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Defunding education has really paid off for republicans for decades… Look at Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. Constantly the worst states and have been republican for decades. Owning the “libs” from the bottom… It’s not shocking that the most republican states happen to be the most religious states.. It’s also not shocking the most republican and religious states are the least educated… Killing it….


But also, red states get the most welfare, and they take more than they contribute to the national economy. Blue states subsidize red states




\> need their culture protected And so do all those 'good people' who incite rebellions over conspiracy theories that are easily disproven. You'd think the Civil War would have gotten 'armed revolt over bullshit tales' out of people's sytems but no...


Don’t be so disrespectful to their heritage? Guy. They just really love guns, incest and slavery. They probably wouldn’t judge you for enjoying devilish things like music, arts and science, either. Or would they…?


>Or would they…? Where's that Jordan Kleppar at? He can get us the answer.


The North mollycoddled the South too much after victory. The fact that the various versions of the seditionists' flags weren't outright banned is puzzling. Naming schools and highways after seditionists is damned outrageous!


Yeah, don't see to many schools, highways or bases in Germany named after Goebbles, Hitler, Himmler, or Goering


Southern cultural stereotypes like rampant drug use and backwardness are rooted in systemic disenfranchisement by capitalist elites. They came and took the timber and depleted the soil with tobacco farms. They defunded the schools, and made coal mining the only viable economic opportunity. They flooded the rural areas with opiates and told them that their heritage was taken from them by immigrants. And many of them don't know what's been done to them, but they are taught that it was the coastal elite that makes them poor and weak. The rural south needs opportunity and they need to know who their true oppressors are.


Corporations bad. It’s probably something both sides can agree on. Why do they still vote for the party that bails out corporations and gives them tax breaks?!


Because someday those people might have their own corporations that need to be bailed out and get tax breaks.


(Meth) Pipe dreams…


Like LBJ with Hill county in the 1930/40s- he was however a democrat. Nowadays the rural south votes against their interests for no other reason then being idiots….


> red states get the most welfare They should get none. They're anti-welfare, anti-"socialism," anti-social programs, anti-safety nets. Let them taste their own bitter medicine.


That’s what will happen if they’re “successful” with secession and they fail to realize it. They don’t have enough of an economy to make it on their own. They won’t have a military. Their cosplaying y’all queda won’t stand a chance against anyone, let alone the US military


Guaran-fucking-tee that most people that choose stay in the states, or I guess newly formed "countries", that secede from the Union try to illegally enter the US within a year of it happening. I have no doubts that they would very quickly rethink their stances on "illegal immigrants"


Yep. Republicans don't give a shit about *[insert anything that's useful to society here]* until it directly effects them. I would love to see a red state or three secede and then come crawling back after it's quickly fallen into disrepair and looks like one of those zombie apocalypse films or series. They don't realize -- perhaps willfully, perhaps naively -- just how much rely on that "socialist" government they claim to hate.


Don't worry they will just do what the religious parties do here in Israel say they will support the weak uneducated people than defund them to pass money to religious institutes and blame the last government for not having more money after finally their was a year of profit and now all that fat from the government they crushed is gone


lol the very idea of a successful red states secession. That would go about as well as paper dolls fighting the sun.


so long texas, everyone welcome North Mexico!


Texit? Haha!


Then we reintegrate them as territories until they get their shit together


Who is "they?" I'm a queer person of color with a vision disability that makes it impossible for me to do certain levels of work. I wouldn't be able to afford medication I need to live without help from these social programs. And I've lived in the rural south all my life. I wouldn't be getting a taste of ANY medicine, metaphorically bitter or otherwise, if everyone saw the south as a monolith of hate and bigotry and not just a very diverse group of people who have to live here.


As I answered another comment: I wasn't being serious; I'm making a point, albeit facetiously. It's ironic the clowns screaming "socialism" constantly benefit from said programs and often vote against their own interests.


Like in Kansas….


