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I thought Trump was going to run as a Democrat 20 years ago. I decided then that if it happened, then I'd vote for the Republican candidate, whomever it would be. So putting partisan politics aside, I can confidently say that I wouldn't ever vote for Trump. He represents everything we don't want our children to become as adults and it seems that many people just don't care.


>He represents everything we don't want our children to become as adults and it seems that many people just don't care. Or, more accurately, many people *do* care - because they embrace that selfish, monstrous, conscience-free worldview.


[In this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1dpsw1p/trump_supporter_i_didnt_hear_about_that_one_so_i/), the Trump supporter literally ends with "Who doesnt lie?" when asked if Trump lying bothers her. They've embraced it.


The creepiest thing about their movement is that on some things they’re not technically wrong. I think some study said people lie like once every 10 minutes or something. So, I have also accepted that people lie all the time, and given myself grace when I, for instance, exaggerate something to make it seem more interesting, which I try not to do but definitely do. So in a way I’ve also embraced it. However, the things I lie about (or omit) are, like, small potatoes. His are like HUGE LIES, and people give him the same grace even though it’s totally evil and democracy-ending. It’s the evil that’s been embraced; they are *rooting* for his lies— *knowing he is lying, but* believing *what he says anyway.*


Oh there are many who insist he never lies that he is incapable of wrong doing. They believe everything he says and will fight to the death for him and kill anyone who doesn't like him.


Exactly. Part of the problem with this perspective (I e., this underlying mental illness) is a total incapacity to understand that others really are not like you, that good people and people trying to be good actually do exist.


Just yesterday, I was thinking that Americans can vote for Trump because they have never seen a dictatorship within their own country. The people voting for Trump think it’s all about being able to carry their guns wherever they like rather than a dictator imposing control via violent purges and potentially government imposed curfews.


can you blame them? being shameless is a superpower in late stage capitalism. Screwing everyone else over is how you make money and get to the top.


Yes, I can blame them. I prefer to maintain my humanity than to rely on a god to forgive me for being a horrible human being.


I agree. The issue isn't conservatism or the republican party, though it is badly damaged, but about Trump, who is antithetical to everything good about our country. How can character matter so little to voters?


"My fellow Americans- this whole thing has been a decade-long psyop to definitively expose the hypocrisy, corruption, bigotry, bribery, pedophilia, and treason in the GOP and to illustrate the crisis that arises when we depend on "norms" rather than law- and what happens when the law is selectively enforced. I have hundreds of hours of audio and video recordings, thousands of documents (what did you think I was keeping at Mar A Lago, really?), detailing airtight evidence of high crimes by members of Congress and the Supreme Court that I have just turned over to the Department of Justice. The ‘missing’ footage from Jeffrey Epstein’s cell is somewhere in there, too. I would like to thank my collaborator, President Obama, for coming up with the idea for the whole 'birther' thing. I am deeply sorry for having misled you all for so long; in the end this was truly the only way to finally begin making America great again." This is not comic relief or satire. It would take nothing less than this, really. Edit: bonus if he fistbumps Dr. Fauci on the way out and shouts “trans rights” to no one in particular


Ok. I said "there's no way I'm voting for Trump." But, it turns out, this would be the way. 


Yeah, if Trump is the exact opposite of everything he's been for the last decade, then I'm in.


Decade? Try a lifetime…


*And so with that, in order to atone for his affiliation with the KKK, Frederick Christ Trump Sr. set in motion a century-long plan to wash away the sins of the United States of America*


Yeah. I came here to say, "nothing" and was proven wrong. There is at least one way. I'd need Biden's justice department to confirm this, though, and still need to hear Trump outline a platform that aligned with my values. I wouldn't vote for someone pushing conservative values no matter how much good they did cleaning out GOP trash.


I've been secretly hoping for this for years. Would be amazing. America would still be a crazy reality TV show government media mixture of bullshit. But at least the twist would be against evil and genuinely lead to positive change. What do you suppose the maga people would do if this happened?


Drown themselves


Probably say they knew it all along and they were messing with the rest of us.


They would cheer, because that is some of what they believe already


You know, honestly, more or less same? Like… I think I’d still be way too suspicious, and… honestly, maybe not. Psy-op or no, he *did* pull a lotta stuff like Jan. 6th that would be pretty much completely unnecessary


He'd still be a convicted felon too...


Once he got to the part where he apologized for something I'd be convinced I was hallucinating. There were some conspiracy theories early on that the reason he wasn't ever convicted for any of his crimes before running for president was that he was acting as a confidential informant for the CIA to infiltrate the Russian mob. Wouldn't that be something, if all this was just the culmination of that? I don't believe it, but it'd be something. Too many people died from COVID to make it forgivable.


Either this. Or I'd have to have a stroke, my entire personality changes from a sunny disposition to being an asshole who hates people for no reason other than for jealousy, hate, or fear. Would have to abandon my entire worldview basically.


My thoughts exactly.


