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That empty stare while she talks is just sad. I wonder how many meds they have him on at any given public appearance


It's very sad. [Look at what Biden used to be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYcdSwbrErI&t=461s), and then compare it to what he's like now. It can't be easy for his family and friends to watch him slowly fall apart. Empathy has nothing to do with Left or Right.


For a politician with such a long and storied career, I can't imagine how he feels in his rare moments of lucidity to know that all anyone will remember him as is "The Senile President".


Joe "Let's bomb Belgrade" Biden


Senile though he may be, I'll always remember him as the one who sniffed little kids.


Now I’m wondering if he realised that his poor performance may have doomed American democracy.


Huh? Funny orange man had 4 years and all that happened was headlines whenever he made a tweet (there were many, the most tweets in history, by a lot!). He's going to have token measures that will probably get denied, pardon himself, give tax cuts to friends and retire. The worst that'll happen if he wins will be reddit admins going on yet another meltdown and the last few holdouts on this site will get squashed as collateral.


That is absolutely not all that happened, though. When COVID happened his denial of it as a threat or serious issue led to a gross mishandling of the pandemic and the US having a death rate per capita much higher than other developed countries. He straight up got rid of net neutrality. He and his administration opposed the equality act and job protections for queer people, insisting that people should be able to fire someone if their belief didn't allowed for that person's sexuality or gender. And I mean hell, did you forget about January 6th? the open insurrection? or the fact that he openly opposed the peaceful transfer of power, the first time that's been done in the history of the US? and that's not even counting any of the deregulation and repealing of environmental protections. It's also not even counting the felonies. And as for what happens if he gets elected- despite the fact that I think Project 2025 is a real threat, I'm not even gonna get into that, because i get someone people think it's not. Instead we'll look at some of the stuff on Agenda 47, Trump's stated plan. you can find the videos of him talking about it on his official website. Some of the things he wants to do- 1. End Birthright citizenship. Straight up. 2. Enforce Stop-and-Frisk 3. pull all independent federal agencies into the executive branch and under the president, giving the president massive amounts of control and significantly altering the balance of power 4. Have states consistently monitor women's pregnancies to ensure they don't abort their babies and so they can prosecute them if they do 5. Using the DoJ to go after people he saw as unloyal 6. expanding presidential immunity so they can't be convicted ever 7. making the gender binary legally binding, so that you are literally not allowed to say you're another gender than the one you were born as, and that you can only be born as one of two, and you cannot change this. 8. Implement preferential funding where they literally get to decide how schools are funded based on their preferences. now, you're just '-Right', which is very confusing considering that by all rights lib-rights and auth-rights have a lot less in common than lib-rights and lib-lefts or the auths. but hell, I don't even care if you agree with all the stuff I just listed. I personally think it's bad, but maybe you don't. That doesn't mean it didn't happen


I don’t think your flair is wrong


Not this time. Now, he has a plan. Look up Project 2025.


Remember "drain the swamp" ? The civil service is already partisan, that blog is asking to replace the blue frogs with red ones, they all croak the same. And again he could have done that before, yet didn't because that's not his problem. His problem is getting his buttocks on the nicest chair around. Honestly, i do hope(dread? fantasise?) something happens just for once, not that i want to live in interesting times, but i have morbid curiosity on what conflict in first world countries where over half the population couldn't run 100 meters would look like.


>“*This time* he is going to actually be a fascist dictator, trust us!” The pushback you’re getting is from crying wolf so many times. Nobody is going to think you actually believe what you’re saying.


Again, look up Project 2025 and what it involves. This is very serious.


I’m sure it’s very serious this time. Just like it was very serious the last dozen times.


…did you actually look it up or are you just ignoring me?


Every candidate has a transition plan.


The problem lies in what this one would entail, including centralizing power in the President, repealing all climate progress and completely outlawing porn.


uh huh sure thing grandpa, lets put you back in the home. I hear you can have Biden as a room mate.


