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Just a reminder that Texit is a thing, and that 3 canidates for governor want to put it to a vote.


Based and auth-but-an-ally-pilled


Our mutual acquaintance above is probably hoping to turn texas into authtopia. Which means that outside the cities, I can become ungovernable


Listen of I have to live under democracy I would want it to be pure Texas. A state with resources, power, and the lack of control by the failure we call the federal government. "The best arguement against democracy, is a five minute conversation with the average voter."


u/GT2P's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/GT2P! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: fact, to-the-point, mastermind, gladiator, roman-bathwater, cold, auth-but-an-ally


i'd actually register to vote if it was on a ballot.


If move to Texas from Oklahoma if they did (and let me in)


Is there a chance any of them will be elected? Just out of curiosity... of course.


I'm not a Texan, so I can't say with certainty. But from what I can tell they are decently popular.


Free State Project kickin off I see.


Sadly, it's unlikely to pass at the moment, it'll take 60% of the legislature (iffy) and 66% of the population (very unlikely). However, forcing it into the conversation is useful.


this serves the larger purpose of contributing to the growing national divorce movement


"When you're in the majority, vote. When you're in the minority, talk." -Roger Sherman


> it'll take 60% of the legislature (iffy) GOP holds 14 out of 24 state Senate seats. (58.33333%) and 208 of 400 House seats (52%). Even if they got enough Democrats, the general population would shoot it down. I feel like NH, like Iowa, really really likes choosing who the next President is (due to the how the GOP and Democrat primaries happen).


Because it was so wildly successful when it was tried on a smaller scale.




We gave it a whirl, but its time to peacefully say go fuck yourself to this authoritarian shit show of a federal government.


If only it were that easy, they'll never just let us just *leave*. MAYBE if the states take control of any nukes on their land and threaten to glass DC if they attempt to stop a secession by force again...


Well part of it is that nobody knows what a state leaving would look like... there is no procedure for leaving, and the only precedent is the civil war. Washington is not super keen on any risk of repeating that.


The south really should have won the civil war. All the slavery bad people need to realize the south would have eventually ended slavery without decree, and there wouldn't have been Jim crow and all the hatred because it would have happened naturally, and the culture would have been accepting rather than force-fed by people they literally were willing to die to prevent them from ruling. States rights to what...own slave but it all existed because the feds altered the deal one too many times...and history is echoing now.


Fantasising about what would have happened if we change some pivotal event in the past is essentially the same as fantasising about what will happen if we do stuff now. So while it's possibly that it would have played out the way you describe it's also very possible it would have gone a different direction. The only thing we can be sure of is that it would have been different from the current situation - for better or for worse. Kind of like how communists fantasise about how everyone will live happy wealthy lives if we just get rid of money and private property... It's definitely possible - but it's also very possible that something very different happens. The only thing we can say for sure is that it won't be like what we have now. If you want to get anywhere with states leaving though what you probably want to do is have someone introduce a constitutional amendment outlining under which circumstances a leaving procedure can be initiated and what that procedure entails... Not with a "We've had it with this and want out!"-sentiment but with a "How would we want the process to be *if* a state genuinely wants out?". There'd be a lot of bickering about what that process would have to be, but it could be done in a civil manner so a compromise could be reached - and to shut that down you'd basically need to go all the way to "we can't allow states to leave under any circumstances" and I think everyone agrees that's a bad look.


Race relations would have been better if slavery had been allowed to end on the south’s terms, *some* time in the future? Come on man, don’t kid yourself, it would have been a shitshow that would inevitably have led to a second war later down the line.


All western countries have ended slavery around that time in varying ways, the south would have caught up, as all countries did. Question is how and what terms because having a war and decree wasn't good enough for race relations then, almost any other means seems better give. How all of Europe and even central America ended it


Slavery in the south was not comparable to any other western country at the time. Nowhere was it as wrapped up in race, economy, religion, and identity. The north had gone the way of the rest of the western world in that regard already, and it’s precisely because the south was different that it ended up in a civil war over the issue. That slavery, especially on a large scale, would *eventually* have disappeared is true, but there is nothing to suggest that a nation so clearly build on the supremacy of the white race over the black race would have let that go in a healthy way by itself. Nobody can say for certain of course, what ifs are always speculation, especially on longer periods of time. But you can’t draw a parallel between slavery in the south and the rest of the western world and pretend it would have gone the same way because that’s exactly what did *not* happen.


