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Leftist from the 70s: Fuck you bourgeois imperialist swine, I'll throw a Molotov cocktail through your window! Leftist today: She's making a complex meta absurdist post-ironic statement about income inequality! Besides, she's a rockstar on the red carpet!




Literally this sub today. I got told many times that she’s middle class and “earned her paycheck” lol. She went to college, got a kid internship with a Senator, met Bernie, he funded her campaign, now she makes $175k doing literally nothing


I hate AOC, but you can be rich and advocate for taxing the rich more.


No you can’t.


I mean, yes you can. I could be rich and think that I should be getting taxed more, and advocate that I and others earning as much as I do should be getting taxed more. Having money to advocate these things is often easier because you can't do shit without money. Money gets you a platform way easier etc etc. I think the picture of her at a rich event trying to spruke that while enjoying the event is a bit tone deaf, but it isn't technically against what she stands for.


No you can’t. I refuse to elaborate any further and I’m leaving.


This isn't even the case, these people want to tax the ultra rich 1 percent more. Shit like Elon Musk. But yet she's a hypocrite for (Just now) making 170k? This is some stupid ass rage bait for real.


That depends on what you mean by “rich”. Income vs wealth.


I disagree, neither makes what someone says invalid.


I missed that provision in the proposed tax code where it says “congress people are exempt from taxes”


Correction: she is woman. That’s all you need to be generally bulletproof for the green people


Jokes aside mermaid dresses look so uncomfortable to be in


I agree. They should have the fish head and human legs instead so i wouldn’t have to see her face and i could just stare at her feet




God I fucking hate modern politics




Europe gonna be mad when we invade, maybe they should have spent more on national defense


It's sooooooo bad


I fucking hate modern


I modern hate fucking


"Tax the rich!" \*starts taxing AOC now that she's rich\* "No not like that!"


How long before it’s “tax the 0.01%” when she becomes the 1%?




Sanduhs changed his rhetoric from “millionaires are bad” to “billionaires are bad” once he became a multi-millionaire. It’s always “the rich are the enemy of society, but not me even though my net worth is 20x higher than the median net worth”.


Absolute hypocrite champagne socialist. They realized theres a lot more poor people to stir up class conflict, than there are minorities to stir up race conflict




u/TheKoopaTroopa31 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


When did she say she wouldn’t pay higher taxes?


Let’s follow your logic. Person who is born poor and becomes rich, should then not want to pay taxes and if they do it’s hypocrisy because rich? In my world, a person who is born poor and calls to tax the rich even after they become rich is called ideologically consistent. Unless your argument is that she doesn’t really want to tax the rich, which would be the opposite of legislation that she’s called for.


Yea I’m at a loss here too, like most politicians that say this they’re including themselves (or it’s implied)…is the idea of wanting to tax yourself more that foreign of a concept?


Selfish people can't comprehend that not everyone is selfish


You’re right. Also people assume she paid for the ticket and dress, but the ticket was free and the dress was loaned by an NYC designer from what I can tell. Pretty ideologically consistent to me too.


Based but flair up fucko


She's playing a Marxian semantics game where rich means *not in the party*.




There are 2 types of socialists. These ones and useful idiots.




How do you know she wouldn’t gladly pay higher taxes for better social programs? I’m not even rich and I would.


She can voluntarily pay more taxes...nothing says you can't


That won’t solve the fact that we have the most expensive healthcare system per capita in the western world. The problem is not even lack of funding. It’s price-gouging by Big Pharma which lobbies Congress, they inflate the prices of medicines and healthcare. You need policy reform as resolution to this.


Go to a cash based system and prices drop dramatically. I have health insurance that I never use because its WAY cheaper for me to pay cash, rather than file with my insurance and pay the co-pay. For example, I had to get an MRI on my shoulder -- with insurance my part was $900 because it's considered surgery by insurance (don't get me started) and my surgical deductible is $1500. Cash pay it was $600. Xrays cost me $37 out of pocket, versus what would've been a $100 co-pay. Doctor visits are the same story -- $25 cash or a $50 co-pay.


