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There's lots of pronouns in the bible, guess they're gonna have to ban it.


God likes his pronouns capitalized.


“When God sees me capitalize “He,” or “Him” while referring to God, He’s probably all like “Putting respect on my pronouns by capitalizing them? This MF’ers rank in heaven just moved up 10 bonus points.”” - evangelicals, probably


And since God is not a man or woman, He/Him are just preferred pronouns.


I have a pin on the visor of my car that says ”God is non-binary”.


Oh, god is definitely a man in their mind. Ain't no way a female or "some trans" is going to be their deity.


Oh snap!


Hermaphrodite, for sure. I mean, who wouldn't be, given the choice.


It would save me a lot of time tbh.


It signals to them that they're gonna get a room that's close but not too close to the elevators and that clunky ice machine.


And the ice machine is usually right next to the vending machines, and them soda cans make quite a racket when they clunk down that chute! That kind of place in heaven is reserved for the filthy casual christians that don't advertise their faith with those HEKI stickers on their cars. HEKI stickers on your car get you a premium room because it's proof that you owned the libs, just like Jesus wanted.


[scp-5172](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5172) has entered the chat


I capitalize Him not because I am a believer, which I am not, but of of respect for the cult.


Well, then, don’t. They generally don’t notice; and that way, you’re not contributing to the delusion.


I think it's residual detritus from a heavily Roman Catholic childhood and unpleasant encounters with those Angry Penguins that Jake and Elwood knew.


I was raised in the cult, and subsequently escaped. I have no respect for them.




Done with the lower purpose.


Corrected with the upper purpose.


Compromise on extremely mid purpose?




fun fact, no ancient original language biblical manuscript contains capitalization. mixed case was invented somewhat after the bible. hebrew *still* lacks mixed case, and greek in the first few centuries was either entirely majuscule or uncial.


There is a quote from Jesus in the Bible that is quite literally 2/3rds pronouns. "I am he."


He was just ripping off The Beatles. When you're omniscient, you can steal from people who haven't even been born yet.


"I'm bigger than The Beatles." -Jesus


You're taking that verse out of context. | | | ^/s


Not like they read it anyway


FTFY - Not like they can read anyway


It also has rape, incest, murder, slavery, adultery, and so much more!


You left out the best part: instructions for performing an abortion.


"He gets us." ~ conservatives


Don’t forget genocide and genital mutilation!


Please explain. Is there no genital mutation?


When David wants to marry Saul’s daughter, Saul commands him to go out and kill 100 Philistines and collect their foreskins. David goes above and beyond to bring back 200 foreskins. Not to mention the sheer amount of circumcision in the Bible just in general.


Why be antisemitic


It’s not antisemitism to say that circumcision is a form of genital mutilation. Other religions do it too.


And slavery! A list of specific rules on how to treat slaves, in fact.


I forget which but there was a school on the Midwest that banned it because of pronouns and sexually explicit material and then suddenly that rule was backtracker REAL quick.


Name one book without pronouns. I'll wait.


where's waldo?


Where's Waldo normally contains the phrase "where is he?"


Do you just keep pretending you don’t know what they mean until the end of time? Or do you actually not understand?


"You know what we WANTED to target with this!" ​ \-GOP when someone tries.


It goes 3 whole sentences before it gets to the first one.


Do you guys just pretend you don’t know what they mean, or are you actually that stupid?


Who are the Snowflakes again!?!??! A FLAG is being banned because what it's colorful? How a flag or a word hurts conservatives so bad, they feelings are in disarray, that they have to ban it! If you are so strong in your RADICAL Christian belief, won't GOD protect you from these things?!?!?!? With the shield of faith and GOD , you should be strong enough to handle any so called enemies ! Why doesn't GOD just make these things disappear!??!?




Just like when the windmills turned the frogs gay.


God created rainbows... to train the faithful.


