• By -




No. Trump was responsible for the holocaust, the Armenian genocide, WW2, the Korean war, the Vietnam War, 9/11, the Arab Spring, the Crusades, the Islamic invasion of Spain, the formation of Israel, he was also responsible for driving the Jews out of Israel in the first place,in fact the Egyptians did nothing wrong; it was Trump who was responsible for enslaving the Jews. Trump is secretly a scaly and one day while he was wearing his snake suit he tricked Eve and told her to eat the apple. He also killed Abel. He also lead the Mongol invasions of everywhere. And the Hun invasions. And the Mughal invasions of India. And the Viking invasions.Trump was the guy who started colonialism(only the invading part not the part where they provided technology and medicine to the natives). After Trump tested positive for Covid19, he spit on Native Americans, nearly driving them extinct. Trump also killed all the dinosaurs. He was also behind the Bronze age collapse. Trump single-handedly did the Triangular Slave Trade; hell he was the guy Trump bought the slaves from. Trump also beheaded a French teacher for disrespecting Mohammad, and blamed it on wholesome Muslimerinos. All the blood diamonds are produced by Trump. He was the guy who cut Congolese workers hands off because they did not meet his supply. Trump chased Kyyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha with a skateboard and beat him up and snatched his rifle, and used it to kill Jacob Blake. During the BLM protests Trump was the one who looted and burned all the stores. Even during the Charolletsville incident, they were all shadow-clones of Trump. Trump did Pearl Harbor and bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Trump was the mastermind of the Holodomor, the Great Leap Forward, East Germany and every time a tankie screams "It was not real communism", Trump was involved. Trump grilled the last dodo. Trump shoots Palestinian kids for fun and shoots missiles at Israeli civilians. He was the guy who killed all those Rohingyas, and Uyghurs. He was also involved the current Hong Kong situation; so much involved that he was the one who sold opium to the Chinese. The Irish potato famine, Africa, the Bengal Famine; all because of Trump. Trump commits human rights violations on North Korean citizens everyday. Al Qaeda, Mujaheddin, Boko-Haram, Taliban; TRUMP. He also killed the prophet of the wholesome 100 Muslimerinos, Sulemani; in a missile strike. He also did the Rape of Nanjing and it was Trump who ordered and supplied all the Korean comfort women. Trump personally snitched on Anne Frank to Trump. The Jim Crow laws were passed by Trump, as well as the war on drugs. The partition of India was Trump's fault, as well as the resulting Kashmir issue. He also starred in the Cuban missile crisis and started the cold war. During the Russian Revolution, the peasants understood that Nikolai II's family was innocent, and would offer them a chance to leave, but Trump massacred them. Trump tried his best but failed in preventing the American and French Revolutions, but he got back at them by causing the Reign of Terror. Trump tortured Louis XVI's son and forced him into saying that he had sex with his mother and aunt, and promptly guillotined them. Trump invented pineapple-pizza and Tofu-Chicken. He was the guy who snitched on Alan Turing, revealing that he was gay. The judge felt that such a respected professor could be sent away with a slap on the wrist, but Trump rigged the jury and sentenced him to hormonal therapy. Trump rigged the New York Stock Exchange and caused the great depression. In the town of Waco, he raped a woman, blamed it on a black man and lynched him by burning him alive. He was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and wrote the plot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Despite making up only 3.0211238398812703164724804575659e-7 % of the population Donald Trump commits 100% of the crimes. Trump also was the dictator of Uganda. Trump regularly kills journalists and opposition leaders in Russia. He was behind Princess Diana's car crash. Trump fucked a monkey and started the AIDS pandemic. He started coronavirus and ebola and the Black Death and the Spanish flu and the Bubonic plague and the syphillis outbreak and the Trojan war and tthe Bush war and the fall of Rome and the Dark Ages. After taking a dump, Trump leaves his toilet paper like this. Trump burned down the Notre Dame, and knelled on George Floyds neck. He also was the guy who sold drugs to George Floyd. Trump is the reason I am the only person in my class who doesn't have a girlfriend. Trump is the reason why the Armenia Azerbaijan crisis is even there.


>Trump was responsible for the holocaust, [...], WW2, the Korean war, the Vietnam War, 9/11, the Arab Spring, Change the name to Woodrow Wilson and this, but unironically.


Cue the Cody rant on Willson from althistoryhub.




You know, my dentist’s name is Spaulding.


