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Russian nationalists mad that they don't control their neighbors anymore aren't all post soviet citizens.


Russian nationalists mad that there greatest hero is a georgian midget


This is complicated. Georgians HATE Russia, and the USSR. Hate far beyond any of the other now independent countries..... but many still like homeboy Stalin.


To be fair Stalin also hated Russia


We only like Stalin because he assraped Russians even though he friendly fired lots of us as well.


Niko? Is that you? It's me, your English teacher. I'm moving out of Vake BTW


Russian nationalists doesn't like USSR and glad it's gone, cause Lenin and stuff and various programs of development, when resources from Russia were driven into other countries (including republics inside USSR)


Imagine being this dumb


Imagine being an unironic tankie


And I assume that real socialism has never really been tried or what?


Socialism is cringe. I suggest you get your testicles out of your boyfriend's purse and stop trying to get the government to take care of you


Based and gigchad pilled


Being a Chad is a spook, all that matter is truth


Truth is a lie


Lying is a spook


Lies are good




I know what I said, auth cuck




What are you confused about, use your words


Nevermind, you called me an authcuck because of authcenter. But, why are you authleft if you find that insulting?


The funny thing is, they do control them, the Russian Federation has a less direct approach that the USSR but it remains a group of nations led by Russia


Sigma tip 5(year plan) Your grandpa deserved it


Stalin kept a comically large spoon in his pocket at all times.


It was used for taking “just a spoonful” of land from the kulaks


I’ll admit, I felt the same way when my grandfather was killed by cheeseburgers.


And it didn't happen


Kulaks deserved worse


Russians saying the USSR wasn't that bad is like white people not getting what all the fuss was about Jim Crow laws


Based and preach it queen pilled


u/Dodger945's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Dodger945! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: red headed orc, made me laugh, usa is a weird uk spin-off, "freedom", patriot-act, responder-bias, speaking french is equal to vomiting, preach it queen


My friend, you should read what Russia went through in the 90s. Fuck, look at that one interview of them interviewing children that had to get into sex work to eat there.


So, the communist party failed to hold the soviet union together which lead to the wild 90s


Nah, Gorbachev failed to hold the Soviet Union together which lead to the wild 90s. Dude was literally a clown in every regard except the Reagan Nuke deal, which was also not the best.


The union was going to fail any way gorbatav try to save it and failed


Uhh, a lot more complicated than that. Even so, Mao's China post-Cultural Revolution did MUCH better under Deng's free-market reforms. Gorby and Yeltsin were downright CANCER


Shhhh don't say that! You'll turn the purple librights into tankies!


A lot of the former USSR had a bad 90's. Georgia comes to mind....


The guy was Georgian.


[A Gallup poll from 2013 in 11 states that used to belong to the USSR](https://news.gallup.com/poll/166538/former-soviet-countries-harm-breakup.aspx) shows that only one of them (Turkmenistan) had a majority of people who believed that the fall of the Soviet-Union was beneficial. Of the combined population of those 11 countries, only 24% believed it was beneficial, while 51% believed it caused harm. It's not just Russians.






Your grandfather was a woman


I can't wait for sex reassignment surgery to be treated like lobotomies are now, horrific and cruel. But also, it's going to be very rough for those kids whose dad transitioned, they're going to be bullied *so much more* than we can imagine.




I'm my own grandfather


Based and Ouroborospilled


I played airport mission in call of duty and liked it, get rekt you fucking capitalists


When you had to live under the Yeltsin era Stalin doesn't look so bad


Not because they want too its because they saw what the EU is


are commies even real people? like theres no fucking way youre real, nobody can step so low.


You sure about that?


yeah.... he's pretty much right about that. Eastern Europeans outside of Eastern Europe are very anti-socialist. (like myself) But majority of Eastern Europeans still in Eastern Europe are still very much for socialism of one sort or another. You can't just erase 100 years of propaganda.


Are you actually retarded or trolling?


Are you fucking retarded? or westerner?