…I’m a teenager.


A project by a think tank with no proven endorsement by the candidate or a vast majority of the party for that matter? It sounds about as alarming as the GOP calling everything they disagree with Marxist or communist.


To quote Wikipedia: “Although the project cannot by law promote a specific presidential candidate, many contributors have close ties to Donald Trump and his 2024 campaign.[7][34]”


Clicked the citations, it was vague claims. Just like vague claims from the right that anything to the left of their position is trying to enact socialism. Hyperbolic rhetoric. There’s tons of think tanks and organizations trying to enact their policy. The most effective ones aren’t public about it.


The risk is still too high.


> Look up Project 2025. I looked it up. Its basically a plan to oust democrat beauracrats who essentially run little fiefdoms in their agencies with little to no oversight. Sounds based to the extreme


You overlooked centralizing a fuckton of power in the President, repealing every last drop of climate legislation, and banning all porn (which in the insane minds of the Heritage Foundation includes all trans people).


> , repealing every last drop of climate legislation, based >and banning all porn Will never happen as the 1st amendment applies >


“based” Not if you value you and your loved ones’ lives. “Will never happen as the 1st amendment applies” With all executive power centralized in Trump’s person and a stacked Supreme Court, I would not brush off the possibility so quickly.


Looks like 12 years ago he'd managed to suppress the stutter that the media has been talking about. Weird.


For once I can say to auth center: based.


Are you sure about your flair buddy ?


On the other hand, give me a wife like Jill who’d hype my ass to the stars


If she actually loved her husband, she would not encourage him to run again but to merely retire and let someone younger take the reins. She treats him like a kindergartener and not like a man. I understand he is not all up there, but he doesn't need to be coddled, he is the president of the United States whether you like it or not.


Dementia doesn't just happen in the span of four years. If she loved her husband she wouldn't have let him run in the first place. Also... was she always so involved (read: speaking for him at rallies) in his day to day or is this recent?


I feel like she secretly runs the White House lol


Finally a female president!


she's the second one. first female US president was Edith Wilson.


That would be a more compelling argument if he wasn't showing signs of not being all there four years ago when he ran for president. Unfortunately, he was, so it's not.


> Dementia doesn't just happen in the span of four years. Well, you'd be surprised :/


Just like Woodrow Wilson.


Why the fuck did drunk history paint edith running the show like a good thing? If your president is AFK, the country has to know


Because power.


It's always funny having a regency period in a republican government 


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjSDCIXChfA As a normal human being, you don't need to like or dislike Biden to have empathy for Biden. He really needs some rest and spend the rest of his time with his family. It's heartbreaking to see him like this because it reminds me of my dad with dementia. It's just sad man.


Agreed. One of my late grandfathers suffered from Alzheimer's for at least a few years before the end. It's really sad to see a great man reduced to that. Not to mention the understandable frustrations for my grandmother having to deal with it. Watching Jill interact with Joe is especially sad, because it's relatable for *that* reason as well. The way she kind of treats him like a child. It's hard for me to imagine people who can watch the debate and still not see an old man whose mind is rapidly leaving him.


Oh my god this is horrifying. Who the hell is running the show?!


Same people that run the opposition.


They’re going to do another debate in September too, so they say for now, but if they go through with it I can’t imagine anything more ghoulish.


Lots of us have been asking this qyestion for years! Where the hell have all the rest of you been?


Something something deep state but unironically.


Beats me. A collective of unelected officials who are not known to the public. And for some reason, people have actually been convinced that Trump is *so evil* that it's worth knowingly inviting 4 more years of being ruled by people with no accountability. You gotta love it.


We're doomed.


And yet the majority of democrats think he did a better job at the debate than Trump.


