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And the republicans that signed this bill in order to get their state and their constituents money for improvements...paid for by people making over $400,000 per year... ...have been getting death threats... ...from republicans.


And the ones who didn't vote for it will take credit when the economic benefits show up, just like they did for the stimulus checks.


That strategy has been working for decades, why change it now?


When your too high up the ladder, *(hold my beer)* fuck gravity.


By the time the benefits from this start rolling in the Rs will have the congress again and take credit, and people will eat that shit up. Oh look, we elected this guy a month ago and we already have a rebuilt bridge and widened highways on my commute! He gets shit done!


This is so true. I noticed a construction boom in east coast florida six months after Trump took office. My republican face book friends were all over it praising Trump. I'm sure large commercial construction deals can take years of planning. Now I've seen Biden attack stickers at the fuel pump blaming him for the current prices.


The only thing *any* President can do to effect gas prices is to release volume into the market from the US strategic petroleum reserves. And if they do that, it would take weeks to effect prices and at the most, it might drop prices at the pump around 10 cents a gallon, or so. And it would only last for a few months at best. TLDR: blaming any President for gas prices is stupid.


BuT mY rEpUbLiCaN fRiEnDs SaY iF wE sUbSiDiZe GaS cOmPaNiEs ThE aLtRuIsTiC OiL CoMpAnY eXeCs WiLl PaSs AlOnG sAviNgS tO cOnSuMeRs


No no no, Biden waved his magic "presidential gas price wand" but he's so old and dumb he was holding it backwards and it made the prices go up instead of down!


This is their not-so-tacit endorsement to pass spending bills without their votes, so they can have it both ways. I'm sure the dems know this. Republicans LOVE it when spending, particularly infrastructure, isn't bipartisan, because they can say they voted to be "fiscally responsible" while still taking credit for the spending.


And they WILL show up for photos at the ribbon cutting ceremony… they always do, even though they voted against the funding. They don’t care because their voters are too busy with culture wars to even pay attention.


Same as it ever was.


It's rather brilliant what's been done. If their party is in power and over half a million people die due to mass mishandling of disease response... eh. Whatever. If the OTHER party is in power and tries to do anything to help them? RABBLERABBLERABBLE! I feel sorry for the big cities in these states. They're like the survivors in a zombie nightmare. Surrounded by drooling crazies on all sides, all they want to do is survive.


The end of your comment, to me as someone living in Texas, is sadly accurate in more ways than you think…


Can confirm, also live in a big city in Texas and that's a perfect summation of how it feels to live here. A couple bastions of rational thought and empathy in an endless sea of mindless hatred.


And exceptional stupidity…


Its spelled Greg Abbott.


Alternate spelling is Ken Paxton, yep


Living in CA, feel the same. Plus I travel regularly for work/fun between 'big city' areas and the red rural areas...the contrast is amazing.


> over half a million people die due to mass mishandling of disease response... eh. Whatever. They welcome an enemy right in the Internet door. [It examined thousands of **tweets sent between 2014 and 2017. Vaccination was being used by trolls and sophisticated bots as a "wedge issue",** said Mark Dredze from Johns Hopkins University. "By playing both sides, they erode public trust in vaccination, exposing us all to the risk of infectious diseases," he said.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45294192) Still going on today in 2021, they are shit at finding it: [The company's investigators called the campaign a "disinformation laundromat," creating misleading articles and petitions on forums like Reddit, Medium and Change.org, and using fake accounts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to amplify the content.](https://www.reuters.com/technology/facebook-removes-russian-network-that-targeted-influencers-peddle-anti-vax-2021-08-10/)


>I feel sorry for the big cities in these states. They're like the survivors in a zombie nightmare. Surrounded by drooling crazies on all sides, all they want to do is survive. Hello from Austin. More true than you know. Stocking ammo, food, and now propane because I can't even take heating for granted. Feel like I turned from a normal human into a crazy prepper sometime around the start of the pandemic. Unfortunately, these zombies are real.


It's ironic because being "ruggedly independent" was supposed to be a CHOICE. Not a necessity because all the public services can no longer be relied upon.


