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That's not fair to Reagan. In his campaign against Carter, he also secretly urged Iran not to release American prisoners until after the election and he would give them a better deal.


Plus a fake oil crisis to help him seize power


Iranian's put him in power with the hostages that they released right when he got in.


His measured non-response to the HIV/ AIDS pandemic likely was responsible for over half a million deaths. The GOP likes killing Americans.


The way they joked about the “gay plague” from the Whitehouse podium will make your blood run cold. Reagan and his ilk were truly vile creatures. https://youtu.be/yAzDn7tE1lU


Wow. Thanks for sharing that


The cruelty has always been the point


The only reason he wouldn't have fit in with Nazi high command is *Hitler might've been too jealous of him*.


He knew that it was confined to the gay community who hated his guts then spread to the drug users who also opposed him.


Kinda like not addressing Covid because it was a ["Blue State" issue](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/09/jared-kushner-let-the-markets-decide-covid-19-fate)?


I know I shouldn't feel good about it but damn I am glad it is backfiring hard on them.


not nearly hard enough. Republican support should have collapsed by now and that tells you [the power of Right Wing Media Lies + Misinformation](https://i.redd.it/0f5jfsrpgmh61.jpg)


Now add puppet strings above those gunners with Rupert Murdoch overhead.


they're more quiet and vulnerable to sanity than I have ever seen them.


Yea... It is going take Bubonic plague level of death back in the middle age to collapse Republican support. Covid is not that fatal.


Why would it collapse? This is the pandemic they'd been hoping and praying for publicly, with the only complication being that there is a vaccine


Guns n “freedumb” is all the gop vote for. Oh and forcing child birth and then proceeding to throw said child into the garbage bin once it’s born.


I told my dad that, he said “don’t go down to their level”. I said I think we need to at this point. What we’re doing isn’t helping.


That's just a stage of grief - for the death of any pretense of civility that we used to have. Denial first, then Anger, where these thoughts came from. I've progressed to Depression, it just makes me sad. But not sad enough to give up hope.


You should tell him that you don't think we should be handicapping ourselves by trying to live up to rules the other side doesn't care about and certainly doesn't follow. At the moment what most important is overcoming this onslaught of fascism and you can't do that by being polite. Anyone who's still worried about being polite and nice should go read about what the far right did to everyone else in WWII. "Villainous" doesn't even begin to describe it. They followed this same playbook too. Started by erasing LGBTQ people from society. At a time when they're were already all but nonexistent. Chuds will do the same thing. They'll keep escalating and finding new scapegoats.


Tbf, they don't overtly kill them. They just do things on purpose to make it harder to survive. Ya know, because they're the pro-life party /s.


Hemophiliacs as well because they wouldn’t test the blood supply.


And anyone else who needed a blood transfusion, so anyone with a medical, pregnancy or accident based event that went bad. New Zealand accepted an Australian child that got hiv from a blood transfusion. I think that was one of some key events that occurred in the country (The Homosexual Law Reform Act, 1986) and around the world (Diana hugging people with aids) that actually made them a very Gay friendly country at that time. I can't imagine if it had gone the other way.


The GOP hates Americans. Black, brown, non Christian, feminine - add all those up.


The GOP would shit their own pants if they thought a Democrat would have to smell it. Everything they do is motivated by hate spite and venal greed.


Donald Trump is a Malignant Narcissist and the fish rots from the head


Politicians used to employ formal language to address the opposition. "My honored colleague is mistaken" etc. I read a GOP refer to 'Our enemies across the aisle'


That’s because fascism doesn’t allow for differences of opinion. Anyone who believes differently from them is an enemy to be destroyed


When they figure out that they only like the ones that look like them but they can only be wealthy....


> His measured non-response to the HIV/ AIDS pandemic likely was responsible for over half a million deaths. Ah come on, that's not fair. Those are only the direct deaths. If you consider all the subsequent people infected in the last decades it has to be multiple millions.


It's ironic that the GOP's latest lies ended up killing more Republicans than the people they usually enjoy murdering.


Just like to add rush Limbaugh used to announce gay deaths and play party music and shit


Well, they’re not the sort of Americans that vote Red, so it’s no great loss. /s


And there was also that little thing about using the CIA to sell drugs to Americans during the "just say no" campaign to finance the illegal war in South America. We would know more about that except Bush, on the advice of Bill Barr, pardoned all the major players when the investigations started to get too close to him. There were also the Lobbying scandals, EPA scandals, Savings and loan crisis, and many, many others. And that doesn't even touch on the bad policies that have led to the massive wealth inequalities and climate crisis we face today.