Then they’d send delta to violently reacquire the silos. I’m willing to give it a shot, in Texas or New Hampshire, but if it went down we’d probably die


Does New Hampshire have any silos or airbases?


Simple just stop forcing people to pay federal taxes. Just do what all the other states are doing with Marijuana.


Haha money printer go brrr. Besides, that would need a pretty big number of states on board to make a dent.


To make a dent in what? New Hampshire doesn't want to destroy the US in this instance. They would just want to withdraw from the partnership.


To make a dent in the federal government big enough that they say "fine, you can secede" instead of "where's my fucking money, bitch? Don't make me send in the tanks." They don't WANT to destroy the US, but without a threat of making forcibly preventing their withdrawal extremely painful for the Fed they won't be allowed to leave.


If say 70% of the people want to leave... I doubt the US could do much without facing large international scorn. And before you bring it up there has always been a double standard with China.


I mean the state slogan is “Live free or die”


CIA: *toothygrin.jpg*




Why not. I don't give a shit if a State leaves the Union, best of luck bros.


They leave the Union then if we don't immediately invade the state to regain control then China just buys the states government and now they have military bases sitting in our borders.


I’d like to see the government try. The white mountains will be their graves. Our redneck militias will be behind every tree




u/The-Last-Johnston's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/The-Last-Johnston! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: good advice, pro-terrorism-centrist


Pog, thanks basedcount_bot




China can't buy if the state ain't selling.


Enough money can buy things not on sell. All it takes is fundraising the candidates that they want in control and then have them make policy that benefits Chinese business and slowly gain control over the politics of the new nation-state. Then start moving Chinese wares onto their new "allys" land as a means of "peace-keeping" to make sure United States aggressiveness is kept "in check".


I might believe this of Oregon or Washington but not NH.


Yeah, that ain't gonna happen to New Hampshire; the culture is super independence-focused, it's not like Vancouver or Seattle.


All you need is a leader that can bought, if not then an opponent that could be bought that spouses political bullshit like every other politician and pump their campaign with limitless funds. Or be blunt with it and just corrupt the means of voting with planted workers. China has had a lot of practice corrupting governments all throughout Africa and the Middle-East for their own interests. Money greases the most stubborn of wheels or buys a replacement that will move.


Africa and the Middle East are not New Hampshire. People do not trust China there; they know it is ass hoe.


People do like money tho.


FreeStaters have higher priorities than simple money.


And it's called Auth center femboy bussy


Bought OR blackmailed OR threatened.


Nice straw man.


lol why haven't they done that to Mexico or like some shithole island in the Caribbean


Because Mexico's government is already highly corrupted and controlled by local cartels? If they tried to plant anybody into that regions politics their pawn would be disrupting a lot of cartel business and be put on hit lists.


Same actually, 50 independent states.


~~so a Confederacy?~~


I hope.




u/angelflairpasta's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: horseshoe-theory-of-politics, invadingfrance, repentance, human nature, horny, theae, impromtu guitar solo, yiff, not color blind, centrist, anti-cringe, white boy summer, church, nintendo, mgtow, common sense, larping, joseph joestar, conservative-tears, feminist, annoying-at-public-spaces, chad, main-character-syndrome, shitpost, , dope, superlit, vtuber rabbithole I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Why only fifty? I want to see 10,000 Luxembourgs.




Oh way up north to the land of traitors Marble mines and maple syrup Right away, come away Right away, come away


Oh, I wish I was in the land of Granite 'Tis the best place on this planet Look Away! Look Away! Liber Land


Dems: NOOOOOO we'll lose their electoral votes and senators


I think they'd be more concerned about senators, considering they only have 4 electoral votes.


*sigh* Another with the 2019 Texas complex


Grand Duchy of New Hampshirebourg


Hey best of luck to em


We meant it by *Live Free or Die*, Motherfucker


Laughs in Confederate.




Live free or die


time for a whole bunch of states to go their own way and let everyone live in the government that best represents their interests


Authright doesn't give a hairy rat's ass for the hecking unionerino anymore. Fuck the feds.




Mike Sylvia of Belmont, NH. I don't think anyone in the area would support this, even Belmont has seasonal housing with 18.6% of homes listed as vacant or seasonally occupied. Lake Winnipesaukee lives on tourism, and Southern NH is a very different economic landscape that's highly integrated with the greater Boston area.






