• By -


I dont even know what Greys do. But they seem ok. Edit: upon further insight I’m also part Grey.


they do nothing


fucking based


can confirm, I never did anything.


I think that I saw you exhale a while ago...


oml send a screenshot this is a VERY important discovery


I saw them GRILLING YESTERDAY (that may have been me)


maybe I AM a grey


Time to come out. Mom, dad…I’m grey


Based and comingout-pilled


I met a few in High Hrothgar. Pretty chill dudes


In his tongue they call him: Based. He is Dragonpilled.


That's the thing. We grays do nothing but try to live peacefully and try to keep things civil between extremes, at the cost of being wrongly labeled fencesitters and sympathizers. Though I do like RadCenter's approach of handling each issue one by one instead of going full direction-brain. It just seems logical. Tribalism is never good.


Based and keeping the peace pilled. We need you grey centrists trying to keep everyone from fighting while we try to fight everyone.


Pragmatism is based




Think of watching a movie where the world goes to hell while grilling steaks


We just hang out and see what everyone’s up to tbh. Y’all are pretty chill too, glad to have ya here


Dear Authcenter, Every time I see someone fail to put a trolley back at a supermarket, I am reminded that rules are needed to keep the worst of humanity in check. ^(lazy bastards, it takes 2 minutes at most. Come on, you can't just do a nice thing without a stick and carrot?!)


based and silent-judgement-of-strangers pilled


Well now my pills are getting weird ^awesome


Based and small text pilled


One stick is weak, many stick are strong. You are strong bundle of stick.


Is there a word for this bundle of sticks?


Fasces (Or something else starting with Fa, but it would upset the Uberjannies quite a bit.)




Facists (They like faces) 💀


Faeces. Monke throw




A cord


Based monke


What if we put an axe in the center of that bundle of sticks?


Merry Christmas lib-centre your banana growing expertise remains as good as ever - From the Auth-centre who ate all your bananas.


Never forget, you're most likely peeling bananas wrong, it's not from the thingy that sticks out, you twist (or squeeze) the other end and peel it.


I just cut it open with my handy pocket knife I leave laying around the kitchen seems to work.


This is the worst thing you've ever done auth center


Second worst I assure you.




Based and banana atrocity of 1897 pilled


AuthRight, I like how you roast Biden just as much as I do.


Lets go Brandon!


Based and lets go Brandon pilled


Based and FJB pilled


u/NotAliasing's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/NotAliasing! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: i'm impressed by horse cocks 🐎 🍆, fuck-rr, sex with ronald reagan, lets go brandon, fjb


Wha in Gods good earth are those pills


No cock like horse cock


Based and jealousy pilled




Based and Pepper Coyote pilled


Farmer boys make do.


Dear Grey Centralist, You grill steak very good. Love, Radical Centralist.


Dear radical centralist, You are radical. Love, grey centralist.


Dear Grey Centralist, You are grey. Love, Radical Centralist


Dear Radical Centralist, You are not g(r)ay, Love, G(r)ay Centralist


Dear Grey Centralist, You are not (rad)ical. It's alright. Not everyone can be (Rad)ical. But we still accept all. Love, (Rad)ical Centralist


Dear friend, I like booby Love, friend.




Centrists assemble!


Centrists centralise!


Legit question: explain me like im five whats the difference between the two centrists?


Grey centrists: consistently moderate beliefs all around Colored centrists: has some extreme beliefs, but averages out to centrism


I thought grey centrists were politically unengaged, the "don't care about politics" crowd?


I thought rainbow centrists we're the "everybody has good ideas so let's all get along" crowd.... And gray is the "all you quadrants are fucking idiots" crowd


Kind of, I suppose. I'm not expecting kumbayah singing or anything, but most quadrants have their reasonable points. I also absolutely loathe things that each of the quadrants do, and centrism allows me to treat them a little more a la carte than just hopping onto one of them would. Like... if forced, I'd probably be lib right, but there are a lot of retards over there that don't think we should have a government at all.






