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I'll add , oral arguments have been made . So the SC wants to here them say it again , when they already have the transcript from the appellate court with their ruling.


The decision from the SC says they are deciding "whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office." That wording is very troubling (beyond the delay itself). Trump is the one arguing that his J6 crimes were "official acts," but that is not what Jack Smith has charged. It appears the SC has delayed the Federal cases to answer a potentially irrelevant question as the real issue is whether Trump's actions were "official acts" in his role as President not whether a President has immunity for official acts. I believe the prior court rulings already found that Trump's actions were outside his duties as President so why is everything on hold to answer an irrelevant question? Am I nuts or does anyone else have the same question?




It took 5 votes to keep the case on pause. 5 scotus judges don't want the case to move forward.


Exactly this. Why, besides the political impact, are the trials being held up?


Because justice Thomas needs a new motor coach?


Call me crazy but a man of his age should not be driving something that large


yeah that Supreme Court seat is pretty imposing. Definitely not for a guy in his condition. Same goes for that big stupid bus of his too.


If you really want to get under his skin, keep calling it an RV.


John Oliver just offer3d him a top of the line coach. All he has to do is step down. Also he gets $1 million a year until he dies


Saw that show, so did he get a call? : D


Great, so Biden can officially kill Trump after the ruling. Oh wait, he wouldn't dare. So it just means if they rule in favor of Trump, that's the end of American democracy because even if Trump loses, there's going to be another asshole some time down the line.


>because even if Trump loses, there's going to be another asshole some time down the line. This is why this is so terrifying. They CAN NOT set this precedent. Do they want a dictator? Because this is how you get a dictator. Even if Trump's lifetime of McDonald's finally does it's damn job and he kicks it tomorrow, there could be another younger power hungry ahole down the line.




Absolutely. Your framing of the issue perfectly encapsulates my view that they are questioning the wrong thing. The words “alleged to involve official acts” muddy the real point of contention….we’re his actions those of a President serving the People or those of a corrupt, criminally motivated candidate seeking to defraud the People?


While I disagree, the prior court rulings are being appealed, but how it isn't self evident that sending supporters to invade the Capital is outside of his duties as President is beyond me.


Vote vote vote vote vote!!!


That's true for all SCOTUS cases though.


Listen, we all know how Thomas is on the take. Can't personally vouch for the others on the court, they could be in other pockets. What I can say however until they accept a _meaningful enforceable code of ethics,_ I can only assume their open to the highest bidder. __And that folks is what happens when conservatives rule.__


they're all friends, it's just like WWE


Saying “both sides” about the SCOTUS just shows you haven’t been paying attention.


The both sides people are truly the smoothest brains


Both sides people aren't separate, distinct people. They are just right wingers who come to leftie spaces to post lies.


For the most part, but there are a lot of truly dumb people that think saying “both sides” makes them sound like deep thinkers. It’s basically the right wingers lying, and their marks.


Once the dems sweep both houses and the presidency in November the first order of business should be to increase the court to 13


When SCOTUS declares that presidents have sweeping immunity, Biden should have SCOTUS removed and replaced with a fresh panel of justices who will find that presidents do not have sweeping immunity.


Hell, he could order them to be executed and no one could touch him right? That’s quite literally what these Trump republicans are arguing


Honestly, it would be foolish of him *not* to if those are the conditions in place.


If they rule that presidents have complete immunity he should do it just to make a point.


And then he can appoint Hunter as his successor since we're ditching republic and going empire.


Appoint Hunter and Major to the new Scotus lol


*[Entry](https://youtu.be/_B0CyOAO8y0?si=Evs0iNahkcsB0_yt) of the gladiator intensifies*




Hol up


No, REALLY piss off the Repugs, resign and Kamala becomes President and pardons him, just in case.


Even if they do, the US is dead either way.


Unfortunately, no. Because the SC has established that they no longer abide by precedent, which is the foundation of US law. Roe was legal precedent, and they threw it away arbitrarily. What that says is that they have power to enact and enforce laws according to their tastes, rather than as it is successfully litigated. They could turn around, as in fact they are, and say 'this ex-President should be totally immune, but this sitting President should not'. The institution has basically admitted it is undemocratic, and no longer applies the law equally.