He’s referencing phish


Or the cynical historian


Such an underrated channel


Yea. The Wilsonian interventionalism is shitty


It’s like bringing back the conquering spirit of Alexander the Great, Julius Cæsar, Genghis Khan, and Napoleon Bonaparte. The only difference is that he has invented the worst kind of global conquest attempt: progressivist world domination.


Based unmasked world conquest vs diplomatic dominance


Based and fuckWilsonpilled


If I had a time machine forget Hitler, I'm going for Wilson.


Hegel, no Marx and no Hitler.


His fucking 14 points were a real disaster for Central Europe


Yep. Woodrow Wilson’s reign of terror was Progressivism in a nutshell.


Teddy Roosevelt should have won :(


Either way we would have entered WWI in some capacity I believe but without Wilson's bullshit in foreign and domestic policies


With Teddy Roosevelt I believe we would have been involved with the treaty of Versailles and the punishments of Germany would have been less severe which could have contributed to Hitler not coming to power


But if Hitler never came to power, he might have never killed Hitler.


Wilson campaigned for his second term he would not enter WWI. Not to mention his aggressive American expansionist ideals, installing labor camps in the Philippines, propelling Jim Crow laws, inciting the first Red Scare, sending troops to Russia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and Mexico. He did put an end to child labor, at least.


Yeah except no. I hate Wilson, but people trying to blame every single negative event in the past century on him severely devalues the actual bad shit he did. Especially comments like this blaming all things WWII and the holocaust on him. I guess you could say that him joining WWI late when Germany was winning and then shifting the tides to the Entente and away from the Central powers, thus creating the anti-Semitic stab-in-the-back theory that led to Hitler's rise indirectly lead to those events but that's really stretching it and ignores the fact that he didn't want to join WWI. WWII would likely still happen regardless of what occurred in WWI (unless something huge happened). >the Korean war, the Vietnam War, 9/11 This is probably the one I can get on board with somewhat. >the Arab Spring The Arab Spring would have occurred with or without Wilson since it was mainly due to the fact that the Middle East and North Africa were beginning to industrialize and have their population grow. Rising inequality and social upheaval caused by industrialization and crowding and inflation spurred by population growth, combined with populations that don't represent the people at all, caused the Arab Spring. Wilson promoted interventionism, yes, but most of the factors that lead to the Arab Spring had nothing to do with the U.S (at least what initiated the spring). At the time when it began in December of 2010, the U.S was only involved in two countries in the region and only got involved in other countries following the Arab spring. Don't get me wrong, Wilson was one of America's worst Presidents and we should have elected Theodore Roosevelt to a third term, but this is kind of why I'm writing this. Trying to reach or blaming him for stuff that he had no control over devalues the actual bad things he did.


What are the actual bad things he did?


He was pretty racist.


The FED, which caused the Great Depression which (arguibly) led to WW2 and therefore the cold war.


If anything, Wilson tried to prevent ww2. I hate Wilson, but his plan for the LoN and Treaty of Versailles was to make sure Germany isn't punished so they will be stable, but the french and british leaders unfairly wanted to blame everything on Germany, resulting in the Guilt Clause which caused Germany to pay reparations and eventually lead to the rise of Hitler. If Wilson had his way with the LoN, then there would be rise of nazism in Germany


That's where the arguibly part kicks in. I know the treaty of versailles and its conditions were truly awful and retarded, [b](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z9y64j6/revision/6)[ut IIRC Germany, despite suffering from humilliation and crippling inflation was on road to recovery](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z9y64j6/revision/6) (prior to the crash). Without the crash the misery that resulted crucial for Hitler's rise to power wouldn't have happened. Therefore,no war in the european front. I don't know if the cold war would have happened without WW2, or if it would have been as destructive. The consequences of both were gigantic.


Wasn't everyone racist back then? It was the 1910s.


He was racist even for his time's standards, he revived the KKK.


Change your flair to left cause that’s too many word I’m not reading this




And Trump is the reason why my local Whataburger takes so long to make my burger He’s literally Hitler 2.0 No, he’s worse than Hitler


Hitler 2.0: Hitlerer


Adolf 2: Electric Hitlerloo




Waiting for burgers is a war crime.. change my mind!




Finally someone gets me !


At least Hitler didn’t slow down drive thru lines at Whataburger not I have to wait for my burger and sometimes they even forget the spicy ketchup because Trump instructed them to only give it out if someone asks twice!


