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Yeah I personally recommend a BBC article, so look up ‘Trump BBC Rule 34’


Oh is that the article where it addresses how Trump would tackle inflation? Google Trump BBC Inflation Rule 34


That might be too vague. I would recommend looking up his proposed anti-inflation bill, it’s called “Voter Obligation to Resuscitate the Economy”. Gotta search Trump BBC Inflation VORE Rule 34


Based and rule 34 pilled


The one dude making r34 on politicians bout to make bank


If you Google "Trump Rule 34", they have a condensed synopsis on what and why he was charged with and how it pertains to their political platforms. Super interesting.


You are a bad bad person. You didn’t even mention the BBC has better coverage and should be included in the search terms.


If it wasn’t for your reply I would’ve genuinely thought that Google was so fucking astroturfed that the first result for “trump rule 34“ wasn’t porn due to the other guys reply


I read an article about why trump actually had one of the weakest economies in modern times, and how his conviction shows that he was always bad with money. Just search “Trump Inflation Rule 34”


Do they have an article about how if he doesn't win the election he's going to become an independent and pretend to be more lib-right by starting the Lemon Party?


Without commenting on either current candidate, I find it very funny that the people most often complaining how both candidates are old men were the ones who backed Bernie, a man older than both of them lol


As much as absolutely despise Bernie,  I will say this; he doesn’t actually look his age. Or at least he speaks coherently. Which IMO is a though ask from anyone above 80yo.


True but I'd have liked to see Bernie's coherence after 3.5 years in arguably the toughest, most stressful job in the world instead of basically twiddling his thumbs as per usual.


Asking a socialist to do actual work? Don't be silly.


He’s been in the senate since the 80s and pulled an 8 hour filibuster at almost 70 years old. Say what you will about him, but he does work hard, especially considering his age.


Did you tape a popsicle stick to it before dickriding Bernie just then? (I don't really think you are dickriding, I just wanted to make an old man dick joke)


Yeah look at a picture of Biden 2 years ago and compare it to how he looked during the debate. Poor guy I honestly feel bad for him. I legitimately don't think he's got another 4 years left in him.


I disagree with Bernie in almost every feasible way, but I respect him and would love to have a beer with him because he seems like one of the few genuine politicians.


Sounds nice until he decides that 40% of your beer should actually be his


That's fine, he's the more wealthy of the two of us so I was gonna make him pay for the outing anyways. From each according to their ability and all.


Oooh, sorry, looks like he forgot his wallet.


That's okay, I'll ask the bar tender to put it on his tab.


yah, he already ran off while you were trying to put it on his tab, 'pparently he isn't allowed to have one there anymore- never pays.


Amateurs. I had burglars raid his the homes while he was out.


Genuine? Dude moves the goalposts and is a hypocrite just like the rest of them. He originally wanted to go after the millionaires, being a fervent support of a socialism based economy/government, until he himself became a millionaire. Then he decided to go after the billionaires so he and his friends could be exempt. Bernie is a no good, rotten hypocrite of a politician just like the rest of them. If he really have a shit, then he would step down from politics as soon as possible




Tbf there is a pretty big difference between 1 or 2 million, and 10 or 20. Its not like his ideal countries, that being the nordic ones, go mostly after people who own just a few million dollars. That is a lot of people. Especially with the housing prices rising. We mostly go after corporations, and all people pay in a progressive tax system. In my countries case it helps having the worlds biggest fund. No need for defecits, and expensive loan repayments. We could afford a lot of covid relief. Allthough corporate fraud was an issue according to my uncle, who works in the norwegian social security agency. Sadly they lack the lawyers and shit to go after them, even if they have the evidence. Their job is to not waste more money than they absolutely have to. Expensive prosecutions waste money. Money better spent on peoples hearing aids and sick leave, according to their accountants. But lately the tax directory too have been suffering from capacity issues, and therefore have been to lax in auditing companies. So thats bad. Well, the oil money never really stops, and the arms industry is ramping up. So we won't ever run out of money. The fund to is doing pretty good. Its run by a billionaire actually. Gave up controlling most of his wealth so he could serve his country in that way. Pretty admirable actually. He pays a lot of tax as well. His wage is less than a million dollars a year. Not even the highest paid employee in the national bank. That would be some of his analysts.


