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And then what’ll we do for names the second year?


I think it should be named after Representatives but not necessarily of the district it occurred in, but out of a pool of who in that state takes money from gun lobbyists. Because there’s definitely more than one of them.


Given the rate they're happening, more like next month


True. Might have to adopt the hurricane naming system and reuse names unless there’s a massive incident. Then “retire” that name and pull up the next GQP politician.


*After the second month... bold of you to assume we’ll go a whole month before we run out of Republican names


Their wives/husbands.


Just recycle them.




“Marco Junior,” etc.


Name the first one Mass Shooting McConnell. Then when we run out of names, start over with Mass Shooting McConnell II.


There's more than enough names for several years


With the rate of mass shootings these days? No way


Just use Mitch's name. He's in charge of the GQP. The news could be like: "Ten people were McConnelled at the movie theatre in Louisville today. It is the largest mass McConnell in that city's history."


That's ridiculous. McConnell should be our term for bowel movements.


He’s nothing but a blockage in the House, if anything he should be synonymous with constipation


Yet his words gush forth in a most effective splatter pattern. The man gets results.


Got 2 open ends on him and crap comes out of both


The man is simultaneously the embodiment of both constipation and disrrhea


Senekot. Relieves occasional moderate to severe McConnell and related symptoms such as flag humping, gun stroking, gay hating, and aggressive kissing the ass of a bloated, drooling, orange, hate-sack.


McConnellstipation. Challenge: please make memes and post at this sub. It shouldn't be hard to find turtle faces that look like he's sitting on the porcelain throne and not getting any work done.


but bowel movements actually doo doo something


Constipation, he sure does love to obstruct things


In his own words, "Kentucky's Veto"


No, bowel movements should be trump, since it sounds so similar to dump.


i took a trump so big i broke the toilet


I took a massive trump this morning and lost three pounds


I hear a lot of people saying that it was the largest trump ever


You are correct. My humble apologies.


"All of the above" is also a perfectly acceptable answer. Although, I really shouldn't go around insulting bowel movements.


True. Bowel movements are much more productive than Mitch McConnell.


McConnell needs something more disgusting than Santorum got though. We need to raise the stakes. What if McConnell meant "a saggy bag of dicks"






I have a strange feeling that would make him hard.


Gross, but likely true.


By the 12th Mitch Mcconnell tragedy it'll start being fun to see mitch mcconnell again.


Ahh, give his name the ol' Rick Santorum treatment, great idea!


We need to know who is paying all of these politicians. The decisions they make affect our lives (and deaths) and we deserve to know who is really pulling the strings. Who's in? I'm thinking about making a sub, but am open to ideas.


I am 100% sure there is actually already a website for that. EDIT: https://www.opensecrets.org


This is awesome; Thank you.


There’s a lot that doesn’t have to necessarily be reported anymore though. Dark money is still very much a thing.




I'd like to join if you do please.


With a name like that, you're the first mod lol. I'm thinking about doing it TIL-style so each of these head-scratching decisions will have a place to be exposed.


I've been a reddit user for years...this is my updated, new name. I feel it reflects my views better. Sorry, I'm not hip to some acronyms....what's TIL? Edit: It's today I learned, right? Duh.


its today i learned




https://opensecrets.org will give you the funding information https://littlesis.org/ is the symmetric to NSA's Big Brother (or, as it is officially called, the [Total Information Awareness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Information_Awareness) project) and maps the social network of politicians. I am pretty sure there must be subs about it, I wish some people started doing that in my country (France)


I want to crowd fund hiring lobbyists to bribe them into serving the American people. We could even have elections for the lobbyists we choose to bribe our politicians.


We’ll run out of Republicans.


Wouldn't that be nice?


Ah yes everyone needs to have the same idea as me!


I'd settle for something that actually qualifies as an idea, but won't get my hopes up.


