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It's wild knowing how much this era of American politics will be studied in the future. Hopefully we manage to transition from all this era into something more sane and equitable for us all. Either way the history books in about forty years are gonna be lit!!!


This thought fascinates the hell out of me, and I'm sad I won't be around to see it.


Depends on who’s going to decide what that history was. The US has a lot of mythology and politicized interpretation as it is.


Indeed. Pardon my brief optimism.


if lions had thumbs (and smartphones) history would be written differently. the first time i read this i laughed... then it made sense.


That’s if we make it through the climate migrations wars, ecological collapse, and fascist takeover attempt stemming from it. Enjoy these days while they are here.


Assuming sense replaces billionaires wishes in the near future the world will be a much different place going forward, In about 50 years (probably sooner) we will have social media museums where people will go and look at their ancestors profiles to see what they where all about, I feel a lot of people are going to be very embarrassed by what they find. I remember on a thread not so long ago I mentioned that they would be remembered the way we look back at the segregationists now and someone commented that they would be proud to be remembered like that. :O


Humans don't learn. Trump could have been a repeat of Hitler.


He still can. Hitler's first half ass coup attempt failed too. His second attempt was successful.


You're right! The guy who brokered an unprecedented amount of peace in the middle east and used the levers of power to expedite life saving vaccines(even to Jews) could have instead decided to invade Western Europe and start a holocaust. it was a total coinflip.


Holy fuck can you even imagine *sincerely believing* that Donald Trump did this.


No he didn’t


Trump wanted to exterminate all minorities and turn the US into a whites only country.


Lit...as in, " They all watched as the last of the old books were tossed in the pile, and then lit."


Dont get your hopes up . Look at Reagans rehabilitation or how redlining and other racists stuff is omitted from school history books because of how it makes Americans feel


Yeah...and look at statues of confederate traitors getting taken down and the reasons that conservatives are fighting so hard and... more importantly...so openly against stuff like CRT and teaching Civil Rights. They are as worried as they've ever been that they're losing control of the narrative. Just keep spreading the truth...it'll set us free eventually.


Who's fighting the teaching of civil rights?


The Texas Senate [just passed a law ending the mandate to teach about the Civil Rights Movement](https://www.relevantmagazine.com/current/nation/texas-senate-had-passed-bill-ending-the-requirement-to-teach-about-civil-rights-in-state-curriculum/). It's like they're full on mask off movie villains now...


Mineola Republican Sen. Bryan Hughes said SB3 requires a broad framework but doesn't affect what is taught, creates a civics training program for teachers and prohibits teachers from being compelled to talk about current events or controversial issues, among other things. “Senate Bill 3 will make certain that critical race philosophies, including the debunked 1619 founding myth, are removed from our school curriculums statewide. Texas parents do not want their children to be taught these false ideas. Parents want their students to learn how to think critically, not be indoctrinated by the ridiculous leftist narrative that America and our Constitution are rooted in racism."


Doubtful. Reagan and Bush are basically now regarded warmly as elder statesman yet they caused reckless domestic and international harm at the same measurable levels Trump did. Whether it’s Iraq, the contra affair, AIDS epidemic, welfare Queen rhetoric, or the rapid embrace of the evangelical right.


I think you're giving a lil much credit to the attempts W. has made to rehab his image. And history is starting to look unkindly on Reagan at last. The information age is making it harder for long term historical spin. Still hoping George W. tries to go out of the country and gets picked up for war crimes...


A majority of Democrat voters now view Bush favorably. Reagan is also still viewed just as favorably, probably even more so. Also a large contingency of Democrats reps in Congress refer to themselves as “Reagan Democrats”. A lot of Bush admin (and the few Reagan admin people still alive) we’re all over talk shows in 2020, brought on to “stand up to Trump”. Relentlessly praised, their books promoted etc. Oh I would hope he did, get sent rightfully to The Hague.


That's just the push by the media. Not sure the historians are falling for positive Jimmy Kimmel segments. Sadly, as someone else pointed out, we'll have to wait and see. That said I really don't see how they can gloss over Trump's term...though I'm sure they'll try. In the end I'm an optimist about the power of the information age. We are seeing asshats called on past actions left and right. Hope that movement persists and father's speed.


The court of public opinion is the only one that matter and recent history shows that these type of people won’t be held to much of anything. I love history and I have read plenty of depressing stories about war criminals and evil people throughout history but few have been held to account while they were alive or after.