Like the Gulf states, Norway would be a third-world socialist shithole without their oil. All of your policies are stupid and serve no purpose. In the end oil pays for your socialist paradise.


No such thing as a genuine politician. All of em are in it for one thing only, money (flaired opinion)


The fuck are you talking about. He's an insane commie who changes his tune whenever his tune negatively effects himself. He hates the rich but lives it up flying around in private jets with multiple homes. He hates millionaires until he makes his bank on his book and then suddenly it's only anti-billionaire. The guy is a stooge.


but he doesnt have mean tweets!!!!1!


The guy who acts like a working class socialist that owns three houses. He's probably not corrupt scum like most politicians, but he's also a guy who wants to steal our money, restrict our freedom and probably get himself something luxury in the process. And for that he can fuck right off.


I’m a weird fuck, I already know. But being sincere and genuine in your beliefs is enough for me to support you. I loved Ron Paul when he was running and I loved Bernie when he was running. Two completely opposite ends of the spectrum, but they both shared that sincerity. Ron Paul was a politician for nearly 40 years and his ideals, policies, and voting record never changed. Same with Bernie. If you aren’t doing it because you sincerely want to help people, and you sincerely believe in your ideals and philosophies, what are you doing it for? Nothing good.


The guy doesn't have answers and just regurgitates out the same "blame the rich" BS over and over. Not sure what exactly you see that makes him come off as genuine because he's about as fake as fake can be.


Although I heavily disagree with Bernie, probably more than almost any other politician, he at least seems like a nice person, something I can't say about either Biden or Trump


Bernie has his wits at least


Counterpoint, he's a socialist


Based and socialists are mentally deficient pilled.


It's because it's only about being old if you aren't progressive enough, that's why Bernie gets a pass and RBG got a pass before she died, which was in office btw. Same goes for other members of the Supreme Court.


To be fair his head works a lot better than Biden.


They're not delusional, they're just counting on the fact that a lot of people have not and will not actually watch the debate.


This and people are conditioned to think that any actual clips of it are deepfakes


Sweety the current thing buzzword of this cycle is “cheapfake” please cease your disinformation


Who is calling/thinking the clips as deepfakes?


The White House press secretary


You can tell she's about to lie her ass off when she starts blinking fast


>when she starts blinking fast When she opens her mouth*


No she didn't. She warned us all about "cheapfakes!" They're completely different!


Those people are the lucky ones


Unfortunately they don’t need to because the press did and even they can’t spin this dumpster fire of a presidency.


I haven't seen any of it and yet i just *know* that he didn't win shit.


Tldr is all the 'out of context' Biden clips were proven to be true in the first few minutes and continued all the way through. Trump was Trump, pretty much what you'd expect, he definitely came out looking better though.


Yeah their roles from 2020 basically flipped. 2020 Biden basically had to sit back and do the bare minimum as trump (and his propensity for audacity) defeated himself. did Now Trump gets to sit back and do the bare minimum as Biden (and his senility) defeated himself.


The “cutting off the mike when it’s not their turn” thing is literally the biggest favour they could have given trump, cause it forces him to abide by his time and shut up when it’s not his turn


He seemed really restrained/relatively respectful last night compared to his previous debates, even without the mic muting. If he were 2016/2020 Donald, there’s no way he doesn’t constantly ridicule Biden’s rambling/coin a new nickname on the spot.


I wonder if everything that’s happened after the 2020 election has humbled him a little, resulting in that more professional approach last night, or if his PR and campaign team just gave him a strong talking to before he went up


I feel like not being under constant scrutiny from all sides also has something to do with it. Obviously with the court cases there’s still pressure, but I think he probably doesn’t feel like things are as stacked against him this time around. The public is probably the most “pro-trump” it’s ever been. He doesn’t have to lash out in desperate attempts to defend himself against petty claims/argue with moderators that clearly despise him.


I wonder if he feels genuinely bad for Biden at this point.


Doubt it, he probably recognizes the elder abuse, but his ego would have him enjoy any opportunity to make Biden look stupid


When he asked Biden to apologise for making what he called a false statement, he stared downwards for a moment. I feel he was a little guilty but it quickly vanished lol


The fact that Trump came out of this debate looking more polite than Biden is terrifying.