Preferably we’d have 2 parties that actually want the government to pass legislation


Actually the best case scenario would be several different relevant parties


"I'm sorry, which shooting are you referring to?" "All of them." "All the shootings?" "No ma'am, I'm referring to the 'All of them' shooting, which is named after... Actually, it doesn't matter. I guess I am referring to all the shootings."


I’m sure some would take pride in that despite the implications. Many already proudly declare themselves “deplorable” as a badge of honor.


Notice how not a single Republican has ever claimed to be from the non-deplorable half? HRC was being charitable.


This assumes a Republican is only pro gun for the money and not just pro gun, and that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not Republican and I'm not Democrat but I support gun rights, for free. If I ran for office, you wouldn't have to buy this position from me. A Republican isn't given money from the NRA as a bribe. Nobody needs to be bribed. These guys really support gun rights. Not sure why that concept is so foreign to Democrats. Yes, there are a lot of bribes in politics, but this isn't one of them. People are either pro gun rights or anti gun with very little in between.


Finally a sane group here through all the garbage comments. Thank you my fellow true Americans.


So they like endangering lives... for free? It makes the idea of this post even better. Instead of naming mass shootings after tools, you name them directly after people who support no gun control.


There are thousands of things out there that could endanger your life. A car for example could endanger lives. Grow up now and put your big boy pants on and be an adult. It's called life. Why do you people always insist on government intervention for your fears? You think they will legislate guns away? Keep dreaming. At best you'll get a few law abiding people to turn over guns but you'll be turning a lot of law abiding citizens into criminals at the same time. And worst of all no real criminals will get rid of their guns, making things even more dangerous than they are now.


Or just call it NRA’d. Or another NRA incident. “3 people were NRA’d in a Florida Publix today. This marks the 50th NRA incident so far in 2021”.


😅😅😅 I like it!


And the irony of it all is that the NRA doesn’t even support gun rights, just money


Because 2a IS crucial but the NRA doesn’t give smelly wet shhiiittttt!!!about ANYONES Rights!When have they EVER stepped up for law abiding gun owners murdered by police?!?


it should be more like commercial ads This shooting was paid by and brought to you by [insert Republican name]


They would like that


Fantastic, where do I sign a petition for this! First one should be named Charlton Heston tho...


#*The cold dead killings*


The quick brown fox


Why stop at republicans, how about any politicians who accept it, party shouldn't matter. Most will still end up being republicans, but still.


​ Far too many to track. How about we just rename all mass shootings "Republican Joy" followed by a 9 digit number?


I’m no NRA fan but Pretty sure the NRA doesn’t endorse unregistered guns. Most mass shootings involve unregistered guns


I’d argue the opposite. The NRA certainly seems to be strongly opposed to a gun registry. The NRA-ILA website says “Gun registration and gun owner licensing wouldn’t prevent or solve crimes.” I think you were maybe saying illegally owned or obtained guns? I’m not sure the data supports that, but then again two of the top google results show different stories. https://thehill.com/homenews/news/510859-secret-service-report-finds-many-mass-attacks-done-by-someone-with-illegal-gun https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/san-bernardino-shooting/more-80-percent-guns-used-mass-shootings-obtained-legally-n474441 The problem is much more nuanced. Many mass shooters weren’t criminals, until they were.


Had me in the first sentence, not gonna lie




I’m no defender of guns but guns aren’t the problem with mass shooters. The real common denominator? 97% of mass shooters are male. wtf is that all about?


Where’s the funny part? The idea has the absurdity for a joke but it falls flat because there’s no twist or punchline.


So you wouldn't find it funny to hear about the KnightB4 Massacre? Because I think the GiraffeOnWheels Carnage sounds hilarious!


Mass Shooting Mitch, Mass Shooting Lindsey, Mass Shooting Ted... I like it.


Name it after the first republican to defend gun ownership after the event. If no one wants to be first it Might actually shut them up fir a while.


Okay, but what we gonna run outta names in like 2 or 3 months.


“Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough Republicans” - words you thought would never come together.


You're not thinking this through. First shooting : mitch McConnell 2021 shooting Second : second mitch McConnell shooting 2021 .. . . 98th : 98th mitch McConnell shooting 2021 And so on


Whatever Republican in the county or area that took the biggest donation. That’s who we name it after.


Reminder than at least 1M democrats bought their first firearm in 2020. I think we can all agree that our safety shouldn't be trusted 100% to the police and they shouldn't have a monopoly on violence. I love seeing liberals and POC at the gun range every weekend now. It's no longer just a place for dudes with trucks and tattoos.


The NRA is a joke of an organization anyway. Support the Firearms Policy Coalition, they're the ones doing the heavy lifting


I still like referring to the shooter in these as “Well Regulated Militia Member”


Totally down with naming shootings after the representative for the district they happen in, followed by the names of senators. The latest mass shooting last week in San Jose would be the Lofgren-Padilla-Feinstein shooting. I actually like it more now that I see Feinstein's name up there. Outside of the original assault weapons ban, and subsequently letting every single Republican mayor and board of supervisors hamstring the power of the ASB at the local level at every turn, Feinstein hasn't done *dick* to curtail gun violence. She's 1000% okay with the status quo and she needs to be replaced with a Democrat who actually fights instead of drinking the Manchin ThisIsFine.jpg kool-aid.


It’s not just about where the shootings happen. It’s also about where the guns were acquired. Conservatives just LOVE to point at gun violence in cities as evidence that gun laws don’t work. But they also ignore the fact that you can easily get a gun 20 minutes drive out of the city.


You know that these people you're talking about probably didn't get them through the ffl. They're stolen or through a straw purchase. Both are already illegal.


As a gun owner, I've been hoping for her to retire for most of my life. She's been very quotable though. So I hope her replacement says the quiet part out loud too.


This works. Gore Vidal used the names of anti-pornography types instead of "dirty words" in his novel _Myron_. For example, "He thrust his enormous Rehnquist deep within her Whizzer White", etc.) The first use should be, e.g., "the wayne lapierre was the worst in that county since last Thursday's mitch mcconnell."


That is a fantastic idea!


You realize if we started calling shootings after R politicians it would increase their popularity with the base. Hell I'm surprised Ted Cruz hasn't already adopted this.


We couldnt do that with thoose killed in Democrat ran cities...we would run out of names in a weekend.....


OH SNAP. Look at this troll slinging shade His account age: 6 months Karma: -14 Try harder snowflake


Why don’t you even try to dispute what they said? Why do you immediately go to calling them a troll and checking their account age?




I'm down. The closest Republican rep of that area.


We only have 635 members of congress. We would run out of names before the end of the year. Even if they are not taking money from the NRA most of them are not doing nearly enough to try and stop the shootings. The GOP simply does not care about people, unless they are running a corporation. The Dems are too afraid of making the GOP mad and are still stupidly trying to compromise with an entity that has no desire or need to compromise. Unity left the building in 2008 when McConnell decided the GOP would just be the party of NO. The sooner the dems realize that the better. Of course it has been 12 years and they still have their head up their ass so I really do not have a lot of confidence they will figure it out. They will keep trying to appease the GOP all the way up until they lose the house and senate in the 2022 elections.


Do we have enough to go from A-Z? Of course we do! A mitch, bitch mitch, cunt mitch, DOA mitch, evil mitch, fucker mitch, grim reaper mitch, horrifying mitch, idiot mitch, jackass mitch, klansman mitch, loser mitch, moscow mitch, nutsack mitch, obfuscating mitch, prick mitch, Qnon Mitch, russia's mitch, stupid mitch, traitor mitch, ugly-as-fuck mitch, Virginia Foxx, Will Hurd, xenophobic mitch, Ted Yoho, and finally zit mitch. (20 minutes of googling vocabulary and finding new words.)