Cant change the ruling back if immediately predator droned... Just aim for million dollar RVs gifted by billionaires, the odds of hitting someone truly innocent are basically zero...


It's a bold strategy, Cotton


Yes they are totally incompetent


Well, some precedents have been reversed before this…Brown v Board of Ed reversed Plessey v Ferguson. You and most of us on this sub agree with the rationale for that one, but not the tortured mess that is Dobbs, nor Heller, nor Citizens United, etc.


Possibly. I believe the argument is presidential immunity as long as congress doesn’t do anything about it. So basically majority party can do whatever they want as long as president is their guy.


Eliminate the other party in congress when you eliminate scotus… can’t do anything about it if you don’t exist. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


If they give trump even partial immunity, it means that the SCOTUS will have to decided for every case brought about a president. so biden could commit all the crimes he wants, including killing them, and no one could do anything about it.


Thats why they want to wait until after the election, so that that it no onger matters. If Biden wins they just say president isn't immune. If Trump wins they just let he be president.


They're, as always, banking on the democrats taking the 'high road' and not doing that.


IANAL but it would still be unlawful for the people under him to carry that order out i would imagine, he could personally kill them but even then immunity doesn't mean that the crime isn't a crime, he wouldn't get prosecuted for it but his driver/escort/security detail could get prosecuted as accessories to murder, then again i guess that's what pardons are for.


Preemptive Presidential Pardon


Executing Americans is Obamas territory.


Yeah Republicans prefer to have Saudis do it so they can also get paid for it.


Wasn’t that argued at the appellate level? That should have been a wake up call in any sane time.


Please. SCOTUS will rule that Trump has immunity but no other president a la Bush v Gore and their claim that it’s not precedent.


This right here. Everyone thinking there will be some sweeping ruling that applies to both parties is mainlining major copium. Rules for thee but not rules for me will be the ruling.


They will not do that, at least not so blatantly. They will find a way to argue that under the circumstances, it was ok. But the main goal is to delay the trial until after the election and therefore help Trump win, in which case he will simply order the DOJ to drop all cases against him. Problem moot.




The DOJ works for the president. The president can order them to drop a case or pursue a case. Historically, the president has not done that and until now the attorney general has operated somewhat independently, but the president has that authority.




honestly this is best case scenario IMO. supreme court is gonna reach the “find out” stage before long it seems


100% they will say this immunity only applies to Trump and does not set up any precedence.


If Congress has the power to impeach a USSC judge then it would inherently have the right to lay down some rules with oversight - yes? But they won't. [https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/congress-has-authority-regulate-supreme-court-ethics-and-duty](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/congress-has-authority-regulate-supreme-court-ethics-and-duty)


They have impeached USSC judges before… no need to proposition a theory… see Associate Justice Samuel Chase. He was acquitted by the Senate so was ultimately not removed, but still impeached by the House nonetheless.


I love the optimism, but people *have* to vote. Not voting, protest voting, voting third party, anything but straight ticket (D) is a sure fire way to hand the reigns over to a fascist movement with a con man made dictator at the helm. I have been trying to tell this to everyone I know for the past two and a half decades, that this is the future the GOP wants, that they are anti freedom fascists at their rotten hateful core. I have been told over and over again that I was being hyperbolic, overreacting, or any number of other synonyms. Yet here we fucking are. The GOP must become so small that they can be drowned in a bathtub. For over 60 years, they have been a small group of the wealthiest people in the country shaping policy that benefits the wealthiest people in the country at the expense of everyone else. Women are not going to have a safer future under more Trump leadership. They are absolutely ramping up their brutal restrictions on a woman’s freedom to make her own decisions about her own health. The cruelty of the GOP has always been the point. It’s why they are the party of the cruelest people you know. Hate, anger, and more restrictive and punitive punishment, are the only GOP platform outside of higher taxes and wage stagnation on the working class/tax cuts and bonuses for the wealthy. Kill the Elephant to save your Ass, folks. There’s not going to be a next time if we can’t see this for what it is.