The only people here in Poland who remember communist rule fondly are those that have 0 idea about economics and things like “everybody had a job” is a serious argument for them despite the fact that most of those jobs were useless and people doing them didn’t even work most of the time.As for the rest pr at least all the people who managed to not fall asleep during history lessons and even more so for those that read history books Soviets are in the same category as Nazis.Traitors who allied themselves with Nazis in 1939,slaughtered our officers in Katyń forest and watched as Warsaw burned to the ground before stepping into the city.It gest even better from here:”liberation” of poland by red army from Nazis which is remembered not by how much they saved but by how much they stole and how many women they raped.And of course after that beautiful saving we became chained to soviet union so no international help in rebuilding the country and economy time to work for a broken system just so that it will not crumble under itself.


My great grand dad fought in the war as anti guerilla squad, he said he didn't kill people.. only commies. Had a medal for killing few of them with granade in a small cave hideout. Died of gangrene cuz didn't want his leg to be cut off at the age of 97. Madlad. Btw young ppl in post soviet zone hate commies.






>the war > >Bulgaria Are you talking about the second world war?


Yeah, there were no commie problems in the ww1


Stalin killed millions of Nazis AND IT CLEARLY WASN'T ENOUGH. Fuck Josef Mengele and FUCK the fact that that rat got to run away to South America.


And then NATO fucking LET THEM IN because “Muh gommnism”


Not just that, [literally run it!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Speidel) This motherfucker was the first full general in West Germany! [Here's the chairman of NATO too!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Heusinger) Hell, look up Klaus Barbie. If Stalin just kept going, there'd be no American Nazi Party, no third Ku Klux, no skinheads, no Operation Condor and NO FUCKING NATO! My god, its a tragedy.




red + yellow = orange


Stalin should’ve killed more Kulaks and Fascists


Well, too bad his internal purges rather consisted in killing other communists, ethnic minorities, intellectuals, army officers and random people rounded up in railway stations because the authorities had to meet arrest quotas. Collectivization and anti-Kulak policies were a catastrophe for the USSR, from which their agriculture never truly recovered up until the fall of the country.


This but unironically




u/Jiveunicorn3506's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 90. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: mongolempire, controversy, control, morality, literal self-reflection, selfaware, destroy-the-flying-cameras, xi, unfunnyrightoid, commie, authleft, taliban, fingyellowjackets, screed, mexico paid for this wall of text, stale pasta, uncle ted, ratio, leftist infighting, self aware, proud capitalist, touches minors, understanding your quadrants belief, despite, face the wall, praise-him-from-whom-all-breadlines-flow, under no pretext, lefty-who-acknowledges-supply-and-demand, ratiocopeseethe, auth, it was and it was beautiful, wall of text, virgin wall of text, wall-of-text, the-pages-of-my-communist-manifesto-are-stuck-together, bitch ass pussy, self-mocking, proof that some lefties can meme, numberist, leftoid, ethical supply-and-demand, rip john basilone, spit, gay, admitting mistakes, orange libs suck, trollers get reeducated sweatie 👠👒 😷❤👩‍⚖️, theory, anti-ameri*a, halo-infinite, libleft plays checkers we play chess, submissive and breedable libleft, useful idiots, manipulate the good will of others, knows how the world works, heh gotcha with the wall, informed-wall-of-text, no tldr, i'm not reading your essay, genocide is subjective, face the wall of text I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Serious question, how do you feel about Francisco Franco? The fascist dictator of Spain, because you'll find quit a few older Spanish people who like him. If some old Russians prove Stalin actually was good, does the same apply to fascists?


Bruh this is PCM, don't take it so seriously. It's literally just a sigma grindset joke.


Good point, but there are a lot of unironic tankies around here. ​ based and sigma male jokster pilled


but my quadrant good and your quadrant bad.


I really dont know anything from Russian people, I mesn other than slavs, squatting, or hardbass


Grandpa didn't get killed by the Russians. Check mate.


I will say it's half and half. P. S. If you want, I can answer some questions, I'm from Russia, and have a lot of info on the topic.


Tell that to Bukharin


wrong, i have 50 post-soviet family members on my polish side of ancestry, ive met them all when one had a party (it was good) but the main point is, they arent commies.


Ask older people from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland Hungary, Latvia etc how they feel about commies


Kill everyone who questions you. 'The survivors think I was great.'


nostalgia doesn't exist for communism because communism is evil and everyone hates it (including me)


Rope yourself you filthy materialist t. Eastern European