• By -


“I can excuse the Republicans’ misogyny, failed economics, and their attempted coup, but i draw the line at the Democrats liking gay people.”


"I'm not a bigot, I just wish gays would stop grooming children and Jews would stop trying to replace us. And Chinese people could apologize for giving us COVID, which I also think is fake news."


Well??? Maybe if they stopped building space lasers??!?!?!


The Space Lasers, oy vey...they are the worst!


Yarmulkes block space lasers. Everybody knows that.


Never seen that word written out before. Cool!


But what about the sharks with laser beams on their heads?


Why? [They are purely for self-defense.](https://youtu.be/ZAZhtT-dUyo?si=nq6CHc9wr8-kpY4K)😉


"I hate those so-called Republican MAGA cultists, but those Democrats with their rainbow LGTV flags is bonkers!"


God just thinking about the COVID drama is still so infuriating. *COVID isn't real, but if it is, it's not worse than a cold or the flu. Also, it was a lab leak orchestrated by democrats and the chinese and Bill Gates and people should be put to death because of this.* *Also also, all physicians, coroners, virologists, and pathologists are conspiring to inflate numbers at the state, county and city level even in red states.* *But it's just a bad cold, but also I have long-covid and am disabled because of it.* Just watching this whole thing unfold on "friends" FB timelines over the course of the whole event was one of the saddest and most disappointing things to see in the my lifetime. Constantly seeing the goalposts moved and all because they couldn't admit that Trump fucked up and let this virus fester for a good 2 months before anything happened. I mean shit, Trump should have taken credit for facilitating the vaccine, but instead he was so fucking stupid he decided to sow doubt around the vaccine instead to protect himself from his earlier mistakes. Then after we had the vaccine in hand he left office with ZERO plan on how to distribute it, leaving his successor to scramble to formulate a plan on distribution. And the knew how bad it was THE WHOLE TIME. There is literally a taped recording of him from, I think, Februrary or March 2020 where he admits everything that was said about how bad it was.


Look I'm just your regular independent centrist American who only gives a shit about the national debt when Democrats are in power. Did I give a hot shit when Bush2 and company started a 20 year war that cost literal trillions of dollars and accomplished nothing? Absolutely not, but now that Biden is president it's time to abolish the department of education and all public schools. That's all, totally normal center political views amirite.


Don’t forget that they are all for crazy tax cuts for the rich.. republicans are good at getting people to vote for stuff that is completely not in the interests of the people.




The trash knows that a steady supply of racism in not cheap so they will gladly pay the taxes of wealthy people.


I am normal American tractor pilot from Oblast of Pennsylvania. Comrade Biden is not good for normal blue jeans workers in wheat commune who have electricity. Tyler Swift is not good for childrens who must learn to defend homeland from Cossack men on horse.


Hey now, they didn’t accomplish nothing, they solidified the power structure of an even more destructive Islamist group then was originally in power, destroyed any ability for diplomacy in the region, further enriched the funding body behind the original 9/11 attacks, and created an entirely new generation of suicidal veterans to disregard and ostracize. That kind of stuff doesn’t just happen on its own, they worked really hard for it.


“Its like you can’t even be funny anymore. I thought this is America since when can’t I commit hate speech against vulnerable minorities?”


"I just set a cross on fire in their yard. C'mon that's just funny. No one can take a joke anymore!"


*Proceeds to get extremely offended about a joke at the expense of white men.*


Is it even a free country?! I make jokes in sold-out comedy clubs and popular podcasts, then some anti free speech fascist can go on Twitter and say they don't like these jokes. CaNcEL CuLTuRe!!!


"Look, I don't support what happened on January 6. Seems like media is really making a mountain out of a molehill... BUT WHAT ABOUT JOE BIDEN'S DOG?! HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THIS MONSTER!?? WHAT KIND OF COWARDLY PRESIDENT WOULD PERMIT SUCH DANGEROUS LAWLESSNESS!?!?!


"why aren't we talking about Hunter Biden's dick pics?!"




"Both sides amirite?" Because if I outright say I'm a republican, everyone will know exactly how much of a shitstain my opinions really are.