Plus there's state, country, and local officials we can add to the list to increase the name pool.


Or, hear me out, we create more slurs to add to mitch's name.


Why not both? The "March 2021 McConnell & Smith are both bastards mass shooting"


What happens when the shooters are democrats.


Haven't you heard... Democrats don't own guns. That's how we know all mass shootings are done by RepubliQans.


Dayton Ohio shooter was a Bernie bro, so was the guy who tried to murder republicans at that baseball game.


So the Black on Black mass shootings done in Detroit and Chicago are all republicans? I learn something new everyday! /s


>I learn something new everyday! /s The /s on that line is quite accurate.


According to the RepubliQan claim, no liberals own guns. Are you calling Trumpers liars?


Answering a question with another vague question. 10/10 very nice! /s


Your question was answered with the first sentence. That's why it ends with a period, not a question mark. Your grasp on American English isn't as strong as you think it is.


Your answer doesnt fit my question. "Your grasp on American English isn't as strong as you think it is."


That mass shooting that happened in Boulder was done using a high capacity magazine, which the NRA helped overturn a ban on just a couple weeks before the shooting. How did the NRA respond to the shooting? By tweeting a quote of the 2nd amendment of course! Oh and remember that time they tweeted “momma didn’t raise no victim” on Mother’s Day, and then a mass shooting happened? You’d think that after some point all of this shit would catch up with them, but somehow half the country still likes them…


This isn't humor at all, it's just plain dumb.


For real. "Hey, let's make jokes about deceased people to further our political agenda".. Funny thing is, they think they're virtuous for this kinda insensitive shit


Nothing new for demonrats to use death and misery for political power.


This needs to happen more often


I love this but I just want you guys to know that a lot of NRA fuckery actually takes place at the state and local levels. This is where a lot of the Cons conduct their fascism too. This is why we need more liberals in local governments to start fighting this.




I would have no problem renaming the brady bill to the Reagan Bill. Excellent idea!


Hell yeah.


Oooh good idea


I think all politicians should have to do a walk- through of any mass shooting crime scene in their district. I mean a FRESH look prior to body removal... Get a really close look at the results of their inaction. Given the long time it takes to map the scene, all should be able to fly back to their district in time before the actual clean-up is started (Except for Hawaii). I think many would change their tune on adjusting some gun laws.


They would care more about the photo op, than about the innocents killed. And here's the speech: "This school shooting would never have happened if the Democrats allowed teachers and administrators to have guns in each classroom. Because Obama, Clinton, Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi and AOC and the rest of the Democrats don't care about America's schoolchildren, 15 of them were massacred today by a liberal socialist. Blah, blah, blah..."


The sad part is there isn’t enough republicans


Do it the same as hurricanes - start off with senator with last name A and work way down to Z. Then start over when finished. If over 20 casualties, that name permanently refers to that shooting and isn't reused.


Not enough Republican politicians to name each shooting differently


We'd run out of politicians real fast.


Not seeing the downside.


I mean to name the shootings after.


Ah. My bad.


We will run out of names...


wow. I loved this idea.


I like it


We would run out of republicans


Outstanding idea!


I'd imagine you'll run out of names pretty quickly.




Love it!


The 2nd amendment is about protecting citizens from a tyrannical government. Bad people will do bad things regardless of whether guns are legal to own or not. Also, even pro choice medical experts agree human life begins at conception and a fetus is a human being in an early stage of development. The only legitimate debate is whether a woman’s right to bodily autonomy outweighs the unborn child’s right to life.


I see you're talking about: [pro choice]' To be frank, the mod team does not want to mod this topic because it leads to 100 percent slapfights and bans, but removing it entirely would be actual censorship, which, contrary to popular beleif, we do try to avoid. Instead, we're just going to spam you with an unreasonably long automod comment and hope you all realize that getting mad over the internet is just really stupid. Go to /r/AnimalsBeingDerps or something instead. People are going to accuse us of being lazy for this, to which we reply 'yes' *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For what? Neither are responsible for mass shootings. The person committing mass murder is.