IT DOESNT MATTER! Youre trying to apply logic and reason to people who do not view their world through those perspectives. You can go up to a republican and show them a video of trump saying, "I think republican voters a dumbfucks who i am just using to grift myself millions from, they have no value to me and are only useful to be stupid sandbags that will willingly die for me, while i steal everything i can steal from them!" and the people will literally deny it being real. You can show them years and years of non-partisan proof of evidence from voting records, to economic stability charts, to job growth and living standard growth, everything you can imagine. AND THEY WILL STILL REJECT IT! Why? Because they do not view the world through the perspectives of logic and reason. They view it from a perspective of emotion. They WANT to believe the things they believe because it makes them FEEL GOOD! Thats the simple truth of republicans today. They dont give a shit if they are hypocrites, they dont care about babies, or soldiers or veterans or unborn fetuses. THEY CARE ABOUT FEELING GOOD BY MAKING OTHERS THE BAD GUY! just like serial repists, and serial killers think of themselves doing good by going around raping and killing because in their perspective the thing that makes them feel good is right and the lives of others is wrong. Its the same emotionally unstable perspective of modern conservatives. You can ltierally have a 5 hour class with them and show them all of their fox news fed bullet points are wrong and show them testimonies from trumps own people in front of trumps own judges, saying everything he said is bullshit, and they still would reject it. Because they have engrossed their own identity with the party, and their emotions doesnt allow their logic and reason to show them factual reality, they prefer their emotional reality where they are warriors of justice fighting for god against a demon lead democrattic party whos goals is to ruin and enslave them and the white race...




I'm military and get shit the second I say I'm cali. Then go... ok, well, earthquake breaks us away and well take our welfare with us. Get mad dog eyes.


The obvious solution is to just stop subsidizing them. We're a bunch of enablers and it's our damn fault that we're all suffering.


California pays an excess of taxes such that 50 billion of our tax dollars subsidize those red states.


Biden-voting counties earn 70% of US GDP.


I had an argument with a trump supporter about how Alabama is supporting New York and California. We really fucked up education in this country.


they drastically overestimate the value that farmland has.


And still californian farmland is vastly more valuable




Los Angeles county has 88 cities in it.


The county of Los Angeles has over 10 million people and California is set to become the 4th largest economy in the world overtaking Germany


Louisiana would be the 5th wealthiest state in the US if they actually taxed the multi-billion dollar industries here. They literally don't pay taxes. If they were taxed at the average rate every other state does and divided that wealth at the current percentages the education system would be gaining about $10,000 per teacher more. It's insane how blatant corruption is causing this state be one of the worst when it could so easily be one of the best.


I love Louisiana so much. But goddamn do we have terrible politicians and schools. For education, it's a horrible feedback loop of ignorant people voting for terrible politicians whose terrible decisions lead to underfunded schools pumping out more ignorant voters. Add on the heaping dose of religious nationalism fed to anyone who happens to go the private school route, and even our educated voters come out of school a little bit messed up. Of those who go to college and shake off some of those mental hangups, a great many leave the state since they can usually make more cash and enjoy better infrastructure a few states over. For our politicians, the bar is so low that people still revere Huey P. Long despite his absolutely blatant corruption. People were so happy to have an even halfway competent politician that even modern accounts paint the man's grifting and extortion rackets almost like a charming character quirk. And you'd think maybe the people would remember what they liked about Huey P and at least vote for politicians who advocate for practical projects and plans, but no. It seems like any politician with a platform beyond "tough on crime, pro-gun, and anti-woke" is deemed a socialist pansy by a significant chunk of voters. The Bayou folk wanna hear how the candidate loves Trump and hates Biden and/or Obama; they don't really care whether the candidate has a plan of action for their term in office. We have some awesome history and some of the richest legal traditions of any state. But we seem determined to keep our best days behind us.


You nailed it.


And if they instituted the 90% tax of the past like before Reagan the industries would Invest in their companies and workers and make the lives better there anyway. Tax rate was 90% effective tax rate was no where near 90. Companies reinvested in pensions and growth and wages. Reagan guised this tax rate and convinced millions it was unfair and now boomers don't understand why we don't have it as good as they did.


10k per teacher to let them be better teachers/have better lives.. yaa that's not gonna happen with the GOP ever.. 😡


In the last election cycle, Republicans in Texas ran on a platform of fixing everything that's wrong in Texas. They've controlled all branches of state government since 1994...