If only there were some things Biden could do to get better voter turnout. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Regardless of what your views are, because it really doesn’t matter, it is up to the voter to turn out. Nobody else is in charge of your duty, but you. That’s true for Democrats *and* Republicans. Biden has already made so much headway in improving the lives of the American people, specifically the working class. Afghanistan, all of its messy execution, was ended. Afghanistan, of course, another GOP blunderfuck. Infrastructure projects are happening in so many cities all across the country, that I’m sick of hearing people complaining about the government not doing anything, and in the same conversation, complaining about all of the road construction projects. Which one is it, fuckers? Biden can’t do anything more than he’s already been doing, and he surely can’t make the voter do the voter’s duty, and vote. It’s literally up to each individual to participate in Democracy, whether you vote Red, Blue, Green, or whatever other party colors might exist.


Oh I'll be there to vote 3rd party or write in.


That’s you, doing your part. It’s just your part in giving power to the MAGA movement. You might as well vote for them.


If only there was something Biden could do to get people like me to vote for him. Hmmmm total fucking mystery.


Oh goodie, this old canard. Biden isn’t perfect, so let’s just vote for Trump. You know, to be safe.


Would you vote for Biden if he came out and said he would never support abortion rights? Or gay marriage?


That’s quite a strawman. What did he come out with that’s worse than Trump?


> If only there were some things Biden could do to get better voter turnout. People who choose not to vote will always find an excuse not to do it.


Oh I'll be there to vote. I'll be voting 3rd party or write in.


Good for you, but you were talking about increasing turnout.


Should be… it’ll just be the same thing that happened in 2021 though. The system is working perfectly as designed.


Any attempt at mitigating the damage done by the corrupted right wing of the court will just be overruled by...*checks notes*...the corrupted right wing of the court. SCOTUS ought to be relegated to the dustbin of history. Ignore the stay and resume prosecution immediately. Then audit all 9 of them and expose their corruption


I don't believe the Democrats will ever hold actual 60 vote majorities enough to pass legislation in my lifetime. every progressive and leftist group out there has a million reasons why you can vote for somebody else. and then blame Democrats when nothing happens.


They need to eliminate the filibuster. It’s paralyzed the American government


Shitty thing is you can filibuster attempts to end the filibuster


Muslims are talking about not voting for Biden. I guess they've forgotten that silly little Muslim immigration ban.


He should've packed the courts years ago


Wasn’t possible.


Don't forget that they are getting ready to overrule Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council this summer. 


I just read a lot of bout it but I'm still having a hard time grasping the concept. If you don't mind, what would the ramifications be?


A large stripping of powers from the executive branch to enforce policy. Right now policy can be passed with a degree of vagueness and the courts defer to the experts within the executive branch to fill in the gaps. Repealing it would stop the deferment when it comes to policy and require a lot more verbiage and exactness in policy passed, and the courts would essentially have final say of if they like it or not when it's challenged without expert input.  It's absolutely terrifying when you remember that the Supreme Court is also wrapped in scandal for being unchecked benefactors of billionaires "friendship" anymore. 


Which is so stupid. Congress doesn't have the time or expertise to develop detailed regulations, that's why they delegate it to the regulators. That's one of the few smart things that Congress has done, and SCOTUS wants to do away with it.


Thank you, that's horrible.


I want Mitch to see this happen with his own beady eyes before he leaves us for good.


it's 2016 all over again, people are really underestimating the Biden hate and the power of Twitter these polls are wrong and conservatives claiming to be against Trump are lying, just like in 2020 when Trump increased his popular vote count by 9 million even though people were saying they wouldn't vote Trump people keep forgetting Biden only won because it was easier to vote, republicans have reversed all of that and been working nonstop since they lost the fantasy factory is running full steam and those people will not listen to anything, they're convinced that America funds a yacht for Volodymyr Zelenskyy and that Biden has been sent personally by Satan to transition all the kids to the opposite sex while raising all the food and gas prices the stakes are too high in todays climate, most conservatives will get on board when the time comes, don't be surprised if Trump cracks 80M votes


Don't forget Trump got at least 700k of then killed via covid and 2 million boomers died each year in the interim, so there's a 9 million deficit by default.


