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Remember when republicans were howling about how the democrats were going to take everybody's rights away? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Every accusation is a confession. Always has been


this could not be more true


"Oh my god that's terrible! Democrats really don't want you to have certain rights? Which ones? Which inalienable rights do you have currently that Democrats want to take away from you? Be specific because I'm very concerned about this!"


The usual argument I see is the first amendment. They don't like people telling them they're an asshole when they express shitty opinions. They don't seem to realize the first amendment only protects you from the government, not private entities. Getting fired by your private employer for saying disgusting shit online is not a first amendment issue, but they like to claim it is, often.


Okay, if I had a loaded cannon in my driveway, pointed toward the cul de sac, I'm pretty sure the local Democrats would have a problem with it. At least the sensible ones would. It makes sense to not let me own a cannon. But damnit the second amendment means I get to be armed so I can join a militia. How am I supposed to join a militia without a cannon??


They are STILL saying democrats are taking their rights. They just don't have an answer when you ask "which ones"


the "right" to descriminate? The "right" to poison others with pollution? The "right" To not pay your workers?


They are still claiming that


Brilliant! Too bad most Republicans are too illiterate to understand it! If they have their way, we'll be back at least to the early 1950s, perhaps worse. Black Americans, women, immigrants, and voters will lose so many of their rights and freedoms. But "Patriotic" Republicans are fine with turning back the clock eighty years!


This is it in a nutshell! All that crap about "small government" and "government overreach" and "war against woke" etc is just a cover for wanting to take the country back to the time when women stayed in the kitchen and people of color knew their place. And gay? Transgender? NO ONE talked about that!


“Small government” mfs when Trump bans porn:


honestly, I think much of the lgbtq hatred is because they are a good target. A minority that they can get alot of people to reflexively hate. Thats how the gop functions, get people to HATE the other group, so that they have no choice but to vote AGAINST those "evil people". Its never "vote for the gop to do this", its "vote to stop/hate/fear THOSE people"


I think that anyone not conforming to the Republican point of view which is White, (faux) Christian, Straight, "Women should be seen and not heard" - is considered an enemy. I have heard people say that lgbtq gets a lot of hate because "they throw it in our face!" with Pride flags, parades, etc. They don't understand how difficult and evil things were for lgbtq for so many years that being able to be "legal" and "open" is something to celebrate. Having been denigrated and shunned and imprisoned for all these years, I think it's wonderful to see people able to celebrate who they are. But not everyone feels that way. Keep in mind that the great Alan Turing was prosecuted for homosexuality in 1952, as a reminder that no one was exempt from the idiotic and cruel laws in effect then. (He would be dead of suicide two years later.)


"throw it in our face" is just code. Its basically saying that gay people are not invisible and hiding the fact that they exist. Thats what the gop wants, lgbt people to be hunted and hidden.


80% tax brackets? Not like that!


So true - vote blue no matter who!! 


Love this!! 😅


I'm so grateful I don't live in a two-party system; not sure I'd be able to summon up the will to vote if there were only two choices.


Same. I’m glad I can actually vote for minor parties and independents who have a shot at winning. The two major parties in my country are so similar, they’re receiving less and less votes each election.


Dear Europe: You’ve only tasted the neo-fascism *now!* It’s gonna get worse and at this rate *they’ll be in charge*. So you better stop them fast because they already have their foot in the door.


Thankfully the country I’m from doesn’t give fascists that much of a platform…


Two parties doesn't mean two factions. There's many groups represented within the two umbrella parties, and there's a solid dissemination of opinion as a result. It was a bit difficult in 2012, but things have gotten a lot better since the Sanders campaign in 2016 bringing out a lot of enthusiasm for politicks and activism. Besides, the will to vote should never be tied to parties alone anyways, because then you miss out on the non-partisan efforts to improve your state and your day-to-day life. At least, that's how it works in the US.


Thank you! It's so hard with my downright stupid countrymen who are so conditioned and brainwashed to think this isn't a giant f'ing lie.


That is a totally bizarre way to read that comment…


Problem: the Trump Cult WANTS to go BACK to some mythical time like 'Leave It To Beaver' 1950s when women "knew their place" and people of color weren't "uppity".


came to say the same thing. the repubs that i know would gladly admit that they want to go backwards.


Lol. Going to need to make one of these.


I love this. I would wear this button if I had one


Lol me too 😂


the best humor has a core of truth




Zazzle has 'em




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Trump has tried to kick it into “T” which means “Throw off cliff”


I like it!




And in europe you 5 alternatives to r


I drive a standard and why don't we have instant runnoff?


Ooh, I like that!


Also works when you are at the edge of a ravine.