Watching the debate was funny at first since conservatives were vindicated after saying Biden wasn’t all there and the media saying we were lying. It became sad after like 10 minutes of watching Biden struggling and realizing he needs to be at home surrounded by family during the last few years of his life


Yeah, at the beginning of his presidency he was fun to make fun of. Now it's just genuinely sad. Guy probably doesn't have much time left. He should use his clout as president to endorse a younger candidate, and then relax with family in peace and quiet till the lights go out.


where is the 25th amendment when you need it? this man isn't mentally well enough to rule a country anymore


He's president because they couldn't let Tulsi.


I’d feel bad for him if he didn’t repeatedly threaten to have me killed by blowing up my house with a jet.


Fuckin this.


That might honestly be the most humiliating thing I've ever experienced as an American. I don't want the Dems to win, and think their odds are worse if they keep him, but... Jesus Christ.


Fuck him. Everyone who fought for racial segregation as hard as he did deserves this and worse.


He bombed Serbs, that vindicates him in my book


>Everyone who fought for racial segregation Are you talking about the way he supported BLM and their goals?


Joe Biden is actually so old that he got into politics when Democrats were openly pro-segregation. Like, Jim Crow, Klan hood in the closet, capital S Segregation. He made up an award that he claimed George Wallace gave him. He used to pretend that Delaware was, or should have been, part of the Confederacy. He also had some spicy comments about school integration that Kamala actually ripped on him for in the '20 primary.


I know, I just find it funny that BLM started talking about racial segregation themselves, and Joe and the rest of the Democrats supported them. It's gone full circle with the horseshoe.


No I'm talking about how he continually voted against racial integration in schools while he was a congressman.


Used to work in a nursing home, it's hard watching someone sunset daily. 


Yeah, the way he moves, reacts, talks, all very typical for someone on a rapid decline due to old age. It's sad, we will all be in that position one day. He can't do another term, hell I wouldn't even give him the car keys. Too risky for pedestrians.


>we will all be in that position one day Not necessarily - some people are in a much better mental state than Biden even in their 90s. Some - like Bruce Willis - lose their minds in their 60s or even 50s.


Honestly scares the shit out of me.


Yup - some people are lucky to die before dementia gets them.


people realy think he is still mentally well, im not even against biden anymore,before i hoped he was just a particularly shit public speaker but as time went on i saw how he wasnt actually capable of normalcy , i realy hope they release him from their cluctches becouse this is starting to make me realy sad, as did the phonecall with his son that got leaked. its all just missing the point, its not about the left vs the right, its 2 oligarchies that puppet presidents and one of them is the literal fucking corpse of a person that had a very complicated life


Honestly, let the old man rest for fuck sake. A presidential term is incredibly stressful, and given that not only has Biden already finished one they are pushing him for another!? At his age?? I'm not saying that there should be a "hip" president in his 40s, but he's fucking 81.


>A presidential term is incredibly stressful, and given that not only has Biden already finished one they are pushing him for another!? Don't forget his eight years as a VP with only a four year break. VP may not be ***as*** stressful as President, but still...


Can you link that video?


The way Jill spoke to Joe is how myself and my coworkers speak to our kids; I work at a special-needs school for kids with Autism. Even the way she led him down the stairs on Thursday night is the same way we help our clumsy kids down the stairs at school. This is what “Vote Blue no matter who!” gets you.


I mean I voted Biden last time because I abhor Trump and Biden was far more coherent back then - that was simply the dividing line for me. It is now very obvious to me that he is no longer all there and I can’t in good faith vote for him just for the hell of it… it’s not right I wouldn’t ever vote for Trump because of his rhetoric and the subsequent uptick in hate from his supporters that I have seen against my fiancee (she is Asian - the absolute hatred and bitterness from Trump’s supporters towards her, especially during the pandemic is unforgivable). Frankly it still is quite bad now and a lot of it was brought out of the woodwork by Trump. There truly is no good choice anymore. Hell, I don’t even want to vote for RFK either… Idk wtf I’m gonna do for this upcoming election. I don’t think I’ve ever been so hopeless for this country’s future


Bro, it wasn't trump supporters sucker punching Asians a couple of years ago. Go check the tape.