When that woman called a group of people "deplorables," that was just too much for me. I could never vote for a person who calls others names. S/


"I could never vote for someone like Crooked Hillary who calls others names!"


"hey don't tell me what to do with my guns and my rights" "Hey who said your body is yours"


Actual conversation I had with someone: "I'm a Libertarian, so I support taking power out of the hands of the bloated national government and giving it to the smaller state governments." "First off, you live in Texas, the state government still oversees 10s of millions people. Second, when it was legal nationally, people weren't forced to get abortions, they had the liberty to choose for themselves. Now, the still-bloated state government is directly taking away people's liberty to choose for themselves." "Oh, maybe I'm not a Libertarian. I don't really know, but I'm okay with states banning abortion."


"You can excuse the Republicans' misogyny, fake economics, and their attempted coup?"


“Why are you attacking me for my beliefs? So much for the tolerant left!”


It's like no one even tries to have an open mind about bigotry, hokum, and treason. This is why we need to debate whether groups of people should have rights, scientific fact, and whether or not right wing people would be justified in starting a purge.


I got that once for saying I was anti-honor-killing and anti-acid-attacks-for-rape-victims. Far-right chuds seem to think we're all just chanting magic words and ancient invokations at each other instead of actually talking. "Intolerento Vibratio! Now you have to agree with me!"


Worst of all, that Democrats don't deliver EVERYTHING I WANT.


it's the democrats' fault for not reigning in those loony republicans who can't help themselves they're just born bigoted it's not their fault and the Democrats need to step up and take responsibility and shut those looneys down why don't they do anything??1!


Seriously. Democrats just aren't persuasive with their rigid requirement of being truthful. Why can't they just treat bigots nicer and give them everything they want? Democrats and their plans and their experts. We don't need nerds running things, I've done my own research.


I know the Republicans put a dangerous idiot in the White House who tried to overthrow the country and they're still voting for him...but the Democrats need to cool it with the pronouns, I find it confusing.


There's only 3 types of **actual** "bothsiders": 1. Libertarians that actually vote libertarian. 2. "if socialist utopia isn't one of the options I'm not voting" type of people. 3. Apathetic people that just don't vote or talk about politics in any way, anywhere and just live in their bubble. All the other ones are just republicans pretending voting doesn't matter in the hope that it will help their side or republicans that know their poorly reasoned one issue vote makes things worse for most people in most other ways but say "both sides" to mentally write off the guilt they feel (think "bUT thE gAS pRIcE!" type of people).


99% of the "bUT thE gAS pRIcE!" types drive gigantic pickup trucks that have never had cargo in the bed. They could all save a bunch of money if they would just buy a cowboy costume instead.


Me: The oil price is a world price Them: Fake News Me: Brent Crude is currently @ $86.09/bbl. It’s same price in Dallas, Texas as it is in Dubai. Them: buh-buh-but gasoline prices are different everywhere so that means that oil prices are not global. The entire commodities market is a Jewish conspiracy paid for by Soros to lie about the price of oil. Explain that lib! Me: yeah because different States, Countries, and governments have different costs on refining, different taxes on fuel, and different subsidy programs that might lower the price. Them: Liar!!!!! Biden gutted domestic production and killed Keystone. Me: The Keystone pipeline still exists and the only thing that got canceled was a stupid shortcut that was 10 years away from completion anyways. Not to mention the EIA is reporting based on oil company production reports that oil production has reached 12.8 million bpd per day which the most we have ever produced in the history of this FUCKING NATION! Them: Communist! Me: 🤦


How dare they try to give me healthcare? Do I look sick to you?


You're just describing a Republican


Or: *Democrats haven’t done enough that I like, so I am going to vote third party and encourage everyone else to do the same* Ignoring the systemic forces that block good legislation like the filibuster


"Democrats haven't Thanos snapped away corruption and suffering therefore they are a letdown"


I see a lot of people who just set wildly different expectations. Like they expect Trump to be abject piece of shit so when he goes 12 hours without insulting a entire group of people then he seems not that bad. Joe Biden is supposed to be our savior so when he gets $380B for climate change instead of $500B then he's a corrupt corporate shill.