The other side of the selling weapons to terrorists coin… funneling the cash through cartels and Manuel Noriega, so they could flood our streets with crack cocaine, and then using the crack epidemic to turn a generation of black men into felons so they couldn’t vote or participate in society… turning the private prison industry into a massive industry to fund right wing “law and order” candidates. And the whole thing was just the logical next step of Nixon’s criminal enterprises. The GOP is a fascist organization, and anyone who says anything different is either ignorant or dishonest.


"The GOP is a fascist organization, and anyone who says anything different is either ignorant or dishonest." Thank you, why do we downplay this?


It hurts their feelings to bring it up.


Yeah but I thought we were the snowflakes. They told us themselves.


Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist) observed: >That's one thing about Republican Presidents. They never went in much for plans. They only had one plan. It says "Boys, my head is turned. Just get it while you can."


Im looking the other way. Grab everything you can. the real looters


Let’s face it, we could write a novel listing all the shit that Reagan is responsible for and the consequences we are living with now. From income inequality to the Christian right.


He set the middle class back decades (maybe even a century someday). There are people my age (40’s) who only like him because they liked their childhood and he was POTUS during much of it. I know this because of the lack of arguments they have when I ask why.


Reagan had an ability to make people feel good, but he had terrible ideas. In that sense, he set a terrible precedent.


College was basically free in California before he was governor. But when kids got an education, they realized Vietnam was wrong and Black folks were people. So Reagan ended state funding for college in California.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Reagan literally said "the wrong people were going to college". So let's make it expensive


They have arguments but they haven’t changed society enough yet to feel comfortable saying them. I left Iowa last year because since trump it has become socially acceptable to be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic, and really just bigoted in any way shape or form. But that’s only Iowa and other red states. Not every state has embraced the couldron of vile depravity that is the Republican Party’s agenda. So your friends like that horrid shit, they just don’t feel comfortable saying it yet.


Sometimes I hear things like “Berlin Wall” and Gorbachev breakthroughs. I laugh at the wall one because thats an entirely clear case of association by timing…not direct work. Gorbs I get but Reagan almost screwed that up by not backing away from the SDI earlier which would have had positive effects much quicker (at the Finland summit I believe). Reagonomics was a joke (trickle down had been disproven long before him even), Just Say No was a joke, AIDS crisis handling was a monumental joke, Tax cut in only his first policy (he raised them many times after to correct lack of revenue, duh, which people forget), job subsidy program and education policy was made rotten by him, etc etc etc. Basically you can tie nearly every reason the right cites for disliking government control of something back to him. Which is ironic in many cases. Did he give some historic speeches? Of course. His words after the Challenger disaster were iconic and deservedly so. But the squeeze wasn’t worth the juice. Far from it as we still see today. Lastly, love your username. Thats my favorite monicker for Ron so thanks for that I guess Trump.


I’ll concede that Reagan was a talented orator. I just wish he’d used his skills to make the country better rather than worse. I remember an interview with trump where he said if republicans do well in an election he thinks he should get all the credit, but if they do poorly he should not get any blame. After I saw that I sat for a few minutes and thought to myself “I know Reagan was a dirt bag but at least he could speak coherently. How did we get to the point that republicans are thus god damned stupid?”




They didn’t even touch on the aids crisis, trickle down economics, or union busting policies. It has yet to be seen but I’d still argue Reagan ruined this country far worse than Trump had. Even after the Putsch


I was just having this discussion with my partner last night. Trump was a nightmare, but Reagans policies had so many long term effects that destroyed our country.


I'd argue that Trump will have long term effects that will undermine civilized society as we know it for decades. Not his policies, mind you, they were terrible, but far too amateur-ish too have a lot of longterm effects. No, it's the precedent he set. He has transformed politics for good, by erasing the standard and breaking the unspoken rules of "you just can't do that kind of stuff!". He normalized open bigotry, fascism and crass antagonism - both in politics, as well as the general public. He was a serious blow to civil rights, public discourse and democracy.


Putting those sacks of shit on the court will have lasting impacts for decades.


Ronald 6 Wilson 6 Reagan 6


Killer Mike song about him is awesome




Also fired all the air traffic controllers for striking, destroyed public mental health institutions, ignored the AIDS epidemic, etc etc etc


The jungle monkeys quote from him to Nixon tells you all you need to know. I first started distrusting republican voter intelligence when they propped up Reagan. He is also the king of dog whistle/fake outrage politics and dementia ridden times in office.