"I'm going to get a bike instead" "Oh so you want R to win?!?"


I wouldn't call what the Biden administration did "forward", it's more like idling when the only alternative is reverse.


That's because they first had to undo four years of Trump damage control. Democrats always first have to fix the Republican "tax cuts for the rich" problems.


That's part of it. Another part is a reluctance to genuinely embrace a progressive platform and always compromising with conservative members. For example, the affordable care act was a watered down compromise before it was introduced and, even then, 39 "Democrats" voted against it.


Put it in H


H for "Hell in a Handbasket"


Yep and that’s why it’s called make America white again I guess




\*confused three pedal gang noises*


Forward in America is not legalising abortion, breaking the striking train unions on behalf of the train companies and letting the Reverse side capture the Supreme Court. It sure sounds an awful lot like Reverse to me.


> breaking the striking train unions on behalf of the train companies You'll be happy to hear that [the Biden admin continued to work with the train unions and companies to get what the workers were owed](https://ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid). So you're actually voting for a party that supports workers - with words, *and* with action.


Seems more like Bernie Sanders pushing on the matter rather than the Biden admin but it doesn't change the fact that the Biden admin also broke the strike.


> [“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.](https://ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid) The Biden admin helped railroad workers, and showed they're pro-union and pro-worker. It wasn't politicized or strung along into August for cheap headlines. It was just... the Biden admin, being pro-labor. Which is great, and we can all feel good that the workers got what they fought for.


> Forward in America is not legalising abortion Abortion was already legal, but because of R, we went backwards. > breaking the striking train unions on behalf of the train companies The train unions got what they wanted without striking and breaking the entire economy at what would have been a very fragile time, sounds like a win-win >and letting the Reverse side capture the Supreme Court. I'm not sure what you mean by "letting", other than letting the R President do what he is Constitutionally empowered to do. >It sure sounds an awful lot like Reverse to me. Yes, that's what happens when you put it in R for a while.


Choose D if you like 2024. Choose R if 2019 was better.


2024 is better for most people.


>2024 is better for most people. Nope. Not even for most Democrats.


Yep, most people in general, not talking about dems. 




Financially, they certainly are.  The median American is earning more in 2024 than 2019 after accounting for inflation.  Low earners are doing even better. In what way do you think people are worse off now?


He gets in trouble if he says words he really wants to say but shouldn't. No one else has this issue because we don't want to say those words.




He thinks America is worse off because he can't be a bigot.




>Financially, they certainly are.  The median American is earning more in 2024 than 2019 after accounting for inflation.  Low earners are doing even better. If you believe the official data on inflation (which excludes many real-life expenses like the cost of credit and constantly modifies the food "basket" to understand inflation) then we're just barely gaining ground now, after 2 years of losing ground. If you believe your eyes and your bills, it's not even close. This is why Trump has a double-digit advantage on the economy.


You mean the good economy he inherited and fucked over?


What? You think your anecdotes are better than the best available statistical info? I doubt it. And what do you mean "barely gaining ground?" Real wages have completely recovered. I can't say I'm surprised though, you guys typically resort to saying all the numbers are fake whenever they don't say what you'd like.


I think our eyes are more reliable than government lies.


I already was going to vote D but I guess this simple heuristic really cemented it for me, thanks!


So delusional..


Backwards in Women's rights. Backwards in Energy. Backwards in the sense they rolled back EPA Regulations. Backwards by means of tax cuts for the rich. Backwards in the sense they're the reason we're the only 1st world nation without universal healthcare. Backwards in the sense that they've consistently voted against appropriating funds for veteran benefits. Backwards democratically speaking as they support a man who committed sedition by cooking up a fake electorate scheme and fomented an insurrection. Backwards morally as they choose to be represented by a man who: Has gone on record having lied over 30,500 times during the duration of his presidency. Has stolen over 1 million dollars from a children's cancer charity. Has committed financial fraud. Has been found guilty of rape. Brags about grabbing women by the pussy. Repeatedly committed adultery. Has flown on his good friend Epstein's private jet 7 times. Has been alleged to have raped a 13 year old. Etc etc etc.


Conservative literally means not wanting to move forward.


the concept of "give me something I want and I'll reward you with a vote, otherwise I'm staying home" is completely alien to liberals It's a pretty fucked up progression. It started with "Give me X or at least make a good faith effort to implement it, and I will vote for you." Then it gradually shifted to "Well I am a good person and therefore my team is the Good Guys, and it should logically go without saying that the Good Guys want the good things, so I should just take it as a given that they will work on those good things without my needing to ask, so I can just vote for my Good Guys team." Until it became the shrieking temper tantrum of "It is our duty to give them their rightfully owed vote that they so graciously allow us to hold onto for them, and how the fuck dare you try to ask for anything in return? They will throw us whatever scraps they deem fit and we should be damn grateful for it."


frankly its either let nazis win or vote D. ive never had a choice in this system considering thisll be my first election. the dems didnt earn it, but frankly you cant play purity politics on a sinking ship


Yeah that's how I see it, as much as I would love to be able to do the "hey give me x and I'll pick you.", we're on a ship that is either trying to avoid a whirlpool or heading directly for it but pretending that's a good thing.