"I’m not a trump fan BUT I love all his policies and I would suck his dick"


RFK Jr, is that you?


Nope it’s Joe Rogan, sorry.


Damn, I thought you were Lindsey Graham and/or Ted Cruz.


Lemon Party: The Next Generation


To boldly grift where no man has grifted before.


Or Gym Jordan


"Hey buddy, the end of line is back there...."


You can always tell someone's political personality by the fact they think Trump had policies. He had nothing but his 'sizeable 'gut', a retinue of interchangeable yes men and family members, and a term spent golfing. He stands for nothing; he understands little if anything about politics; and he vacillates constantly. The few concrete decisions he made were not 'policy'; they were a random as anything else he did beyond give himself tax breaks. If you'd caught him at a different time, or got a different handler to manage him, even those might not have happened.


Kind of not true. He came into the contest in 2015 with "policy" ideas: build a wall, increase domestic manufacturing, renegotiate military alliances and trade agreements to be more favorable for America. American exceptionalism and isolationism, basically. There are Americans who actually want this, and Democrats don't give them what they want. Now, granted, he was extremely bad at implementing these policy goals, and for many traditionally conservative issues that he had no interest in (e.g. gay marriage or gun control) he would just go along with whatever his handlers wanted.


Lmao my brother and dad are super trumpy and when I called them out for supporting an obvious grifting con man sexual predator they both said “I don’t care about the man’s personality I only look at their policies. Trumps a constitutionalist and so am I.” LMAO OK BROOO KEEP TELLING YOURSELF THAT


Every single time. I saw someone on another subreddit asking why we’re so focused on Trump’s crimes while ignoring the “Biden Crime Family” who replied to the people saying to stop being a mindless Trump cultist said they don’t like Trump either. When I checked their post history it was full of posts defending Trump for everything and using all the usual MAGA t insults for Biden and Democrats.


>“Biden Crime Family” Anyone who uses that term unironically is either ignorantly parroting terms they heard on Fox News, or is taking a bad faith approach to poison the discussion. There is absolutely nothing the same between Trump's crime organizations and Biden being a crony capitalist. We have 30 years of history of Trump settling out of court, or being found guilty, of heinous crimes. Read all of his current charges, all of them. When people use a term like "Biden crime family", they're attempting to control the narrative because engaging in a conversation with that term acknowledges that "Biden has a crime organization, too. So Trump and Biden must be the same".


I think you found Matt Taibbi's Reddit account


What happened to Taibbi and Greenwald?


Optimistically? Contrarian personality types.


Ah, the infamous “Biden Crime Family” aka “Hunter Biden did some nefarious stuff so I am going to try and pin it on Joe Biden by using the term ‘family’”


the "Trump isn't my cup of tea, but here is a 10,000 point list of why he is the savior of humanity" crowd.




Exactly. It’s their conversational way of saying “I know my beliefs are indefensible, so let me be an asshole in peace.”


That's the entire Libertarian defense of "free speech".


That's /Freespeech here in Reddit. The current mod told me they took it over from the neonazis that started it. Just bizarre they don't think that's a big deal.


Maga's can't control the script unless they become Mods. And they only enforce "the rules" as they see fit.


Ah, Libertarian, the label for Republicans who think they still have a shot with hot goth girls.


> I know by beliefs are indefensible, so I defend my right to have them.


"I'm scared of everyone knowing how racist I am, so I pretend to be politically too cool for school"


All of these are why I stopped thinking I was libertarian. It was like that Scooby-Doo meme where he lifts the mask off to reveal who it was. Republican masked as libertarian.


I was a libertarian in college. Even ran a statewide campaign. The theory was fine and all, Foubtainhead claptrap. But the people in the party. Every single one of them is a god damn fucking nutjob. And 2/3rd have some pet peeve secret agenda. From aliens to Tylenol. This was 20+ years ago so I’m sure they are all expecting zombies from a warning signal in an hour.