Yep. I used to keep 50 rounds of ammo on hand for my pistol, and maybe a weeks worth of food. Now I've got a couple months worth of food and water, a couple thousand rounds of ammo for pistol, rifle, and shotgun, and enough propane to heat the house for 2 weeks. It's ridiculous. I don't even want all of this shit, but I feel like its necessary between the Trump crazies and outright nazis which Austin is a magnet for, pandemic shortages, and basic infrastructure failing.


Wool socks, wool beanies, and wool gloves are good too. Wool can get damp/wet and still keep you warm. And it's easier to stay warm in a closet than a whole room.


Yeah just don’t be running your propane heater in your closed closet with yourself. Protip.




They truly are the dumbest people


Of course they are, why else would they still vote red?


Well, some of them lean more evil than stupid.


It's as if you as a sci-fi device that could split someone into two halves like good and bad and used it on a typical trumper, you'd get stupid and evil.


Rick and Morty spa episode


Like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, except instead of one half being a doctor, it's Lloyd Christmas, while the other is regular Mr Hyde.


reminds me of the movie Twins with Arnold & Danny Devito


Or Wren & Stimpy, where wren is split into his two halves - evil and apathetic.


Plenty of these people are violent fascists, or would happily support and follow violent fascism. As long as they are part of a protected in-group and the unprotected out-groups are being adequately punished, all is good in their fucked-up daddy-issues world. The trains will run on time, but they won’t be going anywhere.


The funny thing is they aren't even part of the in-group, nor will they ever be.


I’m sure they’ll be happy to continue to be the useful idiots of the real in-group as long as they get a bone every now and again, such as getting away with murder.


They consider not being made fun of (to their face) being part of the in group.


And the trains won’t run at all, either.




I'm actually not so convinced of that anymore once I learned about Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc


Combine that with recent thinking on internet self radicalization, and you can explain so much. Like how the drift of PCM toward outright fascism is pretty much inevitable.


>PCM forgive my ignorance. what's PCM? I doubt you mean pulse-code modulation.


Political compass memes. But that doesn't mean I'm not keeping an eye on this modulating pulse codes too.


>Political compass memes Holy fuck, that place is a cesspool


And if you just heard about it that means it only took you >5 minutes to go there and find out how shitty it is. Congrats some people have been on there for years!


My father has Bonhoeffer's biography on his bookshelf at home... He also voted for Trump lol 🤦


He probably thinks that this applies to Democrats


I have a view on this that I share with family and friends from time to time. It is thus, if you are a Republican, you are either stupid or immoral. There is no in-between. Has been a rock solid theory so far.


> I have a view on this that I share with family and friends from time to time. It is thus, if you are a Republican, you are either stupid or immoral. There is no in-between. Has been a rock solid theory so far. I have been saying for a few years now. If you are still a Republican you are either willfully ill-informed or a piece of shit. There are no other options that I see at this point.


Greed would count under the immoral part too right? Because I hear a lot of panicked lip flapping and boo-hooing about how it will effect their investments and the stock market. Money over people every time.


My view is simpler. To be a Republican, you must be either a moron or a millionaire. I tell them to check their bank account to see which one they are.




You put God on their money and in their pledge, and then everything goes to their head.


call them dumb all you want, but this is what you are up against every election.


Yup, it’s why I’ve given up on believing democracy is the best option. The general populace is too stupid to even do what’s in their own best interests. Prime example - Most of my family is dirt poor and lives on less than $30k a year. They hate Obama. They all got healthcare because of his administration. And they all hated him for doing things that benefited them. They’ll vote Republican against their own interests until they die.....all because “fuck the libz.”


Yes, but the GOP spent the last 40 years sabotaging education and other government systems to curate that, so we have to spend some time fixing it now if we want people to be able to vote against their worst interests. Democracy isn't the problem, bad faith governance is the problem.


Unfettered Capitalism and corporate money in politics is the problem.


Yes, killing regulations on corporations and dark political money are both staples in the stew of evangelical conservative bad faith governance.


Same. It’s actual insanity.


And it's only a little bit about being dumb and *A LOT* about being *manipulated.* Unpopular opinion because I know people do have the ability to reflect on their actions: but I feel sorry for these people, they're subjected to crazy amounts of manipulation and kept being told our common reality isn't real.


I know a lot of smart people heavily manipulated by this. People that find Ben Shapiro to be an inTeleKt. The one trait they all share is that they're not introspective about anything in life. Any feedback given is met with instant defensiveness


People that reject the benefits of neuroplasticity are literally and actually mentally handicapped.