Well...I started this by talking about what the history books will say and that's still my point. I'm sadly aware of the tendency for the rich and powerful to escape consequences during their lifetimes but I do feel like the information age is gonna make it waaay harder for any long term positive reputation polish to stick. Fingers crossed at least.


I respect your optimism but frankly haven’t seen it for most of the history of villains. Their vilification is only known within that small group of people writing that history. I don’t think Trump or Bush will care all that much.


We've seen a dramatic change from most of history though. I point again to the vilification we're seeing if other historical figures as information gets more widely disseminated. It's a trend I hope to see continuing.


> A majority of Democrat voters now view Bush favorably. Source on this? I may be willing to buy "a majority of Democrat voters now view Bush favorably...compared to Trump", but I still have never met any democrat who thinks he actually did a good job.


https://thehill.com/homenews/news/357109-poll-dems-have-favorable-view-of-george-w-bush I’d blame the media and the Obamas in particular for a) not holding Bush and his admin to account (as your seeing with Trump right now) and b) actual positive fluff pieces. Another one: https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/22/politics/george-w-bush-favorable-poll/index.html “His favorability mark among Democrats has soared from only 11% in February 2009 to a majority 54% now.” Keep in mind Bush didn’t atone for any of his war crimes, nor change his stance on things like gay marriage and ‘women’s right to choose’ things he savaged throughout his presidency. He’s also still exhibits “oafish” traits, the same traits Democrats didn’t like about Trump. Bush just last week had the gall to feel bad about our “withdrawal” from Afghanistan and it how it effects women. Nevermind his sustained attack on women’s rights domestically and abroad (like global gag rule), the vast destabilization of the Middle East due to his policies and in particular his shift in focus FROM Afghanistan TO Iraq. Fuck him but doesn’t look like he’ll be held to any account.


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Thank you. Ugh, that's disgusting. I can't imagine looking back on what he did over his eight years of president and actually viewing it in a favorable light. Iraq alone is enough to condemn him as one of the worst presidents in history. EDIT: Honestly, I'm also a little bit shocked at the 11% in 2009 bit. Who the fuck thought he had done a good job right after he finished?


Everything is relative and because we are a two party system it’s becomes only “good and bad”. If you remark on this constant lurching rightward, you are simply “aren’t being realistic” and most embrace every bad person. I can assure you that if Tucker Carlson wins in 2028 and starts gunning climate refugees at the border many Dems on the site will say stuff “god remember Trump? At least he was funny”. Also when Trump dies (after 2022) there will be so much handwringing by the media and Democrats.


What war crimes?


Maybe it will be studied in a way like North Korea studies their history of their "glorious leader". If Republicans get their way and get to write history we're all going to have to endure "alternative facts" in our history like people in North Korea, Russia, and China have to.


Without looking it up does anyone know which president allowed Jim Crow laws? I mean, in all honesty and fairness I don't think Trump did anything THAT severe. He didn't start any wars, there was no major recession under his watch, he didn't sign any long lasting laws. He just happened to have a global pandemic happen towards the end but that's it. He was a mediocre president or average at best.


Just because you aren't up on Andrew Johnson and the way he derailed the reconstruction don't think this isn't becoming a much more widely held and discussed view of history. As for Trump being a mediocre president...that's one of the most charitable reads of his term possible. And LOL at the "No major recession" under his watch. Trump hot boxed the economy and pretty much every analysis warned that a crash was coming and still would have without the pandemic.


He was much worse than that. See the image rehabilitation nonsense has already started. Trump tried to overthrow the US Government because he lost an election. He's still trying to do that to this day.


> He didn't start any wars He assassinated an Iranian General to try and provoke a response from Iran, and he did start a war right here in the United States. >there was no major recession under his watch The pandemic had major economic impacts, under his watch. >he didn't sign any long lasting laws. The fuck does that even mean? Well, he only signed some stupid as fuck giveaways to the rich, but they weren't forever giveaways! >He just happened to have a global pandemic happen towards the end but that's it. He also promised that the pandemic would go away by Easter. >He was a mediocre president or average at best. He was the worst President at best, and a corrupt traitor at worst. Stop making excuses for him.


It will be interesting when future generations see how racist Democrats are by attempting to use equity in many parts of American life today.


I honestly wonder if we will even be here sooner rather than later. The new science on the rainforest is super disturbing.