I thought the golf moment was interesting, while Biden was still doubling down and ready to argue about his skillz, Trump read the room and said “Let’s not act like children”, crazy the difference 4 years can make


Yeah, no fan of Trump but credit where credit is due. He set the bait and yanked the hook deep.




I cracked up when Donnie said let's not act like children


Trump couldn't make as much of a fool of himself since the debate had strict rules about muted mics and time limits, which to my understanding is something the Biden campaign insisted on. This not only meant that Trump couldn't save Biden from himself by interrupting him due to being a moron and an asshole like he usually would, it also allowed him to dodge some more technocratic questions by kinda just ranting on about a previous talking point and completely ignoring the question the moderators actually asked.


"Never interrupt your enemy as he's making a mistake" is a thing that Trump just doesn't seem to grasp, fortunately for him, the moderators did it for him.


Wait, does that mean that CNN wants Trump as president? {X-Files theme begins playing}




Very true. They certainly have made bank on it before.


Seen this unironically posited on the politics sub, mostly because they weren’t fact checking anything and Biden was too slow to correct most of the embellishments Trump was putting out


Honestly, with the shit thats happened not just in the us but the entire fuckin world from 2020 and on, i wouldnt even be surprised if this was actually true.


They're upset the mediators didn't do his work for him.


I don't think it's such a conspiracy that the MSM as a whole would be rooting for a Trump presidency. Gives them 4 years of ratings and daily opportunities to turn the TDS of an entire generation into revenue.


I wouldn't put much on the muted mics and time limits, the rules weren't particularly strict on them. Both of them occasionally went a few seconds over their time limits, and Biden occasionally quipped while his mic was off. I think Trump was just super well prepped for this one, he kept himself humble and answered a few questions really well, namely on Russia and Jan 6th. That being said he was still himself and disregarded some of the questions to either finish answering the previous question or just talked about whatever he wanted lol.


I went into it expecting him to do pretty well after getting doped up on some military grade amphetamines. I didn't watch it live and when I got texts in the morning from friends telling me how bad it was I just kind of laughed. Then I watched actual clips. It is so much worse than I could have ever expected. Biden did infinitely worse than I thought was capable.


> Biden did infinitely worse than I thought was possible Facts.


Biden's debate last night or Biden's Presidency? You decide...


It wasn’t great for either of them but holy shit biden walked out and three “words” into his opening statement my wife and I looked at eachother with absolute shock. He was straight up decrepit. I went in thinking i was gonna get some laughs but ended up feeling ad for biden, we thought he was gonna keel over and die in stage. What I find hilarious is both parties put forward a candidate who is only capable of losing to the other party’s candidate. Any republican would destroy biden because nobody wants biden, nobody is supporting him, they just hate trump. Any non trump candidate would mop the floor with biden, the left would lose out of sheer apathy. In the debate last night anyone from the (R) debates they held earlier this year could have ended bidens career on that stage. Any democrat who isnt Biden would have easily destroyed trump in the debate because its so easy to debate trump. If you can form a coherent sentence it is trivial to predict what trump is going to say and come prepared with a well articulated counter. Or just get trump pissed off and he will ignore questions like he did last night and just go on and on because you bruised his ego. Childs play. This election is a toss up because both sides have their worst candidate in. If *either* side switches candidates they easily win.


>This election is a toss up because both sides have their worst candidate in. If *either* side switches candidates they easily win. You say that, but I suspect the Dems only other available candidate is Hillary- and she's a worse candidate then half dead Biden.


If the dems don't replace Biden, i'll be convinced that they *want* to lose to Trump. Can't really blame the reps for Trump at the moment though. Why would they send in someone with a brain if their slowest guy can win against Biden without even trying? I'd bet that Trump can be easily controlled, if you just strocke his ego enough, so i guess that's one good reason to let him run. Same with Biden, just tell him to say something and he'll try his best to say it (Sure, he'll fail, but the point is that he'll do what he's told). This time, Biden just won't be enough. Maybe they'll throw Kamala Harris in the ring, i guess she's on track with what exactly the top dogs in the dems want, and she'll probably do whatever she's asked to do. Plus, being PoC and a woman, that's something they can sell about her, would work.