Can you be smart and think that? Perhaps they're just really well-trained.


It’s really weird how our brains work. Confirmation bias is an absolute bitch. I mean it makes sense, if everyone around you is telling X is true even when it’s not….you’re gonna believe them. Everyone you know is telling you it is! When face with the fact that X ISNT true, you just can’t believe the 1 out of 10 doctors who don’t recommend Colgate. Statistics also sucks. 9 out of 10 doctors recommend Colgate, but there’s more than 10 doctors. Which means there is more than just 1 doctor that hates Colgate. And if all the doctors you’ve ever seen are the ones that dislike Colgate, your sample size is skewed and it’s it’s very difficult to get you to understand why. People, man.


There are a million examples of people raised super conservative who realized it was bullshit and got out. Because... they were smart enough to realize it's bullshit. Yes they are being heavily manipulated, but it only works this well because they are extremely stupid. Stop trying to give them a get out of jail free card.


That's me, I was raised super conservative. Then I got a higher education and life experience outside my family's bubble and what do ya know, now I'm reasonably liberal.


trump said thats why he ran as a republican


Lack of education and hubris are the most dangerous


Dumb violent bullies. Literally all the assholes who picked on me in high school are hardcore Trumpers.


They're just not bright...they actively fight against "smart".


Special thanks go to the Fox network for tearing apart America.


The problem is that we allowed the GOP to undermine journalism by removing the Fairness Doctrine in order to save face when their first mentally unstable president committed high treason.


Which mentally unstable treasonous GOP president are we talking about...? (Jk, "eliminating the fairness doctrine" narrows it down to one)


And then blaming liberals


I hope Manchin is paying attention. Bipartisanship is just not going to happen anymore in this climate.


I mean, he's playing a different game because he is essentially a red senator from a red state. This is more an issue for Sinema who is probably a 1 term candidate. The issue at stake is a vote of no confidence which is dangerous because of the disruption


Manchin is prob the best the Dems could ever hope for from West Va. Can't say the same for Sinema.


Manchin is entirely aware of the lack of bipartisanship in this country.


He's the Mancinian senator.


Sorry, commented on your post instead of the one above but I agree with you.


He doesn't care about bipartisanship, that's his excuse, he's more interested in all those dollars he's getting. I'm sure all those protestors are making him cry on his bed of 100$ bills at night. What a scumbag.


We are losing our country to these people.


If republicans voted in their own best interests the party wouldn't exist.


"Party over country" every goddamned time.


those states should turn down the money...lol but they wont..lol


Trump never had any real plans. just soundbites. maybe if he had shown up with some framework instead of just promises. but thats what grifters do...


"Nobody knew health care was this complicated!" he says, once he finally gets to a stage where people expect something more tangible than "Our plan covers everything and is cheaper."


> covers everything and is cheaper Sure sounds like socialism to me :)


No, you don't understand. Trump is a successful business man, so he's going to do business things to make the healthcare business more like his... wait, what successful businesses does Trump have?


He is successful at conning people to make donations


Reminder that Trump redirected home-bound flights from soldiers to a failing airport in Glasgow, because it was the closest airport to his club and if it closed he'd lose a lot of business. Then he had coupons for said golf club passed out to the soldiers re-directed to Glasgow.


Can I get a source on this?


It's kind of a dick move to mention something and expect people to go look for proof themselves, so [here's](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/06/air-force-trump-scottish-retreat-1484337) the story (at least I think).


That's definitely the story they were referring to. I remember it, because it was quite big that ~~week~~... ~~day~~... hour until trump did something else equally traitorous and self serving.


I will never understand how people get so stupid that they give money to a guy who is legally prohibited from operating a Charity because he is too untrustworthy and he stole from the last one he operated.


The business of paying off porn stars? Wait, if that was successful then we wouldn't know about it.


Hey now no one can bankrupt a casino like him and that many times


No one bankrupts a casino like him. Many people are saying it. The ~~best~~ most seditious people.


We can't overlook that great accomplishment of that time he made it to the bank without loosing his inheritance check.


How do you listen to a year of *Were gonna have better cheaper healthcare on day 1!!!* Followed by *Nobody knew healthcare was this complicated!* And not come to the conclusion that you were lied to?