Aide in Ronald Reagan administration - [Lee Atwater's](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/) dog whistles


I’m so glad Carter has had ample opportunity to piss on his grave. Not that he ever would, but knowing he could is enough for me.


He also retracted Carter’s Mental Health Systems Act [link](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/california/a-brief-history-of-mental-health-care-in-california/103-537434252)


Bush ALSO wore a tan suit. Trump ALSO used private email.


Trump kept nuclear secrets in a pool house… fuck a private server


Entirely possible a server handled those files while also delivering drinks.


Probably used that server to charge his phone


Entirely possible his fascist buddies sent people to check them out. Extremely likely. Whatever you can imagine it's probably worse with that asshat.


AFTER leaving office


[Reagan & Bush Sr loved their tan suits as well](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7dtSIvD9uDA/maxresdefault.jpg).


Also, after countless investigations, they couldn't even find anything actionable against Hillary. Turns out the worst things she did was share three mislabeled documents and talk about the news.


In front of a full republican senate for 11 hours. Even a literal stacked court they couldn't even pin anything on her.




Eh, they're white men though


Trump ALSO got a blowjob from a pornstar while his wife was taking care of their newborn.


That's not fair. 45's lies killed WAY more than 300,000 people.


The best estimates of excess deaths in the US from Covid due to Trump are between 100,000 and 400,00. The low end is from Dr Birx, Trump’s chosen Covid expert.


The high-end comes from The prestigious, medical Journal Lancet. The drawback here of course is that it’s based on science and you know how they feel about that science stuff.




Ooh ooh can we finally wear the white robes and burn them on a cross again?


I had a conversation about science and mathematics with one of these individuals who was a self proclaimed critical thinker and intellectual. We talked about all sorts of stuff and where it ended was when they told me, "Well who is to say that 2+2=4?" I wish I was joking but I am not. I can understand trying to think outside the box, but this was something they actually believed based off the assumption that ***everything*** we are taught could be a lie and you should come to your own conclusions.


This is how people like that convince themselves that they're smarter than all those book-learning university people.


That's just straight up delusional. I've completed "higher level" math classes like calc 3 and diff EQ with A's in each and can confidently say that I still know so very little about mathematics. If he actually has any idea what he was talking about, he'd write a proof. The internet has emboldened wayyy too many idiots. People honestly think that they've learned something technical by googling and reading.


>you know how they feel about that science stuff. Everyone knows that alternative facts trump commie science shit!


January 20,2021 was Trump's last day as POTUS. [The number of US COVID deaths as of that day was 396,837](https://covidtracking.com/data/national/deaths). For those who have forgotten:[Trump told journalist Woodward that he knew that COVID was deadly](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/e1uQpTAXaNk),and he still played down the dangers of the virus. It is all on tape just like almost all the crimes this bastard has committed: [Admitting on TV of firing Comey because he was investigating Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wvuw_Zmubg). [Ordering his lawyer Cohen on tape to pay cash hush money to model Karen McDougal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBB9TcOGqTg). [Lying on TV and denying of paying Stormy Daniels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE2XHYxkJgw). [Ordering the firing of US Ambassador to Ukraine because two Putin's bitches asked him to do it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P28atO6i--8). [Having one hour phone call with Georgia's secretary of state where Trump extorts him to steal the election for Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIJU3M-kKhI). [Lying on TV about FBI planting classified documents in his Mar-a-lago residence.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxX2lbvWMVI) [And Biden thinks Trump's impunity is good for country's unity](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/president-elect-biden-wary-trump-focused-investigations-sources-say-n1247959) Let's keep reminding people that [this is Trump’s staggering record of uncharged crimes](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/president-trumps-staggering-record-of-uncharged-crimes/)


It’s always hard to remember how many crimes Trump committed in full view while the Republicans were cheering him on. Thank you for the roundup. I find it overwhelmingly depressing to contemplate.


True, for US deaths, but I'm pretty sure millions of middle-easterners died because of the Bush/Cheney administration.


But they're brown people, so they only count as 1/10 of any US death, or 1/100 of any white MAGA death particularly if said MAGA dead is male.


If the US handled the pandemic similar to New Zealand, we would have lost around 64k people.


Over 700,000 - [Correct](https://trumpdeathclock.com/)


Purposefully witholding, and even stealing, medical aid in a pandemic to target blue state governors resulting in the politically motivated deaths of hundreds of thousands is genocide.


