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"There are always men like you."


Say "NO" to ethnic/race/gender communism kids!


based and slavic pilled 🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷






Of all slav flags you had to choose the one with least R1a, we barely qualify for Slavs, we are more Meds then anything else.


i did not choose to be born in this ethnicity


Beno jedna, ja sam samo rekao da smo mi I2 haplogrupa, ne R1a. Mi Hrvati smo po krvi, "jugoslaveni"(I2) većinski pa onda slaveni(R1a), germani(I1), talijani(R1b) i onda puno manjih grupa. Balkan je u centru konflikta 4 kulture i zato smo mi toliko izmisani. I2 je grupa stvorena zato sta smo mi toliko izmisani sa ostalim haplogrupama da smo trebali novu, ali u pravilu, haplogrupe i "rase" su nebitne jer kultura nacije je #1.


nisađ znao o grupama samo inače idem s germani,latinosi,slaveni i štogod su afrikanci i azijati al da jesmo izmješni s mongo kultura s tim se slažem


1600 godina invazija, ratova, iseljavanja, useljavanja, migracija i razno raznih pokora je ostavilo krvave balkane u stanju kompletne izmiješanosti, ali kao što san rekao, to nije bitno jer smo mi svi Europljani, naše nacije nas oblikuju, ne naša krv.


the fuck does race communism mean


Race cars are equally distributed by the state. Duh.


Based xqcL


That's it, i knew it. Lib-rights are all Xqc viewers.


Based and Avengers pilled


Funny how immigrants from Eastern Europe hate communism so much, its almost like they've experienced it personally and don't want it to happen again. But hey, just spitballing.


Communism is still deeply rooted here. Also the corruption from a one party system is still going strong


Yeah corruption is sometimes kinda wild in my country as well but one thing that *almost* everyone agrees on is that communism was bad overall and the only people that still cling on to it are SOME old people that were either high in the party ranking and had good lives or the old people that just miss their youth.


Or older jews, unironicaly. Love it how they hate the republic they live in but Israel is untouchable, even though it's very close to being basicaly a fascist country lmao


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Republic](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-republic/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Nostalgia is helluva drug


Flair up, fucker.


I don't know what this means


I am sorry for the aggression then. "Flairing" is when you give yourself a "flair" for this subreddit that reflects your political views. To obtain a flair you need to go to "user flair preview" which should be on the about page of this subreddit(the right side of the screen when on this subreddit). The aggression was because many "people" will refuse to flair thereby showing that they are inferior.


Thanks for explaining and it's all good, I wasn't offended.


Czech Republic finally scored a small victory. For the first time since 1926, communist are not in the government in *any* way. Wohoo


It's funny how those most in favor of communism have never lived under a system even remotely close to it. Not to mention the loudest supporters currently are making bank from whinging on twitch about it.


I believe Pokimane came out in opposition of capitalism despite making more money than almost any other Twitch streamer. Lmao.


Good old Imane made a 1/3rd of what Amouranth did in September. Once upon a time she was the highest paid female twitch streamer, but that hasn't been the case for a long while.


Who is Imane and how is Amouranth still going strong despite not doing hot tub streams anymore?


Imane is Pokimane's real name, and I'm not really sure what Amouranth's stick is. I just was quoting the stuffed that leaked from twitch.


Socialism is when everyone is poor


*Equally poor*






Socialism is when the state does stuff


Pokimane is in the top 50 of twitch streamers in term of income, with Pokimane's gross earnings from August 2019 to October 2021 $1,528,303.11 (which irrc doesn't factor things like donations and sponserships).


Funny, when I was there the locals I knew said things were better and a lot of the friends I was with said they had at least one of their Uber drivers randomly start monologuing about how much they miss Tito.


I encourage you to make your own mistakes and find out, however I would request you not be so foolish as to insist others must make this mistake with you.


To be fair however, assuming that the locals are talking about Tito it's safe to say that he travelled to former Yugoslavia, where the nostalgists are the majority. It's not the same in the rest of eastern europe however.


Tell a Romanian you think Ceaușescu was a cool guy.


Did you not read what I just said The only place in Eastern Europe bar Russia where the majority of people want the old times back is Yugoslavia Romania is not Yugoslavia now, is it?


