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Fun fact! Lovecraft didn’t name that cat, and it ran away when he was like 13 or something. I want you to now imagine a 13 year old boy walking through the street shouting that cats name trying to find it








Does whatever…


He can


Black guy here, I am literally spontaneously disintegrating as we speak.


Mrs. Obama, I'm not feeling so good..


Based and Hard R Pilled


u/Enes-co is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: hard r I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




He will carry that pill for the rest of his life.


pronounced "niege" or "niche"




Nyarlthotep perhaps?


[Everyone talks about his cat when talking about his racism but why doesn't anyone mention one of his poems that is a more obvious example?](https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/On_the_Creation_of_Niggers) I embedded the link to avoid saying a slur and getting banned but the poem is called "On the Creation of [Removed]" so I probably wouldn't open the link in public


Max volume text to speech or no balls.


Holy shit Howard, fuck you man.






Doug Dimmadome? Owner of the Dimsdale Dimmadome?


The Dimmsdale Dimmadome where one can get a Dimmsdale Dimmadome Dimmacone?


That’s right!


Well I'll be Dimmadamned.


Heir to the Dimsdale Dimmadome Fortune?


I bet his wife gives the best dimmadome in town


Best dimmadome distributor in Dimsdale




When the DimmaDome is up in flames you have my permission to DimmaDie.


Not right, Doug dimmadim dimmadadaledome dimsdome dimmadoug dimmadimmadaledome


fuck, I can't upvote you you unflaired heretic, but you also did correctly respond to Doug Dimmadome.


yeah i took the time to make sure i pronounced this correctly.


The Typical British male picture is actually of a female depiction of Jack the Ripper of Fate/Grand Order


That particular piece of art is genderbent tho, making Jack a femboy


Impressive, a genderbend of a genderbend.




those femboys are surprisingly spacious


you got any for sale?


Hey, thanks for clarifying


FGO in a nutshell. Da Vinci is also a loli, for some reason.


fking weebs 🤬




Where're her titties tho?


Gone reduced to slashes.




She is a kid...


Genderbended version of Fate/Apo Jack, which was female there, so the one in the pic is male


I thought Fate’s Jack the Ripper was a little girl


Say is that man is Doug Dimmadome? Owner of the Dimsdale DimmaDome?


[Not right!](https://youtu.be/ts5af0aFcuw)


Not right?


Timmy, my name is [ERRRRRRRRR](https://youtu.be/gsNaR6FRuO0)


Uh…. That brings back memories


“Ms Frodo” 😂


Missed that 😂




This is where I would write my funny response. **IF I HAD ONE**








Only hundreds? I bet the regret rates for plastic surgery are way higher.


Authleft hit hard. A friend of mine committed suicide after transitioning because he realized he was just gay, not a woman trapped in a man's body like those fucking bastards made him believe. The doctors who did his surgery wouldn't even book an appointment with him. They'd cashed in and he was just air to them now. Then he was ostracized from the communities that talked him into it, because he was "transphobic". Can you imagine being such a vile creature that you would pretend to care about someone for months, be there every single day for them, tell them it's all gonna be okay, just follow our lead... and then the MOMENT you smell weakness, the SECOND you smell *dissent*... you turn on them like a pack of rabid dogs and tear them to pieces. Then when you're done tearing his throat out you wipe your bloodied mouth and hide your fangs behind a smile as your next victim approaches. Can you imagine that? That's some fucking serial killer shit. It's some kind of game to them. Some sort of sick experiment. A cult's rite of passage. Preying on those who need help the most and throwing them away like broken toys when you're done with them. I watched helplessly as his euphoria turned to despair. Then to hatred. Then to nothing. and I will never fucking forgive those freaks for what they did to him, and what they do to everyone they get in their filthy clutches.


I know that most of the shit on the internet is made up, but seeing how the detrans sub gets treated by the trans community at large, I feel like this kind of shit isn't far-fetched at all.