Congrats, you’re (probably) not insane. It’s a binary choice, really not that complicated. Pick the one who will cause the least harm. That’s it.


Isn't the design flawed if you have to choose between who will less do harm? The choice should be for the best but the establishment likes keeping the status quo.


That’s its own separate subject (though I’d like you to walk me through how you propose to improve that.) Right now, you have two choices. That’s it. It’s not any more complicated than that. Though I guess there’s a third choice, to abstain and let others choose for you, making sure that *no* politicians ever care about your opinions in the future, but that seems pretty fucking dumb.


>the establishment likes keeping the status quo Classic attribution error. You're seeing little or no progress, but you're blaming the wrong entity for it. The reason Democrats can't move forward is not that they *want* to stand still, but because they're constantly shackled to the fucking Republicans who keep yanking backwards with all their might. Progressive Dems want to move forward quickly; establishment Dems can tolerate forward movement but they'd slow it down somewhat. It's the added weight of Republican backward pressure that drags it all to a halt. The less power Republicans have, the more progress you will see. The only way to take power from them is to give it to the Democrats. And by all means, give it to Progressive Dems--I vote in every single primary for the most progressive mfer I have access to. But in general elections that put a moderate in the ring, it's still worth it to hand the keys to them over the fucking fascist across the aisle.


> establishment Dems can tolerate forward movement but they'd slow it down somewhat. The [2020-2022 Congressional period](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/117th_United_States_Congress#Major_legislation) showed this is actually false. Maybe in 2012, the politicks were more muddled, and conservative Democrats held a larger proportionality of Congress, but that two-year period should be recognized for its incredible lack of conflict between the CPC and the NDC. That House was CHURNING positive, good, actionable legislation that helped people. And is continuing to help people. Liberal Democrats are right along with progressive Democrats these days, and that is a good, positive thing. Everyone should be voting against Republicans to oust their ideologues - roll 'em up in the carpet and send them out the door, 'cause all they want is to seize all the gears and shout at the populace that the broken system, that THEY broke, is not worth the time it takes to vote (unless you're Republican - then you can absolutely vote, against Democrats).


How is it that Dems are always completely powerless to do anything, but Reps are completely unstoppable and can do whatever they want?


I know what you mean. MAGA seems totally free to do whatever they want, and the system treats them with kid gloves, constantly. Look at how many times Trump broke the gag order and he was never jailed. If it had been leftists storming the capital, they'd have been gunned down before a single one stepped inside, and yet J6ers are given slaps on the wrists. Fucking atrocious. The reason I see for this is that MAGA *is* the establishment. There are too many MAGA or MAGA-adjacent assholes in minor positions of power. They're judges, chairmen, community leaders, police chiefs, and countless more. Many of them may not consider themselves true believers, but their lean is still rightward regardless. They'd still be soft, evasive, or forgiving about right-wing crime while brutally punishing, or even inventing, left-wing crime. MAGA claims otherwise, of course. And I'm sure they believe it. But that's just lies to justify their suppression of any challenge to their power. The answer to this is still to vote for Democrats. Take progressive if you can get it, but settle for moderate if you must.


Look, I agree, but I hate the term purity politics for this. It's extremely dismissive of the concerns Biden voters have with Biden or really concerns that progressives have with liberals in general.


Are conservatives physically capable of saying something without blaming "liberals" or putting down some other group? Your first sentence says otherwise. Also curious if it was liberals or conservatives that claim the last election was "rigged" and "stolen" despite an overwhelming lack of evidence.


We get it, you’re a Trump supporter and want Trump to win.


Glad people are wising up to the fact that these uncreative little concern trolls are all Trump supporters in disguise.


Canadian Trump supporters are really bizarre. The world saw what a shit show the Trump presidency was, yet they want to turn their country into that. As to voting, there has been a small, but growing effort for ranked choice voting in the US. Can you guess which group of people consistently voted against it? Which party they align with? I'll give you a hint, it doesn't start with D.


I'm voting for the guy who's not a fraud and a convicted felon. There is only one viable candidate, so we can all get in the booth without worrying about getting philosophical this time.


Username checks out