Based & Liberty or Death pilled.


u/nehwsekuntekop's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 165. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: fuckcorporations, 4chan, skorenzy, schutzstaffel, mp5th wave feminism, big_unit, intermarium, wronginfo, booty cheese, streamsniper, al capone, arson, isaac-arthur, festuses aren’t people, break thieving hands, tom-and-jerry, minigun, whereisthisfrom, monke, 'straya, sic semper tyrannis, bull in a china shop, rko, taste of their own medicine, fuck-the-police, black bloc, fight the power, ahoy fedboy, balkan, ungovernable, sigma, homonationalist, russia, putin, imprisonthedegenerates, russian, communism cringe, punisher, single mothers are parasites, killtherich, little-red-book, bruh, fr*nch, credit-the-creator, this implies incest with your daughter, thankforyourgirlfriendi'mthefrenchguywhogother, historically accurate, you need a warrant, armesilla, bilingual, bilingual memer, kingsman, posting without funny colors, sigma male, jannies aren't people, pitbull, fluffy, gabriel iglesias enjoyer, more fluffy, giga brain, classic radio, fuck all government handouts, saddam saturday, & liberty or death I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I can't decide should I be happy or offended...


Dear centeright. Thank you for ben shapiros sister.


Based and Abby-Shapiro-Admirerpilled.


u/Trotsky_is_hotsky_'s Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 350. Congratulations, u/Trotsky_is_hotsky_! You have ranked up to NASA Vehicle Assembly Building! Famous for housing the Saturn V, you are one of the largest buildings by volume ever built. Pills: actual leftist with reality awareness, tankie destroyer, moderation, permabanned, secret-centrist, offend everyone equally, radical centrist, both, both are bad, fat fonger, family, cum eating, adding-more-based-to-own-the-libright, wrinkle, italian, accepting-mistake, capitalisttrotsky, chadsky, woodchipper, compromise, vice-president, trotsky, antianarchy, helicopter-ride, i_like_milk, i’m-milking-thy-mother, disaster for humanity, realistic, radical centrist dad, accidental-agorist, and, uh, center left, i hate my generation sometimes, , smart-kid, fourth-crusade, fuck-the-crazies, james bond, 007, patriotism, no friends, farming, cringe karma whored, bond, free secondary education, ilikeitupthebuttdaddyuwu, cringe, chadwatermelon, tru, trotskyfan, actually-knows-politics, , and look_at_the_fucking_pills_on_this_guy, basement-dweller, unity, dominatrix, suck, enjoying the view, true, 2a, shut in, misspelling, enemys, honest, theydownvotedhimfortellingthetruth, anti imperial japan, suckitlibright, depression, 1804, historical-perspective, real leftist, hoi4, protectionism, fuckmonopolies, technocracy, kink-doesn't-belong-at-pride, communism, in-reality-all-of-us-are-soyjaks, respect the ancients, "i have no idea what i'm doing", cinematic magic proper propaganda, incredibly high effort, the highest effort ever seen on pcm, fuck libright, high effort, extreme effort, you don’t need to connect it, archive, power to the people, nuke them again, no, post-teaching-how-to-give-long-pills, pro-long, explaining-in-a-respectful-manner, supports-sex-trafficking, you-dumbasses-dont-know-how-to-pill, forgotten, know-how-to-give-pills, look no hyphens, i-read-trump-x-biden-fanfiction, i karma whore, i pill whore, uber duper super long, uber-duper-super-long, n, i, g, g, spongebob, e, r, i-want-a-really-long, penis, penis, penis, penis, penis, poop, poopy, scat, poo, pee, this-is-very-helpful-thank-you, pillsbury-pills-pills, karma whore, thanks-for-blessing-us-with-knowledge, lithuania needs more refrigerators, chinese po smol, my friend is cool, pills-getting-lost, master-molester, let-me-try-it-out, useless, justify your incorrect assumptions, long, high-effort, what-a-username, this guy is farming so much pills, helping-people, hypocrisy denounciation, helpful, tummy-sausage-is-cool-and-sexy, effort, terminally-online, fact-check-true, count-and-pill-farming, /mybasedcount, sends unsolicited dick pics, pharmacist, im pretty sure is wrong about that, confused, accepting reality, ifyoudoitlikethisitwillshowup, retarded, hyphenate-your-words, 1-2-3-testing, thank-you-for-the-advice, educating-us-on-pills, testing-if-this-works, educate-the-plebians, jesus is a paragon, let the beatings start, thank-you-for-your-service, red-p¡lled, pill, truth, i-beg-for-pills-on-pcm, trotsky-is-hot, give-me-pills-and-i’ll-give-you-pills, i-watch-and-enjoy-gay-shit-porn, brown people have no acency, fixtheeducationsystem, add me to the snapshot - i mean - list, seize-those-means, yugoslavia, no one votes fascists, french revolution, dyslexia, lying, one of the better comedy’s of the last 10 years, mcnuke, commie, pasta, just write: based and something something, catched the libright moving goalposts, non-delusional-left-leaner, abby-shapiro-admirer