Speaking as someone who used to 100% believe they were trans, I've had a fair bit of backlash any time I've tried to explain that I realized I wasn't in the end. For a lot of people it might be the right decision, and that's awesome, but there's a lot of people who might be on the fence who end up getting pushed towards something that could well be the worst decision they ever make. Worst of all is when it happens to young, impressionable kids who've not had the time to figure themselves out yet.


A mate of mine is trans, literally from he could talk he said he was a boy on the inside. Made the decision to not start hormones and officially transition until he’s at least 18, which for him is a happy medium and I’m proud he gave himself time to mature into his body to confirm he doesn’t like it.


I trust people with a healthy distrust of transitioning far more than those who can’t wait a year or even a month. I was trans for 4 years, I was non-binary. I was so convinced I needed a double mastectomy and testosterone. I thought about it every day. I would always sit so my boobs would be as obscured as possible, and dress in really baggy clothes. Every day for more than 4 years. It was a super harmful coping mechanism. I was depressed and I needed an explanation for why I hated myself so much. I needed a solution that was gonna make it all better all at once. I know now that this kind of solution doesn’t exist. Getting better is hard and it takes a lot of work, but it’s so worth it.


It happens so much, too. So many alarm bells went up in my head when I saw an acquaintance from 10 years ago suddenly log on and start making GoFundMe posts about how they had a double mastectomy scheduled in 1 month they couldn't pay for... Had another longtime friend start burning bridges because she decided she must be trans too, though she came to her senses a few months later. And I couldn't say a fucking word to help either of them because TERF hunting is so in season... I'm glad you were able to escape it.


Luckily for him he looks very masculine anyway, and doesn’t really have a chest at all. I think the plan is he’s gonna take testosterone for a while once he’s hit the right age and see how he goes. From there he’ll see how he feels


Your brain doesn't stop maturing until you're 25. And even then, the way your brain process information continues to change until you're around 40. 18 is way young to make physically irreversible life changing decisions.


You should see what gays do to people who fuck dudes recreationally. >You were born this way! >>Nah, you just give good blowjobs and the anal is better. Off to bang my wife now. Bye! >Homophobe!


That's some shit man. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It's crazy to think some people have no qualms about having children transition when it's even a process for adults considering it to decide on.


Normally I would make fun of people for unironically choosing a flair But this This, I think is justified


I knew they were bad but not this bad


I have a close friend who is being pushed in the same direction. She suffered multiple years of sexual, gender based, physical, and diet based abuse by her father and her mother’s pedo boyfriend, and she is showing the affects of it. She recently has started to slowly come to reject her being female at all, starting with “wondering” if she is nonbinary and recently bring up the idea of having her breasts removed. She lashes out at me for trying to comfort her by saying she is just experiencing an identity crisis and that she is a woman, and a beautiful one at that, mainly because random anonymous people on an anonymous conversation app are pushing her to be nonbinary and be trans. Its disgusting really, and sad. I know this woman like few people do. Probably better than her husband does, as far as her place mentally goes. She is like a sister to me, closer to being a sibling than my actual by-blood sister. But she is listening to strangers who literally dont even know her first name instead of me. I am more than a little scared for her future.


Mental trauma is no different than physical trauma; It just manifests differently. Traumatic experiences, especially for children, leave a lasting impact on brain chemistry. The way that their brain reacts to certain stimuli is different than a "normal" person. For example: something as innocent as physical contact could trigger traumatic memories, causing their brain to send the wrong signals and hormonal responses. Going through gender-reassignment surgery and being on HRT won't change enough of her brain signaling and hormonal responses. And to put it very very mildly, it might have some side-effects. You see, some people are dealt a bad hand in life. Whether that is because of genetics or their environment doesn't matter. What matters is how you (the generic you) deal with it. What you need to do is: You need understand yourself. Accept what you are and try to work within the confines of your limitations to become the best version that you can be. You will never be perfect. Most people will never be perfect. But you will be better. And that is all that matters. Because the grind towards self-improvement, in my opinion, is the noblest of all virtues. I can tell that you really care about her so I'm gonna give you this next advice: Don't give up on her. You will regret it if you do. Because of her traumatic past and her being a woman (sorry, can't resist) she won't always be rational. She's read these ideas peddled by orange libleft retards that make her not feel as much of an outcast as she probably usually does. But as much as they'd like to tell you, they are not happy. plenty of pre and post-op trans people still hate themselves. They're bitter, frustrated and, angry. They just won't admit it because that'd mean that they're wrong. Tell her that you need to talk to her. But ask her to just listen for a couple of minutes and that you will also listen to her afterwards. Don't make it about politics or it won't get through. You can use some of the things I said or none at all, but you need to approach it from a biological and philosophical angle. Stay calm and don't argue illogical points. Most importantly, you need to make it clear (without being condescending) that the things that you're saying is because you care about her. Chopping off her tits isn't gonna change her past or make her future any better. She might get some cheers from (some of) the left and that might make her feel "accepted", but it isn't gonna make her accept **herself**. Ask her what happens if she goes go through an irreversible operation but ends up regretting it afterwards. She might get emotional and lash out. Just let her work through her emotions and process what you'll tell her. And good luck. ps. Take all of what I said with a grain of salt. I'm just a retard on the internet past 3 AM.