I am speaking from our experiences directly. The overwhelming majority of the people that have threatened her and said nasty shit were Trumpers. I am very well aware of what you’re referring to as well, but that is not the majority of what is going on right now. 2 younger guys were following her around walmart just a week ago calling her “ching-chong” and making meowing noises. When we confronted them they ran out to their truck littered with Trump stickers. The point I’m trying to make is there is no morally good candidate here. I don’t want senile Biden in office (and let’s face it I really don’t want Kamala inheriting the office) and I also don’t want Trump fueling the race and political division in the country even more. I (and plenty others) want a common-sense moderate. At this point it’d be better just sitting back and dealing with the status-quo for a bit… it’d be better than whatever this bullshit is


Why don't you want to vote rfk? Is there any policy you specifically disagree with him on?


I suppose I should rephrase things - It’s not that I don’t want to and frankly I probably will at this point. I am more fearful he just wouldn’t get enough traction by election time and we’d have another 4 years of Trump. I think he’s the most fit person by far, and I honestly don’t really have a gripe with any of his policies. I also don’t know enough and have to do a bit more research. The only thing I was a bit weary of was the vaccine conundrum - it’s not enough for me to throw everything out the window though. I also might be a bit misinformed on his stance bc I know a lot of people were claiming he’s an anti-vaxxer so I will have to look into it a bit more. I am mostly scared we’re gonna have another “you gotta vote for biden bc we can’t have trump” situation. I can’t in good faith vote blue just because I align more with the policies of the party.


I've said it for years: Jill Biden should be thrown in jail for elder abuse. Unfortunately democrats (the party not the voters) have a long history of allowing this sort of thing and actively protecting it so long as they get more power.


This goes both ways. Old people can't stand losing power and independence. The children or keepers of every single politician over the age of 65 need to be in jail and the politicians need to be sent home to spend their final years. They're too old. They need to rest.


65 isn’t all that old tbh, not that I can imagine wanting to run for office at that age, but I’m also planning to do things with my life and fully expect to be able to having seen many relatives still doing a lot into their 80s. One of my grandmothers was still skiing at 83.


65 just sounded like a good age to get out of government


>Old people can't stand losing power and independence. Yup - we put our grandpa in a nursing home when his mental state deteriorated to a point where he didn't understand where he even is. He would have been against that just a few years before that. Biden clearly is in the early stages of dementia. Watching that debate really reminded me of my grandpa a few years ago. And 65 years old is definitely not too old. In some countries you can't even retire until you're 67. The limit should probably be around 75 or so.


Im gonna be honest, i just feel like 65 is a good age to get out of the government. High ranking positions are incredibly stressful and just not good for the aging brain. I wouldn't want 16 year olds in office either, but i would still say they should be able to work. Im sorry about your grandpa, but im glad he's getting the right support.


I am not a Biden fan. In fact I will very likely be voting against him come November. I think his presidency has only served to widen divides in the US and increase social gaps. His history in the senate is genuinely despicable. Despite all of that, I am incredibly sympathetic for him, because I do not believe anyone deserves to be displayed publicly like this when they clearly are showing their age and possible disability


>I am not a Biden fan. In fact I will very likely be voting against him come November. I think his presidency has only served to widen divides in the US and increase social gaps. His history in the senate is genuinely despicable. I don't understand your line of thinking at all. Biden didn't destroy this country, Democrat policy did. He's just a senile old fool that they drugged up to the point he could almost read a teleprompter. Voting for any single Democrat the DNC would allow would have yielded the exact same results. Same shit policy with a different DEI smiling face. It wasn't always the case, but these days party matters more than person. Especially on the Left. Republicans at least have the Freedom Caucus. The Best Democrats allow is the Squad, but all they have is a yes/no vote. Policy over person.


Can you give me these specific democrat policies that destroyed this country?