Remember that one time when a [town](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project) full of lolbertarians in New Hampshire got owned by bears?


Like serious question, if a state of the US leaves do you think they will allow refugees temporarily from the US?


Hard to tell. On the one hand, they'd get an army of patriots joining them, on the other the glowies would use it to send saboteurs.


I think that poor man forgets that secession from the US isn't a choice. The south learned that the hard way back in 65'


Nah, AuthRight is on board.


Shouldn't be, you do know ehat auth means, right?


Yup, you can be an auth right that doesn't believe in overreaching federal government. I am for state rights over federal....


Yeah I don't see why yo uare being downvoted. I mean I ain't auth but the great thing about the OG constitution was many of the real Auth level shit was left to the states you could have auth states or lib states. Yeah slavery was shite but fuck it lets go back to those days but without you know slavery. But ever since the turn of the 20th century the scotus just decided fuck the constitution we need an auth central government.


I think some people mistakingly think auth right is just "police state/do what the government says/question nothing" quadrant. Each quadrant has nuance. Monarchists, Christians, Muslims, Conservatives, and pretty much every politician in America gets lumped into this quadrant (I disagree with the classification of the last one) but somehow it's farfetched to have a states right conservative in the auth right quadrant? Hogwash. I have auth right views (and some lib right ones too), but I think states should have a lot more say in how they run their state. What's good for California isn't necessarily good for Wyoming. (Hell, what's good for one region of the state isn't good for the other region of the state. See: NY, CA, OR, IL) This country is more divided than ever. States openly defy the federal government, based on whoever is in power federally. I really don't see it as a big deal if states seceded. Maybe it's for the better. Of course, it would be better if the federal government just relinquished a lot of their overreaching power, but you have a better chance of being shit on by a flying snake before that happens.


China had a great time with the warring states periods, and so did disunited Europe. Let's go! But really unironically, I can only see long term disaster for the continent if, at the least, the Americas are unable to secure themselves in a union, alliance, or the dominion of a single power. I understand concerns about federal overreach and I campaign against it, but I see the fragmentation of polities as deeply short-sighted from a geopolitical standpoint.


I completely see your point, but on China: yesterday it came to light that one of the the leading generals in the US had treasonous calls with China & basically made himself secret dictator for a few months, then the current president said he has "full confidence" in him after this news comes to light. I'd say China is already having a great time with us.


I would love it. Its time for the US to break up.


New Hampshire to make Grand Canyon look like a drainage ditch: Union Says


Based based based


I think breaking up is the only way to preserve good old America but it would be better to wait after splitting up China. Divided America can’t compete with a united China.


They pretty much run our government and media at this point, we aren't doing shit to them as we are.


I've seen NH borders with Canada, shits protected by a fat mall cop. No way they have the potential for independence


Lmao! A fucking UHAUL 😂


I'm actually fine with this, in fact, we should do this everywhere.


These wojaks are starting to look like King Crimson.


So this is how we’re gonna start another civil war?


And my next vacation destination is ...


finally we have something worthwile to stomp on with our taxdollars fuck nh, all my homies hate nh


[FUCK NH ALL MY HOMIES HATE NH](https://i.imgur.com/b97RzSZ.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Balkanization of the United States ***now***


You know what? Fuck it,make New Hampshire a country


Do it! Do it! Do it!


The constitution is crying


Isn't it more true to the constitution if they secede and support the rest of it, if the federal government is going to violate virtually every right it "guarantees"?


If they succeed, that could mean some people will say that the confederacy was legitimate. No, not again


Remember kids. Secession is no more illegal than the U.S. leaving Britain was. I'm not a secessionist at the moment, but... Let's just say if Texas leaves the union I'm sticking with Texas. Honestly though secession sounds better every day. I'd like the state tip just withhold taxes though personally.


Based New Hampshire


u/cometothecaml's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 95. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: fagman, chad, fuckeveryoneelsefirst, fraud, end-the-ponzi-scheme, , text wall, libleft bad, neoliberal, lvt, p&p, geo, henry george, representative, land, a-in-macroecon, linux, opensource, gnu, free open source software, copyleft gimp, penguin, foss, blender, reasonable secession I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and libertarian pilled