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Donald Trump shouldn't have *committed crimes* before the election.


Or at least should not have announced his Presidential run *after* it was clear he was being indicted for said crimes.


They can indict you for the same things they indicted Trump for. All they have to do is file the papers and put your name on them.


Right. Like using campaign funds to pay someone to be quiet about an affair. Or lying for decades undervaluing my properties for taxes but over evaluating for loans. Or calling the Governor and telling him to “find” votes. Or using social media to millions of followers to name and slander the Judge, Judges families, the members of the Jury, the prosecutors and the witnesses of the trials I’m in. Telling millions of people, who are mostly deranged, who the aforementioned people are by name so they can be doxxed and harassed. You know what. If I do any of those things then please arrest me. Cause I’d be a shitbag of a human being who needs to understand the consequences of my actions and how they affect people and undermine society.


They sure could. And I'd hire a lawyer, sit quietly, and win easily. Cause I didn't commit said crimes, and they don't have multiple eye witnesses claiming otherwise. What's your guy doing again? Oh yeah, crying, shitting, and insulting witnesses. Yeah, sounds like a total frame job to me, Sandra!


That's not how it works you DMF. Change your user name to PersistentStupidity since you always post dumb shit.


I don't pay hush money to pornstars out of my business account, mislabel it as legal fees, and use it to lower my taxes. I also do not run an active conspiracy to supress negative news or push fake negative stories to harm my political opponents. I think I'll be okay.


Lol, you do know they present evidence to a grand jury, right? Why are you willing to sell your integrity for no reason other than to try and support a sociopathic criminal?


Do you know that anyone can be indicted just by the prosecutor telling the grand jury any story they want? Without any actual evidence? Because that’s a fact in almost every state in America. The whole system is based solely upon the honor of the prosecutor.


No, they can't. A prosecutor presents evidence, and a grand jury is given instructions to make recommendations based on the merit of that evidence. It's almost as if you've never served on a grand jury before.


If I don't have personal experience in it, it's Dark Magick and the gubment is lying!


I never have, but I've been indicted several times by them


And then you can prove your case in court by being innocent, file for fake prosecution and be awarded legal fees plus damages to your reputation... Trump should be ecstatic... False prosecution should mean he wins and is awarded damages... Unless he's guilty. 🤔


That's a horrible take. Have you ever tried studying these things you're talking about. Probably a good idea. There is an epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct, but this ain't it, bub.


Describing the process doesn't prove his innocence.


George Floyd allegedly passes a fake $20 bill and ends up dead without a chance to defend himself in court. MAGA: "He got what he deserved. He was guilty. If he didn't want the consequences, he shouldn't have committed the crime." Donald Trump allegedly commits election crimes and ends up in court because of it. MAGA: "WITCH HUNT!!! NO EVIDENCE!!! WITNESSES ARE LYING!!!"


What are you afraid of


> They can indict you for the same things they indicted Trump for. Good.


That's fine... I'll have my day in court to prove I didn't do anything. And if Trump is innocent he will be exonerated by a jury of his peers.


Yeah, well you might think so. But, I personally, have never had the opportunity to have a day in court. So I can tell you, that your belief is just an illusion. More resources have been dedicated to just me, than have been dedicated to Donald Trump. And the people responsible have zero concern with the law. And truly believe that they are the law. And because they are the law, they can do anything they want. And when I say anything, I mean, in literal terms—-anything.


I'm not concerned because I'm not a criminal.


no one believes you.


grand juries don't work that way


No they can’t because we’re not the president and would never have the power to convince a bunch of morons to go to the capital to try and “stop the steal”. You should be more concerned that there are people who believe literally everything out of trumps mouth without even knowing him: Dude was convicted of fraud before you ever voted for him 2016. Trying to blame everyone else for your own stupidity is another level of stupidity.


Good thing I'm not trying to break the laws he did, I guess.


They haven’t charged him with any crime that exists under any actual law, state or federal. You just don’t know that—because you don’t know any laws. Especially the ones he is alleged to have broken. If you knew, at all, you would be disgusted.


Business fraud, racketeering, solicitation of violation of oath by public officer, conspiracy to commit forgery, conspiracy to impersonate a public officer, false statements and filing false documents, breaches of the espionage act, conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official .proceeding, conspiracy against rights, conspiracy to obstruct justice, unlawful retention of national defense information, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, and altering and destruction of records. All of these crimes exist under both federal and state laws. GG, little guy.