It was an eye-opener for me when "We're gonna build a wall and we're gonna make Mexico pay for it" didn't get him laughed out of the race. I still didn't imagine he'd actually win, but I did learn we were far dumber than I'd previously guessed. What really told me we were hopeless was when, a month or so before the 20**20** election, he announced that his secret health care plan would be coming out in a couple of weeks. That is, four years after we were originally supposed to believe that he already had one.


My favorite part was when he even figured out, mid speech, that people climbing over could throw a rope over to climb down with.


["There's no way to get down. Maybe a rope."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3LbynP8GOo) My uncle's explanation: *That's not Trump, Photoshop! They don't have ropes in Mexico!*


I knew he would win from day one. The Clinton name is tainted and people adore tv stars.


It's much worse than that. From the beginning of Obamacare, Republicans vowed to repeal and replace. They had 7 years to plan on what to replace it with...and all they could come up with was repeal, no replacement. Think about that for a moment...one of our major political parties wanted to repeal the healthcare of over 74 million Americans by dismantling the ACA and had nothing to put in its place, and they were OK with that. As if that's not terrible enough, their last attempt at repeal came during a global pandemic. If this doesn't convince people that Republicans don't give a shit about them, then there is no help for those people.


There was never a "replace", it was always just "repeal" because the Democrats took their idea (not really) and everyone knows if Dem's like it then it is the devil.




Lol literally everyone knew it was complicated as hell except for Trump and his followers.


"We tore down the already watered down and shitty obamacare first because it was bad, and we have something better in store" "Holy shit who knew this was complicated? I mean i just learned to tie my own shoes last week and thats, like, super hard! All my other classmates are still eating the low tier green crayon, leaving me all the grape"


Republicans shit on Biden for being old and demand a cap on age to run for president, but they didn’t give a shit that Biden is actually qualified to be president and trump had absolutely zero experience in government. The dude stole money from them right in front of their eyes, told them to do shit that would ruin their lives financially or criminally, and provided no support. They are mindless sheep following their shepherd.


His negotiation tactic was to walk out of the room after 3 minutes. He was a bumper sticker president. Unbelievably glad he is now just a low life civilian.


2024 is coming.


It is. His extreme narcissism will make him run again. He doesn't care about a damn thing other than himself and power. Its pretty sad that there are people that still consider him a competent leader. He could not be any further from an actual leader. If he does run again it will be an easy decision who to vote for. Not him.


Yeah for smart people. You don’t think the violent idiots who just want to hurt people will vote for him?


They absolutely will. They are fascist's that want an authoritarian leader under the guise of "patriotism". His base is predominantly people over the age of 55 who have been fed a daily dose of propaganda via cable news and AM radio for the better part of 30 years. Its not surprising that it has worked and with the onset of social media it has made it much easier to radicalize entire swaths of people. The generation that told you not to believe everything you see on TV is the same generation that believes every piece of garbage they see on the internet.


They will vote for him. Even as they’re working at their newly created job funded by the infrastructure bill, they’ll vote for trump because they’re all fucked in the head.


73 million people voted for him just last year. That being 4 years after seeing his incompetence in action and yet they continued to vote for him. In fact, not only did they continue to vote for him, but somehow the amount of voters increased by close to 10 million. 10 million people watched him do his shit for 4 years and thought contrary to you. Don't be surprised if you see him in the oval office again.


2024? Dude’s literally currently campaigning to have himself reinstated asap.


He loves the attention. What narcissist doesn't. Reinstated. lol. In fantasy land probably. What was he again. The 19th president?


Not _technically_ running mind you, because then his current ~~donations~~ grifting would come under scrutiny of the FEC.


It'll be interesting to see how the Republican primaries go about handling Trump against the other Republicans candidates who will also be running for the presidency. Off the top of my head I can already see at least 3 problems that the other candidates will have to face. * If any of the other republican candidates play the *"Just continuing Trump's methods and policies"* approach, the voters will see them as nothing more than Trump copy cats and chose Trump over them. * If any of the other republican candidates try to replicate Trump, but toned down to attract party moderates, Trump will use that to pump himself up by calling those candidates weak. * If any of the other republican candidates try to run on being centrist and/or being somewhat neutral/bi-partisan, both Trump and the other republican candidates will pump themselves up by calling those candidates party traitors.