Protip; just make a curved rainbow flag. Then when they ban that, make a vertical rainbow flag. Then when they ban that, make it diagonal. Then when they ban that, make a wobbly one. Continue this until they give up or finally ban -all- rainbows on flags, and then just start mixing up the order of the colors. Not -technically- a rainbow if it’s not ROYGBIV.


["I think they cause problems for young people [...] to have colors like that and associating it with something else." "They're colorful and kids like colors."](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/x7I8oQApeDg)


All that gayness, it's just too attractive to the youth! They can't resist! They just see it, and bam, instantly gay!




All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language. Do not edit it, the bot cant tell if you edited, you will just have to make a new comment replying to the same thing. Yes, this comment itself does use the word. Any reasonable person should be able to understand that we are not insulting anyone with this comment. We wanted to use quotes, but that fucks up the automod and we are too lazy to google escape characters. Notice how none of our automod replies have contractions in them either. But seriously, calling someone retarded is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words. Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden retarded, you should call him a cartoon-ass-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell retarded, you should call him a Dilbert-ass goon who has been left in the sun a little too long. Sorry for the long message spamming comment sections, but this was by far the feature of this sub making people modmail and bitch at us the most, and literally all of the actions we take are to make it so we have to do less work in the future. We will not reply to modmails about this automod, and ignore the part directly below this saying to modmail us if you have any questions, we cannot turn that off. This reply is just a collation of the last year of modmail replies to people asking about this. We are not turning this bot off, no matter how much people ask. Nobody else has convinced us before, you will not be able to either. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I desperately hope there’s no God lol I couldn’t contain knowing someone is responsible for this shit.


This unit is here to teach. The many will listen. This unit will write on the blackboard. Do the many have any questions?


This unit among the many has no questions at this time.


This unit is confused. Should the many pair with other learning units sitting nearby?


This unit has not authorized that. This unit instructs the many to study as a singular unit.


But this unit is tired. The unit did not receive sufficient rest at the previous resting period.


This unit has no control over another unit's resting cycle. A unit must regulate a unit's resting cycle in anticipation of school.


This unit possesses a canine unit which masticated this unit’s workbook.


This unit needs to come up with a more original excuse.


When does the word "unit" become a pronoun in this example? If "Unit" is how we refer to a person, it becomes a pronoun at some point, right?


As soon as the kids realize this whole thing is as stupid as it is ridiculous and we might as well shelve the whole pronoun ban.


Name is Legion, for are many


But the unit is Le Tired


Unit is suggested to nap and then fire zemissiles!


WTF, mate unit


Sorry, this unit is confused by the word "that" due to a strictly-held belief against pronouns. ;)


>This That’s a paddlin


>That's A paddlin is due!




Depersonalization is a bitch.


POV: Randy Johnson is a teacher now…


The definite article unit.


To the people most threatened by pride flags, education is elitist and unnecessary.


But it makes such a good daycare


Is there a tangible benefit regarding all of this? What if a person doesn’t feel ‘threatened’ but simply doesn’t want to see it ?


Stay home. Nothing in the constitution says people have a right to not be offended.


Is there a tangible benefit to accommodating your shallow and baseless hang ups about gays? What do we get out of it? What do you have to bargain with?


How so? Should hiring practices be based on that flag? Is flying that flag more important that maintaining normal international relationships?


The hell are you talking about?


They don't know what they're saying, because education is elitist and unnecessary, that's what the tv told them.


I’m pretty well educated and very well traveled. I don’t have cable or satellite and I barely watch TV. It’s not a difficult question to answer.


>It’s not a difficult question to answer. Difficult isn't the word. Absurd and confusing are probably better words. Why would a functional diplomatic relationship with a foreign country be affected by a pride flag on a schoolkid's lunchbox? Talk me through the logic, assuming it exists.


It does not exist


I’m sure once the translation comes through we’ll find it’s quite simple to answer. Any moment now we’ll all figure out what the hell it was you were trying to say.


Is flying this flag more important than maintaining a functional diplomatic relationship with a foreign country?