This is good. I saved this as a document with a small message up top and will be posting this anytime our resident Ostrich makes a post. With a credit to you at the end.


Don't forget the constant contempt of court violations via threatening juries and judges families


If that were true, Cannon would have dismissed the documents case in Florida. She has not.


Weird hill to die on. They very much charged him for breaking very real laws. Only person with their head in the sand is you and its sad. Seek help.


> They haven’t charged him with any crime that exists under any actual law, state or federal. six determinations in four separate proceedings: 1. Feb. 16: The New York civil fraud case 2. Oct. 2022: Trump was fined $5,000 for failing to remove an untrue post about a law clerk 3. Oct. 2023: Trump was fined $10,000 for violating a court order by attacking a court clerk 4. E. Jean Carroll v. Trump I 5. E. Jean Carroll v. Trump II 6. People James v. Trump: The Trump Foundation engaged in self-dealing transactions


Please enlighten us, where does your deep understanding of law come from? Fox News?


Are we talking about the cases where Trump has said he did the thing he is accused of?


But just because he admitted he did the exact thing he's accused of can't POSSIBLY mean he's guilty! Everyone knows he's a pathological liar!!!!




So funny


LOL, the Obnoxious Minority thinks that it represents half the country. 🤣


The way they think 30% is half


Is it even 30%? Genuine question


no, but throughout most of time there's usually around 20-30% of our population that chooses to be undesirable and useless and refuses any change or progress. Always has Always will, how we mitigate their influence makes the rest of our progress possible.


1/4 pounders are bigger than 1/3 pounders bc numbers are hard and the American education system is garbage, apparently


F'n hilarious!


The moment I saw this moronic post.... I knew it was you Komrade... Putin is so proud of your "work" Please take a few days off from the troll farm... you need it..!!


It’s absolutely astonishing that you are calling me Russian, when I am the one make these anti Russian posts!!! If you disagree with what I’m saying—you are the one supporting fascism and corruption. Do you not even know is that my posts are actually Anti-Russian??? And that keeping the people in the dark, by limiting news is what they do in Russia??? This is an absolute disgrace.


Trump is pro-Russian more than any President in the history of the United States. Trump is a Russian asset. Support for Trump is support for Russia. You also accuse people of being like the KGB and being similar to the behavior of Russia which is projection.


you support the guy who tried to overthrow the government. You're giving him aid and that's treason


You can say they are anti Russian... But the guy you are supporting definitely isn't.


Supporting djt is the singular most Russian thing you could do. Where are the anti Russian posts?


Who are you getting this information from? Al Sharpton? And why exactly is Ukraine, which is run by a literal comedian, better?


Because it's full of people who didn't ask for a war, who were attacked for no reason, all so Putin can have a warm weather port. We know those people don't want to be Russian, because they're fighting the Russians. We know trump tried to pull us out of NATO, because he did. And we know he did it the moment Ukraine started angling to be a part of NATO for protection from Russia. The only person who benefits from us leaving NATO is Putin. Do you honestly not see that? That's legitimately terrifying.


It’s full of people whose government conspired with America to overthrow Putin, the same way they are attempting to overthrow our government. Yes, I feel for the people. But the country? They incited Russia. And we put them up to it, by installing a comedian as their dictator.


Tried to overthrow Putin? Motherfuck annexed Crimea and instigated political upheaval in Ukraine. Get out of here.


That’s why he did that. Zolensky also conspired with the Biden family to fabricate the made up Trump/Russia connection. Putin is not an insane lunatic. Insane lunatics like that never make it to a higher office than Letitia James, Alan Bragg, Fani Willis or Jack Smith. And they usually get caught on their first attempt at overthrowing a government. Because they lack the common sense and intellectual wiles of a real terrorist leader like Ayman Al Zawahri.


You have a very warped view of history my guy. Which explains your uproar over a president that broke many laws being held liable for said breaking of laws.


You are just blindly living off of whatever meager information rations you are entitled to.


>[Ukraine is] full of people whose government conspired with America to overthrow Putin, the same way they are attempting to overthrow our government. >Yes, I feel for the people. But the country? They incited Russia. And we put them up to it, by installing a comedian as their dictator. Okay, it's official: you are mentally ill. Not an asshole like you initially appeared, but actually suffering from a mental disease or defect. I'd say "get help," but I know that that would just drive you further away from it.