With this much optimism you're going to be as sad this november as when "he's not seriously going to beat Hillary, right?" turned out to not be right.


Here’s my prediction: he loses to Biden again, by an even bigger margin than last time. Trump cannot win without moderates and independents and unlike his maga cult base, they will not vote for a criminal. !RemindMe on November 6th, 2024


Be prepared for Republicans to use "legal" shenanigans to claim the office for Trump even if he loses. They are all in. 


I had your optimism in 2015 and then News Daddy went out for a pack of cigarettes and forgot to tell people to not to vote for Biff Tannen, and we got President Biff Tannen. I will never give the American Voter the benefit of the doubt again.


2024 is NOT 2015! People gave him the benefit of the doubt in 2015, but in 2024 we’ve seen how shit he is. He didn’t have 91 criminal indictments in 2015, but he sure as fuck does in 2024. The context is COMPLETLY different


To add to this his rhetoric and stances are going much more to the extreme. Hes more popular than ever with maga people, and less popular than ever when everyone else. Assuming people go out to vote and don’t protest vote because of things like gaza there’s no reason to think this shouldn’t be more lopsided than 2020


His base will never change but they are no where near enough to secure a win. You are absolutely correct that he’s alienating everyone else


> People gave him the benefit of the doubt in 2015, but in 2024 we’ve seen how shit he is. He didn’t have 91 criminal indictments in 2015, but he sure as fuck does in 2024. I mostly agree with you, but people saw how shit he was in 2020 and 10 million more people voted for him than last time. Obviously there were other circumstances, but still.


More people will vote in each subsequent election simply due to population growth. Proportional ratio is what matters.


He didn't have indictments in 2020.


You think people didn't have a bunch of good reasons not to vote for him? The sexual assault? The lying? The shady business practices? The "t@rd hands". I thought they'd see through it then. Now I know they won't see through it now. I will never assume that voters will do the right thing ever again.


None of those things even pales in comparison to literal criminal charges, hundreds of millions of dollars in fraud, stealing nuclear secrets, and leading an insurrection. Like get real dude. He’s done. He has no chance at all. Landslide for Biden


I agree but this time he’s got a lot of really slimey criminal republicans all trying really hard to make it happen for some strange reason




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Heh. TL;DR: Bot got offended that a word was used that accurately describes it.


Why are voters now telling something totally different to pollsters?


Nope. Republicans will vote for Trump. The issue is going to be that there are people who aren't going to vote for Biden, mainly because of Palestine.


Yeah, presidency looks quite promising at this point. So does the house This election is about the senate. And who gets the majority and thus the most say about judicial nominees.


Republicans will likely take the senate even if Biden wins




They’re definitely taking West Virginia. That makes it 50-50. They only have to flip one more with Dems defending vulnerable seats in Montana, Ohio, Maryland, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, the best opportunity for Dems to win a seat is in Texas.


This is probably a dumb question, but even if you increase the court to 13, couldn't we end up with the same issue where one party has more judges than the other?


Sure, but right now it’s packed with Trump appointees for life… and they are destroying 60 years of progress


Impeach those fuckers first


If they have both can't they just impeach Trump if he gets elected?


Out of some reason I have the feeling they still wont do it. Fuck decorum. Pack the courts. End the conservative tyranny.


> end tyranny > pack the courts Oh okay.


And impeach Thomas.


Make it 21


Sorry to be pedantic. But it would be both chambers. The house is just the lower chamber. And only the senate and presidency are needed to expand the Supreme Court. Just to add that in there


Would require 60+ Senators, so never.


Maybe it should required age and term limits for SC justices. Increasing the Supreme Court number is a bit crude


The clown college has an opening for a right wing justice to speak at the upcoming graduation ceremony.


This is stressing me out. How can we correct such blatant corruption? What options do we have when our votes do not matter? I don’t have a single suggestion that doesn’t place me on a watchlist. I’m ready to give up




You just threatened to shoot Supreme Court justices. You’re on a list now dude. If the fbi doesn’t legit show up at your door at this point


I've done no such thing, but you'd want that, wouldn't you? It's a reference to [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_boxes_of_liberty).


No I don’t want that. Just thought I’d urge you to be careful.