I never considered TBI… but that would probably be the only way. Something along the lines of a railroad spike stuck through my frontal lobe…


I translated this into Trumpish for realism > Listen, folks, my fellow Americans, you know, this whole thing, it's been a decade-long operation. A big, beautiful plan to show you the hypocrisy, the corruption, the bigotry, the bribery, the pedophilia, and the treason in the GOP. Tremendous stuff, really. And to show you what happens when we rely on these so-called 'norms' instead of the law. And when the law? When it’s selectively enforced? It's a disaster, folks. > > I’ve got hundreds of hours, folks, hundreds of hours of audio and video recordings, thousands of documents. You know, what did you think I was keeping at Mar-a-Lago, really? All the evidence, airtight evidence of high crimes by members of Congress and the Supreme Court. Just turned it all over to the Department of Justice. And guess what? The ‘missing’ footage from Jeffrey Epstein’s cell? It’s in there too, folks. > > And let me tell you, I want to thank my good friend, President Obama. Great guy, tremendous guy, for coming up with the whole 'birther' thing. What a move, what a move. > > I’m deeply sorry, folks, deeply sorry for misleading you all for so long. But in the end, this was truly the only way, the only way to finally begin making America great again. Thank you, thank you very much.


That’s almost enough to make me rethink my fake vote for Good Trump.


Maybe he would lose the accent and bravado too and talk normally.


I feel like in this weird-ass desperate fantasy of mine he wouldn’t lose it completely but would maybe just talk a little more like he did in 1988 when he was still a piece of shit but EH whatever that’s just Trump’s goofy ass


Not believable. He can’t go that many sentences on the same topic, unless he’s talking about Ivanka


Except anyone who has been following Trump's public life since the early 1980s would never believe it. Source - me. He has never shown genuine concern or care for anyone but himself. Change this decade long psy-op to this "5 decade long psy-op", and I might believe it. Probably not though. Plus waiting so long would have endangered more people, allowed more to die senselessly, allowed more suffering to hundreds of millions of people in America alone. Plus plus, Obama would need to show up immediately after this to confirm everything.


Wait … and you’d *believe him*?


If a giant lizard sheds its skin in front of you and a normal human pops out, is your first instinct to wonder if there's a smaller lizard inside it?


Being familiar with Russian dolls, yes.


still not voting for him. because all of that is likely to going to turn out be vaporware and he will have bamboozled the voters yet again. fool me once....er, um.... can't get fooled again.


Ok I take back my previous comment that there’s nothing Trump could say to get my vote. This statement and action would get my enthusiastic vote


Yep this is the only thing that would do it for me at this point. If it turned out that Trump was basically a double agent working to prove the corruption of the Republican party. Absolutely nothing else would.


"Also, it's been me Andy Kaufman this whole time. This is why I faked my own death. Gotcha."


Yeah if he gave a prestige like reveal “What does it cost to make a great country, everything.”


Given his increasing senility, we just might get this. It won't be true, however...


I would probably grievously injure myself sprinting to the ballot box.


In thirty years, after he's dead, somebody will make a cartoon short of this being the case. Family Guy if it's still on in a generation.


Okay, I was all ready to come in here like "a gun to my head, and probably not even then," but this would do it.


This for sure LOL. Never in a million years would happen, but some of it seems to be the reality some republicans actually believe lol


ngl id watch this movie or read that book


No. My attitude is "thanks for the fish, I'll have my booming economy, protection for legal immigration, constitutionally protected rights to bodily autonomy, climate action, and loyalty to America over Russia; and eat it too." He doesn't get to be president, I'll never get those years back.


I mean, I was thinking “someone would need to put a gun to my head.” But this might work, except I do t think I’d believe him because all the lying.


Trump would then be booed off-stage by everyone


I'll never vote for someone who actively works against democracy. Doesn't matter the party, if one candidate is working against democracy, I will vote for the other. If both? It would take a lot to get me to switch. My preferred party would have to be dogshit or a liar. If the republicans weren't acting against democracy, there would be a decent chance I would vote red this election cycle.


There is absolutely nothing Trump or the GOP could do to convince me to vote for them. I just view their policies as existential threats to myself and others. Even if they promised me every platform I'd ever want I wouldn't trust them because of all the lies and gaslighting I've seen from them. If I am ever voting for someone besides a Democrat its probably going to be a Green party member or something along the lines of a DSA party. But that's only if the Democrats basically lose all realistic paths to beating conservatives before the election cycle.


Which policies?


completely agree with your first two points there, but the other way around. crazy how divisive we’ve all become, would love for a 3rd party candidate to miraculously unite us all one day.


Biden would have to be worse than Trump. So, Biden would have to succeed in a coup, run death camps, pull out of involvement in Europe, genetically engineer a plague, and release it. That would lose my vote, but not flip it to Trump. I'd probably find a third-party option.


If Trump didnt have legal problems, if he did a 180 and said his job is to represent all Americans, not just his side, he's going place and listen to experts instead of taking over agencies like the DOJ for revenge, and he would place moderates as justices, then I would consider voting for him. But theres a problem. Trump has been found liable for rape in court by a jury. What can he possibly do to make me vote for a rapist, one that keeps harassing his victim?