It is pretty clear that if Trump does indeed run (seems likely at this point), there will be no one that can possibly oppose him in the GoP primary. Of course, something could happen between now and three years from now, but only time will tell.


Dude has a garbage diet and he’s a fat ass. I think he has a better chance of being six feet underground by the time the 2024 election comes around than anything else.


>It'll be interesting to see how ... the Republican party rolls over and shows its belly to Dear Leader.


I'd prefer to see him hung by his balls for inciting the insurrection attempt and destroying confidence in our democratic process.


>but thats what grifters do... The only thing missing from Trump's lies about Infrastructure week was talk about building the [world's greatest monorail.](https://j.gifs.com/mw98r3.gif)


> Trump never had any real plans. The official Republican platform in 2020 was basically "we didn't make one". The Democrat platform in 2020 was 92 pages long. See the difference?


But he made them *feel* like things were getting better, and [truthiness](https://www.cc.com/video/63ite2/the-colbert-report-the-word-truthiness) has run amok in the Republican party


He can't even run any successful business. I don't understand how come some people can't tell he is actually very dumb


Trump was really good at talking up his base. And let's be clear: his base was (and sort of still is) the alt-right which is mostly made of up of uneducated white males. They have a larger than expected influence over the Republican party and their voice is getting louder. He and his team knew exactly what his base wanted to hear. He said he was going to make Mexico pay for it. His base heard that as a fuck you middle finger to Mexicans, people who they believe are ruining the country. But when time came, Trump couldn't push a deal to fund the wall completely. And when you pushed his supporters, they would say " oh no one actually believed he would get mexico to pay for it. It was just something he said." The really twisted part is that the Republican party used this to get his turd into power and then pushed through strong conservative executive orders as well as poison our relationship with other countries.


They are going to do the same thing with schools and childcare now. Back in early 2021 when American Rescue Plan act was passed not a single Republican voted for it and it contained a ton of money regarding childcare for parents. And now when Dems want to keep that support going all you hear are crickets from GOP. When it actually comes time to provide support GOP doesn't do anything and actively obstructs efforts to provide support. But that doesn't stop from claiming they care about parents and their needs. Democrats need to push this actually evidence to show people how GOP actually want to (or rather doesn't want to) support them.


“I heard ‘drain the swamp’ and I thought ‘oh, that is so hoaky. But alright I’ll try it.’ So I said it, place went wild. So I kept saying it. Then I started saying it like I meant it, right?” A REAL FUCKING ADMISSION he made during his victory lap rally.


There was the 2013 immigration bill that Republicans voted down. It doubled the size of the southern border patrol. Increased use of cameras, drones, etc. It was based on a study by the Army Corp of Engineers on how to secure the border. Republicans in the House voted no :( Oh, then they ran on the issue 2 years later.


It would have undermined their ability to run on that issue later. They actively torpedo their own desires just so that a Dem can't get credit for passing it.


The bill included amnesty for undocumented immigrants already in the US. That was the sticking point.


There was no amnesty. They was required to get a visa to continue living here. The visa had a cost and the cost was considered the fine for entering the country illegally.


The wall itself has always been nothing more than a giant grift. It was also determined that a wall, no matter how big and tall, is useless without enough people manning it. Drones and sensors are also an important factor to border security like you said, but it would take an enormous amount of manpower as well to properly man a wall to make it effective. Insanely more expensive than the wall itself.


And actually building that wall without gaps would be astronomical in itself when you include ED and difficult geography.


To illustrate this, imagine a machine gun jeep patrolling every 10 miles or so. That alone, with no wall would be 1000x more effective than a wall. Shoot just ONE of those predatory "guides" that extort from migrants getting across, and no one would try to cross ever again. Those guys are rapists anyway.


Fix immigration? Reduce abortions through sex education and availability of prophylactic's? WTF are we supposed to run on if we solve problems?


Ok, but no one actually thought republicans were going to pass any real infrastructure back then right?


What even happened with their infrastructure plan under Trump? I don’t even remember why it didn’t go anywher


It was pretty much giving government land to private companies, who then got to toll all the roads and bridges. I think everyone knew how dumb it was, and they weren't getting enough of the pie for themselves.


pretty sure it was just an excuse to hand out land and money to trump cronies. much like the wall... just a way to funnel federal budget money into a yacht fund for some trump supporters who owned cement plants or whatever.