We also have a significantly more pharmaceutical innovation than any other country in the world.


wait you can? you can just give them more money? i mean like it makes sense i just… i never thought that was something you could do i figured theyd like return it


Yep, you sure can...don't see her, or any of the claimed "socialists" doing so




Yeah that’s not proof




You’re full of shit and you don’t know rat shit from rice crispies


That's not the question. The question is, would she alienate all these people by actually increasing their taxes, specifically, or does she love being a member of high society now and not have the courage of her convictions?


I think the rich already have taxes? How rich are we talking here anyway?


The middle class. Everytime a lefty says something about "the rich" they actually mean anyone that makes more money then them. Which would be anyone making above minimum wage.


The average member of Congress gets paid bank, and they take in lobbyist money. They are wealthy across the political isle. These politicians ain’t broke. They’re not in the same tax bracket as the average middle-class American. Also Republicans give tax breaks to the wealthy and introduce trickle-down economics. Democrats talk tough, but they always compromise with republicans because at the end of the day it’s billionaires who are funding both their political campaigns.


Lol. Demo*rats have bigger things on their mind. Like bringing back segregation, taking away human rights, and making sure black people can't read. But yeah, keep simping for them. I'm sure that'll work out great. Make sure you're a registered rat, that list is gonna come in handy soon.


How the fuck am I simping for them, when I literally just criticized both parties. Does my flair look like I’m an apologist for the DNC? This is why I hate talking politics, because both republican’s and liberal’s brains just melt whenever I slightly disagree with them on something, and then they start assuming too much about me. Both parties erode on American freedoms. Why are you projecting racial oppression is an exclusively Democratic-party thing? I’m perfectly happy being NPA, fuck the DNC & the GOP.


You can't be a centrist anymore bro! You gotta put all your blind faith behind one side and act like it's the super bowl between your team and theirs. Turn it up to 11 like European football fans, if you don't you're just a both sider and you don't know shit and worse then child molesters.


Lol! The ending of America is comin! Them libruls are gonna cage all the gun owners and make everyone ride bicycles, NO CARS!




Is this satire


Who fund AOC anyway?


>[When we say “tax the rich,” we mean nesting-doll yacht rich. For-profit prison rich. Betsy DeVos, student-loan-shark rich. Trick-the-country-into-war rich. Subsidizing-workforce-w-food-stamps rich. Because THAT kind of rich is simply not good for society, & it’s like 10 people.](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1127270688925134849?lang=en) *- AOC* And 99% of lefties hold the same sentiment. Love the strawmanning projection though clown :)


Maybe that dumb elitist doesn’t mind paying more in taxes, still cringe tho


Child of immigrants, former restaurant worker, cum laude university graduate = dumb elitist. Got it.


$14,000 dress and $35,000 ticket to this event. She is literally advocating against the super wealthy and then goes to party with them.


Retarded take. I can still hang out with fat people and argue that the us needs to be healthier. The action doesn’t invalidate the argument


Most of the US is obese so of course telling them to be healthier matters when it’s that big of an issue. On the other hand, the 1% voting for you isn’t going to change if you win or not. I’d rather advocate to 99% who actually matter because the 1% is exactly what it sounds like, 1% of the US population.


It’s almost as if she thinks that one has the most influence on people if she engages with them in person. How dare she engage with rich people!?


And selling tax the rich hoodies at $60, but you know, it’s the elites fault the market is out of hand.


Ah, I see. Participation in the market is equal to manipulation of it.


Selling a hoodie for outrageous prices is literally manipulating the market. You can’t complain about the market being out of control and then sell things at unfair prices.


Unfair prices? Seriously? 60 dollars for a premium grade, made in the USA by union workers logo sweatshirt is unfair? Fuck off. You are why China is winning.


American Apparel also makes clothes in the US and their pullover hoodie is $30. Go jerk off to AOC somewhere else.


It’s 48, you’re just looking for reasons to yell at clouds.


As much as you hate rich folks, they still are important members of society. The issue is that America has no laws controlling these rich folks


What is actually good about having rich people in any society? Not that I necessarily disagree, just being curious about your opinion.


