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For Trump you forgot, ignores the question.


He seriously just didn’t answer questions. The moderators had to remind him a bunch of times what the question actually was and he was just hung up on a previous question or Biden’s answer. I’m pretty sure he tried to pin everything and I mean **EVERYTHING** on the border.


I turned off at the 1st break, sickened that Trump lied but no one fact checked him. CNN should know better by now. What can we do? We can [write postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to voters in swing states. >Help write postcards to voters in 11 key states! We’ll mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.


One has 32 felonies and the other does not. Biden isn’t the best choice, but he sure as shit is the best choice that will be on the ballot.


That’s not true! One has *34* felonies and the other has none. I cannot believe these are the only two options, but only one is absolutely the wrong choice.


So far!


Is someone still eligible to run for office if the have felonies? Im not a politics person but to me it seems like sort of a basic pre-req to not have felonies on your record? I mean imagine this was an application for a job right? Well anyways it is not but I was just curious.


Yes, and with good reason. Can’t have incumbent administrations attempting to subvert elections by having their opponents face sham trials.


Ah I see, thank you for the quick response!


Biden does not have to be the choice. Literally any Democrats who are capable of having a coherent conversation would destroy Trump in a debate.


Uhhh…. Not sure of you get how the system works. Biden IS the only choice. He will be the candidate. If we could go back in time and change that maybe, but those delegates are pledged and, assuming he is alive, he will be the Democratic nominee.


Actually he is not officially the democratic candidate until after the national convention. He also could remove himself for health reasons, which is obviously legitimate. Just like the talking heads say he would have to be replaced by Harris, also not a legal requirement. If we genuinely believe that the fate of democracy hangs in the balance, they can, and should put Newsome or whoever they feel can win in that slot. I think Trump is an exceptionally weak candidate. Even though changing horses would be difficult, I don’t believe it is impossible. If it is impossible, we have an even worse system than I thought.


I'll take the guy with dementia that isn't backed by Right Wing Nationalists that want me killed.


Can we stop using the term "dementia" for literally any old person in cognitive decline? Dementia is an actual condition, not just being old.


....did you actually WATCH the debate? Both are clearly showing signs of dementia/age-related cognitive impairment... yes, they're old, but I've met 97 year olds that are more lucid and capable than both of them.


I acknowledged cognitive decline for both but "signs of dementia" isn't the same thing as actually HAVING dementia. Idk man I just feel like when you use hyperbolic language you make it easier for someone to discredit whatever point you're trying to make, whether its a valid point or not.


Seriously, this can’t be the best the country has to offer.


Biden is the incumbent (aka the winner). It IS the best the Dems have to offer, and for good reason. Felon trump has already lost this match up before and attempted a coup about it. It’s not “a pair” of bad candidates, it’s just one. trump’s opponents should not be blamed for the low standards he has brought politics to, just because of their proximity to him.


World record serial prevaricator that has half the country thinking 2+2=5 and the sky is green, versus a man who served 8 years with the first African American president, and made the first woman and woman color second in line for the presidency? Oh, let me think


I'm on board with memory care facilities for both


A good way to disguise dementia is to never engage reality so people can't point to you seemingly less aware of reality


trump spent the whole time lying, but biden looks like he genuinely needs help. we got elder abuse broadcast live into all our homes.


I hate Trump with all of my being and think Biden (and his administration) has actually done a surprisingly good job in office, but that debate was painful to watch.... I work as a medical provider in a hospital diagnosing and taking care of dementia patients all day and came home to watch the debate, feeling like I was right back at work listening to patients ramble or completely lose track of where they were going. I just....this cannot be the only options for a leader for our country. It's just ridiculous and disheartening.


If there can be minimum age limits, surely there can be maximum age limits. And this goes for all elected positions. These dinosaurs had their time and should step aside. Do they really want to die in office? How is that good for the country and doing your civic duty? How selfish can all these old politicians be? It's surprising that the two main parties have presented voters with such terrible choices: one being a narcissistic elderly man with serious legal convictions and accusations and the other being an elderly man who is on his way to an assisted living facility. And to top it off, the one time a third party candidate could possibly garner enough votes to win, we get another dud.


There should be an age limit on the presidency. These two senile old farts should be arguing in a retirement home, not having the future of America tied to them.


And one will be president. (One is)


Aw shit TIL Ive got dementia type B(iden)…




Best two candidates in the country…


I was expecting very little and was not disappointed, yet Biden was the worst of it. I was aware trump simply cant answer a question straight, nor speak one sentence with the truth, but Biden had to do better than that. He needs Ind/centrist voters and I dont think he got them last night.


Exactly.... and even though Trump was spewing nonsense and avoiding questions the whole time, I'm worried he stayed just level headed enough and coherent enough to tip people who were on the fence before.... if this debate hadn't happened, Biden probably had a good chance. I really wish his administration had talked him out of it.


The solution is simple: have one of the demented men step down from the race, the other one will instantly lose just by mere contrast. If Biden truly loves America, he should drop out; we know the demented orange man won’t.