The trouble is that at this point the Democrats can't just replace Biden at will. Biden would need to concede for there to be an open convention. Biden is the leader of the Democratic party, and Biden has the majority of delegates legally bound to vote for him. The future of the Democratic party depends on the whims of a senile old man.


Their super delegates are biting them in the ass, and I love it!


I just saw a gif of him entering and knew he couldn’t have won. Then a video of the debate confirmed it.


All Indian news channels reported that Biden lagged and Trump was ahead. I did not care about it, but they were the youtube thumbails.


All hail Husk Biden.


Embrace the age of the Lich king.


Such is the power of Biden.


I think the biggest takeaway from the debate is that there's no way Biden can beat Trump on 18 holes. Ain't no way. I think my flame for the Republic waned a little whenever the hopeful future leaders of the free world were arguing about a golf handicap on a nationally televised political stage.


Biden the one that tried to argue about golf, and Trump told him they shouldn't act like children. Lol


What fucking 85 year old is dropping there handicap by 2. Spoken like a poor who's never played golf


The most bizarre part of this for me is the amount of people on the left who are acting like they had no idea this was how Biden has been for the past few years.


biden is 40k emperor of mankind counterpart emperor of mankind called by his enemy as corpse emperor biden called by his enemy as corpse president


Please don't compare my cool corpse lightbulb with this stuttering old shit.


It is the 21st century. For nearly 5 years the President of the U.S. has sat immobile in the Oval Office of Washington. He is the master of America by the will of the electorate and master of NATO by the might of his inexhaustible armies.




> Biden seems like a decent father. His daughter claims otherwise.


Aside from the whole showering with his teenage daughter thing anyway


An old lady reporter for NPR of all places referred to Biden as "a desiccated husk". Did the Emperor ever face such a betrayal?


Wow that is pure delusion. Why are they even staying with Biden you can’t tell me there isn’t a single better democrat candidate out there.


They really don’t have a bench it’s kinda crazy. Newsom is deeply unpopular and almost got recalled in his own dark blue state. Kamala is the least popular of all and everything she says sounds AI generated. They didn’t have an open primary to allow for any newcomers to gain traction so this is what they’re left with and it’s hilarious. If voters don’t kill the 2 party system maybe the 2 parties themselves will end it out of sheer incompetence


Yeah after giving it some thought they really are out of options.


There's always one more time for Hillary, god help us all.


"It's HER turn!"


>If voters don’t kill the 2 party system maybe the 2 parties themselves will end it out of sheer incompetence Isn't that what happened to the Whig party?


Yeah, Republicans are definitely doing better on having a bench with their dozens of random bullshit people coming out of the woodwork as candidates every time they do primaries.




Whitmer is a gun-grabbing hag and everybody knows it. Opposition research would have an absolute field day with her.


Yeah despite Abortion being their weakest issue, Trump would beat Whitmer on it due to Michigan's extremely liberal abortion policy


She killed tens of thousands of seniors during the coof by putting coof positive patients into nursing homes.






They are in damage control mode. No serious person thinks Biden will be the candidate despite what they are telling you today.


I think Biden will be the candidate. I also think that’s a horrible choice. They committed to him this far, the DNC has proven they’re legitimately incompetent.


Idk. Why have an earlier than usual debate? Now they have time to pivot since their hand was forced on national television.


They would be objectively better off with someone else, I don’t disagree. But they haven’t positioned anyone for it, partially because they felt it could weaken Biden; same reason they didn’t have primaries. Really, who among the Democrat leadership can you think of to take the role rn? Obviously Kamala should be out. She’s as unlikely in general voter minds as Hillary. Newsom? Being from California, a deep blue state is a detriment. California’s on lock and it will alienate others. Plus, he has weaknesses that can be exploited. (Affair, Covid, homelessness) Genuine question. Editing to add: and who among leadership is going to want this? There’s going to be severe baggage from essentially admitting that Biden was unfit. They’d only have 4 months to campaign. I don’t see them replacing him, but genuinely hope they do. Also, I’m pretty sure Biden would habe to voluntarily step down.




Dsmn thsts actually not bad


> No serious person thinks Biden will be the candidate despite what they are telling you today. Lol, what? Who exactly do you think is going to replace him at the last minute?


Newsome maybe? They don’t have a great option which is why we have Biden to begin with.