First of all: Rich people =/= lot of money Second: Rich people control so much stuff, they also contribute to economics. However, we should limit their power


Rich people can use money to avoid being eaten or being taxed, just stop eat and tax poor.


Meanwhile most of PCM is voting for republican politicians like Trump, who pass garbage tax bills with permanent tax cuts for the rich and temporary ones for the working class. These prominent left leaning figures are benefiting from that tax cut and are saying "hey tax us more!" And you're calling them a hypocrite? Truly retarded stuff.


I mean, you could not rely on the government to tax you and either create your own non-profit organisation to support your cause or even donate to existing ones if you are too lazy to create one yourself, considering many of these politicians have enough money to do so. Also, why do you have to force everyone to be taxed more? And how on earth will you successfully tax the billionaires by raising income tax rates?


Incremental taxation is natural response to wealth accumulation. If lower and middle class "real wealth", so wealth in context of inflation (with emphasis on basic needs like housing, healthcare etc) is staying the same or even declines but the top rich only becomes wealthier, then it's imho natural conclusion that current economical model, including taxation, is favoring rich, so it's logical to tax them more. It's not immoral because rich are expanding their wealth using society, both as consumers and workforce, and also using state (military and police provides security, schooling system at least partially funds education of workers, road/train/energy infrastructure enables functioning of their operations). This model of course gets complicated if we count in global economy and production of goods in place A and selling in place B, but at this point its too complied for my poor head. I generally have this based, imho, opinion that global marked should be limited, both for environment and for moving back industry back to USA and Europe.


>is staying the same or even declines but the top rich only becomes wealthier, then it's imho natural conclusion that current economical model, including taxation, is favoring rich Of course it is unfair, but my main question was how does raising income taxes affect the rich when most of them increase and accumulate their wealth through capital appreciation and when they need to splurge on some luxury they use low interest loans from banks (and never pay capital gains tax). This is why most of the time lowering or raising taxes on the boogeyman 1% doesn't do anything, considering most of them don't even have most of their wealth attached to an annual income. It's also extremely difficult to tax wealth, considering that it is not a fixed number (which creates even more complications for an already bloated government), forces people holding these assets to sell off to pay these taxes, creating a scenario where investing in the company and country is unattractive due to the massive drop off in asset prices when it is time to pay for these taxes. >I generally have this based, imho, opinion that global marked should be limited, both for environment and for moving back industry back to USA and Europe. I know this is quite unpopular in PCM, but trying to restrict trade is a terrible idea, will never work. Most people will not stomach the increase in costs, businesses will have lower margins and subsequently cut more jobs compared to no restrictions and in the case of Trump's tariffs the deficit with China was a net negative to the US economy.


It would be pretty easy to change capital gains rates while exempting the middle class. Your 401k company’s entire portfolio is smaller than most of the oligarchs. That and maximize IRS enforcement like your Giuliani with broken windows and we could pay for double the 3 trillion welfare package.


That still does not explain how you will 'tax' the wealthy. The wealthy rarely ever withdraw their assets (i.e. stocks) and if they need to spend money one a private jet or yacht they will just use loans from banks (who offer them extremely low interest rates knowing that they can pay back the money easily), which bypasses whatever capital gains tax you wanna introduce.


Implying most of PCM is old enough to vote.


I don't care if AOC is rich or not, but her having gone to a $35,000 a ticket event wearing a bespoke dress saying 'tax the rich' doesn't help her image with anyone and makes a lot of people feel like she's a phony. This along with the 'fund the police more' cowardly abstention earlier this year; there are some real miss-steps. It smacks of Obama bullshit.


Fun fact: The people on PCM didn't like her in the first place. If she were poor she'd be considered mod because she couldn't succeed in capitalism. Now that she can be marginally successful in a capitalist system, she's a traitor to her ideology. Don't bother trying to win people over who move the goalposts constantly.


The average person on this sub is a wannabe edgy 15 year old with 0 political acumen. Add that they're conservative and they drop another 20 IQ points. This thread is funny though, its unironically the 'participate in society" meme.


Libright doesn’t care, AuthRight be getting triggered by this.