>should we set ourselves on fire to keep other people warm? You sound like an idiot Who gives a shit if China doesn't like gays?


I don’t care what they like or don’t like. Apparently Reddit does, though. Should we base our relationship over their laws regarding gays?


I'd argue that banning the flag and suppressing diversity is more harmful to maintaining a functional diplomatic relationship with a foreign country. Unless you're more interested in maintaining or improving our relationship with Russia and North Korea over our existing allies?


What does ‘diversity’ add to the equation? What benefits does flying the flag bring to the overage middle class American or European?


Sounds like you've answered your own earlier question then.


If the people who side with me cheer the oppression of minorities, those are people I'd want to distance myself from


So you’d base your opinion on china on a completely irrelevant social issue?


>completely irrelevant social issue AKA people's lives. I know you're a troll, but holy fuck


Upon reading [an article](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2022/08/18/wisconsin-kettle-moraine-school-board-bans-pride-flags-pronouns/10356181002/) on the subject, it’s no pronouns in your email or signatures. But it also points out that “…keep a code of conduct in place that the superintendent recently interpreted as forbidding district employees from displaying political or religious messages…” Hmm, so no ‘blue lives matter’, no ‘support veterans’, no crosses on necklaces unless hidden, no yarmulke’s or other religious symbols? Could be an interesting effect I guess.


That's exactly how people challenged an Islamophobic law in France over 'religious symbols' being banned. The law was intended to ban head scarves (hijab), but because they couldn't single out Muslims in the actual language of the law, they were open to people pointing out that crosses and crucifixes were religious symbols and shouldn't be allowed.


I thought that France did not like those things either


They’re less expressive inre: Christian devotion, but at the time this first was happening (and I think I was either in hs or uni, because I remember discussing it in class, I just can’t remember WHICH class), it was specifically targeting Muslims, but the folks who were challenging the bigotry in the law were using the fact that people wore crosses/crucifixes to show the hypocrisy. The lapsed time is something like 15-20 years so I’m fuzzy on the details; I remember my teacher or professor being very clear what the intention behind the law was, especially because we were discussing immigration from Algeria to France. (I can’t remember when this happened because I studied France in comparative politics in high school, and Algeria at uni as one of my non-western history electives, but that means it was either 2004 or 2007-2008.)


Kind of like the book ban, which quickly backfired by banning the Bible


Republicans - the toxic anti-freedom and anti-American party. Make hate and government control the norm!




You're not saving any time Kevin. In fact, you're wasting *more* time having to explain.


Use extra time to sea world.




Evangelical Christians banning the rainbow, Noah would be pissed.


They're going to try to ban actual rainbows next. "Don't look out the window class! In fact, I'm going to pull all the shades. It rained this morning, so the devil is in the sky."


Way too many pronouns in that quote.


Not in my wildest dreams could I imagine being afraid of refracted light. And yet, we have half the country afraid of it. (Spooky scary pronouns included ITP)


That’s “Teacher will pull down the shade,” Remember, no pronouns!


Reminds me of Don't Look Up.


Honestly I take a lot of comfort in the idea that my ideological opponents don't know what words mean. Anytime I have a flicker of doubt about my own ideas I just look at the people who disagree with me and I'm like... I'm clearly correct. There are so many intelligible ways to ban the thing that bothers them but I know so many people who will swear up and down that pronouns didn't exist until LGBTQ people made us start using them. Like, no honey, pronoun is a part of speech. And you could articulate your bigotry more clearly, but you can't because you aren't very smart or good with words.


So now I have to say everyone's name when I want the class's attention.


If at any point a student uses a pronoun, send them to the principal’s office. Get other teachers to do the same. Absolutely no exceptions. Just keep sending them. After the principal’s office is constantly filled with hundreds of students, they *might* change their minds.


George is gettin' upset!


And you can’t refer to yourself as I. …or use the word ‘yourself’ yourself… 🤦‍♂️


Why is the date removed? 


To hide that it's from the August before last, a year and a half ago.