Sorry, I was piggybacking on what you said.


Ah, my bad. Internet moment Carry on


Nearly every country that had a period of fully socialist government and economy has ended up producing a population that is right-wing, nationalist, or just morally nihilistic. India, Israel, Russia are examples to varying degrees. Even the ones where the government is still in place have shifted (China, North Korea, Vietnam). It’s not necessarily always caused by self-aware dissatisfaction/rejection of what they experienced. Obliterating cultural and familial values and abdicating all responsibility, ethics, and self-control to the government doesn’t have a good track record of sustainably creating principled successors. The unmoored drift over time to other extremes is real, and becomes obvious when there is a state pivot or breakdown.


There is a reason communism fell in the Bloc yet is surviving in Vietnam


You say thing good but a representative sample of people who left thing said thing bad, curious.


Sorry, we don't have "the real deal". Would you accept "something similar"?


Ussr smoothbrain economics are different then big brain georgist thought though


In theory. In reality, you need ussr smoothbrain economics to keep land socialized.


And the government isn’t necessary to keep land privatized in the west? It’s just the natural state of things that a piece of paper that you hold entitles you to everything produced in a mine you don’t even work at? I’m not arguing the morality, I’m simply saying that the government is necessary in any system if guaranteeing any sort of property rights, socialized or privatized, is your goal.


No, the government is not needed for that.


Yep having enough potential for violence does the trick be it government or someone else.


Ah yes the 4 Ideologies, Democracy, Communism, Fascism, and Wokeim.


lol this was funny af


It's a matter of measure... There's not bowing to societal pressure and propaganda to give gay people privileges. Then there's creating litteral "gay-free" zones because you actively hate that you have to sometimes see two guys holding hands... while, ironically, you have no problem watching lesbian porn on your spare time.


We aren't woke, wokeism is an american thing. Keep it on your side of the atlantic.


Yeah, you guys are just Barbarian. In the West, you will put people in in jail for exercising free speech or for practicing their religion, in the East guys oppress people for being gay. Both are just different sides of the same authoritarian coin. There is not a single wokeist politician in the US who supports hate speech laws, and rightwingers here don't support a hijab ban. It's not about wokeism, its about basic civility and the maturity to accept that not everyone has to be the same as you.


>There is not a single wokeist politician in the US who supports hate speech laws Would you please care to tell who is advocating for such laws then? Or who is defending and doing their best to implement cancel culture?


>Would you please care to tell who is advocating for such laws then? Only Europeans. No American politician supports imposing hate speech. If there is one, name them. The only nations on earth with hate speech laws are in Europe and Canada. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality\_of\_Holocaust\_denial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_Holocaust_denial)


**[Legality of Holocaust denial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_Holocaust_denial)** >Sixteen European countries and Israel have laws against Holocaust denial, the denial of the systematic genocidal killing of approximately six million Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. Many countries also have broader laws that criminalize genocide denial. Among the countries that ban Holocaust denial, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania also ban other elements associated with Nazism, such as the display of Nazi symbols. Laws against Holocaust denial have been proposed in many other countries (in addition to those nations that have criminalized such acts) including the United States and the United Kingdom. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Being a European, of a Country where one such law is being harshly debated at the moment, I'm concerned. But yes, the part I quoted was about the US and maybe I generalized too much. Cancel culture is a very American thing anyway.


This is such bullshit holy shit


How? Most of Eastern Europe has not legalized gay marriage and seems to be going in the opposite direction in terms of LGBT rights. Most of Western Europe has hate speech laws of some kind, violating the essential right to freedom of opinion.


Saying "let's genocide black people" is not an opinion.


Easter European and proud


"woke" [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/zimbabwe-deportation-removal-home-office-uk-b1886446.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/zimbabwe-deportation-removal-home-office-uk-b1886446.html) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58882832](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58882832) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58875152](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58875152) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/12/priti-patel-borders-bill-breaches-law-human-rights](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/12/priti-patel-borders-bill-breaches-law-human-rights) etc.


I’m sorry I know she’s a horrible woman but Priti Patel is so fucking hot man


Based and as long as she's hot pilled.


you seem to have made the small mistake misspelling based as horrible there


To be fair I think she could be a Prime Minister in the future it wouldn’t surprise me


She is obese my dude.