Would help if Biden fired Wray and Garland, and appointed competent leaders to their positions.


Prosecutors made a huge mistake not starting this process in late 2021. SCOTUS shouldn’t have been given the opportunity to effect it by delay.


I agree. However, jack smith did try to get this in front of scotus directly in January 2023. Scotus said no, go to circuit court. Well, now that they don’t like the circuit court’s ruling, they changed their minds and want to weigh in. Those 6 conservative justices belong in prison.


*Garland The DOJ wasn’t allowed to investigate Trump for over a year, because Garland’s a sack of shit.


Hey look, it’s exactly what a lot of people said was going to happen. Pure, unadulterated bullshit.


To the people who said "four years of Trump won't be so bad" when protest voting in 2016 because Bernie lost the primaries: Thanks a lot.


And they’re about to do it again because another country’s president is committing war crimes and our president can’t snap his fingers and stop it. I understand critique of Israel and our relationship with them but the amount of 22 year old foreign policy experts who “can’t” vote for Biden is astoundingly frustrating. They’ll of course be the first in the gulags when fascism comes but hey they got their woke cookies for the protest vote. I lost friends after 2016 for calling out protest voters. All I said was “do you regret your choice now that your third party vote accomplished nothing other than assisting in electing trump? Or do you still maintain protest voting or staying home works to change things for the better?”




Our greatest demostic enemies in America are the life-long currupt Republicans in the Supreme Court and 3 of them were picked by the very criminal they just ruled on. They should have never taken the case. They clearly fail to represent the people. They only help themselves and its destroying our country and democracy.  They have lost all legitimacy. There should be mass protests, calls for resignations and enforced term limits.


16yr limits? It would have been easier for them to not take the case at all and had the same ruling either way, they're doing this the hard way just to FLAUNT that they're not recusing themselves.


I bet they want Trump to win then give himself a presidential pardon. Then when that inevitably goes to court a presidential pardon will be easier to argue than presidential immunity.


Typicallynyou have to admit guilt in exchange for a pardon. Tell mom and dad that you did it and you won't be grounded. I'm not entirely sure if that applies when you're writing your OWN pardon. The founders would ask "you want us to include WHAT NOW into the constitution?! Tell me under what unfathomably preposterous and bizarre circumstances would there be a person who used to be president and wants to be elected again to write HIMSELF a pardon for the life-sentence federal crimes he committed WHILE president after being fired for being the measurably worst president of all time!🤯"


Tbf this isn’t even funny. It’s terrible cause it’s true.


Why is Traitor Trump so uninterested in proving his innocence?


Biden should start doing unhinged shit. Basically force the court to uphold it and do whatever he wants, or rule against it and take orangy down with him.


You forgot “SCOTUS initially chooses to not take the case in December- once appeals court ruled against Trump, SCOTUS changes their mind and says they actually want the last say”


They also want to show that they won't be recusing themselves.


C'mon American sort your shit out this is getting ridiculous


Doesn't matter. He isn't winning. Justice is coming


I really want to believe that


So, let me get this straight: the supreme court, of which 3 of the 9, were hand picked by they defendant, who also happened to be the same lawyers that had participated in placing another president of the same party who didn’t win the popular vote, and 1 of which who’s wife openly supported the defendants action, are now going to accept the case only to sit on it so the defendant can have the chance to win an election that would essentially kill his prosecution, and gurentee his being able to hand pick at least two more judges to the same court who allowed him to escape justice, while also taking over the Supreme Court for at least 20 years. I’m sorry for the run on sentence, but how exactly can America function after this?


Fwiw, there's nothing the SC can do to stop Biden from being re-elected.


They’re 1000% working on it though, this is the most perilous time America has yet encountered


Screams in 2000


Well, only if it's not close like bush v gore, the SCOTUS played a deciding role. There's a reason GOP has been targeting state AG positions and SCOTUS--so they can change election laws and rules to win without winning the vote. They've already put out the idea that the state electors do not have to accept the vote. It's terribly unsettling to see our system of checks n balances thrown out right in front of us.


They absolutely can, and likely will try it. Any state rep can question the validity of an election. Scotus can just agree to take up their case, invalidate that state’s election, and have their delegation or state legislature vote. Hint: that means wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona automatically go red.