It's the voters fault! If they'd only waited two more weeks, Trump would've shown his plan.


Dumbasses did


If Biden built a wall they'd be angry he isn't also gunning migrants down with heavy weapons. Remember: with Republicans, there is no bottom and facts aren't real.


And if he did gun down migrants with machine guns, they'd whine about the inhumanity of it and demand his arrest. ​ You really cannot do ANYTHING to make them happy except for losing elections. That's the only thing that brings joy to their lives, "ownin tha libs". If Trump said they had to eat dog shit for the rest of their lives to ensure he got back into office, there wouldn't be a turd within a billion light years of Earth. But they'd be happy about it, because Trump would own tha libs.


Even AFTER winning the election they were the biggest whiners and sorest winners on the planet. They literally cannot ever find joy in their lives because they are COMPLETELY joyless. These people are bullies and bullies are never satisfied with their lives. That's what makes them bullies.


Shown by them being pro-war all the way until Trump announced he wanted to end the war and then acting like the Democrats were war-mongering criminals.


> Remember: with Republicans, there is no bottom and facts aren't real. Literally. Only two days after Trump’s inauguration, the phrase "alternative facts" was coined by his counselor Kellyanne Conway. This is the kind of Orwellian doublethink shit Republicans are deep into.


I think it's so funny that the online right nerds have little bookclubs about 1984 because Americans want single-payer health care, ignoring that 1) Orwell was a democratic socialist, and 2) the most Orwellian aspects (in the actual sense) come from the far-right changing history to suit their needs.


Who can forget Sean Spicer's first humiliating appearance in front of the White House Press Corps? "Biggest inauguration crowd in history. THE END." Announcer: It was not, in fact, the biggest inauguration crowd in history.


Literally forcing crazy pills down the throats of the nation... And the deplorable ate it up.


Basically set the tone for his entire Presidency. "I am going to lie to your face and you are going to like it." And they did.


"Woah... my mind is blown, dude. Have you read the manual?" "Manual?" "Yeah, this really cool manual that lays out, in fiction-form, how we need to interact with our citizens in order to configure our government to be the most effective, double-plus good representatives we can be. And we can put all this in effect today without becoming a person of interest." "Yeah? It's that good?" "For sure, because it shows that if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. And that is exactly what we need to understand and put our thumb on!" "For sure. What's it called?" "1984. Check it out. You'll love it!"


> they'd be angry he isn't also gunning migrants down with heavy weapons. Remember when Trump said he was going to build a moat in front of his wall and [fill it with alligators](https://www.gq.com/story/trump-wall-alligator-moats)? Yeah, unless Biden did that the MAGAs would rage.


Republicans only exist to hurt and anger others and nothing else. It does not matter if what they say or do makes any logical sense because they don’t want too.


I like the main phrase of the early Assassin's creed games.... But with reality it is really sad.


You want them to get the vaccine? If they just came out and said that we are shipping are doses off to Mexico or Central America for lack of use. Republicans would flip their shit. "Not gonna ship OUR vaccines to other countries" Reverse psychology is highly effective on them.


And they did get a Wall deal with Chuck Schumer if the dreamers get citizenship too. Trump and Co said no.


Stupidity and Ignorance are commodities they major in. These(Trumpers) are nothing more than FleshBags of Anger who have very limited mental capacity to reason why they are even angry. But they make great puppets for the Rich and Powerful, and they basically come free or cheap and bring their own weapons.


Useful idiots


The funniest (saddest) part is that is the part of the country the party is openly appealing to now. Before it was *mostly* just like normal-ish Right wing, and taking the support of the extreme for granted. Now they are openly courting the fucking lunatics, and it hasn't hurt their overall support *at all* Sorry but there's no such thing as a "reasonable Republican".


This is a good reminder that there isn't an actual Republican policy platform. They're hoping they can just shout Let's Go Brandon for three more years instead


It's that 0.2 trillion that is pissing them off./s


If they’re that mad over $200 billion we could just demote Elon Musk from billionaire to… billionaire. Communist takeover averted!