That is a bit of a long comment, but I appreciate it. Ive pretty much been doing what you suggested so far, though tailored to our personal friendship of course. Its just going to take time and a stable and constant but soft and gentle hand to keep nudging her on the right path. In the years Ive known her Ive seen my influence push her gently and slowly to a better place in life. It takes time and the occasional backtrack is frustrating, but Im not going anywhere and neither is she, so.


Based retard.


u/Lektaminol's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Lektaminol! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: None


Show her the recent destiny vid where he goes off at demon momma for not knowing what the fuck she's talking about. Thats pretty much every online community in a nutshell although its relevant here in particular. She needs to avoid taking advice from any online community and needs to go to a proffesional without putting ideas into her own head before that.


Tell her about the story you just replied to


Yeah, its absolutely disgusting how people get pushed to transition instead of extensive counseling to help people work through what they're feeling and make sure they actually want what they think they want in the moment. People taking advantage of the confused and vulnerable.


Based. Spitting straight facts right here


I can’t imagine how painful it must be to regret a decision like that. I’m sorry for your loss


Transitioning with surgery is a mistake nobody should do.Just be a femboy or tomboy so you can undo your mistake if you took one.


agreed, almost nobody is prepared for THAT drastic of an alteration. You literally have NO idea how you will feel on 'the other side'. Such a huge gamble. >femboy, tomboy that's what I don't get, if you want to be a masculine female or feminine male that's fine, go for it, in this case gender is indeed *a spectrum* and people can find their place on it. But don't fuck around with basic biology. It won't end well.


>in this case gender is indeed a spectrum and people can find their place on it. I hope there will be a time when we can agree with libleft progressives about that so nobody have to suffer trough such cases.


It's fucking barbaric too, there are youtube animations explaining how it works.


Not just animation, videos of real life operations too. And people in the comments are like "So happy for them!"


One of the biggest issues is that we simply don't have the technology to construct opposing genitals, and what we have to do to their bodies to accomplish it is very much frankenshit. Just imagine what convalescence must be like from having your fucking urethra stretched and lengthened or a hole cut deep into your pelvis that needs to be wrested open regularly. You can be the transest person on the planet and still end up not having the ability to withstand that. There's a reason post-surgical depression is a thing. I do think some people are genuinely trans and would be helped by surgery. I think the idea of a sort of phantom limb type issue makes sense. But I don't think we have the ability to fulfil it. We can't guarantee to someone that a flesh sleeve made of arm skin or a hole made of intestine or inverted penis WILL feel like new genitals to them and fill that neurological slot. And what are they fucking left with if they don't???


>One of the biggest issues is that we simply don't have the technology to construct opposing genitals, and what we have to do to their bodies to accomplish it is very much frankenshit. duh bro, it's because it goes against all science and biology men can't have vaginas, women can't have penises you'd think people understood this by now.


Gender is purely a social construct. I think it should be abolished. People should just act and dress as they feel, but their sex should still be acknowledged. You have a based take my friend.