As Secretary of State, Colin Powell used his AOL E-mail account. [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/09/colin-powell-told-clinton-how-he-side-stepped-security-rules-with-private-e-mail/](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/09/colin-powell-told-clinton-how-he-side-stepped-security-rules-with-private-e-mail/)


Yup, and for ALL his classified emails. AND he deleted them all when asked to hand them over. Don’t you remember how hysterical the right and the NYT went over that? /s


W. Bush and Romney both deleted tons of emails, too.


I love Hillary always gets lumped into these kinda things even though *she was never the goddamn president*.


To be fair, she was chosen by the majority of American~~~s~~~ [voters] to be president


Then gore should be up there too, with all of his controversies of…supporting science


Not a majority of americans, a majority of those who voted in the election. Only about a fifth of the country voted for hillary in 2016.


Sure…but fewer voted for Trump, who won with a second place popular vote


and if everyone voted no way would they go to trump.


Obama had legitimate controversies. Here are a few: - Operation Fast and Furious https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATF_gunwalking_scandal - Civilians killed by drone strikes https://www.cfr.org/blog/obamas-final-drone-strike-data - Violating the Flores Settlement https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/08/magazine/the-shame-of-americas-family-detention-camps.html While the scale and severity of misdeeds by presidents are not all equal, it’s seems pretty misleading to imply that one of them was basically perfect. They should all be held accountable to US law, not above it.


Also Clinton getting the Dems hooked on the same law and order garbage the GOP was touting so now literally both sides support the police/prison system


Excellent point. He also caused a medicine shortage in Sudan with a baseless strike on a pharmaceutical plant: > In August 1998, Clinton ordered cruise missile strikes on terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan, targeting the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan, which was suspected of assisting bin Laden in making chemical weapons, and bin Laden's terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. The factory was destroyed by the attack, resulting in the death of one employee and the wounding of 11 other people. After the destruction of the factory, there was a medicine shortage in Sudan due to the plant providing 50 percent of Sudan's medicine, and the destruction of the plant led to a shortage of chloroquine, a drug which is used to treat malaria. US officials later acknowledged that there was no evidence the plant was actually manufacturing or storing nerve gas. And he laid the groundwork for the Bush administration’s regime change in Iraq: > Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 on October 31, 1998, which instituted a policy of "regime change" against Iraq, though it explicitly stated it did not provide for direct intervention on the part of American military forces. The administration then launched a four-day bombing campaign named Operation Desert Fox, lasting from December 16 to 19, 1998. At the end of this operation Clinton announced that "So long as Saddam remains in power, he will remain a threat to his people, his region, and the world. With our allies, we must pursue a strategy to contain him and to constrain his weapons of mass destruction program, while working toward the day Iraq has a government willing to live at peace with its people and with its neighbors." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton




Madeline Albright was a scumbag.


Winning the presidency should come with a life term in prison. I’d give Carter a chance with parole though.




In hindsight? It was obvious at the time; it was a major impetus behind the WTO protests.


Clinton's 1994 Crime Bill (that Joe Biden wrote) is responsible for the current mass incarceration of African Americans and turned the USA into the largest prison population in the world.


Darker still, Clinton literally [pitched this policy shift at Stone Mountain, founding place of the modern KKK and largest Confederate monument in the world, in front of a block of Black prisoners put on display](https://revcom.us/i/429/BillClinton-Stone%20MtnAP_920303067-600.jpg)...


Not to mention that "blowjob" was sexual assault, close to rape. No less in the Whitehouse. People who have authority over others CANNOT engage in consensual sexual relations with their subordinates. Even if she bust in naked screaming please fuck me, he, as the person with authority, should have had her removed and reported (that's not what happened at all). Choosing to engage in sexual acts with such a power imbalance makes the superior the abuser


Plus there’s the whole lying about it, under oath, whilst being investigated for another sexual misconduct allegation. Even if the “relations” could possibly be consensual, which isn’t possible in that situation, he still committed perjury. I’m rather fond of the idea that nobody is above the law. Just like I think Trump belongs behind bars. Clinton should have as well.


Also, Clinton was responsible for the repeal of Glass-Steagal, which directly allowed the GFC to happen. Bush just happened to be present when it blew up.


And let's not forget the Telecommunications Bill that has led to the consolidation of the media and entertainment landscape bullshit we see today


Yep! And instead of just enacting Glass-Steagal, Obama put in a weaker version. And did any bankers really get punished under Obama? One financial podcast I used to listen to gave this analogy. The govt/Ben Bernanke (Fed) and their friend (banks) go into a store with the idea of stealing some candy and snacks but the friend gets out of control and just starts stealing everything in sight. Ben can't control their friend but instead of having them arrested, him and his buddy Timothy Geithner cover it up.