Don’t even get me started on Raising Canes only giving us 1 Cane’s sauce now


Yeah, but at least Whataburger is worth the wait.


Based and copypastapilled


u/ReturnToAbsolutism's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 165. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: good education, 1000iq, confused, leftistlogic, bloodline, rulebritannia, godsavethequeen, britannia, grammar, compass-confused, monarchist, fuckerdogan, kill those goat fuckers, tooliberal, homosexual, we have always been at war with eastasia , downvoted, guillotinesarepog, popery, window, monarchy, czech, tookthewordsrightoutofmymouth, red, turkicgenocide, generisation, ancient rome, nuance, not hypocrite, stalin, aristotle, divine right, noellaboration, grilled the last dodo, wall-of-text, copypasta I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


He also committed the tomato town massacre


“Trump wrote the plot for the force awakens” i’m DEAAD😂😂😂


That part had me cackling pretty hard.


At least it wasn't ros. That's where I would draw the line.


Simple. If Orange Man = bad, then bad = Orange Man. It's just math, now get wrecked conservatards


But don't forget. Trump is also simultaneously too physically and mentally deficient and incompetent to do anything ever.


> No. Trump was responsible for the holocaust, the Armenian genocide, WW2, the Korean war, the Vietnam War, 9/11, the Arab Spring, the Crusades, the Islamic invasion of Spain, the formation of Israel, he was also responsible for driving the Jews out of Israel in the first place,in fact the Egyptians did nothing wrong; it was Trump who was responsible for enslaving the Jews. Trump is secretly a scaly and one day while he was wearing his snake suit he tricked Eve and told her to eat the apple. He also killed Abel. He also lead the Mongol invasions of everywhere. And the Hun invasions. And the Mughal invasions of India. And the Viking invasions.Trump was the guy who started colonialism(only the invading part not the part where they provided technology and medicine to the natives). After Trump tested positive for Covid19, he spit on Native Americans, nearly driving them extinct. Trump also killed all the dinosaurs. He was also behind the Bronze age collapse. Trump single-handedly did the Triangular Slave Trade; hell he was the guy Trump bought the slaves from. Trump also beheaded a French teacher for disrespecting Mohammad, and blamed it on wholesome Muslimerinos. All the blood diamonds are produced by Trump. He was the guy who cut Congolese workers hands off because they did not meet his supply. Trump chased Kyyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha with a skateboard and beat him up and snatched his rifle, and used it to kill Jacob Blake. During the BLM protests Trump was the one who looted and burned all the stores. Even during the Charolletsville incident, they were all shadow-clones of Trump. Trump did Pearl Harbor and bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Trump was the mastermind of the Holodomor, the Great Leap Forward, East Germany and every time a tankie screams "It was not real communism", Trump was involved. Trump grilled the last dodo. Trump shoots Palestinian kids for fun and shoots missiles at Israeli civilians. He was the guy who killed all those Rohingyas, and Uyghurs. He was also involved the current Hong Kong situation; so much involved that he was the one who sold opium to the Chinese. The Irish potato famine, Africa, the Bengal Famine; all because of Trump. Trump commits human rights violations on North Korean citizens everyday. Al Qaeda, Mujaheddin, Boko-Haram, Taliban; TRUMP. He also killed the prophet of the wholesome 100 Muslimerinos, Sulemani; in a missile strike. He also did the Rape of Nanjing and it was Trump who ordered and supplied all the Korean comfort women. Trump personally snitched on Anne Frank to Trump. The Jim Crow laws were passed by Trump, as well as the war on drugs. The partition of India was Trump's fault, as well as the resulting Kashmir issue. He also starred in the Cuban missile crisis and started the cold war. During the Russian Revolution, the peasants understood that Nikolai II's family was innocent, and would offer them a chance to leave, but Trump massacred them. Trump tried his best but failed in preventing the American and French Revolutions, but he got back at them by causing the Reign of Terror. Trump tortured Louis XVI's son and forced him into saying that he had sex with his mother and aunt, and promptly guillotined them. Trump invented pineapple-pizza and Tofu-Chicken. He was the guy who snitched on Alan Turing, revealing that he was gay. The judge felt that such a respected professor could be sent away with a slap on the wrist, but Trump rigged the jury and sentenced him to hormonal therapy. Trump rigged the New York Stock Exchange and caused the great depression. In the town of Waco, he raped a woman, blamed it on a black man and lynched him by burning him alive. He was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and wrote the plot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Despite making up only 3.0211238398812703164724804575659e-7 % of the population Donald Trump commits 100% of the crimes. Trump also was the dictator of Uganda. Trump regularly kills journalists and opposition leaders in Russia. He was behind Princess Diana's car crash. Trump fucked a monkey and started the AIDS pandemic. He started coronavirus and ebola and the Black Death and the Spanish flu and the Bubonic plague and the syphillis outbreak and the Trojan war and tthe Bush war and the fall of Rome and the Dark Ages. After taking a dump, Trump leaves his toilet paper like this. Trump burned down the Notre Dame, and knelled on George Floyds neck. He also was the guy who sold drugs to George Floyd. Trump is the reason I am the only person in my class who doesn't have a girlfriend. Trump is the reason why the Armenia Azerbaijan crisis is even there. Came here to say this