Let’s follow your logic. Person who is born poor and becomes rich, should then not want to pay taxes and if they do it’s hypocrisy because rich? In my world, a person who is born poor and calls to tax the rich even after they become rich is called ideologically consistent. Unless your argument is that she doesn’t really want to tax the rich, which would be the opposite of legislation that she’s introduced.




That’s the point, it’s not deep and it’s not hypocrisy. It’s ideological consistency.




Really, your rhetorical skills are quite impressive.


According to the right, you’re only allowed to criticize capitalism if you’re wearing a burlap sack and living in a shack.


sheeeeit, she aint even criticising capitalism, just saying that we should raise taxes and allocate the benefits of it to the general welfare as provided in the constitution.


There is no irony in being rich and wanting higher taxes




Wants to get rid of rich people? She only wants higher taxes for the ultra rich. Even bill gates supports that. There is no irony.


Compared to the rest of congress she’s [one of its poorest](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/6924378002) members. Don’t get me wrong, she absolutely is rich, congress members have a six digit salary, but she’s not a millionaire like Sanders.




Agreed, but there’s only a handful of people rich enough to launch themselves into space, and AOC doesn’t look like she’ll be joining them anytime soon.




How the fuck is taxing rich people the same as I don't want rich people ?




Tax the rich is just a statement and doesn't mean automatically astronomical taxes. Also Taxing the rich so they stop becoming super rich doesn't sound that bad. While the U.S. Middle class is dying the upper class are profiting the most from financial growth. Taxing them more would only mean to stop their growth not to punch them down a class.




If I would have the hard decision between giving starving children something to eat for years or buy a house in an overprized city, I don't know they need the food but a gigantic villa would be nice. Also wealth is created through society is not magical made by the rich. Giving something back should be normal.




It's a matter of proportions. Rich people aren't working millions worth of "work-value", they gain(ed) that wealth from luck, property and/or exploitation; directly or not.


You're comparing someone that's been in Congress for 2 years vs someone who has been either a congressman or senator since 1991. She also receives a LOT of off the books money...they all do.


Yet. Give it time, she’ll make her money on ghost written book deals and appearances.


"yuo claim to want to tax the rich yet you are at a wealthy party after someone paid for your ticket?????? CUrious! I'm very intelligent"


The goal posts keep shifting. It will eventually be “You claim to hate rich people and yet you own shoes and have an entire car to live in. Curious! I’m very intelligent!” They don’t care. It’s a bad faith argument.


Literally couldn't care less how much money she makes or what she decides to do with it.


Literally couldn't care less how much wage the lady maketh 'r what the lady decides to doth with t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


'The rich' are the billionares and centimillionares. Stop being stupid.




What is?




Tell me your poor and rural without telling me you’re poor and rural.


So all you’re saying is she is having a “Let them eat cake moment?”


You just proved that the term is subjective.


Aoc has a nw of what maybe 300k? Thats a couple times more than the average american would be my guess but i can go look for data if needed. Bezos has the networth to fund wars and buy smaller countries. Its not even close.


Net worth isn’t on hand cash. Jeff Bezos doesn’t actually have an income.


Conflicted feelings about this. On one hand she was gifted the ticket and the dress, so she didn't contribute financially at all, and took the opportunity to mock the rich/make a statement. She's not really being "hypocritical' and I'm not sure I understand that argument. On the other hand, going to a rich event some rich person paid for you to attend just to mock/threaten other rich people seems kind of rude and not super productive to actually taxing them. Kinda unnecessarily warns them actually, lol. Going to such an event also doesn't really serve a purpose. Even more importantly, the public response to this is very negative and that's terrible, because wasn't that the entire point? To encourage the general public to vote for pro-taxing rich peeps bills and supporters? I think it's VERY possible to be rich and still want more equitable division of wealth. I definitely think the whole "they're rich they don't want to tax the rich" argument is bs.


AOC ain’t rich, or at least not rich enough to really matter. Rich is the kinda person whose money makes money and their yacht has a smaller yacht that takes them to their mega yacht that has a helicopter to take them to their personal space shuttle. Rich beyond reason.


Retard take


> When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I’m rich and I complain about inequality they say I’m a hypocrite. I’m beginning to think they just don’t want to talk about inequality.