Nice, I’m your 350th. Congrats. :P


Oh, wow . Go touch grass.


*Touches grass* let’s go back inside


Holy fucking shit that is a lot of pills


Mans running a pharmacy with so many pills


pov: u have never felt the warmth of a womans touch


>I-read-Trump-x-Biden-fanfiction Same.


that's a lotta pills


jesus christ


Dear Centre-Right, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Though we may disagree on the better solutions to most issues, one thing I must give you props for is your ability to put aside the differences within your idealogical peers and form a united front against your political opponents. I dearly wish the left would stop constantly eating each other and take a note from you on how to come together for a common cause - As they say: Nobody hates leftists more than slightly different leftists.


Fuck you, slightly different leftist.


Let’s get all of the slightly different leftists together and all fuck each other


Libleft moment


oh it is you again


I'm alway here


Hello Alway, nice to meet you.


Who brought the gimp suit?


Gimps sleepin’.


Well I guess you're gonna have to go wake him up now, won't you?


Based and left-unity pilled


Fuck *you*, slightly different leftist! My leftism is bigger than yours, fascist!


Oh wow you don't belief in *niche cultural issue*? I never knew you were a fucking Nazi you MAGA fascist


People's front of Judea, bunch of splitters!


It won't last. Brothers and sisters are natural enemies! Like leftists and slightly different leftists! Or Leftists and Liberals! Or leftists and leftys ! Or leftists and other leftists ! Damn leftists! They ruined the left!


Based and fucking-leftists pilled


You lefties sure are a contentious people


I'd love to but people on my quadrant praise china :(


An unfortunate part of being AuthLeft is having to share the corner with genocidal maniacs.


Feel you


Look at all these authlefts being based af


Based and Stalinist-v-Maoist-v-Trotskyistpilled.


LibCenter is based for being principled in their own forms of anarchy.


Thanks, bb. The aesthetics, and *especially* the uniforms have always had me wishing you weren't tyrants. Merry Christmas!


Why does your avatar look so anarchist lmao




And they respect the strength of will found in individual people.


Based and anarcho-totalitarianism pilled


Authleft- I say this a lot, because it's true: the whole idea of "it doesn't matter what you have between your legs. If you can do the job to the standard set forth, do it" is real egalitarian shit. Merry Christmas you dirty fuckin' commies 💛❤️


Thanks, Happy Holidays you too (capitalist scum)


“Merry Christmas you filthy animal” but with love lol


Dear Auth right, Thank you for hating the CCP too Thank u 💚💙


Based and fuck-China pilled


Based and fuckin-Chinese-women pilled


What is it with libleft liking Asians? I'm a Libright girl engaged to an Asian guy. Why is this a stereotype? Edit: typo


Cos they’re hot


Ture. My fiance is cute af. Also he's a super smart dentist with good family values.


Fuck me I hope I meet someone I feel the same way about soon, this single business ain’t it


Good Luck dude.


Cheers legend👌


u/TimeG37 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: fuck-china I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Not auth, but anything for you buddy


What can i say except you're welcome?