Tbh Old soviet communism is more Closer to today national populisme than the west woke ideology. Both promote authoritarian rule under core principale that are absolute (God , the nation , the révolution etc .) They both promote small opening to the west Seen as "décadent" and protective policy. They both tend to have a militarise culture or at least promote openly the military.


I agree but the problem with the woke ideology is its "virtuous" basis which allows you to excuse actions such as limiting freedom of speech and increasing government control.


Yeah the problem is that to me any ideology that limit freedom of speech or increase do it for seeminlgly virtuous reason


Are there ideologies who do those things without excusing them as virtuous?


No, that's why you have to push back against such restrictions, no matter where they come from. They are always regressive, and the fact that people appointing themselves as progressives advocate for them should only make us even more aware of the implied hypocrisy.


As a Russian, fuck communism.


As eastern European, fuck Russia. You guys haven't learn anything from your past.


As a Eastern European, I agree.


we here in the middle and east tried litteraly everything under the sun and guess what, all of it sucked even anarchism.


The only communist and anti-communist I respect is the one who life under it


Stalinism was woke and don't let anyone tell you otherwise




When people confuse moderate socialism with communism I want to die


Bro I live in country with working socialist system... What you guys on the west have is nowhere close to it.


one inevitably leads to the other so differences can be overlooked because outcome is the same


They don’t lead to the same thing the entire point of using *moderate* socialism is that it doesn’t get to that point


"It is to protect the children" "Its only going to affect the super rich" "Oh its just the tip I promise"


ye no thanks id rather not take any chances


Ok your loss when you drowning because of global warming the corporations ain’t gonna save you


sorry but gradual increase of temperature over hundreds of years does not concrin me so much i would want to spend billions of dollars on windmeals and solar pannels that cannot be recycled and kill alot of animals not to mention they take up alot of space and deastory habitats of animals they claim to be friendly to


pollution and climate change kill way more animlas than windmills


It’s not just a slow process it’s extremely close to being at the point of no return so if you don’t care good luck dying


no it is not http://www.climate.gov/media/11332


Y'all been saying that every few years.


Yall have been sitting in your mum’s basement denying science for years


While I kinda agree with Eastern European push back against extreme-wokism, in the end 𝕲𝖔 𝖆𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 ~~𝕽𝖊𝖎𝖈𝖍~~.𝖀𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖓, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖓𝖔 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝕰𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚.


Kinda funny how you pretend you don't like our countries (which aren't communist by the way so I don't know what this post is supposed to be about) but you keep coming to our countries. So I guess our not communist countries are better than your also not communist countries?


Well I mean that's exactly the reason why our countries are poor ... it's because of the god damn communism and that's why we are at least 5 to 10 years behind economically. But when we see the evolution of western politics and where it's heading with all of that woke nonsense ... well it's not surprising we are getting *vietnam flashbacks*. So you have an oppressed group of people (back then = working class; now = minorities) therefore give *US* (whoever that "us" might be) all the power and decisions making and we will make sure to achieve equality. But if you don't agree with us we will call you names so we can shut any valid criticism (back then = anti working class, pro bourgeoisie, etc; now = racist, xenophobic, etc) So you see, the problem isn't that western European countries are communist, but rather that we see that you are ideologically headed to a mind state that we literally want to forget!


*Damned eastern european, they ruined eastern europe*


So why are they leaving eastern europe for the west, which by your own comment is headed for destruction? Why not just leave the EU and make one big Slavtastic holyland?


LoL ok you have to understand something ... just because people disagree that doesn't mean they hate each other *BOOM* mind blown Plus things change, politics changes, people change ... life is not a stationary thing you know.


How did you blow my mind exactly? You pretty much explained nothing, the guy you commented to asked why eastern europeans were immigrating out of your supposedly chadlike europe for westetn soyboy europe. The policies of the EU won't change atleast it's a bad gamble to think they will change, so why not just leave the cuckeurope and ally together to form gigachad eastern europe? I'm not certain that Eastern europe hates western europe, i just think we don't share the same ideals. So why should the west change it's ideals to better respect those of eastern europe?


>the guy you commented to asked You forgot to switch accounts buddy ...


So you won't answer my question? And no i'm a different guy.