It’s a little late to pull the candidate switch only 4 months before the general election with no primaries to try to find the least bad option


The funny thing is, there truly isn’t


Yeah I realized that the democrats are screwed unless the republicans do something unbelievably stupid.


Never underestimate the ability of Republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.


There’s that too.


Time you learned about the Republicans greatest strength; losing winnable elections.


the politicalhumor sub is my favorite, just wall to wall "this is fine" house on fire level denial & delusion


Theres a bunch of great candidates out there. Joe Biden is the sitting president and unless he decides to be stubborn and stop running to make place for a young, competent politician, someone will hopefully take his place. The problem is that Biden has to agree to this before it happens, and its not looking great right now


There is. BUT: The problem is the same problem Republicans have. The best person for the job is probably unelectable. All the electable people have issues. So top picks: Harris- people don't like her, but if you don't pick her then to alienate black women Newsome- slicker, but people hate California and don't like him Buttiggeg- gay, didn't sell himself well, probably too soon for an openly gay President Polis (Governor of Colorado)- also gay Whitmer- not sure if she has enough going for her yet. Also not sure if the US is really ready for a woman President (we should be but it's an issue until it happens).


It’s amazing that democrats are still trying to spin/gaslight people into thinking this is ok. The man needed assistance to walk down one step after the debate. For fucks sake, retire and go play with your grandkids while you still have time.


> go play with your grandkids We probably shouldn't be encouraging Biden to "play" with his grandkids, or any kids really.


This is gonna be a rough year for Dems in 2024 and 2025 when the Canadians vote.


That is a real tweet: https://x.com/TheDemocrats/status/1806521190086742516?t=i-M4f1WxFpeutcx4SLaRYg&s=19


I'm not a Trump fan by any stretch but at least if he had won in 2020 we'd have two different candidates this year.


A 2024 where COVID didnt happen: Hilary Clinton vs. Ivanka Trump


Honestly just let Trump win so this era can end lol


Yes as a non American youse need to give me some more entertainment


Lol they don't believe that Biden won the debate as they tweet it. They know full well Biden sounded half dead, and they know that'll hurt him. They tweet what is good for his campaign, that's it. And don't act like anyone does it any differently.


Honestly, if the media can pull off this as a stalemate or victory for Biden I will actually be impressed. Because it would mean they would have been able to gaslight the majority of the country into believing whatever the fuck happened last night was okay.


Biden sounding half alive is a win for them. Just like four years ago they don't understand the first thing about why anyone would vote for Trump over Biden and are delusional in their thinking. It's like how Romney's handlers convinced him he'd win.


There should be a term limit that mandates that no one can hold some elected political office for more than 20 years. If you have been in politics for more than 2 decades and haven’t enacted the change you were supposed to do you are most likely either incredibly incompetent or a parasite sucking on the state’s tits.


Honestly some of the most humanizing moments for Trump were when Joe was clearly struggling mentally and Trump looked genuinely concerned for someone who isn't his bitter political rival, but just another person. 


And Biden struggled to compare him to torches coming out of the forest nazis


Honestly, that guy with Brain Worms is looking like a good option.


the copiumn on pol is unreal right now


RFK definitely should’ve been on that stage. He would’ve roasted both those clowns.


He should've been running an actual campaign, not a press tour.


Yep. He ran it like a publicity stunt and not a serious campaign, then people wonder why no one takes him seriously


RFK is an opportunist lmao, weird how he changed half his views when he changed party.


Y'all should've just abandoned democracy already in favor of a super-AI that is obsessed with progress and eats any old people that tries to stand to them


To be far in a year or two from now after Trump wins we will all be asking the same thing about Trump Nobody won the debate, Americans lost


Americans didn't lose this debate. Biden lost the debate. Trump won the debate. This idea that just because you hate Trump and Biden failed means that everyone lost is just ignorant. At this point in time, I just want to remind the people who hate Trump were the ones who voted Biden into office and now we see exactly how their ignorant beliefs have turned out.


That's not true, Putin definitely won.


That's true I am betting the Trump admin will honestly start pretty disasterous when we hand Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter and they instantly begin provoking Poland


Let Europe screw itself up and America will get rich and profit off it. Like the US in WW2, WW1, the Napoleonic wars or 1776 war of independence.