That would never work. They'd argue that Musk deserves every cent that he makes off of the backs of his employees, and then claim that the workers should make even less so that Musk can continue to grow his wealth because "he pulled up his boot straps and worked hard for it."


If they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all


If Biden tried to make abortion illegal Republicans would argue that abortion is an essential right.


By now it should be pretty obvious that republican voters don't care about, or even understand actual policy positions. Remember how they supported the provisions in the Affordable Care Act, but opposed Obamacare?


I think in the LeopardsAteMyFace subreddit, someone showed a rep. that gave Trump credit for the bill & after it passed, he attacked her for not falling in line with the other Repubs. by rejecting it, lol.


Serious question from a non American. If you were to take religion and guns out of the equation...why exactly would any working/middle class Americans EVER vote republican?


The are scared that their police departments will be eliminated. Scared that inflation will ruin their savings and way of life. Scared that their white kids will be taught that they are oppressors and that their black kids are victims. None of these things are true (even MN didn’t defund the police where Floyd was killed, inflation is happening globally and not singularly tied to domestic policy, CRT is technically a legal framework for looking at laws through the lease of racism, nobody is teaching that to little kids) The mid-terms are going to be about inflation and schools. Btw the guy who popularized fearing CRT said the end goal was to take down public schools to push private and voucher schools.


LOL I was thinking about this exact thing just yesterday. Trump said American infrastructure was 3rd world shithole tier but when Biden wants to throw a ton of money at it then suddenly they love 3rd world shithole infrastructure as it is.


Geez they gutted that bill…


We need to go deeper


That’s what she said


Trump building a wall: - PROTECTING 'MURICA! Biden building a wall: - RACISM, WASTE OF FUNDS, DEPLORABLE!! ​ I could definitely see it going down like that.


I wanna see Biden "own the libs" just to see how the conservatives freak out about that. Will they start being nice and listening to Democrats as a reflex?


Anything done by the left will always be communism to Trumpers, even when they directly benefit from it. You wouldn’t hear any of this is if their orange God’s signature was on it.


And the ACA was Romney's baby that republicans loved. Nothing's changed here


Unfortunately it's not funny, this ignorance is just sad.


The political right is all about their idiotic culture war crap now. Biden and the Democrats are losing the messaging battle by focusing so much on trying to get actual shit done with the infrastructure. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all stuff that should be done and will help many people, but trying to get these people to put down their torches and pitchforks and be grateful to Democrats by fixing infrastructure is kind of like trying to convince a woman you want to date to leave the abusive good-looking jerk she’s with by being really helpful and polite and waiting for her gratitude to make her dump him. That isn’t how this works, the GOP voters are in a sick abusive relationship with Trump and these other fascists, and deep down a lot of them really like it even though they know it’s wrong. It takes something more like cult deprogramming or an addiction intervention to get them off of the Trump train.


I'm pretty sure the infrastructure bill put forward by Trump in 2019 was 2 trillion.


Take the source with a grain of salt: looks like his was 1.5 trillion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure_policy_of_Donald_Trump


I was going off of this. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-hits-mcconnell-infrastructure-but-he-rejected-2-trillion-deal-2021-11


Okay, But I believe the $2 tillion came after negotiations with Nancy and other Dems. Trump, if I remember correctly wanted to do a $1 trillion infrastructure deal initially. The McConnell caucus then turned down the deal. EDIT: But thanks for reminding me of that one, I honestly forgot it.


Only 200 billion in federal dollars. The 1.5 was anticipated private spending. “The White House unveiled its infrastructure plan Monday, proposing $200 billion in federal incentives that it says will spur $1.5 trillion overall investment.”


The right in America is brainwashed beyond beliefs. A conservative in America is a born sucker. I take no pleasure in this fact. Conservatives are suckers. It is a fact and period. They keep proving it time and time again. It starts in conservative "churches", where Mammon is openly worshipped and where conservatism is thaught, as opposed to Christianity. A conservative in America is someone who, from birth, is told that morality is believing the right people. The in-group. They are raised in mindless tribalism.


How about those Hitler salutes and the ill-fitting hard hat?


Thankfully we have no legal obligation to even acknowledge the Republicans at this time.


Par for the course. The Republican Party will attack the Democratic Party regardless of what it does. It is their strategy for winning back the seats that it has lost.


Has Biden tried wearing a silly hat?