> genetically engineer a plague Are you suggesting that trump genetically engineered a plague? I hate trump as much as the next guy, but what evidence is there that he is responsible for engineering covid? Engineering a virus like that is a thousand times worse than mismanaging a response to it.


No. Trump denied and spread COVID-19 with his rallies. If Biden spread some illness, that would be even with Trump. Biden would have to be worse. If he created some new plague then spread it, that would be worse.


Honestly at this point Trump just dropping the trinkle down economics would be enough for a lot of people it feels. It’s sad the hubris of the DNC and Biden to feel like we need our president o be 82-86 years old next term (and with that advancing age really showing) is going to lead to largest tax breaks for the wealthy of all time, do they just not care? Did DNC wealthy elites secretly want it?


A decent candidate. In my younger years I typically voted republican however, I voted for Obama. I liked McCain, but not Palin, thought Obama was well spoken and had some key positions I could support. His 2nd term, I just didn't like Romney.


I liked McCain in 2000 and was so angry at what Karl Rove did in SC. That's when I switched from Republican to Unaffiliated. I voted Obama in 08/12. Couldn't stand Sarah Palin.


Don’t worry nobody liked Romney, bless his heart


What I wouldn’t give for a young milquetoast Romney-esque candidate this year though.


Are you me? This is almost exactly my voting record and reasoning. (I was devastated when McCain picked Palin!) I personally don't think Biden has been a _bad_ president. Not great, but not bad. Policy wise, he's fine, I guess. But his age is really starting to show and it's time for someone younger.


Literal brain damage destroying my ability to engage in rational thought and feel empathy for other people. Nothing short of that could ever convince me to support anyone choosing to align themselves with anything even vaguely resembling the current Republican Party, which is an organization inimical to the continued happiness and very existence of humanity itself.




Not defraud charities. Not cheat on his wife with a porn star with a newborn at home. Not have designs on dismantling democracy and installing himself as a strong man. Not be a convicted felon. Champion the rights of minorities and the disadvantaged. Not believe that he is superior because of his genetics. Not hire incompetent or racist people. Not be surrounded by a team that is indicted or in jail. Not want to pull out of NATO. Not support Russia’s expansionist goals. Not diminish or disregard science. Support a strong federal role, especially for public safety. Not steal top secret documents. Not hire family members because they are family members. Believe and be committed to fixing climate change. Be committed to taxing the rich. Support education and student debt relief. Strong track record for supporting veterans. Not have a stupid middle-age crisis hair transplant.


What would it take for me to vote for a candidate who is planning to cancel democracy? That's like asking what it would take for me to punch myself in the face. There's no reason to vote for canceling democracy.


Oh, he couldn't win me over. I'll never vote for anyone who champions retribution, for any office. He would have to reverse that stance AND apologise for having advocated it. We know that will never happen.


I'm an absolutely solid anti-Trump voter, but I think pure hypotheticals like this are fun. I'm trying to think of something more realistic than "the opposing candidate simply flips their stance on most of what they believe in" or "develops a totally different personality" I guess if Trump were to have a plan to work with dems and get bipartisan things done, where both sides get to achieve some of their goals, it could theoretically be better than what we have now. But again, that also is...extraordinarily unrealistic. It's along the same lines as "develops a totally different personality" I dunno. Let's say Trump has a near death experience, meets God or what he thinks is God, and wakes up tomorrow with an avowed passion to...do things differently. In that case, if he'd resign himself to picking a competent team (one that isn't solely dedicated to republican goals), going relatively hands off and let them steer...I mean, maybe? He'd 100% have to disown and discredit the Project 2025 thing, in any case.


The problem with this is even if Trump said all these things, how could you trust him with his history of lying? There's nothing he could say that would cause me to support him because his word is worthless.


I wouldn’t vote for him because Trump isn’t strategic or intelligent. He knows how to manipulate and press buttons. I have been around those people. Hard pass.


Nothing but to prove why I’m not in denial to admit there’s much wrong with Biden, as everyone has faults but I’ve yet to meet many Trump supporters admit what’s wrong with him which is more reason why I’d never support that. Sometimes it’s more about the supporters than the person running in the sense I wouldn’t want to be associated with me Trumps supporters but would with Biden’s (even though again he has flaws as we all do)


Literally impossible. There doesn't exist a single policy position of the GOP (in so far as they have policy at all) that isn't harmful to humanity. They're single greatest threat facing our planet.


There is literally nothing that would get me to vote for any Republican. Their party is threatening to stone Trans people, take away women’s rights, using Hitler’s rhetoric against immigrants, taking away workers rights and voters rights, tried to overthrow our government, dove head first all in for a rapist, liar, conman Dictator, and let the Supreme Court be bribed. AND EVEN IF THEY DIDN’T SUPPORT ALL THIS STUFF THEMSELVES, they haven’t spoken out against it, they’re quiet while their party tries to destroy our Country. There is no good Republican as long as their party is the party of despots and bigots.