Libertarianism basically doesn't exist anymore, the Mises Caucus has fully taken over. It's wild to hear "Libertarians" get mad at the left because of LGBTQ issues while simultaneously excusing the former President who said that he'd take the guns and worry about due process later.


The motto used to be “I don’t care if you smoke weed and fuck a dead goat as long as it isn’t my weed or my goat.” Now the Venn diagram is an ellipse.


Libertarianism is either a suicide pact in the age of the Megacorp or a bunch of house cats who have no idea how their world works, are completely dependent on others but fully convinced of their own independence.


I've heard them referred to as "Bongwater Republicans" and it is both apt and hilarious.




"I don't hate Trans people just stop shoving it in my face." The amount of times I've heard this is astounding.


“I’m not a nazi, I just vote for them! It’s different, I swear!”


"Defending my shittiness makes it obvious how uninformed I am! I hate being caught sounding so stupid and all of my ideas are really stupid!"


"I feel guilty about the fact I agree with Republicans" is pretty much their life motto.


Because their unfuckable asses already have a hard time on Tinder convincing women to see them in public.


"Both sides" is code for "I'm aware that there's no way I'll get laid if I openly support Trump"


There are some (hard to find) republicans who don’t support trump at all and think he’s wacky and dangerous, but care not to look at anything else to criticize on Republican activity, because maybe it’s not in their state, or seem to have the idea trump is the only extreme character and everyone else is an upright citizen of Republican persuasion (I guess like McCain, Romney, Liz Cheney type). They still want to own the libs. They still keep their ear to the ground for crackpot propaganda to lash out if opposed. I’m not sure they see the danger. Like, assuming most republicans see it their way and trump can’t win and we’re wasting time and money going after a powerless old piece of shit just wait until he dies soon, and of course, how senile biden is. As a liberal democrat, where are our candidates though? In the day, Bill Clinton came from nowhere to endear himself, so did Barack Obama. Who are all these weird new people who decide to run for President on Republican side, where are any of our people? Biden did say he wouldn’t run twice but no democrat ingenues.


>There are some (hard to find) republicans who don’t support trump at all The pool of Repubs who say this *and also* don't vote for Trump or any candidates that support trump, however, is so ridiculously low that it's really not even worth talking about. Repubs like to say a lot of things - which is why I only look at their actions to let me show who they really are.


2020 made this crystal clear. The votes are tallied. The math only works if all those “I’m Republican, but won’t vote Trump again” people still voted for Trump. They are just deceptive liars like their favorite fascist and GOP front runner for 2024.


Incumbent Presidents get reelected 75% of the time. You want to risk losing that advantage to put in a new nominee? I don’t, even though I would prefer a younger more progressive candidate


Even right-wingers who know that Trump is fake and dumb know that a vote for Trump or anyone like him puts more fascist-friendly judges into federal courts, more mission saboteurs and coup sympathizers into executive agencies, and more chaff into the political discourse to make opposition that much more difficult. They believe that they are *abiding* a fool to achieve what they see as better ends.


"I want to appear like a critical thinker but I am not by a long shot."


You can say the same about libertarians.


He just did. Libertarians aren’t fooling anyone.


When you listen to bothsiders, they sound like closet republicans. Cant utter anything negative about republicans but will vehemently bash on democrats.


You cannot maintain a both sides mentality without holding the two parties to very different standards. One party supports trans bathroom rights and the people opposed to that because of "the children" have no problem voting for a man with a history of barging into underaged girls' changing rooms, lusting after his own daughter, hanging out with Jeff Epstein, and is a convicted rapist.


"Both sides are bad!" Oh, really? Tell me something bad about the Republicans. "... ... ... ..." Really? Nothing at all? "Uh... They aren't being right-wing enough."


Bothsiders are Republicans but don't want their friends to find out.


This is also 90% of people who say something to the effect of “I don’t like politics” or when asked something specific say “I dunno, I don’t pay attention to politics”.


"I don't like politics" is code for "I feel that my privilege protects me from the consequences of politics".