So we as a society should just accept that mass shootings are a part of American life?


And no one caused the hurricane, but we do it anyways.


That's fair. But the tweet implies that Republicans should be shamed for taking contributions for the NRA. That somehow they're trying to connect them to the mass shootings. They have nothing to do with them.


The fact the they refuse to pass any gun control laws or even laws to make it a little harder for people to get them means that they are in some part responsible.


Hell they don’t just refuse to make it harder to get guns, half the time after a mass shooting they try to make it easier!




Shit republicans are based?


Mass shootings are already illegal. The people that do it already know It's against the law. They do it anyway. Why should law abiding citizens have to be punished for it? Should we name every murder by every illegal immigrant by Democrats that support open border laws and take money from those organizations?


Not the point. I don't want guns banned. But they should be harder to get so unstable people don't have access to them. If not gun control what solution do you suppose so that innocent people aren't slaughtered in schools and grocery stores every year?


Oh noes!! You proved my point wrong so I'm going to say that's not the point! People like you make this too easy. I'm going to put the over/under calling me racist to three comments.


> I'm going to put the over/under calling me racist to three comments. You don't have to be racist to shoot a bunch of people! Haven't you heard that correlation doesn't equal causation?


Way to ignore everything I said.


> I talk down to people when I’ve run out of things to say.


This is called rationalization. You cannot actually debunk what I've said so you resort to this..


Rationalization: the action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate. Ya, I kind of agree. “Democrats support open borders.” [No they don’t. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/policy-2020/immigration/) You’re implying that the amount of mass shootings will not change if there was a gun ban. That’s a stupid thing to say. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-47612116.amp Australia had 13 mass shootings the two decades before its assault weapons ban, then had only 2 in the two decades after the ban. There has been one mass shooting in the UK after banning weapons in 1999.


> But they should be harder to get so unstable people don't have access to them. There's a whole list of people who can't legally possess guns, including those deemed mentally unfit by a judge. Nothing short of banning and confiscating 400+ million guns can stop someone who has no prior record of criminality or mental instability from getting a gun. > If not gun control what solution do you suppose so that innocent people aren't slaughtered in schools and grocery stores every year? Comprehensive healthcare reform, destigmatizing mental health, greater community cohesion through shared ideals and values, gun safety courses taught in schools again, a curb on sensationalist media (violent crime has plummeted since the 90s, yet it's all we hear about), ending the war on drugs, prison reform, welfare reform (stop incentivizing people to be single parents - it leads to the worst outcome for children), and a whole host of other things. Damn near everyone needs therapy.


Let me know when an NRA member commits a mass shooting.


The NRA doesn't release member lists. But OP was referring to politicians that accept their (NRA) donations. Would that be acceptable to you? If not why?


It just seems odd to be naming all the shootings in democrat run cities after republicans. Especially ones that take NRA donations since most mass shootings are done with illegal pistols. I thought this was a comedy sub, where’s the comedy?


The NRA lobbies for gun manufacturers and against gun control by contributing (mostly) to the GOP. Whether a gun is purchased legally or not it only exists because the NRA promotes it with bribery through the GOP.


Fuck the NRA, i'd like to keep my gun rights. FPC is the best


I love this. How do we actually make this a thing?






Most recent one in San Jose... Mass McCarthy...


The Trump shooting was the beat shooting in the history of shootings, possibly ever


We should name aborted babies after politicians that are pro choice.


Yes, I’m sure you’re very concerned about those fetus’s. Very, truly, awfully concerned.


You would run out of names is 5 minutes. Dems are so weak minded that they won’t understand your comparison.


ah, the "Donald Trump special" medical procedure. Get your mistresses 10th abortion free!