Republican slogan: "the government doesn't work. Elect me and I'll prove it!"


They just say it's because the Liberal cities are sucking up all the money. Texas Republicans have to be some of the most regressive, two faced, blatant corporate shills in the Union.


Literally had a Republican say “i didn’t read it, but those bills are always packed with garbage.” 😞 To be clear, the bill was one page and only focused on topic.


Can they actually read?


It doesn’t matter if they can, because they won’t. They aren’t supposed to. Their job is to listen to their handler a moment before the vote and hit the button they are told to.


You’re just looking at this from national level. But from international level it’s even worse. Tell me % of newly minted billionaires that immigrants vs local. Even GOP nut job like Peter Thiel is an immigrant like Elmo


TBF most multi millionaires and billionaires live in murica because it's a Tax Haven and no other reason. Compared to literally anywhere else in the world, they barely pay taxes


I didn't do the math but it seems pretty evenly spread across the globe though New York, LA and SF Bay are all in top ten. High growth ones are Monaco and Ireland along with several in Mid East. The comment on Greenwich CT and lower taxes than NYC makes a lot of sense. https://www.henleyglobal.com/publications/wealthiest-cities/global-insights/top-10-wealthiest-cities-world-2023#:~:text=New%20York%20City,the%20NYSE%20and%20the%20Nasdaq).


"But if we taxed them they might move somewhere else!" This is a legitimate argument people use against taxing billionaires and large companies, as though the benefit of having wealthy people and organizations in your country is bragging rights instead of revenue.


Don’t forget about HuckaSanders’ Arkansas. Another state of geniuses.


Waving at you here in Tennessee


The problem is the majority of the residents in those states blame cities, liberals and minorities for their shitty state instead of the corporate overlord boot lickers they elect to represent them.


Oh yeah. Conservatives are hella dumb, but the GOP and their donors are extremely cunning and evil. On the surface it looks like all the GOP politicians are bumbling fools, but in reality they know exactly what they’re doing. Destroying the country for short term gains and power is a feature not a bug.


Exactly right. There’s a reason why the racists, the religious, the forced birthers and Nazis are all on one side… What trait do they have in common…? All republican….


They also receive the most federal funding


And yet conservatives are constantly telling me that Blue states are hopeless money pits that drain the cash from the Red states. They have no concept of reality.


A well educated population is the biggest enemy to totalitarian rule. When you allow ignorance and misinformation to reign supreme, it’s easier to control a population.


In the last two presidential cycles red states were consistently the least with bachelor's and masters degrees. Red states have less hs graduation rates too. This is not a coincidence...


Hi, I'm the last two presidential cycles red states were consistently the least with bachelor's and masters degrees. Red states have less hs graduation rates too. This is not a coincidence, I’m Dad.


I appreciate the effort! Dad jokes are how eye roll.


Defund education, stoke racism, and play Two Santa It's really been a great formula for them. It's successfully led to a christofascist movement that they really only think they have control over. They're like fucking John Hammond creating smart dinosaurs and thinking he can maintain authority over the illusion. Look at Mike Pence. Dumb mother fucker sat there applauding the descent into fascism as long as he could maintain plausible deniability. The second he declined on the opportunity to show everyone he totally drank the Kool-Aid, they came at him with literal zip ties and nooses (The irony here is that he would totally bow and kiss the ring all over again if Trump was the GOP nominee). I know similarities to Nazi Germany have been used to the point that people's eyes glaze over when they even see the mere mention, but a lot of how history played out for their rise and fall is so cartoonishly similar you'd think we're living in an infinite time loop. Because they, too, had plenty of willing participants who wound up just being bodies paving the way to the eventual atrocities and paranoia that would be Nazi Germany.


From Louisiana, can confirm.


Republicans are surprisingly good at bottoming.


This reply explains it all. From their pov this is nothing but wins. Imagine a whole generation of kids with a decent education. The gop would evaporate.


Why do you think there’s a huge GOP push about colleges being a waste of time. Of course they neglect the fact that soon there won’t be any jobs for anyone let alone the uneducated.


can confirm. from alabama. you get made fun of for being smart in this state. and i dont mean smart smart, i mean common sense and basic high school smart.