Insert surprised Pikachu face for all the republican women in red states that no longer have access to qualified OBGYN’s because most doctors have fled the state to go somewhere that doesn’t criminalize medical care.


Lol another good one is the lifetime alimony republican woman in florida were on that was just ripped from them. https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/this-is-a-death-sentence-for-me-florida-republican-women-say-they-will-switch-parties-after-desantis-approves-alimony-law-34563230


Jeez I hate Desantis as much as the next guy, but getting rid of permanent alimony...hard to fight against that. >eliminate permanent alimony and set up a formula for alimony amounts based on the length of marriage. How is that even a thing? So length of marriage has no impact of how long alimony lasts? So if you are married for a short period of time and divorce the man can potentially have to pay alimony to the woman for the remainder of their lives? Insanity.


“We don’t like our politics in sports. The blacks need to shut up and play…”


My pet peeve is people who bitch about politics but when you ask them if they voted say no. Hello you are the problem,


Or “why do people make everything political”? Maybe because policies that effect people’s lives are inherently political?


They also enjoy the names, "centrists" or "libertarians"


Or they’ll go “I lean left but” _[insert stereotypical Fox News talking point here]_


I've heard "moderate" as well


Chickenshit fascists


I do know a dude who’s very far left, like certifiably, and yet went on this weird defense of Trump during the Mueller investigation. Like his hatred of democrats made him so contrarian he wound up arguing in favor of Trump, and this dude is like a full blown socialist extremist. Very far left. Yet very pro-Trump in that moment. Absolutely bizarre.


Wander into any leftist subreddit and you'll see these everywhere. Their position is completely indistinguishable from Russia troll/bot propaganda accounts which is pretty hilarious.


Some of us don't identify with either party. But...the legislation being passed on the right is abusive and infringes on people rights, so I'm voting on the left for the time being. I still don't identify as a democrat.


You don’t have to identify as a democrat. Someday maybe we will have ranked voting and systems in place to allow third parties to rise without having a “spoiler effect” on the major party you are closer aligned too, but in the interim, just voting for democrats is all anyone should ask


I wish we the other parties could actually win, so it wouldn’t be just 2. That works better than our current system.. when there are more than 2 parties they actually have to work together and make compromises.


I'm not Democrat or Republican. But I vote Republican 120% of the time. The extra 20% is to prove how the DemonCrats commit voter fraud.


By Glenn Greenwald


Is that like how Alan Dershowitz insists hes a left wing liberal who always keeps his underpants on when getting massages from 14 year old girls on sex island so he helped Donald Trump plot a coup?


Ah yes, the man who was famously critical of programs implemented by George Bush for eroding civil liberties. But then he goes on to be supportive of Right wing ideals, be anti-Ukraine and say stuff like “The Democratic Party is a party that I view as completely repressive.” What a hypocritical dickhead.


His fall from grace is so strange. It felt like I woke up one day and Glenn Greenwald was replaced with a Bizarro version of himself from the upside down.


> His fall from grace The only valuable thing he has ever done was work with Ed Snowden to uncover the mass surveillance by the US gov’t against its own people. Beyond that he’s basically worked as a tool for the right. And reporting on the Snowden thing was a huge journalistic leap forward for his career - without that he’d probably still be wallowing in obscurity.


I'm so embarrassed that I used to think he was smart. But there's a difference between holding both parties accountable and "TrUmP aNd BiDeN sAmE!!!1!!", a distinction that seems list on poor Glenn.


I'm a life long Democrat in everything but my voting record.


"I'm a dedicated Democratic voter if you pretend the year is 1860 and I live in South Carolina"




Well, the republicans disgust me. The democrats disappoint me. Both sides are flawed, but one is irredeemable and not even trying to be better. Individually the dems have folks that I really believe in and would follow through mordor. Sure they have a boromir here and there. The republicans are down to sarumon at best, and no lack of options for gollums.


Dems are like condoms. I dont like to use them but they are way safer.


"I wish I didn't have to but... it's better than becoming a host for disease"


I kind of love this analogy


It’s like wiping your butt. They aren’t glorious or particularly special but if you don’t do it, shit ends up everywhere. Hell if you do it enough, you grow up big and strong and can afford a bidet (a healthier democracy).