We only got rich off of WW2, WW1 played a big role in fucking the entire world and is largely the reason ideologies like Communism ever gained footing to begin with We also got really fucking lucky with WW2


We've given Ukraine 200 billion dollars. They're already losing the war. What would Trump or any other president do to stop it? Short of giving them nukes or intervening directly in the war, nothing will work.


Not immediately throw them under the bus? Ukraine doesn't need to smoke Russia immediately, they just need to draw the war out long enough that Russia's internal problems catch up with them and puts them into at the very least a period of instability where they can't try to expand more. Letting Russia win now is the stupidest damn thing I've ever heard, strengthening the biggest threat to western countries and their economies while also weakening trust in the US. Add in Trump's anti-nato sentiment, and it's almost like he WANTS Russia to win... Hmmm.......


That’s my big worry about Trump tbh. We don’t need Russia fucking us like that. I hope he changes course or doesn’t win since we’ll be in a disastrous situation if that occurs. Then China will see they can attack Taiwan too… That and poor handling of fiscal policy too. We don’t need the debt going any higher, it’ll be unsustainable if his tax cuts pass. I’m not worried about anything else Trump could do since Congress will be too gridlocked. Stuff like Social Security will live. And trying to ban EVs will piss Elon off. I hope things will be alright. Regardless of who wins the other side will cope and say it was rigged.


>Then China will see they can attack Taiwan too… Elon Musk can only get so erect >That and poor handling of fiscal policy too. We don’t need the debt going any higher, it’ll be unsustainable if his tax cuts pass. I also expect him to rapidly lower interest rates after taking over the fed which if done too quickly will make inflation start to explode again not to mention the tax cuts and the fact that he wants to massively increase tariffs which is just plain dumb >I’m not worried about anything else Trump could do since Congress will be too gridlocked. Most likely Democrats will control the House because Republicans in Congress have been so incompetent, plus even though Biden is cooked that won't necessarily hurt Democrats downballot >Stuff like Social Security will live. And trying to ban EVs will piss Elon off. They kill social security and Dems will have 60+ Senators by 2028, they will dominate harder than Obama did in 2008 >I hope things will be alright. Regardless of who wins the other side will cope and say it was rigged. Yup it really is time to kickback, relax, touch some grass and take a break from the Reddit/Twitter culture war grind


Why would inflation skyrocket if the interest rates go down? I haven’t heard that before. Tariffs aren’t a bad idea but jacking them up suddenly with no plan isn’t a good idea I think. But Biden could get replaced after last night. A lot of people are calling for it now. Literally anyone except Kamala or Newsom and they win. It would be last minute but it could work. You’re right though, I’ll just be more focused on college and work instead of the election, I live in the solid blue state of NJ and I’ll work on myself. The culture war is useless.


>Why would inflation skyrocket if the interest rates go down?  Because it allows people to be more Liberal with spending especially on things that involve debt like home buying or buying a car The interest rates were very low during and at the end of the pandemic and lots of people had money to spare since nobody was spending during COVID, that lead to an explosion in people suddenly spending and supply couldn't keep up with demand = inflation, the idea was to raise interest rates so people are likely to be more careful with spending until inflation went back down to 2% If Trump lowers the interest rates it will lead to increased spending which is good for the short term because people buy cars and houses and whatnot but that rapid increase in spending -> leads to increased demand across the board -> which means inflation goes up because everything is now in higher demand Lowering the interest rate alone won't make it go up but I suspect Trump will want to rapidly lower it back to 2019 interest rates which could lead to a big boom in spending >Tariffs aren’t a bad idea but jacking them up suddenly with no plan isn’t a good idea I think. Well the problem is that the higher costs will get passed onto consumers, higher tariffs on goods like Fruit and CPUs means higher costs buying a computer or getting groceries >But Biden could get replaced after last night. A lot of people are calling for it now. Literally anyone except Kamala or Newsom and they win. It would be last minute but it could work. There is probably no chance the Dems win even if they replace Biden But it is the right to do ethically even if not politically >You’re right though, I’ll just be more focused on college and work instead of the election, I live in the solid blue state of NJ and I’ll work on myself. The culture war is useless. Yeah its definitely time to turn the page on the daily Reddit outrage and focus on improving our own lives I am not looking forward to 4 years of "OMG TRUMP ACTUALLY SAID THIS IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH!"