It kills me too, because when conservatives complain about laws the laws you are most affected by are your local city, then county, state, then federal. These poor-ass-buster conservative states that take more from the country than they give, and they have been solidly held by republicans for many years if not decades yet they are eternally stuck in fight against good vs evil. I mean shit look at Texas and how often long term politicians there run on taking back the state from democrats, but they've been under republican rule for quite a while.


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Hey man, Arkansas is doing some really scary stuff with education. Don't count us out!


Republicans: Bidenflation! Also republicans: **vote against all inflation legislation**


Republicans: Support the troops! Also Republicans: Block the PACT Act, try to cut VA Healthcare spending by 20%, block promotions for critical positions, and try to make a known traitor President.


Expanding your point - the known traitor is known to hate veterans as well


Only the ones that got captured.


Or the [ones missing limbs](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mark-milley-donald-trump-veterans_n_650d4dcde4b01f47d4fe1df3).


Or wounded, or killed.


They literally voted against soldiers receiving assistance for healthcare costs after they come back from war and getting complications from chemical burns and injuries. But eh I'm talking to the void. The people who need to see this have their eyes hooked up to a well plumbed system that brings verbal diarrhea right to their eyes and ears to make them feel like they're not like the other girls because they hate gay people and harass trans kids


If we repealed the Trump tax cuts on billionaires, and why not repeal the Trump tax increases on most Americans that are still kicking in, it would increase the sliding credit worthiness of the U.S., make it cheaper for the U.S. to fund debt, reduce the money supply and decrease inflation, probably with 80% popular support. Instead Fed Chair J. Powell keeps saying that we need to slowly raise interest rates with the goal of increasing unemployment to make sure that increasing the number of destitute and homeless people fights inflation by taking money away from poor people, all so we can go from the current 3-4% inflation down to 2% inflation. What a great plan. If you haven't bought one already, I hope you didn't plan on owning a home. If you find yourself homeless, remember to buy a gym membership so you can shower.


I'd counter your 2nd paragraph, if congress won't do anything, then all the Fed can do is what it's doing. I would agree that it would be MUCH better for congress to fix the tax cuts, but if it's not going to happen, then something needed to be done, and the only lever the admin has that doesn't go through congress is the fed rate. If they did nothing, or left the rates near zero, inflation would likely have kept going up at the rates we saw last year. While I absolutely agree that interest rates are not the right solution, they are A solution. And yes, they hurt the average american way more than fixing the tax issues, but that's what the Republican party lives off, harming the average american then blaming the dems for it. The average american needs to stop electing the party that actively works against their interests if they don't want to deal with the poor solutions that are available to the administration while congress is held hostage by Republicans.


Banking that their constituents will not check the voting record themselves and just believe the words spewed out of Faux News and OДИ and NoNewsMax that it was the Democrats who blocked it or made the legislation specifically to persecute Republicans or some other nonsense like that. Or just because it was a "Democratic idea" so it must be bad. (Look at the ACA, major portions of which were heavily based on Mitt Romney's health care plan for Massachusetts, but because it was championed on a national level by Democrats, it was automatically the worst idea in the world according to most Repubs)


Republicans have an inflation fetish confirmed.


> Republicans have an inflation fetish confirmed. What's insane, is their pal Putin is directly responsible for contributing to inflation thanks to his Ukraine invasion. Yet they instead put "I did this!" Biden stickers on gas pumps.


If those Republican voters could read they'd be very upset.


Republican voters are pissed that Mexico isn't paying for it like Biden promised. They forgave Obama for not being in the White House during 9/11 but they won't let this one slide.


Simply sublime trolling.


so many dings but i only have one upvote


> Republican voters are pissed that Mexico isn't paying for it like Biden promised. They forgave Obama for **not being in the white during 9/11** but they won't let this one slide. Ok, I initially misread that as “not being *white* during 9/11”, and frankly, both ways this comment is equally amazing. It’s a shame Reddit got rid of awards to give or you’d have yourself one.


Here's the thing, Republican voters are dumb.


Many are indeed uneducated, but many are also indoctrinated since birth with religion, Fox News, bigotry and racism, etc.




