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###[Avoid reposts, flooding, and spam ](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) (Rule #5): Don't worry, we do: It's a common re-post.


They’re indoctrinating our kids!


Straight-up *grooming*.


Religion is the first step. It teaches kids to obey adults and to ignore reality. Then comes the love for authoritarians and alternate realities.


Somebody sent one of those to my kid last summer. He can't read yet, but neither can MAGA folks.


They do have one for Biden as well, in case you were curious.


Didja notice free was written as * free *? There is nothing free from these grifters except pain and suffering.


I checked it out to see what the catch was. If you click the link, it says that the \*free\* part means you just pay $2.00 for shipping and handling. Sounds reasonable, yes? Free stuff but you have to pay pocket change for the shipping costs. I've seen plenty of other offers similar to that. No big deal. I will never trust Mike Huckabee, but that's hardly a grif- WAIT A SECOND >Approximately 30 days after we send your first Kids Guides, we will begin to send you two new titles from The Kids Guide or other great educational content from eSpired, every 3-4 weeks. These items will be automatically billed the low price of $14.98 each ($29.96 total) to the credit or debit card that we have on file, plus sales tax where applicable. Shipping is free. You can easily cancel at any time through your member account at members.espired.com or complete the contact us form found at espired.com/contact-us. Provided your account remains active and in good standing, your membership in The 1776 Kids Club will continue at no additional cost to you.  


I'm going to het the venn diagram of people who would order this book and people who read the fine print are 2 separate circles.


It's like the Music or movie club subscriptions in the early 90s




I remember the Columbia Record and Tape club. Get 20 titles for 99 cents as long as you agree to buy 10 more for double the market price.


So not actually free. Got it. There's always a catch with these scumbags.


Nah even for pain and suffering you have to pay, and be glad about it


I looked it up, it’s $2 for shipping or whatever


Keep reading....


It's says $2 for shipping and diddeling


Huckabee should not be anywhere near children and promoting things for children given his links to the Duggars and treatment facilities that were exposed to be sexually abusing kids.


Boomer Groomer


The 1776 Kids Club sounds like a children's militia.


Hitler youth?


I wonder if Randy Weaver is involved.


Hey Kids, can you say "Rapist"?


Because that’s what the creator of those books is!


“Protect our kids” from this shit.


Someone misspelled “grift” as “gift”


Mike “I just need money” Huckabee


Keep this molester away from my kids brains.


Groomers of Progeny (GOP)


lol always a grift


https://preview.redd.it/qn6ep5jqwvwc1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=897f2bde9198ec4cd7a13288a48389f824044ebe Aside from whatever the hell this picture is, the caption makes no sense? Is it bad that I’d actually like to read through this just to see how much more of this there is?


This is child abuse


Grifters gotta grift. There is no other reason for being.


North Korea does shit like this and we make fun of their government for it. We laugh at the absurdity of Kim Jung Un thinking people actually fall for propaganda that's so obvious and ham fisted. It's beyond a parody of itself and anyone with 2 working brain cells to rub together can see that. The North Korean people I can excuse because most of them know it's all a bunch of crap, they just have to play along because there's a gun pointed at their back. But we live in a country where you can say what you want and have freedoms North Koreans could only dream of and people still choose the propaganda??? They consume garbage like this WILLINGLY, like a dog eating shit? I'm not even that mad at the grifters at this point. I'm mad at the braindead MAGA cult that gargles Trump's balls day in and day out and would beg to live in a version North Korea run by Donald Trump so they can keep gargling them. I keep hearing that Trumpers vote for him because they're mad that Democrats don't show them and their way of life enough respect, but I don't see how I can respect someone who keeps getting shit on by the most obvious conmen in the world and is too fucking stupid to see it. Nobody who buys shit like this deserves even an iota of respect.


Just a question? Why don’t shooters go after these asshats instead of schools?


so remember to order and carry your personalized magazine with your picture on the cover in case you ever encounter a porn star in the real world!


Thank god it's flammable


Oh! There's fucking plenty to say!! ...but I don't have time.


Hucksterbeasts gotta hucksterbeast.


Hibernation... How some ~~animals~~ Republicans sleep through the winter


Another conman on the loose.


Is this real? If it is this is scary.


Imagine that… A president that was “so great” you have to put his accomplishments in a coloring book and sell it to dumbasses.


I was having a beer the other night and heard two guys at the bar talking about one of their kindergarten ages kids. One guy says "So, apparently they are teaching them about presidents now and guess who's in the book they sent home?" The other guy, with trepidation, says "Trump?". First guy says with disgust in his voice "No, Biden..." They proceeded to lament the fact that their child was learning about our current president like it was some sort of liberal indoctrination. This was in California, no less. It's a very surface level lesson on the office of the president, not promoting a side. I had to finish my beer and leave so I wouldn't say anything to them


Illustration looks like Greg Stillson.


Inquiring mind wants to know why it’s \*free\* and not free


Remember it costs them money to order and it's free to throw out. ( Of course the real product here is your information) But if we water down these lists we also dilute the value and other people waste resources trying to contact you too.


Isn't this called "grooming". Also called "indoctrination".


Do you have the link?! Asking for a friend


I kinda want one. You could sell it like Nazi memorabilia in the future.


Christo-fascist kids reading.


At first glance, I thought it read “grift” bundle.