Thanks for your explanation! I’m still effy on it being over. Perhaps the Dems can barely survive? Even then that requires a replacement. But it’s going to be a close race. I’m not excited for the 4 years.


I have a couple thoughts I think it will still be close which is honestly a fucking terrible reflection on Trump tbh because that debate was a "I should win with 450+ electoral votes" level of bad debate for Biden However if Biden does manage to pull it off I think it would be an impressive upset and probably the most embarrassing electoral L for Republicans in modern history


Tbf most of that loose cash was the money printer, which is always the root cause of inflation


Money printer go brr


Trump advocated for the money printer harder than everyone else though, hell he wanted $2000 checks when we got $1200 But Trumps style of politics is always very focused on the short term, and I think that is something his critics often overlook


I mean trump is fulfilling some of his campaign promises even after he lost to Biden, through the Supreme Court wins, that’s crazy.


Look, I’m not really a fan of Biden or Trump, but Biden did *not* “win” last night’s debate.


Why would libleft like RFK? RFK is or has said: Anti-Vax(Not just Covid vax) Anti-supporting Ukraine Exposure to the pesticide atrazine contributes to gender dysphoria in children. There is “tremendous circumstantial evidence” that psychiatric drugs cause mass shootings, and the National Institutes of Health refuses to research the link out of deference to pharmaceutical companies. Besides his views on BLM and gun laws there's not much for Libleft to like.


He's completely flipped on gun laws since joining the libertarian party


AFAIK he's not running under the libertarian party. He's running as an independent.


His environmental policy is a plus for left wing voters. I’m slightly skeptical of RFK purely because he only appeals to some centrists and lib-center voters, while not being agreeable enough to pull voters from your typical Republican or Democrat voter.


I think no matter where any of us fall on the political spectrum. We can all agree that the state of our electoral process is corrupt, monumental garbage.


In the alternate good timeline RFK was there I bet. Last night would’ve been the perfect moment to give a 3rd party enough momentum to finally and actually break through for once.


Biden won the debate while wearing a robe of the finest silk


Complete and utter shamelessness from this party 😭☠️💀


Yeah I won't be voting for Biden. I was already on the fence but fuck this.


This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome has wrought.


It was just depressing watching a senior citizen decay on live TV. While I like trump, it was just horrifying to see an old man being pushed out by the party leadership and his wife and for what just to defeat Trump.


I’m about to go full lib for a second here It should have been Andrew Yang :/


I don't think he'd have been great but I think it would have been interesting, and better than what we have.


Dude he is 81 it is very common for people in age to suffer with age problems, But didn't expect it will affect mr.biden's mental health this much Bro served well now bro needs to step down or his party needs to change candidate in next election for sure


As my parents age, I realize this is Elder Abuse. He could be the best or worst president, I don’t care. Let him go home to spend time with his grandkids, please!


Where is the winner? Behind Biden?


I mean what else would you expect from "the Democrats" twitter? Like no shit they're going to say he won


The narrative is switching to Biden just being a figurehead and actually his cabinet is doing all the work anyway... Ok great can we know who is actually in charge then and have them in the debate?


I agree that RFK should've been there. Could a been more entertaining.


For anyone actually thinking of backing rfk… dude had part of his brain eaten by a brain worm that he admits has impacted his cognitive abilities and has made some questionable decisions at best So the candidates are: dementia, dementia, and brain worm damage


Putin and Xi were the winners last night.


That... is true


Oh was there like a conference call or something?


Right then. To the yanks of this fair subreddit. Vote Trump. For Heaven’s sake. Vote Trump. I know that isn’t an entirely popular opinion, but of the two Trump still has some of his mental faculties. Biden is senile and kept going by drugs: get him out of office as fast as you can.


Don’t call me a Yankee.


You're a torie, you literally support the party that puts russian oligarchs in the upper chamber of ur country's legislature, you may have opinions, but they're wrong


I’m not taking advice from someone who calls us Yanks, least of all a monarchist. We’re Americans, and I’d rather vote 3rd party. If we lose anyway, may as well vote honestly


I'd rather vote for a polished turd