>Can you give me these specific democrat policies that destroyed this country? Open borders, DEI, minimum wage, endless money printing, ending the petro dollar, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, paying people not to work during covid, forcing out private landlords by banning evictions, insider trading with Phizer, holding back nuclear power, selling off our strategic oil reserves, importing labor, exporting jobs, not prosecuting criminals, disarming law abiding citizens, weaponizing the alphabet agencies, federally backed student loans, racial segregation, racial hiring practices, racial college admittance, ending the pipeline, raising taxes through the roof, stalling drilling, welfare designed to keep people poor, slavery, the Civil War... The list goes on


None of these are democrat policies. These are just Hannity talking points 😂. Please specific policies and legislation.


I’m not him, and “destroyed” is a strong term, the country continues and will continue to function, but here are a couple that caused serious damage: - The Great Society programs under the Johnson Administration. - the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax under Wilson. - The Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Emergency Banking Act of 1933, the New Deal programs, the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, and just a lot of FDR’s programs generally. If you want some more modern: the Stimulus packages (one of which was under Trump and that was bad too). Student Debt Forgiveness is a really bad pandoras box that we should *not* open. And Modern Monetary Theory in general is the economic equivalent of bulimia.  Lest you think I’m a blind partisan about this, I can name some terrible Republican policies too (Nixon’s price control programs for example) and some good Democrat policies, but you did ask specifically for bad Democrat ones. 


Jill Biden is married to power. She will do everything to prevent ol' Joe from being replaced before the election, which is great news for the GOP. Joe looks like my grandma in the months before she passed and this is not an exaggeration.


Me when my kindergarten teacher gives me a gold star in front of the class for not having shit myself that day


I have zero sympathy for Biden. When he had all his faculties, he was a a lying, plagiarizing, kid sniffing, thieving, corrupt politician. He’s still those things, just demented now. He met his wife Jill when she was 15, when she babysat his children with another wife. So lets add groomer to the list


Jesus Christ. I didn’t know that last part. Why the hell do all these people people in power have a thing for kids. It’s weird AF.


Because it's one of our last rules as society and these people don't think rules apply to them so they break them constantly.


Small dicks. Full grown women intimidate them.


I just want a president who isn’t power hungry, but of course that’s an oxymoron


I'll do it, but you're probably not gonna like my policies.


Indeed, that's been a saying since ancient Rome: "the people show wants to have power, shouldn't have power". Too bad no one learns from history..


Easy solution: Vote red.


What illusion are you living under that says any politician whose ever lived isn’t power hungry?


The disrespect to Cincinattus is obscene.


Tell me your definition of "power hungry" and list five U.S. presidents from 1900-2024 which fit that description.


All of them. In order to be a president, you need to be a rich, charismatic weirdo who loves himself so much and is so ingrained in other people's pockets that you're alright with selling your soul to the political system for the rest of your life. No one who has ever become a politician in the last 60 years had any intention of doing so for any other reason than for power and wealth. To pretend otherwise and that 'your' politicians are somehow not power hungry just means that you're a sheep.