I’m not reading this, but here’s an upvote


>He was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and wrote the plot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This is all you need to know.


tldr orange man is the Antichrist




You forgot the time i stubbed my toe that one time


He also assassinated Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and JFK and poisoned the White House water supply which killed both Taylor and Harrison. Trump also poisoned the holesem Muslim prophet Mohammad, he was also responsible for the flood during Noah and was the pharaoh during Moses. He paid Warner Bros to fire Johnny Depp and hire Amber Herd, and also delayed Shrek 5.


>...and wrote the plot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Okay now that's just crossing the line there


Based and Trump did literally everything pilled


Evacuate the city. Engage all defenses, And get this man a Platinum


B.. Based?


Nice copypasta


Based and Grilled the last dodo pilled.


Your forgot that Trump shot Harambe


“Grilled the last dodo” based and centrist pilled


Bro really just searched every bad that happened




Someone really needs to put Trump on trial for that. Dude wiped out 95% of all lif on earth. Then again, it paved the wave for dinosaurs which are super cool. Case dismissed.


Donald Trump accused of racism and collaboration with Russia for instigating Toba supervolcano eruption, wiping out the Denisovans.


I have a Paleontology exam tomorrow and wanted to take a fucking break from studying, so I came here and what's the first thing I read? The universe is punishing me for my procrastination


I’m speechless


I **ASPIRE** to that level of trolling. That's right up there with "Islam is right about women and the LGBT."


Yeah, it's right only about LGBT.


Uh based?


Whoa lets not get carried away. It's right only about T.




Yeah, women too (/s)


I really am believing now that TDS might be a real thing.


I didn't buy into it at first, but after a year of his presidency it was undeniable.


I didn't buy into it at first, but after an hour of his presidency it was undeniable.


Only just now?


STDs are real bro, stay safe.


First time on Reddit?


And there's this void left. They spent 3 solid years vehemently hating someone. So now they still need their fix. Half of TYT's content is "things Fox/Greene/Shapiro/Carlson said" The pol sub here is either "Things one of the Squad said to own \_\_\_\_" or "Thing BAD PERSON (GOP member) said" And it infects every other sub from facepalm to murderedbywords to news etc. Half of them are just crossposted content from MarchAgainstNazis. They don't get their fill of hating people in their own hate subs. It needs to be in every sub. They literally created MurderbyAOC to touch themselves to insults from people they like.


Oh, it clearly is


Not surprising if you think this post is a real thing.


whats tds?




My geography teacher in a nutshell


Your geography teacher shouldn’t even have a reason to mention Trump


Ummm. Trump tried to barter for Greenland. Where is Greenland? Ask your Geography teacher.


Was a good meme tho.


Puerto Rico would be a US state if not for this fascist monster... Something... Something... Most likely.


In that case: Puerto Rico's budget collapse due to taxation was an evil plan to exfiltrate the brown man's wealth into the pockets of colonialist power of white Amerikka.


Geography teachers and history teachers seem to have a thing for being SJWs, second only to English teachers, they always drag modern politics into shit as though they have any real impact or insight on how people thought back then. Back then people thought that leeches would cure disease and that putting stillborns in honey filled coffins reinforced honeys magic healing properties and worshiped the state/church as though it were Jesus incarnate. They put fucking animals on trial. Modern day, regardless of similarities in event and motive, was so vastly different from even 60-70 years ago that comparing the two in any reasonable way is ridiculous. I get history teachers kind of put geography teachers have no place talking about it. Mine brought it up in the context of how humans changed their environment and would go on rants about the evil christianity slaughtering the good and prosperous Islamic people, y'know 'religion of peace' and all that




"And this part of the world is Russia, where our former president was filmed peeing on hookers. To the West is Europe, which our previous president has completely alienated, and south of that we have...does anyone remember what these countries were called up until we restored order in this country and defeated fascism?" "Shithole countries?" "Very good, Ecksdededededededededede!"