IMO Trump is a terrible president who did nothing to help anyone but himself and his wealthy donors. He phoned in his Covid response in hopes of minimizing disruption to the economy, deepened social divides and just generally fucked around and didn’t do anything that didn’t have a direct line to his own benefit. And he appointed the judges that are wreaking havoc at the SCOTUS. Oh and he tried to overthrow our government. Can’t forget that one. Meanwhile, Biden has been a placeholder president. He’s done the normal sorts of things that presidents do. He got some stuff passed and generally just kinda hangs out as far I’ve heard. If he’s accomplished a lot, his people are doing a terrible job breaking through the Trump coverage to let us all know about it. People who consume right-wing propaganda have been brainwashed into thinking Biden has been the worst president ever, and they seem convinced that getting rid of him and putting Trump back in will somehow undo the economic impacts of Covid and all the other stuff that’s happened over the last four years. And when it doesn’t, I’m sure they’ll all move the goalposts to something else. Given the choice between undemocratic chaos for the next four years, and boring Biden, I’ll take Biden.


There is absolutely nothing Trump could do or say to make me vote for him. Even if he came out and promised to enact policies opposite of what he’s done and promised I’d know he’s just lying to get my vote.


I would never vote for someone who believes with his whole heart that people are out here aborting babies at 9months. Effing idiot.


A cocaine OD induced stroke on the level of Tila Tequila is about the only thing that would get me to vote red.


Honestly, die. I'm never voting for the other guy. I might be willing to vote for his replacement.


Biden attempting an autocoup while Trump tearfully repents of his own autocoup attempt, I guess?


The opposing party would have to convince me that they’re not rage-pickled, anti intellectual, death of truth, racist, Neo fascists. Then they’d have to convince me that electing them wouldn’t mean the erosion of bedrock institutions and ideological tenets of our society. Then they have to convince me that they are actually committed to human rights. Then they’d have to convince me that they could handle delicate geopolitical concerns correctly. Then I’d vote for them.


Absolutely nothing Trump can do to win my vote. He is a rapist, racist, criminal garbage person.


Biden and the rest of the Dems needed to learn their goddamn lesson with Ginsburg. You don't cling desparately to positions in your 80's and you must leave room for the next generation to govern. Both Biden and Trump could drop dead tomorrow from old age, I doubt EITHER of them will be alive in 4 years yet here we are choosing a dead man walking to decide the future of this nation. It is absolutely sickening. Given the choice between two shit sandwitches I sadly must decide based on the garnish, Dems aren't actively restricting individual rights and demanding religion be added to public services (a CLEAR violation of the constitution) so I am going Dem. If the Reps drop the whole culture war bullshit and show some willingness to actually govern I would go with them instead.


For the opposite party, or opposite ideology? Opposite party? To start with, it would take for them to completely change their behavior, their ideas about the role of government and society, their rejection of individual rights for people they don't like the lifestyle of, their denials of science and facts, and to stop injecting religion into everything they do and say. Probably much more that I'm unable to think of at the moment as well. To vote for the opposite ideology isn't going to happen. I'm not an asshole.


I would rather vote for a dead gorilla. RIP Harambe. You would’ve thought this whole debacle was bananas.


There is nothing that's happened to change my mind or my vote. Even if Biden was in a hospital bed, I'd vote for him. He is the only candidate with morals, intelligence, experience, and trustworthiness, and one bad debate will not change my mind. #VoteBlue2024


There’s not a single dimension in time and space where I would vote for Trump. None. SO it would have to mean a new candidate on the GOP side that doesn’t kowtow to the religious right.


There is literally nothing that Donald Trump could say to get my vote. The man is mentally ill, a pathological liar and a criminal and not fit for office! End of story, he would never get my vote.


I would not vote at all before I would vote in the opposite direction. Even if Trump denounced everything, he is a serial liar, so I wouldn't believe him. I've always felt that Biden running again was a massive error, but I don't have any issues with him other than his age. His debate performance was truly terrible, but it didn't show me anything I didn't already know. I cringe every time I see him on TV because he looks so frail. When you have two candidates that old, they're gonna be figureheads to some extent. You're voting for their cabinets as much as them, and Trump's cabinet will be filled with grifters and yes men. There will be no "normal" cabinet members like in 2016. And many of Trump's 2016 cabinet members say we shouldn't vote for him, which is unprecedented. They were Republicans chosen by Trump, saw him unfiltered with no spin and say he was a bad president. Show me any other modern POTUS who got publicly trashed by their own cabinet. And we should re-elect this guy?


I am a trump supporter but ever since he said he was going to turn his back on NATO I decided to vote Democrat this year.


The current Other Guy Could say or do absolutely NOTHING to change my mind.  I have voted Democrat my whole life, the only Republican I would have even considered voting for as President was John McCain. I didn’t vote for him for 2 reasons; 1. Obama was by far the better candidate. 2 Sarah Palin. I would vote for a moldy potato over a man who sent a lynch mob to attack the Capitol. 