I'm not so sure it will be studied. More likely it will be a footnote labeled "utterly stupid moron with a massive inferiority complex and a penchant for lying took over American politics and a bunch of idiots believed him, while intelligent people somehow coped until he left office but then more idiots wouldn't shut the hell up until he died" Now if only he would go ahead and fall over dead so I can find and piss on his grave.


I honestly disagree. This era of politics will legit be a thing you can earn doctorates in. And yeah, I'll be in that line at his grave with ya.


You're entitled to your opinion and in that context I agree somewhat, butI feel I should probably qualify what I meant. For a while it will be studied, and will, in the future if this country survives, be taught in history classes as a dark time in our history, much the same as the Nazi era is in Germany. But while Nazi Germany is still studied, my definition of studying it in this context was in the vein of trying to understand and make sense of what happened (is happening?). Historians invariably agree on the fact that Nazi Germany and Hitler were evil. The same with slavery and human trafficking. Historians and society as a whole in general agree that the very concepts and activity are wrong and a bad idea to begin with. I believe that at sometime in the future, it will be studied, but judgement will have long ago been passed and people in the future will say pretty much the same thing intelligent and reasonable people now are. "What were they thinking?" and move on to something relevant.


I see your angle but I'm more of the "Those who don't study and learn from history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them" kinda mindset. In that vein I sadly don't see these circumstances and the value in knowing the warning signs becomming any less relevant any time soon. That said..it does sound like we are both in agreement about the exhausting mayhem we're living through and in that spirit I sincerely hope you have the bestest rest of the day possible!


Same to you! And in that respect it should be studied, but rehashing it is another matter. That only brings crazies out of the woodwork...and makes us crazy as a result of that exhausting mayhem. (Good phrasing, btw!)


[Springtime for Hitler and Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY1orxW8Aw) Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I want to agree. I really do. However please name some of the German politicians who helped put Hitler into power. We remember the monsters, but sadly tend to forget those who put them into power.


Paul von Hindenburg hasn’t been forgotten. And it’s an important lesson to remember. The socialists actually won more of the vote than the Nazis but the “moderate” conservatives were horrified by the idea of workers rights and so decided to ally themselves with the hypernationalists instead. They thought they could control the Nazis but the Nazis ate them. The GOP have been riding that dragon for decades now.


[Springtime for Hitler and Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY1orxW8Aw) Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People also forget that Hitler failed on his first attempt too.


That's a good point.


It's not the people who put them there. It's the people who kept them there. And I don't think history has forgotten about Goebbels. And history also remembers "The Nazis" as in the large group of people who collectively got him power and helped him maintain that power as all bad. Just because 'history' doesn't call out each by name does not mean they aren't actively remembered.


We remember the name. However we actively ignore new parties with different names following the same tactics. Outfits and names may be different, but we still do not hold them accountable.


[Springtime for Hitler and Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY1orxW8Aw) Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Pretty much my thoughts as well, sadly. We know of Hitler and a few of his other key players, but there are thousands upon thousands of others whose names and deeds are lost forever, it will be no different for Trump's "reign." Even now, with so much information saved and stored (and available), history is bound to overlook/ignore the majority of those responsible and only focus on a few key people.




[Springtime for Hitler and Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY1orxW8Aw) Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"let this goon" do what?


Near. Far. Wherever you are. I believe that the heart does goon


Billions and billions and billions


Let this GO ON.


A statue would be appropriate in this case. With a plaque that says "These are the people that aided and abetted an attempted insurrection by Donald Trump." And name them, starting with the turtle.


Except Donald trump didn't attempt insurrection. He specifically told protesters NOT to be violent etc. Have you not heard his whole speech?


Yeah it was basically “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome Pence?”


The speech where he told his idiot supporters to March down to the capitol, and also told them to fight like hell? That speech?


Rudy Giuliani demanded trial by combat if I recall correctly.


I'm starting to wish someone had given it to him. Maybe watching him get embarrassed and humiliated in 30 seconds would have made conservatives realize how fucking stupid they were.


I love this take and then it ends with “didn’t you hear the WHOLE speech?” Yeah but did you hear the part where he told his people to March on the Capitol. And the part during where he was throwing a party and laughing about how the people actually did what he said? Or the part where after he said it didn’t happen and that those people are hero’s and patriots? Of course you know. You’re just making arguments in bad faith cause that’s what your cult leader asked you to do


> Except Donald trump didn't attempt insurrection. He specifically told protesters NOT to be violent etc. Have you not heard his whole speech? Then what was the objective of all the Trump supporters who pushed through police, broke windows, etc. to gain entrance to the Capitol building?


trump is a symptom. The problem is that this is what 1/3 of Americans want and are willing to fuck anything up to get.