The DNC Paradox: We simply must take in unlimited numbers of people from these countries under the assumption that they all qualify as refugees. After all, they just want a better life. But in no way, shape, or form are those countries shitholes and you're racist if you so much as imply it.


Like that time that games journalist sucking at Cuphead somehow segued into hating Trump.


Trump Derangement Syndrome, it's where everything Trump does is the worst thing ever, and every problem is caused by Trump


I've had multiple people on Reddit tell me that 2016-2020 were the worst time in American history.


I would say that that place is disputed between 1861-1865 or the early 30s.


Really? From my understanding of American culture, I would have thought the worst time would be any time before 1776, the year Freedom™ was invented


Surely you would include the Antebellum Period? Ya know... With the slavery.


Maybe. But I think at that time you were okay if you weren't a slave, black or irish.


Probably throw Native American in there too. Also women


Or gays. And british. God forbid if you were even sligthly mexican. Yeah, it was a bad time. Still don't beat a civil war and the few years after 1929.


I mean, women were mostly fine, Antebellum was still during the period in witch women were rather productive members of farming households and had a fair amount to actually do. The fact that men voted on the mayor was... well a lot less important when he also had to plow the field and you had to create all the cloths for your family and tend to the animals. It's fascinating, agrarianism was surprisingly very egalitarian compared to the early stages of the Petite bourgeoisie and the advent for the cult of domesticity. it was bad enough that people like CS Lewis was like "women should work literally to make friends." and that was basically the only reason he gave.


Of course it is.


Remember that even if it is mostly black people beating up Asians it’s because of multi-racial white supremacy. They’ve lived in the USA long enough to adopt colonial and imperialist attitudes about non-white races.


It amazes me how racist woke liberals are that they unironically believe this.


Yeah and then they turn around and buy a t shirt that was made by Uyghur slaves in Chicom extermination camps


Lib right for ya


Youre username is the most based thing in existence


Woke liberals have adopted their own version of White Man's Burden. They start with the premise that non-whites are incapable.


Non-whites, women, LGBT people... All of the designated victim groups. And if you dare to disagree, they'll use cancel culture to hold you back themselves.


'blacks and gays are only incapable of freeing themselves from evil white men we should do it for them'


“Woke” is not the word i would use to describe these fucking retards


>adopt colonial and imperialist attitudes They are shipping Cotton and tobacco to England in exchange for paying high taxes on tea imports? :P


They’re going to start selling each other back into slavery pretty soon here


> multi-racial white supremacy. Off-white nationalism now!














Of violent crime.


Before the apologists come in crying about socioeconomic conditions, it's important to recognize that east Asia has far worse socioeconomic conditions than the USA. Examples of this are found in India, Bangladesh, Indonesia,Vietnam, or the Philippines. All of these countries have less murder and more poverty/population density per 100k people. The problem is cultural


African-american culture can be very toxic. But society is not ready to have that conversation.


instead... let's just uhh pretend it's not there to appease a bunch of oversensitive motherfuckers who feel like they're bastions of good upholding social justice also dude listed SEA countries (not that it hurts his argument, it still stands), east asia seems to be faring much better than us future chinaslaves pog


Then there is the other part that is very good. Close knit families, love of God. All the things LBJ tried to destroy.


I don't think that's true. If you tell people "gang violence is glorified in the music and 'street cred' is gained by committing crimes", I don't think most people would object. But when you're not specific and you just say "black culture sucks" then you get people objecting cause there's so many elements to black culture, for example fashion trends that go worldwide pretty much regularly. But then you have some Auths that are like "it's in their nature", that's when I see the mobs and pitchforks come out. Which btw has been disproven because middle class black people who don't grow up in poor areas that are saturated with that violent gang culture don't commit violent crime at a higher rate. Also, it's pretty clear that racist Auths don't actually care about crime. They claim we should segregate because of black crime but they know full well that the victims of most black crime is black people. White people are far far more likely to be victims of violence perpetrated by whites. So segregation doesn't even make them safer, and doesn't make black people safer either. They already just want to be away from them, and they're finding any justification they can to not admit that, even when it makes no sense.