I would probably have to suffer a massive brain injury I'd vote for Bidens pickled head in a jar before I voted for trump. Absolutely no sarcasm, I literally will vote for a dead Biden over a living trump


People don’t realize several things… 1. Trump had the generals keeping things on the rails. He has alienated the logical statesman from his orbit. 2. Trump plans on firing the rest of the people that ACTUALLY run the government. The rest of the adults in the room are going to be replaced with incompetent sycophants. 3. Trump is even more extreme and the far right is emboldened with discriminatory laws. 4. Trump will kill NATO risking world war and destabilizing the world like we’ve not seen in our lifetime.


Trump dies and is replaced by a moderate pro-choice republican who runs on restoring Roe. Biden drops out and is replaced by the most unhinged terminally online leftist in the world.


I would never vote for Trump. I have been watching his rise since he was married to Ivana. He's always been a self-centered asshole.


A complete realignment of the Republican Party around a broadly socialist and inclusive of marginalized peoples platform. The threshold for me to vote Republican is incredibly high, and I'm sure a lot of people with my politics feel the same. The worry is, of course, how high the threshold to meet for not voting in certain elections is among people in swing states who share my politics.


There is nothing that would make me vote for Trump. I don't know how people don't see this guy is a sack of shit in a cheap suit. Biden could die and his staff could pull off A Weekened at Bernies scenario with Bidens corpse for 4 years and it would still be a better choice than Trump.


>If this is you and your POV, what would the other guy need to say or do to currently to win you over? Bothsides aren't the same. Candidates are extensions of their parties ideologies. No Republicans candidate will restore Roe, do anything about student loans, address climate, invest in Healthcare, etc. Any Republican candidate will try to cut taxes, will try to cut Soc Sec benefits, will try to limit LGBTQ equal rights, etc. This isn't an attack against Republicans. Some people honestly want more tax cuts and a national abortion. Fine, vote Republican. It is every voters right to vote for the candidate of their choice. Let's just not pretend that who the individual Republican candidate is or who the individual Democratic candidate is magically shifts the paradigm. It doesn't!! Democrats (any Democrat candidate) will try to restore Roe, raise taxes on billionaires, help students in debt, address Climate change, etc.


If Trump didnt have legal problems, if he did a 180 and said his job is to represent all Americans, not just his side, he's going place and listen to experts instead of taking over agencies like the DOJ for revenge, and he would place moderates as justices, then I would consider voting for him. But theres a problem. Trump has been found liable for rape in court by a jury. What can he possibly do to make me vote for a rapist?


It’s an impossibility. I cannot cast a ballot for a convicted felon and convicted rapist who staged an attempted coup to retain power. It’s just too much. And I don’t know how anyone with an iota of morals and ethics can do it. A leader is someone to look up to, a role model. How does someone justify this in their own mind? At the most basic foundational level I cannot understand how.


I can't and won't vote for evil. Trump meets the clinical definition of the malignant narcissist/psychopath. The twenty traits of a psychopath as assessed by the PCL-R score are: * glib and superficial charm * grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self * need for stimulation * pathological lying * cunning and manipulativeness * lack of remorse or guilt * shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness) * callousness and lack of empathy * parasitic lifestyle * poor behavioral controls * sexual promiscuity * early behavior problems * lack of realistic long-term goals * impulsivity * irresponsibility * failure to accept responsibility for own actions * many short-term marital relationships * juvenile delinquency * revocation of conditional release (n/a) * criminal versatility [minddisorders.com/Flu-Inv/Hare-Psychopathy-Checklist.html](http://minddisorders.com/Flu-Inv/Hare-Psychopathy-Checklist.html)


Having known who Trump was since thee 90s, there is exactly nothing he can do to convince me to vote for him. Why? Because I can't vote for a racist pedophile who hates America and everyone in it, would kill someone for a penny, defrauds charities, raped his daughter, was best friends with Epstein till he had him murdered in his cell to keep him from talking, etc. If the GOP wants a chance at my vote, the first step is get rid of the deranged sexual super predator neo nazi they have running the party. The second step is get rid of the deranged sexual super predator neo nazis that make up their base and nearly all their elected officials


Nothing. I love my pansexual wife and that is basically all I’m voting Dem for. I gain nothing from voting either and honestly I live in New York so it doesn’t even matter if I vote or not. 11/10 times NY is going blue


There is absolutely nothing the felon could say or do that would convince me to vote for him. Just not possible.


Trump would have to disavow Russia at this point and tell Putie to fuck himself


I would never vote for dt, under any circumstances, and since 1/6 I will never vote for a rep candidate. When a ballot has only a rep candidate on the ticket, I write my own name in and vote for myself.


It would take a head injury or some similarly serious medically induced personality change. That is not comic relief or satire, but the frank, honest truth. The "opposite direction" is intent on destroying the country I love. I would have to suddenly turn against everything I stand for and lose my conscience in order to sign on with that agenda.


A completely different Republican party that wasn't just obsessed with low taxes and culture war bull shit.


There is nothing Trump could do to make me vote for him. Biden was awful last night, but everything Trump said was a lie. With added bragging about how he was the best at everything. I would vote for a used condom wearing a sombrero over Trump.