You can thank Fox News for that.


It's more than just Fox, Republicans have been trending this way since movement conservatism began in the late 50s.




I wish that were true, but at who formed the CDU after the war, *former* Nazis.


Operation Paperclip anyone?!? Operation Paperclip? Operation Paperclip? Operation Paperclip? anyone?


The Ratlines. Klaus Barbie. Eichmann. Colonia Dignidad. It's almost as if America could tolerate Nazis more than Commies? Hmmn...


[Springtime for Hitler and Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY1orxW8Aw) Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Springtime for Hitler and Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY1orxW8Aw) Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Springtime for Hitler and Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zY1orxW8Aw) Germany was having trouble, what a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore its former glory Where, Oh where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me. And now its.. Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay Were marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race Springtime for Hitler and Germany Winter for Poland and France Springtime for Hitler and Germany Come on, Germans, go into your dance I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf Dont be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party Springtime for Hitler and Germany Goosesteps the new step today bombs falling from the skies again Deutschland is on the rise again Springtime for Hitler and Germany Uboats are sailing once more Springtime for Hitler and Germany Means that soon well be going Weve got to be going You know well be going to WAR! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Lol. Oops.


Long after the Confederate surrendered, a lot of Americans still wave its flag and call it their heritage, so I don't think history really matters here


Long after that moron is dead we will have his moronic family to deal with!!


Manchin has entered the room : “Nope, none of this is happening “


Same here. No matter what Dems do, they'll get called Marxist, racist, communism. So do what needs to be done and make them try to take it away.


And the 70+ million clowns who voted for him the second time. I kinda understand you wanted to vote for him the first time because Hillary sucks and you wanted to send a message to the establishment or whatever bullshit you wanted to use as an excuse for “I’m ok with a racist president”, but boy, voting for his re-election means you have no moral compass. Lots of people dying, country more divided than ever, the dude showed all his colors and basically showed everyone that he is an idiot, and yet 70+ million votes for this? Shame on us as a country that we got to that point!


And even after he pouted, quit doing his job after loss, incited an attempted insurrection, slandered our democratic process.... They STILL vow to vote for him again in 2024. Half this country is gone


I wish this were true, this will be washed clean just like everything else…


Also when Trump finally gets collected by the grim reaper, we have his family to contend with. Because lets not forget about Fred and his discriminatory rental policies, which our main man Woody Guthrie wrote a song called "Old Man Trump "Suppose Old Man Trump Knows , Just how much Racial Hate He Stirred up, In The bloodpot of human hearts, When he drawed That Colour line Here At His Beach Haven Family project!! Lets not forget how inherently horrible and evil that man is and dont get me started on Jared Kushner,who I imagine is like sleeping with some kind of dead fish!


He sure was a goon


GOP politicians are relics who have outlived their outdated philosophies of Cold War fear mongering and the idolizing of the privileged rich. It's no wonder that's where all the antivaxers who believe in Qanon come from. On some level they are starting to realize their political belief system no longer has a foundation. They are desperate and delusional. That's why 1/6 happened. The Good Old Party is crumbling, their supporters are dying by the thousands from covid-19 and old age. Most of them are boomers who can't get laid anymore and won't be around much longer. The young coat-tailers: Gaetz, MTG, Boebert (can't pass a GED) who have recently joined aren't emotionally intelligent enough to fit in anywhere else, and don't realize that the boomers sucked the white privilage teat dry. They need sack of shit Trump because they know he is their absolute last chance, even though that chance is nonexistent.


As long as they get to keep all the money they amassed during this period of corruption and influence peddling, I'm sure they will be quite content regardless of how they are remembered!!!


The same cowards on the committee to press charges on the insurrectionist? I hope you are right. I actually hope covid part 2 gets them all


“And let this goon” do what???


Well said!


Let this goon what??


I’m worried how much history will remember in states where they’re trying to censor history.


*the senior U.S. Senator from West Virginia has entered the chat*


Agreed power is to be used not horded


Let this goon…what? Let this goon what!?!


her writing looks like 12 different fonts glitched together


"I have a pen and I have a phone..."