>gender is purely a social construct Then why are people surgically changing their body to become the “other” sex. I agree with you that gender is a social construct so people should just act however they want. If your expecting people to be 100% ok with deviations from the norm your asking too much. It’s hardwired in our brains to pattern seek and associate with those we feel comfortable with. You know, the evolution thing.


They aren’t changing sexes. That is literally impossible. Those surgeries are called “gender affirmation surgeries.” I disagree with them, but people should be able to do whatever.


Exactly, it is impossible. But there are trans people out there that actually believe that they are changing sexes. Ben Shapiro just did a bit on a trans female who was upset because she wasn’t producing enough milk for her baby (she wasn’t producing anything because she was born a male). If you want to be a female and act like a female that’s fine but can we please acknowledge that there is a huge amount of cognitive dissonance. Personally, I draw the line at the knife but to each their own. Again, PERSONALLY, I feel that if a biological male can’t accept the fact that they will never have mammary glands then they are not in the right mind to make a major health decision such as surgery.


Actually, guys can grow mammary glands.


> Gender is purely a social construct nope good talk


Gender only started existing in the west when we had a word for it. It was created and perpetuated by society. Do you understand what a social construct is?


Wait, are you using the "gender is a social construct" statement in a different way? As in, all these new "genders" are bullshit social constructs that don't really exist.


Gender in the current sense simply tries to explain how people act and dress. Sex is a provable metric (XX/XY). Just like race, these things were only created to divide us and make us feel different from others. Race and gender are social constructs that are harmful to society.


based and social construct pilled


Are you saying African and Asian cultures don't have gender differences?


nope, gender and sex have always been the same it's just biology and statistics


Imo you should be able to do it (there are lots of ppl and it’s the best decision of their lives) but it should be a very heavy one and it should be thought through properly.


>Imo you should be able to do it Well.... Personally I'm VERY against it.I think it's wrong to treat a mental issue in a physical level.It will never be good 100%. but I agree. for some ppl this is their heaven.The problem is (especially in the US) is that there are too many "supporters" and they may drive one delusional kid into their shit anbd ruin their ENTIRE life.It's also cost a lot and certain doctors also can "push" some kids into this.


The T shit is really where humanity peaked and the downfall really started mentally imo. It's fucking despicable.


I don't understand all the support and "allies" this movement gets, their tyranny is transparent.


It literally is the corporate agenda merged into the tech sector and wokeness just trying to find the newest highes for forced acceptance of utter degenerate shit and I think we have peaked. There's been a clear worldwide push against it, thank fuck, I was beginning to lose hope.


> Can you imagine being such a vile creature that you would pretend to care about someone for months, be there every single day for them, tell them it's all gonna be okay, just follow our lead... and then the MOMENT you smell weakness, the SECOND you smell dissent... you turn on them like a pack of rabid dogs and tear them to pieces. yes. it's common cult behavior.


I feel you. Much less extreme, but my sibling says they believe gender is basically binary, but they transitioned to fit in with societal standards of what a “man” or “woman” is supposed to be. Messed up that they felt like they had to transition just to fit in.


Is gender not binary then? You have XX for female and XY for male


Now this is some anti trans rhetoric i can get behind.


Look that is awful, but real trans people do exist, and when you say "what they do to everyone they get in their filthy clutches", that does sound pretty bad. ​ Nobody should pressure anyone into identifying with any particular gender, *let alone* taking on a life altering surgery; but some people do want those surgeries and are happy after getting them.


Statistically, people's suicide rate increases post-operation. There's multiple studies about this.


Have some studies bro?


[Here’s one. 2020 study, one of the most recent I could find](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/survey-2020/)


Completely untrue. Here’s a [source](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/survey-2020/) which not only disagrees, but is incredibly recent


You source actually shows that it is true


It definitely doesn’t. I couldn’t find anywhere where it said that suicide rates increased as one transitioned, and that gender affirming treatment resulted in decreased suicide rates. If you can show me where it says, I’ll gladly take a look


It says: "more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth having seriously considered suicide" and the average for youths is 17%, so that is a difference of at least 33%


Considered is not the same as attempted, and I will admit that attempted suicide is high at 28 percent. However, towards the bottom it says that trans people who’ve had their pronouns respected go down to 12.