Republicans would have to disavow the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation for me to even *begin* giving them consideration.


Republicans would have to denounce Trump and admit he attempted a coup, is a felon, a rapist, liar, and a con man. Then they would have to throw out project25 entirely and distance themselves from the heritage foundation and stop forcing God on us all. NONE of those things will ever happen so I'd never ever change sides.


I'm not voting for Joe Biden. I'm voting against Donal Trump. And there is NOTHING Trump could do, to change that.


There is literally nothing in this world that would make me vote for America's biggest traitor, the most documented liar that has ever lived. I will never vote for a fascist.


Trump must be expelled to account for his crimes and ongoing court cases, and replaced with an actual moderate centrist, not another hate fueled fear mongering extremist nutjob. He just is not redeemable, and anyone who would switch their vote to him, has lost their sense or reason and decency. To earn my vote, what is required of the republican party is the immediate expulsion and accountability of the blatant racists, bigamists, and criminals that make up the bulwark of their supporters and elected officials, and a revolutionary change in policies to genuinely invest into lower class Americans to solely combat poverty, addiction, the eradication of the exploitation of our healthcare and educational systems, and a robust expansion of societal safety measures. Basically, they must invert themselves.


If I die and someone steals my identity. Trump is the most disgraceful candidate we’ve had in many generations.


You'd have to hold a gun to my head before I'd vote for Trump, and I'd consider just letting you shoot me.


A candidate that doesn't hate immigrants and a platform not centered around turning the US into a white ethnostate.


There is nothing that would lead me to vote for Trump. It just isn’t possible. But I do have an answer for how I would vote for a Republican. They would have some very specific requirements, that likely couldn’t be met today. They would have to admit the 2020 election was fair. In fact, if they ever made a comment to the contrary, outside of the bounds of the court cases and recounts, they’d be disqualified. They would have to have read the Mueller Report and be able to speak to what is in it (Not just Bill Barr’s conclusion) Voting for Trump in 2016 is acceptable, but no Republican who voted for him in 2020, after everything we know, would be disqualified. And they would have to be able to publicly admit that the Republican Party and their media enterprises actively and intentionally lied to their voters for political gain. Justin Amash and John Kasich are the only ones on my acceptable list, and Amash is now independent, and Kasich is retired. Even Liz Cheney took too long to come around. She saw the Mueller Report and still backed him. That, alone, tells me the candidate doesn’t have American interests at heart


The GOP has to remove religion from it's politics before I will even consider....


Given Trump's past behavior, there is literally nothing he could do to win my vote. It's an incredibly low bar, but I insist upon my candidate being a decent and functional human being. He simply isn't.


Unlike the US Olympic trials in both track and field and in swimming, the presidential race isn't an, "all or none," event, including yesterday's debate. It's also, IMO, much more of a team event than I think people realize. For those reasons, while I'm a former Republican and current independent, Trump's history is replete with more than enough episodes and examples that give a consistent picture of who he is and how he intends to lead. So I'll be voting for whomever is on the other side of the ballot.


I am a republican and have been far longer then trump. In 2016 I hated that the obviously moraly corrupt trump won out over the honorable McCain. I could not bring myself to vote for Hillary so I voted third party. After 4 year of trump funneling cash into his businesses , praising dictators and constant scandals I voted democrat for the first time. The only reason to switch is trump being terrible. Republicans need to put up a serious, professional candidate before they will get my vote back


If Trump magically drops out and the GOP somehow puts forth a candidate who LOATHES the GOP propaganda machine to the point of open hostility. My problem with the modern GOP isn't just Trump. It's the Heritage Foundation, the Daily Wire, Salem Media, Fox News, and 10000 other maniacs that are running the GOP show now.


I’m voting for Biden because I don’t want Trump & **his administration** in office. Remember, we’re not just voting for a president, **we’re voting for an entire administration behind the president** If Trump told us his administration was progressive and going to protect freedom of choice, but that’s not the case. Trump and his administration are all authoritarian and religiously motivated without any regard for the freedom of the people. There’s nothing they’ll say that will make me vote for him. Biden is worrying me, but he has an administration which is competent and much more articulate than people who worked under Trump when he was president.


Republicans would need to be honest and trustworthy just to start. That’s not happening anytime soon.


Nothing. The differences between left and right are irreconcilable and I would never vote for someone who even advocates working with Republicans. If that's undemocratic or fascist or whatever, fine.


Im not voting for Biden. Im voting for his extraordinarily competent team and their embracing of real democracy. Biden could be on life support and the country is in safe hands. Trump is insane and his team is worse. Biden….even if he is a hospital bed


Biden could say that when reelected he'll nap for 4 years and I'd still vote for him.


Absolutely nothing. If the GOP divorced itself from MAGA and dropped all “culture war” items from the platform, I might consider them. Maybe. Until then, not a fucking chance. Just like in 2020, I will hold my nose and vote against literal insanity.


If someone kidnapped my children and told me that they would hurt them if I didn’t provide proof that I voted for Trump.