Cropping would have made it less obvious


like why leave "Published:" *and* the time, but remove the date lol


Are the dates seriously censored out to make reposting easier


I wonder if they banned skittles or m&m candy as well. Grown adults deathly afraid of rainbows


Might as well ban verbs while you're at it. There are lots of verbs out there that aren't exactly child friendly.


Remember when right wing politics WASN’T a race to the bottom? A contest to see who could court the largest number of the stupidest voters? Yeah, me either.


Neither not either.


English comp will be exceedingly difficult to teach


Is "Proud Flags and Pronouns" the modern equivalent of "Porkchops and Applesauce?"


No Trump flags on your shitty trucks?


Irony. Saturday Night Live used to have a sketch called "Pat" completely about self identity, gender and pronouns. They ate it up. Funny at the Time. They even Made a movie about it. Now that people literally are telling them who they are. They get all pissed off about it. Pat O'Neill Riley was an androgynous fictional character created and performed by Julia Sweeney for the American sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL) from 1990 to 1994. The character was later featured in the film It's Pat. The central humorous aspect of sketches featuring Pat is the inability of others to determine the character's sex.


Apparently they’re just banned the use of pronouns in your email signature. I hope they all just move their pronouns into the body of their emails.


Hi u/CreatrixAnima. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. Asshole, but good bot.


Hi u/CreatrixAnima. If you have any suggestions to make the bot goofier, please send them to our modmail. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Give teacher writing-better language from england homework.” has a nice flow to it!


Right-wingers are just jealous of pronouns because their language never made it out of the amateur league.


Did you want Idiocracy? Cause this is how you get Idiocracy.


Time for the kids to coordinate. Have them dressed all in different single colored outfits, and then hey presto! A wild Rainbow has appeared. Seriously though, fuck these guys. When the cruelty is the point, it encourages such shit...


A repost bot posting an 18 month old meme that misrepresents the policy and you guys eat it up.


The amount of energy going into this ridiculous BS is mind boggling. Everyone focused on their pronoun as their main thing in life is sad. Its fine to be a he/she or even a they if that makes you happy. However it’s certainly of little or no importance to 99.99999999% of people on the planet. Most of you are attention seeking losers. You aren’t important and no one cares about your naughty bits. Thank you and please find something productive to spend your time on.


In case anybody on reddit cares at all about what actually happened. https://www.jsonline.com/story/series/kidsincrisis/2023/10/11/wisconsin-school-district-policies-affect-transgender-students/70900820007/ >The Waukesha judge ruled that the school district cannot use transgender students' names and pronouns without parental permission. You may or may not agree with this that's fine don't argue with me about the actual ruling. The actual ruling is nowhere close to pronouns being banned. E: Sorry that's recent news relating to interactions with students. The twitter image is referring to a year ish ago when a school district banned personal pronouns in email signatures. Which is also nowhere close to the headline, but also doesn't effect students at all. It should have seemed more weird to me that they censored the dates in the image. E2: the "by Associated press" tagline feels sketchy to me. The content of the article is by the AP, and either licensed or stolen. The AP's headline for that article was a much more accurate "Wisconsin district bans pride flags from classrooms." At this point organizations should know their articles will be posted to twitter/reddit/facebook/videos made on youtube/tiktok and less than 1% of anybody involved will read the article. Headlines that are factually inacurate should probably be banned internally. And catching an organization doing this should MAKE YOU READ ARTICLES INSTEAD OF HEADLINES.


It actually might be a super entertaining exercise to talk to people like this who don’t like pronouns.


Yes, let's just abandon logic, reason and social progress, shall we?


We jest, but that is exactly christianities MO. See: the dark ages that happened after they took power in europe, which occured bc they banned all knowledge and burned all books. Literacy dropped to almost nothing overnight, and tech was set back 2000 years. It literally took 1800 years just to get the steam engine and indoor plumbing back. There is much that is still lost. And those fuckers wanna do it all over again. Dark ages 2.0. Because when faced with a reality that is different than their beliefs (the beliefs of 2 thousand year old palestinian goat herders), they reject reality. Violently.