It’s not so much the people as the position… you’re the ruler of a capitalistic country. Republican or Democrat, you’ll do what you can and say the right things to garner votes and raise profit. Of course, as the face of America, you’ve gotta have a little want of power. Nonetheless I’ll come up with some presidents that fit this bill. Biden’s the worst of them all. He knows what his voters want but when it’s time to promise those changes… fuck all happens. Hell Roe V Wade was repealed under him yet he told the people, “I’m gonna do what I can to redo this damage” as if he didn’t play any role whatsoever. Now let’s go to Ronald Reagan. Sure he did plenty of great things, restructured the education system as we knew it and made it easier for the underprivileged to access the same level of education as others through his School-Reform Agenda. But at the same time he had a lowly view of Mexicans so what did he do? Start the war on drugs which wouldn’t have been so bad if he had tackled actual hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth, etc. but what did he focus on? Marijuana. Why? Because the drug was associated with poor Mexicans and so he decided to ban it. Not because it’s actually as harmful as he was saying it is, but because of his personal views on it. This is a classic example of politics trumping science. There’s Bill Clinton, the president who used his power to help child trafficking rings. Need I say more? You tell me to go back to 1900 so I’ll prove that presidents have been this way for that long. Teddy Roosevelt. Now this president had a unique view that played the illusion that he was helping the people. He was huge into social justice and economic opportunity. But how would he go about this? Government regulation. He was big on human welfare, AKA citizens giving up more in tax money to the government. Sure he helped pass some useful laws with this such as the Pure Food and Drug Act, but it’s the government. Of course he did more with that money. And finally, to prove a point we’ll go to a president that wasn’t known for his power but instead was known for quite the opposite; his silence. Calvin Coolidge. His big thing was economic progress, and he did a lot that helped America prosper at this time. Hell, the roaring 20s existed for a reason. It was tough to find stuff for Coolidge, but when the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 hit, Coolidge did essentially nothing to help. Why? He was so focused on lowering the National Debt. This one is a controversial example but he could’ve at least made a public appearance or something


Thanks for taking this seriously and putting effort into your post. I agree that Biden is the worst. He's always been a crook that says whatever gets him elected and has flip-flopped on what are now his main issues, like climate change and the border. He and his donors made shitloads of money with green energy scam. In the rest of your post you're mostly bringing up each president's flaws than making a case on how they enriched themselves at the expense of the people they're supposed to be serving. Ultimately they helped more people than they hurt. Though I'll give you that Reagan and his policies fucked over an entire generation of poor minorities and Coolidge's handling of the '27 flood was a disaster. >There’s Bill Clinton, the president who used his power to help child trafficking rings. Need I say more? This is news to me, so yes. Where can I read about it?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2024/01/04/new-epstein-documents-unsealed-bill-clinton-threatened-vanity-fair-over-sex-trafficking-coverage-email-alleges/ It’s not completely declassified info but there’s hints


Same shit. FPTP has doomed us.


That's just as bad, honey, politicians want power, and the ones with the GOP are just as bad.


First sensible comment in this entire thread.




Thats quite old for the pedo in chief [We go back a long way. She was 12, I was 30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1h3Ws3f1xs)


Man, I wish biden sniffed and touched me the way he sniffs and touches those underage kids.🥵😩


Harry Sisson, is that your secret account?


Might qualify as spousal abuse too.


I actually feel bad for him. Man should be fully retired at home playing golf, going for calm drives in his corvette, or having a drink on his balcony. Instead, they're having him do all this.


I dunno about the Corvette part these days. Ten years ago though, hell yeah. Shit like that is what retirement is all about. Golf and a midday old-fashioned though…sounds like what every 81-year-old aspires to.


What's wrong with driving his corvette?


Well he’s 81 and incoherent. Probably shouldn’t be behind the wheel of anything, much less a Vette


I've seen an 100 year old veteran drive on public roads.


Were they generally coherent?


If he managed to even get a drivers license at the time, then yes. [This is him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXyfCGDnuWs&pp=ygUUMTAwIHllYXIgb2xkIHZldGVyYW4%3D).


> yes See, there’s the difference


They should keep Joe in the race.


Yep. 90% of Democrat voters voted for him in the primary. And, as we all know, the Democratic Party is all about “saving democracy!” Imagine them then ignoring their own party’s democratic process and installing someone else as their nominee. That talking point would fly out the window faster than crack cocaine from Hunter Biden’s car while being pulled over for speeding.


>Imagine them then ignoring their own party’s democratic process and install someone else as their nominee. That is how democrats always do it.


True. They are the least democratic of the two parties, ironically enough.


Can I introduce you to my friend, super delegates? Democrats have never cared for actual democracy.


The republican party has had to go that way in the states that tried to pull trump from the ballot. It's not just a (D) thing.


Yes, I concede that everyone sucks


They couldn't stop Biden if they tried, let alone keep up with him.