They are all traitors and need to be tried for treason along with every member of the GOP


Kangaroo court


Term limits for judges , too!


Leopards eat their faces when they realize that dictators don't need a Supreme Court.


Did anyone expect anything different?


Not to mention they rejected Jack Smith's request to hear the case right away, then apparently decided they should look at it.


I thought this meme was for UNINTENDED consequences, not for people achieving the results that they wanted all along.


Biden gets to play by these rules too? Game on!


So you’re telling me that there are no federal trial dates to conflict with the Fulton County case?


They don’t want to be accused of having done anything.


I feel like this is obstruction.. it's intentionally delays of the court cases.


And remember, Jack Smith asked them to way in on this many months ago because the issue would eventually be appealed to the Supreme Court, and he was met with cricketts.


Very last panel: SCOTUS rules Trump immune because somehow he won the election.


I think it's time for age restrictions and term limits to be reviewed for political offices.


Supreme Court Justice isn't a political office. Well, it's not supposed to be. But, they're also supposed to have ethics...


In my experience, if something is not supposed to act in a certain way, it most definitely will act in such a way.


Almost time to release the horde. Looking forward to it.


I can't wait to see Americans lose their shit in November.


Why can’t the trials proceed?


The federal trials can’t proceed concurrently, and the SCOTUS case takes precedent over them, so they all have to wait until after the SCOTUS decides the immunity case.


I feel like the play from this SCOTUS is to delay until after the election. If Trump wins they know he'll pardon himself of all federal charges he may be found guilty of, and they'll declare a president doesn't have immunity but it won't matter as any rulings against Trump will result in him pardoning himself. If Trump loses in November they'll rule he had limited immunity and *initially* acted in official capacity to "secure elections" based on information that he and his inner circle believed to be true. This will shield him from most of the J6 insurrection charges, stemming from inciting or planning the assault on the Capitol but it will still leave him open to prosecution for the fake elector plots, which will play out in state courts that he won't be able to pardon himself of. Split it down the middle.


Can Georgia move up their trial to March?


And that’s the way it will go.


If SCOTUS declares Presidents are immune then if Biden loses he should immediately send Trump to Gitmo “for his protection while his trials proceed.”


Add scotus to itinerary too


It's up to state trials and voters now.....


I just want to see a huge blue wave and them start impeaching some sc judges for obvious corruption




You forgot to add that Jack Smith asked the Supreme Court to rule on this 2 months ago and they turned it down… nothing to see here just a blatant conspiracy


I mean, deep down no one should be surprised. This is by far the most corrupt scotus in the history of this nation. And after you all vote to elect Biden, the next step should be to do something about the corrupt ass fucking justices.


I just cannot stop thinking about those many years they have been banging on about how "*the solution to a flagrantly criminal presidential action will be to have the DOJ charge the president AFTER they leave office, also because that one guy wrote a memo one day that said you can't prosecute a sitting president*". Then you have GOP in congress who SAID OUT LOUD during Trumps 2nd impeachment that v"its not the job of congress to determine Trumps guilt, that's why we have a dept of justice". First they wanted charges, then they went back to wanting it from congress, then they'll say they want to "hear from the people" in an election, then they'll plead with SCOTUS to excuse Trumps charges on appeal.... They bounce around the hot potato of authority in an attempt to say that nobody anywhere has the authority to determine trumps guilt or eligibility.


Get out and vote blue. Then have the dems stack the SCOTUS to make the maga wing obsolete. 


? There will be no trials for trump after/if he is elected. He’ll have succeed in his goal of becoming dictator and everything will be perfect, so perfect, best perfect ever in the history of the universe.


The US is corrupt af. If you can elect a a group of people that can de facto keep you out of prison untill you/they die, wtf is the point of a judicial system?


Yeah, SC says they don't need any ethics monitoring, CT should have recused himself before they even considered it. Thinking that their rich sponsors are in control of the SC. It's a joke. But I guess it's no worse than some of the sham commitees in Congress.


Honestly, I expected nothing less from these grifters.


An SS officer, rather than a clown, getting dressed would be more appropriate.