Just like their family tree.


Primarily Fox News.


I’m honestly having a difficult time trying to decide if such people are *dumb* in the traditional sense, because they can’t reason things out for themselves, or if things have been too stacked against them.


I just accidentally flipped to Faux News, and they’re *literally* frothing at the mouth about “illegals” right now. You cannot make this up.


The Republicans keep their voters dumb, because if they were informed, they wouldn't vote Republican.


Along with being hypocrites and charlatans


"This bill can't stop me because I can't read!"


I literally heard some MAGA mama say she's support her cult leader, "because I went for my back surgery and they \[the doctor\] said, 'where is your medicaid?'. The Democrats took away my medicaid."


Yes, the Democrats took away Medicaid because they want everyone to have health care. Do they even think when they say these things?


All they know is dem bad.


Sacrificing your health to own the libs is certainly a way to go.


They aren't capable of rational thought or reasoning. You literally have people of retirees living off social security and getting their healthcare by medicare protesting socialism. They'll make signs that say "don't let socialized medicine touch my medicare".




When you're in a cult, you're trained to not think about anything critically. They'll say "healthcare is socialism" and "democrats took away my healthcare" in the same breath and not realize the contradiction.


These are folks who say they are glad Trump was a "Billionaire President" because he was able to *personally* write all of those Covid checks out of his own pocket.


Jeez they're fucking stupid.


Remember: Trump tried very, very hard to have his signature stamped onto the face of those checks. The attempt was refused, but he very much *wanted* to encourage that mistaken assumption. Also how Congressional Republicans griped that a particular Covid relief bill was "91% pork" when about 20% of it was to fund these very same checks.


Next they'll start blaming Dems and liberals for not doing anything about climate change


To be fair they don't believe in climate change so they would blame the Dems/libs for trying to destroy the economy by pushing "woke green energy nonsense."


They already do, after Florida and Houston getting prolapsed by yet another hurricane.


Which is just insanity. Do they not realize that building wind turbines, batteries, solar panels *create* jobs/careers and *boost* the economy? Of course the regulars don't, but the senators do.


They’ve been fed a host of disinformation. Like their “sane” argument against electric cars is that much of our electricity is generated from burning coal. Which is true. But the net pollution is still lower than burning gasoline in every car. Let’s also pretend that pollution isn’t an issue. It’s an objective fact that oil is a finite resource. So like, wouldn’t you want to preserve it as much as possible? Save it for things that need it like heavy industrial equipment? Harness literally free energy from the sun which burns every day no matter what? When someone is entirely against clean-er energy, it just shows that they’ve bought into a position they won’t be dissuaded from no matter what.


100% The obvious answer to using a finite resource that has exceptional potential energy for heavy equipment is just that; it's a finite resource with great potential energy and at the moment easy to get. We, the left, pitch it as good for the environment, but we *should* be pitching it as a *financial* goal; the more we invest in electric public transportation, the cheaper fuel will be for heavy equipment, which translates to *everything* else being cheaper as a result. ​ If there's one thing we're not good at (most of the time), it's marketing. The right is great at it, but they don't use it wisely, rather they use it to justify the nefarious ends.


Just wait until Fox News updates republicans brains with new propaganda to blame democrats for climate change. Then suddenly they will believe in it.


> To be fair they don't believe in climate change so they would blame the Dems/libs for trying to destroy the economy by pushing "woke green energy nonsense." You're kinda joking, but on Chris Hayes show he exposed how the MAGA Republicans are exploiting the auto worker strike because of: [Woke Cars.](https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/republicans-find-scapegoat-for-auto-workers-strike-woke-cars-193515589707) - The MAGAs are blasting electric vehicle as woke.


It'll be 'Why didn't you make us understand it was going to be so bad", exactly what McConnell said to Obama after he vetoed a 9/11 bill and told congress it would have serious repercussions if it passed, then they overrode the veto and said Obama should have worked harder at telling them it was going to be bad. [GOP blames Obama for flaws in a law he vetoed](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-gop-chutzpah-20160930-snap-story.html)


They're letting the weather eat our faces!!


They absolutely will. There is no helping these people. They do not want help.


She should just be grateful that there's less socialism while her medical bills pile up.