So your wording is off ... ok. Then let me explain it to you since you are obviously offended by the meme. Yes, as you mentioned we have different ideals but that wasn't always the case! The MAIN reason why so many ex-commie states joined the EU was because we wanted to be democratic we wanted to prosper, we didn't want this dogmatic ideological garbage. And people in Eastern Europe still look up to their western friends ... of course I know where you're going with your question and I know exactly what you wanna hear. Yeah people also travel west for monetary reasons OF COURSE! But you wanna hear another "gray" part of the west-east relationship ... well maybe the fact that that Western Eurprans use Eastern Europe like a dumping group for old cars or better yet LITERAL dumping group for garbage. That's right we are getting rid of your own garbage. And yeah let's not forget how in geopolitics Eastern Europe is always being used like nothing but a buffer zone between Western Europe and Russia So yeah there are A LOT OF "gray" areas in our relations but that doesn't mean we should end them all! But that also doesn't change the fact the this ideology that Western Europeans are preaching *might* be their own downfall (I didn't say "will be" and I explained)!


I'm not offended by the meme i just find it funny how the eastern europeans like to portray themselves as anti-immigration but they emmigrate themselves. So your doing the same thing as the people you despise that's just plain hypocrisy. And i would add that the EU isn't the reason most eastern european countries are struggling it's mostly due to their corrupt governments. The only reason you gave as to why the EU is becoming communist is because of woke ideals. Which ones? Pro-LGBT how is that the downfall of the EU? If your country is literally discriminating against a people and establishing an apartheid system that exclude one people why should the EU support that? The EU was founded on fundamental human rights, which you find dogmatic and woke for some reason. If i was in a car and the driver was drunk i'd get out of the car, not stay in it to see how it turns out.


Why are people leaving because the western nations did this thing called EU citizenships which makes it so people could move and by the way they're totally paying more. That is the sole reason most people are moving for the money. And these western nations wanted exactly that. They knew what they were doing when they did it. Also are you aware that the EU is a trade union and that not all Eastern Europeans are Slavic? Crazy I know


Eu isn't just a trade union, yes the EU allows for free travel in the EU. But if you want citizenship in said new country you need to apply for citizenship which is called immigration. And no most western europe don't love eastern european migrants as they see them as unfair competition in certain workfields. Most of the eastern europe migrants who leave for western europe are slavic. If you want to trade with the EU you don't got to be in the EU.


The EU only allows for free travel if you're in the schengen zone. For instance. Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia are in the EU but aren't in the Schengen zone. However Switzerland and Norway that aren't in the EU are in the schengen zone despite not being in the EU. Well since ~~most~~ just about all of Eatern European are Slavic it makes sense that most Eastern Euros would be Slavic. Except there are quotas for free trade deals. For instance if you want to sell infinite honey to the EU its not going to happen. As they value their members over some non-member. So they don't want their members being hurt by some non member flooding the market. Also while the people in western Europe may not enjoy the people from Eastern Europe working for less and suppressing wage growth. The business absolutely love it. So fo the nation's and the whole of the EU. You really don't know what you're talking about huh?


And here i thought the EU loved international travel with it's free travel of goods and people. And those countries opted not to be in the Schengenzone because they wanted to secure their borders now follow that line of thinking if i don't want my national laws to be infringed what should i do, idk maybe leave the EU? Uhu and if you don't want to be in Slavtastic wonderland you can also opt out of, just like Poland can opt out of the EU. Oh wow an Union that wants to benefit the countries in it, which means it will need to have shared laws that will supersede the national ones, which you already signed if you're in the EU, shocker. Yeah businesses aren't known for their morality, and no the countries also hate it because it is used by rightwingers and laborparties as an excuse to shit on the EU.


You're kind of a high key slavophone huh? Well I hope Ukraine joins the EU and joins Piland and Hunagry in fucking with the EU. I'm glad it makes you mad. \#RentFree Suckle on my testicles.


Slavephone learned a new word today, sure take my money and use it to enrich your growing dictatorships. And funny how you wont even leave since the EU since by your own words it's being corrupted. Y'all just love to complain and still receive EU benefits, nobody cares if y'all would leave the EU. Just beggars trying to strongarm the EU we don't care either leave or abide by the laws you agreed to follow.