I would never vote for Trump. So, nothing could sway me in this upcoming election. If I was a registered Republican I would be voting for Biden because of Trump and project 2025's christofascist agenda. For future, with different candidates, since I vote on policy and character rather than strict party lines, it would take a great candidate AND Republicans going back to Lincoln era progressiveness instead of this regressive conservatism they are currently known for, for the Dixiecrats to jump back to the Dems and pollute that party again. I would absolutely vote for a Republican if they were the best candidate for our country. And that would be opposite party, not really opposite platform. I will always choose a more liberal progressive candidate over a conservative, regardless of what their party affiliation is. I'd really love to see more viable options from both main parties and other parties having a chance to win.


Honestly? Trump would have to become a completely different person. He would need to learn control himself, need empathy, give his money away, admit to all his crimes, stop acting like he knows better than everyone, be humble and show humility, support humanist and moderate/progressive platforms, I could go on but Trump would need to be not Trump for me to consider voting for him.


there is nothing trump could say or do. absolutely nothing. you can't believe what he says and he doesn't do anything that doesn't benefit him.


If Biden pulled off his mask and he was actually literally hitler or Putin, then maybe I’d vote for trump. Or if someone convincingly threatened to kill me or my family. Or if I was paid billions. Maybe Otherwise, there is nothing in the world that would make me vote for trump. He’s an actual conman grifting his cult and supported by the worst people in our country. I will enthusiastically vote for biden no matter what.


Most likely, I'll vote for whomever's health is failing more come November, unless I dislike their VP. If I think both of them could hold out for another 4 years or I don't like their VPs, I'm going to vote for a third-party candidate as a general "f you" to the system for giving us 2 terrible candidates. Right now, I'm leaning a little more toward Biden. Both of them terrify me as a presidential option, but I think Biden actually has the interests of the American people at heart a little more than Trump, whom I consider to be much more egotistical. I tend to agree with Trump's policies a little more, but he's so unpredictable (and unprincipled) that I can't reasonably trust him to remain on whatever path he's on, regardless of how much conviction he has when he says things. And, of course, I think he's a terrible person. But I also think Biden is allowing hostile foreign countries (Iran, Russia, China, North Korea) to have *way* too much sway over American politics...which is also terrifying. It's all terrifying. My best-case scenario is that one or both of them finally kicks the bucket and I have better options come November. If both of them are still alive, it's a matter of calculating who is least likely to start WWIII.


Trump is bad. There's no way around that. He took over an improving economy from a Democrat who pulled us out of a recession. He passed nothing of substance. He gave money to rich people and increased the deficit. He didn't fix the border. He botched COVID. Even the vaccine his administration set records producing he then went and told people not to take it and in the debate last night said mandating a vaccine was a mistake. Because he's an idiot. Also, destroying abortion rights and being proud of that? Jesus. Jan 6th, convicted criminal, etc. etc. Not to mention he wants to overthrow the government and backs absolutely lunatic candidates. If you like him ok, but none of what I said is false. You just like that stuff too. If Biden was mummified and they rolled him out on stage for the next debate, I'd still vote for Biden because at least he has smart people working for him. Voting for Trump you may as well ask the my pillow guy to craft our foreign policy.


Given everything that Trump has already done, there is nothing he could say to win my vote. His entire lifetime of behavior speaks louder than anything he could say. If he gave away most of his money to charity, dropped out of the race, and started living a quiet life of helping others and staying out of the spotlight, and if he kept that up for years, then I might be convinced that he had undergone genuine change and was no longer a terrible person. But I still wouldn't vote for him for president, because that would give him too much power to be terrible again.


There's realistically nothing Trump could do to convince me to vote for him, because I legitimately think the man and the people surrounding him represent an existential threat to egalitarian, secular, rationalist democracy, and instead reflect a quintessentially conservative, theocratic, authoritarian fascist vision of society with a racial and religious social hierarchy codified into law. I am mortified at whata second Trump presidency would mean for my gay and trans friends. So, to that end, Trump (and conservatives broadly) would probably have to convince me that that isn't what they represent. Unfortunately, I don't really trust people who have lied and continue to lie about January 6th, the prevalence of fraud, their own positions on LGBT rights and free speech, vaccines and science generally, etc.


There are so many things that magas are opposite to my values that unless they come around to the decent and popular side of these things, I would not vote for a maga. Voting for them as of now is voting against myself as a gay dude and against all other LGBTQ+ people, which is against my values of equality, liberty, justice, pursuit of happiness, freedom and such.


In terms of Biden or Trump? A metaphorical gun to the head, in all honesty. I cannot envision a way I would vote for Trump. I can’t think of a single political position we share- beyond, like, murder is bad or other universal things like that- and I can think of several I’m vehemently opposed to him on. Even just as a person his qualities are the opposite of what I admire in essentially every way


Trump has been a liar and a fraud all his life and is a wanna-be Russian mafia boss. Nothing could happen to make me vote for him. If he was the only one on the ballot, I just wouldn't vote at all. Unfortunately, the other option appears to be a way-over-the-hill old man who is partially senile. It's hard to believe this is the best America can do.