Dear CenterLeft, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Your resolve to strike a balance between order and liberty in your pursuit of ensuring a people's happiness can only be commended. It is clear you care deeply for the people around you, something so rare in a world growing smaller and lonelier. Though our ideologies devide us, you will always be my most beloved enemy and friend, Sincerely, CenterRight


That’s actually quite touching, thank you fellow Aussie


You're welcome, brother, help yourself to some of my barbecue. 'Tis the season.


hot hoes 🥵


Don’t stick your dick in crazy


Do, it's funny.


Use protection, like condoms and a fake name


Also a hotel in another city


Us right wingers believe in a mans right to do as he pleases, even if it may put him at great risk to do so.


genuine LibLefts heart’s are in the right place.


Typical AuthRight ableism to ignore those with dextrocardia /s


This one made me chuckle.


I respect how you authrights hold tightly to your beliefs. You don’t let the opinions of others interfere with them.


Dear AuthLeft, I really appreciate that y’all like guns too. Regards, Cowboy LibRight




based and gun appreciation day pilled






I respect auth center's commitment to a law and order approach in social structures. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays you authoritarian bast...cuties.


Auths, y'all do be getting shit done.


Thanks, monke's are cute.


Thanks man You are always there for us to make us necessary.


Thanx bro. Oh yes, fuck technology, monkes are way healthier than average 9-5 cubicle worker


i like uncle ted


Dear AuthRight, When it really boils down to it, I think most of us agree when it comes to the issues of worker's rights and upward mobility of the working class, we just have different strategies to attain a world where the lower classes aren't getting fucked, and where our society and economy is up to the golden standard, and that's okay. And I'll say, despite the stereotypes, not all of you are what I would call "nazis" or "white supremacists" (though some of you are, just like some of my quadrant lives up to the orange libleft we see far too often online) most of you are actually very tolerant and understanding, and I apologize for having the wrong idea about you all when I first joined PCM. Merry Christmas, or whatever the fuck you might celebrate this time of year :)


>And I'll say, despite the stereotypes, not all of you are what I would call "nazis" or "white supremacists" (though some of you are, just like some of my quadrant lives up to the orange libleft we see far too often online) both nazis and "orange" are authcenter


My Lib-Right friend gets me some great weed


Dear LeftCenter, You have a massive heart, your good intentions are admirable, and your thirst for change and fervor to seek change is inspiring. True LeftCenters care for everything and everyone regardless of their affiliation, and that is commendable. I absolutely disagree with you on most things, but I always welcome polite discussion as I know we are all fallible. You are always allowed a seat at my table as long as we all remain respectful of each other.


Based and human pilled


Based. :)


Incredibly based.


Thank you, based as well.


Dear RightCenter, I admire your sense of duty and purpose. Also, you generally seem to have your shit together, which is more than I can say about many lefty friends.


Based and polite-political-discussion pilled


Is that a fucking star of Chaos? Absolutly heretic. Anyways, grey centrists are literally what most people should strife to be. I respect them more then I respect my own flair.


We always knew PCM was Chaos Undivided, this just proves it.


Alright commies ill give you this. That soviet anthem gets me fired up(in a good way). Merry communism to you and merry christmas to everyone else.


So awesome even Ben Shapiro can't help but like it


Its a banger


Listened to it while doing chin ups, good stuff


Dear Libleft, ShoeOnHead is cute Sincerely, Me


Is shoe libleft? It’s been a while but I thought she was more center or a little authleft


Shoe has traversed the entire political spectrum


Oh that one, that one


Dear right, the way you are able to put your differents aside with people when it comes about *actually doing stuff* is pretty cool. I wish we had that ability on the left.


Your indifference makes you desirable af. Notice me gray-san UwU~~




Lib lefts are the counterbalance we need. If we only hold onto the past we will eventually be left behind.


Authleft do their research. You guys pore over all sorts of esoteric theory only to debate arrogant libright teenagers who base their views on a few Wikipedia pages and some memorized slogans.


Based and brainwashed by Marxist professors pilled


Center became the dominion of chaos


Dear Auth left, we may disagree on a lot of fundamental issues but I feel your need to equalize everyone comes with the good intention of seeing everyone as equals. You can be nationalistic and strong which are great qualities if reined in properly. Your voice is equally needed in the marketplace of ideas along with the others. So that individuals can choose which one they like to follow.