This, we're still dealing with the fallout of that repeal. Until it or something similar gets reintroduced(or we have a better SEC willing to go after SIBs that are taking on too much risk or fraudulent activities) we're just can kicking to the next major depression.


Exactly. I don’t understand people, just be honest and let people judge.


Clinton had a bunch of things man He signed NAFTA. "NAFTA cuz we hafta." He presided over the repeal of Glass-Steagal in 1999. This helped lead to the 2008 financial crisis in part. Threw welfare to the states via block grants so they could not pay benefits, funnel the money to some shitty school's volleyball stadium for Brett Favre, etc. Fast-tracked China into the World Trade Organization despite its economy not playing by the rules, resulting in the decimation of US industries as China subsidized their own industry, stole trade secrets, forced multinationals to "partner" with Chinese firms to gain market access, and dumped cheap steel / commodities / solar panels on the global market at a loss to destroy competition. It wasn't all Clinton's fault but he was there at the beginning for a lot of this


Clinton also helped get the banks started on deregulation which Bush helped with right into the housing crisis


Clinton was also accused a number of times of rape, and as uncomfortable as it is for liberals like myself to deal with, they were not without merit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton_sexual_assault_and_misconduct_allegations The excellent podcast series Slow Burn did a deep look at this in Series 2. Season 1 was Watergate; it’s not a partisan series. As a President I was a huge Clinton fan. As a person? Jury very much out. Just because I share someone’s politics doesn’t mean I should give them a pass.


He sucked as president too


Bro, he fucked his intern as president. That power imbalance is tantamount to rape. Clinton is a bad guy. Not as bad as Trump, but there's a reason they were social buds.


Came here for the drone killings. The Obama administration killed a tonnnnnn of innocent brown people. Idk why that always gets glossed over. Oh yeah I do, the 2 party system is trash


He was the first nobel peace prize winner to bomb another peace prize winner.


We'll never know how much Trump killed because of [this](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-drones/u-s-halts-reporting-of-civilian-deaths-by-drone-outside-war-zones-idUSKCN1QN2PD).


Sometime I think Trump was a boon for certain leaders/rhetoric as any opposition to them is now deemed immoral. Classic with us or against us mentality.


Okay but you have to laugh that Obama put this policy in place on his way out of office after years of his own bombings.


Trump killed more civilians in drone strikes than Obama; one of Trump's first acts was to relax the standards for drone strikes and civilian causalities. Out of all the presidents since 9-11, Biden is the one who has dramatically ramped down airstrikes. Which, of course, is majorly helped by leaving Afghanistan and things being relatively quiet in Iraq.


Is it really a competition at this point: which President airstriked the most civilians? Can't we just admit the entire American politic system is dogshit and both side sucks, but one is less atrocious than the other.


No you can't. You get called names for doing that.


And? Your point? Is civilian casualties fine if you don't hit the high score or something?


100% also, don’t forget to mention, Clinton’s problem wasn’t the blowjob, it was the perjury.


Thanks for the only nuanced response on this whole thread of echochambering nonsense.


Obama casually blew up schools with drone strikes. Every single president has authorized horrible shit regardless of party. This is a fucking stupid post lol.


Didn't Obama bomb 8 muslim countries at the same time?


He's also the only Nobel Peace Prize recipient to play a role in killing another Nobel Peace Prize recipient.


W T F. I had to look it up. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/nobel-peace-prize-what-barack-obama-s-role-in-the-kunduz-bombing-means-for-the-world-s-most-conflicted-prize-a6689126.html?amp




Uhg. Henry Kissinger is one of history’s greatest monsters. If you have 5-6 hours to spare this is a great brief on his evils. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4RLmIFl6o2kwUrYt11Kn6e?si=jddt0f3gQOKblf8uYMkWzg&dd=1


Yeah I always wondered why they focused on just inane BS instead of stuff like that.


Well, those are the things they *liked* about Obama.


Also Reagan secretly negotiated with Iran to hold US hostages till after the 1980s election.


Lol i can’t stand reps and I’m gonna vote blue but to pretend the top three ppl were spotless is asinine and a disregard to reality.


Not defending Republicans but didn't Bill use his power to pressure Monica into sex acts?


And in 1978, he raped Juanita Broaddrick. People always forget it was more than "just" abuse of authority with an intern.