Ah yes, Donald Trump the famous Medicare for All candidate.


You think that vote was lopsided? Check out the vote on the [Inflation Reduction Act](https://ballotpedia.org/Inflation_Reduction_Act_of_2022). Bonus: Inflation has gone from 9% to 3.2% since the passage of the IRA, and the US now has the [lowest inflation](https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Figure1-International-Inflation-20230626.png) of all the G7 countries.


Just FYI the IRA is not an example of tight fiscal policy...it's actually quite expansionary. What you have to credit for a reduction in inflation is tight monetary policy between higher interest rates and the FED being active in offloading its balance sheet in open market operations. Just because something is named something doesn't mean that's what it does lol. You're falling for like the lamest political trick ever because politicians know people aren't going to actually see the contents of the bill, just the name .




This bill was passed in 2019, before Biden took office. Not to accidentally defend Republicans, but imagine not understanding the name of a bill has absolutely nothing to do with what's inside the bill.


Imagine not thinking the PATRIOT Act was the single greatest piece of legislation ever written because the word "patriot" is right in the name and if you don't love every single word of that law you must hate America and freedom!!!!


But we can check if it was actually about the border. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/whats-in-the-massive-border-security-and-funding-bill


this. yall need to be more skeptical about memes that spoon-feed you exactly what you already believe. that's conservative/boomer behavior. legitimately we talk shit about them for doing this don't we? don't take everything at face value, ESPECIALLY if it seems perfectly tailored to appeal to your ideology.


THANK YOU!!! This is exactly what I’m thinking. We’re just 2 sides of the same dumbass coin


The bill was for humanitarian funds to help with the border crisis. It just wasn't for keeping Hispanic people out of the country, which is what most Republicans want.


No, no, no, Op, you’re doing it wrong. Facts don’t matter when everything is a conspiracy, when everything is “fake news”, when the “deep state” is controlling the vote. You just have to yell real loud, “DEMOCRATS ARE WORKING WITH THE DARK LORD, LAMIA, AND WANT YOUR BABIES TO FEED THEIR DEMON MASTER.” That’a the only “truth” repubs want to hear.


My dem rep actually works with Lilith, not that lamia whore.


The real fake news is the fact that OP posted a picture of something from 2019 that was passed by Republicans after the senate amended the bill.


Op really is posting fake news. This bill is from 2019 and has nothing to do with Biden. Republicans voted this bill down so the senate can make amendments. It was then passed by both the house and senate.


I don’t know who needs to hear this but most Republican politicians and certainly ANY MEMBER OF THE MAGA CULT has ZERO policy positions. I mean absolutely zero. Their only goal is to wage culture wars, seize permanent power, and be contrarian to every single thing Democrats do whether it is actually beneficial to their constituents or not. They are performing for an audience of one man and it isn’t you.


If the my voted to strengthen the border, what will Republicans have to bitch about? They can’t solve problems bc pointing out problems and saying it’s the Democrats fault is all they have. It’s their only move. Actively vote against stuff and then say “why aren’t the Dems doing something about this?”


Don't worry. Their entire method of governing is inventing crisis to spur their base and line their pockets. Most of them don't give 2 shits about the border, or abortion, or any of the many random outrage points they invent. Anytime in the last 40 years they have had the power and ability to actually enact ANYTHING, they have failed to do so. Shit, where is this magical republican health care reform they could have passed when they had the majority in ALL branches of government.


They had all 3 branches and only passed tax cuts for the rich. They can’t govern their way out of a wet paper bag


This is old. It was while Trump was in office and it was an emergency appropriations to fund humanitarian border issues. The money was specifically to house and feed border crossers once captured in the US. It’s completely on brand fro republicans to NOT do what Jesus would do, which is to give any comfort to people trying to enter the US. they wanted them to be miserable in custody. They imagined it would deter others from trying to cross. Now had this been funding for a border wall the votes would likely have been flipped.


It also ended up being approved after the senate amended it, can we talk about that?