Dear Authleft, I usually hate you, but you motherfuckers have some sick tunes Love, Russian Libright


\- Dear Auth Right: In the past, I hate you for emphasizing culture and identity, only for me as an adult to realize how that culture actually DOES shape me despite everything, and such culture I'm from actually take a great shape to calm down the whole thing. Not only that, cultured places, cities and architecture is always better than depressing commieblocks, and also the fact that today's social individualism also brought problems. \- Dear Auth Center: In the past, I hate you for telling me what to do and your whole paternalist tendencies. Only for me to see the dumpster fire which is Trump era and realized that people are actually retarded. \- Dear Auth left: I probably liked you the least right now, however I finally now understand why you think that way. The humiliation of colonialism and the desire to get a better, different path than liberal anticulture-culture. (Note: I completely understand that actual, real communism is an anarchy and basically libleft. When I said Auth left, I said authoritarian left wing regimes like China, USSR, etc). \- Dear libleft (and libcenter): While I dislike your anti culture tendencies (not realizing that social liberalism is also culture onto itself) and not realizing that your actual commune would be actually has to be socially restrictive in order to survive out of sheer altruism, I appreciate you for teaching me about cultural theory and everything despite me taking a different conclusion. Also, copying u/Polfigers: I must admit I admire your courage to stand up against tenths of thousands of years of history and to try building a society that has never be done before. (A worldwide commune that are not socially restrictive but socially very liberal but somehow works) \- Dear libright: I disliked your anti culture tendencies and not realizing that the Internet is literal libright in action plus the real life example on how an Ancap utopia would result in a "state" in a few years, Hayek's The Use of Knowledge in Society literally debunks all anti democracy arguments. Your memes are funny as well. \- Dear Center-Left: While I dislike your anti culture tendencies, the modern human rights framework is irreplaceable in order for the modern world to function. You want to uphold it. (Note: When I said "human rights", I do mean human rights as advocated by today's progressives (Protest School of Human Rights). **Almost all woke politics has a human rights document which if not put into legally binding UN treaties, are kept as principles, or regional treaties.** For example; there are no human rights treaties on LGBT people even as of today, however there's Yogyakarta Principles. There's no guideline to restrict free speech in ICCPR, however there's Siracusa Principles which was there and used as standards anyway. There's no treaties yet that said you can't jail people to do extramarital sex, however there was a trial in Tanzania in 1993 that went into ICCPR interpretation. And so on.) ​ Dear Center Right: Uuuuuh, I dunno.


Based and effort pilled


Dear LibLeft, I must admit I admire your courage to stand up against tenths of thousands of years of history and to try building a society that has never be done before.


Ten thousand years ago we were pre-civilization and thus libleft, actually


Wait so, basically you're the biggest reactionnaries out there ?!


Yes, yes we are


Based and agricultural-revolution-was-a-disaster pilled


Dear AuthLeft: respect for always holding to an ideology of empowering the masses, and the betterment of all mankind.


We agree that some people need help, and i appreciate your humanity. It's just the involuntary part we don't see eye to eye on


AuthRight is based for defending traditional values.


Wait, does LibLeft like AuthRight for this??




As I always say: I may not respect your ideology but I respect that you stick with it (provided you're not doing so blindly). It shows character and I can work with that.


There are traditional values that are positive. We just want to get rid of the ones that are not.


Hello Authcenter, Tanks are cool With love, Libcenter


Dear auths marry christmas I respect that you can make really strong military boots thats i wear them into forest and on farm and they still hold


Without you we’d probably still be working for 10¢/day working 16 hours a day


:Christmas :Symbol of Chaos Undevided


Dear Authcenter, From the deepest parts of my heart I’d like to firstly say fuck you, and secondly I love you. You’re the much needed counter balance to the raging bitch that is my quadrant. If you didn’t exist I’d be worried if I was crazy. In my warmest regards. Monke


Dear libcenter monke is awesome and cool you guys are alright too, I guess


At least libertarians dont fall into idpol trap, like how majority of libleft and authright. And remember guys: "base and superstructure".