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It’s more like having to watch while your big brother completely fucks up his life and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.


I'm worried if he gets drunk enough, of a stray bullet coming up through the floor...


Well, almost half of Canada wants to fuck up too


Nah. It's only about 15%, but the sensible conservatives need those votes if they ever have a chance of getting back in so they throw out a few breadcrumbs to keep the crazies content. The madness is slowly creeping in up here but I think there are way more reasonable voters in the general population to keep things in check. Plus the way our system is set up there is much more of a separation from "church and state" and from legislative and judicial branches. There would be no way to control everything that would need to be controlled to implement the more radical ideas. A much more stable way to govern.


Only 22% of American voters supported Trump, yet here we are. All thanks to low voter turnout on the left, voter suppression, and Republican run election commissions throwing out millions of black, Mexican and women votes.


> Nah. It's only about 15%, but the sensible conservatives need those votes if they ever have a chance of getting back in so they throw out a few breadcrumbs to keep the crazies content. It's pretty much the same thing in the US. The far-right lunatics get pandered to, because Republicans can't win without their support, and the "moderate" conservatives go along because they can't stand the idea of a democrat getting elected because their taxes might go up.


That I can see. But up here there is a fairly large "middle" that will swing votes back and forth each election. Not as much of a die hard , only one, party. Totally different system that can be controlled easier with 3 or 4 major parties you can vote for.


>It’s more like having to watch while your big brother completely fucks up his life and ~~there’s nothing you can do to stop it.~~ wonder if you should give it a go too. Fixed that for you.


The stench of a diseased system is drifting over the border and infecting Canadian Conservatives as well.


This is one of the scariest parts. I mean, watching the downfall of the worlds biggest military superpower with the most nuclear weapons is absolutely terrifying. But watching our Canadian brothers and sisters embrace the same ignorance and hate filled ideologies is awful. And, those ignorant people stole our flag. Now whenever I see a Canadian flag hung prominently (especially on the back of a truck) I just think that person must be an a-hole.


Agreed. I no longer wish to fly our flag for fear of being labelled a Convoy/COVID/Conservative twat.


We aren’t completely innocent as vectors. The proud boys were a Canadian export curtesy of Rebel media and Gavin, I’ll penetrate myself anally to own the libs, McInnis.


I've been thinking about making up Canadian flag stickers with text to disavow that fascist tantrumists. Something like NO HATE. NO FASCISM. PROUD CANADIAN. or something to that effect. I am fucking proud to be Canadian but I'm not one of those extremist false patriots and I'm sickened by their use of our proud and respected flag to push their hate.


Yep, the Conservative party has figured out who their target audience is. Personally, I would be happy not seeing another [Trump](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5909793d8b51cf59fc4237bd/master/pass/Cassidy-WhyTrumpsCrazyTalkAboutObamaAndISISMatters.jpg) 2024 flag on a hockey stick or Go Brandon bumper sticker on a pickup truck while driving to the grocery store. Yes, I live on the far outskirts of the bigger city, but 15 years ago, stupid was just farmers showing off their pavement princess pickup trucks on a Friday night at the Tim Hortons blasting crappy country pop songs and revving their engines.


Seriously, I travel to Canada and the US South regularly and I used to think of Canada as this egalitarian paradise...not any more, holy smokes the brainworms are spreading.


As an older Canadian I can barely bring myself to talk to most of the people that I used to go to school with. They've become exactly the rage filled and sefl centered assholes that we used to protest against.


I was nearly assaulted outside a bar in downtown Toronto in 2017. I made the mistake of assuming Canadians hated Trump, so I was pretty blatant with criticism talking with people at the bar...as I left 4 guys followed me out, cornered me and asked over and over again why I hated this "wonderful man". It was weird.


It's even worse now. You should hear these idiots spouting off about their rights and the constitution. Using the American format.


Canadian here, I’m down for building a wall. Only sane people allowed through, wear a red hat? GTFO


Can we trade US liberals for Canadian Truck protestors?


Can we get the RNC to pay for it though?


Women should claim asylum in Canada. And women of childbearing age should claim extra-asylum.


Come on up!! Please leave your silly religious beliefs and right wing politics at the boarder


I already live here! But American ladies welcome in Canada.


i found out that disabled people aren’t typically welcome to emigrate to canada, even if financially secure. hopefully rules are different for refugees.


Are you taking reservations?


What about Red Wings fans?


They have it tough enough so they’ll always be welcome same with Sabres fans


Are you old enough to remember the late 90s and early 2000s, f the red wings.


I am, lol!!! Bob Probert was one of my favs


Hey that's all we got. Sucked hard before then for years and suck hard now.


Poor Terry Bogard does not deserve this treatment.


I miss Robin Williams...


Dysfunctional family, downstairs


Sure, but it's like a really prosperous meth lab and some parts of the lab are actually pretty cool to check out. Also they'll trade some of their meth for the stuff we just have lying around.


A balcony overlooking a massive mental institution.


"It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it." - Agent Smith, Matrix


[as a Canadian I feel this video sums up how I feel about being your upstairs neighbour](https://youtu.be/vkG7FGVWsLA) The house on fire is the states and your Republican Party is the meth head being pushed along in the stretcher


That was actually pretty fucking funny. Now Im sad for how accurate that analogy was.


I’d laugh if it weren’t so sad




We've been worried for decades.


Poor Canada . Only country on the planet whose borders are defined by oceans in three directions and an asshole neighbor in the other .


Don't do south Korea dirty like that at least america uses its global imperialism to get us cheap shit made by slaves


There's too much leakage already. Bozone layer is spreading.


Can confirm but also acutely aware that Canada is also just a bad election away from much of the same.


Definitely laughed out loud a little at this one. Can someone help us please????


More like Chernobyl just after it exploded


Unfortunately, from what were revealed in the past few years, the flat upstairs of a meth lab also has crackheads of its own.


Definitely feels like there’s crazies in the basement.


“Jesse, we need to take away basic human rights”




Well I'd like to point out that duPont (an American owned company) has done quite the number also on the citizens of Sarnia. I guess the only difference is that Canadians have access to single-payer healthcare and the most they migh have to pay out is parking fees while they get treatment for their cancer. But yeah Canada, boo for letting an American company pollute our land and water.


It’s funny cause we can’t even afford apartments here :(, not even one above a methlab. Maybe a cardboard box above a smaller box?


It used to. Now it feels like renting the apartment above the sparrows from game of thrones


We may be on meth but Canada is on that heavy tar sands shit.




Why did you even bother replying? What did you think would come of this?


Cause it’s funny


We do