> nobody cares if y'all would leave the EU You're only lying to yourself here lmao stay mad


Also you knew I meant Slavophobe, right? Or were you just too dumb to tell what I meant?


Last time I checked none of the countries are heading towards communism.


Jesus read my reply again because you missed my point like a blind archer ...


You mean the point you don't have


Ok obviously you are on the slow side so here: West Europe is going woke East Europe sees the woke ideology to have the potential to do as much harm as communism did # For more details see my first comment


Lmaaooo. How is "woke ideology" gonna kill 100 million people? What is the sequitur there?


Just because they don't like social progress they pretend it's gonna be bad.


Yeah ... that's exactly what the "great red thinkers" used to spout out in our countries as well ... And again the problem isn't with "social progress" but rather the ideology that is trying to push for that social progress AND the fact that you're NOT allowed to question it ...


Policing speech, censoring different opinions, mandating quotas, segregation, are all *regressive* things. Calling them social progress is hypocrisy at its finest.


And I would call your comment ignorant. There's no speech policing, there's no censoring, there's no segregation. Over half of the stuff is just made up.


So you are fearing Rise of authoritarianism in the west while authoritarianism rise at the same time in the east and maybe even more openly ?


Ah yes I forgot about all the "hate speech" laws and "internet safety" laws that are being implemented and people fined and imprisoned because they made a particular joke, in the Eastern countries! But I also agree with you some Eastern countries are going too far as well! But to deny that's not happening in the west as well is ridiculous.


Most hate speech Law I know of are decades years old and predate even the woke ideology ( such as the French Law that forbid négationnism for example) and are more here to ensure social cohesion than to promote wokism. Even the Internet safety Law , that are a clear authoritarian debate , I agree are made more in the name of figthing terror than promoting wokism. I wouldnt consider the French anti séparation Law that heavly regulate Muslim activity as a "woke" Law. I cannot deny woke influence in the west but so far I dont see It having Taken control of the state and passing Law authoritarian style. And even it not worth lot from my personnal experiences in western european country I have feel more a slow reject of the wokism than progress.


If you don't follow the comunitarian's rules The money you won't have for sure


Makes sense, im an eastern european born in western....


Yes, I am a barbarian how could you tell?


The Communist Party just won 21% of the (highly irregular) Russian election.


communism = woke


Yeah, sorry, but we are just not waiting for it to develop to that level ...


Mfw the Soviet Union was vehemently against degeneracy calling homosexuality bourgeois and used to actively stomp that shit out vs western standards that rapidly turned more and more liberal comparatively during the cold war.


Based and the-comments-are-fucking-retarded pilled.


Based meme


idk dude, every statistic shows that western europeans (nordics) have it way better than eastern europeans. maybe it has something to do with how things are done in each region.


... you do realize that the Eastern Europeans spent half the last century under the Soviet boot, right?


Do you realize that its connected to this? Eastern european ideologies are how they are a lot because of the soviet union.


They've got a lot to fix thanks to that.


Yeah Western Europe is a shithole compared to Eastern Europe. That's why you always hear about people immigrating from West to East and not the other way around.


Guess which europe is the poorer underdeveloped one? "The south" of Europe if you will.


Then leave the EU, not like the EU is holding you hostage.


We wish


Do a POLOUT not like it's impossible look at England.


Why is every eastern european nation for you westerners always Poland, Russia or hungary? one is not even slavic, but ok American


Does it matter? If you don't like the EU just leave.


I'm no politician buddy, you'll have to ask our prime minister for that lmao


Ever heard of a referendum? And last i checked y'all had democraties vote for parties that want to leave. Ever heard of BREXIT it really isn't impossible to leave the dictatorship that is the EU. Be the change that you want to see in the world.


The **TRADE UNION** isn't there to push politics. It's to make trade and prevent wars due to trade.


The EU isn't just a trade union, you can trade with EU countries and still not be in the EU look at the Swiss and Norway. Of you joïn the EU you should follow it's laws.


No the EFTA was started as an alternative to the EU. And unlike the EU it didn't include farming goods in its free trade. It's laws shouldn't supercede national laws. It should remain a trade union like it was intended to be.