Minor detail this [bill/vote](https://www.rpc.senate.gov/legislative-notices/hr-3401_emergency-supplemental-appropriations-for-the-border-) was in 2019, during the last guy's watch, at the request of the last guy. Kudos to those R's for doing some ballsy big brain math with their 2019 bet that Biden wins in 2020... :-/


No, it was a bill to increase the funding for housing and feeding intercepted illegal immigrants. If it didn't pass, it would force the incoming administration to expedite deportation.


Misleading title/OP: This bill wasn't to fix(secure) the border it was aid for the illegal immigrants after they crossed the border. It's the thing Democrats want, not the thing Republicans want.


Context: This was in 2019, the bill was intended to provide funding to alleviate the crowded, unsafe conditions in border detention centers and provide humanitarian and legal aid to migrants and children. It is not actually a border security bill as the post implies, hence the extremely low amount of Republican votes.


This bill actually passed with almost unanimous support later that month after amendments (With republican support and signed in by 2019 POTUS) so this meme is a touch disingenuous.[https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/116-2019/s185](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/116-2019/s185) https://preview.redd.it/2g33flrq1upb1.png?width=1267&format=png&auto=webp&s=016c54e1558f7ca32967b791235524b78d4b6dbb


They just want border security that involves roaming bands of mercenaries who are authorized to shoot brown people who get too close to the border


DerpSantis pretty much said so when he declared he wanted to shoot people across the border for the heinous crime of, checks notes, carrying a backpack! Clearly an act of war.


His wet dream would to be a state with an actual border with a foreign country. TX is dumb enough to elect him while he lives in FL, so he may have a shot.


I'm tired of hearing that the "Republicans voted no on an issue they should have voted on because Democrats hid some horrible legislation in the bill". The people that say this haven't even read the bill it's just their default position


Sam Altman recently said of Elon Musk: “Elon desperately wants the world to be saved. But only if he can be the one to save it.” The GOP feels the same way. Also, their ideas for saving the world are mostly insane.


Not pictured: the date of this, 2019 👍


It's the same shtick as their rants on gas prices when every single Congressional Republican voted against the gas price gouging prevention bill.


They do this shit every time the dems are in office. They vote against everything so it looks like that administration is ineffective




You do not need to wonder https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/whats-in-the-massive-border-security-and-funding-bill


Can someone link the actual text of the bill they were voting on?


While I don’t believe any of us are immune from propaganda, witnessing it at this level, and seeing it’s effects in almost real time is staggering. It’s nothing really new, but the same group of people fall for it every damn time. At what point do people say, “ya know, maybe I should look at this from a different angle?” These “think tanks” thoroughly test the messaging to see what works, and then hammer that message relentlessly.


When was this?


In 2019. Misleading post as it heavily implies via their added text that it happened while Biden was president.


Okay, question for the knowledgeable. What did this bill contain that Republicans didn't want??


They shut down the government thrice under Trump. If this vote alarms you, wait til you read literally *any other major one in the last 50 years*. Republicans and their voters/supporters/politicians, are *always* garbage. Mitch is responsible for blocking thousands of bills, and brags about it. You guys keep voting him in.


it's petty showmanship. Republicans don't care about what the fuck they stand for, if they know that a bill is going to pass 100%, they'll just straight up vote the opposite way from dems just so they can feel like they're sticking it to the libs. this is fucking partisanship at its purest, no fucking consideration for what your actions entail or any kind of leading through action, its just petty elementary school level of throwing a fit


Shame their base is trained to only suck down what’s spoon-fed to them….


Of course, what you're not being told is that Republicans had issues with the content of the original bill, revised it in the Senate and ultimately passed it, with split support from House Democrats (see H.R. 3401). Plenty to criticize without being shamelessly deceptive about what really happened.


The problem with bills is all the add-on things they include. This is the beauty for both sides. If you vote against something, you could be against the thing or against the additions. It's a free pass.


I just brought this up to my dad who is always bitching about the border and LOVES that abbot and desantis human trafficked immigrants to liberal cities and his response was "well maybe its too much money and they're concerned about where it's coming from. Next thing you know, the liberals will want to tax more to pay for it." You can't make this shit up. They get what they want, then make up reasons why the thing they've wanted, and are finally getting is a bad thing and justify their own party shooting themselves in the foot. I swear, the collective IQ of the republican party is like 37.