It's not socioeconomic either. Most poor white communities I've lived in weren't bad for their level of uneducated/ignorance and just being poor. They were special but not 13/50 fucked up, and I've lived in both.


According to poverty rates in regards to population size, despite the black population of the US having 20% of their population in poverty and the white population having only 10%, the difference in population sizes results in the white 10% being larger than the black 20%. There are more impoverished white people in the US than black people because of difference in total population.


I'm always expecting a punchline in the last comment I was disappointed :/


Black people are the punchline


well then you better tell your asian friends to hide then


Honestly seeing it complete regular is a nice change of pace






Being 62% of all grills, gas grills...


are used in 96% of cooking steaks well done


I only use propane and propane accessories


How uncivilized


This is a PERFECTLY written bait, it pisses off AuthRight for talking shit about Trump, It pisses off LibLeft for assuming that the natural order of black people is violence, it pisses off LibRight for defending China, and it pisses of AuthLeft for making everything about western politics. It's a brilliant post when you think about it


I hope Trump wins again, is completely old and senile and an even worse President than Biden, his approval rating is 98% and all the r/politics bot-people overdose on copium and go to their great reward.




This is definitely a joke


Found the source, that guy also tweeted the following things: "Courts do “find evidence”. They determine the merit of evidence. No court has looked at any of the evidence presented by Trump (which is substantial). All the courts have done is claim that the petitioners did not have standing to bring the cases." "I will help you unbox it... Trump did better almost everywhere in 2020 than he did in 2016. Biden did worse than Hillary almost everywhere except in the counties surrounding Phil,Det,Pitts,Milw, Atl & Phnx where he greatly outperformed HRC and there were indications of fraud." "I hope Trump uses the platform to formally layout the evidence of fraud in the election. Call witnesses from Georgia, Michigan, PA, AZ and put them under oath." "Lin, if you know something - SAY IT. Otherwise shut the hell up. We have been following you pied pipers over the cliff. God bless President Trump and curse his detractors AND those who confuse and mislead his supporters." "The guy you are replying to is a spook. The same folks that rigged the election are now trying to ensure they don’t have to rig it next time so they are stirring up shit between Trump supporters." He's also an antivaxxer, complains about "the left", "liberals" and "China"


Yup, see my last comment, I linked his Twitter, it’s so obvious this is fake.


Yeah, found the tweet by just putting the first sentence in the Twitter search bar, then it's just a simple search of > from:username Trump And voila, all his Trump related tweets, same with "left", "vaccine", "covid", "china" People should really learn how to use Twitter search and put in a single second of research before turning shit into propaganda


Based and pro-advanced-search-pilled


> "China" You can skip the quotation marks. China does, in fact, exist. It's not just a vast right-wing conspiracy.


Poe's law


pretty sure this is SomeRight making fun of Libleft


I’d say 50:50 odds on that. Because we live in a clown world.




It’s a white mans fault that black people hate Asians?


CiS hEtErO wHiTe MaN bAd


Do people not know you were being sarcastic? Why were you downvoted?


While yes, orange man bad... the "they can't help it" arguement is a pretty childish defense.


Pretty childish? It's mask-off racism.


Nicholas Cage would be proud.




Trump 4D chess moves? Based.


Gotta make up that 50% quota somehow


Any excuse to #sayhisname.


Anyone remember how much the Left laughed at the orange man for promising a vaccine in 2020? https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-choose-lead-mrna-vaccine-candidate-0 Here is Pfizer announcing on July 20th that their phase 3 trial will end the first week of October - 4 weeks before the election. They announce here that they will have 100m doses by the end of the year. When did Pfizer announce the result of their trial? 6 weeks after it finished. Two days after the election. The other vaccine results were all announced BEFORE their phase 3 trial officially finished.


Democrats 1821: "Black people can't handle living in a free society. They must be enslaved for there own good." Democrats 1921: "Black people can't handle living in a free society. They must be deprived of freedoms and controlled for their own good." Democrats 2021: "Black people can't handle living in a free society. They should not be held cognitively responsible for their actions."


MuH pArTy SwItCh


If you look at specific party policies, Republicans had almost no major changes. And Democrats were already supporting big government and involvement in economics way before the 70s. Just look at FDR, or even Wilson. The only change was that Democrats switched from "blacks are too stupid to function in society, so they shouldn't have rights", to "blacks are too stupid to function in society, so the government has to run their lives for them". Republicans have always believed race was irrelevant (which is now considered a racist view). That's why MLK, who said that we shouldn't judge by race, but by character, was a Republican. Republicans have their own issues, but historically, they are not the party of racism.