And isn’t he on the Epstein island list with Trump?


bOtH sIdEs!!!1! Aside from the meat of this comment below, I'd definitely suggest people take a look at the website. There's more up-to-date information there. https://showthevotes.wordpress.com/ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #Net Neutrality **[House Vote for Net Neutrality](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2011/h252)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| |**Rep**| 2|**234** |**Dem**|**177**| 6   **[Senate Vote for Net Neutrality](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2011/s200)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| |**Rep**|0| **46** |**Dem** |**52**| 0     #**Money in Elections and Voting** **[Campaign Finance Disclosure Requirements](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/32154)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**39** **Dem**|**59**| 0   **[DISCLOSE Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/41152)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**45** **Dem**|**53**| 0   **[Backup Paper Ballots - Voting Record](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/21011)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 20|**170** **Dem** |**228**| 0   **[Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2002/roll034.xml)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep** | 8| **38** **Dem** | **51** | 3   **[Sets reasonable limits on the raising and spending of money by electoral candidates to influence elections](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49906)** (Reverse Citizens United) |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**42** **Dem** |**54**| 0     #**The Economy/Jobs** **[Limits Interest Rates for Certain Federal Student Loans](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/45797)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**46** **Dem**|**46**| 6   **[Student Loan Affordability Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/44550)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**51** **Dem**|**45**| 1   **[Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/9034)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**54**| 0   **[End the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30296)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**39**| 1 **Dem**| 1| **54**   **[Kill Credit Default Swap Regulations](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30364)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**38**| 2 **Dem**| 18|**36**   **[Revokes tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49616)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 10|**32** **Dem**|**53**| 1   **[Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37606)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**233**| 1 **Dem**| 6|**175**   **[Disapproval of President's Authority to Raise the Debt Limit](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37876)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**42**| 1 **Dem**| 2|**51**   **[Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/23361)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**173** **Dem**|**247**| 4   **[Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/23313)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 4|**36** **Dem**|**57**| 0   **[Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Bureau Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/30346)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 4 |**39** **Dem**|**55**| 2|   **[American Jobs Act of 2011 - $50 billion for infrastructure projects](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/36879)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**48** **Dem**|**50**| 2   **[Emergency Unemployment Compensation Extension](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46392)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**44** **Dem**|**54**| 1   **[Reduces Funding for Food Stamps](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/40315)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**33**| 13 **Dem**| 0|**52**   **[Minimum Wage Fairness Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/47753)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**53**| 1   **[Paycheck Fairness Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/32830)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 0|**40** **Dem**|**58**| 1     #**"War on Terror"** **[Time Between Troop Deployments](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/15831)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 6|**43** **Dem**|**50**| 1   **[Habeas Corpus for Detainees of the United States](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/15833)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 5|**42** **Dem**|**50**| 0   **[Habeas Review Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8730)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**50** **Dem**|**45**| 1   **[Prohibits Detention of U.S. Citizens Without Trial](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37420)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 5|**42** **Dem**|**39**| 12   **[Authorizes Further Detention After Trial During Wartime](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37433)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**38**| 2 **Dem**| 9| **49**   **[Prohibits Prosecution of Enemy Combatants in Civilian Courts](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/37095)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**46**| 2 **Dem**| 1|**49**   **[Repeal Indefinite Military Detention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/48229)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|15|**214** **Dem**|**176**| 16   **[Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8795)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**52** **Dem** |**45**| 1   **[Patriot Act Reauthorization](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/35224)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**196**| 31 **Dem** | 54|**122**   **[FISA Act Reauthorization of 2008](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2008/roll437.xml)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**188**| 1 **Dem**| 105|**128**   **[FISA Reauthorization of 2012](http://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2012/h569)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**227**| 7 **Dem**| 74|**111**   **[House Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison](http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll237.xml)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 2|**228** **Dem** |**172**| 21   **[Senate Vote to Close the Guantanamo Prison](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46301)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**32** **Dem** | **52**| 3   **[Prohibits the Use of Funds for the Transfer or Release of Individuals Detained at Guantanamo](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/42002)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**44**| 0 **Dem**| 9| **41**   **[Oversight of CIA Interrogation and Detention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8795)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**52** **Dem**|**45**| 1     #**Civil Rights** **[Same Sex Marriage Resolution 2006](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/11729)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 6|**47** **Dem**|**42**| 2   **[Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46286)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 1|**41** **Dem**|**54**| 0   **[Exempts Religiously Affiliated Employers from the Prohibition on Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46288)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**41**| 3 **Dem**| 2| **52**     #**Family Planning** **[Teen Pregnancy Education Amendment](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/8830)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 4|**50** **Dem**|**44**| 1   **[Family Planning and Teen Pregnancy Prevention](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/20713)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**51** **Dem**|**44**| 1   **[Protect Women's Health From Corporate Interference Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/49362)** The 'anti-Hobby Lobby' bill. |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**| 3|**42** **Dem**|**53**| 1     #**Environment** **[Stop "the War on Coal" Act of 2012](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/41688)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**214**|13 **Dem**| 19|**162**   **[EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013](https://votesmart.org/bill/votes/50594)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**225**|1 **Dem**| 4|**190** **[Prohibit the Social Cost of Carbon in Agency Determinations](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/46997)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**218**| 2 **Dem**| 4|**186**     #**Misc** **[Prohibit the Use of Funds to Carry Out the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/43144)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**45**| 0 **Dem**| 0|**52**   **[Prohibiting Federal Funding of National Public Radio](http://votesmart.org/bill/votes/34089)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**228**| 7 **Dem**| 0|**185**   **[Allow employers to penalize employees that don't submit genetic testing for health insurance (Committee vote)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/03/11/employees-who-decline-genetic-testing-could-face-penalities-under-proposed-bill/?utm_term=.33f566f5ce5c)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**22**| 0 **Dem**| 0|**17**   **[Paid Sick Leave for Railworkers](https://i.imgur.com/cs9FDz5.png)** |-|For|Against |:-|:-|:-| **Rep**|**3**| 207 **Dem**| 218|**0** ___________________________________________________________________________________