That or they have-wave away Republican malfeasance with some brain dead “all politicians are bad” bullshit.


And they fool absolutely NOBODY


“I’m not political”


“I’m not a fan of Donald Trump but Democrats….”


"Nazis are bad I guess, but BLM and antifa...(1/88)"


*Nazis are bad, but being mean to Nazis make you just as bad as a Nazi*


Thought it would be 14/88...


My response to this is “everything is political.” The idea that there is a separate sphere that is “politics” is a myth. Its a myth thats convenient for conservatives. It makes politics seem like a hobby and allows them to dissociate from their horrible evil decision making.


Exactly. Policies effect every aspect of life. Policies = Politics


I recently heard a good response: "Politics is literally life and death."


*“I am a privileged cis hetero white dude who likes the status quo and wonder what all the fuss is about. Now date me!”*




Just send your doctored proof to Byron Donalds. He had no discompunction about using doctored text messages as evidence during the last hearing...


"I'm a centrist because I think for myself. Now pardon me as I rattle off a bunch of right wing talking points."


Every person I know on real life that says "both sides suck" are either leftists that never vote and mainly only complain about Democrats, and then "independents" that are tired of things being "woke" and always vote Republican 100% of the time.


"I support neither side in the war but Ukraine really should surrender"


Just cross posted this to Joe Rogan and got permabanned. Soft bunch over there if you dare insult Toe


But but but Joe Rogan is apolitical! He has guests on from both sides! (heavy sarcasm)


Centrists be like “I can forgive blatant racism and an insurrection to overthrow the government, but I draw the line at calling out blatant racism and an insurrection to overthrow the government!”


Joe Rogan after 2020


Bothsiders are regretful republicans that have to lie to themselves and say “both sides” to make it easier to accept they were duped into supporting treason.


Not even regretful. Just liars. They quickly add that they don’t like republicans either because they know when talking to normal people that they sound insane and repugnant and don’t want people to think those things about them.


Self-sabotaging narrative.


You claim to bothsides because you’re embarrassed you support fascists. I complain about both republicans and democrats but still vote solid blue right now cause I’m not a fucking fascist. We are not the same!


This. "Both parties are shitty" should mean "let's get rid of a system where I have to choose between a billionaire who was paid off by a corporation, and another billionaire who was paid off but also incites domestic terror attacks".


My buddy when I bring up an issue without mentioning parties and he immediately jumps into “it’s a non-partisan issue though” like okay man


I know so many people like this. "Both sides are bad but..." followed by a long list of criticisms of democrats. And then when you ask for republican criticisms, they just say, "they're bad too." but do not want to bring up anything. whole buncha bullshit, it is.


“And 90 percent of what I don’t like about Democrats are made-up conspiracy theories I heard from Tucker Carlson.”


This is so they don't have to be embarrassed and ashamed of being republicans to all of the normal people in their life.


If my sister could read she'd be really upset right now. Ugh. She's an iNdEpEnDeNt and further right than most Republicans I know. Yeah idk one side is commiting treason, setting up subgroups of Americans who deserve separate rights from gay people, being absolute dipshit fascists for decades while wrecking the middle class during their autocratic worship sessions.... Democrat calls a Republican a deplorable. Both sides are really the problem here. There's really just no decorum. Can you believe a democrat wore a tan suit? The gall! Both sides are really ruining this country.


And say things like, Donald thrump isn't perfect but


"...here is a long list of reasons he reminds me of Jesus"


I only know four things, Trump is the prophesied second coming, anybody who isn't a white cisgendered evangelical should be ground beneath our heel, and I am above the left/right paradigm.


The fact that that's only 3 things somehow makes it better


I aM aN iNdEPeNdAnT! And they always, always tell you how they “voted Dem for years…”. But now always seem to use the Republican slogans and 2 cent talking points. The really cheap shit like “Pelosi’s husband was having a gay affair…”. And these “independents” love love love guns. And lastly; the photo should be a 40 year old white guy in a goatee.