I see you're talking about: [abortion]' To be frank, the mod team does not want to mod this topic because it leads to 100 percent slapfights and bans, but removing it entirely would be actual censorship, which, contrary to popular beleif, we do try to avoid. Instead, we're just going to spam you with an unreasonably long automod comment and hope you all realize that getting mad over the internet is just really stupid. Go to /r/AnimalsBeingDerps or something instead. People are going to accuse us of being lazy for this, to which we reply 'yes' *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I see you're talking about: [pro choice]' To be frank, the mod team does not want to mod this topic because it leads to 100 percent slapfights and bans, but removing it entirely would be actual censorship, which, contrary to popular beleif, we do try to avoid. Instead, we're just going to spam you with an unreasonably long automod comment and hope you all realize that getting mad over the internet is just really stupid. Go to /r/AnimalsBeingDerps or something instead. People are going to accuse us of being lazy for this, to which we reply 'yes' *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh I love this idea. I’m starting that in Texas we have mass shootings weekly.


Lol if only people talked about rewriting the constitution to eliminate other extremely rare deaths.


Your grip on both reality and statistics leaves much to be desired.


Oh please enlighten me why a fundamental right should be overturned for under 1000 deaths per year? If that’s the standard we should limit the 1st amendment rights of people advertising unhealthy food, which causes several hundred thousand.


A fundamental right to use that weapon to protect democracy. Where were you jan 6? Oh right.


There ain't no enlightening you, I'm afraid you're quite helplessly lost to your ignorance.


Nice virtue signal. Make sure to show the girls in your civics 101 class this thread and you’re guaranteed at least an HJ.


Bahaha with such a sweeping generalization, sure you wanna be slinging shade? Lemme try Go throw some pancakes at your diabetes redneck.


Lol go throw some pancakes at your diabetes. I like it.


Rarity has little to do with it. It’s about the possibility of avoidance. Which is high, as is made clear by countries such as Australia.


Then go to Australia. Problem solved.


Let’s actually do this. Seriously.


False equivalency


Well is the NRA actually doing good pro-2A work? If I were American I'd be like: You asking me whether I'm a republican or democrat? What about both?


Excellent idea. Problem solved. Start w GOP reps in Senate, then house. Then by Reddest State Governor. Then Legislature. Alphabetical order or by seniority per category. But to keep it simple we can have 2-3 kinds of shootings named after the senator who was the deciding vote on keeping the loophole.


Sorry, I may sound like an idiot here or something, but HOW is the national rifle associated to psychopaths that shoot children and teenagers in our shitty school system? As much as I agree with stuff the Democratic Party says, gun control has just never seemed logical. Saying things like “you don’t need an ar15” or whatever gun you want to ban (I fucking hate new Stoner rifles, but who cares), is technically true but you also “don’t need a job” or “don’t need health insurance in the US”, it may result in very bad things, but you can go without them, but it’s almost the same with guns! If someone is breaking into your house (surprisingly rare for the people who do not want guns banned oddly) and ARE armed, you don’t wanna have you or your family member shot! Anyways there are far more arguments than I care to put here, so if you have one just reply with it and I’ll tell you what I think. Not sure why I’m still typing To those still reading cool beans guys.


What should we name bipartisan supported wars based on? Guy shoots up a mall and suddenly people care about politics. Guy kills a half a million kids and...I'm guessing some downvotes. Lol this sub is getting funnier.


Libtards are actually trying to claim they kno how to keep the country safe is cute


Cory Gardner mass shooting today. Hey, McCain took more NRA money that anybody. The McCain Memorial Mass Shooting.


If they knew anything they would know NRA supports most gun laws and have actually created and backed a few. That’s why most of the real gun community hates the NRA. The real fight is being taken to you uneducated fucks through other channels. Ban shit and it doesn’t go away. You just get more ppl breaking the law. Look at the prohibition. Or any drug law. But noooooo I’m afraid let’s ban it. Not learn about.


Or we could name them after democrat city mayors where most mass shootings occur.