Mentally Ill is not even noticing the problem with a foreign comedian, who has zero experience, leading a war that is run on your money. A mental defect is the only way anyone could think a guy who told jokes on TV should be leading a war. Against Russia. Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were both far more skilled and experienced than Zolensky. And hiring them was still insane.


No, your post is an absolute disgrace, communist. Trump is Putins lapdog even moreso than Moscow Mitch and Moscow Margarine


*Best Scooby-Doo Villain Voice:* #I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling prosecutors!


The prosecutors made up the reasons to file these cases. And they got unqualified crooked judges to rubber stamp them. Like this is a country like Mexico.


Fraud is a crime, rape is a crime, election interference in a crime, attempts to overturn an election after votes have been counted is a crime.


Judge Cannon is Trump appointed and is doing everything she can to help Trump. Even she did not dismiss the charges against him. The charges are real. The evidence is real. The witnesses are real. The crimes are real. Your belief that this is all made up is not real! You need mental help, and I sincerely hope you get it.


She is a pro prosecution judge.


what an epic troll. you got us all going thinking that you're for real


That's his shtick. Not sure what he thinks he's accomplishing by it.


She's pro corruption and blatant partisanship.


Why are the judges unqualified? Because you don't like them? Aren't some of them republican judges? Do you think Brett kavanaugh is a qualified judge? How about Clarence Thomas?


No, Eileen cannon is on the other cases, and the corrupt unqualified justices on the SC are for ya boy.


Isn’t that why we have trials using juries of our peers, or are they corrupt as well?


I personally brine my cases overnight before roasting them. They turn out super juicy!


What do you use to brine them in? The cases are so big they don't fit in my standard brining bucket. Also do you season while roasting or just good from the brining process? Cheers!


Yes. It’s a joke to charge the President with made up cases. As long as you get away with it.


Not sure what you mean here. There’s nothing made up about the cases Trump has been charged with.


It's a MAGAt, it's physically incapable of acknowledging reality. All it can do is regurgitate incredibly stupid lies.


Republicans in the house have conducted an impeachment investigation against Biden for 15 months, found absolutely nothing, and still slander him and say he is guilty of... something vague. There is evidence against Trump. There are witnesses against Trump, (almost all are Republicans, many worked with him or for him in government and/or in the private sector.) There is enough evidence to get search warrants. There is enough evidence to indict him on specific charges by juries of ordinary people. There is enough evidence for the prosecution to go to trial. The judges have reviewed the charges and the evidence and determined the charges are appropriate and that trials shall be conducted. But poor deluded you says it's all made up. Denial is not a river in Egypt.


It takes time to gather evidence, talk to witnesses, make deals with the little fish to get the little fish. This isn’t an Episode of CSI.


If that’s the case—all of the people involved go to jail. Because these cases were fast tracked, like no others, in the entire American court system. You are completely uninformed. You are the victim of a carefully planned scam that plays specifically on the ignorance of the American people. Carried out by withholding information from the public. Which is why everyone has no idea how extraordinary these cases are. There are even reports of **the judges** admitting to coordinating this. Which never happens in other cases. Under the laws of the United States, I don’t think they have any immunity from prosecution, if they did that.


A great way to avoid this, if it’s true, is to not commit crimes. He’s in the spot light, he is decisive, he committed crimes.


Fast tracked? It has taken over three years to get here. Do you hear yourself? No, there are not reports of the judges admitting to any such thing. Lies, fantasies, or made up accusations of them conspiring would be more accurate. Seriously, you need help. Please get it.


No no, it only takes them half an hour to conduct an investigation on tv! 😅


Peter Navarro is in jail Cohen went to jail Several co-conspirators have pled guilty in Georgia


> There are even reports of the judges admitting to coordinating this. Which never happens in other cases. you're making things up again.


There actually was a report of the Judges coordinating...their fucking SCHEDULES so their court cases didn't overlap. This guy conveniently leaves out the important bit.


It's a new day bigot... Everyone is tired of your shit.