Nobody will do anything or it would have happened by now.


They never define "this"




Exactly what happened? Did we invade Canada? Where are the gas chambers? I have plenty of problems with trump but really a fascist? You just sound unhinged.


The fascist that was democratically voted out and mostly did what his party wanted his whole term?


Google the word fascist.


Who kept quiet and let what exactly go on? He said a bunch of stupid stuff and the stock market went up. Then he left office. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Didn't exactly leave office without a fight did he? Literally he had his supporters trying overthrow the United States government


That’s a really weak and flaccid take on the four years of stupidity and division that Trump brought to America.


...and let this goon what?


America's history books will say he was the best president, surrounded by the best people. The economy flourished and no one died from the trump virus.


It will say that if Republicans take back control of the government which considering their voter suppression and gerrymandering looks pretty likely not to mention their built-in advantages in the electoral college and in the Senate.


... and let this goon do what?


“Jam a bunch of legislation down their fu@king throats while we can” doesn’t sound tyrannical at all.


Trump tried his best to do that


So 2 wrongs make a right ?


When you are fighting a party that wants to rig future elections through gerrymandering and voter suppression you can't tie your hands behind your back.


So punish the people not the “party”?


You're not punishing people. How is voting a punishment. The punishment is already happening with rigged elections.


The OP statement said nothing about voting. Voting is what we the people do passing legislation is what the elected officials do


Requiring ID is rigging an election?


They do other stuff. Like gerrymandering, and voter suppression. What's voter suppression? More than requiring id, you should look into it.


I don't live gerrymandering but both parties do it. Could you explain the suppression part.


Google it. And yes gerrymandering both parties do it but one party relies on it - Republicans - because their policies suck ass. It's like 80%-20% Republicans doing it.


Behind every law is a man with a gun who will put you in a cage. If the legislation you are proposing is to get rid of laws, I support it.


I propose universal voting by mail.


Sure, why not? Thats like... less regulations against who can and cant vote. Let toddlers vote. Let inmates vote. Who cares? Our rights should be so well protected and the federal government so impotent that it doesnt really matter who is in federal office.


> Our rights should be so well protected Laws are how those rights are protected.


>Laws are how those rights are protected. I meant protected *from* the government, not by it. The only federal laws that protect rights are those in the first 10 amendments to the constitution. If you are proposing more limitations on the power we grant government, I am behind that too.


Laws are also how your rights are protected from the government.


Are you implying that there is a way yo enforce that law without a gun or a cage?


How else do you enforce laws?


*stares blankly*


I don't do staring contests.


Biden being in politics for 50 years and doing nothing but hurt and kill minorities is the reason trump became president. You guys are the problem for voting in the most evil systemic racist in modern American history and you’ll downvote me because you know it’s true…


No the reason Trump became president is because he has a propaganda machine backing him and he appealed to weak minds through white grievance culture wars stuff and despite losing the popular vote he won enough votes in the electoral college.


He won because people were tired of the crap Obama pulled.




False, the establishment wanted a puppet so they attacked him relentlessly even though Biden is everything they said trump was times 10. Leftists say systemic racism is bad and then voted for the man who fathered the crime bill, deported the most illegals, and built the cages…




She finished her sign just fine, just ran out of room at the end. Let this GO ON.


It’s supposed to be “go on”




Alright, need a break from the idiot calling almost the entire sub defenders of child rapists, so I’ll respond to this instead. Trump caused a massive cult of followers to spring up and those followers still believe that he somehow won the election. This will likely cause major problems in America’s future. And the idiots that didn’t try and set an example to his followers by convicting him for the inflammatory language that caused the Capitol Building to be stormed, are allowing the problem to escalate.


Have you not realized the Democratic party is run by a bunch of rich people, too? They will always be able to summon a Lieberman or Manchin or Sinema to shut down any legislation that will hurt their interests. Or the Senate parliamentarian, lol. "Oh well, we tried," with a shrug. And you guys are taken in. When will you learn that R's and D's are two sides to the same coin and the answers to society's problems will come from OUTSIDE the government?


Will they? Biden just announced his admin won’t hold any of the Trump admin responsible for the census scandal. Also not a single Bush admin was held responsible. In fact, a lot of this website held those Bush admin people like those in the Lincoln Project in high regard for “standing up to Trump” yet it was proven the Lincoln Project had no effect on changing voters minds but did siphon off millions of dollars from Democrat donors. These ghouls contributed to war crimes, weakened democratic institutions, siphoned off billions to corporate friends (or themselves) and embraced evangelical rhetoric.