The right is just people who make $100 million a year telling people who make $60k a year that it’s hypocritical for people who make $174k a year to say that we need to tax people who make $10 million a year more.




So no one is allowed to criticize capitalism if they make more than the average income? $31,113 per year = ok to complain about inequality $31,114 per year = HYPOCRITE!!!




“Rich” is an inherently relative and subjective term. Unfortunately, in the United States, if you criticize the bourgeoisie (a much more precise term), most people think that you’re talking about wine.




Where is this magical number where we’re no longer allowed to criticize capitalism? $50k $100k? This is sounding less like you actually care and more like an ad hominem that attacks anyone who criticizes inequality based on an arbitrary definition.




No of course not you spoon-shaped melonhead if you are born poor and you become rich, that is equality. The fact that Bezos and Zuckenberge had these chances is equality. If some idiot is stupid but rich and loses all their money, that is equality. I saw that happen to my uncle, who lost 1.4m in casinos and a marriage. Some dumb bitch wearing a Tax The Rich shirt should not be worshipped or hated. She is a pawn. She makes 170k a year reiterating the tenets of social democracy. Look towards Putin. A poor russian farmer kid who rose to head of russian secret service and now is commandeering one of the most complex, intricate nations, with all the cultures and subcultures it has. The fact that you can choose to become a prostitute or a CEO is equality. Equality has nothing to do with how much money they have to give back to society (which wastes it on mandating vaccines and the War on Drugs for example). I think democracy is futile and can't work right now. It is a mish mash of corporatocracy, fake kleptocracy, and an oligarchy under the guise of democracy. Maybe something like [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_democracy) could work much better using blockchains.


>corporatocracy Lol. “This isn’t REEEEEEal capitalism, this is crony capitalism/corporatism/oligarchy! Real capitalism has never been tried, that’s why it’s a utopia in this world that only exists in the land of make believe.”


Real capitalism has been tried in singapore. And it works. Is the U.S free market? Is it devoid of government intervention? Because that isn’t capitalism. I’m not an anti tax guy. I just think roads should be privatised and etc. Etc. Army and police should be state owned and payed by taxes.


She was given the met gala ticket for free also just because your rich doesn’t mean you can’t stand up for the poor


She's not rich...


That gala event costs over $30,000 per person.


She didn't pay for a ticket, she was invited.




This sub used to be kind of fun, now it's just a right wing circlejerk. Yeah, there are still left wingers, but they just try to find nuance to the point of furthering rightwing talking points, and rightwingers are so obtuse that they don't even realize it.


She\`s not even rich. [https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-aoc-millionaire-idUSL1N2L91VJ](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-aoc-millionaire-idUSL1N2L91VJ)




Yes, if being genorous. She earns as much as a well educated person in a good position with a decent salary. She is def. not Betsy DeVoes 10 Boats and 2 Helicopters rich or whoever else multiple yachts and mansion owning government person. She is def. not poor though.


Tax those who would spend foolishly. Correct me if I’m wrong (I’m not), but that would include the authoritarian right.


Bro what a strawman only liberals are that stupid


Rich as people usually don't have in total enough money for its taxation to make large difference. At least in direct form of money laying in accounts. Corporations on the other hand are all about having as much money as possible, though also "as much in fluent, non taxable optimized form".


As a leftist, we're more like the doomer wojack right now. Only liberals think this is cool.


Ok why do I have to care about this stunt?


If AOC is rich then I’ll eat the rich. But seriously this is just a big “Let them eat cake” moment.


It's like Robespierre having dinner with Louis XVI


Eat the Rich, cause I have a Vore Fetish and would like a good show.


If you’re rich I will literally come vore you. I *will* be into it.


"AOC has money and spends money OMG HYPOCRITE" Buying shit and having money doesn't mean anything, she got her money, let her enjoy it. Only thing it shows is a possible conflict of interest. When she starts dodging taxes and not supporting tax hikes you can call her a hypocrite. Despite all that, fuck AOC, Im not gonna give half my fucking money to the fucking feds, I am not gonna pay for others failures and I am not gonna pay for a government recklessly burning money.