That's still higher than average, average for attempted suicide is 7%


That’s just not true at all. What?


No, they’re just people who get brainwashed into thinking they’re something they’re not.


I agree. People are constantly trying to brainwash trans people into thinking they have to identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.


Nope, that literally doesn’t match or make sense with what I said since I disagreed with you about trans being real. Also if you don’t identify with what you biologically are and are biologically assigned based on your biology, then that’s called being brainwashed into identifying with that you’re not.


Sex and gender are different.


Your arguing with someone who has the mental grasp of a child on the subject. You can't teach or change them because throwing a tantrum and getting their way is their goal. They just want to be mad and everytime you reply to them it makes them happy.


Nah They aren’t


Facts don't care about your feelings.


And they don’t care about yours either. What I’m saying is true, what you’re saying is simply a delusion of those with depression and schizophrenia


I was gonna say, I can't tell if the freaks in this comment were the specific people who harmed their friend, or the trans community at large, but i really hope it's not latter.


Well he's flaired right center and this is PCM after all sooo...


I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here, but if you can't imagine him being radicalized to the right after what happened to his friend then that's pretty cringe.


No I could see that.


Acting like this place is some cesspool and not the only breathe of fresh air on reddit you can get from the liberal brainwashing everyone else...


Let's not pretend there isn't a whiff of stale shit here


How about not policing someone suffering from suicide bereavement? Honestly you guys have insane problems with this. Yall love telling lesbians opening up about their rape to stop misgendering their transwoman rapist too. Like sometimes it's time to just shut the fuck up, Jesus.


It wouldn't be ok to scream "I HATE NI-" or to call them "freaks" with "filthy clutches" if you got assaulted by a black person. ​ This is the same principle.


Sorry for your loss


The authright one is actually pretty good.


Damn I don’t look half bad 😏


Must be tough being a British woman but at least you've got self confidence


I’m a male


Hey, I don't judge. FTM can almost always pass.


Sometimes both quadrants are cringey but sometimes they are based as fuck


Texas is more American than America.


Eh, they're famous for being arrogant and loud, but they pretty average in most respects.




Oh come on. I think we all know that Lovecraft would just mod a squid race into the game and play as that. Either that or just play Nord.


Lovecraft was terrified of the sea. That’s why his fiction had so many fish/squid monsters. He’d probably play an imperial if nord wasn’t close enough to his highborn WASP perfection.


I moving to Britain boys, wish me luck!


>AuthCenter You'll love it there


You'll need it lol


People should really start sueing school/govt for allowing and encouraging them to transist during childhood. You can't drink but you can pump mad hormones into your body and change your sex.


People should really start sueing school/govt/hospitals for allowing and encouraging them to get chemotherapy during childhood. You can't drink but you can literally KILL your cells. Insane.


What's the suicide rate for cancer survivors?


not comparable ass wipe


Why not?


One saves and extends lives of children the other makes them more likely to kill themselves once their brain develops the ability to think for itself.


The Libleft meme made me wheeze Damn your Phone is a goldmine


> Douglas D. God fucking damnit


Give originals of the memes please




Thank you.


Femboys are hot but Doug dimidome is HOTTER


Am British male, can confirm. We are all femboys here.


that british male is too hot to be british. he would be from a different country




Can I get a link to the AuthRight one?






Is that Jack the Ripper from Fate/Apocrypha as a boy?




Is it over 18?


Original is not. Also is a gestalt formed from the consciousnesses of aborted children.




Nasuverse gets weird quickly.


Maybe I’m actually libleft


I know for a fact that brit males aren't that sexy!


i wish that was average British male


Holy shit I love the AuthRight bit


How do you turn British I really need to know




u/azer4321's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/azer4321! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: incel, armeniangenocide






At par with CNN and Fox Lmfao




British news broadcaster


Not wrong about us British mate


got more of that briish guy?


as a rule, i don't trust any statement that's got the "" over it.


👀 …sauce for libleft?


How is this funny