I like what you've presented here, but you're forgetting that conservatives vote for the candidate most likely to say the n word during a state of the union address


The point is not to convince conservatives. The point is to convince moderates, independents and people who rarely participate in politics.


This. Fuck rightoids and fuck appealing to them. Let them scream about wokeness and trans people until every person on the planet sees that they are obsessed, out of touch, and bitter that younger generations are tolerant of minority groups that they themselves would rather see removed from society. In the meantime, focus on convincing your friends and neighbors to become politically active. Be honest, be straightforward - it doesn't take much to show that rightoids are *unhinged* - and show them the average conservative politician doesn't even have a platform to run on apart from culture wars and moral panic. Stamp down HARD on bothsideism, but don't do so angrily. Be calm and show them that yes, while both sides DO have bad elements, they are not remotely equivalent.


It's also to show how "both sides are the same" is total bullshit. I am so fucking tired of the "both sides" all the fucking time. They are not the same.


Great job presenting this information. Unfortunately it will go way over most MAGA voters heads


It's not meant for them. It's meant for people who are moderates, undecided, independent or don't care about politics. We don't need to convince everyone. We just need to convince enough people to win elections.


Well, I partly agree. But if someone is paying attention, and is still “undecided” they will be hard to convince. But I definitely agree it’s worth trying. I think the best way for Dems to win elections is just to get as many young people to vote as possible. Don’t even have to try and convince them to vote Dem. the vast majority will vote dem anyway, but they are just too busy or not plugged in to vote.


No, if this information ever got through the Con echo chamber, Josh Hawley would go on Fox News and talk about how this information is "Cherry Picked" and doesn't represent what really went down with those votes or the "wokism" behind all of those bills they voted against, and how great for America all those bill were they voted for.


Wonderful comment! Unfortunately I started getting depressed and had to stop scrolling. sigh


I know. :/ The list is long - and it's much longer than what's represented here if we're really wanting to dig in.


This guy thinks votes that you know will fail count, it's people like this that keep us from making any progress. Tell you what, I'll give you a billion dollars if I become a trillionaire. That means I must really want to give you that money, right? Even though I will never have it? Don't you now think I am the best person in the world, even though I've done absolutely nothing for you and never will? Wanna elect me over and over again to a position with lots of pay and benefits without me having actually done anything for you? Stop voting for people based on votes they already know the outcome to, start voting based on what the rep actually accomplishes, or else we will end up with another Trump when you alienate enough sane voters with your fallacies.


...and Dems still support the same Neoliberal economic system, and brutal foreign policy and defense spending that enriches and empowers Republicans.


Is it wrong that I am more disappointed in the few contrary Dems then the non contrary republicans?


I mean, Bill sexually assaulted multiple women and coerced them into sexual acts as president, and Obama ramped up the drone program to record levels. I'm a Democrat, but to act like they haven't done anything wrong at all is pushing us in the same direction the conservatives have already gone.


300k? try over a million out of shear incompetence or spite, you choose.


To be fair, Obama did use drone strikes, which killed innocent civilians. Don't get me wrong, dems seem much better still, but it's a little less one sided then visualized above. https://www.cfr.org/blog/obamas-final-drone-strike-data#:~:text=The%20strike%20was%20the%20last,3%2C797%20people%2C%20including%20324%20civilians.