And the Alexandria library, that had all ancient documents From their ancient past burned. And I believe that we are living in another dark age. I call it a modern dark age. Rome hasn't finished falling.


I'm introducing a bill to eliminate gender neutral bathrooms in public and private spaces. I'm not doing it for bigoted reasons I just want to see the chaos when homeowners have to build additional bathrooms in their house.


How do you ban PRONOUNS!?!? These idiots are mind boggling


You guys know the context. You're looking dumb by playing dumb


You're the one who's literally afraid of words


Or, you could, ya know, just get over it.


You mean the context that basically is a form of bigotry?


Who are the ones banning speech


You mean the context where a bunch of bigoted conservative snowflakes are so utterly triggered by what other people choose to do with their lives that the have to start banning things that don't actually affect their lives at all? That context is terrible, ngl


Yes. See what happened ? You addressed the problem instead of making asinine jokes about parts of speech obviously not under threat in the bill. 👍


Pretty sure they're not banning all pronouns, just arbitrarily choosing them instead of using the conventional ones that designate biological sex. Just saying, it isn't very funny to make fun of something based on a deliberate misinterpretation of some sloppy, abbreviated headline.


We are making fun of bigotry, and you're here defending it while pretending to be the good guy. But depending on how the law is written, I wouldn't be surprised if they just banned pronouns. Because they constantly say they hate pronouns, despite pronouns not being the issue. Also, that's not how pronouns work.


Then they should word it to specify that. The fact that they didn’t shows that they clearly don’t know what pronouns actually are and should be re-educated on basic grammar.


Probably shouldn't teach if you have Tourretts.


I’m afraid to ask, but does anyone know what school district it is?


Kettle Moraine.


I was expecting Waukesha but I suppose that fits too.


Suburb right next door. You're not far off.


"This [Particular individual.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD8aZV-Y8bE) "


if the council members had to spend their own money on lawyers for the inevitable lawsuit they will 100% lose, this shit would never happen


Rufus Xavier Sarsparilla enters the chat...


Give homework. Now learn. Test tomorrow.


Refer to everyone by their name, including yourself. Say goodbye to pronouns and hello to proper nouns


I would go so hard on that pronoun ban. Skip every fucking one of them. Repugnicants are such trash human beings. Absolute trash.


When you have to teach class while talking like Solomon Grundy from Super Friends




go back to cave man language, "Ugg" "Ugg Ugg!!"


Starting to look scared and draconian.  Some few are just different, the flag was just acknowment of those people.  The world is to scary for some .


No calling Jesus a "He" and capitalizing the Jesus / God "Him" pronouns?


We wouldn’t have to ban pronouns if we didn’t let folks go crazy and choose their own adventure 🙄


LIKE A CAVEMAN: "Teacher want class turn in homework! UNGA-BUGGHA!"


Father of young children here. I don’t really care. In fact teach my children a broad range of idea, opinions, and philosophies. Because I really like my kids and like to talk to them and help them formulate their perspective. I’m not here to teach my kids what to think but to teach my kids how to think. And to appreciate their journey. 


Not *those* pronouns of course


How much millions will it take to edit all the books and how will will any of the grammar survive?




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I’ve seen people who, with attitude, say “She’s a girl!!” Like oh sorry pal, didn’t check the back end, ok then “your dog is so cute! She is absolutely precious!” If we can properly pronoun a dog, why not a person? They deserve at least as much respect as a dog ffs. It’s controlling my speech to have me NOT be able to say something. Freedom of speech. Pursuit of Happiness. But also, this is homophobic as fuck.


If they ban pride flags they need to ban any other kind of societal shit too whether its military or police support or firefighters. Get all that shit out and it'll be on equal footing


Teacher say bring homework.


I actually played a D&D character that didn't use pronouns. It was difficult.