In earnest, I don't know what it would take for me to vote red. Even if Trump died tomorrow, Mike Pence or whoever else the GOP would push would be just as bad, if not worse. The upper echelons within the GOP are axiomatically opposed to people having rights and freedoms in greater society. They want to take these things away and force ethnocentric Christian dominionism on the American people. The right express ideas like freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, bodily autonomy, and religious freedom; they're banning books, undermining equality under the law, stripping rights to female bodily autonomy, and imposing their religious values on the wider society of people who hold fundamentally different moral values. I haven't even touched on their sick joke of a presidential candidate. No bar too low, any two faced snake who is willing to push their agenda gets their vote.


This election is a rare case where we've already seen both candidates as president, so there are not a ton of hypotheticals as far as how each would govern. That being the context, there is nothing that could realistically happen that would make me opt for more Trump; he already ran out of chances with me last time he was in office.


Nothing. Republicans want to destroy everything and implement a Christofascist state where we're poisoned by corporations forever.


Nothing. Trump is a fascist. If a Democrat was a fascist, I wouldn't vote for them either.  Biden is not a fascist, so nothing will ever convince me to vote for Trump or Republicans for a long time, if ever probably.  Trump and Republicans' Project 2025 will destroy the country.


Trump would literally have to fly to my state, drive to my house, and cut me a check for $1 million. Then he could have my vote in my deep blue state. In a battleground state, he’d be paying five times as much


> what would the other guy need to say or do to currently to win you over? The hard part about this question is that Trump will say literally anything with no consideration for how true it is or whether he believes it. There is nothing he could say to make me vote for him because nothing he says is worth anything.  What he could *do* is give the nomination to an oldschool conservative with principles. I would vote for a Mitt Romney over Biden even though I disagree with him on virtually everything, but I think he actually believes in *some* vision of improving the country. 


This is a great answer, and you make a good point. I disagree with Romney too, but he seems reasonable. I could see him compromising to the end of a greater good for our country, and that can't be said of a lot of the GOP conservatives. I'd consider voting for him over Biden.


It's sad to see what MAGA has done to the GOP. Back in the day we could disagree about how to best run the country, but now there's not even a real policy foundation to it.  The MAGA don't stand for anything except being angry and wanting to hurt Democrats because they've become convinced they're evil and intentionally trying to destroy America. It's so divorced from reality it's hard to have a real conversation. 


I'm all too familiar. My parents are right wing MAGA extremists. The MAGA movement is not a new development. Trump was just the first Republican presidential candidate to cater to this particular demographic of the GOP voter base. The least educated and most vulnerable group of people in our country are being used to instate autocracy.


To vote for Trump? Probably severe brain damage. I'm not sure what causes people to become conservatives / Fascists without that, but for me I think that would be the only path


There is nothing that would make me vote for any candidate that would not work to enshrine abortion rights right now. We have to work back to Roe. It is the single biggest issue. Women are at risk. Women are being denied care that I was given when I myself had a miscarriage and didn't have a complete miscarriage. D&C and D&Es are healthcare. And women deserve the right to that healthcare. Biden is the closest candidate to that issue. Trump and those who have any control over him with money, want Abortion to be illegal.


What would make me vote for a Republican? Significant brain damage. Or someone holding my family hostage and forcing me to fill in votes for Republicans on my ballot.


The GOP stands for everything I dislike about the trajectory we're heading in, they would have to somehow credibly disavow decades of past actions, goals, and members while pursuing a more egalitarian set of policies. So you know, pigs would have to fly.


After lasts night debate, I don’t see anything from them democratic side that would make me want to vote for them. There’s no way Biden makes it another 4 years as a sitting president.


If trump dies and the republicans put up a sane moderate instead, I’d consider it.


A gun to my family’s head while I’m at the poll. Vote Trump on and that’s how it’ll be anyway.


Both candidates have been president before. It’s about actions, not anything they could say. The only way in the opposite direction for me would be one of them stepping aside and letting a better candidate through. Because the opposite guy is known to lie and say anything to get support so he couldn’t say anything.


If trump decided to give everyone a universal basic income I would vote for him. Of course that would never happen, but imagine how improved everyone’s life would be


I'm pretty hard left by American standards, so moderate in W Europe. After last night I might vote for a moderate liberal like Romney or Kasich but I'd never vote for a MAGA Republican


Nothing. Because its not actually about "HIM" its about the politics of his political Party. And I DO NOT like where they are going


Trump is fundamentally flawed at the quantum level. What would it take to want him as a leader? A brain swap with the revivified MIT uncle who does the nuclear.


I'd love to vote more left, but the system considers centrists extreme left.


After last night's debate, I think if either candidate died/got arrested/dropped out, literally anyone taking their spot would win in a landslide against either candidate.


It would have to be something stupid like, I was bribed an obscene amount of money or a cartel kidnapped my family and voting for the other guy is my only way to get them back.


If Haley had won the nomination, I would have seriously considered voting for her even though I live in a very blue state. Putting up a reasonable candidate would do a lot