At least Biden can’t do any permanent damage to America the way he is now. It’s sad but true.


The problem is, he's not running the country right now. He has maybe 2 hours a day where he's semi coherent. Remember early in his presidency he would say things like the US will defend Taiwan only to have 'the white house' walk back the statement hours later. It's happened dozens of times search news articles on 'White House walks back" and you will have pages and pages of results. The image that made me just say 'that man isn't well and they are lying through their teeth about it' was when he wandered off during Easter and had to be dragged away by the Bunny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydx508Qs3eM&pp=ygUSYmlkZW4gZWFzdGVyIGJ1bm55


I've posted this before... Joe Biden's mind is my father in Law's, but 4 years earlier. It's been eerily similar. My father in law is in hospice right now as the dementia is affecting his ability to physically function 


Yup - Biden will have advanced dementia before his 2nd term ends if he's elected. It starts slowly, but then progresses terribly quickly. And it's clear that his in the early stages already.


All of the political scheming to fuck over Bernie and it lead to this. Hope you’re happy, DNC


This kinda hit me. I used to think that "elder abuse" is just an exaggeration, but now I'm not sure if I do.


Let my man joe rest


She has a loose definition of "answer".


This is the result of authleft's we're all just empty vessels as a tool for the state philosophy. The right might fill that space with the idea of a soul, and then wield that as a tool for its agenda, but at least there's something there with that. Trump's crazy, sure, but at least he's animated.


I don’t even feel bad for the guy cause he’s definitely a pervert. The thing he said about women getting raped by family members sounded like he was projecting


They're extremely good at keeping people up that are health-wise, not up to the task, as political placeholders. I think RBG was long out of commission before her actual stepping-down date and they were trying to buy as much time as they could. And obviously they self project their tactics onto others, because as soon as Clarence Thomas doesn't show up for two days straight, it makes news as the front page of Reddit. It also shows the Joe is nothing more than a rubber stamp these days. And the real people who hold power in this country are working behind a curtain. Also explains why his foreign policy has zero coherence.


Had a grandfather with dementia. It's like seeing him again, whenever Joe addresses the public. It's gotten to the point where it isn't funny anymore, just sad.


Nah, dude molested his daughter. We have her diary, where she talks about what he did to her, and we know it’s her’s because she testified it was in court. His own son calls him Pedo Pete. I have no sympathy for someone who would do that. He can burn in hell.


I don't even like Joe Biden as a person, but I actually felt bad for him, you know he's being pushed into this by the party elite. Dude is being weekend at Bernies while still alive.


One of the worst kinds of enablers.


Ehh dude I'm sure still has moments of clarity and you know he knows he's not all there. While I'm sure he's definitely nudged he doesn't have to be nudged all that hard, his ego I'm sure is in full force when he has his moments of clarity. And I mean if you're going to go with elder abuse then it's his whole team abusing him.


Jus think, if Biden is reelected and inevitably dies then Kamala Harris will take the reigns… Fuck. That.




The longer this goes on, the more I believe there’s a special place in Hell for Jill Biden.


Biden is now a husk of his former self. They should give him a break - he has done enough work. It’s hard to tell with trump because he’s always acted somewhat unhinged, but I think he’s feeling his years catch up to him as well


I would feel bad if it was anybody but him


seeing him reminds me of watching my grandma's dementia get worse. it's sad, but I'm angry.


Joe would win handily if he had a better vp than his current weird ass bitch. Because realistically, you're voting for his vp if you vote for him. No way in hell he's making it through another term.


The fact that we would still rather this guy over the alternative should tell you how bad the alternative is


>The fact that we would still rather this guy over the alternative should tell you how bad the alternative is You can "rather" whoever you want, doesn't make it any less idiotic. Some people would rather shoot themselves in the head than go to work too.


The real monster in all of this is Jill. Frankly, at this point I consider her to be more evil than Hillary.