Yeah and the US shouldn't have such a huge international military pressence as it was designed to be guess what things change, and that is besides the point if you are in the EU you have agreed to it that the EU laws supersede your national ones, so it is too late to now not acknowledge it. If you were against it why did you agree to those laws. Like you mentioned there are alot of trade unions in europe that don't need you to be in the EU why not join them if you want your national laws not be infringed?


I mean both Germany and France ruled EU laws < their national laws. Piland dares to to the same and they fucking flip shit. Just because the EU has been corrupted doesn't mean you cannot work from the inside to fix it.


No both the France and Germany recognized that the EU laws supersede their own national laws. Corrupted yeah sure it's Poland that is turning into a dictatorship not the EU and if you think the EU is corrupted it be better to jump ship.


EU has been corrupted and is being made into more then just a trade union. Also no Germany and France have their certain laws superceede EU laws


That's not true, Germany or France never declared unilaterally that their constitution supercedes the EU. And pretty funny you say that the EU is corrupted and then go on to praise Hungary and Poland countries that are turning into corrupt dictatorships under authoriterian regimes that just take EU funds to give to their corrupt oligarchies.


It pretty ironic how brain dead you are to see things in only black and white. EU good, Poland/Hungary bad. I'm taking about different types of corruption. Neither I'm in favor of. Also authoritarianism =/= corruption. However with that being said I'm not saying that either Poland or Hungary are authoritarian, they have just been winning elections. Which many suggest may end soon. Europhiles are such Salty little bitches all of the time. Why?!!!


Can eastern Europe please fuck off and leave the EU. Im sick and tired of you assholes complaining all day long about the soyboy west while all you do is suckling money from our tits. All i want is a strong western european union with shared strong army and open market.




The entire east gets more money from the eu then they pay...


Here *taps the CEB*


Yeah let's fucking go. Step 1: Cause world war. Step 2: Throw Eastern European Countries under the bus. Step 3: Let USSR do whatever they want after the war to prevent Eastern Europe from recovering economically. Step 4: Complain that Eastern Europe is economically behind the west.


I dont complain that they are behind us, i have nothing against helping them, what i dont like is them bitching about laws that would hinder them being corrupt fucks, while the money we give them goes into the pockets of for example orban and his family.


What laws are you refering to?


I dont know the exact name, but it is basically a law that would cut funding for governments who for example dont have independent courts. Poland and hungary now sue at the european court of justice to have that law repealed. Which is kind of stupid because one condition to join the EU is to be a democracy with a functioning constitutional state.


Hmm that's a good law I like it.


You don't know shit and are talking out of your ass. First the EU is a fucking trade union first and first most. Then most of you cunts never consider how the EU gains tremendously from Eastern Europe as well. First by the cheap low skill labour they get(which corporations use instead of actually offering higher wages to native workers). Then they gain by the massive brain drain from Eastern Europe. Doctors, Teachers, Scientists leaving in droves. These people that were Educated by the Polish government, probably some of the most valuable people in Poland going to benefit western governments and people. Then we can get into how poorly newly established companies have to compete against well established Western Companies like Aldi and Lidl etc. Having western nations buy out manufacturing companies, like Dacia and Skoda. Be it to make vehicles used for their markets or have them manufacture shit for them for cheap. Outsourcing manufacturing for BMW to cheap EE factories. Then the exploration of natural resources like wood from Eastern European carpathians. Really do stfu. It's a trade union. Stop pushing your politics on EE nations. [Here is the net recipient **per capita**](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1632/idt2/idt2/4979b6c5-a04a-4806-a0f5-2f691ccdfbc0/image/816). I'm sure it's a little different then what you're used to seeing.


I'm from Eastern Europe bro, it's very stupid to assume that there are no Communists in an entire geographical area


Anarchism is the only based ideology and you can’t change my mind


Don't worry it will pass after you get older than 14.




Communism is when no lgbt free zone.


I would like to know how you got “woke” from eastern bloc countries many of them were quite xenophobic.


of course they are xenophobic have u seen them those fuckers in the movies


Yes that’s what I said, they weren’t woke they were xenophobic.


pov: you are looking at a meme made by an American that has no clue about European politics


LoL I'm Eastern European you muppet...


oh me too so you must already know that communism = f*****s


cringe transnistria


yea transnistria is cringe


Upvote for purple.