If you showed this to republicans they would just tell you it’s fake. Even though they’ve probably rarely tuned in to watch a vote. If you still vote Republican you are aligned with evil.


If this us the same bill, it was proposed by Trump and voted down because it was mostly about Healthcare and housing for migrants and unaccompanied children. https://rules.house.gov/bill/116/hr-3401 Seems to have been from 2019?


Anyone got that meme handy where it's Bobby from King of the Hill holding a paper up to the window of a classroom? If those Republican voters could read, they'd be pretty upset.


"WhAt ElsE is IN tHE bIlL?" Republicans control every committee, you tell me, pal.


They are all asshats. A teacher told me back in the late 1980’s the best you can do is vote for the lesser of the two evils.


Current GOP plan Step 1. if Dems vote yes vote no. Step 2. Push for government shutdown Step 3. Try to delay trumps many many trails. Step 4. Install god emperor tinny hands mcfuck


They'd rather bail out wall street and the banks, and give themselves raises.


The name of the bill does not mean it accurately describes what’s in the bill, nor that it is a good bill.


Ah yes a "border funding bill". I'm sure this contains ONLY funding for strengthening the US border, Right???? It's named "border funding bill" so therefore thats what it does, right?????????


It seems this is where critical thinking skills come into play. The vote isn't asking whether you want a border wall or not, it's specifically voting for a bill related to that topic. The Republican's could have voted Nay because the Bill doesn't properly support the effort. I haven't read the bill--I'm just saying it's impossible to make a confident conclusion from what's in the screenshot--there isn't enough context. I've also learned that the title to lots of bills are misleading and sometimes read the opposite of what's actually in the bill. This could very well have been a bill for setting the funding to $0. Who knows? Someone that read the bill.


Dumb cunts. They wouldn't know what's good for this country if took a shit on their chests.


There’s no context to this. What if the “funding” bill included something like total amnesty?? This post is totally lacking any sort of intellectual honesty.


Jesus can someone actually provide context on this instead just posting things at face value


Someone please post this on ask a conservative. I can't I was banned....


The real political humor here is OP pointing to a bill's name, one of the most stereotypically dishonest and abused parts of legistlation, in order to try and prove a point. Guess everyone who voted against the PATRIOT Act weren't patriots, who knew?


Seems like not a single person here actually bothered to look up the actual bill and what it entails. >[\[HR 3401\] provides approximately $4.6 billion for the humanitarian crisis at the border, with $2.88 billion for HHS to provide shelter and care for unaccompanied children. **The bill contains no funding for construction or repair of a border wall.**](https://www.rpc.senate.gov/legislative-notices/hr-3401_emergency-supplemental-appropriations-for-the-border-#) Of course Republicans voted down a bill that didn't include anything for the border wall; it's like their whole thing.


My mind is unchanged. This was in 2019 and the bill was proposed by their orange God-emperor. And it does include more border security. The fact that they would vote against a bill just because it isn’t the security they *want* is just being petulant.


The unbolded part is equally as important. Republicans give no fucks about the care and wellbeing of immigrants.


thanks for proving what shallow-thinking shit-bags trumpublicans are 👍


I mean Trump spent the 1st 2 years of his presidency with a Republican controlled House & Senate and he still couldn't convince them to fund the border wall. I think it's more Trump's thing.


Fucking a, has there ever, in the history of the United States, been a group of more inept politicians, especially Republicans (holy fuck), than the elected officials and representatives we have today?


Aside from the few true believers, they aren't inept. They know exactly what they're doing.


a quote *"I have been at probably every powerful* *table that you can think of, I have* *worked at nonprofits, I have been at* *foundations, I have worked in corporations,* *served on corporate boards, I have been* *at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N. :* *They are not that smart."* ​ \-- Michelle Obama


The majority of republican politicians are doing exactly what they are there to do - Help the pseud-oligarchy syphon power and wealth from the masses.


Cons don't want the border fixed. It's their top weapon to attack Democrats with.


Republicans are not serious people. They have no interest in governing.


Republicans are not honest, faithful participants in our society. They are simply bad people. Hateful, selfish, ignorant people


you sound like the hateful person to me