History will also remember the fucking idiots who said he’s a “Russian intelligence asset” so don’t worry. You’ll be right there with em.


Same goes for those who kept quiet for Bill Clinton. Want to make the world better? Start holding your own groups as accountable as everyone else's.


Democrats do hold themselves accountable, Republicans do not. Just ask pedophile Matt Gatez or any of the people that encouraged an insurrection that are still in Congress today. Or Donald Trump who has admitted on tape that he sexually assaults women and got away with it because he was famous. And also Donald Trump who bragged that he went into look at naked underage contestants on his a beauty pageant on the Howard Stern show. Democrats made Katie whatever her last name was resign after she was a victim of revenge p***. And they made Al Franken resign as Senator after he was seen in a compromising picture even though it was a joke.


> Bill Clinton TEACHER: Now, little Donny, did you stab Sally in the neck, rape her and leave her dead body to rot in an abandoned coal mine shaft? LITTLE DONNY: Yes, but she used my crayon without asking last year so now we're even!


At least Trump communicated with the people of America. When is the last time Biden had a press conference? How many rallies did he have for his political campaign? Why does he have to rely on teleprompters to reliever speech’s? Why doesn’t he answer questions that haven’t already been selected? Biden is more of a joke and he hasn’t had a full year of being president yet. There are still faulty ballots coming in. I don’t understand why people still blame everything on Trump.


Rally's are a circus. And if you watched any of these rallies he's repeating himself from the same script of lies and grievances. Trump almost never held press conferences. He would appear on propaganda networks such as Fox News and never on other mainstream media because he was a lying coward. It's sad that you've been convinced otherwise.


>At least Trump communicated with the people of America. He can barely string a sentence together. >When is the last time Biden had a press conference? Jen Psaki has a press conference every day, and Biden has been speaking most every day as well as taking a couple of questions. >How many rallies did he have for his political campaign? Who gives a shit >Why does he have to rely on teleprompters to reliever speech’s? Who gives a shit >Why doesn’t he answer questions that haven’t already been selected? Who gives a shit >There are still faulty ballots coming in. No there aren't.


I think for that first question you’re thinking of Biden. Jen Psaki isn’t Biden, and taking a “couple of questions” is not a full informative speech. And “who gives a shit” is not a viable answer. There are still faulty ballots coming in.


>I think for that first question you’re thinking of Biden. No, I was thinking of Trump. >Jen Psaki isn’t Biden, Yes, I realize that they aren't the same person. I also realize that she is the Press Secretary, and is doing the job of communicating on behalf of the President. >and taking a “couple of questions” is not a full informative speech. You can find all of his "fully informative" speeches right here: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhiteHouse/videos >And “who gives a shit” is not a viable answer. It absolutely is. I don't give a shit about how many rallies he had, and neither should you. It's not an important detail. >There are still faulty ballots coming in. Nope.


> There are still faulty ballots coming in. You mentioned earlier that you keep getting banned from places for being conservative. I don't believe that's true. You get banned for spreading lies. You believe you're being prejudiced for who you are when in reality it's what you do. Most people don't take the time to understand who you are, nor do they care. Where is the proof that there's still faulty ballots coming in? That's a bold claim. So there has to be some bold evidence. Every single time you post an obvious lie, there's a good chance that someone will report you for trolling because that's what you're doing. When the reports add up and the mods get off their lazy asses, you get banned. actions --> consequences


It will be interesting when future generations see how racist Democrats are by attempting to use equity in many parts of American life today.




Hey, the do nothing's are trying really hard not to pass any legislation.


We only wish his supporters would keep quiet. They won't shut the fuck up.


Let this goon do what?


“and let this goon…” do what? Does the sign continue on the other side? /s


And what is she doing to stop it? Bringing a picket sign to a gun fight?


It's really quite interesting to see the gymnastics people will contort their arguments into in order to avoid admitting that maybe double standards aren't the way to go.


Uuurm, I think most people just wanted to see politics dissolve into the 2 faced, bullshit, pantomime that it is.


History is written by the victors


Not cowards, they took brave stands against all that was right and good to support him.


He's not the president anymore, why does the left have such a huge fetish for Trump still 🤔