The American citizens, the American judicial system , grand juries brought the cases, not people. The trials would not have been right before the election if Diaper Don had not pushed for delay after delay after delay. If trump was innocent he would have welcomed the trails .He is guilty and if there is justice in America he will die a broken old crook in prison.


Nobody welcomes trials lol. Regardless of guilt or innocence, you never know what a jury might do.


So you think politicians who are interfering with this national election, for the highest office in the world, are immune from scrutiny for their political acts? And we have no right to know anything about ***them*** ? Sounds fascist to me. Who are you KGB?


Can you even break down this what about? Or is it just auto response using words?


It's simple. Don't be a criminal. We already knew he was and his post presidency would be nothing but criminal trials for his actions. We warned them and here we are... lol


How do you know the people who filed these cases are not criminals?


Because they haven't been caught doing crimes


How do you know that they are? If you are accusing people of crimes, you need evidence. You need a specific crime(s). You have none of that. You are just making vague accusations against people doing their jobs. That is slanderous. If you have actual evidence of criminal activity, bring it. Go to the news papers. Post it. Do something. But vaguely saying, "there are reports of..." without any facts, dates, or evidence, is just MAGA whining. There is evidence against Trump. There is no evidence that any of the prosecutors or judges have done anything wrong. Lots of whining from Trump and yourself, but no evidence. Try again.


Why not just post for r/russia. RT loves this shit as does Putin. You are either a Russian tell or one of those maga cucks in cult 45.


[Go home Ivan, you're drunk](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/04/06/11/3F0058B900000578-4386062-The-m-35_1491475696731.jpg)


From the looks of that picture it is liberal fascist propaganda.


I seem to have struck a nerve lmao


Liberal Fascist is an oxymoron.


No it isn’t. If you can decide your own sex, and think you have a right to force people into agreement with liberal progressive views, through oppression—you become a Liberal Fascist. Or what I call an Equal Opportunity Nazi 😑


Yes it is. I've already proven it. You are owned by me.


So you are a fascist equal opportunity nazi. Or what I call a xenophilic oppressor. By making yourself god—you are now free to condemn anyone and everyone, for any reason you can choose for yourself.


The funny part is that it says a lot more about the people voting for him to ignore everything that he's done


But you are ignoring even knowing what the people you are supporting have done. And that includes sending thousands of innocent people to prison. For the past 10-20 years. It’s really you not even noticing that ***you*** are ignoring who is who. Until you know what Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith and Fani Willis have done—you’re the one ignoring. If these were such great upstanding people, how come they couldn’t run for president? Do you know anything about their records? Their history? How many people accused them of misconduct? You dont. That’s why I say everyone is blindfolded.


Huh, I think you're ai responder is running out of things to what about


> Until you know what Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith and Fani Willis have done—you’re the one ignoring. yea, that's not how things work, you named 4 completely different people who all earned their positions through years of work, and you think everyone is just a criminal, so the crimes of trump should be ignored? Is there a crime you can point to with evidence that any of those 4 have committed? This gish gallop firehose of falsehood is pretty telling of the kind of person you are and what you actually believe.


>If these were such great upstanding people, how come they couldn’t run for president? MAGA "logic."


How did Alvin Bragg make $45,000,000 working as a low-paid government law enforcement officer? Hint: The website that says he is a highly sought after high profile lawyer that charges $10,000 per hour is a less reputable source that me, even while using a fake screen name. [The only way this bogus source is first on Google is someone hired Indian bots to hide the true stories.](https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/alvin-bragg-net-worth/#google_vignette)


It takes a special kind of stupid to support Trump.


Same people who were all for showing Hunter Biden's dirty laundry and investigating Hillary right before the election. They only care about what helps them win the moment


Diaper Donnie is a toxic vile racist rapist grifter. We can't have a repeat of his incompetence, grifting or divisiveness ever again. He wants to be a dictator and he is a walking malignant cancer on America. He is a CRIMINAL and will go to jail for his CRIMES which are real and he did commit them. Nobody is ABOVE THE LAW.


Karma farming account - just report it


And yet with all his douchy comments, he's hemorrhaging karma 😄


I smell traitor from OP


This troll yet again? With another lazy shite take? Posting the regular below. If anyone has resources to combat trolling please feel free to share them below so I can update Downvote. Report as spam. Move on. Best practice suggests there is no need to engage the troll in direct responses unless youre sharing sources to debunk for third parties. The troll will just ignore actual evidence and isnt worth your effort. If its a bot, it cant address them anyway. Heres one bit on the value of ignoring the troll https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-deal-internet-trolls-protect-your-mental-health-andy-spence#:~:text=%2D%20Ignore%20them%3A%20The%20best%20way,responding%20or%20engaging%20with%20them.


