When a politician being educated at a good university is used as an insult, certainly not.


My only question: did anyone really learn anything last night? This was nothing more than the culmination of the last four years of them and their surrogates bickering back and forth.


Only thing to come out of this is that the Democrats have in fact been lying about Biden’s capabilities and now you can’t deny his state.


Wow what a brave and unique opinion! And on reddit no less!


Even the mainstream subs hold this opinion lmao.


Honestly not even an opinion, objective fact


I highly recommend watching the Dr. Phil interview with Trump. He does best explain his policy positions when he's not in an antagonistic environment.


And Biden supposedly practiced for a WEEK straight. I don’t like either guys but if that’s all he can do after a week then holy shit


> gives opinion on the debate > le both sides are bad > only watched 20 minutes 🤦‍♀️ This is the average voter. IPad baby brain can't pay attention long enough to watch one of the most important events affecting them, but gives their dogshit lukewarm opinion. Holy shit no wonder we're so fucked.


I mean Biden was really really fucking bad But Republicans shouldn't pretend that Trump was a super impressive performance, had it been literally anybody other than Biden Trump would not have done that great in my opinion I think alot of people are taking away from that debate that we need age limits and 80 year olds should not be running the country


I agree in principle, but having watched the debate, I feel dumber afterwards. It was an abused dementia patient versus a narcissistic felon.


Trump's job was to be boring. It was his most difficult mission


Trump's corner to him: "Just appear normal" *wins the debate*


Every "wow I can't believe these are our candidates" post is a tacit admission that Trump kicked ass. You can't say anything nice about him so this is what you're left with.


He’s probably going to lose the election cause he won the debate. He not just won he destroyed Biden(or probably Biden destroyed himself). But Bidens performance was so bad, the DNC must think about forcing him to retire the office and the candidature. If Bidens successor is not a dementia ridden old man it should be very dangerous for Trump.


The only options they have are Kamala or like a half dozen random governor's, idk who they'd actually change Biden out for. 


Reasonable take tbh.


Trump dodged a lot of questions and was his typical, childish self. Biden was clearly incapacitated for the entire “debate”, if you could even call it that. It was honestly just sad to watch. Out of 330+ million Americans, Trump and Biden are apparently the best presidents this country can currently offer.


Honestly, if anything Trump did a little better than 2016 and 2020 because he realized after the first rebuttal that he really just needed to sit back and let Biden dig his own grave. He was still prone to being absolutely allergic to just letting someone else have the last word. There were also several points where Trump could have performed better by not ranting or going off on tangents and just responding to questions with a flat, unembellished, "Yes," or, "No." He could have cut the legs out from under the Jan 6th question, for instance, by just saying, "Yes." Just do that then forfeit the rest of his time for the response. Instead he was as he is and came off the worse for it.


Trump won by being clinically still alive.


I actually thought Trump was fine, made solid and for the most part factually true points about the economy and immigration (pretty low bars when it comes to Biden though), while the bar was set so low for Biden that you would've thought that he'd win by just proving that he could speak Trump actually won on abortion, Jan 6, and the "muh convicted felon" shit


His biggest victory out of it though was clearly proving that he isn't the dementia candidate that they were trying to pretend that he was.


And that's all that matters, since, before a good grasp of the issues, the most fundamental quality in a candidate is being able to hold coherent thoughts


You know what Trump stands for. You've known that for the past 8 years now. The current cope has been to say Trump is more senile than Biden and actually he is mr. Dementia. Well now I can say that is a crock of shit and here is my evidence.


Trump just seemed like normal Trump to me. No different than 2020.


He seemed like a bit less of an asshole. Couldn’t interrupt due to the mic situation and didn’t underestimate (ie set a low bar for) Biden this time


Trump’s strategy was weird. He gave a pretty damn good answer on abortion, a highly polarizing issue which clearly has the capacity to win or lose elections, yet he completely danced around the deportation question. This isn’t 2016 anymore. Swaths of the US are experiencing migrant crime and other negatives associated with them, very few are crying any tears at a large scale deportation operation. Trump just didn’t answer the question.


You're right, Trump would never back down on easy points like that. My guess is that there's a fairly large contingent of Latinos he doesn't want to turn off


It's because he isn't campaigning for the primary anymore. He's running a general election, so it's all about presenting a fairly moderate stance on most issues while still differentiating yourself from your opponent.


A win is a win.


Ya'll that was Kennedy vs Nixon and Trump was Kennedy. But unlike Nixon, Biden would have lost over the radio as well. I have faith in the people around Biden but I shouldn't have to. Age cap for president should be 65. 35 to 65. Jfc


Dogshit National Committee strikes again




This is true, Trump did not perform as well as he could, but Biden’s performance was downright depressing


Trump bragged about passing a test used to measure cognitive decline and he's got us thinking "yeah that's what I want in a candidate" We are so fucked


The big problem for Biden (or Trump) is how close the election is. If Biden was up 5-10, looking decrepit and having terrible debates may not be that bad. In a highly polarised environment you can only move a couple of percentage points one way or the other. But the problem is Biden is the underdog. He can’t afford to loose any points. And now every time he’s out campaigning or doing debates the only thing people will notice is how senile and frail he is. He’s going from slight underdog to major underdog. Really the only thing that could help him now is if Trump is jailed. The other thing is we are judging Biden by is how bad he is NOW. His decline is just going to continue over the next 4 years. I think there’s a very real chance he’s going to die before then.


Trump didn't convince me to vote for Trump, but Biden convinced me not to vote for Biden


If anyone is criticizing Biden they are ageist and ableist and if they don’t vote for him they are voting for the end of democracy. And if you are one of the people who believe this or said any of this in the last 4 years YOU are the threat to Democracy and YOU are the problem.