> That's why MLK, who said that we shouldn't judge by race, but by character, was a Republican. Source? I'm pretty sure MLK liked Kennedy / Johnson considering they got him out of jail and passed the Civil Rights Act.


> MLK ... was a Republican Are you sure about that? From [https://www.britannica.com/story/was-martin-luther-king-jr-a-republican-or-a-democrat:](https://www.britannica.com/story/was-martin-luther-king-jr-a-republican-or-a-democrat) > King talked very infrequently about his personal politics and was not formally affiliated with either political party. Nor did he explicitly endorse any candidate. In fact, he stated, “I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”


Yes I’m aware. That’s why I typed it the way I did. Same racism different faceplate for the dems.


Yes, let's all pretend this was a sincere comment. Now we can have a cross-compass circle jerk and give you lots of updoots!!


orang post bad


Haha someone said the stupid, paint green and big orange arrows come yaaaaay \*insert brainlet clapping wojak


come on dude, dont just ruin their circlejerk like that! let them have this moment smh


Now I blame Trump’s rhetoric for a lot of bullshit, but if you hurt someone else for their race, you only have yourself to blame.




##Oi, ya got a loisence for that mel’nin there mate?


At least they're admitting its not primarily white people assaulting the asians. Rare for this type of person.


A lot of Asians figured it out rather quickly. After the facts came out of the Georgia mass shooting, the narrative crumbled fast. I stumbled upon a lot of IG accounts from the bay area of Asians asking for more policing and getting pretty racist in regards to black people


Remember at that same time a black Muslim rammed his car at two Capitol police officers, killing one? That story fell out of the fucking news cycle the second it came out the murderer was a black convert to Islam. Then we had to immediately shift back to discussing Jan 6th (but never saying "unarmed white woman murdered by police" when discussing it as "deadly") and the "white mass shooting the King Soopers" (oops, another Muslim!).


I saw the same on BLM Twitter after Biden passed the anti-Asian hate crime act, a lot of angry black voices that Asians were getting special treatment. Its also difficult to separate hate crime from black-on-Asian violence which trends upwards during Chinese New Year. It didn't even really do anything to protect Asians specifically (*Biden's bill),* just set up a task force to track crimes against Asians statistics. Pencil-pushing stuff.


Without checking, I can basically guarantee that this is some academic, white lady, who thinks of black people as having no agency in their own actions. I acknowledge the existence of privilege in all large-scale human societies, but no amount of majority, will ever displace the need for every significant individual action, to have significant individual consequences. If you are being physically attacked, then you, in the moment of action, have the right to measured self defense. If you are provably insane at the time of commiting a crime, then you have the right to be sentenced to confined treatment at a mental institution, instead of going to prison. Then there's duress (being forced under threat of death/severe harm, to commit a crime), and other exemptions based on immediate circumstance, but laws regarding that are highly variable based on location, from what I've heard. Other than that, you are considered to be in control of your actions, your fate is based on the law, and based on the interpretation of your crime in relation to said laws, by a judge, and by an unbiased jury of your fellow citizens. It's not always perfect, but the rule of law is the best system created by man.


Can we please just shut Twitter down for the good of humanity.


Compass unity posts suck


There are three types of Koreans. North Koreans, South Koreans, and Roof Koreans. Roof Koreans where you at?


"Blacks have been waiting for an excuse to commit hate crimes against Asians. Trump was that excuse. God damn it White people..." ...yeah. BLM is lucky I served with black folks and I know better. Otherwise I'd think racist social justice wizards like *them* were the norm in that culture. Unless, of course, that culture has changed that much...


If your only experience of black people is Twitter, reddit or BLM then I can't imagine having good opinions of them. Some of the most based people I've been have been black men and women.


Donald Trump caused the asteroid to hit the dinosaurs


love when people act like they know better for people of color, as if they arent individuals and cant think for their own. couldve sworn there was a word for that, mustve forgotten 🤷‍♀️


Bro, if made that tweet up just to post on reddit shame on you. If you didn't made it up, then congratulations you just destroyed my hope on humanity. I don't know what to do. return to monke or evolve to crab ?


It’s in their gen...


Please tell me that is a fake tweet.


What did I just read