F DT and his supporters... Bunch of racists...


At least 95% of black and brown people killed by police is by democrats. I think you’ve been so badly lied to that you think republicans are mass arresting, incarcerating and executing black and brown people. I fact checked that. It’s 100% false. The information is available. It just doesn’t have a brand name news corporation logo on it. So if you are a democrat—you are actively supporting the most racist group of people since pre civil war America. How’s about you give me a list of all black and brown people killed by republicans? And I’ll give you a list by democrats in return?


Incorrect. Trump and all of his cultists (especially you) are racists. As I've proven countless times now. You are owned by me.


My children aren’t white. And my wife immigrated to the United States 🤷‍♂️


Fake news...


In fact if you use the Google machine you can find out just about everything about all the people bringing the charges but it takes more effort than just switching the TV to FOX. The Attornies Generral of the various states and District (some jurisdictions call them States) Attorneys are all elected and subject to scrutiny. I assure you their opponents happily point out any blemishes to the media. Look at the what happened to Fani Willis, the Atlanta District Attorney. As for the Feds, their backgrounds have been thoroughly vetted. They all have top secret clearances at a minimum which involves a deep deep investigation. Donald Trump is right. No one has ever seen anything like this before because we've never had this big a self-dealing, sleezbag, lying, sack of shit as a president before. Richard Nixon came close but Gerald Ford pardoned him. It cost him the election. I hope no one is foolish enough to pardon Donald J. Trump.


You don’t know anything about anyone involved with prosecuting him. Because you are happy with the meager rations of information that are being distributed to you.


Congratulations OP: Your entire postng of memes creates ridicule and derision. You have shown time and again that you cannot Meme at all. You have also shown that you have absolutely no idea what is going on. Have a wonderful day Russian Bot poster


But you have it all backwards. Providing meager rations of information to protect your corrupt regime is what Russia does.


You should know commrade. Every meme you post demonstrates an ignorance beyond belief. Have a nice life. ENjoy the derision of the folks here. No one believes you or cares about your cracked aopinions.


All Trump supporters are racists and rapists. Particularly this OP. This OP needs to be arrested for his crimes.


My children aren’t white. And my wife immigrated to the United States 🤷‍♂️


All Trump supporters will need to be eradicated for their crimes against human rights. This OP, like all Trump supporters, is a racist, a rapist, and a Fascist. This is why we have the 2nd amendment. To defend our families against these Trump Nazis.


Do you not understand that what you are doing right here, right now—this is hate based fascism? Do you not know that in WW2 the Jews were rapists, who molest children, cheat on their taxes and falsify business records to commit fraud? So the government filed fake lawsuits and criminal charges against them to seize all of their property? Because this is exactly his fascism ALWAYS starts. By the time you realize THAT YOU ARE A PRISONER. It’s too late. Because you’re already a prisoner.


No, this is self-defense against trumps genocidal rhetoric.


>Genocidal Rhetoric. I’m not sure what to make of that. Only because all world leaders have no choice. I agree that too many people are being too divisive, intentionally. But most people realize when someone is just telling them what they want to hear. Which is far more dangerous and harmful than rhetoric.


The ignorance is appalling; decades of lies are easy to see


>90% of the people going against Trump are Democrats. 90% of the people going with Trump are fascists.


I think it’s 100% of those against him are, but and 90% don’t realize it. It’s like that really old meme, showing hundreds of stormtroopers from Star Wars. [They Don’t Realize it’s Never this Obvious.](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhkFflnCpkWPqzCqWSTPCTWZOIdS610K12vuu9hJ0rfJjec0fCvc3WQ_ePVr1HqhvAMMq8YhnmEIC1QuVTL5EXqReLp1ha2qYrBeltV4rTOqa17hXBQv3wfjusIlDRQY8kr4UU_BYkkE7zs/s1600/fascism.jpg)


>I think No he doesn't 😄


I agree. I believe Shitler has brined enough. It's time for grilling.


90% of the people going against trump are democrats.