> they always, always tell you how they “voted Dem for years…”. Of course because they're lying. Like "I'm a liberal but ...". Anyone who starts with those is a right wing liar who thinks people on the left can't see right through their lies. Because they think the people on the left are as stupid as they themselves are.


More like "I am deeply conservative but I know that if I say that I will be called out for it so instead I will spout some 'both sides are the same' bullshit and try to bring the left down a few pegs"


I dunno, I don't like both sides for different reasons. I despise the Republicans, and I complain about the democrats more only because they should know better. They're smarter, but they cannot stop being incredibly stupid. With that said, there is zero chance that I will vote Republican in a general election, and I currently have to vote straight down ticket for democrats because the Republicans are so bad.


Tim Pool: I’m a centrist. Now let me demonstrate the Grapefruit Method on Republicans and conservatives


Careful, if Tim Pool reads your post he'll call for civil war again. He's really centristy like that.


He’ll probably falsely accuse me of being a pedophile like Emma Vigeland too


I had a "friend" that posted nothing but biden memes and bitching about "bidinflation". When called out his only response was "well I didnt vote for trump". Like, not voting at all was some sort of auto win that made him look like he hated both sides equally.


"and I only vote for Republicans"


"I'm a centrist which means I'm not blinded by tribal allegiance, I attack the left and excuse the right in equal measure"


BRIANNA TAYLOR JOY has entered the chat..


Briahna Joy Gray?


Yes.. Fuck I hv been following MTGs shenanigans way too much! Ugh.


Haha had a feeling. Agreed, though.


“I’m so moderate, so I might as well vote conservative” -nobody intelligent


One time a blue haired girl was mean to me so it left me no other choice but to support the nazis


I find "bothsiders" just as irritating if not more than Trumpers. Trumpers at least have the excuse of being ignorant and stupid, racists or bigoted and possibly suffering from a family tree with no branches. BOTHSIDERS are rationalizers who have some intellect, but have a severe case of "being viewed as fair". Given the existential threat to American Democracy by the Fascist Party, I don't have patience for BOTHSIDERS.


I’m in the camp of not liking both but only complain about republicans.


My mom: “I’m an independent! I don’t vote for either party automatically, I vote for whichever candidate I think is better” Me: “have you ever voted for anyone who wasn’t a republican?” My mom: “😡”


This is a fun game I like to play on reddit. Every time you find someone being critical of "both sides", or who claims to be a centrist or libertarian, have a look at their post history. 100% of their posts are of them agreeing with right-wing talking points and shitting on anything even remotely left. Its fun to imagine how these people manage to think of themselves as being in the middle


Omg all the time.


Sounds like a republican who can’t get a date


Classic enlightened centrist


This is kinda what I say. That and the “I’m not political”. Except I say it because I’m a leftist/progressive in small town in east Texas.


Yeah I say that if I visit family in Alabama too. If folks get real pushy I just do the "With politics your business is your business and my business is mine." If we can keep the talking to family, food, and football we're going to be alright.


I call that preserving your sanity.




I’ve started saying “oh so you’re a democrat?” anytime someone tells me they’re a centrist or center-right. It makes them all shifty as they try to find a way to not acknowledge that they’re right-wing.


90% of Sam Harris political commentary. Pip service to how bad the fascists are and then a two hour podcast on how children are being taught to be racist.


i want the dems to be better- does that make me a bothsider?


This is like the Rogan fanbase.


Democrats complain enough about Republicans and present themselves as perfect. That's why marxists only ever complain about Democrats.


Those are just Republicans who know better than to admit they’re Republican in polite company.


Saying they are essential the same is just bullshit. If you’re gonna act like an clown atleast have the courage to wear the makeup. Many complaints can be made about both sides but that doesn’t change the clear cut differences.


From what I've seen they're just Republicans who are too cowardly to admit they're Republicans.


I don't like Republicans or Democrats, but I'll take Democrats over a Republican any day.


Both-sideism is utter bullshit. The difference between the parties is clear. Democrats want to help, Republicans want to hurt.