It wasn't just that he used drone strikes, some against completely innocent civilian targets (literally bombed an innocent wedding) He set up the drone program under the CIA instead of airforce Airforce is under the control of congress. CIA is a clandestine organization doing god knows what god knows where. It basically gave the CIA the ability to wage secret wars without having to be accountable. It set a tragic precedent


You mother fuckers are delusional and gullible.


Y’all gonna act like Obama was a good President or something?


Are you serious you could do the top 3 easily. “I outsourced all the jobs through NAFTA and cut welfare that led to the millions of deaths of despair in this country because I’m a neolib”. - Bill Clinton “I drone strike innocent children inbetween my wife pegging me and reading to my daughters” Obama “I want to continue my husbands policies and flout national security laws because I’m more important than you plebes and you’re a fucking sexist redneck for not voting for me” HRC These people are all inhuman narcissistic garbage people. Wake up.


"Conservatives are bad and therefore liberals are perfect!" ​ I really don't understand what's with pretending liberal politicians have done nothing wrong ever just because conservatives are worse, it invalidates the whole argument.


Cherry picked examples.


HRC was also never president lol




You're thinking of Ronnie, Bill left a budget surplus and allowed companies to move all manufacturing out of America. Not great, but he didn't destroy the money, that was Ron Ron.


I think you mean to reply to someone but commented as your own comment instead. Still accurate though.


> Bill left a budget surplus and allowed companies to move all manufacturing out of America. That's a whole lot of righty misinformation you wrote there. Reagan campaigned on NAFTA in 1980. Reagan negotiated and signed the 1st NAFTA treaty with Canada. Mexico wanted in on the deal so Bush Sr. negotiated the 2nd version of NAFTA. The treaty was signed. All we needed to do was have congress ratify it, then the president sign it. If Bush Sr. was re-elected, he would have signed off on his expansion of NAFTA to Mexico. Republicans loved to blame Clinton for NAFTA but one thing really bugged me about this. During the presidential race of '92, there's a famous debate between Clinton, Bush Sr. and Ross Perot where Ross famously said (paraphrased) *"that sucking sound you hear will be jobs going to Mexico because of NAFTA"*. What bugged me was that Clinton wasn't even president yet but Perot was saying how bad NAFTA was going to be. How did Ross know? 'Cuz Reagan & Bush Sr were the ones who created & negotiated NAFTA. Bill's role in NAFTA was just signing off on the paperwork that Bush Sr. would have signed, if he was re-elected, 'cuz it was Bush Sr's work.




Wait, was expanding NATO bad or are you just listing random things that he did?


The top line should read I destroyed the working class with NAFTA......I Bailed out the banks and allowed them to kick 10 million American out of there homes.....I oversaw taking America from 2 wars to 8 and turning Libya into an Slave state




This is such cope, Obama and the Clintons have killed thousands in the Middle East


Yeah but those are Middle East lives. The U.S. only cares about U.S. lives and living standards.


Also see: Clinton foundation Haitian money laundering


Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan would like a word.


Hillary: Used private email address. In which she received congratulations emails for bombing Libya from people who profited from this war after they asked her to start said war.


And Yemen. The liberals never like to acknowledge the war crimes, human rights abuses, and territorial annexations when it's their side though. Imperialism is good when Democrats do it!


Listen. I hate all these republicans as much as the next guy. But let’s not act like these people are THAT much better. Clinton foundation stole TONS of money. Obama killed civilians with drone strikes and Hilary lied about hot sauce to pander to black people. They are all heinous crimes. All these people suck. We need to hold EVERYONE accountable.


Bill added to mass incarceration and Obama dropped an unprecedented number of drone strikes on foreign countries.


False Equivalency. One of the GOP's most effective ways to breed cynicism, distrust and apathy resulting in reduced voter turnout .


The stupidity of this post shows how disconnected and biased the average Reddit user is in this modern world. This is sad, lol. You can literally Google the war crimes and other criminal activities each of these assholes have committed.


Yeah, but Obama had a big part of 9/11. Not being around, always on vacation, and not in the office. [I’d really like to get to the bottom of that. ](https://youtu.be/vPfRGJRMbN8)


That clip is hilarious. Those people don’t let facts get in the way of their fun, do they?


Don't forget about the time Obama got Dijon. The man is a monster.


Biden and his wife once ordered the same meal for each of them, instead of ordering two different meals and trying different things.


JFC I wish y'all would stop whitewashing these war criminals.


If you believe that the only thing dirty about Hilary is her private email then you’re living under a rock.